New World Order -

The New World Order is Here
In 1990, President George Bush began talking about a new world order. Gary Kah, in
his classic book En Route to Global Occupation, c. 1991, says on page 33-34: “The term
New World Order (or New International Order) has been used privately by the Council
on Foreign Relations, (the active arm of the Illuminati/Masons), since its inception.
However, since the fall of 1990, members have, for the first time, begun using the term
publicly to condition the public for what lies ahead. If the American people hear the term
often enough before the world government is formed, it is hoped they will be less likely to
resist the effort or feel threatened by it when that day arrives. The New World Order, it
should be explained, is an expression that has been used by Illuminized Freemasonry
since the days of Weishaupt (about 400 years ago) to signify the coming world
government over which the anti-messiah will come to rule once it had been built. One of
the Illuminized Freemasonry’s secret symbols portraying this message was placed on
the back of our dollar bill during the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt
was himself a thirty-third degree Mason and a close associate of the CFR.” (italics mine)
On February 17th, 1950, CFR member James Warburg, testified before the Senate
Foreign Relations Committee saying: “We shall have world government whether or not
you like it--whether by conquest or consent”. (Page 33 of Gary Kah’s book)
On page 55, Gary says, “It is not unfair to say that the Council on Foreign Relations and
the Trilateral Commission run our government.”
Yes, the world has a shadow government, and it is run by a few wealthy elite who are
top agents of Lucifer, who have been working hard for world domination. Please refer to
information on the Mazzini/Pike (Illuminati/Mason) plan of 1871, which planned three
world wars for the purpose of creating a scenario for world take-over. This plan has
been executed perfectly, and we are in the final stages of the plans for WWIII.
If you look at the back of a $1.00 bill, you will see the words, “NOVUS ORDO
SECLORUM”. In Latin, these words mean “The New Order of the Ages” (or the New
World Order) in Latin. It is a part of the “Great Seal” of the United States, and is written
beneath a pyramid, topped by the eye of Osirus (or Baal), the Egyptian sun god. This is
a Masonic symbol. (Remember that Washington D.C. in its basic structure is laid out in
a satanic pentagram, with the Masonic Lodge at its predominant point.) The words, “In
God We Trust”, written above the big “ONE”, was put there by a New Age worshipper of
Lucifer. This “God” is not the One, True Elohim Yahuweh.
In May of 1999, several of my friends were sitting in Aqaba, Jordan, waiting for the CNN
world news to come on. When the world news came on, the camera focused on a man,
wearing a military uniform, standing in front of the American flag in Washington, D.C. He
was James Rubin, the spokesman for NATO. Across the TV screen was “One World
Government”. This one world government was publicly announced also on BBC London
at the same time. James Rubin said, “What you are seeing in the bombing of Kosovo is
a demonstration of the core military might of the one world government.” The U.N. had
been questioning the right of NATO to bomb Kosovo. James Rubin said, “The U.N. had
better back off and know who is now in charge”. We sat there stunned. A little later, we
heard the report from BBC, which said that the one world government has been
announced, and it is the G-8 nations and NATO, headed by Clinton and Blair. Well, now
its Bush and Blair. Notice the weakening of the U.N. – which unifies nations of the one
world government, but is not the leader of them. No nation on the face of the earth is
sovereign anymore. I’m sure you’ve noticed that.
The CNN announcer, in May 1999, said to stay tuned to the U.S. news, “coming up
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next”. So, we all waited to hear how America would react to this world announcement.
Across the screen came a long line of people, waiting outside a theater for the opening
of Steven Spielburg’s latest movie. For about 30 minutes, they talked about his movie.
Then they talked about a sensational murder case that was still unsolved. Thus, the
hour of U.S. news passed, and not one word was ever said about this world-shaking
announcement. The citizens of the United States are not supposed to hear anything
about world-changing events, or reality outside the borders of the U.S. The news media
is controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the arm of Illuminati, and
Masons--Lucifer’s agents who seek world domination--the elite, the powerful, the most
wealthy, the :”wise men”, who plan the fate of the lives of all of the world’s people, so
that their agenda can go forward unhindered. I learned about this “news block-out” to
the United States some years ago. Then I met a man, under very strange
circumstances, who worked for the National Security Administration, now known as
Homeland Security. He told me that I wasn’t supposed to know those things, but that it
was true what I had said--the United States public is not supposed to know what has
been incubating within the U.S. borders since 1871 and before, that has caused two
world wars, and is setting up a third one. Once this incubator, the USA, is no longer
needed, it will be destroyed. Yes, it will be totally destroyed. It is being set up for
destruction by the CFR right now. We have so few rights left, and our Constitution was
done away with a long time ago, in favor of the world government.
That is why our heavenly Father begs us, pleads with us with a heart of compassion, to
“Flee from Babylon…”, the economic, political and religious system of Nimrod, that has
come to us through Greece and Rome. His judgment is upon it mightily, and the
fulfillment of the final destruction is very near. As it was in the days of Noah, people
were going about their business as if nothing was going to happen.
