Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Grand Chapter GUIDELINES FOR SEEKING OFFICE in DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. October, 2006 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. Grand Chapter IMPORTANT READ TO CHAPTER MEMBERS TO: Chapter Presidents, Members and Prospective Candidates for Regional Offices and Committees FROM: Mary Bennett Sutton, Chair National Nominating Committee DATE: November 2006 SUBJECT: Call for Nominations 2007 Regional Conference Delta Sigma Theta is committed to continue its legacy of electing effective leaders to build upon the solid foundation of the Sorority. The power to execute the slating process is mandated by our Constitution and Bylaws to a nominating committee. The Regional Nominating Committee has the responsibility of receiving applications and selecting and recommending candidates qualified to seek regional positions. The Committee proudly issues the Call for Nominations for Officers and Committee Members for Regional Leadership for the 2007 – 2009 biennium. Please adhere to the postmark deadline of December 31, 2006. Chapter Presidents are asked to encourage all interested sorors to consider seeking office, provide them with the enclosed information and direct them to the “Members Only” section of the national website. Table of Contents Call for Nominations Memorandum from the Chair of Nominating………………………………………………………… 1 Table of Contents…………………………………………………… 2 Call for Nominations 2007 Regional Conferences………………… 3 Eligibility Requirements…………………………………………………page 4-5 Duties of Regional Officers, Committee Members………………… 5-7 Nominating Procedures and Guidelines for the 2007 Regional Conferences …………………………………………page 8-9 Guidelines for Running from the Floor ………………………………. .page 10 Candidate Information & Guidelines……………………………………page 11-12 Instructions for Completing the Candidate Profile Form ……… …… 13-15 Letters of Recommendation and the Official Recommendation Form (Directions and Information included)………………………page 16-18 Directory of Regional Nominating Committee Chairs…………… …….page 19 National Convention Locations (1953-2006)……………………. …… 20 Regional Conference Locations (1966-2005)………………. … ……….page 21 Checklist and Timeline………………………………………….. ……….page 22 Final Checklist ……………………………………………………………page 23 CALL FOR NOMINATIONS 2007 REGIONAL CONFERENCES One of the most important responsibilities of the delegates of the 2007 Regional Conference will be to elect the regional leadership for the 2007 – 2009 biennium. The Regional Nominating Committee is charged with the duty of receiving from chapters and members, recommendations and credentials of sorors to serve in Regional offices. The Regional Nominating Committee invites you to recommend capable candidates for the offices and committees listed below. Regional Director 2 years Regional Representative 2 years ELIGIBLE FOR RE-ELECTION TO THE SAME POSITION eligible for re-election for one two-year term No Member, 2008 National Nominating Committee 2 years No 4 years No 2 years No Member, 2007 Regional Nominating Committee (3) 2 years No Collegiate Member, 2007 Regional Nominating Committee 2 years No AVAILABLE POSITIONS Member, National Scholarship &/Standards Committee (Eastern, Farwest, Midwest, South Atlantic) Chair, 2007 Regional Nominating Committee TENURE Please review the offices and committees for consideration, eligibility requirements and responsibilities as set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws, Grand Chapter, 2006 Edition. Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 3 ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Eligibility requirements and responsibilities for officers are set forth in the Constitution and Bylaws, Article IX, Section 9, 2006 Edition. Critical points relative to the requirements and responsibilities of officers are listed. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS National/Regional Officers, Elected National/Regional Committee Chairpersons and Members 1. 2. To be eligible for office in Grand Chapter, a member must: a. Be financial with a chapter and the Grand Chapter for the period beginning with the first day of the National Convention preceding the one at which the election will occur and continuing through her term of office; b. Be present at the National Convention or Regional Conference by which she is to be elected; c. Have attended at least two of the last three National Conventions and two of the last three Regional Conferences held previous to her nomination, except that this provision does not apply to candidates for the positions reserved for collegiate members by the Bylaws; and d. Be available to travel to regional and national meetings and perform the duties of the office. National Second Vice President, Regional Representatives and other Collegiate Positions on all levels: a. Only collegiate members are eligible for the office of National Second Vice President; b. A candidate for the Office of National Second Vice President and other positions reserved for collegiate members shall: 1. Have been continuously financial from the date of her initiation; and 2. Have at least one full academic year left in school at the time of election. Any collegiate soror seeking office MUST have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50 on a 4.0 scale or 1.50 on a 3.0 scale. She must submit an official transcript from the college or university by December 31, 2006. She must also submit an official transcript from her college (2007 second semester or quarter) to the Chair of the Regional Nominating Committee, on site, at the Regional Conference. Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 4 3. Residency Requirement: All members elected by regional ballot shall reside in the region in which they were elected during the tenure of their position. Cessation of such residence shall automatically create a vacancy in the office, except when the elected member is a collegiate who fulfilled requirements upon election. 4. Impeachment: Any officer who has been impeached shall be ineligible for election to any national, regional or chapter office. 5. Limitation of Office: A member shall not hold more than one elected or appointed office on the same levelRegional or National at the same time, except in cases where one's position has additional duties or in extenuating circumstances. For example, on the National level, the National First Vice President also serves as the chair of the Scholarship and Standards Committee. Where feasible, chapters may follow the same procedure. DUTIES OF REGIONAL OFFICERS, COMMITTEE MEMBERS REGIONAL DIRECTORS work with collegiate and alumnae chapters in strengthening participation in the life of the sorority. She has responsibility for chapters within a given geographical area. The duties of the Regional Directors are to: 1. Enforce the Constitution and Bylaws of the Grand Chapter in the region of which she is director; 2. Stimulate growth and development in the region, encourage the chapters in the achievement of national program goals and carry on regional correspondence and communications with chapters in the region through letters, newsletters or other appropriate means; 3. Assist and advise the chapters in the region; 4. Approve, assist, monitor or remove chapter advisors(s) as warranted and prescribed in ARTICLE III – CHAPTERS, Section #1. ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE C. Collegiate Chapter Advisors; 5. Investigate applications for the establishment of new chapters and such preinitiation of collegiate groups as may be necessary prior to the establishment of chapters, make recommendations regarding the same to the Scholarship and Standards Committee, and perform the ceremonies attendant to the establishment of new chapters; 6. Review all required documents, investigate any alleged violations and approve the chapter’s compliance with the Membership Intake Program of the Sorority; 7. Report to the National Executive Board and the Regional Conference, in conjunction with the Regional Representative, on the activities of the office; 8. Serve as presiding officer at meetings of the Regional Conference; Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 5 9. Appoint a Regional Secretary, Regional Journalist, Regional Program Coordinator and a State Coordinator for each state, including the District of Columbia, in the region within 60 days following her election, to serve for the biennium; 10. Appoint a Sergeant-at-Arms, Parliamentarian, Chaplain, Timekeeper, committees, and others in accordance with the Regional Conference Planning Guide, to serve at the time of the Regional Conference; 11. Secure a record of the proceedings of the Regional Conference and publish the proceedings 90 days after close of the Regional Conference; and 12. Submit reports to the Scholarship and Standard Committee as requested. REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES shall be collegiate members and shall assume duties after their election and installation. They work with collegiate officers and chapters in strengthening collegiate participation in the life of the Sorority. Their duties are to: 1. Assist the Regional Director with duties as assigned; 2. Appoint a State Facilitator(s), in consultation with the Regional Director, for each state, including the District of Columbia and international areas, in each region within 60 days following her election to serve for the biennium; 3. Participate in the decision making on all disciplinary actions; 4. Stimulate growth and development in the regions, encourage the chapters in the achievement of national program goals and carry on regional correspondence and communications with chapters in the regions through letters, newsletters or other appropriate means; 5. Assist and confer with the National Second Vice President in strengthening the life of the Sorority; 6. Submit reports to the Scholarship and Standards Committee as requested; 7. Conduct Regional Initiations; and 8. Serve as the Regional Social Action Co-Coordinator. NATIONAL NOMINATING COMMITTEE MEMBERS shall assist the Chair of the National Nominating Committee in directing the nomination of National Officers for the National Convention. Their duties are to: 1. Receive recommendations from chapters and members of persons to serve in Grand Chapter offices; 2. Select, for the consideration of the National Convention, candidates for Grand Chapter offices; 3. Provide to chapters timely notice of vacancies, requirements, and timelines; 4. Distribute to the chapters by April 1 prior to the National Convention the names of candidates to be presented to the National Convention; 5. Report their nominations to the National Convention at a session prior to the final session; and 6. Consult with and advise the Regional Nominating Committee Chairs. Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 6 CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE REGIONAL NOMINATING COMMITTEE shall conduct the Regional Officers nomination process. Their duties are to: 1. Receive recommendations from chapters and members of persons to serve in elected regional offices and on committees; 2. Select for consideration of the Regional Conference, candidates for election to regional elected offices and committees; 3. Distribute to the chapters, at least 30 days prior to the Regional Conference, the names of candidates to be presented to the Regional Conference; 4. Report their nominations to the Regional Conference at a session prior to the final session; and 5. Consult with the National Nominating Committee Chair. SCHOLARSHIP AND STANDARDS COMMITTEE MEMBERS It is the duty of the committee to: 1. Interpret and enforce the Constitution and Bylaws and the established policies and procedures among all members and chapters of Grand Chapter; 2. Function as a judiciary board and serve as an arbitrator when disputes arise between officers, chapters and individual members; 3. Develop and administer the scholarship program of the Sorority and make recommendations concerning the same to the National Executive Board; 4. Conduct training sessions for regional officers, chapter advisors and Membership Intake trainers; 5. Recognize sorors who have made outstanding contributions or have achieved distinction during each National Convention interim, according to appropriations made by the Finance Committee; 6. Recommend to the National Executive Board candidates for Honorary Membership at National Conventions; 7. Advise the National First Vice President on reclamation programs; 8. Approve or recommend action on membership matters not otherwise provided for; 9. Discipline chapters or individuals as prescribed in ARTICLE XII – DISCIPLINE; 10. Evaluate annually the corporate accountability of each chapter; 11. Monitor and investigate all allegations and improprieties related to Membership Intake; 12. Receive and evaluate recommended changes to the Chapter Management Handbook; 13. Hear and act on appeals from sorors, chapters and applicants; and 14. Conduct the leadership transition meetings on both the Grand Chapter and Regional levels. Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 7 NOMINATING PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES FOR THE 2007 REGIONAL CONFERENCES A. Applicants may begin obtaining recommendations for office once the OFFICIAL CANDIDATE PROFILE AND THE GUIDELINES FOR SEEKING OFFICE IN DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. has been obtained. B. All requested materials, including the Official Candidate Profile and the Official Recommendation Form(s) must be completed in their entirety, signed and postmarked by December 31, 2006. Facsimiles will not be accepted. C. Your signature on the profile indicates that the information provided is true, complete and accurate as of the date signed. If any information changes during the nomination and election process you must advise the Regional and National Nominating Chairs immediately. D. Collegiate applicants must submit an official transcript from her college or university with the Official Candidate Profile postmarked by December 31, 2006. Please be advised that minimum grade point averages (GPA's) will not be calculated. If you attend a college/university where GPA's are not calculated on the official transcript, a letter will be required, on official letterhead, from the registrar/transcript office indicating that the grades submitted are equivalent to a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50 on a 4.0 scale or 1.50 on a 3.0 scale. However, the collegiate applicants may have until January 15, 2007 to submit an official transcript from the college or university. (Transcript must be received by January 15, 2007). All transcripts must be sealed by the college or university. E. National Headquarters’ staff shall verify that each applicant meets basic eligibility requirements and shall notify the applicant of her eligibility/ineligibility by January 15, 2007. For collegiate applicants who submit transcripts by January 15, 2007, the National Headquarters’ staff shall notify the applicant of her eligibility/ineligibility via email by January 22, 2007. F. Applicants may challenge the eligibility determination of National Headquarters. Challenges should be directed to the Executive Director and must be received by January 22, 2007. The Executive Director will render a final determination of eligibility by January 31, 2007. G. The Regional Nominating Committee will meet to review all nominations that meet the eligibility requirements and prepare the slate. The slate will be disseminated to chapters and presented at the Regional Conference. H. All applicants will receive notification by February 19, 