<Insert Unit or Department name> STRATEGIC PLAN TEMPLATE: 2009-2012 Unit or Department Mission: UW-Superior’s <insert unit name>…. (If you would like some guidelines on writing your department mission statement or vision, there are a number of online sources that you may want to review. An example is included here: http://www.managementhelp.org/plan_dec/str_plan/stmnts.htm) Unit or Department Vision: Within the public liberal arts tradition, UW-Superior’s <insert unit name> shall be…. ((If you would like some guidelines on writing your department mission statement or vision, there are a number of online sources that you may want to review. An example is included here: http://www.managementhelp.org/plan_dec/str_plan/stmnts.htm) Values Statement We value ourselves and our long-term commitment to student learning by emphasizing academic excellence, intellectual development, and a student-centered campus, integrity, continual improvement, and mutual respect for diversity. Intellectual Development – In the liberal arts tradition, we seek to cultivate life-long learners who can think critically, communicate in a variety of mediums, and apply knowledge in order to solve problems. Student Focus – We emphasize personal attention to the student. Integrity – We earn trust through honest, sincere, and humble leadership. Continual Improvement – We seek to enhance the quality of all programs and services. Collegiality – We stress mutual respect, appreciation for diversity and respect for diverse perspectives. Community – We foster civic engagement and community involvement. <Insert Unit or Department name> STRATEGIC PLAN TEMPLATE: 2009-2012 Instructions: Read UW-Superior’s Strategic Priorities document found at http://www.uwsuper.edu/cipt and click on Strategic Priorities to review which goals fit your unit. All of these goals have been included in the template for your convenience. If your unit does not focus on a goal that is listed below, you MUST leave that goal in the document and indicate “Not a focus area in 20XX-20XX.” Write additional goals that help your department meet each specific strategic theme as appropriate. These goals should be added after the listed goals to maintain consistency in numbering. Once goals are identified, develop specific action plans or initiatives for each goal as appropriate. In developing unit goals and/or initiatives it is not necessary, or expected that each unit will have goals for every strategic theme each year. Units will be involved in day-to-day activities that contribute to the themes, but should include only those initiatives that are outside of the normal day-to-day expectations. IMPORTANT: All units must include the Liberal Arts Initiative and Student Persistence in their planning. 1. Review with Liberals Arts Overview which is found in Appendix 1 of this document. Appendix 2 includes templates for both academic and non-academic units (also found on the CIPT website under Strategic planning and resources). 2. To incorporate persistence activities into your plan, first review the Excite module found in the Strategic planning website. Add your goals for persistence within this strategic planning document. <Insert Department Name> Strategic Plan Strategic Theme A: Promote Academic Excellence: Develop a creative and dynamic learning environment within a liberal arts tradition that enables students to meet their individual goals while fostering life-long learning. GOAL 1: Implement the liberal arts initiative including Writing Across the Curriculum, Academic Service Learning, Senior Experience, Global Awareness, and First Year Experience (see appendices 1 and 2 of this document). GOAL 2: Recognize and support practices that encourage and celebrate student achievements. GOAL 3: Expand undergraduate research and internship opportunities. GOAL 4: Respond to the continuing and changing needs of both traditional and non-traditional students. GOAL 5: Other unit or department goals related to strategic theme A. Individual(s) AQIP Goal(s) Action Plans or Initiatives Responsible Due Date Category Addressed a. Unit or Department strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan b. Strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan c. Strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan 2 <Insert Unit or Department name> STRATEGIC PLAN TEMPLATE: 2009-2012 Strategic Theme B: Create and Foster a Culture of Respect: Create and foster an accepting community in which all staff and students feel safe, and diverse perspectives are valued. GOAL 1: Create a community of shared leadership and decision-making. GOAL 2: Foster the highest standards of ethical conduct, both personally and professionally. GOAL 3: Create a campus and classroom climate that celebrates diversity and creates a nurturing environment for all. GOAL 4: Other unit or department specific goals related to strategic theme B. Individual(s) AQIP Goal(s) Action Plans or Initiatives Responsible Due Date Category Addressed a. Unit or Department strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan b. Strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan c. Strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan Strategic Theme C: Contribute to a Vibrant Campus and Community Life GOAL 1: Increase participation in intellectual, cultural, and social activities. GOAL 2: Develop programs targeted at increasing student retention. GOAL 3: Promote programs that enhance our unique natural environment or <insert unit goal> GOAL 4: Develop inclusive programming that allows greater participation on non-traditional/commuting