PROFESSIONAL VITA NAME: Daniel L. Bibeau FORMAL EDUCATION Texas A&M University B.S. 1973 Major: Zoology Texas A&M University M.S. 1976 Major: Health and Physical Education The Penn State University Ph.D. 1984 Major: Health Education Minors: Counseling, Rural Sociology PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Aug. 2007 – Present Professor, Department of Public Health Education, Department Head (2007 – 2008; 2011-present); University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) Aug. 1989 Aug. 2007 Associate Professor, Department Head (1999-2007); Graduate Program Director (1989-1998); Department of Public Health Education, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG) May 1990 Aug. 1993 Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Exercise and Sport Science, UNCG Aug. 1984 July 1989 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Education, UNCG July 1986 June 1989 Executive Director, The Wellness Council of Greensboro, Inc., Greensboro, NC July 1981 July 1984 Instructor, Department of Health Education, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA Aug. 1980 June l981 Teacher, Dixie Elementary School, Tyler, Texas Sept. 1978 Aug. 1980 Instructor, Department of Health and Physical Education, The University of Texas at Tyler, TX. 1 Sept. 1976 May 1978 Lecturer, Department of Health and Physical Education, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. TEACHING Undergraduate Courses - Personal Health, Alcohol and Health, Introduction to Public Health Education, Disease Processes, Public Health Data Analysis, Health Problems of Lower-income Groups, Evaluation in Health Education, Health Education Intervention Strategies Graduate Courses - Principles of Community Health Education, Workplace Health Promotion, Health Policy, Community Health Research and Evaluation, Applied Program Planning, Community Health Seminar, Doctoral Research Practicum Dissertation Advisor Andrew Peachey – How Built Environments that are Conducive to Physical Activity can Result form the Planning and Development Process in Urbanized Areas Gaurav Dave – Secondary Analysis of the CITIES Hypertension Data Michelle Cathorall – Parent and Child Perspectives on Bicycle Helmet Use Thesis and Masters Project Advisor: Jan Hinton - Factors Related to Participation in a Worksite Health Promotion Program Michelle Malloy - Factors Associated with Participation in a Worksite Health Promotion Program Cristin Flynt - An Ecological Approach to Examining Factors which Influence the Compliance to Hypertension Treatment by Indigent Hypertensives Bill Evans - Professional Care-giver Coping Strategies Used in Residential Hospice Facilities Christy Colvin - Organizational Climate and Its Effect On Employees Participation in Worksite Health Promotion Programs Gale Harkness - Postgraduate Education in Botanical Medicine for Allopathic Practitioners Dorothy Currin - Advance Directives in a Population of Chronically Ill, Functionally-Impaired Older Adults in the Community 2 David Wyrick - Development and Evaluation of All Stars Senior - A High School Prevention Curriculum Carolyn Lyttle - Increasing Participation in BB&T=s Employee Wellness Program Norman Knecht - Creation of a Workplace Health Program for Teachers in Forsyth County David Howard - A Capacity Assessment of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro for Employee Health Promotion Programming Dallice Joyner - A Survey of the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Mammography Screening Among Females Living in Subsidized Housing Lisa Sutton - The Relationship of Dietary Behavior to Lower or Control Cholesterol and Selected Health Belief Model Components Among Guilford County, North Carolina, Employees John Burklow - Adolescent Drinking and Driving: Contrasting Process and Variance Models of Prediction Janan Amad - Diabetic patients= Satisfaction with Care Services at the HealthServe Medical Clinic in Greensboro, NC Jennifer Kimbrough - The Effects of Incentives on Participation in an Employee Wellness Program Donna Budde - Smoking Cessation among Low-income Pregnant Women D. Wayne Martin – Saliency of Empathy toward Patients and Other Factors related to Smoking Behavior and Smoking Cessation Among Registered Respiratory Therapists in North Carolina Cathy Reeder - Knowledge Levels and Care Practices of Participants Three months after Attending a Diabetes Education Program Regina McCoy - Cultural Diversity Education in Health Education Professional Preparation Programs Kelly Sparagen - Design and Evaluation of a Strategy to Increase Participation in the BB&T LifeForce Program Penny Marshall - An Evaluation of an Outpatient Congestive Heart Failure Program 3 Kathy Ritch - An Evaluation of CPR Saturday Member of 26 other theses and masters projects in the Department. Dissertation and Thesis Committees outside the Department School of HHP - Teresa Dail (doctoral student) School of Education (all doctoral students) - Phyllis Blair and Jim Colovito (Curriculum and Instruction), David Wyrick (Educational Research Methodology), Joe Jordan (Counseling and Educational Development), Amy Wood (CED), Suzy Wasik (CED), Michael Gomila (CED), Cheryl Wyrick (ERM), Marie Thomas (ERM) School of Human Environmental Sciences (all Nutrition Department) - Thesis: Debbie West, Margaret Savoca, Kelley Thomas, Dissertation: Karen Bennett, Felicia Rocchi, Rita Sigmon, Gerald McKibben, Sarah Colby PUBLICATIONS - REFEREED ARTICLES Bibeau DL & Wolford CA. Adolescent Drinking: A Community Action Approach. Eastern Pennsylvania School Health Association Newsletter, 1(2), pp. 1-3, (December 1983). Swisher JD, Shute RE, & Bibeau DL. Assessing Drug and Alcohol Abuse: An Instrument for Planning and Evaluation, Measurement and Evaluation in Guidance, 17(2), pp. 91-97 (July 1984). Alles WF, Lambert G, & Bibeau DL. DUI Education: An Ethical Imperative. Pennsylvania Journal of HPERD, Fall, 1984. Bibeau DL & Eddy JM. The Effect of a Death Education Course on Dying and Death Knowledge, Attitudes, Anxiety and Fears. Eta Sigma Gamman, 17(2), pp. 15-18 (Spring/Summer 1985). Eddy JM & Bibeau DL. A Model to Plan, Implement, and Evaluate Corporate Health Enhancement Programs. Wellness Perspectives: Journal of Individual, Family, and Community Wellness, 2(3), pp. 19-24, Summer 1985. Walker RA & Bibeau DL. Health Education as Freeing-Part II, Health Education, 16(6), pp. 4-8 (December 1985/January 1986). 4 Foshee V, McLeroy KR, Sumner SK, & Bibeau DL. Evaluation of Worksite Weight Loss Programs: A Review of Data and Issues. Journal of Nutrition Education-Worksite Supplement, 19(2), pp. 38-43, February 1986. Walker RA and Bibeau DL. Health Decisions and Evidence, Health Education,17(4), pp. 18-21 (August/September 1986). Eddy JM, Bibeau DL, & Duff P. Moral Education: Review and Implications for Health Educators. Health Values, 10(5), pp. 39-44, September/October 1986. Monismith SW & Bibeau DL. An Experimental Examination of the Impact of Court Mandated DUI Education. Advances in Health Education: Current Research, Volume 1 , New York, AMS Press, Inc. Oaks J & Bibeau DL. Death Education: Educating Children for Living. The Clearing House, 60(9), pp. 420-422 (May 1987). Swisher JD & Bibeau DL. Who's Driving Home:: Assessing Adolescent Drinking and Driving. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 32(3), pp. 25-37, Spring, 1987. Bibeau DL, McLeroy KR, Mullen KD, Green L, & Foshee V. Worksite Smoking Cessation Program Evaluations: A Critique. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 4(2):87-95, 1988. McLeroy KR, Bibeau DL, Steckler A, and Glanz K. An Ecological Perspective on Health Promotion Programs. Health Education Quarterly 15(4):351-377, Winter 1988. McLeroy KR, Steckler A, and Bibeau DL (Guest Editors). The Social Ecology of Health Promotion. A theme issue of Health Education Quarterly 15(4), Winter 1988. Smith DW, Bibeau DL, Altschuld JW, and Heit P. Health Characteristics of Principals: Implications for School Health Programs. Journal of School Health 58(10):397-400, December 1988. Eddy JM, Bibeau DL, Glover E, Hunt B, & Westerfeild R. Wellness Perspectives Part I: History, Philosophy and Emerging Trends. Wellness Perspectives: Research, Theory and Practice,6(2): 319, 1989. Bibeau D, and Smith DW. (1990) Issues in planning health promotion programs in worksites. Wellness Perspectives: Research, Theory and Practice 6(3):3-18. 