Chapter One - sunyungshin

Shin 1
World Literature
Tracks Study Guide
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When and where was Louise Erdrich born?
Chapter One
Who is Nanapush?
Who is Lulu?
Why is he telling her this story?
Who or what is Windigo?
What does Father Damien’s appearance portend (foreshadow)?
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Chapter Two
Who is Fleur?
Why do you think Erdrich creates this character, she who can destroy men?
Discuss the implications of the Puyats being mixed-bloods.
What is the importance of Pauline’s invisibility?
What does water usually symbolize?
What is the symbolism of the card playing?
What part do animals play in the book so far?
Argus is destroyed—what events in the Judeo-Christian Bible does this remind
you of?
Discuss the symbolism of the destruction of the steeple.
Who do you think is the father of Fleur’s child?
Why does Pauline want to be part of the white culture? Do you think she’ll
succeed, why or why not?
Chapter Three
Why does Nanapush refuse to tell his name to Father Damien?
What does his name mean?
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What might the black umbrella symbolize?
Why are Fleur and Pauline so at odds?
Compare Eli with his father and younger brother? What does Eli symbolize?
Analyze Eli’s masculinity and his coming of age.
Describe Margaret.
What happens to Boy Lazarre and (possibly) why?
Why does Margaret throw tobacco into the water?
Analyze the transferring of the burden from Pauline to Margaret.
Why does Margaret think the baby will be deformed? Describe her expectations.
Analyze the mysterious bear.
What do you think of Margaret having Father Damien baptize the baby outside
without Fleur’s knowledge? What could this mean in the book?
Who was the first Lulu?
Shin 4
How does Nanapush show his pride for his traditions?
Describe what you know about Communion.
What does tracks refer to in regard to Margaret.
Chapter Four
Who haunts Pauline’s dreams and why?
What does Bernadette represent? What is she good at?
Why does Napoleon flirt with Pauline?
What is the meaning of Mary Pepewas’s death for Pauline?
Describe Fleur’s daughter.
Why does Pauline bewitch Sophie?
Who does she get the medicine from? What is it made of?
Who does Sophie remind you of from another story we read? Why?
What does Clarence do with the statue of the Virgin?
What do the hardened tears mean for Pauline? How does Pauline change in this
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Chapter Five
Why doesn’t Nanapush feel sorry for Eli?
Analyze the moose-Eli.
Who is Clarence and why does he attack Nanapush and Margaret?
Discuss the importance of the braids/hair.
What is Nanapush’s revenge and what happens?
The white men are encroaching—who is helping them and why?
Why are the natives starving?
What’s the importance of tracks in this chapter?
How does the theme of old religion vs. new religion play out in the relationship of
Nanapush and Margaret?
Shin 6
How does Fleur use magic to get back at Clarence and Lazarre?
Chapter 6
Why does Pauline want to name the baby Marie?
What or who is the dark being?
What is going on with Pauline’s self-punishing behavior?
Why is Pauline so clumsy during Fleur’s miscarriage/early delivery?
What is the symbolic meaning of the miscarriage?
How do Lily, Dutch, and Tor appear?
Why is Pauline growing further apart from Indian culture? What themes are
being explored by Erdrich?
Is Pauline “mentally ill” or is that a Eurocentric conception? How would you
characterize what is happening to her?
What does the reader learn about the door in Argus?
What are the conditions of the Indians now?
Chapter 7
What is the advice/treatment of the off-reservation doctor?
Shin 7
What are the different ways that people have lost children so far in this story?
What is the devil’s bargain the Indians make regarding the government food?
Who is Edgar Pukwan, Jr.?
How has Fleur changed? Why does Erdrich make her go through this?
What has happened to the family’s enemies?
Why is Margaret so optimistic?
What was the symbolic meaning of the fancy shoes?
Chapter 8
Who is Sister Saint Anne?
With what does she choke Napoleon? Why is that important?
Discuss the tracks Pauline leaves.
Discuss the recurrence of the boat symbolism.
Describe Pauline’s rebirth.
Shin 8
Chapter 9
How does Nanapush know something is wrong?
Why is he angry with the Agent and Bernadette?
Why does Fleur drown for the third time?
Fleur’s magic has been dormant, but it returns—why?
Who does Nanapush beat to become tribal leader?
Where is Lulu and what is she wearing?
What do you think the end is all about? How does it make you feel?