Section 4 Project Resource Management Regulations of the ITER Organization: ITER_D_2ENZ56 v 6.0 (Sixth Edition) First Edition: The Project Resource Management Regulations of the ITER Organization were approved at the First Meeting of the Interim ITER Council on a provisional basis (21 November 2006), and were subsequently confirmed by the First Meeting of the ITER Council (27-28 November 2007). Second Edition: A Revision of the Project Resource Management Regulations of the ITER Organization was approved at the second Meeting of the ITER Council (17-18 June 2008). Third Edition: A Revision of the Project Resource Management Regulations of the ITER Organization was approved at the Fourth Meeting of the ITER Council (17-18 June 2009). Fourth Edition: A Revision of the Project Resource Management Regulations of the ITER Organization was approved at the Fifth Meeting of the ITER Council (18-19 November 2009). Fifth Edition: A Revision of the Project Resource Management Regulations of the ITER Organization was approved at the Sixth Meeting of the ITER Council (16-17 June 2010). Sixth Edition: A Revision of the Project Resource Management Regulations of the ITER Organization was approved at the Eleventh Meeting of the ITER Council (28-29 November 2012). This document is commonly known as the PRMR. PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 Amendments to the Project Resource Management Regulations Amendment effective 18 June 2008 Amendment concerning design changes, budget transfers, management of assets, procurement thresholds for awarding contracts and specific procurement actions. Article I.5.6 Budgetary nomenclature Article II.4.2 Impact of design changes in the course of procurements Article III.8 Financial thresholds for awarding contracts Article III.16 Assets Annex to Chapter III (4 & 5) Invitation expression of interest Annex to Chapter III (12 & 13) Financial thresholds for awarding contracts Amendment effective 18 June 2009 Amendment concerning changes and expansion on Internal Audit Article I.7 Internal Audit Annex to Chapter I Internal Audit Charter Amendment effective 19 November 2009 Amendment clarifying the reporting requirements through the Annual Financial Statements and adding a task to the Scope of the Internal Audit Service. Article III.17 Presenting and Auditing of Accounts Article III.18 External Financial Audit Annex to Chapter I Article (3), Paragraph 3 (q) Internal Audit Charter PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 Amendment effective 17 June 2010 Amendment improving the transparency, accounting and crediting of in-kind contributions through Task Agreements and Secondments. Article II.5 Implementing Measures for Contributions In Kind Article III.12.4 Recognition of the in-kind contributions Amendment effective 29 November 2012 Amendment concerning the unused Payment Appropriations, the increase of thresholds for contract approval by MAC, the strengthening of the roles and responsibilities of the Finance and Budget Division Officers, the simplification of some budget, control and procurement principles in order to allow more flexibility for the Project, the adjustment of the thresholds for the award of contracts, the creation of a Review Board to handle complaints related to the implementation of the Procurement Procedures and the clarification of the starting date of the accumulation of the decommissioning Funds. Article III.6 Unused Appropriations Article III. 8 Implementation of Budget – Contract Award and Task Agreement Article III.9 Principles of Budget Implementation Article III.13 Authorization of Financial Commitment Article III.14 Authorization of Payment Annex to Chapter III, Articles 13 Awarding Contract Annex to Chapter III, Article 19 Review Board Chapter IV, Article 4 Accumulation of the Decommissioning Fund 2 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 Project Resource Management Regulations Contents Chapter I: General Regulations 2.4.1 Article I.1: Scope and Purpose of the Regulations Article I.2: Resources of the ITER Organization Article I.3: Cost Sharing Article I.4: Domestic Agencies Article I.5: ITER Project Plan and Resource Estimates Article I.6: Assets (transferred from Article III.16) Article I.7 Internal Audit 2.4.1 2.4.1 2.4.1 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.3 Annex to Chapter 1: Internal Audit Charter 2.4.4 Chapter II: Regulations Applying to the Management of Contributions In Kind to the ITER Organization 2.4.7 Article II.1: Allocation of Responsibilities to Contribute in Kind Article II.2: Regulation of Contributions in Kind Article II.3: Adjustments to Allocations Article II.4: Adjustments for Design Changes Article II.5: Implementing Measures for Contributions in Kind 2.4.7 2.4.7 2.4.8 2.4.8 2.4.9 Chapter III: Regulations Applying to the Cash Resources of the ITER Organization 2.4.10 Article III.1: General Principles Article III.2: Budgetary Principles Article III.3: Currency Article III.4: Presentation and Adoption of the Budget Article III.5: Supplementary Budgets Article III.6: Unused Appropriations Article III.7: Late Adoption of the Budget Article III.8: Implementation of the Budget Article III.9: Principles of Budget Implementation Article III.10: Internal Audit Article III.11: Budget Transfers Article III.12: Members' Contributions in Cash Article III.13: Authorization of Financial Commitment Article III.14: Authorization of Payment Article III.15: Awarding of Contracts 2.4.10 2.4.10 2.4.10 2.4.10 2.4.11 2.4.11 2.4.11 2.4.12 2.4.12 2.4.13 2.4.13 2.4.13 2.4.14 2.4.14 2.4.14 3 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 Article III.16: Assets (transferred to Article I.6) Article III.17: Presenting and Auditing of Accounts Article III.18: External Financial Audit Article III.19: Implementing Measures Article III.20: Adjustments for Inflation Article III.21: Internal Taxation 2.4.14 2.4.15 2.4.15 2.4.15 2.4.16 2.4.16 Annex to Chapter III: Awarding of Contracts 2.4.17 Chapter IV: Regulations Applying to the Decommissioning Fund 2.4.20 Article IV.1: Joint Establishment of Decommissioning Fund Article IV.2: Requirements of Licensing Authority Article IV.3: Scope and Amount of the Decommissioning Fund Article IV.4: Accumulation of the Decommissioning Fund Article IV.5: Management of the Decommissioning Fund Article IV.6: Accessions and Withdrawals Article IV.7: Changes in the Planned Final Value of the Decommissioning Fund Article IV.8: Transfer of the Decommissioning Fund Article IV.9: Take Back Provisions 2.4.20 2.4.20 2.4.20 2.4.20 2.4.20 2.4.21 2.4.21 2.4.22 2.4.22 4 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 Project Resource Management Regulations Chapter I: General Regulations Article I.1: Scope and Purpose of the Regulations I.1: The following Regulations shall govern the administration of the resources of the ITER Organization. Their purpose is to ensure the economical and sound management of the resources of the ITER Organization in pursuit of its purpose. Article I.2: Resources of the ITER Organization I.2.1: The resources of the ITER Organization shall comprise: (a) specific components and items of equipment, consumable equipment and materials, other goods and services and seconded staff contributed by the Members, hereinafter referred to as “contributions in kind”; (b) financial contributions by the Members to the Budget of the ITER Organization, including contributions made in respect of the Decommissioning Fund to be established under Article 16 of the Agreement, hereinafter referred to as “contributions in cash”; (c) additional resources received either in cash or in kind under terms approved by the ITER Council (hereinafter “the Council”). I.2.2: All resources of the ITER Organization shall be used to promote the purpose and to exercise the functions of the ITER Organization as set out in Articles 2 and 3 of the Agreement. The Council shall determine the application of additional resources received under Article 1.2.1 c) above. I.2.3: The agreed attributed values of contributions in kind shall be expressed in fixed value terms as in the “Common Understanding on Procurement Allocation” which shall be updated by the Council as and when appropriate. The Council shall establish rules and procedures for determining the equivalent values of contributions in cash and for normalizing current cash transactions in relation to the values of contributions in kind. Article I.3: Cost Sharing I.3: The Members shall contribute resources to the various phases of the ITER project in accordance with the overall cost sharing scheme, “Cost Sharing for all Phases of the ITER Project” subdivided between in-kind and in-cash contributions as set out in “the Common Understanding on Procurement Allocation” Article I.4: Domestic Agencies I.4: Each Member shall designate an appropriate entity, hereinafter “Domestic Agency”, in accordance with Article 8.4, of the Agreement, through which it shall provide its contributions to the ITER Organization except where otherwise agreed by the Council. Members may provide their cash contributions directly. 