APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR CERTIFIED HOST MUNICIPALITY INSPECTORS UNDER SECTION 1102 OF THE MUNICIPAL WASTE PLANNING, RECYCLING AND WASTE REDUCTION ACT (ACT 101 OF 1988) AND SECTION 304 OF THE HAZARDOUS SITES CLEANUP ACT (ACT 108 OF 1988) PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WASTE MANAGEMENT Rev. 11/2015 PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WASTE MANAGEMENT REIMBURSEMENT FOR CERTIFIED HOST MUNICIPALITY INSPECTORS 1. 2. 3. Statutory Authority: Reimbursements are authorized under Section 1933-1 of the Administrative Code of 1929 (71 P.S. 510-33), which authorizes payments for certain inspectors, as provided for in Section 1102 of the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (Act 101 of 1988) and Section 304 of the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act (Act 108 of 1988). All funds are allocated from the Recycling Fund authorized under Act 101 for municipal waste facilities, or from the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund under Act 108 for hazardous waste facilities. Basic Provisions: Reimbursements from the Funds are available to any municipality that has a municipal waste landfill, resource recovery facility, or commercial hazardous waste storage, treatment or disposal facility located within its geographic borders. Upon application from any municipality, the Department shall award reimbursements for authorized costs incurred for the salary and expenses of up to two certified Host Municipality Inspector(s). The reimbursement shall not exceed 50% of the approved costs of the certified Host Municipality Inspector’s salary and approved expenses. Reimbursement will be available only for work conducted by certified Host Municipality lnspectors who have been designated in writing by the host municipality. The Department has established and conducts a training program to certify Host Municipality Inspectors. Attendance at such training course(s) and passing a written examination are mandatory for certification. The Department may withhold reimbursement for falsification of information included or submitted in support of the application or for omission of information required to be submitted with the application. Application Procedures: Host Municipalities should contact the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Management, P.O. Box 8471, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8471, (717) 787-9870, for additional information and application forms. Proof of payment of expenses must be submitted with the application and include, at a minimum: a) Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement for the year reimbursement is requested. b) Copies of weekly/monthly activity records. c) Receipted itemized invoices. d) Proof of attendance at training courses, meetings, or functions. The attached W-9 Form (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification) must be completed and submitted with the reimbursement application. Note: Municipalities do not have to submit an application if they are not claiming reimbursement. -1- 4. Eligible costs for Certified Host Municipality Inspector reimbursement: 25 Pa. Code § 272.362 Eligible Costs (a) The grant shall be for 50% of the approved costs of the salaries and expenses of up to two certified Host Municipality Inspectors. (b) Costs not approved for a grant include, but are not limited to: (1) Activities and expenses incurred by the inspectors that are not related to inspection of resource recovery facilities or municipal waste landfills located in the municipality. (2) Administrative, management or clerical activities. (3) Office equipment and office maintenance. (4) Office supplies, duplicating and postage. (5) Clothing allowances. (6) Costs covered under the grant provided by § 272.371 (associated with independent review of permit applications). (7) Costs incurred by the municipality or the inspector prior to certification, after decertification or while on inactive status. Examples of Expenses approved for 50% Reimbursement Wages or salaries for not more than two Host Municipality Inspectors on any given day. Activities and expenses related to inspection of operations: Travel from host municipality to the facility Pre-inspection activities (review of records, reports, correspondence, request forms, etc.) Inspection activities Post-inspection activities (preparation of report, follow-up with facility, PA DEP, and/or host municipality) Attending approved training and meetings Approved training and meetings: PA DEP-sponsored training or meetings on municipal waste operations and regulations, commercial hazardous waste operations and regulations, and/or host municipality inspector program Municipality/Public meetings concerning facility operations Pennsylvania Association of Host Municipal Inspectors (PAHMI) meetings (including annual dues) Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA)/Pennsylvania Waste Industries Association (PWIA) meetings Employer costs for social security, Medicare, workers' compensation, unemployment compensation, health benefits, retirement benefits and other benefits provided by the municipality. Fees associated with attending approved training courses or related meetings and functions required by the Department including: Lodging and subsistence associated with attending approved training or meetings outside a 50-mile radius of both the host municipality inspector’s place of employment and residence Mileage, parking, fares and tolls Safety equipment (boots, gloves, rain gear, orange vest, shoes) required for conducting inspections. -2- 5. 