Tools for Teachers

Tools for Teachers
Prepared by the Shodor Education Foundation with support from:
Table of Contents
…… ……………… ………………………. 3
 Draft lesson plans by Topic
- Global Warming ………………………. 4
- Stratospheric Ozone …………….. 12
- Soil Erosion ……………………………. 22
- Shoreline Dynamics ……………….. 27
- Continental Ice Melt ……………… 32
- Smog /Ozone Simulation …………. 34
 National Science Digital Library ….
 Useful Web Links ……………………………...
In June 2006 North Carolina earth and environmental science
teachers gathered at a workshop hosted by the shodor education
Their goal was produce inquiry lesson plans that would be of
immediate value to both new teachers and more seasoned teachers.
The lesson plans were to include, as much as possible, resources
from the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) and
computational science tools from Shodor’s Computational
Science Education Reference Desk (CSERD).
This is a summary of the draft lesson plans that were produced
along with a list of links and other information that those
attending the workshops found to be particularly useful.
Please use these lessons, change them and improve them. Send the
changes to us at: or or
Let us know if you find the NSDL and other resources useful.
Our thanks to the following teachers who carefully and
thoughtfully put together the lesson plans in this document:
Crystal Bennet
Gail Boyarsky
Beverly Cea
Denis Dubay
Carrie Jones
Greg Mitchell
Daniel Smith
Lesson Plan – Understanding Global Warming Using a Model
Target student audience:
 High school (grades 9-12) biology and earth/environmental science
Learning Outcomes:
1. Students investigate the factors contributing to global warming by
using a computational model. Students will manipulate and compare
variables that contribute to changes in earth’s temperature.
2. Students will explain the effect that those variables have on global
temperature changes.
3. Students will create a realistic model for global climate change as well
as a sustainable model for the biosphere.
Teacher Planning
 Time required: 2-3, 50-minute class periods
 Students will work in pairs (ideally)
 Student handout (attached below)
Technology Resources:
Computers with high-speed internet connections
(enough for groups of two is ideal)
Website URL:
 Pre-Activities will depend on how much the teacher
wants students to know about the greenhouse effect
prior to using the model.
 a K-W-L chart to
establish your students’ prior knowledge
 research/reading about the greenhouse effect and global climate change
 Predicted climate change in the Southeast
 basic vocabulary for understanding to the model.
- population growth
- CO2 coupling
- CH4 coupling
- lag time
- temperature coupling
- polar meltdown threshold
North Carolina Curriculum Alignment
Biology Competency Goal 5: The learner will develop an understanding of the ecological
relationships among organisms.
Objective 5.03: Assess human population and its impact on local ecosystems and global
 Historic and potential changes in population.
 Factors associated with those changes.
 Climate change.
 Resource use.
 Sustainable practices/stewardship.
Earth/Environmental Science Competency Goal 5: The learner will build an
understanding of the dynamics and composition of the atmosphere and its local and
global processes influencing climate and air quality.
Objective 5.03: Analyze global atmospheric changes including changes in CO2, CH4, and
stratospheric O3 and the consequences of these changes:
 Climate change.
 Changes in weather patterns.
 Increasing ultraviolet radiation.
 Sea level changes.
Pre-requisite Concepts:
 Graphing
 Very general chemistry background
1. Go to --read the instructions and provide
definitions for the basic vocabulary used in the model
2. Play with the model to get a sense of how it works
3. Complete the Handout attached at the end of this lesson
4. The teacher should circulate throughout the room, helping students and asking
leading questions
Student Handout—Global Warming Model
1. Set all of the sliders EXCEPT the Population Growth slider to their lowest values.
Run the model. Using the Population Growth slider, choose a realistic population
growth rate. What growth rate did you choose? __________
 Why do you think this is a good rate?
 What additional data did you need to decide upon this rate?
1. Keep the Population Growth Slider at the value you decided in Question#1. Keep
the other sliders at their lowest levels.
2. Press the Population button (4 times). Draw the curve below and explain what it
Explain what it means:
Press the CO2 CH4 button (4 times). Draw the curve below and explain what it
Explain what it means.
Press the Temperature button (4 times). Draw the curve below and explain what it
Explain what it means.
Now that you’ve got an estimate for population growth rate, you need to figure out
which Greenhouse gas—carbon dioxide or methane—has a larger impact on global
 Which has a larger impact?
