Department of Health Care Administration College of Health and

Course Syllabus
Fall 2010
Technology, Ethics, and Society HCA 417I (3 Units)
Henry O’Lawrence, Ph.D., MDP
Tuesdays (open anytime)
Phone Conference: 7:30PM-9:30PM
E-mail (preferred): anytime
(will respond within 24 hours)
Etech 230
E-MAIL (preferred)
This course is designed to provide students with a framework for understanding the ways
in which human societies transform themselves through technological innovation. New
technologies enlarge society’s options, thereby requiring consideration of ethical
questions concerning the social effects of technological change.
At the end of this course, you should be able to perform the activities listed in the first
column of the table below. The instructional and learning activities that we will
undertake in the class are shown in the second column, and the assessment methods for
each objective are detailed in the third column.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
Course Objective
1. Analyze and define concepts such
as: Technology, Ethics and
Morality in contemporary society.
Class readings, lecture
notes, class discussion
Exams, class
participation, DQ
essay reports
2. Identify the influences of
technology in society and cultural
Class readings, lecture
notes, class discussion
Exams, class
participation, DQ
essay reports
3. Analyze and clarify ethical issues
and social conflicts associated
with new developments in science
and technology.
Class readings, essay
assignments, lecture
notes, class discussion
forum, team work; case
Class participation,
DQ essay reports,
Team Project-Case
4. Develop a framework for ethical
decision: compare and analyze an
ethical decision model against
student's individual ethical
decision process.
Class readings, lecture
notes, class discussion
forum, case analysis
Class participation,
DQ essay reports,
team project
5. Describe and analyze anticipated
and unanticipated consequences
of medical and computer
technologies on society.
Class readings, lecture
notes, independent
research, class
discussion forum
Exams, class
participation, DQ
essay reports
6. Discuss the role of government in
regulating, funding or sanctioning
technological developments.
Class readings, lecture
notes, independent
research, class
discussion forum, case
Class readings, lecture
notes, independent
research, class
discussion forum
Exams, class
participation, DQ
essay reports, team
project deliverable
8. Compare and assess the effects
technological developments have
had on the natural and humanmade environments: from natural
resources to employment.
Class readings, lecture
notes, independent
research, class
discussion forum
Exams, class
participation, DQ
essay reports
9. Develop the framework for
understanding the impact of
intellectual property, privacy,
copyrights and cyber crime laws.
Class readings, lecture
notes, independent
research, class
discussion forum
Exams, class
participation, DQ
essay reports
7. Compare and contrast the impact
technology has in a global
society: food distribution, genetic
engineering, healthcare and the
digital divide.
Exams, class
participation, DQ
essay reports
10. Design the ethical system for the
21st Century society based on
current technological issues and
Class discussion,
independent research,
case analysis, reflective
Class participation,
DQ essay reports,
individual essays
11. Compare and contrast the impact
technology has on the natural and
human-made Environment.
Class readings, lecture
notes, independent
research, class
discussion forum, case
Exams, class
participation, DQ
essay reports, team
project deliverable
Barbour, I. (1991). Ethics in An Age of Technology. (The Gifford lectures 1989-1991,
Vol. 2.). San Francisco: Harper.
Winston, M. E. & Edelbach, R. D. (2008). Society, Ethics, and Technology. Fourth
Edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Group/Thomson Learning
Highly Recommended:
Friedman, T. L. (2007, or latest edition). The world is flat: A brief history of the twentyfirst century. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
You can find the books at; or
Other Resources:
Bauchspies, W. K., Croissant, J., & Restivo, S. (2006). Science, technology, and society:
A sociological approach. Malden, MA: Blackwell
Chadwick, R. (Ed.), (2001). The concise encyclopedia of the ethics of new technologies.
San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Kleinman, D. L. (2005). Science and technology in society. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
 Discussion
 Analytical and reflective writing
 Informal peer content critique/feedback
 Informal and formal critique/feedback by the instructor
 Team projects
 Case analysis
 Readings from class texts, class notes/material, and from additional sources
 Individual field and research activities
Midterm Exam
Final Examination
Team Project (Case Analysis)
Online Discussion Participation
Online Discussion Questions
Final Reflection Report
Final Research paper
Attendance and Late Work/Make-up Policies: No late work will be accepted or
rewarded any credit unless the failing to submit an assignment on time is due to those
circumstances outlined in the CSULB Attendance Policy as Excused Absences
(Academic Senate Policy #01-01). Please refer to the CSULB Catalog or visit the
CSULB Academic Senate site to get familiar with the policy
Same policy is applied to make-up assignments.
Participation: In this class, Online Discussion Participation is a set of specific activities
with the established deadlines. The nature of these activities and the evaluation criteria
for them are described in detail further in this syllabus.
Plagiarism: The students should become very familiar with the university policy on
plagiarism and cheating (Academic Senate Policy #85-19:
As Stated in the Policy, “Plagiarism is defined as the act of using the ideas or work of
another person or persons as if they were one's own, without giving credit to the source.”