students, staff, and the local community. GOAL 5: Promote and recognize outstanding leadership of staff and students. GOAL 6: Increase the number of opportunities for leadership development for all staff and students. GOAL 7: Other unit or department specific goals related to strategic theme C. Individual(s) AQIP Goal(s) Action Plans or Initiatives Responsible Due Date Category Addressed a. Unit or Department strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan b. Strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan c. Strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan Strategic Theme D: Strive for Continuous Improvement: Develop a culture of evidence, accountability and transparency by assessing and continuously improving the effectiveness and efficiency of our programs and services. GOAL 1: Develop a culture of evidence, accountability, and transparency. 3 <Insert Unit or Department name> STRATEGIC PLAN TEMPLATE: 2009-2012 GOAL 2: Develop and implement tenure, promotion, and evaluation processes that provide meaningful and measurable feedback. GOAL 3: Launch a continuous quality improvement program. GOAL 4: Develop and implement a comprehensive student and program outcomes assessment and improvement plan. GOAL 5: Develop an improved campus-wide process for student evaluation of instructor and advisor effectiveness. GOAL 6: Other unit or department specific goals related to strategic theme D. Individual(s) AQIP Goal(s) Action Plans or Initiatives Responsible Due Date Category Addressed a. Unit or Department strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan d. Strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan c. Strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan Strategic Theme E: Practice Responsible and Innovative Stewardship Practice entrepreneurial fiscal management that includes exploration of collaborations, identification and acquisition of grants and contracts and responsible stewardship in all areas. GOAL 1: Develop an administrative and academic structure for the university that is functionally sound. GOAL 2: Develop an efficient and productive scheduling process to maximize use of resources. GOAL 3: Utilize shared governance through which fiscal priorities are established, annually reviewed, and communicated. GOAL 4: Seek alternative funding mechanisms. GOAL 5: Foster relationships with public and private agencies. GOAL 6: Develop attractive physical environments and appropriate infrastructures. GOAL 7: Develop facilities that conserve and protect natural resources. GOAL 8: Reduce the campus’ energy consumption. GOAL 9: Other unit or department specific goals related to strategic theme E. Individual(s) AQIP Goal(s) Action Plans or Initiatives Responsible Due Date Category Addressed a. Unit or Department strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan b. Strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan c. Strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan Strategic Theme F: Utilize Enrollment Management principals and improve student persistence. GOAL 1: Develop and implement a recruitment and admissions plan that addresses our changing demographics. GOAL 2: Review existing articulation agreements and develop new agreements to make the transfer process more easily navigable. 4 <Insert Unit or Department name> STRATEGIC PLAN TEMPLATE: 2009-2012 Develop and implement a comprehensive student retention plan. Increase diversity of the student body. Develop and implement a seamless recruitment, admission, advisement, and registration process. Other unit or department specific goals related to strategic theme F. Individual(s) Action Plans or Initiatives Responsible Due Date a. Unit or Department strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan b. Strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan c. Strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan GOAL 3: GOAL 4: GOAL 5: GOAL 6: AQIP Category Goal(s) Addressed Strategic Theme G: Maintain and enhance our University Image: Project a positive image of the University that promotes our unique qualities and enhances public relations, recruitment, and retention. GOAL 1: Develop and maintain a vibrant and engaging web presence. GOAL 2: Implement a unified, comprehensive marketing strategy. GOAL 3: Strengthen campus connections with alumni, parents, and families. GOAL 4: Develop the campus as a cultural center and regional destination point. GOAL 5: Increase public awareness of the University’s contribution to regional economic development. GOAL 6: Create and foster connections and partnerships with government, businesses, non-profits, and K-16 schools that foster development and economic growth. GOAL 7: Other unit or department specific goals related to strategic theme G. Individual(s) AQIP Goal(s) Action Plans or Initiatives Responsible Due Date Category Addressed a. Unit or Department strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan b. Strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan c. Strategy, programmatic initiative, or action plan 5 <Insert Unit or Department name> STRATEGIC PLAN TEMPLATE: 2009-2012 APPENDIX 1: LIBERAL ARTS INITIATIVE "The University of Wisconsin-Superior fosters intellectual growth and career preparation within a liberal arts tradition that emphasizes individual attention and embodies respect for diverse cultures and multiple voices."