(circle one)
a. carbon dioxide
b. methane
Explain how you know:
Now explain why one gas has a larger effect than another gas…(this will involve
considering why/how each gas is produced)
4. Now explain what “Lag Time” is and the effect that Lag Time has on global
temperature change. Give at least two examples of data you collected on Lag Time using
the model.
 Explanation of Lag Time:
Examples of data collected regarding Lag Time:
5. Find a realistic y-axis maximum and minimum for each of the following variables:
a) Population
y-axis min. = _____
y-axis max. = _____
Why are these appropriate? (find data to support these choices)
b) CO2/CH4
y-axis min. = _____
y-axis max. = _____
Why are these appropriate? (find data to support these choices)
c) Temperature change
y-axis min. = _____
y-axis max. = _____
Why are these appropriate? (find data to support these choices)
5. Now create a realistic model for the next 200 years. You must justify the values
you choose for each variable. Show the variables you have selected in the table
on the next page.
What value you Why you picked it (likely will require outside
reading/ internet source)
What value you
Why you picked it (likely will require outside
reading/ internet source)
CO2 coupling
CH4 coupling
Lag Time
Temp GH*
Polar Threshold
* GH = Green House
What happened with the global population? (give data)
What happened with global temperature? (give data)
What happened with CO2 levels? (give data)
What happened with CH4 levels? (give data)
What happened with the polar ice caps? Did they melt?
8. Now develop a realistic and sustainable model to get us through the next 300 years
without the polar ice caps melting. Choose your variables carefully. For example, at the
end of 300 years, the polar ice caps should not have melted! Justify your choices for the
variables in the table below.
What value you Why you picked it (likely will require outside
reading/ internet source)
CO2 coupling
What value you
Why you picked it (likely will require outside
reading/ internet source)
CH4 coupling
Lag Time
Temp GH gas
Polar Threshold
8. What did your model show about global warming during the next 300 years?
 What happened with the global population? (give data)
What happened with global temperature? (give data)
What happened with CO2 levels? (give data)
What happened with CH4 levels? (give data)
9. Write a page on the following:
Which of the variables in this model should politicians and policymakers focus their
energy on in during the next 20 years? Why?
Ozone: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Learning Objectives:
 to learn about the properties of ozone in the troposphere and stratosphere and to
make observations about changes in the ozone layer over time.
 5.03 Analyze global atmospheric changes included changes in carbon dioxide,
methane and stratospheric ozone and the consequences of these changes.
Content Description:
 Analyze changes in atmospheric composition and predict potential changes in the
Science and Technology
 Provide opportunities for students to utilize technology to collect and analyze data
in laboratory settings
Safety Precautions: None
Time: Approximately 3 days
Science Concepts:
 ozone structure and formation,
 ozone layer depletion (stratospheric)
 harmful troposphere ozone
Prerequisite knowledge:
The day before class go to and go over the layers
of the atmosphere. It is important that students are familiar with
temperature and pressure changes in each layer.
 Computer, PC ready monitor or projector with computer (or Smart-Board)
 Computer software
Graphical Analysis or graph paper
colored pencils
Day One
Essential Question: What is ozone and how does it affect us?
Making models of ozone:
Ozone comes from the Greek word “ozein”
which means “to smell”. You can smell ozone
sometimes before a thunderstorm.
1. Obtain three gumdrops of the same color and two toothpicks. Using the
gumdrops and toothpicks follow your teacher’s instructions to build a molecule of
ozone. Write on your paper the equations for the formation of this molecule:
O2 + _____
O + O2
_____ + ________
If you had 5 million ozone molecules and lined them up
side by side, they would not even be the width of a human
2. Use your book, or the Internet to answer the following questions:
Where is the ozone layer?
Why is the ozone layer important?
3. Go to and show how ozone is made.
4. Why do you think that you smell ozone before a thunderstorm?
Day Two: Research
Essential question: Where is the “hole” in the ozone layer and
how does it change?
Go to
Answer the following questions
1. Why is the word “hole” a misnomer? In what units is it measured?
2. How is this thinning different from global ozone depletion?
3. Using colored pencils, make a drawing of the Southern hemisphere and of
Antarctica and color the “hole” purple.
4. Go to
What happens to the area of ozone hole during the year? Refer to the last graph for
your answer.