In this class, following APA format as closely as possible, particularly for citing and
referencing sources, is the best way for the students to avoid even unintentional violation
of Plagiarism Policy. Students also should be aware that different plagiarism checkers are
available to faculty in order to verify authenticity of students’ work. It is advisable for
students to use such plagiarism checkers as Turnitin for their own confirmation that the
work they submit does not include any “borrowed” material without crediting original
authors and sources.
Basic Technical Requirements:
Internet access, E-mail account and access, Word Processing with MS Word
compatibility: many of the class notes, documents, and additional readings are
stored as MS Word files and documents; you will need this program in order to
retrieve and open these documents and files; you will also need to use a MS Word
compatible program to submit some of your work to the instructor.
Individual Assignments
All individual assignments must be computer-typed and word-processed, in the
format described in the latest APA manual. (See APA folder under Course
Information tab for some of the basic tips on APA).
Online Discussion Questions:
450-500 word essays PER LESSON addressing the questions stated in the
discussion board assignments. The essays should demonstrate your familiarity
with the reading material and concepts, understanding of the topic discussed, your
ability to conduct additional and relevant to the topic research and integrate the
knowledge from the class material and other sources with your personal and
professional experience. All DQ essays must follow the basic principles of APA
format, particular attention should be paid to references and citations format. Each
DQ essay must include at least three research sources (might include class reading
material) referenced and cited according to APA format.
Evaluating Criteria for Online Discussion Questions
The responses to each lesson’s Discussion Questions will be assessed according
to the following rubric:
30 points per lesson--relevant content provided to all questions for the lesson;
clear evidence of critical thinking and demonstrated ability to apply ethical
frameworks to technology topics and issues; well organized, good writing
mechanics (check spelling and grammar), evidence of relevant research; sources
are cited and referenced according to APA format
20-25 points per lesson—relevant content provided to all questions for the lesson,
though little evidence of critical thinking; well organized, good writing
mechanics, evidence of relevant research BUT sources are not cited and/or
referenced according to APA format
10-15 point per lesson—relevant content provided to most of the questions for the
lesson, though no evidence of critical thinking; reasonably well organized, writing
mechanics is acceptable with only some spelling and grammatical errors, BUT no
evidence of relevant research (no citations or references)
0-5 points per lesson—no response posted OR the content is insufficient, no
organization, no evidence of research.
NOTE: There are 12 DQ assignments scheduled in this class. It means that you
can miss up to 2 DQ assignments (for two lessons) and still receive full final score
for the class DQ portion of your grade or to earn up to 60 extra points if you
complete all 12 DQ assignments.
Online Discussion Participation:
In this class, PARTICIPATION means constructive comments on your
classmates' postings, respectful communication style and overall active
participation in the class discussion board.
Evaluating Criteria for Online Discussion Participation:
15 points per online lesson—At least two comments are posted; the comments are
constructive, acknowledge some of the points, arguments, propositions stated in
the discussion postings to which the comments are made
5-10 points per lesson—only one comment is posted; the comment is
constructive, acknowledges some of the points, arguments, propositions stated in
the discussion posting to which the comment is made
0 points per lesson—there are no comments posted; OR the comments are openly
hostile; OR the comments are limited to simple greeting-like statements (“I
agree/disagree”; “Well said,” etc.) without explanation or justification.
NOTE: There are 12 Discussion Participation assignments scheduled in this class.
It means that you can miss up to 2 DQ Participation assignments (for two lessons)
and still receive full final score for the class Participation portion of your grade or
to earn up to 30 extra points if you complete all 12 Participation assignments.
Reflective Summary Essay:
450-500 word reflective essay summarizing the topics, issues learned and
discussed in class, which are particularly connected with you, your personal,
academic, and/or professional life.
Evaluating Criteria for Summary Essay:
45-50 points per essay--The essay discusses the topics and issues of the
course; from the essay, familiarity and understanding of the selected topics and
issues are clearly evident. The essay makes strong connection between the topics
and the reasons why these topics were selected for the essay. Evidence of
additional research of the topics are clearly evident. The sources used in the essay
are cited and referenced according to the APA format.
35-40 points per essay--The essay discusses the topics and issues of the
course; from the essay, familiarity and understanding of the selected topics and
issues are reasonably evident. The essay makes some connection between the
topics and the reasons why these topics were selected for the essay. Evidence of
additional research of the topics are there. The sources used in the essay are cited
and referenced according to the APA format.
25-30 points per essay--There is little evidence of familiarity and understanding
of the course topics in the essay. Little or no additional research are conducted
and/or presented via citations and references. APA is not followed.
0 points per essay--No essay is posted.
