Essay Paper.doc

AP Government
Essay Paper #2
25 points
Directions: During the summer of 1776, the smartest men in America sat down in a room
to have the most important conversation of their lifetime. They had to debate whether or
not to break away from the world’s largest empire; an empire which they have been part
of themselves for over a hundred years. By July, the decision became unanimous that
America would become “independent”, so the time came to put the voice of America on
The intent of the document to be sent to the King was to outline the reasons why America
felt it was “necessary to dissolve the political bands which had connected them”.
However, Mr. Jefferson’s letter goes much farther than that when he outlines self-evident
truths guaranteed by our Creator such as the idea that “all men are created equal”. But is
that really what our Founding Father’s meant?
For this essay, you are to answer this question once and for all.
What did our Founding Father’s mean when they said “all men are created equal”?
This is a persuasive essay!! Thus, you must have a strong thesis statement and powerful
examples! A rubric is attached to let you know exactly how to earn your points. The only
requirements are the following:
 2-4 pages, dbl spaced (DO NOT MAKE IT SHORTER THAN 2 FULL PAGES!)
 1” margins on all sides
 Times New Roman, 12 font
 If you cite, it must be APA, 6th edition
 Cover Page is requested, but it does not count as a page.
This assignment is due on Friday, September 16, 2011