5. Go to Either view
the existing graph or have the students make their own graphs from the data
(either by hand or with a graphing program such as Microsoft Excel.)
6. Go to and copy
Make a graph to show how ozone varies with altitude over the South Pole.
(NOTE: here is how to do this using Excel:
1. Highlight all of the data on the web page.
2. Copy all of the data that you have highlighted
3. Open up a TEXT EDITOR such as NotePad (Windows), WordPad
(Windows), or TextEdit (Macintosh)
4. Paste the data into the text editor.
5. Save the file on your desktop.
6. Open up Microsoft Excel.
7. Go to File  Open.
8. Open the data file. You will probably need to click on file type “All
9. You will now be in the data import wizard. You should be able to hit
“Finish”, and the data will be in Excel format in five columns.
10. Graph the data as desired! Line plots will work the best.)
1. How does the hole vary with season?
2. Can this vary with the melting and freezing of ice in Antarctica?
Day 3:Going Further
1. Review the information provided at: (ozone depletion)
2. Obtain 3 red gumdrops (ozone molecule), one green gumdrop
(carbon) two orange (chlorine) and two yellow (fluorine), and
Follow your teacher’s directions to make a chlorofluorocarbon. Use the gumdrop model
to show how chlorofluorocarbons break apart the ozone molecule.
Equations: Use your models to demonstrate this phenomenon.
CF2Cl2 + UV => CF2Cl + Cl
Cl + O3 => ClO + O2
ClO + O => O2 + Cl
Teacher Notes
Background Information
Scientist Prepared questions and answers about stratospheric ozone:
Students often, quite reasonably, confuse the issues related to ground level ozone
pollution that we all breathe and chemical smog with the question of the depletion of the
stratospheric ozone layer, the so-called ozone hole. This Website referenced below has a
useful discussion of the differences between the two very different environmental
Day One
Making models is designed to do in the classroom with discussion. Students make models
of ozone and CFC’s and talk about layers of the atmosphere.
1. O2 + __hv___
__O___+ ____O____ The UV light must be about 240 nm.
O + O2
3. stratosphere, it protects us from harmful UV radiation.
Day two:
Students go to the computer lab and study data collected from NOAA and EPA websites
and graph this data. The graphs may be done in Excel or with graph paper.
Ozone is a relatively unstable molecule found in Earth's atmosphere. It is made up of
three atoms of oxygen. Although it represents only a tiny fraction of the atmosphere,
ozone is crucial for life on Earth. Depending on where ozone resides, it can protect or
harm life on Earth. In the Earth's stratosphere (about 15 miles up), ozone acts as a shield
to protect the Earth's surface from the Sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation. Without this
shield, we would be more susceptible to skin cancer, cataracts, and impaired immune
systems. Closer to Earth, however, in the air we breathe, ozone is a harmful pollutant that
causes damage to lung tissue and plants.
The amounts of "good" and "bad" ozone in the atmosphere depend on a balance between
processes that create ozone and those that destroy it. An upset in the ozone balance can
have serious consequences for life on Earth. Scientists have found evidence that changes
are occurring in ozone levels: the "bad" ozone (smog) is increasing in the air we breathe,
and the "good" ozone is decreasing in our protective ozone shield. Human production of
chlorine-containing chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) has created an
additional ozone-destroying force. This model describes processes that regulate "good"
ozone levels.
Ozone depletion will result in increased UV radiation reaching the earth, particularly the
biologically damaging UV-B. Consequences of this include:
Higher incidence of cataracts and skin cancer. A 1% rise in UV radiation is estimated
to produce a 2-3% increase in the frequency of skin cancer.
Immune system suppression in both humans and animals, which could result in an
increase in the spread of infectious diseases. Inhibition of photosynthesis, and thus plant growth, which could reduce world food
production. Damage to the marine ecosystem. Phytoplankton and zooplankton, which are
vulnerable to UV radiation, form the base of the marine food web. In addition,
phytoplankton play an important role in the uptake of carbon dioxide; a reduction in their
numbers could exacerbate the greenhouse effect
In 1973, two scientists from the University of California at Irvine, Mario Molina and F.
Sherwood Rowland, first discovered that man-made substances called
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) could play a major role in the destruction of stratospheric
ozone. Their findings were published in the journal Nature in June 1974. Since that time
there has been much controversy surrounding the subject of ozone depletion. Researchers
have struggled to understand the nature and severity of the problem through numerous
scientific studies. Nations from all over the world have come together and agreed to
establish international industrial regulations in hope of protecting the ozone layer.