— The UW-Superior Mission Statement Liberal Education—A higher education tradition that emphasizes the development of the whole person Liberal Arts Colleges—Student-centered colleges (usually small) that are explicitly rooted in the tradition of liberal education. Public Liberal Arts Colleges—Student-centered public colleges and universities (usually small) dedicated to broadening access to liberal education. The Public Liberal Arts Mission at UW-Superior In 1998, the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents designated UW-Superior as “Wisconsin’s Public Liberal Arts College.” In 2001, UW-Superior became a member of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges (COPLAC). UW-Superior’s public liberal arts mission builds upon our long history of providing student-centered educational opportunities to individuals from a variety of backgrounds. In pursuit of its public liberal arts mission, UW-Superior has committed itself to five initiatives, for which it has received funding from the UW System: First Year Experience—An integrated set of experiences designed to achieve two goals: 1) To help first-year students to become engaged members of a community of learning; 2) To refocus the efforts and energies of the University community on the needs of first-year students. Senior Year Experience—Every senior will, in the context if his or her major, engage in a piece of original/creative work that is rendered public. Each year, the university will highlight and promote the senior experience activities. Writing Across the Curriculum (with Supportive Writing Center)—This initiative emphasizes the development of writing skills across the curriculum, as well as the use of writing as a core learning activity. Research consistently shows that students who not only “learn to write” but also “write to learn” perform better, learn better, and are more fully satisfied with their education. Global Awareness—This initiative provides students with a range opportunities across the curriculum that foster global awareness. These opportunities include increased emphasis on language study, development of a global studies minor, and greater study abroad options. Academic Service Learning—Academic Service Learning (ASL) links theory to practice by bringing the subject matter of the classroom into the community and bringing community themes back into the classroom, transforming student learning. The ASL initiative emphasizes ASL opportunities for students across the curriculum. 6 <Insert Unit or Department name> STRATEGIC PLAN TEMPLATE: 2009-2012 For more information on the public liberal arts mission and the five initiatives, visit http://www.uwsuper.edu/nca/ 7 <Insert Unit or Department name> STRATEGIC PLAN TEMPLATE: 2009-2012 APPENDIX 2-A: PUBLIC LIBERAL ARTS INITIATIVE TEMPLATE FOR UNIT STRATEGIC PLANNING For Academic Departments Please describe your department’s plans to participate in each of the five public liberal arts initiatives by providing a brief response to the following questions. I. Senior Year Experience What changes, if any, do you plan to make in the required Senior Experience activity for each major program within your department? II. Academic Service Learning (ASL) Summarize Academic Service Learning opportunities within your department. What plans, if any, do you have to expand ASL opportunities within the department? III. First Year Experience (FYE) How many First Year Seminars can the department tentatively commit to offering per year? (If your department incorporates more than one program area, please specify the number of seminars per year by program area.) For how many of these seminars would replacement staff be required? Provide a brief justification for the replacement staff. IV. Global Awareness Summarize any plans you have to globalize the department and its activities. Your response may include such areas as: faculty, curriculum, course offerings, promotion of study abroad opportunities, and promotion of language study V. Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) No response required pending the hiring of a campus WAC coordinator who will consult with departments regarding departmental WAC planning. 8 <Insert Unit or Department name> STRATEGIC PLAN TEMPLATE: 2009-2012 APPENDIX 2-B: PUBLIC LIBERAL ARTS INITIATIVE TEMPLATE FOR UNIT STRATEGIC PLANNING For Non-Academic Units Please describe your unit’s plans to participate in each of the five public liberal arts initiatives by providing a brief response to the following questions. I. Senior Year Experience No response required. II. Academic Service Learning (ASL) Summarize any ways in which your unit supports Academic Service Learning opportunities. What plans, if any, do you have to expand support for ASL opportunities? III. First Year Experience (FYE Summarize any plans your unit has to develop or support initiatives that address first-year transition issues, such as: first-year seminars, peer mentoring, “early warning” systems, instructional support aimed and first-year teaching and learning, enhancing first-year student commitment to the goals of liberal education, integration of students into a community of learners. (For more information on the First-Year Experience initiative, see http://www.uwsuper.edu/wb/nca/Implementation_Groups/FYE%20Report.pdf) IV. Global Awareness Summarize any plans you have to contribute to the globalization of the campus. Your response may include such areas as: campus life (including residential life), promotion of student study abroad opportunities, and promotion of language study. V. Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Summarize any efforts to systematically encourage a culture of writing within your unit. 9 <Insert Unit or Department name> STRATEGIC PLAN TEMPLATE: 2009-2012 Last revised 2/20/2009 10