5 Smith DW, Bibeau DL, Altschuld JW & Heit P. Health related characteristics of selected school principals. Journal of School Health 58(10):397-400. This article met the review criteria and was selected for inclusion in the collection of the Clearinghouse of Health Indexes, National Center for Health Statistics, 1991. Smith D, Bibeau D, & Altschuld J. The impact of health characteristics of principals on health instruction in selected schools. Health Values 15(2):21-30, 1991. McLeroy K, Bibeau D, & McConnell T. Ethical Issues in Health Education and Health Promotion: Challenges for the Profession. Journal of Health Education 24(5):313-318, 1993. Mullen, KD & Bibeau DL. Assessing health promotion technology: Health risk appraisals. American Journal of Health Promotion vol. 8(4):260-262, 1994. Taylor ML, Bibeau DL, McGovern S, & Floyd-Smith D. Nutrition Needs of Low-income Adults with Diabetes, FASEBJ 9(3):A177, 1995. Bibeau DL, Howell KA, Rife JC, & Taylor ML. The Role of a Community Coalition in the Development of Health Services for the Poor and Uninsured. International Journal of Health Services 26(1):93-110, 1996. Bibeau DL, Taylor ML, Rife J, & Howell KA. Reaching the Poor with Health Promotion Through Community Free Clinics, American Journal of Health Promotion V.12(2): 87-89, November/December 1997. Bibeau DL. Continuing the discussion: Managed care – boon or boondoggle? Health Education and Behavior 27(4):417-420, August 2000. Evans WM, Bibeau DL & Conley KM. Coping Strategies Used in Residential Hospice Settings: Findings from a National Study. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Care v.18(2):102110, March/April 2001. Bibeau DL, Lovelace K & Stephenson J. Privatization of Local Health Department Services: Effects on the Practice of Health Education. Health Education and Behavior 28(2):217-230, April 2001. Wyrick D, Wyrick CH, Bibeau DL, & Fearnow-Kenney M. Coverage of adolescent substance use prevention in state frameworks for health education. Journal of School Health 71(9):437-42, November 2001. 6 Fearnow-Kenney MD, Wyrick DL, Hansen WB, Dryeng D, & Bibeau DL. Normative Beliefs, Alcohol Expectancies and Alcohol-Related Problems among College Students: Implications for Theory and Prevention Practice. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 47(1):31-44, 2001. Morgan AJ & Bibeau D. Folic acid-related dietary preferences in health interests of Latino women living in North Carolina. SCHC Studies: A Special Report Series by the State Center for Health Statistics, no. 141, 8 pp. April 2004. Johnson HH, Glascoff MA, Lovelace K, Tyler E, Bibeau D. Assessment of Public Health Educator Practice: Health Educator Responsibilities. Health Promotion Practice 6(1):89-96, January 2005. Wyrick DL, Fearnow-Kenney MD, & Bibeau DL. College Alcohol Education and Prevention: A Case for Distance Education. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 49(4):5-14, December 2005. Glascoff MA, Johnson HH, Glascoff WJ, Lovelace KA, & Bibeau DL. A Profile of Public Health Educators in North Carolina’s Local Health Departments, Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 11(6):528-536, Nov.-Dec. 2005. Lovelace KA, Bibeau DL, Hernandez E, Gansneder B, & Cline S. All-hazard preparedness in an era of bioterrorism funding. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 13(5): 465-468, September-October 2007. Miller EC, Schulz MR, Bibeau DL, Galka AM, Spann LI, Martin LB, Aronson RE, Chase CM. Factors associated with misperception of weight in the stroke belt. Journal of General and Internal Medicine, 23(3):323-8., March 2008. Lovelace KA, Bibeau DL, Donnell B, Johnson HH, Glascoff MA, & Tyler E. Public health educators’ participation in teams: implications for preparation and practice. Health Promotion Practice, 10(3):323-28, July 2009. Bibeau DL, Evans WM, Cathorall M, Miller E, Strack RW, & Mattocks A. Health Promotion in the Public Sector: A Case Study From Policy to Practice, American Journal of Health Studies, v.24(3):330-342, October 2009. Biederman, D. J., Siennkiewicz, H., Bibeau, D. L. , Chase, C. M. , Spann, L. I. , Robert Romanchuck, Robert Aronson, Mark Schulz, & Angela T. Galka, (2012). Ethnic and Racial Differences of Baseline Stroke Knowledge in a Stroke Belt Community. Health Promotion Practice, 10 (3), 428-435. 7 Sienkiewicz, H. C., Mauceri, K. G., Howell, E. C. , & Bibeau, D. L. (in press, 2011). Untapped Resources: Refugee Employment Experiences in Central North Carolina. Work. Xin H, Aronson R, Cathorall M, Peachey A, Schulz M, Dave G, Bibeau D. Individual and Neighborhood Factors Influencing Blood Glucose Levels among Residents in Both Guilford and Forsyth Counties, NC: Findings from the Community Initiative to Eliminate Stroke (CITIES) Program, Under Review, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health PUBLICATIONS - INVITED ARTICLES Howell K, Frye R, & Bibeau D. Commentary on the School Health Education Evaluation Report. Journal of School Health, 55(8), pp. 354-355, October 1985. Bibeau DL. Continuing the discussion: managed care - boon or boondoggle? Journal of Health Education and Behavior 27(4):417-420, April 2000. CHAPTERS IN BOOKS Smith, E. A., Bibeau, D., DeMason, C., & Grogan, S. (1999). Rural health centers: A community-university partnership. In T. R. Chibucos & R. M. Lerner (Eds.), Serving children and families through community-university partnerships: Success stories. