Chapter 12: Sex, Marriage, and Family Multiple Choice 1. What does the white silk kimono worn by the bride in a traditional Japanese wedding symbolize? A. B. C. D. jealousy purity authority spirituality ANS: B PG: 244 2. The Trobriand Islanders are part of the country of: A. B. C. D. Indonesia Thailand Australia Papua New Guinea ANS: D PG: 245 3. 4 to 5 years 12 to 13 years 7 to 8 years 10 to 12 years ANS: C PG: 245 TYPE: Factual How do Trobrianders proclaim their intentions to marry? A. B. C. D. they stand together in front of the young man’s house they stand together in front of the young woman’s house they go together to speak with the young man’s father they go together to speak with the young woman’s father ANS: A PG: 246 5. TYPE: Factual Trobriand Island children begin playing erotic games around the age of: A. B. C. D. 4. TYPE: Applied TYPE: Applied Social rules and cultural meanings of human sexual behavior are governed by: 358 Sex, Marriage, and Family A. B. C. D. individual behavior hormones only biology culture ANS: D PG: 246 6. According to strict Judeo-Christian law, as prescribed in the book of Leviticus, adultery was punishable by: A. B. C. D. incarceration flogging social ostracism death ANS: D PG: 247 7. flogging social ostracism death exile ANS: B PG: 247 TYPE: Applied In which famous novel was adultery among Christian colonists in New England explored? A. B. C. D. Pilgrim’s Progress The House of Seven Gables The Odyssey The Scarlet Letter ANS: D PG: 247 9. TYPE: Applied Among Christian colonists in 17th- and 18th-century New England, adultery by women often led to: A. B. C. D. 8. TYPE: Conceptual TYPE: Conceptual Under Shariah law, women found guilty of having sexual relations outside of marriage were sentenced to: A. wearing a letter on their attire 359 Test Bank: Chapter 12 B. exile C. death D. social ostracism ANS: C PG: 247 10. The worldwide epidemic of HIV/AIDS has had: A. B. C. D. no impact on worldwide sexual behavior little impact in societies with few sexual restrictions great impact especially in sexually restrictive societies relatively little impact in sexually restrictive societies ANS: D PG: 247 11. 55% 35% 5% 15% ANS D PG: 248 TYPE: Factual In the United States, approximately what percentage of children under 18 years has been involved in incestuous relations? A. B. C. D. 2 to 3% 14 to 15% 4 to 10% 10 to 14% ANS: D PG: 248 13. TYPE: Conceptual What percentage of known societies have rules requiring that sexual involvement take place only within marriage? A. B. C. D. 12. TYPE: Applied TYPE: Factual In a sample study of 129 societies, Nancy Thornhill found that the most common incest taboo was between: A. B. C. D. cousins siblings parent and child grandparent and child 360 Sex, Marriage, and Family ANS: A PG: 248 14. Which of the following statements about incest is most accurate? A. B. C. D. just as marriage in various forms is found in all cultures, so is the incest taboo there are essentially two incest taboos found in different cultures there is only one incest taboo found in all cultures every religion has only one incest taboo ANS: A PG: 248 15. it does not cause a significant increase in genetic deficiency it causes significantly increased genetic risks it produces unhealthy children it is a threat to civilized life ANS: A PG: 250 siblings father and child mother and child first cousins ANS: D PG: 248 TYPE: Conceptual Sexual relations among adolescent Trobriand Islanders are: A. B. C. D. absolutely prohibited until the age of 25 restricted to young males only relaxed and involve experimental alliances open only to specific social classes ANS: C PG: 249 18. TYPE: Applied Most societies include in the incest taboo a prohibition against sexual relations between all of the following except: A. B. C. D. 17. TYPE: Factual Which of the following statements is true regarding first-cousin marriage? A. B. C. D. 16. TYPE: Factual TYPE: Applied Which of the following statement is true? 361 Test Bank: Chapter 12 A. B. C. D. most societies are neither exogamous nor endogamous a society that is highly developed is exogamous a society that has sexual restriction can be classified as endogamous a society may have both exogamous and endogamous rules ANS: D PG: 249 19. Currently, first cousin marriage is illegal in how many states in the United States? A. B. C. D. none 19 31 50 ANS: C PG: 249 20. social alliance sexual control healthy children urbanization ANS: A PG: 249 TYPE: Conceptual If you were restricted to marrying your mother’s brother’s sons or daughters, then