2.4.1 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 Article I.5: ITER Project Plan and Resource Estimates I.5.1: The ITER Director-General (hereinafter “the Director-General”) shall prepare each year for submission to the Council before 31 March the ITER Project Plan and Resource Estimates. I.5.2: The ITER Project Plan shall specify the plan for the execution of all functions of the ITER Organization. It shall cover the entire duration of the Agreement and be regularly updated. It shall: (a) outline an overall plan including time schedule and major milestones, for the fulfilment of the purpose of the ITER Organization and summarize the progress of the Project in relation to the overall plan; (b) present specific objectives and schedules of the programme of activities of the ITER Organization for the coming five years or for the period of construction, whichever will last longer; (c) provide appropriate commentaries including assessment of the risks to the project and descriptions of risk avoidance or mitigation measures. I.5.3: The ITER Resource Estimates shall provide a comprehensive analysis of the resources already expended and required in the future to undertake the ITER Project Plan and of the plans for the provision of the resources. In particular they shall include: (a) overall estimates and schedules of the resources required for the entire duration of the ITER Organization distinguishing between contributions in kind, contributions in cash and other provisions of resources, if any; (b) statements for past years and forecasts for each of the following five years or for the period of construction, whichever will last longer: 1. the accruals of earned value during procurement and delivery to the ITER Organization from each of the Members of contributions in kind; 2. the ITER Organization’s past and estimated future cash expenditure and the accruals of earned value from expenditures by the Organization; 3. contributions in cash from each of the Members; 4. staffing, and 5. provisions of other resources, if any; (c) appropriate commentaries on the data provided including information on changes that have occurred since the previous version. I.5.4: The total contribution in cash for each year in I.5.3 b) above shall be shared between the Members in each year in proportion to each Member’s share of the total requirements for contributions in cash to the applicable phases of the project, taking account of the Members’ contributions in kind. I.5.5: The Estimates shall include a complement of posts for directly-employed and seconded staff for each of the following five years or for the period of construction whichever will last longer, which shall define the maximum staff strength of the ITER Organization over that period. I.5.6: The resource estimates shall be broken down by the major phases of the ITER Organization's activities and shall be further sub-divided by Titles, Chapters and Articles in relation to a work breakdown structure which the Council shall adopt and may modify from time to time. I.5.7: Upon approval by the Council of the ITER Project Plan and Resource Estimates, the DirectorGeneral shall forthwith transmit them to the Members. 2.4.2 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 I.5.8: The Director-General shall report regularly to the Council and as otherwise directed by the Council on the progress of the project and on the utilization of the Project resources in relation to the ITER Project Plan and Resource Estimates. Article I.6: Assets (transferred from Article III.16) I.6: Permanent records of moveable and immovable property belonging to the ITER Organization shall be kept in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Implementing Measures provided for in Article III.19; the record for moveable property shall be in the form of a quantitative register of items satisfying the following conditions: (a) having a normal useful life in excess of two years; (b) retaining their separate identity during their life; (c) not being a consumable item; (d) having an original value of not less than 3 IUA. Article I.7 Internal Audit I.7.1 The Director-General shall establish an Internal Audit Service under his own authority. I.7.2 The purpose, authority and responsibility of the Internal Audit Service shall be defined in the Internal Audit Charter which is annexed to the Regulations. I.7.3 The Internal Audit Service shall report directly to the Director-General on a routine basis and shall report, after consultation with the Director-General, to the Financial Audit Board on significant internal audit matters. I.7.4 The measures taken in respect of appointment and promotion, disciplinary action or transfer of the Head of the Internal Audit Service shall be subject to reasoned decisions to be forwarded for information, to the ITER Council and the Financial Audit Board. I.7.5 Upon request from the ITER Council and the Financial Audit Board, the Director-General shall make available the records established by the Internal Audit Service. 2.4.3 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 ANNEX TO CHAPTER I INTERNAL AUDIT CHARTER Article 1 – Purpose 1. The Internal Audit Service shall provide independent, objective assurance and consulting activity to add value and improve the ITER Organization’s administration and operations. It shall help the ITER Organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of organizational risk management, control and governance processes. 2. The Internal Audit Service shall assist the Director-General of the ITER Organization in the effective discharge of his responsibilities by furnishing him with objective analyses, appraisals, recommendations, counsel, and information concerning the activities reviewed. Article 2 – Authority 1. The Internal Audit Service shall, in carrying out an assignment duly approved in accordance with Article 3.3. c) of the Charter, have full and unrestricted access to information and records at the ITER Organization except such information and records pertaining to export control and defenserelated confidential and classified data. 2. The Internal Audit Service shall, in carrying out an assignment duly approved in accordance with Article 3.3 c) of the Charter, have full and unrestricted access to ITER personnel and physical property of ITER with due respect to the Safety Regulations. 3. Subject to the limitations defined in Sections 1 and 2 of Article 2, the Internal Audit Service shall, in carrying out the duly-approved assignment, be authorized to: a) Examine any and all ITER files, records, books, data, and any other materials, either on paper or in electronic form, related to the ITER Organization, as and when deemed necessary; b) Take temporary possession of any material, information or data referred to above, against written receipt if requested, and make copies for official use; c) Require, with the knowledge of the Director-General, Principal Deputy Director-General, Deputy Director-General, or Head of the Division or Office concerned, any ITER staff members and short-term appointees to supply information orally or in writing, on any matter relating to the administration and operations of the ITER Organization, and within the knowledge of such staff members and short-term appointees; and d) Hold any information, knowledge, and material that have been acquired in the course of the assignment in appropriate confidence. 