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers. TECHNICAL REPORTS Shute RE, Bibeau DL, & St. Pierre RW. Final Report-Evaluation Summary: Health EducationRisk Reduction Project--Phase II, submitted to Dauphin County Executive Commission on Drugs and Alcohol, The Pennsylvania Department of Health, Harrisburg, PA, and the Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, l05 pp., (May 1983) Bibeau DL. A Review of Evaluations of Worksite Smoking Cessation Programs. Submitted to the Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC, 30 pp., (January 1986). Foshee V, Mcleroy KR, Sumner S, and Bibeau DL. Evaluation of Worksite Weight Loss Programs: A Review of Data and Issues. Submitted to the Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC, 30 pp., (January 1986). 8 Smith EA & Bibeau DL. Community-wide Survey of Knowledge About and Attitudes Toward CAPP and Adolescent Pregnancy in Randolph County, NC. Submitted to Asheboro City Schools, Randolph County Health Department, and Randolph County Council on Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention, 41 pp. (April 1992). Smith EA & Bibeau DL. Effects of a Sixth Grade Family life Curriculum on Students' Knowledge Attitudes, and Behaviors. Submitted to Asheboro City Schools, Randolph County Health Department, and Randolph County Council on Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention, 25 pp. (August 1992). Smith EA & Bibeau DL. Effects of a middle-school family life curriculum on 6th-9th grade students' knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. Submitted to the Asheboro City Schools and the NC Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources (August 1993). Smith EA & Bibeau DL. (1994) 6th-12th grade students' knowledge, attitudes, and behavior regarding sexuality and teenage pregnancy. Submitted to the Asheboro City Schools and the NC Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Smith EA & Bibeau DL. (1995) Family Life Curriculum and High School Survey: 1994-1995. Submitted to the Asheboro City Schools and the NC Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. Smith EA & Bibeau DL. (1995,1996, 1997, 1998) Evaluation of the Rockingham County School=s Health Clinics - Annual Report. Submitted to Rockingham County Schools and Eden Morehead and Annie Penn Hospitals. Bibeau DL, Aronson RE, & Miller J. (2004) Report on the Performance of the Eastern Triad HIV Consortium. Submitted to the Eastern Triad HIV Consortium and U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration. Bibeau DL, Schulz MR, Dave G, Pitts C. (2005) Results of Community Screenings in the CITIES Project. Submitted to Forsyth Medical Center for inclusion in the annual report and reapplication submission to the USDHHS Office of Minority Health. Bibeau DL, Schulz MR, Dave G, Tiberia A, Aronson RE. (2006) Results of Community Screenings in the CITIES Project. Submitted to Forsyth Medical Center for inclusion in the annual report and reapplication submission to the USDHHS Office of Minority Health. Bibeau DL, Schulz MR, Dave G, Tiberia A, Aronson RE. (2007) Results of Community Screenings in the CITIES Project. Submitted to Forsyth Medical Center for inclusion in the annual report and reapplication submission to the USDHHS Office of Minority Health. 9 Lovelace KA, Bibeau DL, Hernandez E, & Gansneder B. NC Evaluation of Local Public Health Preparedness: Final Report. Submitted to the Epidemiology Section of the NC Division of Public Health, February 2005. PROFESSIONAL PRESENTATIONS Bibeau DL and Monismith SW. Responsible Drinking Education, The Pennsylvania School Health Association, Annual Convention, East Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania (March 1983). Bibeau DL. The Effectiveness of Worksite Smoking Cessation Programs. AAHPERD National Convention, Atlanta, GA (April 1985). Bibeau DL. Evaluating A Worksite Wellness Program. Conference On Health Promotion and the Workplace: A Look at the Past and the Future, Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA (June 1985). Bibeau DL. Children and Death: Ignored in Education- Inevitable in Life -- The Role of the School, Southern District AAHPERD Conference, Winston-Salem, NC (March 1986). Bibeau DL. Resource Coordination for Health Promotion- The Role of Wellness Councils, Education for Community Health: Setting The Agenda For The 1990's, The Society for Public Health Education Midyear Scientific Conference, Chapel Hill, NC (July 1986). Bibeau DL. Wellness Programming: Health Promotion in Your Agency. 