you would be _______________ for marriage of _______________. A. B. C. D. endogamous/cross-cousins endogamous/parallel cousins exogamous/cross-cousins exogamous/parallel cousins ANS: A PG: 249 22. TYPE: Factual According to early anthropologists, the primary purpose of exogamy was to promote: A. B. C. D. 21. TYPE: Conceptual TYPE: Applied All of the following are forms of marriage except: A. polygyny B. monogamy C. sororal polyandry 362 Sex, Marriage, and Family D. polygamy ANS: C PG: 249-257 23. What is the great “myth” that is commonly held in North American regarding the reason for the establishment of a taboo against first-cousin marriage in the United States? A. B. C. D. it is a religious prohibition it decreased the chances for the family to extend social alliances it would incite feuding within the nuclear family it would cause increased numbers of birth defects ANS: D PG: 250 24. 15th century 21st century 18th century 19th century ANS: D PG: 250 TYPE: Conceptual Polygyny is favored by what percentage of the world’s cultures? A. B. C. D. 20% 40% 60% 80% ANS: D PG: 250 26. TYPE: Conceptual During what time period were first-cousin marriage prohibitions developed in the United States? A. B. C. D. 25. TYPE: Factual TYPE: Factual Why does the number of monogamous marriages often exceed polygynous ones in cultures where polygyny is preferred? A. B. C. D. social sanctions lack of economic resources illegal status lack of women 363 Test Bank: Chapter 12 ANS: B PG: 250 27. In most polygynous societies, women: A. B. C. D. have bargaining power and some independence are extremely subordinated enjoy equal status with men are in the highest social positions ANS: A PG: 251 28. monogamy polyandry polygamy serial monogamy ANS: D PG: 251 serial monogamy polyandry polygamy polygyny ANS: D PG: 250 TYPE: Factual What is the official position of the Mormon Church in regards to polygamy? A. B. C. D. it is openly encouraged in the press and from the pulpit it is not an officially approved practice it is required it is accepted in certain cases in which the husband can provide well for his family ANS: B PG: 252 31. TYPE: Factual Marriage in which a man has more than one wife is called: A. B. C. D. 30. TYPE: Conceptual What do we term the type of marriage in which each partner has just one spouse, but marries a series of partners in succession? A. B. C. D. 29. TYPE: Conceptual TYPE: Applied Which of the following societies is traditionally polyandrous? 364 Sex, Marriage, and Family A. B. C. D. English Samoan Trobriand Islanders Nyimba of Nepal ANS: D PG: 252 32. The simultaneous marriage of several brothers to a single wife is called: A. B. C. D. fraternal polyandry fraternal monogamy fraternal polygyny fraternal polygamy ANS: A PG: 252 33. sororal marriage sororal monogamy sororal polyandry sororal polygyny ANS: D PG: 252 TYPE: Factual A patrilateral parallel-cousin marriage is between a man and his: A. B. C. D. mother’s brother’s daughter father’s brother’s daughter father’s son’s daughter father’s father’s daughter ANS: B PG: 253 35. TYPE: Factual When co-wives are sisters, it is called A. B. C. D. 34. TYPE: Factual TYPE: Applied Patrilateral parallel-cousin marriages were historically and traditionally favored among all of the following except: A. B. C. D. ancient Israelites ancient Greeks Romans Arabs 365 Test Bank: Chapter 12 ANS: C PG: 253 36. Which form of residence is traditional among urban, upper-middle class Indian couples? A. B. C. D. patrilocal matrilocal neolocal bilocal ANS: A PG: 254 37. never practiced always practiced still somewhat common among certain social classes extremely common among the lower castes ANS: C PG: 254 TYPE: Applied The marriage of a woman to her father’s sister’s son is called: A. B. C. D. matrilateral cross-cousin marriage matrilateral parallel-cousin marriage patrilateral cross-cousin marriage patrilateral parallel-cousin marriage ANS: A PG: 256 39. TYPE: Applied In India, arranged marriages are: A. B. C. D. 38. TYPE: Conceptual TYPE: Factual Among the Nandi, which person is considered the “female husband”? A. B. C. D. the barren woman who contracts the marriage the fertile woman who enters into woman to woman marriage the husband of the barren woman the male lovers of the fertile woman ANS: A PG: 256 TYPE: Applied 366 Sex, Marriage, and Family 40. All of the following are considered assets in a woman to woman marriage among the Nandi except: A. B. C. D. the barren woman is able to divorce her first husband a barren woman obtains sons for inheritance