4. Subject to the limitations defined in the above Sections 1 and 2 of Article 2, the Internal Audit Service shall receive no instructions in the execution of the audit and related services that have been agreed with the Director-General. 2.4.4 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 Article 3 – Responsibility 1. The Internal Audit Service shall not have direct responsibility over any of the activities or operations that it reviews. It should not develop and install procedures, prepare records, or engage in activities that would normally be reviewed by the Internal Audit Service. 2. The Head of the Internal Audit Service shall be responsible for ensuring that activities of the Service are carried out in accordance with The Institute of Internal Auditors’ International Professional Practice Framework. 3. The scope of the Internal Audit Service shall: a) Review the adequacy and effectiveness of management systems for organizational risk management, control and governance; b) Review the adequacy and effectiveness of management systems for strategic and annual planning and objective setting, and ensure that the annual internal audit plan is designed to reflect the management’s priorities and assessed risks; c) Communicate the Internal Audit Service’s plans and resource requirements, including significant interim changes, to the Director-General and the Financial Audit Board for review and approval; d) Review established systems, policies and procedures to determine if they are adequate to ensure compliance by the ITER Organization, Departments and Offices with the Project Resource Management Regulations (PRMR), Implementing Measures of the PRMR (Implementing Measures), International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), and internationally recognized standards on enterprise risk management framework and internal controls; e) Examine and verify the reliability and integrity of budgetary, financial, accounting, administrative, managerial, operational, and other information, both computer-based and manually maintained; f) Assess adequacy of the controls in place to ensure legality and regularity of the implementation of the budget and soundness of the financial management of ITER; g) Evaluate reliability of the manual and computerized systems used to prepare the Financial Statements in accordance with the PRMR and IPSAS; h) Assess the performance of organizational units to ascertain whether defined objectives have been achieved and whether those objectives were achieved efficiently; i) Provide independent appraisals, analyses, recommendations, and other pertinent comments on the effectiveness of IT governance, including planning, acquisition, installations, and applications; and in the process, to determine whether the IT system and its implementation meet the needs of its users, safeguard data and assets, detect fraud and abuse to the extent feasible, maintain data integrity, adhere to management policies, achieve organizational objectives effectively, and consume computer resources efficiently; j) Review adequacy of safeguarding the assets, personnel, information, knowledge and reputation of the ITER Organization; 2.4.5 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 k) Advise on any matter relating to the above, including involvement as an independent advisor in the formulation of policies, systems and procedures of the ITER Organization; l) Assist in the formulation of appropriate procedures to be adopted under the antifraud policy to ensure that all staff members of the ITER Organization and seconded staff adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct; and to act as the initial point of contact for allegations of financial fraud and corruption; m) Ensure adequate systems are in place to detect fraudulent, wasteful and uneconomical practices or inefficiencies; and to recommend appropriate improvements; n) Coordinate and participate in investigations on fraud and abuse in relation to the item above, as appropriate; the investigations shall be coordinated with the Management of the ITER Organization, Legal Counsel, and other specialists as appropriate; o) Review the ITER Organization’s guidelines for ethics and the process for ensuring compliance; and p) Conduct special inspections and examinations at the request of the Director-General. q) Prepare an annual risk assessment of the ITER Organization’s business and financial management operations for establishing the annual Internal Audit Schedule. The risk assessment shall be submitted to the Director-General and the Financial Audit Board each year no later than 31 December. 2.4.6 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 Chapter II: Regulations Applying to the Management of Contributions In Kind to the ITER Organization Article II.1: Allocation of Responsibilities to Contribute in Kind II.1: The Council shall adopt and update regularly in accordance with the approved ITER Project Plan a comprehensive list of the specific contributions in kind that each Member should provide to the ITER Organization. The list shall show the agreed attributed values and planned timescales, including delivery dates of the specific contributions. Article II.2: Regulation of Contributions in Kind II.2.1: Each contribution in kind shall be the object of a Procurement Arrangement agreed between the ITER Organization and the Domestic Agency of the Member concerned. II.2.2: The Procurement Arrangement shall provide a detailed technical description of the contribution to be made including the technical specifications, schedules, milestones, risk assessments and deliverables, including criteria for their acceptance, and shall set out the arrangements by which the Director-General will be enabled to exercise technical authority over the performance of the work needed to provide the contribution. The Procurement Arrangement shall, in particular, specify: (a) the attributed value of the contribution; (b) the roles and responsibilities of the ITER Organization and the Domestic Agency; (c) the procedure for procurement including, as appropriate, the tender process, the evaluation of tenders, the selection of vendor and the award of contract; (d) provisions for earned value management and risk management; (e) the schedule and conditions for the acceptance of achievement of milestones and deliverables and the associated accrual of earned value; (f) the application of Quality Assurance measures; (g) provisions for interaction and monitoring procedures between the ITER Organization, the Domestic Agency and the industry(ies), institutes, laboratories or other organizations concerned in supplying the deliverables; (h) provisions for change controls in accordance with agreed project guidelines, including possible adjustments to the attributed value of the contribution or other related measures; (i) shipping requirements and associated documentation; (j) provisions for the acceptance of the final deliverable and transfer of ownership; (k) special provisions, if any, for the ITER Organization to issue and implement contract(s) as part of the contribution. II.2.3: The general terms and the procedures for the conclusion of Procurement Arrangements shall be determined by the Council. II.2.4: Upon acceptance of a contribution in kind, the ownership shall be transferred to the ITER Organization unless otherwise agreed between the ITER Organization and the Domestic Agency. 