1986 Therapeutic Recreation Conference, Greensboro, NC (August 1986). Bibeau DL and McLeroy KR. A Process Model for Implementing Worksite Health Promotion Programs. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV (September 1986). McLeroy KR and Bibeau DL. An Ecological Model for Worksite Health Promotion. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV (September 1986). Bibeau DL. Review of Evaluations on the Effectiveness of Health Promotion Programs. Association for Fitness in Business Region II Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD (May 1987). Bibeau DL. Should There Be a National Policy on High Blood Pressure Control? The Business Perspective. Presentation as part of a panel addressing the issue of a national policy on high blood pressure control. "Cardiovascular Disease: Risks and Prevention," Third Annual Conference, North Carolina Coalition for High Blood Pressure Control, Greensboro, NC (May 1987). 10 Bibeau DL. Workplace Hypertension. "Cardiovascular Disease: Risks and Prevention," Third Annual Conference, NC Coalition for High Blood Pressure Control, Greensboro, NC (May 1987). Bibeau DL, Starr HF, Atwell S, and Motsinger B. Starting a Wellness Council in Your Community. Preconference Workshop, Wellness in the Workplace, Sixth Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA (May 1987). Bibeau DL. Wellness Councils: What, Where, When, Why, How? Member of a panel presentation. Wellness in the Workplace, Sixth Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA (May 1987). Bibeau DL. Keeping Delegates Active. Wellness Council Executive Directors Meeting. Greensboro, NC (June 1987). Essick E, King K, Lawrance L, and Bibeau D. The Validity and Reliability of the 10th Grade Health Knowledge Test Developed by the North Carolina State Department of Public Instruction. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (October 1987) Carr J, Howell K, Lawrance L, and Bibeau D. Attitudes Toward Homosexuality Among Community College Students. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (October 1987). Burklow J, Bibeau DL, McLeroy KR, and Lawrance L. Adolescent Drinking and Driving: A Contrast of Variance and Process Models. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (October 1987). Bibeau DL and Mullen KD. Evaluating Health Promotion Technology: Health Hazard Appraisals. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA (October 1987). Bibeau DL. Evaluation Strategies for Community Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention Programs. First National Learning Community Conference on High Risk Youth, Sponsored by the Office of Substance Abuse Prevention; Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration, Washington DC (November 1987). I was one of two leaders of a two day workshop on program evaluation. Bibeau DL. Model Corporate Wellness Programs. Fifth Annual North Carolina Health Promotion and Wellness Institute. Raleigh, NC (November 1988). 11 Bibeau DL. Evaluating Corporate Wellness Programs. Fifth Annual North Carolina Health Promotion and Wellness Institute. Raleigh, NC (November 1988). Martin DW, Bibeau DL, McLeroy KR, and Mullen KD. A Test of a Model to Explain Smoking Cessation Among Registered Respiratory Therapists in North Carolina. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA (November 1988) Horne D, Savino L, Mullen K, and Bibeau D. Adios Adipose: An Evaluation of a Worksite Weight Loss Program. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, MA (November 1988) Bibeau D. Report on the School Health Council Study. School Health Coordinators semi-annual meeting, Atlantic Beach, NC. May 1989. Bibeau D. Screening programs in the worksite: Practical and ethical issues. Healthful Living Institute, Hickory, NC. July 1989. Bibeau DL. Methodological issues , problems and solutions in evaluating worksite health promotion programs. American Journal of Health Promotion 2nd Annual Conference, Hilton Head, SC. February 1991. Bibeau DL. The link between medical claims data and health promotion program activities. Wellness Council of the Piedmont Annual Meeting, Greensboro, NC. April 1991. Bibeau DL. The role of Physicians in Community Wellness Councils. North Carolina Medical Society Annual Meeting, Asheville, NC, November 1991. Bibeau DL. The process and plan for developing the Wrangler Wellness Program, Accepted for presentation at the National AAHPERD Conference, Indianapolis Cole CB, Snyder LB, Bibeau DL, and Gruchow HG. Noncompliance with American Cancer Society Guidelines for Mammography Screening Among Alumnae of University of North Carolina at Greensboro. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November, 1991. Bibeau DL. The process and plan for developing the Wrangler Wellness Program, AAHPERD Conference, Indianapolis, 1992 Bibeau DL, Taylor ML, McGovern S, & Floyd-Smith D. Adherence to Dietary Regimens Among Low-income, Diabetic Patients attending a Free Medical Clinic, Institute of Nutrition Scientific Meeting, Chapel Hill, NC, November, 1994. 12 Bibeau DL. Program evaluation: Linking evaluation to program plans and resources. Wellness Council of North Carolina Spring Conference, Greensboro, NC April 1997. Bibeau DL, Lovelace K & Stephenson J. Privatizing health departments - what happens to health education. American Public Health Association 126th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., November, 1998. Bibeau DL. Accreditation – promoting quality in professional preparation programs; A program’s view. Society for Public Health Education Annual Meeting, Boston, 2000. Johnson HH, Glascoff MA, Lovelace K, Tyler E, Bibeau D. Assessment of Public Health Educator Practice: Health Educator Responsibilities. North Carolina SOPHE Annual Meeting, Greensboro, NC 2002. Lovelace K & Bibeau DL. Use of computers among health educators in local health departments in North Carolina. American Public Health Association, San Francisco, November 2003. Bibeau DL, Lovelace KA, Johnson HH & Glascoff MA. Do we practice what we preach? The use of an ecological approach to health education practice in North Carolina, 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association (November 6-10, 2004), Washington, DC. Dave G, Bibeau DL, Schulz MR, Pitts C, Chase C, & Pierce K. Community Initiative to Eliminate Stroke, Presented at the Society for Public Health Education Annual Meeting, November 2005, Philadelphia, PA. Dave G, Bibeau DL, Schulz MR, Tiberia A, Chase C, & Spann L. Health Promotion and Education by Fostering Partnerships in the Community: A Community Initiative to Eliminate Stroke, Presented at the Society for Public Health Education Annual Meeting, November 2006, Boston, MA. Dave G, Aronson RE, Bibeau DL, Schulz MR, Chase C, & Romanchuck R. Validity of SelfReported Hypertension Status in a Community-Based Stroke Prevention Program. 136th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health association, San Diego, CA. 2008 Cathorall ML, Xin H, Peachey A, Bibeau DL, Aronson RE. Neighborhood Disadvantage and Variations in Blood Pressure, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver CO, November 2010 Sienkiewicz HC, Mauceri K, Howell EC, Tyler JA, Garnett J, & Bibeau DL, Still in Africa: The process of interviewing recently resettled refugees in Greensboro, NC, American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver CO, November 2010 13 Sienkiewicz HC, Mauceri, KG, Howell EC, Garrett J, Tyler JA, & Bibeau DL. Great Expectations: The Experiences of Recently Resettled Refugees in Central North Carolina. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 2010 Sienkiewicz HC, Mauceri KG, Howell EC, & Bibeau DL. The Unanticipated Realities of Resettlement: Accounts of Newly Arrived Refugees in the Triad, National meeting of the Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe, NM, April 1, 2011 GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Bibeau DL. The Planning, Evaluation, and Administration for the Wellness Council of Greensboro. Funded by The Wellness Council of Greensboro, Inc. for $41,578 each year for 2.5 years. This grant was for providing leadership for the Wellness Council, an organization of 5080 area businesses supporting health promotion programs at the worksite. Leadership activities included overseeing the daily operation of the Council, helping Council members plan, implement, and evaluate their health promotion programs, and establishing a communication network between the Council and other health promotion organizations. Mullen KD and Bibeau DL. Evaluating Health Promotion Technology: Health Risk Appraisals. Funded by the UNCG Research Council for $2,900. The purpose of this grant is to investigate the reliability and validity of a sample of mainframe and microcomputer health risk appraisals. Bazzarre TL and Bibeau DL. Changing Food Intake of Employees at the Worksite. Submitted to the National Cancer Institute in response to NCI Announcement 87-CA-09. Total request $457,849. Approved but not funded. Bibeau DL and Callahan CM. PANDA - Preventing Abuse of Narcotics, Drugs, and Alcohol - A Wellness Approach. Submitted to the U.S. Department of Education in response to FIPSE announcement 183A- Drug Prevention Program Competition. Total request $125,000. Not funded. Bibeau DL and Howell KA. Improving the Inclusion of the Black Experience in the Public Health Education Curriculum. Total request $3,000. Not Funded. 