ALA Chapter Relations Committee Ahead to 2010 Strategic Plan Purpose The primary purpose of the Chapter Relations Committee (CRC) is to be the advocate for Chapters within ALA and serve as the forum for the discussion of grass-roots issues. Mission To promote Chapter affiliation with ALA and to make that affiliation significant and meaningful to each Chapter; to facilitate communications between Chapters and ALA, between ALA and Chapters, and between Chapters; to connect other affiliate groups with ALA and to facilitate communication and activities among such groups within ALA. Vision: To be a visible entity, clearly identified with Chapters, and to market the committee as the advocate for Chapters within ALA. Goals and Objectives Goal Area I: Communication Goal Statement: The CRC will ensure Committee awareness of Chapter needs and priorities. Strategic Objectives: Communicate with new Committee members. Identify types of information most needed by Chapters: the Chapter Councilors, Committee Members, and Chapter leaders will regularly communicate needs to the Committee. Conduct one or more surveys a year as needed to identify new products and services and to assess value of current products and services. Develop "best practices" documents, e.g., membership development in 1999. Identify other types of documents or packets of information that are needed, e.g., job descriptions of executive directors, legislative agendas, etc. Identify ALA/Chapter priorities and disseminate information electronically. Distribute reports in advance of meetings to facilitate discussion. Goal Statement: The CRC will work with individual Chapter Boards and Chapter members to develop closer alignment between ALA and the Chapters. Strategic Objectives: Establish regular contact with each Chapter. Communicate regularly with Chapter officers, Councilors, executives, editors, etc. Continue Chapter Leaders Orientation - ongoing subcommittee activity with regular evaluation. Continue International Council of Library Association Executives (ICLAE) liaison ongoing Committee priority. Attend Chapter Board meetings in person or by phone when requested. Goal Statement: The CRC strives to strengthen the effectiveness of Chapter Councilors. Strategic Objectives: Continue orientation of Chapter Councilors at the Midwinter and Annual Council Orientation. Strengthen Chapter Councilors Forum and links between Councilors and the Chapter Relations Committee. Goal Statement: The CRC will increase the recognition of ALA Chapter status by local Chapter members, staff, and officers. Strategic Objectives: Develop joint marketing efforts and cooperative ventures as appropriate. Continue to promote legislative network, intellectual freedom network, membership promotion network, etc. - ongoing with periodic identification of new networks and the periodic evaluation of the performance of the networks and the satisfaction of Chapters. Facilitate ALA programming in the Chapters (e.g., ALA presidential initiatives, Spectrum Initiative, etc. - ongoing with identification at each Midwinter and Annual of new programming opportunities for Chapters). Goal Statement: The CRC aims to enhance mutual communication between Chapters and ALA Strategic Objectives: Strengthen role of Chapter Editors' Interests Subcommittee and Chapter editors as conduit for ALA news to Chapter members and Chapter news to ALA. Continue Chapter column "Grassroots Report" in American Libraries. Evaluate the usefulness of Chapter Officers, Editors, Legislative Contacts, Calendar, and other directories on an annual basis. Evaluate the Chapter Relations Web presence. Goal Statement: The CRC emphasizes proactive, personal contact, using a variety of means, and plan and implement feedback loops to respond to Chapter-ALA criticism and be instrumental in effecting change -- all are ongoing. Strategic Objectives: Represent Chapter issues within ALA. Maintain the ALA Executive Board liaison to the Chapter Relations Committee. Facilitate Executive Board/CRC communications. Present Chapter issues to the Executive Board. The Chair submits names of Chapter leaders to ALA Nominating Committee. 2 Goal Statement: The CRC institutes and adapts mechanisms to assure Chapter participation in ALA efforts (e.g., legislative, intellectual freedom, public awareness) Strategic Objectives: Work closely with ALA officers to promote initiatives and activities in the Chapters. Maintain liaison to the Freedom to Read Foundation. Support ALA events that include Chapter representation. Goal Statement: The CRC identifies Chapter information needs and provides responses. Strategic Objectives: Include segments on "hot topics" at orientations for Chapter Leaders, Councilors and at the Lobbying 101 programs. Develop programming on membership recruitment, retention, and recognition. Seek input from Chapters for Conclave topics. Review Planning Chapter Conferences with input from ICLAE. Include a Chapter issues discussion at the Chapter Relations Committee meetings at each Midwinter and Annual. Develop partnerships within ALA to respond to Chapters’ needs. Goal Statement: The CRC gathers and disseminates information pertinent to Chapter members' needs (e.g., technological and recruitment information and techniques) from appropriate ALA offices, including: Strategic Objective: Key offices for information dissemination are the Washington Office, OITP, OIF, PIO, Diversity Office, OLPR. Goal Statement: The CRC communicates ALA Presidential initiatives, as well as other ALA priorities; involve Chapters, where feasible, in defining and implementing these activities; work with the ALA Executive Board to develop ways for Chapters to respond to ALA themes - ongoing: Strategic Objectives: Continue to hold Candidates Forum. Invite officers to meet with CRC. Invite Executive Director to meet with CRC Goal Statement: The CRC advises/consults with Chapters well in advance of proposed ALA conferences and programs in each state. Strategic Objectives: Monitor ALA/Chapter partnerships document regarding ALA and division conferences in Chapters. Create a culture within ALA that equates ALA Chapters with “Grassroots.” 