Following is a list of things that are now in place and operating, which are necessary in
order to have a world government. Actually very few things are left to be established-one being, of course, a man to execute the whole thing--a world president. Right now, in
Europe, a world president is being discussed. The whole power shift of the world is
returning to Europe, where the most wealthy men called the “Eastern Establishment” live
and operate. The economy of the world is swinging toward the EURO, the European
Union’s currency. The European Union is growing in strength and power every day.
This Eastern Establishment has created our history for us in America, and set us up for
most of the last 200 years to be used, and then discarded. Let us put our pride and
allegiance and loyalty behind the One, True, Elohim of Israel, Yahuweh, and our Savior
Yahushua, who came in His Name.
Twenty-Nine things that must be established to have a world government:
A world headquarters: The United Nations in New York City
A world military: Organized as a world peace-keeping force--we have that
A world policing force, to enforce the laws of the one world government
A world court: We have a world court
A world Parliament – law-making body: We also have this.
A world tax – soon to come
A world ID mark, that each citizen of the world must have in order to buy and sell,
or transact any business. This scanable computer chip is already being
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implanted in babies in some States, and also in willing adults. In areas where
this technology is not possible, as in primitive areas of the Third World Nations,
an invisible mark is already being tested on the right hands of the people.
(Ethiopia is one of the trial countries for this mark).
8) A world religion, that is supposed to be compatible with all people’s beliefs-already developed, and under the Vatican’s auspices.
9) Trade regions – The world has already been divided up into 10 trade regions,
called “the ten kingdoms” in the U.N.
10) A World Trade Organization to unite all of the 10 regions--WTO
11) World transportation control – already established
12) World Health Agency – we have that
13) Global citizenship – with requirements for good standing. We have a global
number already
14) Compatible cultural exchange – PBS is doing a good job with that, along with
National Geographic and other “Mother Earth” organizations
15) World environmental organization--we have that
16) World Science co-operation/world space program co-operation--we have that-especially with Russia, who now is the only space program allowed on the space
station, since NASA has been stopped from going into space until fall of 2004
17) World educational unity for all schools
18) A World Food Program – now hybrid seed is being used, and Genetically
Modified foods, so that the growing of grains and agriculture will be centralized
and dependent on the suppliers for each year’s seed. In Aqaba, Jordan, we
have a regional office for the “World Food Program”.
19) A World Food Bank – we have that
20) A World center for refugee--famine and disaster relief--we have that established
under U.N. control in Aqaba, Jordan.
21) Regionalizing of the world in political order, for control purposes, with local
22) A World Bank – we have that
23) A World Monetary Fund – we have that
24) Many World organizations, for all sorts of monitoring of the peoples and
furtherance of the agendas of the one world government leaders--we have that
25) A World-controlled prison system, and execution system, that will take care of all
dissenters against the world government.
26) A World communication system: “information highway--called the Internet-bringing the world’s people into unity of knowledge
27) A World language – computer language, and English--the world trade language
The people of Babel had one language. Yahuweh had to confuse their tongues,
creating many languages—thus the word Babel, or “confusion”.
And finally: 28) A world President--a world ruler, who holds the ultimate reigns and
power over all the other 27 above. (Listen for organizations with the words “Global”,
“International”, “World” and “Universal” in their titles).
How does one bring it all together so that the world’s people gladly accept this whole
structure, especially the one world leader, who has to set himself up as supreme
ruler, and god, in order to pull it all off? He has to strike fear into the hearts of all the
world’s people groups, in order to have world unity. The Scripture tells us that he will
be “fierce of face”. (Read the entire book of Daniel--the seals are off of it, and the
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Ruach Yahuweh is ready to teach it to you!) The lawless one will rule with an iron
The world’s people will gladly accept his ID computer chip implant (mark), because
of fear, and because of the unifying against a common enemy. What enemy? World
planners must create a villain--thus creating chaos, fear, hysteria and panic, and
terror. Realities such as terrorists, famine, biological and chemical warfare, nuclear
holocaust, diseases that are rampant, and dangerous religious groups that are
potential fanatics and deadly, all serve to horrify people into submission. Martial Law
that has the right to kill anyone who is the least bit suspicious will be enacted
worldwide. And, the mighty United States will be destroyed, for it has become
unnecessary and obsolete to the world planners. Jeremiah 50-51; Isaiah 47 with
Revelation 18, describe the destruction of this modern tower of Babel.
These realities are with us today.
Americans are very dependent people--slaves to a system of debt, dependant on
doctors and drugs, bombarded with sexual lusts-pornography, and addicted to habits
of all types from cigarette smoking, to alcohol, to self-gratification, to abnormal selfcenteredness, to time-wasting with unnecessary busyness.
We have been slowly broken down by methodically induced controlling chemicals to
the point where our bodies are weak, and man-made diseases will spread rapidly.