2.4.7 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 II.2.5: In the case of seconded staff, the procurement arrangement shall take the form of a secondment agreement. The value attributed to seconded staff shall be set taking account of the costs of staff employed by the ITER Organization in comparable positions and other direct costs that the ITER Organization will incur in association with secondments. Article II.3: Adjustments to Allocations II.3.1: In exceptional circumstances, following consultation with the Director-General and subject to the approval of the ITER Council, a Member may: 1. undertake to make contributions in kind additional to those for which it had responsibility under Article II.1. Such contributions may reduce by an equivalent amount the Member's obligation to contribute in cash to the budget of the ITER Organization; 2. renounce obligations to contribute in kind for which it had accepted responsibility under II.1 or II.3.1 above, in which case it shall accept the obligation to provide an additional contribution in cash sufficient to enable the ITER Organization to procure the items so renounced; 3. in agreement with another Member or Members, transfer to or receive from such other Member or Members an obligation to provide a specific contribution in kind, in which case the changes in obligations of each Member shall be duly accounted for and appropriate measures taken to adjust the Members’ obligations to accord with the cost sharing referred to in Article I.3. II.3.2: The Director-General may make representations to the Council concerning any such proposals, including requests, if necessary, to rectify the Budget in accordance with Article III.5 of these Regulations. Article II.4: Adjustments for Design Changes II.4.1: If, as a consequence of a change in design approved by the Council under Article 3a of the Agreement, the specification of a system or component within the responsibility of a Member changes and the Member expects a change in cost to the Member exceeding a cumulative threshold as shall be determined by Council, then the Member may request the Council to consider a remedy. It is the responsibility of the Member to demonstrate to the Council’s satisfaction the cost impact of the change and that it cannot be otherwise accommodated. In the case that the change would lead to a reduction in cost the Director-General, following consultations with the Member(s) concerned, may propose to the Council to reduce the attributed value accordingly. II.4.2: In the case of a design change that occurs in the course of procurement of an ITER component, this change is managed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Implementing Measures to be established in accordance with Article II.5, which define procedures, thresholds and authority of change management. The impact of the change shall be accounted for by the ITER Organization, evaluated in the fixed value terms referred to in Article I.2.3. The cumulative impact of such changes during the course of any phase of ITER will be managed by the ITER Organization, with the objective of balancing the contributions of the Members or otherwise compensating them as may be agreed by the ITER Council. 2.4.8 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 Article II.5: Implementing Measures for Contributions in Kind II.5: On proposal by the Director-General, the Council shall establish the measures required for implementing the Regulations of this Chapter. These implementing measures will in particular include Guidelines for the management of procurements in kind, including: • earned value management; • management of changes, including design, manufacturing process flow sheet, quality assurance plan and project schedule; • risk management; • quality management; • determining the credit value and recognition of seconded staff; • determining the credit value and recognition of Task Agreements. 2.4.9 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 Chapter III: Regulations Applying to the Cash Resources of the ITER Organization Article III.1: General Principles III.1.1: The following Regulations shall govern the administration of the cash resources of the ITER Organization regardless of the sources and applications of funds. III.1.2: The annual budget of the ITER Organization, hereinafter called “the Budget”, shall be the instrument which shall authorize annually and in advance the estimated expenditure and income of the ITER Organization. III.1.3: The Budget shall contain commitment appropriations, payment appropriations, and a statement of income. Commitment appropriations represent the upper limit of the legal obligations which can be met from the Budget. The payment appropriations represent the upper limit of payments to be made in the course of each financial year to cover the commitments entered into in the course of that same year or previous years. The Statement of Income shall equal the Payments Appropriations for the year. III.1.4: The financial year shall correspond to the calendar year. III.1.5: In these Regulations, the term ‘expenditure’ shall cover commitments and payments. Article III.2: Budgetary Principles III.2.1: All income and expenditure shall be credited or charged against an article in the Budget. No commitment or payment shall be entered into in excess of the allotted appropriations. III.2.2: There shall be no offset of income against expenditure save for cash and trade discounts and adjustments of amounts paid or received in error. III.2.3: The appropriations entered in the Budget shall be used in accordance with the principles of economy and sound financial management. Article III.3: Currency III.3.1: The Budget shall be drawn up in Euro. Article III.4: Presentation and Adoption of the Budget III.4.1: Based upon the approved ITER Resource Estimates, and the forecasts of cash expenditures and contributions in cash from the Members and expected additional resources provided in cash to the ITER Organization under Article I.2.1 c), the Director-General shall prepare and submit to the Council by 31 October each year: 1. the Draft Budget for the following year; 2. the Interim Draft Budget for the year following the Draft Budget year; 3. the Preliminary Draft Budget for the year following the Interim Draft Budget Year. 2.4.10 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 III.4.2: The Draft Budget statements referred to in Article III.4.1 shall be sub-divided in accordance with the work breakdown structure used for the Project Resource Estimates as agreed from time to time by the Council. Further sub-divisions will be made as proposed by the Director-General. The Draft Budget statements shall be drawn up and detailed in accordance with the Implementing Measures provided for in Article III.19 and shall, in particular, show: (a) the new appropriations proposed for the Budget years by phases, and further sub-divisions; (b) under the same headings, the appropriations available for the current year including any carryover, and estimated expenditure in the current year; (c) for each sub-division appropriate commentaries; (d) in an annex, the number of posts for each category of staff. III.4.3: The Council shall adopt the Budget of the ITER Organization normally at least one month before the start of the Budget year, and shall approve the statements of the Interim Draft Budget and of the Preliminary Draft Budget for their respective Budget years. III.4.4: Upon the adoption of the Budget and the approvals of the Interim Draft Budget and of the Preliminary Draft Budget, the Director-General shall forthwith transmit to the Members the budgetary information as approved. Article III.5: Supplementary Budgets III.5.1: The Director-General may present draft supplementary or rectifying Budgets during the financial year, if and when necessary. III.5.2: Such supplementary or rectifying Budgets shall be presented, adopted and notified to the Members in the same manner and through the same procedure as the Budget whose estimates they modify. They must be justified by reference to that Budget. Article III.6: Unused Appropriations III.6.1: Commitment appropriations not used by the end of the financial year shall remain valid for the purpose for which they were established. III.6.2: At the end of the financial year those unspent payment appropriations shall be transferred to the following year (within the same budget heading and for a maximum of 2 years). Article III.7: Late Adoption of the Budget III.7.1: If the Budget is not adopted at the beginning of the financial year, the total commitment appropriations, sub-divided at a level as determined by Council, which may be entered into monthly shall be subject to a limit of one quarter of the commitment appropriations of the previous financial year, with the addition of one twelfth for each month past. III.7.2: Payments shall be made, as they fall due, against current year commitments authorized under Article III.7.1 above, and against commitments outstanding from prior years. However, all such payments shall be strictly in accordance with the terms of individual contracts, or when no contract terms are applicable, in accordance with normal commercial practice. To meet these payments the Members shall advance contributions in conformity with the financial regulations of their respective Designated Agencies. 