Ozone depletion control started in the early 1970s, when the United States, along with a
handful of other Western countries, expressed concern over emissions from supersonic
transport (SST) aircraft and aerosol spray cans. Environmental groups organize
opposition to the development of the SST and to the extensive use of aerosols. Public
response led to a sharp drop in the sales of aerosol products. The U.S. Congress, prodded
by government studies supporting the CFC ozone depletion theory and its links to skin
cancer, approved the Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, which gave the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) authority to regulate CFCs. In 1978, the United
States became the first country to ban the nonessential use of CFCs in aerosols. However,
the EPA ruled that other uses of CFCs, such as refrigeration, were essential and lacked
available substitutes.
Ozone depletion emerged as a major international issue in the 1980s. This occurred
primarily as a result of initiatives by the United Nations Environmental Program and
actions of the international scientific and environmental communities.
A United Nations Environment Program initiative to protect the ozone layer was signed
in Vienna in 1985, and a protocol outlining proposed protective actions followed. The
Vienna Convention of 1985 embodied an international environmental consensus that
ozone depletion was a serious environmental problem, without requiring specific steps to
reduce CFC emissions.
The Montreal Protocol, signed in September 1987, was a benchmark treaty calling for a
50% reduction in CFC production by 2000, and an eventual complete phase-out of ozonedepleting chemicals. The United States ratified the Montreal Protocol in 1988. A total of
161 nations have since become parties to the treaty.
The 1990 London Amendments to the Protocol state that production of CFCs, CCl4 ,
and halons will be completely halted by the year 2000. The 1992 Copenhagen
Agreement accelerated the phase-out schedule by four years.
Ozone Timeline
Rowland and Molina first discover that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) can destroy stratospheric ozone.
First government hearings are held on the CFC-ozone theory.
The Natural Resources Defense Council sues the Consumer Product Safety Commission for a ban on CFCs used in
aerosol spray cans. The lawsuit is rejected due to insufficient evidence that CFCs harm the ozone layer.
The state of Oregon passes legislation prohibiting the use of CFC propellants in aerosols.
An aerosol manufacturer, SC Johnson Wax announces its voluntary decision to eliminate CFC propellants from all its
aerosol products.
The National Academy of Sciences releases a report verifying the 1976 Rowland-Molina hypothesis, but recommends
postponing government action.
The United Nations Environmental Programme holds the first international meeting to discuss ozone depletion.
The United States bans CFCs used in aerosols.
Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) is launched aboard the NIMBUS-spacecraft.
Ozone loss of 40% is detected over Antarctica during austral spring.
Satellite images show existence of an Antarctic ozone hole. The Vienna Convention, calling for additional research, is
International negotiations resume in Geneva. United States requests global CFC reductions of 95% over the next 10
Montreal Protocol, specifying CFC reductions of 50% by 2000, is signed.
Antarctic studies find chlorine to be the primary cause of ozone depletion.
1988 Ozone losses of 1.7 to 3% are measured over the Northern Hemisphere.
1990 International delegates meet in London to strengthen the Montreal Protocol and agree to a
complete phase-out of CFCs by 2000.
1991 Upper Atmospheric Research Satellite (UARS) is launched. Meteor-3 TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping
Spectrometer) is launched.
Mt. Pinatubo erupts, increasing natural levels of atmospheric chlorine.
Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition (AASE I) studies northern vortex. Record levels of ClO, 1.5 parts
per billion, are measured over Bangor, Maine. Ozone depletion rates of up to 20% are found in the Northern
Hemisphere. Maximum losses of 40 to 45% discovered over Russia.
1992 Parties to the Montreal Protocol meet in Copenhagen and agree to a 75% reduction in CFCs by 1994 and
overall phase-out by January of 1996. The production grace period, to supply CFCs for essential purposes and
the needs of developing countries, is extended to 2006.
1994 The Meteor-3 TOMS fails on December 27.
1995 Professors Paul Crutzen, Mario Molina, and F. Sherwood Rowland receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for
their research on ozone depleting chemicals.
2000 NASA reports Antarctic ozone "hole" is three times larger than the entire land mass of the United States, the
largest such area ever observed.