2007. I. Slated candidates may officially begin campaigning on March 1, 2007. Any campaign activity prior to March 1, 2007 will result in disqualification of the candidate. This includes, but not limited to, print and electronic campaign literature. J. CAMPAIGN INCOME AND EXPENDITURES FOR A REGIONAL CONFERENCE SHALL NOT EXCEED $2,500 or $20 PER ACTIVE CHAPTER IN THE REGION, WHICHEVER IS GREATER. CANDIDATES MAY ACCEPT CONTRIBUTIONS FROM DELTAS AND NON DELTAS. THEY MAY NOT SEEK OR ACCEPT Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 8 CORPORATE CONTRIBUTIONS. A LIST OF CAMPAIGN EXPENSES MUST BE PROVIDED TO THE REGIONAL NOMINATING COMMITTEE AT THE REGIONAL CONFERENCE. (The most current report of active chapters in the region will be provided by the Chair to the candidates by February 19, 2007 ) K. The Regional Nominating Committee will report at the Regional Conference. At that time, opportunity will be provided for nominations from the floor. NOTE: Collegiate sorors planning to run from the floor should refer to Eligibility Requirements, Article IX, Section 9b, Constitution and Bylaws, 2006 edition. L. The election will take place at the Regional Conference at a specified time under the supervision of the Elections Committee, which is appointed by the Regional Director. M. The Elections Committee will report election results. Those elected will be installed at the Regional Conference. N. All outgoing and newly elected Officers or Committee Chairs and Members are expected to attend the Transition of Officers meeting. Generally, this meeting occurs on Sunday morning. Travel plans should be arranged accordingly. Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 9 GUIDELINES FOR RUNNING FROM THE FLOOR A soror desiring to run from the floor will have an opportunity to be nominated for an office when the report of the Regional Nominating Committee is given at the Regional Conference. This opportunity is through the Call for Nominations from the floor issued by the presiding officer. An applicant running from the floor must submit the Official Candidate Profile and at least one (1) letter of recommendation with an attached Official Recommendation Form. If the letter of recommendation is written by a soror, she must be financial for the 2007 fiscal year (July 1, 2006-June 30, 2007). The above listed material must be submitted to the Chair of the Regional Nominating Committee at the conclusion of Plenary I. Collegiate sorors running from the floor MUST have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale or 1.50 on a 3.0 scale. She must present a current official transcript from her college (2007 second semester or quarter), which has been sealed by the college/university, to the Chair of the Regional Nominating Committee, at the conclusion of Plenary I. Collegiate candidates must meet the eligibility requirements as stated in the Constitution and Bylaws, Article IX, Section 9B, 2006 Edition, which is attached. Please be advised that minimum grade point averages (GPA's) will not be calculated. If you attend a college/university where GPA's are not calculated on the official transcript, a letter will be required, on official letterhead, from the registrar/transcript office indicating that the grades submitted are equivalent to a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50 on a 4.0 scale or 1.50 on a 3.0 scale. National Headquarters’ staff shall verify that each applicant meets basic eligibility requirements and shall notify the applicant and Chair of the Regional Nominating Committee of her eligibility/ineligibility at the specified time. No applicant running from the floor will be permitted to campaign prior to her name being placed in nomination AND her eligibility established. Any campaign literature sent prior to that time will result in immediate disqualification. This includes, but not limited to, print as well as electronic materials. Applicants must submit a list of campaign expenses to the Regional Nominating Committee. Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 10 CANDIDATE INFORMATION AND GUIDELINES 1. Candidates for office must be financial with a chapter and Grand Chapter, and meet all other eligibility requirements outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws, 2006 Edition, which is included. 2. Any collegiate soror seeking office MUST have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50 on a 4.0 scale of 1.50on a 3.0 scale. She must also submit an official transcript from her college (2006 first semester: fall semester or fall quarter) with the Official Candidate Profile postmarked by December 31, 2006. If the collegiate soror is unable to submit an official transcript with the Official Candidate Profile, the transcript must be received no later than January 15, 2007 by the Chair of the Regional Nominating Committee and Chair of the National Nominating Committee at National Headquarters. She must also submit an official transcript from her college (2007 second semester: spring semester or spring quarter) to the Chair of the Regional Nominating Committee, on site, at the Regional Conference immediately following the report of the Regional Nominating Committee. Please be advised that minimum grade point averages (GPA's) will not be calculated. If you attend a college/university where GPA's are not calculated on the official transcript, a letter will be required, on official letterhead, from the registrar/transcript office indicating that the grades submitted are equivalent to a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.50 on a 4.0 scale or 1.50 on a 3.0 scale. 