2.4.11 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 Article III.8: Implementation of the Budget III.8: Adoption of the Budget by the Council shall constitute an authorization to the Director-General to issue to the Members the call for contributions in respect of the budget year and to enter into expenditure as from the start of the year in accordance with that budget, save for the following which shall be subject to prior approval by the ITER Council Management Advisory Committee: i. contract award in excess of 5,000,000 Euro, following full competitive tender, with the exception of Framework Contracts; ii. contract award in excess of 2,500,000 Euro, following full competitive tender for Framework Contracts; iii. Task Agreements in excess of 2,500,000 Euro; iv. contract award in excess of 1,000,000 Euro, on single or limited tendering, except in cases of proven urgency, in which case the Director-General shall immediately inform the ITER Council Management Advisory Committee of the circumstances and of the actions taken; v. proposals for expenditure on staff amenities in excess of 50,000 Euro. In determining the values above, all relevant expenditure, except staff salaries, shall be aggregated, notwithstanding that the value of each individual contract within the proposal could be less than the approval limit. Article III.9: Principles of Budget Implementation III.9.1: The implementation of the Budget shall be carried out according to the principle of separation of authorizing and accounting officers. Under the guidance of the Head of the Finance and Budget Division, the Accounting Officer, Budget Officer and Financial Controller act as defined below: The Accounting Officer receives from the Authorizing Officer (Sub-delegated Authorizing Officers), all the information necessary for the production of accounts which give a true image of the ITER Organization’s assets and budgetary implementation. The Accounting Officer alone is empowered to manage monies, credits and other assets, and is responsible for their safekeeping. The Budget Officer is responsible for preparing, monitoring and controlling the annual and lifecycle budget plans, and for coordinating cost issues. The Budget Officer is responsible for preparing, monitoring and controlling the annual and lifecycle budget plans, and for coordinating cost issues.The Financial Controller verifies whether the financial transactions meet the requirements of the PRMR and Implementing Measures as well as any other financial internal rule (e.g. Internal Administrative Circular). III.9.2: The authorizing officer shall be the Director-General who alone shall have the power, without prejudice to any delegation of his powers decided by him/her, to enter into expenditure, to establish the sums due to be collected and issue receivable orders and payment orders. In entering into expenditure, the Authorizing Officer shall take into account the advice of the Head of the Finance and Budget Division. III.9.3: The Head of the Finance and Budget Division shall be responsible to the Director-General for the correct application of these Regulations. In particular he shall manage the ITER Organization’s financial resources; compile the budget; prepare annual and other periodical budgetary reports; check financial operations, commitments (income and payments); check the inventory of non-consumable items; prepare when required financial, cost and related data for the management of the ITER Organization. 2.4.12 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 The Accounting Officer shall be responsible to the Director-General for the preparation and certification of the Financial Statements and for the treasury management. III.9.4: In accordance with Article I.5.7 of these Regulations, the Director-General shall report to the Council and as otherwise directed by the Council on the implementation of the Budget. Article III.10: Internal Audit III.10.1: The Director-General shall establish an internal audit service under his own authority which shall undertake the audit of the legality and regularity of the implementation of the budget in accordance with present articles and shall examine whether the financial management of the ITER Organization has been sound. III.10.2: The internal audit service shall report directly to the Director-General. III.10.3: The measures taken in respect of appointment and promotion, disciplinary action or transfer of the head of the internal audit service shall be subject to reasoned decisions to be forwarded for information, to the Council and the Financial Audit Board provided for in Article 17 of the Agreement. III.10.4: The Director-General shall make available to the Financial Audit Board, on its request, the records established by the internal audit service. Article III.11: Budget Transfers III.11: The Director-General may decide upon transfers between Chapters and Articles of the budget; he may (a) transfer appropriations between articles within each chapter; (b) transfer appropriations between chapters within the same title, up to a maximum total of 10% of the appropriations for the year shown on the chapter from which the transfer is made. He shall subsequently inform the Council of such transfers made. The Director-General may propose to the Council transfers other than those referred to in points a) and b). The Council shall have one month to give its decision. Article III.12: Members' Contributions in Cash III.12.1: The contributions in cash of the Members in each year shall be as set out in the Budget for that year as adopted by Council. III.12.2: The contributions shall be defined in Euro in accordance with Article III.3 of these Regulations. The Director-General shall, at the beginning of each financial year, notify the Members of the amount of their contributions. The Members’ obligations to contribute shall be in Euro. By agreement between the Director-General and the Party concerned and where justified in the interests of the ITER Organization, some part of the contribution may be made in the currency of the Member of equal value according to the currency exchange rates applying at the time of the contribution. Members shall make their contribution in accordance with and following the schedule to be set out in the Implementing Measures provided for in Article III.19. III.12.3: If there should exist a temporary shortfall in cash, the Director-General may, subject to the approval of Council, ask the Members for advances on their contributions. 