14 Gruchow H & Bibeau D. Establishing Reliability and Content Validity of Questionnaires to be used in the UNCG Alumni Health Study. Submitted to the UNCG Research Council, February 1989, Total request $3,900. Funded Bibeau DL. Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation of the Wrangler Wellness Program. Wrangler Foundation, Total request $5,000. Funded. Smith E and Bibeau DL. Evaluation of the Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Project in Randolph County, NC. Asheboro City Schools. Total Requested $32,350 (per year). Funded for period 1992-1995. Gruchow H & Bibeau DL. Nutrition and Drug Relationships - Preparation of a Monograph. Institute of Nutrition. Total Request $4,000. Funded. Taylor ML & Bibeau DL. Analysis of Factors Affecting Adherence to Treatment Recommendations Among Low-income Diabetics. Institute of Nutrition. Total request $10,000, Funded 1994-95. Bibeau DL. Contract with United Guaranty Corporation to help with the planning, implementation, and evaluation of their health promotion program. $9,000. Funded 1996-97 academic year. Bibeau DL. UNCG Kohler Fund grant to visit Strathclyde University and establish formal exchange programs for students and faculty. UNCG International Programs. $1,000. Funded 1996-97 academic year. Bibeau DL. Prepared proposal for ACT internal grant to assist department with Council on Education for Public Health accreditation report preparation. $3,000. Funded 1997. Bibeau DL. Contract with United Guaranty Corporation to help with the planning, implementation, and evaluation of their health promotion program. $12,300. Funded 1997-98 academic year. Bibeau DL. Contract with United Guaranty Corporation to fund a graduate assistantship in which the student helped UG plan, implement, and evaluate its health promotion program in 1998-99. $12,250.00; funded Bibeau DL. Contract with BB&T to fund a graduate assistantship in which the student helped BB&T plan, implement, and evaluate its health promotion program during 1998. $9,000.00; funded 15 Bibeau DL. Contract with Guilford County to fund a graduate assistantship to help with the Employee Wellness Program 2001-2002 and to fund the purchase of a health risk assessment software program. $25,000 ($8,000 for GA). Bibeau DL. Contract with United Health Care (UHC) to fund a graduate assistantship to help with the UHC employee wellness program 2000-2002. $12,500 per year; funded Bibeau DL. Contract with Tanglewood Research (TR) to fund two graduate assistantships to assist TR with a variety of primary prevention research projects 2001-2005. $16,000 per year; funded. Bibeau DL (PI), Kimbrough J (Co-I), & Strack R (Co-I). The School Health Alliance for Forsyth County Evaluation. 2001-2003, $86,173.00, funded. Lovelace KA (PI), Kissling GE, Bibeau DL, Williams RB, and Harrington D. Correlates of Local Public Health System Performance. Submitted to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 2001, total amount $724,172, approved but not funded. Bibeau DL (PI) & Aronson RE (Co-I). Evaluation of the Eastern Triad HIV Consortium Programs and Services. 2003. $17,000. Funded Lovelace KA (PI) & Bibeau DL (Co-I). Assessing Preparedness in North Carolina Local Public Health Juridictions. 2004, $100,000, funded Bibeau DL (PI) & Schulz MR (Co-I). Community Focused Initiative to Reduce the Burden of Stroke, DHHS Office of Minority Health, subcontract with Forsyth Medical Center, 2004-2008, $443,534, Funded(Now called the CITIES Project per directive from the Office of Minority Health) UNIVERSITY, PROFESSIONAL, AND COMMUNITY SERVICE UNIVERSITY SERVICE Search Committees Member of multiple faculty search committees in the following departments - Public Health Education, Social Work, Nutrition, Economics, Exercise and Sport Science, and the School of Nursing; and dean or associate dean search committees in the Schools of Health and Human Performance and Human Environmental Science 16 University Committees