Rock of Ages Baptist Church Teacher Requirements & Guidelines

Rock of Ages Baptist Church
Teacher Requirements & Guidelines
Edification Ministry – Teachers’ Training
The Rock of Ages Baptist Church is committed to developing the Biblical and spiritual knowledge of its
members through Christian Education. While it is important to offer courses that ensure the growth and
development in an individual’s Christian walk, it is equally important that teachers are properly equipped
to effectively facilitate the information prepared for each class offered in the ROA course curriculum. As a
called vessel of God, the Edification Cornerstone is committed to sharing and coaching
Teachers/Facilitators in the methodology to enhance their ability to study the Word of God and teach it
with confidence. Therefore, it is critical that the journey to become an effective teacher at ROA is
consistent and thorough, which ensures that the delivery and application of God’s Word is effective in
enriching the Biblical knowledge of ROA members.
Becoming a teacher at Rock of Ages is a significant commitment and will require the time and effort
necessary to bring forth the Word of God in ways that members of the church can understand and apply
to their daily lives. The Edification Teachers’ Training Ministry is committed to providing
Teachers/Facilitators with the best tools and methods to discover God’s Word at a deeper level. The
expectation is that as teachers spend time studying God’s Word and practicing the use of the tools and
methodology provided, they will grow and God will get the glory!
Teachers’ Training Program
The Edification ministry offers a six-month training program for new teachers twice annually beginning in
January and in July. The pre-requisite to participate in the program is a Christian Education (CE)
Certification demonstrating a minimum of three years of actively participating in CE and/or three years of
proven Christian teaching experience at another Church (with Pastor’s letter of certification), and/or call to
the preaching ministry. Participants successfully completing the six-month training program will intern for
six-months under the mentorship of a seasoned teacher prior to being assigned to a Rock of Ages
teaching opportunity.
Members that desire to teach, but do not meet the pre-requisite requirement, must successfully complete
one year of Teachers’ Training and intern for one year under the mentorship of a seasoned Teacher prior
to being assigned to a Rock of Ages teaching opportunity.
Tenured Teachers are required to attend Quarterly Teachers’ Training Workshops to ensure they remain
aware of new teaching resources and tools to enrich their Bible teaching and study.
As commissioned by Pastor Marvin E. Wiley and the leaders of the Edification ministry, the following
information provides the requirements and guidelines for members that may have been called to serve as
teachers for Christian Education courses.
Teacher Requirements
Each individual interested in becoming a teacher at ROA must fulfill the following teacher requirements:
 Be a saved member of Rock of Ages Baptist Church
 Adhere to Rock of Ages Baptist Church doctrinal position
 Successfully complete all seven of the Foundations of the Faith classes
 Successfully complete the SHAPE – Spiritual Gifts assessment
 Attend and complete teacher’s training, as needed
 Attend Bible class and church services regularly
 Commit to prayer for our Pastor, Church, Edification Ministry, and the students that will attend
 Sign a commitment letter indicating agreement to follow the specified requirements and
guidelines to become a teacher
These requirements apply to ALL individuals with the desired to become a teacher at Rock of Ages,
despite their previous teaching background or length of membership at Rock of Ages.
Teacher Guidelines
Guidelines are subject to change at the discretion of the Edification Cornerstone Leaders.
Once a potential teacher has completed the Teacher’s Training Program and is evaluated to determine if
they will be assigned a teaching opportunity, he/she will be expected to:
 Understand and be able to share the plan of salvation with unbelievers and be prepared to lead the
students to a saving faith in Jesus, the Christ.
 Prepare lesson plans for content and context of the topic according to the Course Development
Process established by the Christian Education Ministry.
 Submit an outline/syllabus two weeks prior to the class start date for review by the designated
Coordinator/Assistant & Administrative Assistant.
 Inform students that the outline will be forwarded to them via email prior to class. (Email addresses
should be obtained from each student for teachers, as well as the admin team.)
 Be in class prepared and ready to greet the students 15-20 minutes prior to the class start time.
 Consistently engage students in the classroom by focusing on the topic, providing examples and
facilitating discussion.
 Encourage weekly attendance in Christian Education courses.
 Be accessible to students for questions via email and phone.
 In case of an emergency or absence, contact the course Coordinator/Assistant & Administrative
Assistant as soon as possible.
Teachers will also be strongly encouraged to volunteer to participate in other activities that will help build
and sustain the Christian Education ministry. These activities include, but are not limited to:
 Developing and implementing a daily prayer and Bible practice
 Evangelizing within the church
 Reaching out to invite members and guests to classes
 Attending meetings and training
 Initiating direct contact with students
If you feel that your spiritual strengths and talents can contribute to the edification of members by
becoming a teacher at ROA, please email to discuss further your desire to
become a teacher and the initial steps required to be assigned a mentor to begin training.