2.4.13 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 III.12.4: Credits for in-kind contributions through Task Agreements and Staff Secondments shall be recognized against the in-kind commitments budget in the year when they are signed and respectively rendered, and against the in-kind payments and cash income budgets when credits are granted, together with the cash contributions for that year. Article III.13: Authorization of Financial Commitment III.13.1: All measures which may give rise to a payment chargeable to the Budget must be preceded by a budgetary commitment from the Financial Controller. The requisition must indicate: • the financial year to which the commitment is to be charged; • the line in the budget and if necessary the sub-division of the line; • the amount to pay and the currency; • the name and address of the recipient; • the objective of the commitment. III.13.2: In tendering the advice foreseen by Article III.9.2 to the Authorizing Officer, the Head of the Finance and Budget Division shall confirm that: (a) the requisition is in order; and (b) the proposed commitment is within the limits of the appropriate chapter of the budget. Article III.14: Authorization of Payment III.14.1: The Authorizing Officer shall authorize all payment requests based on the certifications from the Responsible Officer and the Financial Controller that the conditions for payment have been fulfilled. The Accounting Officer is responsible for the registration and the execution of the payment orders. III.14.2: The authorization of a payment request is subject to the presentation of supporting documents and is intended to: • verify the creditor's claim, • determine or verify the existence and the amount of the debt, • verify the conditions under which payment falls due. III.14.3: The order of payment, signed by the Accounting Officer in accordance with Article III.14.1 and III.14.2, together with its supporting documents, must give the information noted in Article III.13. III.14.4: The accounting officer shall make the payment within the limits of the funds available. In the event of an error in fact, or if the validity of the discharge is contested or if the formalities set out in the present provisions are not observed, the accounting officer must withhold the payment. Article III.15: Awarding of Contracts III.15: The arrangement for awarding contracts for supplies, works or services, or hire contracts by the ITER Organization are specified in the Annex, 'Awarding of Contracts', which shall form an integral part of the present Regulations. The objective of the procedures set out in that annex shall be to select the tenders giving the economically and technically most efficient solution, it being noted that the Director-General shall, in collaboration with the Members of the ITER Organization, strive to achieve a distribution of contracts which reflects the international collaborative nature of the Project. Article III.16: Assets (transferred to Article I.6) 2.4.14 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 Article III.17: Presenting and Auditing of Accounts III.17.1: The accounts shall be kept in Euro, following the budgetary structure and in accordance with these Regulations and the International Public Sector Accounting Standards, on the basis of the calendar year. They shall show all income and expenditure for the financial year. They shall be authenticated by supporting documents. III.17.2: Entries shall be classified according to a nomenclature of budgetary items which makes a clear distinction between the balance sheet accounts and the accounts of budgetary expenditure and income, and shall distinguish between cash and in-kind activities. The detailed conditions for drawing up and operating the accounting plan shall be determined by the implementing measures provided for in Article III.19. III.17.3: The accounts shall be closed at the end of the financial year to enable a balance sheet and the income and expenditure accounts to be drawn up. III.17.4: The annual income and expenditure accounts shall be presented in the same form with the same sub-divisions as the Budget and shall be prefaced by a commentary of the financial management for the year in question. III.17.5: The balance sheet shall show the assets and liabilities of the ITER Organization as at 31 December of the financial year. Article III.18: External Financial Audit III.18.1: Within two months of the end of each financial year the Director-General shall submit the Annual Financial Statements, including the income and expenditure accounts and the balance sheet of the previous year, compiled in accordance with these Regulations and the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), and following the budgetary structure, to the Financial Audit Board. The audit shall be made in accordance with Article 17 of the Agreement; detailed procedures shall be set out in a document to be agreed between Council and the Financial Audit Board and attached to the Implementing Measures provided for in Article III.19. III.18.2: The Director-General shall present these Annual Financial Statements to the ITER Council for consideration together with the report of the Financial Audit Board. Upon approval of the Annual Financial Statements, the Council shall discharge the Director-General in respect of the implementation of the Budget. Article III.19: Implementing Measures III.19: On proposal by the Director-General, the Council shall establish the measures required for implementing this Chapter of the Regulations. These implementing measures will in particular include: (a) systems of internal project and budgetary control coupled with appropriate sub-delegations of authority to enter into commitments and to authorize payments; (b) management of changes; (c) awarding of contracts; (d) recording of expenditure under a specific nomenclature of budgetary items and drawing up an operating accounting plan; (e) accounting Rules and Procedures; 2.4.15 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 (f) external Financial Audit procedures; (g) asset management, including: • inventory recording and control; • control of cash and bank accounts including cheque signatories; • where appropriate, receipts and issues of stock by the Stores; • disposal of surplus or redundant stocks and equipment; • proprietary information. Article III.20: Adjustments for Inflation III.20: All sums shown in these Regulations and the Annex thereto may be adjusted by the Council, on a proposal from the Director-General, to take into account changes in currency values. Article III.21: Internal Taxation III.21: In the event that a staff member is subject to national income taxation by a Party with respect to the salaries and emoluments actually paid to him or her by the ITER Organization, and provided that there is a tax reimbursement agreement in force between the ITER Organization and the Party concerned, the Director-General is authorized to reimburse the staff member concerned the amount of those taxes to the extent that such amounts are reimbursed to the ITER Organization by the Party concerned. 2.4.16 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 Annex to Chapter III: Awarding of Contracts 1. Contracts and orders concluded by the ITER Organization shall be in writing and concluded and normally drawn up in Euro and/or in the currency of the State in which the contractor is located and/or in the currency of the country in which the work is to be carried out. They may be made against invoice or memorandum only where the expected value of goods or services supplied does not exceed 3000 Euro. 2. Each contract and order shall be governed by General Terms and Conditions consistent overall with the normal standards applying to public sector purchases in comparable areas of activity in the territories of the Members and shall contain provisions safeguarding the rights conferred on the Members under the ITER Agreement, in particular as concerns Information and Intellectual Property. 3. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 12 of this Annex, the ITER Organization shall award contracts, in accordance with Article III.15 of the Project Resource Management Regulations, following competitive tenders on a basis of transparency and non-discrimination among the Members of the ITER Organization. 4. For this purpose, the ITER Organization shall prepare and present to the ITER Council once a year, or more frequently as it may deem appropriate, a summary of procurement actions that it foresees conducting in the coming 24 months. Members shall solicit expressions of interest from among qualified firms in their respective territories and advise the ITER Organization accordingly. The ITER Organization shall prepare and send to persons designated by each Member for this purpose the following information, which shall be held in confidence: 1. a description of the work; 2. an estimate of the approximate value; 3. delivery requirements; 4. planned dates of call for tender, tender closing and selection; 5. a list of the proposed criteria for the evaluation of the tenders. 