each woman obtains a higher status than would be otherwise the female husband is less harsh and demanding ANS: A PG: 256 41. Which of the following arguments is not commonly used against same-sex marriage? A. B. C. D. it is not representative of traditional marriage it indicates support for gays and gay lifestyle it destroys the social and economic basis of society it does not produce children ANS: C PG: 257 42. bride service bride-price dowry bridewealth ANS: C PG: 257 TYPE: Applied What is the rationale for bridewealth in a patrilineal society? A. B. C. D. the wife is expensive to maintain and the groom must be compensated the wife’s family will lose her labor and reproductive capacity the wife’s family negotiates a better marriage with a high bridewealth the wife’s children will drain resources from her husband’s family over time ANS: B PG: 257 44. TYPE: Conceptual The United States’ custom of the bride’s family paying for the wedding expenses is: A. B. C. D. 43. TYPE: Conceptual TYPE: Conceptual In which American Indian group can a woman divorce her husband by placing his belongings outside of the door? 367 Test Bank: Chapter 12 A. B. C. D. Mattaponi Pamunkey Crow Hopi ANS: D PG: 258 45. Which of the following is a significant reason for lower divorce rates prior to 1800 in Western societies? A. B. C. D. more material possessions and more children in marriages a high mortality rate men and women did not argue as much as they do now women were more valuable than they are now ANS: B PG: 258 46. grandparents both mothers and fathers fathers and older brothers mothers and younger siblings ANS: D PG: 259 TYPE: Applied The basic residential unit where economic production, consumption, inheritance, child rearing and shelter are organized is called the: A. B. C. D. household family conjugal unit marriage ANS: A PG: 259 48. TYPE: Conceptual Among the Mundurucu, until the age of 13 all children live exclusively with their: A. B. C. D. 47. TYPE: Applied TYPE: Factual Families that are established through marriage are called: A. B. C. D. nuclear conjugal for monetary profit blended 368 Sex, Marriage, and Family ANS: B PG: 260 49. According to a cross-cultural survey of 192 families, the most common family is: A. B. C. D. nuclear extended conjugal polygamous ANS: B PG: 260 50. 20 60 45 90 ANS: A PG: 260 TYPE: Applied Which of the following is considered primarily responsible for raising children among the Inuit? A. B. C. D. siblings only the extended family the wife in a nuclear family all adult members of the community ANS: C PG: 261 52. TYPE: Applied In the United States, what percentage of families is considered to be “nuclear” today? A. B. C. D. 51. TYPE: Factual TYPE: Factual The nuclear family is especially well adapted to a mode of subsistence that requires: A. B. C. D. healthy children accumulated wealth a large labor force a high degree of geographical mobility ANS: D PG: 261 TYPE: Conceptual 369 Test Bank: Chapter 12 53. The most common family type in traditional farming and herding cultures is the: A. B. C. D. conjugal family nuclear family extended family blended family ANS: C PG: 261 54. A family established through marriage is called a: A. B. C. D. consanguineal family conjugal family nuclear family group family ANS: B PG: 260 55. TYPE: Conceptual TYPE: Factual In the United States, new reproductive technologies and open adoption have contributed to the rise of: A. B. C. D. polygamous families extended families nuclear families blended families ANS: D PG: 263 TYPE: Applied True/False 56. All societies have rules to govern sexual behavior. ANS: True PG: 244 57. Among Trobriand Islanders, sexual relations are not permitted before marriage. ANS: False PG: 245 58. TYPE: Factual TYPE: Factual Sexually restrictive societies are in a worldwide minority. 370 Sex, Marriage, and Family ANS: True PG: 248 59. The incest taboo is a permanent cultural law. ANS: False PG: 248 60. TYPE: Factual If a marriage in which bridewealth has been paid is dissolved, the money must be returned to the bride’s family. ANS: False PG: 257 67. TYPE: Conceptual Bridewealth (bride-price) is associated with patrilineal societies. ANS: True PG: 257 66. TYPE: Factual Most societies worldwide allow individuals to choose their own spouse. ANS: False PG: 253 65. TYPE: Factual Polygamy is prohibited in England. ANS: False PG: 252 64. TYPE: Conceptual First-cousin marriage causes significant increases in genetic deficiency. ANS: False PG: 250 63. TYPE: Conceptual There is no difference between marriage and mating. ANS: False PG: 249 62. TYPE: Conceptual In societies where there is a strict incest taboo, you do not find sexual violations. ANS: False PG: 248 61. TYPE: Factual TYPE: Applied Divorce did not occur before urbanization. 