LIFEGROUP STUDY Lifegroups provide a loving, challenging, and supportive environment for you to grow in your faith and be motivated in loving and serving God in your life. They are meetings where you can expect to encounter God and experience the Holy Spirit in a personal way. You can meet anywhere at any time – be creative and enjoy Loving God, doing Life together & bringing Life to others. Fellowship - We are committed to doing Life together. Practical ideas: Icebreakers: e.g. What is your favourite: movie? holiday destination? Hero? General questions: e.g. How is everyone doing? How is life on a 1-10 scale? Specific questions: e.g. What is 1 highlight and 1 lowlight from this week? Personal questions: e.g. What has God spoken to you about this week? Personal testimony: e.g. Each week 1 member to share their testimony Leaders notes: Worship - Connecting with God personally & corporately. Practical ideas: Ask everyone to bring a verse of praise/thanks Play a worship song or sing together Pray and invite the Holy Spirit and wait on God. Leaders notes: Mission – Intentionally sharing Jesus with others Practical ideas: Pray each week for one friends or family who don’t yet know Jesus. Share stories of ‘brave moments’ when you’ve shared the gospel with someone Invite someone to church, plan a letter-box drop, collect $ or items for a gift giveaway Leaders notes: Ministry - We serve, in the power of the Holy Spirit. Practical ideas: How has God answered prayer from the previous week? Break into two or three’s for prayer. Ask God for a word of prophecy for each other Lay hands on the sick and pray for healing What practical needs are there that you can respond to? Leaders notes: Discipleship - Committed to following Jesus and leading others to Him The SOAPbox Ask one person to speak for 1 minute total: share 1 SOAP Scripture they’ve read in the last week that spoke to them, what they Observed about it, what they have Applied or intend to Apply, and then conclude with a Prayer. The Sermon What did God speak to you about through this week’s message? LIFEGROUP STUDY JESUS CULTURE 3 – HEAD, HEART, AND HAND Read Mark 1:16-20 Q. In brief, discipleship is about following Jesus. According to this passage, what is involved in following Jesus? Q. What does it mean to be a head, heart, and hand Christian? Would you agree that the only kind of Christian is the head, heart, and hand Christian? READ: A disciple of Jesus is a person committed to becoming like Jesus in their being and doing. That includes living in moment by moment fellowship with God (see John 5:19). Frank Laubach made this a major goal of his life. He said: “Can I bring God back in my mind-flow every few seconds so that God shall always be in my mind … I choose to make the rest of my life an experiment in answering this question.” READ: Giving advice on how to make progress in this aspect of becoming like Jesus, Laubach said: "All during the day, in the chinks of time between the things we find ourselves obliged to do, there are the moments when our minds ask: 'What next?' In these chinks of time, ask Him: 'Lord, think Your thoughts in my mind. What is on Your mind for me to do now?' When we ask Christ, 'What next?' we tune in and give Him a chance to pour His ideas through our enkindled imagination. If we persist, it becomes a habit." Q. How are you doing at cultivating a constant fellowship with God, a constant awareness of relating to God? Is this something you desire to grow in? For practical advice on how to grow in this see the sermon Taking Off the Headphones: READ: Matthew 7:24-27, and Psalm 95:6-11 (FYI the events referred to in Psalm 95 are described in Exodus 17:1-7 and Numbers 20:1-13 [probably two separate events with major similarities]. Both are referred to in Hebrews 4:6-7) Q. According to these passages, how important is it to follow Jesus with our head, heart, and hands? Q. And what is the danger of not obeying God’s voice when He speaks to us? How real is this danger? READ: Author Dallas Willard said: “Becoming Christ-like never occurs without intense and wellinformed action on our part.” Willard also said: “Transformation of character comes through learning how to act in concert with Jesus Christ. Character is formed through action, and it is transformed through action, including carefully planned and grace-sustained disciplines.” A crucial part of that action is to act on the gold that God gives us when He speaks to us. His voice is more precious than gold, and certainly more valuable, and so central to being a Christian is to look for the gold, and then follow with head, heart and hand when He speaks. In small groups of 2 or 3: Q. What is God saying to you, or what has God been saying to you recently? What did you do about it, or what are you doing about it? Q. What experience have you had of teaching others, perhaps a person you have disciple or are discipling, to look for the gold? What happened?