Data and table taken from
How do Chlorofluorocarbons Affect Ozone Levels?
The production and destruction of ozone in the stratosphere are nearly in balance, thus we
say ozone is in a steady state. The steady state means that for every ozone molecule that
is destroyed, one is produced. This steady state is imbalanced by chlorine chemistry that
increases the loss rate of ozone and leads to a lower steady state level of ozone. Most of
the chlorine present in the stratosphere is the result of chlorofluorocarbons (CFC's)
produced by humans. CFC's were used heavily as a coolant in refrigerators and air
conditioners, as a propellant in aerosol cans, and other uses from the 1940's to the 1980's.
The production of CFC's was banned in developed countries in 1995. CFC's were
considered safe because CFC's are inert or non-reactive. While it is true that CFC's are
inert in the troposphere, they are not inert in the stratosphere. In the presence of high
energy UV light in the upper stratosphere, the carbon-chlorine bond is broken. This
produces a free chlorine atom (Cl) that reacts with an ozone molecule (O3) to form
chlorine monoxide (ClO). The chlorine monoxide then reacts with an oxygen atom (O) to
form an oxygen molecule (O2) leaving the chlorine atom free once again to destroy
another ozone molecule. A chlorine atom can remain in the stratosphere for many years
and destroy many ozone molecules. One chlorine atom can destroy up to 100,000 ozone
molecules. The steady state, or the balance between production and loss of ozone, has
been disrupted by the presence of chlorine in the stratosphere. The reaction is shown
CF2Cl2* + UV => CF2Cl + Cl
Cl + O3 => ClO + O2
ClO + O => O2 + Cl
References and Useful Websites
Conducting Scientific Inquiry with a Computer Model of Soil
Learning Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1) Explain factors that control soil erosion.
2) Discuss the importance and usefulness of soil erosion models to land
management decisions.
Standards (NC ScoS for Earth/Environmental Science):
 Objective 1.02: Design and conduct scientific investigations to answer questions
related to earth and environmental science.
 Objective 4.01: Evaluate erosion and depositional processes, especially the effect
of human
choices on the rate of erosion.
Prior Learning:
Students should have some familiarity with soil characteristics and the processes of
weathering, erosion and deposition.
This activity works well during a unit on soils or agriculture.
Skills: Hypothesis Formation/Experimental Design, Using Computational Models
Safety Precautions: Ensure that students don’t shock themselves plugging in the
computers. This
activity does not require safety goggles, gloves, or other specialized safety equipment.
 Computers with Internet access. Preferably students will work in groups of 2 or
3. If your technology resources do not permit this, this can be adapted as a class
 Paper and writing instruments.
Time Requirement: This activity is designed for one to one-and-a-half 45 minute class
periods. The amount of time necessary depends on how quickly your students work and
how quickly the class proceeds through the discussion. Ideally you will spend 15
minutes reviewing soil content and discussing hypotheses (steps 1 through 5 below),
students will spend 20 to 30 minutes working with the WEPP model, and the class will
spend 15 to 25 minutes discussing results.
1) As a warm up, students will review soil knowledge using the handout provided
2) Review the soil questions as a class.
3) Have the students go to the following website for background information on soil
4) In pairs or groups of three, have the students form general hypotheses about controls
on soil erosion.
5) Discuss the hypotheses as a class. Have the students select one hypothesis to test
6) Have the students use the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) Web-Based
Computer Model ( to test their
hypotheses. If you feel it is necessary for your students, guide them through the
process of designing an experiment for the WEPP model. Student groups that work
quickly can test more than one hypothesis.
7) For the first 15-20 minutes of the next day of class, discuss the students experimental
Teacher Notes:
This activity works best with students who are familiar with hypothesis formation and the
use of the scientific method. Be sure to circulate throughout the classroom during the
activity to address individual student questions. The WEPP model can be complex at
first glance—be sure to help the students focus on the relevant data piece by piece. It is
helpful to post the handout to the internet so that the students can easily access the
websites. For more advanced students, you can delete the table from the handout and
allow them to take control of the process.
Name __________________________ Period _____
Investigating Soil Erosion with Computer-Based Models
Warm-up: Answer the following questions.
1) What is soil? What specific materials make up soil?
2) What is erosion? What are the agents of erosion?
3) List at least two factors that control soil erosion.
