Knowledge and Skills Domain: Life Science Unit 1: Diversity of Life Unit Overview Suggested Time Frame: Levels of Knowledge Big Ideas Previous: In any particular environment some kinds of plants and animals survive well, some less well, and some cannot survive at all (4th). Next: Organisms sorted into groups share similarities in external structures as well as similarities in internal anatomical structures and processes that can be used to infer the degree of relatedness among organisms (7th). Some kinds of plants and animals can adapt to survive well in various environments, some less well, and some not at all. Maryland State Curriculum Content Indicators and Objectives Environmental Science Grade 5 A. Diversity of Life 1. Explain the idea that in any particular environment, some kinds of plants and animals survive well, some less well, and some cannot survive at all. a. Identify and describe features and behaviors of some of the plants and animals living in a familiar environment and explain ways that these organisms are well suited to their environment. b. Based on information about the features and behaviors of animals and plants from very different environments describe reasons that they might not survive if their environment changed or if they were moved from one environment to another. Maryland State Curriculum Skill and Processes Indicators Domain: Life Science Unit 1: Diversity of Life Unit Overview A. Constructing Knowledge 1. Gather and question data from many different forms of scientific investigations which include reviewing appropriate print resources, observing what things are like or what is happening somewhere, collecting specimens for analysis, and doing experiments. a. Support investigative findings with data found in books, articles, and databases, and identify the sources used and expect others to do the same. C. Communicating Scientific Information 1. Recognize that clear communication is an essential part of doing science because it enables scientists to inform others about their work, expose their ideas to criticism by other scientists, and stay informed about scientific discoveries around the world. a. Make use of and analyze models, such as tables and graphs to summarize and interpret data. Domain: Life Science Unit 1: Diversity of Life Knowledge and Skills Vocabulary Unit Overview Conceptual Understandings Behavior Some kinds of plants and animals survive well, some less well, and some Camouflage cannot survive at all in a particular environment. Environment Some kinds of plants and animals have characteristics that make them Habitat suited to their environment and not suited to other environments Inborn Behavior (instinct) Lessons Mimicry 1. Features animal adapt for their environments. Nocturnal 2. Behaviors animal adapt for their environments. Diurnal 3. Features plant adapt for their environments. Predator 4. Behaviors plants adapt for their environments. Prey 5. Adaptations to changing environments. Survive/Survival Habitat Common Misconceptions Environment A species changes because the organisms use, or fail to use, particular body parts or abilities. Adaptation equals evolution. Few plants can survive in deserts. Plants are dependent on humans. Plants cannot defend themselves against herbivores. Plants are dependent on humans. Unit Activity Overviews Domain: Life Science Unit 1: Diversity of Life Unit Overview Lesson and Objective Activity Description 1. Features animal adapt for their environments. The teacher will show a picture of a spiny bugs looking very similar to the plant they are standing on. The students make predictions about how the blending in of an organism with an environment will help it survive. The students will watch a video about animal adaptation. Using the graphic organizer, the students will record important details about the structural features of animals to their environments. The students will summarize important information they learned with the class. Students will identify and describe features of some animals living in a familiar environment and explain ways that these organisms are well suited to their environment by locating main ideas and details in the text/video. 2. Behaviors animal adapt for their environments. Ask groups of students to seek examples of how an animal’s behavior might be suited to its environment. Groups conduct Students will identify and research and create simple PowerPoint describe behavioral presentations to share with classmates adaptations of some animals about animal behavioral adaptations. Final living in a familiar class discussion should invite students to environment by researching compare examples shown. and creating a PowerPoint presentation. Suggested Resources Maryland Science Grade 5: A Closer Look, Macmillan McGraw-Hill, 2008 Video: Examples of Animal Adaptations Teacher’s Guide: Animal Adaptations Maryland Science Grade 5: A Closer Look, Macmillan McGraw-Hill, 2008 Domain: Life Science Unit 1: Diversity of Life Unit Activity Overview Lesson and Objective 3. Features plant adapt for their environments Students will identify and explain some plant adaptations to their environment by supporting investigative findings with data found in books, articles, and databases. Unit Overview Activity Description The students will observe and analyze a diagram and photo and will answer the question, “Which part of the orchid is the pseudo bulb?” Then the students will do a quick lab activity about leaf adaptations. The students will examine the following leaves: oak leaf, pine needles, and elodea leaf. They will draw each leaf. Using a ruler, the students will measure each leaf and record their observation in the data sheet. The students will break open the leaves and compare the leaves. The students will make an inference about which environments each of the leaves adapted to. Students share their findings with the whole class. Suggested Resources Website: Orchid Diagram Website: Orchid Picture Maryland Science Grade 5: A Closer Look, Macmillan McGraw-Hill, 2008 Website: Plant Adaptations Teacher’s Guide: Plant Adaptations Domain: Life Science Unit 1: Diversity of Life Unit Activity Overview 4. Behaviors plants adapt for their environments. Students will identify and explain some plant adaptations to their environment by developing explanations using knowledge possessed and evidence from observations, print resources, and investigations. 5. Adaptations to changing environments. Students will describe feature and behavioral adaptations to environments by constructing and sharing reasonable explanations for questions asked. Unit Overview Introduce different ways that plants adapt to their environment. Students will examine different houseplants like aloe, pothos, and Christmas cactus and use distinguishing features to figure out each plants natural habitat. Engage the students by asking a specific question that gets to the heart of the activity. For example: show students a piece of ivy and the little hair-like roots that can cling to a tree or building and ask, “How do these roots help ivy survive?” Students should be able to figure out that ivy’s roots enable it to get off the ground and get more sunlight. Groups of students should be given a question that pairs an animal with an environment it would not normally be found in, such as “How would features and behavior of a polar bear have to change for it to adapt to a desert?” Each team should create a “morph report” to answer the question, and share with the class Maryland Science Grade 5: A Closer Look, Macmillan McGraw-Hill, 2008 Website: Plant Adaptations Teacher’s Guide: Plant Adaptations Maryland Science Grade 5: A Closer Look, Macmillan McGraw-Hill, 2008