3. All requested materials, including the Official Candidate Profile and the Official Recommendation Form(s) must be completed in their entirety, signed and postmarked by December 31, 2006. Facsimiles will not be accepted. The Official Candidate Profile only is to be e-mailed by December 31, 2006 to the Chair of the Regional Nominating Committee, Chair of National Nominating Committee and National Headquarters to It is suggested that the candidate request a delivery receipt after documents are emailed, print a copy and keep it for her records. It is also suggested that the candidate mail the materials in a way that will provide a return receipt or proof of mailing for her records. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will not be responsible for incomplete or non-receipt of Profiles and Recommendation forms. 4. Applicants must submit a current resume and four 5x7 photographs, two (2) black and white glossy photos and two (2) color (head shots only). Include one black and white photo and one color photo in each packet and send to Chair of the Regional Nominating Committee and Chair of the National Nominating Committee at National Headquarters. 5. Applicants must submit at least one letter of recommendation. Letter(s) of Recommendation, accompanied by an official recommendation form, are to be completed by a chapter that is in compliance and/or a financial soror. The Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 11 recommending soror must sign both the letter of recommendation and the official recommendation form. A maximum of four (4) letters of recommendation can be submitted from a prospective candidate. A letter from the prospective candidate’s chapter may be included as one letter of recommendation. 6. The Official Candidate Profile can be computer-generated provided the information is presented in the given format. All requested information must be given for the nomination to be considered. All forms must be typewritten and completed in their entirety. Complete all fields, indicating “none” if applicable. 7. Applicants may attach any newspaper/magazine clippings, published article(s) and/or any other information that support the application for the candidacy. (No more than four) 8. Nomination materials shall be submitted on an 8 ½ x 11-inch paper, single sided, at least a half-inch margin around the entire sheet of paper. Type font shall be Times Roman (or some other standard font) and type size shall be 12 point. Captions should be provided for any photographs included. 9. To ensure the materials can be easily reproduced, the packet of materials sent to National Headquarters should be bound by a rubber band only. Do not fold, staple or hole punch materials. Mail one copy with two photographs to: Chair, Regional Nominating Committee (See Enclosed Directory for Address) Mail one copy and email one copy with one photograph to: Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Attention: Chair, National Nominating Committee 1707 New Hampshire Ave, NW Washington, D C 20009 Email one copy to Mary Bennett Sutton, Chair National Nominating Committee Failure to adhere to the guidelines for submitting nomination materials will result in the removal of your application from consideration. Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 12 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE CANDIDATE PROFILE FORM Candidate for the office of: (Insert the title) of the position for which you are declaring candidacy. Part I: Personal Information. List full name, home address, city, state and zip code. Provide home, work and cellular telephone numbers, list profession or occupation and primary email address. List the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or web address of any website on which your name is listed. List public speaking experiences that you have gained personally, professionally or in your collegiate career. Identify any travel limitations that you have. Identify whether you have had any criminal offenses and if so the circumstances. Part II: Educational Information If you are collegiate: o Check class status: whether you are a Sophomore, Junior or Senior. o Check whether you will have at least one full academic year remaining in school at the time of election. This is a requirement of eligibility. If you are alumnae, list all degrees conferred and your field of concentration. Part III: Delta Information Check your status: alumnae or collegiate. Identify the chapter in which you are a member. Identify your region. Indicate whether or not you are a financial member. Regarding your initiation: o List the date on which you were initiated into the sorority . o The region in which you were initiated. o The chapter in which you initiated and the location (city and state). o List your name at the time of initiation (maiden or married name as appropriate). Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 13 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE CANDIDATE PROFILE FORM Regarding Delta Activities/Experiences o List your present Delta activities. o List your local chapter experiences – current chapter or chapters to which you have belonged. o List your regional experience – current and past o List your national experience – current and past List National Conventions attended – see page 20 for a list of conventions List Regional Conferences attended – see page 21 for a list of conferences Identify whether you have been suspended or placed on probation. List the violation dates and fines levied. Part IV: Current Community Involvement & Organization Affiliation List current community organizations in which you are involved, your position and responsibilities. Limit the involvements to no more than four organizations. Part V: Past Community Involvement & Organization Affiliation List past community organizations in which you are involved, your position and responsibilities. Limit the involvements to no more than four organizations. Part VI: Position Specific Questionnaire Select the position specific questionnaire pertaining to the position to which you are applying by “double clicking” the corresponding document icon. The appropriate embedded document will be opened. The questionnaire was developed from the duties of the specific elected positions as cited by the Constitution and Bylaws, 2006 Edition. The questionnaire provides the applicant with the opportunity to cite experiences gained in college, personally or professionally, demonstrating the required skills to perform the duties of the elected office. Respond to each question. The total word count of your response should not exceed the maximum number of words listed. The articles a, an, the, are not included in the word count. Save and exit the document after completing your responses in order to save your changes or save the document as a separate file in order to attach it as an addendum. Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 14 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE CANDIDATE PROFILE FORM Part VII: State your reasons for seeking this office In 150 words or less, cite your reasons for seeking this office. The total word count of your response should not exceed the maximum number of words listed. The articles a, an, the are not included in the word count. Part VIII: Newspaper Articles and Clippings Attach no more than four newspaper or magazine clippings, relevant presentations, published articles or other pertinent information. Attachments should be relevant to your candidacy, supporting your experiences or rationale for seeking office. Part IX: Additional Submissions Include in your application the following: o A current resume citing work experiences o Four 5x7 photos. Two (2) black and white glossy photos and two (2) color photos – head shots only Two photos (one b/w, one color) should be enclosed in the packet to be sent to the Chair of the Regional Nominating Committee at her home. Two photos (one b/w, one color) should be enclosed in the packet to be sent to National Headquarters, attention Chair, National Nominating Committee o Identify your photos by writing your name on the back of each photo. Statement of Assurance – sign, date and provide your membership number on the lines provided. By signing, you commit to abiding by the guidelines for seeking office in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. You also assure that the information provided is correct and accurate. You additionally commit to providing a list of campaign income expenses to the Regional Nominating Committee at the Regional Conference. NOTE: The Official Candidate Profile Form is an attachment. Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 15 LETTERS OF RECOMMENDATION AND THE OFFICIAL RECOMMENDATION FORM Directions and Information 1. Candidates must submit at least one letter of recommendation. Letter(s) of Recommendation, accompanied by an official recommendation form, are to be completed and signed by a chapter who is in compliance and/or a financial soror. No more than four (4) letters of recommendation can be submitted for a prospective candidate. A letter from the prospective candidate’s chapter can be included as one letter of recommendation. 2. All requested information must be typed on the appropriate forms. The Official Recommendation Form can be computer-generated provided the information is presented in the given format. All requested information must be given in order for a nomination to be considered. 3. If the recommendation is being mailed separately, it must be postmarked by December 31, 2006 and forwarded as follows: Mail one copy to: Mail one copy to: Chair, Regional Nominating Committee (See Enclosed Directory for Address) Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Attention: Chair, National Nominating Committee 1707 New Hampshire Ave., NW Washington, DC 20009 It is suggested that the letter of recommendation and the accompanying official recommendation form be included in the candidate’s packet or mailed in a way that will provide a return receipt or proof of mailing. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will not be responsible for incomplete or non-receipt of Recommendation forms. Additional forms may be obtained from National Headquarters via Fax on Demand Service at (202) 986-2400, option #2 or by written request. Electronic forms are available via email to your chapter email address, on the national website in the “Restricted” and “Members Only” sections or contact Regional Nominating Chair (see Directory on page 19) or National Nominating Chair Mary Bennett Sutton at Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 16 OFFICIAL RECOMMENDATION FORM In recommending a candidate, list those skills and abilities, which you believe, make her distinctly qualified for the position she is seeking in Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Consider the following questions and use them as guidelines as you complete your letter of recommendation. Does the candidate... Possess and utilize leadership ability and skills? Understand the organization of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.? Think nationally and regionally? (i.e. translate successful chapter experiences into general principles) Speak well? Follow through on responsibilities? Have an awareness and understanding of current national and global educational, social and political issues? Be sure to include specific information about the candidate that will aid the Regional Nominating Committee in its decision-making process. Thank you for taking the time to complete the recommendation form and submitting a letter of recommendation. Your diligence helps to ensure that the most qualified sorors are slated for leadership positions. Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 17 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC. OFFICIAL RECOMMENDATION FORM RECOMMENDATION FOR THE OFFICE OF_________________________________ NAME OF CANDIDATE_____________________________________________________ REGION OF CANDIDATE__________________________________________________ IDENTIFICATION OF THE CHAPTER OR SOROR MAKING THE RECOMMENDATION Recommendation Member number Made by__________________________________ or Chapter number Region _____ Chapter ___________________ Address ________ City/State/Zip _________ Telephone Office, if any __________ Primary Email Address__________________ _________________________________________________________ For recommending Soror: Financial for the current sorority year? Yes ( ) No ( ) For recommending chapter: In compliance with Grand Chapter for the current sorority year? Yes ( ) No ( ) In recommending the above candidate, list those skills and abilities that you believe make her qualified for the position she is seeking on the regional level of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. ___________________________________________ Signature of Soror Making Recommendation (Required) Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 __________________ Date 18 Directory of Regional Nominating Chairs and Material Distribution Information The Official Candidate Profile, Letter(s) of Recommendation, the Official Recommendation Forms, and Official Transcript (collegiates) must be postmarked by December 31, 2006 and disseminated as follows: 1. Mail one copy of all material with two (2) photographs ( one black and white glossy & one color – head shots only) to your Regional Nominating Chair: Regional Nominating-Central Felicia Chambliss Echols CHAIR 5858 De Giverville Avenue St Louis, MO 63112-1617 (314) 863-0929 Kappal@SWbell.Net Regional Nominating-Midwest Adrienne L. Hubbard CHAIR 7325 S Oglesby Avenue. Chicago, IL 60649 (773) 221-6225 Regional Nominating-Eastern Barbara Wellons CHAIR 163 Canvasback Lane Langhorne, PA 19047 (215) 741-6584 Regional Nominating-South Atlantic Pamela Hart Hemphill CHAIR 5314 Barrington Drive Charlotte, NC 28215 (704) 535-1644 Regional Nominating-Farwest Brandi P. Jones CHAIR 13655 East Felson Street Cerritos, CA 90703 (310) 617-7715 Regional Nominating-Southern Ruth Adams Ball CHAIR 142 County Road 217 Oxford, MS 38655 (662) 934-1459 Regional Nominating-Southwest Cassie Levy CHAIR 4950 Sugar Grove # 2105 Stafford, Texas 77477 (281) 565-4071 2. Mail one copy (must be unbound) with one (1) black & white photograph and one (1) color photograph (head shot only) and email copy of Candidate’s Profile to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Attention: Chair, National Nominating Committee 1707 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Washington DC 20009 3. Email one copy of the Candidate’s Profile only Mary Bennett Sutton It is suggested that the candidate mail all materials in a way that will provide a return receipt or proof of receipt for her records. Request a delivery receipt, print a copy for emailed documents. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. will not be responsible for incomplete or non-receipt of Profiles and Recommendation Forms. Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 19 DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY, INC.A Grand Chapter NATIONAL CONVENTION LOCATIONS Year 1953 1954 1955 1956 1958 1960 1963 1965 1967 1969 1971 1973 1975 1977 1979 1981 1983 1985 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 Conv.