371 Test Bank: Chapter 12 ANS: False PG: 258 68. The structures of marriage and the family are cultural phenomena. ANS: True PG: 259 69. TYPE: Factual In matrilocal residence the groom’s family does not usually receive marriage compensation. ANS: True PG: 263 74. TYPE: Factual Anthropologists have identified five kinds of post-marital residence. ANS: True PG: 263 73. TYPE: Factual Single-parent households are a phenomenon associated only with post-industrial societies. ANS: False PG: 262 72. TYPE: Factual The smallest known family unit is the nuclear family. ANS: True PG: 260 71. TYPE: Conceptual A nuclear family contains one or two parents and their immediate offspring. ANS: True PG: 260 70. TYPE: Factual TYPE: Applied China has more than 114 million migrant workers. ANS: True PG: 264 TYPE: Factual Fill in the Blank 75. In traditional Muslim societies ______________ law regulates social behavior in strict accordance with religious standards of morality. 372 Sex, Marriage, and Family ANS: Shariah PG: 247 76. In much of North America and Europe, the traditional ideal was that all sexual activity outside of marriage was _______________. ANS: taboo PG: 248 77. TYPE: Conceptual The marriage of one woman to two or more men simultaneously is called _______________. ANS: polyandry PG: 252 83. TYPE: Factual The most preferred form of marriage in the world is _______________. ANS: polygamy or polygyny PG: 249 82. TYPE: Applied Rules for marriage outside of a group are called _______________. ANS: exogamy PG: 249 81. TYPE: Factual In Peru, the Inca was required to marry his _______________. ANS: sister PG: 248 80. TYPE: Factual The absolute forbiddance of sexual contact between certain close relatives is an __________________________. ANS: incest taboo PG: 248 79. TYPE: Conceptual The anthropological definition of marriage says that it establishes _______________ and _______________ between various people involved. ANS: rights, obligations PG: 248 78. TYPE: Applied TYPE: Factual Co-marriage is also known as __________________________. ANS: group marriage PG: 253 TYPE: Factual 373 Test Bank: Chapter 12 84. On an anthropological kinship chart, the symbol used for a female is always a _ . ANS: circle PG: 253 85. In arranged marriages in India, the groom and bride tend to be from the same _______________. ANS: caste (sub-caste) PG: 254 86. TYPE: Factual In situations where men play a predominant role in subsistence, you would expect to find _______________ residence. ANS: patrilocal PG: 263 91. TYPE: Conceptual In a cross-cultural survey of 192 cultures, the _______________ family was found to be the least common. ANS: polygamous PG: 260 90. TYPE: Conceptual The smallest family unit is the _______________ family. ANS: nuclear PG: 260 89. TYPE: Factual The basic cooperative structure that ensures an individual’s primary needs and provides the necessary care for children is the _______________. ANS: family PG: 259 88. TYPE: Applied Payments of money or valuable good to the bride’s parents or other close kin is called _______________. ANS: bridewealth (or bride-price) PG: 257 87. TYPE: Factual TYPE: Applied When a married couple forms a household in a separate location it is _______________ residence. ANS: neolocal TYPE: Factual 374 Sex, Marriage, and Family PG: 263 92. Traditionally, among the Hopi Indians, _______________ residence was commonly practiced. ANS: matrilocal PG: 263 TYPE: Applied Short Answer 93. What three challenges do marriage and family resolve for human societies? ANS: They resolve the challenge of managing sexual relations, establishing social alliances essential to survival, and raising children. PG: 246 TYPE: Conceptual 94. What is the anthropological definition of marriage? ANS: Marriage is a culturally sanctioned union between two or more people that establishes certain rights and obligations between the people, between them and their children, and between them and their in-laws. PG: 248 TYPE: Factual 95. What are the biological consequences of incest and the incest taboo? ANS: Biologically, incest leads to increased percentage of desirable and undesirable characteristics; it is a selective force. The incest taboo prevents the harmful effects of inbreeding. PG: 248 TYPE: Applied 96. Describe gender roles in a typically polygynous society. ANS: A typical polygynous society is one that supports itself through cultivation in which women do the bulk of the work and child are highly valued. Often women have strong bargaining positions in a polygynous household and some degree of independence. PG: 252 TYPE: Applied 97. What is the adaptive value of fraternal polyandry? ANS: It prevents land subdivision among sons, holds down population growth, and provides an adequate pool of male labor. 