Background Information:
4) When instructed, go to the following website for some background information on
soil erosion:
5) With your lab group, discuss possible factors that would increase or decrease soil
erosion. Write down at least two hypotheses about factors that control soil
erosion. We will be discussing these as a class, so be ready to defend your
Using the WEPP Model:
The Water Erosion Prediction Project at Purdue University has constructed a computer
model for soil erosion over time in agricultural fields. The model focuses on water
erosion of soil in fields and accepts numerous variables as input.
STEP 1: Play around
with the WEPP model to
get familiar with its
inputs and outputs. The
website for the WEPP
model is:
. Select the Basic
Hillslope Profile
STEP 2: Make a specific, testable hypothesis that you know you can use with the
WEPP model. Remember that you should only test ONE variable at a time. All
other variables should be kept constant.
STEP 3: Using the WEPP model, test your hypothesis. Use the table format
below to help you
keep track of data. For additional runs of the simulation, make a table of your
Simulation Number
Independent and Controlled Variables
Climate Station
Field Area (calculate)
Slope Shape
Simulation Years
Dependent Variable
Average Annual Soil
Loss (tons/acre/year)
Analysis (complete for homework if needed):
On the axes below, plot your dependent variable (average annual soil loss in
tons/acre/year) as a function of your independent variable (whatever you chose to
investigate). Be sure to label and scale you axes.
Analysis Questions:
6) Was your hypothesis supported or refuted? Explain.
7) What can you conclude from your experiments with the WEPP model?
8) Would you expect a real field to behave exactly like the WEPP model? Why or
why not?
9) Imagine that you manage a farm. Reflecting on what you learned from the WEPP
model, what would you do with the land on your farm? Explain.
Lesson Plan – Shoreline Erosion
Course: Earth/Environmental Science 9-12
Objectives: Goal 4 – The learner will build an understanding of the hydrosphere and its
interactions and influences on the lithosphere, the atmosphere, and environmental quality.
Materials: Computers with Internet access,
Quicktime installed on computers,
LCD projector/laptop, index cards.
The works of waves video
EnviroSci Inquiry: Welcome to Coastal Explorations
Anticipatory Set/Essential Questions/Focus:
1) How is coastal erosion influenced by human impact?
2) Who is responsible for repairing coastal erosion?
3) How does coastal erosion occur and what are its basic processes?
Teacher Input:
1) Review key terms associated with coastal erosion from their text.
2) Highlight some environmental problems associated with key examples, such as
3) Explain some causes of erosional processes (example: slow waves vs. hurricanes)
Guided Practice:
1) Show Quicktime video: The works of waves
2) On completion, use the following questions as a guide
How are ocean waves generated?
Why do swells form?
Why do waves lose energy as they approach the shore?
What wave formula is associated with wave height?
How does swash differ from backwash?
Why aren’t materials from swash returned to their original position?
How is longshore drift formed? How are spits formed?
Independent (or as an extension of Guided) Practice:
1. How fast can a shoreline change?:
Shoreline residents have identified shoreline and bluff erosion as a critical problem along
some parts of the Great Lakes. The rate of shore erosion is affected by the kind of land
and rock materials, shoreline shape, current patterns, storm directions, and the use of
shore protection structures.
In this study, ArcView is used to compare
the shoreline shape in five aerial
photographs of Painesville (Ohio) Township
Park from 1954-1999. The objectives are to:
1. Recognize shoreline features on aerial
2. Visualize changes in a shoreline over
3. Observe the effects of shoreline devices
on rates of erosion.
NOTE: Requires ArcView (GIS/GPS)
2. Comparing Coastlines:
Using the EnviroSci website,
students will work independently to complete the following:
Part A: California Coast
1) Sketch a map of the California Coast and label the major cities.
2) For each area on the map, name one interesting piece of information:
17 Mile Drive, Alcatracz, Ano Nuevo, Carmel, Half-Moon Bay, Monterey, Pescadero,
Rocaway Beach, San Fransisco, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Harbor, Arroyo
Buro Beach County Park, Santa Barbara Channel, Santa Cruz Island, Goletta
Beach County Park, Isla Vista Beach, El Pescador, Mailbu, Point Dume Beach,
Malibu Bluffs County Park, La Jolla, Scripps, Sunset Beach, Torrey Pines
Part B: New Jersey Coast
1) Sketch a map of the New Jersey Coast and label the major cities.