3 Goal Statement: The CRC maintains a clearinghouse of information essential to Chapters regarding association management practices and makes other information accessible to Chapters through referrals. Strategic Objectives: Regularly survey Chapter leaders and staff regarding their information needs. Work with ICLAE representatives to determine quality of information housed in the CRO and identify additional information needed. Goal Statement: The CRC facilitates the development of networks, e.g., the intellectual freedom network, the Library Advocacy Now! Network, Campaign For America's Libraries, @ Your Library initiatives, etc., that include every Chapter -- ongoing: Strategic Objectives: Support and assist in publicizing various networks that currently exist. Assist other ALA units in identifying Chapter representatives to these networks. Goal Statement: Identify new networks that address both Chapter and association priorities. Strategic Objectives: Expand Chapter contacts with international library associations. Continue to strengthen division liaisons. Work with other ALA units, e.g., ALA divisions, to align Chapter and affiliate networks, interests, policies, etc. Support SSIRT and state paraprofessional groups (work with the ALA Membership Committee on joint ALA/Chapter initiatives). Goal Area II: Leadership Goal Statement: The CRC assures that ALA and the Chapters work in a synergistic mode. Strategic Objective: Chair maintains contact with the Executive Board and the Executive Director. Goal Statement: The CRC continues the position of the ALA Executive Board liaison. Strategic Objective: Liaison meets regularly with CRC and participates in all CRC planning sessions. Goal Statement: The CRC will work with any ALA unit that provides training or other continuing education offerings to Chapters. Strategic Objectives: 4 Work closely with ALA Presidents to export training to Chapters, e.g., intellectual freedom, the internet, trustee education - work to get the word out early to Chapters of various opportunities for training. Work with appropriate ALA staff to facilitate Chapter contacts. Goal Statement: The CRC will assume leadership in facilitating ALA's presence in Chapters and work to insure ALA's presence in all Chapters. Strategic Objectives: Take primary responsibility for the document "ALA Presence in the Chapters." Goal Area III: Member Relations Goal Statement: The CRC will target services and programs to the needs of different Chapter constituent groups, e.g., presidents and presidents-elect, executive directors, Councilors, legislative contacts, etc. Strategic Objectives: Continue such programs as Chapter Leaders Orientation, Lobbying 101, Stop Talking, Chapter Councilors Orientation, Creating Library Leaders, etc. Offer training sessions on an as-needed basis. Evaluate effectiveness of these activities on a regular basis. Identify new services needed by these client groups. Goal Statement: The CRC will seek new and flexible ways of delivering current and new services to Chapters. Strategic Objectives: Engage in focus groups, personal contact, ALA Forums in Chapters, etc. on a regular basis. Evaluate current services, such as publications program, on a regular basis. Evaluate CRC services to Chapter executives through ICLAE. Work with the Membership Committee to develop new participation models for those who cannot attend ALA conferences. Goal Statement: The CRC will tailor programs to individual Chapters where appropriate (e.g., minority recruitment, library advocacy, intellectual freedom). Strategic Objectives: Make materials available that can be used as boilerplate for local Chapter needs. Expand materials availability on ALA Web site. Goal Statement: The CRC recognizes and values the fact that each state, region, and territory has different needs and focus upon the smallest Chapters as well as the largest Chapters. 5 Strategic Objectives: Coordinate ALA's presence in the Chapters to assure that all Chapters are visited by ALA members/staff on a regular cycle. Contact all constituents, e.g., Chapter officers. Make all services available to all Chapters. Goal Area IV: Evaluation Goal Statement: The CRC will evaluate the Strategic Plan and its degree of accomplishment. Strategic Objective: Evaluate and modify the strategic plan as needed at Midwinter and Annual for the life of the plan. Goal Statement: The CRC will assess the degree to which ALA as a whole is responsive to the needs and interests of Chapters. 6 Addendum A Support Provided by the Chapter Relations Office Note: These items seem more office than committee responsibilities. Addendum A is new with CRC Ahead to 2010. Share sample job descriptions for Chapter Councilors, with Chapter list and newly elected Chapter Councilors via the ALA web site. (Was 1.1.15) Develop fact sheets for Chapters on ways Chapter and ALA are working together. (Was 1.1.16) Develop joint membership brochures, such as the ALA/Michigan Library Association student brochure. (Was 1.1.17) Continue publication of Chapter Officers, Editors, Legislative Contacts, Calendar, and other directories on the ALA web site. (Was 1.1.23) Maintain the electronic list ALACRO-L and other lists on demand (e.g., membership marketing, editors) - ongoing. (Was 1.1.21) Communicate Chapter needs to the Chapter Relations Committee. (Was 1.1.27) . Disseminate Office publications such as the calendar of Chapter Conferences, the roster of Chapter officers, Councilors and Executive Directors. (Was 1.1.46) Coordinate a calendar of all external ALA activities and disseminate to Chapters. (Was 1.1.47) Notify Chapter leaders and staff of types of information available through the CRO. (Was 1.1.50) Maintain a high standard in requests for information referral. (Was 1.1.52) Continue staff support for ALA Student Chapters and the New Members Round Table. (Was 1.1.56) Coordinate ALA Students to Staff program at Annual conference. (Was 1.1.57) Disseminate information to Chapters, primarily through the ALACRO-L, about unit offerings. (Was 2.1.3) 7