375 Test Bank: Chapter 12 PG: 252 TYPE: Applied 98. Under what conditions did we find group marriage among the Eskimos of northern Alaska? ANS: It provided mutual aid and support when a man lent his wife and was found associated with hunting crews on whaleboats in which a man sealed his partnerships with the crew members by loaning his wife. PG: 253 TYPE: Conceptual 99. Under what conditions is woman to woman marriage practiced among the Nandi, and what are the advantages of such an arrangement? ANS: It is found among barren women in polygynous households. The advantages of woman to woman marriage are that the barren woman raises her status substantially by producing male heirs through her female partner; the fertile woman raises her status and secures legitimacy for her offspring, and the relationship overall is usually less harsh and demanding. PG: 256 TYPE: Applied 100. How is same-sex marriage culturally adaptive among the Nandi? ANS: It is used to allow women who have no sons an opportunity to form a family with a younger woman and function as an economic and social unit. PG: 256 TYPE: Applied 101. Distinguish between bride-price and bride service. ANS: Bride-price is money transferred to the bride’s family upon marriage, while bride service involves a designated period of work that the groom does for the bride’s family. PG: 257 TYPE: Factual 102. What advantages does dowry confer on a woman? ANS: She gains more influence within her marriage, she is able to influence the choice of husband, she has some financial security after the death of her spouse, and it affords some protection against desertion by the male. PG: 257 TYPE: Conceptual 376 Sex, Marriage, and Family 103. Define the anthropological concept of family. ANS: Family is two or more people related by blood, marriage, or adoption. PG: 260 TYPE: Factual 104. What are the primary forces that have shaped the nuclear family in the United States during the past 50 years? ANS: The primary forces are industrialization and job mobility, changing social norms about the independence of offspring, and the availability of retirement homes and alternative non-extended family options for older parents and grandparents. PG: 261 TYPE: Applied Essay 105. Marriages often contain economic components and in some cases may be arranged by parents or families; however, some second generation immigrants growing up in the United States are often conflicted on this practice. While their parents may have had an arranged marriage, second or third generation immigrants are often confronted with or are surrounded by concepts of romantic love. Discuss how generational differences among immigrant communities may result in children challenging their parents’ attempts to arrange their marriages. ANS: Will vary 106. The increasing rate of divorce in the United States and other Western industrial and postindustrial societies have many people worried about the future of family and household structures. Yet others argue that the divorce rates, while higher in part, have been exaggerated for specific political purposes (e.g. to return to a more ‘traditional’ family structure). What are the patterns of divorce in the United States? How have such patterns been explained? Why have some argued against the increases in divorce and the rise of nonfamily/nontraditional households? How many people do you know that reside in nontraditional families? ANS: Will vary 107. This chapter closes with a brief look at “Family in our Globalized and Technologized World.” Topics briefly mentioned here range from blended families to immigrant communities to in vitro fertilization. Undoubtedly, immigrant populations have, in some cases, challenged some traditional notions on family, marriage, and sex. Discuss the changes that might be anticipated within a country such as the United States if marriage and residence patterns were to shift. 377 Test Bank: Chapter 12 ANS: Will vary 108. What is the anthropological definition of marriage? Using this definition, describe what each aspect of it means and how it contributes to cultural adaptation. ANS: Will vary 378