Group Projects:
There will be one group project in this course. Each student will be assigned to a
team by the instructor. Each team will be able to communicate through the
individual Group Discussion Forums accessible only to the assigned members of
the team; team members can also communicate via e-mail, phone, or any other
preferred and accepted by all members modes of communication. Please note that
it is NOT expected that the team should meet in person; however, this decision is
within each team’s discretion as long as all members consent.
All team assignments must be computer-typed and word-processed, in the format
described in the latest APA manual. (See APA folder under Course Information
tab for some of the basic tips on APA).
Evaluating Criteria for Group Project:
In general, all group assignments are graded as teamwork. With some rare
exceptions, all members of the team will share the same points/grades for these
assignments. It is the groups’ responsibility to lay the ground rules for logistics of
such collaboration to ensure that every member has an opportunity and takes the
responsibility to contribute. Only the names of the team members contributing to
the project should appear on the final copy of the project deliverable.
The Team Project will be assessed according to the following rubric:
140-150 points—The project follows the required outlines and provides clear
evidence of critical thinking and demonstrated ability to apply ethical frameworks
to the topics/issue(s); well organized and coherent, good writing mechanics
(check spelling and grammar), evidence of relevant research; sources are cited
and referenced according to APA format.
125-135 points— The project follows the required outlines, though little evidence
of critical thinking; reasonably well organized and coherent, good writing
mechanics, evidence of relevant research BUT sources are not cited and/or
referenced according to APA format.
110-120 points— The project follows the required outlines, though no evidence of
critical thinking; poorly organized, not coherent, writing mechanics is acceptable
with only some spelling and grammatical errors, BUT no evidence of relevant
research (no citations or references)
0-100 points—no project submitted OR the project does not follow the outline, no
organization, no evidence of research.
More information on the Team Project will be available under the Assignment
Tab in the course Beachboard Portal.
Final Research Paper
The students are expected to:
1. Demonstrate ability to analyze the differences in work-relations issues applying
the framework of cultural dimensions.
2. Present balanced perspectives on the issues/topic of the paper
3. Present well-rounded analysis and evaluation of the perspectives.
4. Present his/her (or team's) position on the issue
5. Deliver strong argument to support his/her (or team's) position
1. Paper should not exceed 10, doubled-space pages
2. APA guidelines should be followed strictly
3. Pay particular attention to APA citations and references format
Evaluation Criteria:
Writing Quality - including mechanics, organization, spelling and typing.
1. Conceptual Quality - involving the logic, coherence and flow related to the topic
that is being discussed.
2. Relevance to the Task - the clarity of purpose, quality of documentation and
ability to focus exclusively on the discussion topic.
3. Timing-adherence to the specified schedule for submission.
4. APA Format- must be computer-typed and word-processed, in the format
described in the latest APA manual
Evaluation percentage points
1. Content and Conceptualization
2. Logical organization of thoughts and ideas-structure
3. Proper use of external sources: citations and references format
4. Spelling, Grammar, general APA format
Term Paper General Outline
Title/ cover page: the final paper will include your name (for the team paper--all the
names of the members-participants); course, instructor's name.
1. Introduction
a. Introduce the topic.
b. Importance of the topic.
c. Why did you select this topic?
d. Your paper structure (briefly let the reader know what aspects/issues of
this topic you will be discussing in your paper)
2. Main body of the paper/Analysis of the issues (present the issues related to the
topic, present different perspectives on these issues using different sources)
a. Issue 1
b. Issue 2
c. Issue 3
d. Etc. etc. etc.
3. Synthesis: so how are all the issues discussed in #3 related to each other; what
new/important do we learn from their discussion?
4. Conclusion/Summary of the paper (this is the section where you look back at
what you have written and discussed and briefly summarize the main points.
5. References (6-8 references; watch for APA format; keep in mind that every entry
on your reference list MUST correspond to at least one citation in text AND every
source cited in text MUST have an entry in the reference list; the author's name
(or a substitute when author's name is not available) and the date must be identical
between a citation and the corresponding reference entry.
There will be two open-book, open-notes online exams in the course. The exams
include multiple-choice and true/false questions. More information will be
available prior to the exam.
All assignments must be submitted by the specified due dates outlined in the Course
Schedule/ Overview file and according to the following submission instructions.
Submission Instructions:
Online Discussion Questions; Online Discussion Participation; Reflective Summary
Type (or copy/paste from a word file) your answers and comments into the
class main discussion board under the forums designated by the instructor.
Team Project
Teams will be working within their group portals/forums. Submit the final
Project as a MS Word attachment (do not submit it as a DOCX file, only
as a DOC file) to the class main discussion board under the forum
designated by the instructor.
Online Exams:
Exams consist of Multiple-choice and T/F questions. You will submit the
exams through Beachboard. You will be able to work on the exam
gradually by saving it and then returning to it at a later time before you are
ready to submit. More information will be available prior to the exams.
Grades will be assigned based on the following points/percentages:
Letter Grade
83% - 92%
73% - 82%
63% - 72%
0% - 62%
Enjoy the semester!!