6. Monitoring equipment (methane gas meter, portable gas/hydrocarbon detector (to detect methane gas) magnehelic gauge, dissolved oxygen meter, pH conductivity temperature meter, VOC monitor). Monitoring costs (sample bottles, packaging, ice, laboratory analysis, sample shipping) camera, film, binoculars. Examples of items specifically excluded as eligible costs for a program include, but are not limited to, the following: Activities and expenses not related to inspection activities (administrative, management, or clerical activities, other municipality responsibilities). Office equipment (computers, desk, facsimile machines, printers, telephone, typewriter). Office supplies (inspection record book, field record book, paper, pens, and printer cartridges). Clothing (non-safety related clothing). Vehicle purchase/rental. Independent permit application processing and review activities covered by 25 Pa. Code § 272.231 or 35 P.S. § 6020.304(d). Grant Limitations: A reimbursement may not be awarded to any municipality that has failed to comply with the conditions set forth in previously awarded grants, the grant requirements of Act 101 or Act 108, or the regulations promulgated under either Act. The Department's ability to provide reimbursement is contingent upon the availability of funds in the Recycling Fund or the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund. -3- 2500-FM-BWM0211 Instructions Rev. 11/2015 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WASTE MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILING APPLICATION FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF CERTIFIED HOST MUNICIPALITY INSPECTORS Please read all instructions carefully before completing the application. Failure to submit the required and supporting documents could result in the delay or loss of reimbursement. Please print or type all information. This application should be submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Management, P. O. Box 8471, Harrisburg, PA 17105-8471 (717-787-9870). The application must be postmarked by March 31 to be eligible for reimbursement for costs incurred from January 1 through December 31 of the prior year. SECTION A Item 3 – Indicate which statute authorizes the reimbursement of costs associated with employing Host Municipality Inspectors. If the facility being inspected is a municipal waste landfill or resource recovery facility, the statutory authority is provided by Section 1102 of the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (Act 101 of 1988). If the facility is a commercial hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facility, the statutory authority is provided by Section 304 of the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act (Act 108 of 1988). Item 4 – Enter the Municipality's Federal I.D. Number. This number must be provided in order for the application to be processed. Item 5 – Enter the year for which this application is being submitted. SECTION B All expenses must be itemized and supported by appropriate documentation, including copies of the Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statements, cancelled receipts, billing reports/invoices, the unemployment contribution rate notice (Form UC-657), etc. All expenses under each cost object should be totaled in the right-hand column under "Object Total." Failure to provide all supporting documentation may impact the Department’s ability to reimburse the full amount requested and delay the reimbursement. Attach the "Monthly Activities and Travel Log" for the period for which you are requesting reimbursement. These forms must be legible. SECTION C This affidavit must be signed by a local agency official and the terms must be accepted by checking the checkbox. SECTION D Provide the name, facility identification number (for municipal waste landfills and resource recovery facilities), U.S. EPA identification number (for commercial hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities), location address, mailing address, and telephone number of each municipal waste landfill, resource recovery facility, or commercial hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facility operating within your municipality. SECTION E Enter the name, title, and telephone number of the responsible local official, other than the inspector, who is the representative of the local agency. SECTION F Provide the name, address, and telephone number of each certified Host Municipality Inspector employed by your municipality during the year for which you are requesting reimbursement. Indicate their dates of employment and whether they are employees of your municipality or employed by a contractor to your municipality (e.g., a consulting engineering company). Indicate the total hours each inspector worked during the reimbursement period and the hourly rate of pay for each inspector. W-9 Attach the completed W-9 Form, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification. 