5. For specific procurement proposals the ITER Organization shall notify Members of the firms to be invited to tender, which shall be held in confidence. The Members’ designated persons shall be invited to comment within 14 days on the tender list and on any other matter pertaining to the proposed procurement. 6. Taking into account any comments received under paragraph 5 above, the ITER Organization shall prepare a revised list of tenderers and issue a call for tender. 7. Where appropriate, the Director-General may decide, instead of the procedures set out in paragraphs 5 and 6 above, to publish an open call for tenders. In this case, the ITER Organization shall ensure that publication of the call for tenders occurs at the same time and in comparable fashion in the territories of each Member. 8. The ITER Organization shall take appropriate measures to safeguard commercial information contained in offers made in response to calls for tender; in particular the prices quoted shall be kept strictly confidential. 9. Tenders shall be selected on the basis of an evaluation of the technical acceptability, price and the financial status, technical capacity and professional competence and any other criteria listed in accordance with paragraph 5.6 of this Annex, as submitted by each of the tenderers. The reasons for the selection shall be recorded. 2.4.17 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 10. The ITER Organization shall inform the candidates and tenderers as soon as possible of decisions reached concerning the award of the contract, including the grounds for any decision not to award a contract for which there has been competitive tendering or to restart the procedure. 11. The ITER Organization may, before the contract is signed, either abandon the procurement or cancel the award procedure without the candidates or tenderers being entitled to claim any compensation. 12. The procedures outlined in paragraphs 4-11 above may not apply and contracts and orders may, therefore, be made by direct agreement: 1. where the Council deems that, in the interest of the ITER Organization, competitive tendering is not appropriate; 2. where contracts and orders are valued at less than 100,000 Euro for work by single orders/contracts constituting a self-standing unit of work unless a study or design contract may lead to manufacturing order of more than 500,000 Euro. The Director-General shall nonetheless be bound as far as reasonable and by all appropriate means to ensure competition between possible suppliers; 3. where the placing of a contract or order is so urgently required for unforeseen reasons that it is not possible to wait for a full tendering process; 4. where the call for tenders does not give any result or where prices quoted are not acceptable in spite of the fact that all contractual and technical specifications have been established completely and clearly; 5. where for technical or legal reasons, the supply of goods and services can only be done by a particular supplier; 6. for contracts and orders for the supply of goods and services or for construction works which technically cannot be separated from a main contract that has already been decided. 13. The award of contracts and orders by single order/contract or by several orders/contracts constituting a unit of work shall be decided by: 1. the Director-General for items not more than 5,000,000 Euro to be procured following competitive tendering action as outlined in Paragraphs 5-11 of this Annex with the exception of Framework Contracts and Task Agreements; 2. the Director-General for items not more than 2,500,000 Euro to be procured following tendering action placed through the means of Framework Contracts or Task Agreements; 3. the ITER Council Management Advisory Committee (MAC) on proposal of the DirectorGeneral for items above 5,000,000 Euro to be procured following a competitive tendering procedure; 4. the Director-General for items not more than 1,000,000 Euro to be procured under single or limited tendering; 5. the MAC on proposal of the Director-General for items above 1,000,000 Euro to be procured under single or limited tendering. In exceptional circumstances, the Director-General may place orders/contracts as defined in paragraph 12.1-12.6 of this Annex subject to reporting the placing of such orders/contracts to the MAC at its next meeting. 14. The ITER Organization shall ensure that satisfactory records are made and retained of procurement actions, on the basis of which the Director-General shall submit a general report to the Council at each meeting of the Council. 2.4.18 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 15. Without prejudice to paragraph 16, no contractual negotiations shall take place before awarding the contract or offer where an invitation to tender is made. At this stage contacts between the ITER Organization and tendering firms shall be limited to correcting errors and clarifying queries regarding their offers in order to be able to compare offers and to make a well-founded proposal for decision on the award of contract or order. This does not exclude, however, the possibility that the decision to award a contract or order is taken under the condition that further advantages might be obtained by subsequent negotiations with the firm concerned. 16. If the services or supplies to be procured are of an advanced technical or scientific nature, discussions on technical and scientific matters may take place with interested firms before the award of the contract in order to reach the best technical solution. In such an event, all tendering firms must be treated equally. 17. Any modification in the invitation to tender, as well as any supplementary information, shall be communicated simultaneously to all firms to which the invitation was sent. 18. The principle of aggregation shall apply in the case of amendments to contracts. In approving the award of contracts in accordance with paragraph 13 of this Annex, the Council may set an aggregate ceiling within which contract amendments may be approved under the authority of the DirectorGeneral. Where a proposed amendment is such as to cause the aggregate cost of the contract to exceed the threshold values set out in paragraphs 13.1 or 13.3 as applicable to the nature of process by which the contract was first awarded, the Director-General shall submit the proposed amendment for approval by the Council. 19. A Review Board will be established by the ITER Organization and the ITER Members (acting through the Domestic Agencies) to handle complaints in relation to the implementation of the procurement procedures for the award of contracts. 1. The Review Board shall consist of seven members, having equal votes, appointed for two years and selected as follows: (a) A Chairperson appointed by the Director-General. An alternate Chairperson may be appointed in the same manner; (b) Four members, external procurement specialists, appointed by the Domestic Agencies; (c) Three ITER Organization members appointed by the Director-General; (d) A procurement expert for the Secretary to the Board, appointed by the Director-General; (e) The Administration Department Director and the Legal Advisor, who may participate as observers at all hearings by the Board. 2. The decision of the Review Board should be taken no more than 30 calendar days from the time the Review Board acknowledges receipt of a complaint. This period has a suspensive effect on the signature of the contract. 3. The decision shall be immediately sent to the Director-General, indicating the reasons for the results based on pertinent facts. This decision shall be implemented by the ITER Organization 4. All proceedings and records of the Board shall be confidential. All members of the Review Board have to sign an impartiality and confidentiality declaration; any proved disclosure shall be submitted to the members’ employer for possible disciplinary action. 5. The records of the Review Board shall be kept by the Secretary of the Board. The report of the Board shall be confidential unless otherwise decided by the Director-General. However, reports of the Board and decisions of the Director-General thereon shall be communicated for information to the Members of the ITER Council. 