# Convention Location 23 New York City 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Detroit Washington Chicago New York City Los Angeles Cincinnati Baltimore Houston Atlanta Seattle Denver New Orleans Washington Detroit Dallas San Francisco Miami Baltimore St. Louis Orlando New Orleans Chicago Atlanta Las Vegas Philadelphia 20 REGIONAL CONFERENCE LOCATIONS CENTRAL EASTERN FARWEST MIDWEST 1966 Topeka, KS Trevose, PA Phoenix, AZ 1968 Denver, CO Pittsburgh, PA Seattle, WA Charleston, WV Detroit, MI 1970 1972 St. Louis, MO Tulsa, OK Buffalo, NY Tarrytown, NY 1974 1976 1978 Wichita, KS Kansas City, MO St. Louis, MO Boston, MA Washington, DC New York, NY Las Vegas, NV San Francisco, CA Anchorage, AK Los Angeles, CA Portland, OR 1980 Omaha, NB Baltimore, MD San Diego, CA 1982 Rochester, NY 1986 Jefferson City, MO Des Moines, IA Tulsa, OK 1989 1991 1993 1984 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 SOUTH ATLANTIC Durham, NC SOUTHERN SOUTHWEST Tuskegee, AL Austin, TX Columbia, SC Atlanta, GA Norfolk, VA Wilmington, NC Charleston, SC Roanoke, VA Memphis, TN Daytona Beach, FL Jackson, MS Mobile, AL New Orleans, LA Shreveport, LA Dallas, TX Greensboro, NC Charlotte, NC Huntsville, AL Pasadena, CA Minneapolis, MN East Lansing, MI Cincinnati, OH Philadelphia, PA Pittsburgh, PA Tempe, AZ Chicago, IL Raleigh, NC Oakland, CA Denver, CO Wichita, KS Hartford, CT Boston, MA Anchorage, AK Las Vegas, NV Indianapolis, IN St. Louis, MO Louisville, KY WinstonSalem, NC Norfolk, VA Greenville, SC Kansas City, MO Oklahoma City, OK Denver, CO Meadowlands, NJ Buffalo, NY Anaheim, CA Cleveland, OH Salt Lake City, UT Portland, OR Charleston, WV Milwaukee, WI Greensboro, NC Richmond, VA Phoenix, AZ Minneapolis, MN Indianapolis, IN Detroit, MI Des Moines, IA Kansas City, MO St. Louis, MO Kansas City, MO Philadelphia, PA Washington, DC Baltimore, MD Honolulu, HI Boston, MA Seattle, WA Pittsburgh, PA Los Angeles, CA Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 Chicago, IL St. Louis, MO Louisville, KY Milwaukee, WI Columbus, OH Columbia, SC Charleston, SC Charlotte, NC Richmond, VA WinstonSalem, NC Virginia Beach, VA 21 Fort Lauderdale, FL Chattanooga, TN Birmingham, AL Biloxi, MS Tampa, FL Montgomery, AL Nassau, Bahamas Boca Raton, FL Nashville, TN El Paso, TX Little Rock, AR Baton Rouge, LA Albuquerque, NM San Antonia, TX Fort Worth, TX Little Rock, AR Austin, TX New Orleans, LA Albuquerque, NM Houston, TX Savannah, GA Little Rock, AR Baton Rouge, LA San Antonio, TX Dallas, TX Fort Lauderdale, FL Little Rock, AR Birmingham, AL Biloxi, MS CHECKLIST DID YOU REMEMBER TO... Read and sign the statement of assurance? Read and follow the guidelines for computer-generated submission? Include two 5x7 black and white photos and two 5x7 color photos (one of each in each packet)? Include a current resume? Check for grammatical and/or spelling errors? Include at least one letter of recommendation but no more than four? E-mail your candidate profile only to the designated addresses by the established deadline? (Regional Nominating Chair, National Nominating Chair and National Headquarters) U.S. mail your packets to the designated addresses by the established deadline? (Regional Nominating Chair and National Headquarters) TIMELINE December 31, 2006 postmark date for all materials January 15, 2007 applicants will receive notification of eligibility January 22, 2007 challenges of determination of eligibility must be received by the Executive Director January 31, 2007 applicants will receive final determination of eligibility February 19, 2007 candidates will receive notification of the selection of slated candidates March 1, 2007 slated candidates may officially begin campaigning Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 22 FINAL CHECKLIST ON SITE EXPECTATIONS The Regional Nominating Committee will present the slate of candidates during Plenary I. After the report of the Regional Nominating Committee, the presiding officer will open the floor for Nominations. Δ Applicants running from the floor must have a voting delegate place her name in nomination. All candidates and applicants running from the floor must meet with the Regional Nominating Committee immediately following Plenary Session I. Δ Slated candidates must submit the Official Financial Report Form and campaign receipts. Δ Collegiate candidates must submit an Official Transcript from her college or university (2006 second semester: spring semester or spring quarter) Δ Alumnae candidates running from the floor must submit the Official Candidate Profile, typewritten and completed in its entirety, at least one but no more than four letters of recommendation. Δ Collegiate candidates running from the floor must submit the Official Candidate Profile, typewritten and completed in its entirety, at least one but no more than four letters of recommendation, and an Official Transcript from her college or university (2006 second semester: spring semester or spring quarter). After being cleared by the Regional Nominating Committee, candidates may set up their booth in a designated location in Candidates Corner. All candidates will make a 3-minute presentation and a 1-minute response to a question at the “Meet the Candidates” Plenary. Call for Nominations - Official Guidelines Submission Deadline – 12/31/06 23