Americans minds--the will power, emotions, and reasoning powers--have been
weakened through programming from the TV, movies, magazines, books, radio,
music, and other forms of programming, even from the pulpits of churches. The
church system, which was man-created on the foundation of paganism from Greece
and Rome, is also hiding the truth from its people, and people are not prepared for
what is coming. The gospel of ease and comfort has created a mocking, proud,
arrogant, haughty, stubborn and rebellious Christianity, who mocks the warnings of
those like Noah, and proudly announces: “nothing bad will ever happen to us”. .
Americans are bombarded with “see your doctor”, get on the latest pill, and sexual
manipulations which prepare a person to receive deception and lies as the truth.
We have been weakened in body by the genetically altered foods, which in some
cases, have so little food value that we are literally starving to death. Chemical
dusting has been going on for years from planes over cities. And, now, vaccines,
and enzymes are being introduced into foods that are destructive.
Our bodies are being broken down by stress to maintain a lifestyle that was created
for us by the public media. So when the chaos comes, and it will come soon, people
will do anything to maintain their comfort, and ease, and to keep from being hurt.
The spirit of most believers/Christians is starving to death, because instead of
shutting themselves away with the Creator of the Universe, and His Word, and
finding out what is really going on from Him personally, we turn on the TV, or go out
to meet with friends who also know nothing that is going on, and generally don’t care.
The Ruach ha Kodesh (the Holy Spirit) will guide us into all Truth, so that we can
avoid most of these pitfalls. He will show us the way to protection, and the salvation
of our lives. But, everything is geared to taking up our time, so that we don’t spend
the time with Him that we need to hear His voice. Many are like sheep who have
gone astray, and rejected the Shepherd and His good laws and right rulings for our
good--receiving instead a counterfeit religion which says that we’re OK, when we are
far from OK.
We are headed head-long into world disaster, and out of it will come the “man of
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lawlessness”, the “man of sin”, the “anti-messiah”, also called the “beast”--the one
world ruler. And through deceit, the world will sigh a sigh of relief, because finally
someone is going to tell them what to do. If we do not hear from the Ruach as to
what to do, then we’ll receive a false messiah and he will definitely tell us what to do,
or suffer death. Interesting that our Father has given us the terms of the blood
Covenant--the rules of His Kingdom, the Torah--and Christians have been taught to
reject that. Yet, to break these good laws (Torah) is certain death to us, eternal
death. But, when one comes along and scares people bad enough, most will do
what he says, and end up with eternal death. Only by adhering to the terms of the
blood Covenant of Yahuweh is there eternal life.
According to Bible Code II, (and the Bible Code has never been wrong) the year
2004 will experience the release of chemical and biological weapons upon this earth,
and by 2006, we will be in full-blown nuclear war. (If you would like the study sheet
on nuclear holocaust, from the Scriptures, please let me know, and I’ll send it to you.)
Without His intervention, as Messiah says in Matthew 24:21-22, “no flesh will be
saved”. This expression of no one being left alive is found in several of the Prophet’s
writings in the Tenach (misnamed “old testament”). Two nights ago, Brian Williams
of NBC news warned Americans about the high possibilities of biological and
chemical weapons being used by terrorist groups in the United States.
I pray that you will be one of those who will act on this knowledge. Get before the
Father and obey what He tells you. Read carefully, with the Ruach to teach you His
secrets, the books of Daniel, Revelation, Isaiah, Zechariah, Zephaniah, Amos, and
the other prophetic books, including the Psalms. I have studied these things for
years, and been in the Word daily, and stayed in tune with world events. You can
disagree with me in what I write in my articles and study sheets, and what I teach,
but to the Ruach shows everyone the same thing, and you have the same privilege
of studying that I do, and the same Ruach ha Kodesh to listen to, and the same
Word that I read. I don’t write or teach unless I know the information is correct! You
can go on the internet, or get books that are documenting facts, but the Word is our
primary source of information, and the Ruach will lead us into all Truth.
My job is to warn, that’s all. And, please believe me, I warn with a broken heart, and
many tears. I cry very much for the loss of life to come, because many people who
are warned won’t listen to the warning. If my heart is broken, how does my heavenly
Father feel about it? How does Yahushua feel about it? He has to come in wrath, to
destroy most of the people who are still alive after the nuclear holocaust. His heart is
broken. Yahushua’s Bride feels the heart of her Bridegroom, and what is important
to Him is important to her. How many tears did Noah shed as the ark began to float,
and all of those people were drowning? He heard their screams, but he could do
nothing to help them.
My Father has sent me ahead into His safe place, for the remnant of His people who
will be alive and remain until He comes. There will be destruction of most of the
world’s population, and we need to take this information and use it to get out of the
system that our heavenly Father will destroy soon. Already, the U.S. newscasters,
who are of the CFR/Illuminati/Mason plan, are telling us of some things to come. If
we’ll just listen with the Word as our monitor of truth, we will know His timing. We are
just days away from 2004. We must totally turn from the kingdom of Lucifer, and get
solidly into the Kingdom of Yahuweh, and hear from His Ruach.
Love to you, in Him, Yedidah
December 27, 2003
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