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Reimbursement COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WASTE MANAGEMENT APPLICATION FOR REIMBURSEMENT OF CERTIFIED HOST MUNICIPALITY INSPECTORS Please read all instructions before completing. The application must be postmarked by March 31 to be eligible for reimbursement of costs incurred from January 1 through December 31 of the prior year. Section A – Municipality Information 1. Municipality: 2. Official Business Address: PA 3. Statutory Authority: Section 1102 of the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act (Act 101 of 1988) Section 304 of the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act (Act 108 of 1988) 4. Federal I.D. Number: 5. For Calendar Year: DEPARTMENT USE ONLY All supporting documentation for the application is on file in the Bureau of Waste Management. Vendor ID #: Invoice Number: Invoice Date: SAP FUND BUDGET PERIOD GENERAL LEDGER COST CENTER 6600400 3522509000 INTERNAL ORDER For Act 101: 2009000000 20 35250000 For Act 108: 2007100000 TOTAL AMOUNT APPROVED: Approved for Payment - Signature Date -1- 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Reimbursement Section B – Itemized Expenses for Certified Host Municipality Inspectors Failure to provide all supporting documentation may impact the Department’s ability to reimburse the full amount requested and delay the reimbursement COST OBJECT` EXPLANATION AMOUNT OBJECT TOTAL 1. Wages TOTAL 2. Employer Costs (i.e., Social Security, Workers’ Comp., Unemployment Comp.) NOTE: Please be sure to include all supporting documentation for any employer costs. For unemployment compensation, please provide a copy of Form UC-657, the Pennsylvania Unemployment Compensation (UC) Contribution Rate Notice. RATE AMOUNT TOTAL 3. Mileage: miles @ cents/mile Mileage: miles @ cents/mile TOTAL 4. Lodging TOTAL 5. Subsistence TOTAL 6. Other Expenses TOTAL EXPENSE TOTAL Total Reimbursement Requested (0.5 x Expense Total) DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Technical Review Date Administrative Review -2- Date 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Reimbursement Section C – Affidavit AFFIDAVIT COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA MUNICIPALITY OF I, , state that I am an Official of the Applicant and that the information included in the Application and Documents submitted as a part of the Application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that the submission of an Application, which I know to be forged, altered or otherwise lacking in authenticity, with the intent to mislead a public servant in performance of his/her official function, is an action punishable by law. , Signature and Title of Local Agency Official Date I hereby accept the terms described above. -3- 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Reimbursement Section D – Facility Information Provide the name and address of each municipal waste landfill, resource recovery facility, or commercial hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facility operating within your municipality. Facility Name Facility or U.S. EPA ID Number Facility Location Address City Facility Telephone ( ) - County Facility Mailing Address City State Zip Section E – Local Agency Official Contact Contact Person (Name and Title) Telephone ( ) Email Section F – Certified Inspector Identification Inspector #1 Name Inspector #2 (if applicable) Name Address Address City Telephone ( State ) Zip - City State Telephone ( ) Zip - Email Email Employed from to Employed at (check one): Applicant Contractor to Applicant Name and Address of Contractor: Employed from to Employed at (check one): Applicant Contractor to Applicant Name and Address of Contractor: Inspector #1 Total hours worked during period ............................................ Rate of pay per hour ................................................................ -4- Inspector #2 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Reimbursement Section F – Certified Inspector Identification (continued) Inspector #3 (if applicable) Name Inspector #4 (if applicable) Name Address Address City Telephone ( State ) Zip - City State Telephone ( ) Zip - Email Email Employed from to Employed at (check one): Applicant Contractor to Applicant Name and Address of Contractor: Employed from to Employed at (check one): Applicant Contractor to Applicant Name and Address of Contractor: Inspector #3 Total hours worked during period ............................................ Rate of pay per hour ................................................................ -5- Inspector #4 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Checklist for Reimbursement COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WASTE MANAGEMENT CHECKLIST FOR HOST MUNICIPALITY INSPECTOR REIMBURSEMENT APPLICATION DID YOU: Complete Sections A - F? Complete and sign the Affidavit? Include W-2 form or other documentation for wages? Include documentation for social security, Medicare, workers’ compensation, unemployment compensation, health benefits, retirement benefits and other benefits provided by the municipality? Enter the rate for social security, Medicare, workers’ compensation, unemployment compensation, health benefits, retirement benefits and other benefits provided by the municipality in the “Rate” column in Section B? Include completed monthly activities and travel log (mileage) or other documentation of host municipality inspector’s activities? Include documentation to substantiate travel, subsistence, training, safety equipment, monitoring equipment/costs or other approved expenses? Complete and include a W-9 Federal ID Form? 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Instructions for Activities and Travel COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WASTE MANAGEMENT INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE MONTHLY ACTIVITIES AND TRAVEL LOG 1. This form is to be completed for each month worked during the year. Totals for hours worked, miles traveled, subsistence expenses, lodging expenses, and miscellaneous expenses should be entered at the bottom of the page in the appropriate box. The activity section must be completed for each day worked. The travel section should be completed only when you are claiming reimbursement for travel, lodging, or subsistence expenses. Only those activities and expenses associated with your authorized activities as a certified Host Municipality Inspector should be listed. Reimbursement of travel expenses will be in accordance with the Department's travel regulations as set forth in Management Directive 230.10, Commonwealth Travel Policy, and Manual 230.1, Commonwealth Travel Procedures Manual June 17, 2009, or the current department travel regulations or municipal rates, whichever are lower. ACTIVITIES SECTION DATE: Enter the day worked/paid. Each day worked/paid must be indicated on this form. ACTIVITY SUMMARY: Briefly list the major activities undertaken during the day. HOURS WORKED: List the total hours worked/paid on host municipality activities during the day. Total these hours for the month and enter this figure at the bottom of the page. TRAVEL SECTION LEAVE (LV): Enter the time of day you left your home or workplace as it relates to travel expenses being claimed. RETURN (RET): Enter the time of day you returned to your home or workplace. LOCATIONS: List the location(s) you traveled to and from. MILES: List the miles traveled on a daily basis. Total these miles for the month and enter this figure at the bottom of the page. SUBSISTENCE: List each subsistence amount being claimed with its corresponding travel. Total these subsistence expenses for the month and enter this figure at the bottom of the page. Show only those expenses incurred by you, which are eligible for reimbursement. LODGING: List any lodging expense incurred with its corresponding travel. Total these lodging expenses for the month and enter this figure at the bottom of the page. MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES: List any miscellaneous travel expenses incurred (such as tolls, parking, fares, etc.). Vehicle maintenance is not reimbursable. Total these expenses and enter this amount at the bottom of the page. 2. Attach supporting documentation for expenses claimed to the corresponding Activities and Travel Log. Receipts for all subsistence, lodging, and miscellaneous expenses must be provided. ACTIVITIES AND TRAVEL LOG EXAMPLE: Date 4/29 Activity Summary Public Meeting on Facility No. Hours Worked 3 LV 7:00 RET 10:00 Locations Lewisburg Miles 20 Subsistence Lodging Miscellaneous Expenses 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Activities and Travel COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION BUREAU OF WASTE MANAGEMENT APPLICATION FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR CERTIFIED HOST MUNICIPALITY INSPECTOR’S MONTHLY ACTIVITIES AND TRAVEL LOG Activity Report for For the Month of Name Municipality DAILY ACTIVITIES SECTION DAILY TRAVEL SECTION Date Activity Summary Number of Hours Worked LV RET Locations Miles Subsistence Lodging Miscellaneous Expenses -1- 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Activities and Travel -2- 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Activities and Travel -3- 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Activities and Travel -4- 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Activities and Travel -5- 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Activities and Travel DAILY ACTIVITIES SECTION DAILY TRAVEL SECTION Date Activity Summary Number of Hours Worked LV RET Locations Miles Subsistence Lodging Miscellaneous Expenses -6- 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Activities and Travel -7- 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Activities and Travel -8- 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Activities and Travel -9- 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Activities and Travel - 10 - 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Activities and Travel - 11 - 2500-FM-BWM0211 Rev. 11/2015 Application for Activities and Travel TO TA LS ........................................... - 12 -