2.4.19 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 Chapter IV: Regulations Applying to the Decommissioning Fund Article IV.1: Joint Establishment of Decommissioning Fund IV.1.1: The following regulations shall govern the administration of the fund for the decommissioning of the ITER facilities (the "Decommissioning Fund") to be established under Article 16 of the Agreement. IV.1.2: The ITER Organization shall ensure that the Decommissioning Fund is administered so as to maintain a clear segregation from the other financial operations of the ITER Organization and shall take measures as necessary to safeguard the integrity of the Decommissioning Fund for its designated purpose. Article IV.2: Requirements of Licensing Authority IV.2.: The establishment and management of the Decommissioning Fund shall be conducted in accordance with the Host State’s applicable licensing regulations and requirements. Article IV.3: Scope and Amount of the Decommissioning Fund IV.3.1: The Decommissioning Fund shall be established with the objective to achieve, by the time of the handover of the ITER facilities to the Host State or its designated organization, an agreed amount (the "planned final value") to provide for the decommissioning of the ITER facilities. IV.3.2: The initial planned final value of the Decommissioning Fund shall be adopted by the Council in the currency of the Host State in association with a reference technical characterization of the expected condition of the ITER facilities on the date of its handover to the Host State or its designated organization. Article IV.4: Accumulation of the Decommissioning Fund IV.4.1: The Members shall contribute jointly, through the Budget of the ITER Organization, to the accumulation of the Decommissioning Fund from the date of First Plasma, throughout the Operation Phase, by regular annual payments at levels set from time to time by the Council sufficient to provide for an accumulation of the Decommissioning Fund, including accrued earnings, consistent with attaining the planned final value on the date of transfer of the ITER facilities. IV.4.2: Members shall contribute to the Decommissioning Fund in proportion to their share of the contributions to the Operation Phase of ITER. IV.4.3: Agreements made between the ITER Organization and other International Organizations and institutions and Governments, Organizations and institutions of non-Parties ("non-Members"), for cooperation under Article 20 of the Agreement shall include, as appropriate, terms requiring the nonMembers to contribute to the Decommissioning Fund. In such cases, the Members' contributions to the Decommissioning Fund shall be adjusted accordingly. Article IV.5: Management of the Decommissioning Fund IV.5.1: The Decommissioning Fund shall be controlled by the ITER Organization which may, by decision of the Council, appoint a separate entity to undertake its day-to-day management, in compliance with the requirements of the Host State’s regulatory authority. 2.4.20 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 IV.5.2: The management arrangements shall be such as to ensure traceability and certification of adequacy in relation to the planned final value and availability for transfer to the Host State or its designated organization on the due date. In particular, the Council shall review annually: 1. the policies and plans for the management of the Decommissioning Fund, including investment policies, until its transfer to the Host State or its designated organization; 2. the annual accounts of the Decommissioning Fund; 3. the Members' annual contributions to the Decommissioning Fund. IV.5.3: The Decommissioning Fund shall be audited in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Agreement. IV.5.4: Every three years, or more frequently as it may see fit, the Council shall commission a review by an independent financial expert of the expected adequacy of the Decommissioning Fund in relation to its planned final value. Article IV.6: Accessions and Withdrawals IV.6.1: In the event of accession to the Agreement under Article 23 of the Agreement, the terms of accession by the new Member shall provide for it to contribute to the Decommissioning Fund from the date of its accession on an equitable basis. IV.6.2: In the event of withdrawal from the Agreement by any of the Parties under Article 26 of the Agreement, the terms of withdrawal shall provide for the withdrawing Party to provide its share of the Decommissioning Fund to the extent that the decommissioning liabilities will have accrued up to the date at which its withdrawal takes effect. Article IV.7: Changes in the Planned Final Value of the Decommissioning Fund IV.7.1: The planned final value of the Decommissioning Fund shall be adjusted regularly by the Council to compensate for the effects of inflation. The contributions of the Members shall be adjusted accordingly. IV.7.2: The Director-General shall report regularly on the physical condition of the ITER facilities and on the progress of the programme in relation to the reference technical characterization and shall bring to the attention of the Council any proposed developments of the ITER programme that might have a material impact on the reference technical characterization of the ITER facilities. In such case, the planned final value shall be adjusted as well as the contributions of the Members, in accordance with the principle as set out in Article IV.7.3. IV.7.3: Before the facilities and the fund are transferred to the Host State, changes in the fund value are to be born: (a) by all Parties (sharing as specified according to the Agreement) if they arise from: 1. changes in the proposed ITER Programme which are expected to materially affect the reference characterization; 2. changes in the design of the ITER device which are expected to materially affect the reference characterization; 3. changes in the reference characterization arising from new radiological information or unanticipated events; 4. changes in the project time scale; 5. changes in international regulatory standards as concerns decommissioning and radioactive waste management of nuclear installations; or, 2.4.21 PRMR Sixth Edition, November 2012 6. any other changes imposed by the ITER Organization. (b) by the Host State if they arise from: 1. changes in national regulations of the Host State and their application – excluding those specified in item (5) above – as concerns decommissioning and radioactive waste management of nuclear installations; 2. changes in estimates of unit costs for waste disposal or decommissioning activities used to establish the value of the Decommissioning Fund – excluding those arising from changes specified in item (1-6) above; or, 3. any other changes imposed by the Host State. Article IV.8: Transfer of the Decommissioning Fund IV.8.1: The Decommissioning Fund shall be transferred from the ITER Organization to the Host State or its designated Agency at a date, within five years of the definitive cessation by the ITER Organization of ITER Operations, to be mutually agreed in the context of the transfer of the ITER facilities to the Host State or its designated Agency. IV.8.2: The terms of transfer of the Decommissioning Fund shall be specified in the Headquarters Agreement referred to in Article 12 of the Agreement. IV.8.3: By mutual agreement between the ITER Organization and the Host State, the ITER Organization may make, or authorize to be made, specific payments from the Decommissioning Fund before the date of final transfer. Such prior payments shall reduce accordingly the planned final value of the Decommissioning Fund. Article IV.9: Take Back Provisions IV.9.1: By prior agreement with the ITER Organization, Members may request the return, in accordance with the Host State’s regulations, of particular components supplied by themselves. The costs associated with such return shall be borne by the Members concerned who shall also accept the decommissioning and radioactive waste management liabilities associated with the component concerned. Any member taking back components could be credited for corresponding transportation and disposal costs that had been estimated for the Decommissioning Fund planned final value. 2.4.22