Thirteen Colonies Project - MissDWorldofSocialStudies

Name: _____________________________
Due Date: ________________
Thirteen Colonies Project:
Within 150 years of the founding of Jamestown, the English had established 13 colonies along the Atlantic Ocean
of North America though they had not founded all of
them. This time period is
From the beginning individual colonies developed a
variety of political, economic, religious, social and
cultural structures. However they are generally grouped
in three because of certain similarities. You are going to
learn about the colonies, their geographical areas and
apply that learning using your visual, spatial and
kinesthetic abilities. Your text, especially chapter 3, and
the power point notes that you took will assist you in
completing this project. You are going to draw a map of
the 13 colonies on a poster sized paper and include the
information listed below. Your map will show the 13
colonies as they existed before the French and Indian
war. Poster must be white in color and the Media center
sells them.
Your map will contain the following:
The names of each of the 13 colonies on an accurate poster length map
A title
You name and period marked on the front in ink
The following cites will be accurately placed on the map: Boston, Savannah, Philadelphia, New York City,
Jamestown, Charleston, Dover, Baltimore, Plymouth, Providence, Salem,
5. The New England colonies will be colored in with one color of your choosing. The Middle Atlantic colonies
will be colored in with another color of your choosing and the Southern colonies will also be colored in with a
color of your own choosing. Colored pencils are in the bookcase.
6. An arrow will point to the House of Burgesses location and be so labeled
7. An arrow will point to the Mayflower Compact location and be so labeled
8. An arrow will point to a town meeting location and be so labeled
9. The Appalachian mountains will be marked with small triangles
10. The Atlantic Ocean will be marked
11. The Chesapeake bay will be marked
12. French Quebec will be marked.
13. The following rivers will be drawn and marked: Hudson, Neuse, Jamestown
14. A symbol to indicate what export French Quebec was noted for will be placed near its name and the
explanation will be on the Map Key.
15. Spanish Florida will be marked in writing and it’s most important city of that time labeled.
16. The compass will be noted somewhere on the map and accurately show the directions.
17. The Middle passage sometimes called the Triangular trade and its exports will be drawn in with labels and
arrows as to where the products are going to.
18. The Southern, New England and Middle Atlantic colonies will as individual groups have a “blurb”( 3 in total)
in paragraph form that notes the following information:
a) The dates founded
b) The founder’s or founding group’s names i.e... William Penn
c) The European country that originally founded the colony i.e.…England
d) Two Main products they are noted for exporting i.e... fur, lumber
e) Climate and topography i.e.…cold and rocky
f) The reason the colony was established i.e.…religious, financial, political
19. Your map will contain a key or legend as to the symbols that you use
20. Make sure you include the city that is located at 40 degrees north latitude and 75 degrees west longitude
21. Include at least 2 illustrations, drawings or pictures from the internet, your creativity, or magazines to
illustrate each of the three main areas (New England, Middle Atlantic, and Southern) of the 13 original
colonies. Illustrations must be relevant to the time period and not 2008. They can illustrate clothing,
architecture, exports reasons for coming to the New Worlds. .
Following is the rubric for grading:
Making A Poster : 13 Colonies Poster Rubric
Beginning 5
Developing 10
Accomplished 15 Exemplary 20
Accuracy of
Information was
accurate only about
half the time and
less than half of the
task questions were
Information was
sometimes clear and
accurate and most
task questions were
Information was
accurate, complete,
and all task questions
were addressed.
Information was
accurate, complete
and all task
questions were
answered or
depicted correctly.
No illustrations
were used.
Less than 6
6 or more illustrations
illustrations were
were used to make
used to make points. points.
6or more
appropriate, wellplaced illustrations
were used to make
essential points.
Clarity of
The writing needs
to be more focused
and organized. It
needs to be more
to the point and
include more
details and
information. It has
too many mistakes
in spelling and poor
The writing is not
clear enough, and it
drifts away from the
point. It needs to use
more details and be
sure it is accurate.
Errors exist in
spelling and
The writing is pretty
good. It does what the
task asked for, but it
did not give enough
information or details
with the response. It
needed more. There
were very few errors in
spelling and
The writing is clear
and does what was
asked. The errors in
punctuation and
spelling are very few
or non-existent and
wouldn't be noticed.
Presentation does
not appropriately
address any of the
addresses only half
of the criteria.
addresses more than
half but not all of the
addresses all criteria.
Thought and
No original thought Little original thought
was shared. Poster was shared. Poster
was messy
was somewhat
A fair amount of
original thought was
shared. Poster was not
A strong amount of
original thought was
shared. Poster was
neat and organized.