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BVPS Forest School Questionnaire – Responses
1. What did the children think of Forest School this term? What did they
tell you?
My child loved Forest School. As I was a volunteer I saw most of the activities
myself. Fun – I love Sharon – The leaders are great fun – climbing trees – I like
it when the tents are out – Miss Bushby comes to the woods. My child loves it
and is looking forward to it again next term. She talks mainly about making flat
bread. My child likes everything about Forest School. She loves it and likes the
playground in the woods. Climbing trees. They enjoyed it. Absolutely loved
it. The fantastic bread. Not to tread on the bluebells. My child said it would be
better if we did more things. I like making bread and eating it. My child really
liked Forest School and has been very enthusiastic about going. I think she
mostly enjoyed the food! Making medals, baking bread and eating strawberry
Year 1
My child loves the whole experience. My child loves forest School. She has
learnt “Don’t go in the fire circle”. She likes being outside in the fresh air,
looking at bugs. It was fun learning to make bread. My child loves Forest
School. She told us about fire skills and building a fire. Making bread and
eating toast. Making birds’ nests. My child said she has a magical time at
Forest School. Liked it a lot. Made bread and helped make hot chocolate.
Very excited about making bread, kneading the dough and cooking it on the
open fire. My child enjoyed making fire using flints. He loved being outside
and particularly the playtime when he could explore the woods. My child really
enjoyed it. Lots of fun. My child told me about a house he had built with
branches. He loves forest school. He wishes he could do it every term. Really
enjoyed it – doesn’t want it to stop! Fun – really enjoyed it. Really liked the
new site. Very good - enjoyed it. Loved making hot chocolate. Fantastic!
BVPS Forest School Questionnaire – Responses
2. What activities did the children particularly enjoy and why?
My child enjoyed lighting the cotton wool with fire steels because it was new
and exciting. She also enjoyed playing in the woods as she enjoys running
around with friends and getting muddy! Den building – fits in with school
theme – fire lighting – making bread and eating it! Playing games i.e. Eye spy
and making things. Cooking marshallows, making a necklace, playing with the
leaves. Drinking Ribena and sitting near the fire. My child liked making the
necklace and the hat. Drinks around fire circle. Making “stick man”,
devastated that it got lost/left in the forest. Making sparks (lighting the fire).
Making bread because it tastes yummy! Eating marshmallows, making toast,
making dens. Climbing trees.
Year 1
Climbing trees, cooking and making things and sitting round the campfire,
having hot chocolate. Playing on the logs, making things out of wood – none
of my child’s friends at other schools do this and she says it is special.
Climbing trees, making bread and making fires. My child particularly enjoyed
making bread. Making puppets and the fact that you took them home and
played with them. Learned how to make yo yo’s and spinning tops. Enjoyed
making them and playing with them. Breadmaking and cooking it on the
open fire. Using a drill to make a house. Exploring the woods. Making fire
using flints. Having toast and free time. Eating marshmallows and pancakes.
Making a hobby horse as part of Robin Hood Project. Sparking – my child
enjoys lighting fires. Breadmaking – fun. Spinning tops and yo yos – because
he could use them at home afterwards. Drawing pictures, copying the shapes
of leaves. Making necklaces. Making a fire, having toast and drinks. Making
a yo yo, using a saw was exciting. Making toast. Lighting the fire, collecting
sticks. My child liked peeling sticks and having hot chocolate.
BVPS Forest School Questionnaire – Responses
3. Was there anything they didn’t enjoy doing?
No. I like everything at Forest School. No. The cold weather. No. Looking for
bugs! But did love looking for woodlice but only woodlice. Adults talking.
Sitting still in the rain for a long time. Walking about everywhere! Weeing
behind a tree.
Year 1
When boys were making tents they did not let the girls help them. Listening to
grown up talk. Too long sitting – need to move around to keep warm. The cold
weather. No he loves all of it. Sitting down and answering difficult questions!
Nothing it was all good. Nothing!
BVPS Forest School Questionnaire – Responses
4. What other ideas do they have? What else previously done would they
like to do again?
Can they have some different food? They’ve had the same bread for a few weeks and not all the
children like it. Group games, tree climbing, den building. Play hide and seek. Play more games.
Likes to see the squirrels on the way to Forest School, can you provide them every week!!!
Would like to make a wind chime to bring home. Can we do some of the fun things that the
other group do. E.g Make a shelter. The other group bring things back to school that they have
made, can we make some wood things. Making wood necklaces was good fun. Build dens.
Year 1
My child loves stories and would like to listen to a story around the campfire. Finding bugs and
learning about nature and the outside. More climbing, more games, making shelters/camps.
My child says she loves forest School. Marshmallows. Hot ribena was very good! Can we find
out about berries on the trees. We did tracking once and enjoyed finding the other group using
our tracking skills, would like to do so again. Cook more things on the fire. Play games like hide
and seek in the woods. Build a tree house and make a camp. Make marshmallows and put
between biscuits. My child would like to build more houses. Bake a cake. Hide and seek.
Swapping jobs each week. Heard about making bread and would like to do that. Would also like
to make musical instruments. Toasting marshmallow on sticks on the fire and eating them.
Toast marshmallows. My child would like to learn how to make a shelter. Can they cook
sausages for hot dogs.
BVPS Forest School Questionnaire – Responses
Other Comments
I have been amazed by how well behaved the children have been and impressed by the type of
activities they have taken part in. A lot of Lucy’s friends at other schools are jealous they don’t get
Forest School too! Please keep up the good work. He dreams of Forest School. We can’t wait to
do Forest School again. Some of us have brothers and sisters who have told us about the fun
things that happen on Badger site, so we can’t wait! I am only sorry that as a working family we
are not able to come and help at Forest school. It sounds like excellent fun! Tyler really enjoys his
whole school experience and really likes Forest School.
Year 1
My child wakes up every morning and asks me “Is it Forest School today mummy!” She would go
every day if she could! I have no problem whatever with my daughter going into the woods
whatever the weather as it contributes towards the experience!! (Good prep for camping holidays)
Loves Forest School and has been excited about going every Monday morning. The cold hasn’t
seemed to mar his excitement. My child has really enjoyed Forest School. Thank you very much.
Cook sausages!