Member of various University committees – UNCG Restructuring Committee (Co-chair), UNCG Program Efficiency Data Review Committee, Graduate Studies Committee (Chair 2 years, Curriculum subcommittee Chair 2 years), Honors Council, Intercollegiate Athletics, Health Promotion (Chair), Academic Cabinet (now faculty senate), Infectious Disease Advisory, Substance Abuse Advisory, UNCG representative to the Institute of Nutrition Board of Scientific Directors, Enrollment Management, International Student Recruitment, Department Head Development (Chair), Graduate Dean Evaluation (Chair 2 years), Institutional Research Board School Committees Member of Various School committees - Lawther Lecture (Chair 2 years), Smoking Policy Task Force, Area Teacher Education, Personnel, Dean’s Administrative Cabinet (10 years) Department Committees Member of various Department committees - Graduate Program Revision, Master's Comprehensive Exams, Graduate Admissions, Graduate Program (Graduate Program Director and Chair, 1989-1998), Personnel, Merit Advisory, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Invited participant in the W. K. Kellogg Foundation’s Seminar on Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, Woodlands, TX, February 9-11, 2005 Invited panel member for Institute of Medicine Conference to plan the implementation of the IOM report Who Will Keep the Public Healthy, Bethesda, MD Abstract reviewer for the AAHPERD Research Consortium, Society for Public Health Education, and the Public Health Education Section of the American Public Health Association Manuscript reviewer for Health Education and Behavior (current) Health Education Research: Theory and Practice. (past) The Journal of Health Education (past) American Journal of Health Promotion (current) Wellness Perspectives (past) 17 June 1992 Guest Editorial Board member for theme issue of Health Education Research: Theory and Practice on building and maintaining community coalitions for health promotion. COMMUNITY SERVICE 20012 Planning consultant to North Carolina Region 5 Community Transformation Project. Worked with local health directors and staffs in the region to prepare a one-year action plan to affect policies, systems, and environmental changes to promote health and prevent disease. 1998 2002 Member of Guilford Health Partnership, a local health planning body made up of representatives of health agencies and concerned citizens. This is part of a state-wide health enhancement program, Healthy Carolinians. 1999-01 Member of United Way Health Promotion Review Committee. This committee reviewed all applications from community health organizations for United Way Funding. 1988-97 Board of Directors - Wellness Council of North Carolina: also member of strategic planning subcommittee of the Board 1995-98 Reviewer for Wellness Councils Of America Well Workplace Awards: reviewed applications for the highest level (Gold) award, Also reviewed local applications for the Wellness Council of NC for local Well Workplace Awards offered locally under the same program (1 gold, two bronze). 1996-97 Guilford County Cardiovascular Disease Task Force - member 1996-97 Consultation with Rockingham County Schools to review data for the evaluation of the high school health clinics and expansion of services to middle schools 1995-97 Wellness Council of the Piedmont - Operations Committee 1994-95 Member of the Project Assist Worksite Task Force which gave direction to smoking cessation activities to be carried out in workplaces 1994-95 Member of the diabetes treatment and prevention committee of the HealthServe Medical Clinic serving low-income citizens 18 1986-91 Education Coordinator for the North Carolina Project on Poverty and Civic Responsibility. Duties included planning, implementing and evaluating educational programs intended to increase citizens' awareness of and responses to the poverty situation in the state of North Carolina. 1986-89 Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity 1986 Group leader for a NC Division of Health, North Central Region conference on health promotion programs offered by county health departments. 1986 Greater Greensboro Substance Abuse Coalition - member of group appointed by city mayor to study local drug problems and make recommendations for city action. 1986-88 Project Independence - contact person for a family in the project sponsored by the Greensboro United Urban Ministries and local churches; the project was intended to help families get off welfare and become self-supported. 19