2) For each area on the map, name one interesting piece of information:
Avon by the Sea/Belmar, Barnegat Lighthouse, Holgate, IMCS Rutgers, North Sea
Bright, Sandy Hook, Atlantic City, Corson Inlet, Townsend Inlet, Seven Mile Beach,
Wildwood, Cape May
Questions to Answer:
1) How does the California coastal geology differ from that of New Jersey?
2) What are the similarities and differences of coastal environmental problems each
3) How are these problems similar to those coastal problems faced by the people of
North Carolina?
4) Click on “Environmental Issues” at the top. Explain the problems faced by the
people of Shell Island.
5) If you were an adult living on the coastal waters of CA or NJ, in which area of the
U.S. would you prefer to live and why? Consider the issues you would face as an
adult in this decision.
Closure: Restate and summarize the objective, homework, etc. If time permits, use a
“ticket to leave” and have students summarize on an index card 3 things they learned.
Learning Objective:
Students will discover the difference between the effects of melting sea ice and glacial
(continental) ice on sea level.
Climate change
Polar Ice Caps & Glaciers
Sea Level Changes Over Time
Experimental Design
Data Collection & Analysis
Making Predictions
Communicating Findings
Nature of Scientific Knowledge
Science As Inquiry
Science in Personal and Social Perspectives
Safety Precautions: None
100, 250, & 400 mL Beakers
Plastic tubing
Graduated Cylinders
Ice Cubes
Plastic Bags
Obtain equipment.
(Teacher Prompt) Discuss as a group the difference between sea ice and
glacial (continental) ice.
Hypothesize the effects of melting polar ice caps (both glacial and sea ice) on
sea levels.
Students will construct a physical model showing these effects.
Students observe the effect of solid ice melt volume on the volume of water.
(Communicate Findings) Record, measure; collect all data in a student
generated data sheet (as a group or individually).
(Communicate Findings) Identify testable hypothesis and variables in final
data report.
Teacher Notes:
1.) Students should receive preliminary data/information as a pre-lab discussion,
whole-class discussion, warm-up, etc.
2.) After reviewing differences between sea ice and glacial ice, direct students
toward generating a TESTABLE hypothesis.
3.) While monitoring students, make sure their set-ups have appropriate comparison
groups. You can ask them to identify the independent and dependent variables.
4.) Suggestion for the simplest set-up:
NOTE: Water levels in 3 beakers should be at the same height
Students will measure changes in height of water in beaker over time as ice melts and
record results.
(continental ice)
(floating sea ice)
A slightly more complicated set up and detailed instructions for a lab activity (see
video of lab activity) to explore this question can be found at:
Teachers’ note at :
Associated worksheet is attached.
Recommended Websites (for teacher or student use): (article &
Follow-Up Questions:
1.) Which type of melted ice has more significant effect on the sea levels? Explain
your answer.
2.) What other properties of seawater would be affected by the meltwater? (ex.
Salinity, density, temperature, etc)
3.) What different environmental factors could be causing melting of the ice in the
4.) How has the melting of the ice affected the water level in the activity?
5.) What are other factors that contribute to sea level changes, other than melting ice
This is a sample of possible student data output. The lesson plan calls for students to
create their own data output format.
Melting Ice Record Sheet
Record your observations of "sea level" change in the tables below. As soon as your
teacher says you are ready to begin, take a measurement of the water level and amount of
ice in each set up in the "start" column. You will be recording measurements on both setups every five minutes over a 30-minute period.
A. Sea Ice
5 min
10 min
15 min
20 min
25 min
30 min
10 min
15 min
20 min
25 min
30 min
Water level
Amount of
B. Continental Ice
5 min
Water level
Amount of
A. Sea Ice
1. Did the water level change as the sea ice melted?
2. How can you explain this?
B. Continental Ice
1. Did the water level change as the continental ice melted?
2. How can you explain this?
C. Comparing Sea and Continental Ice Melts
1. Suggest some reasons why the melting of the two different ice types has different
effects on the sea level.
2. Did this experiment support your original hypothesis? Why or why not?
Advanced Placement Environmental Science
 Examine the influence of climate and chemical factors on the production of smog ozone
in an urban setting.
 Investigate the effects of population size and the nature of industrialization on the
production of smog ozone.
Navigate to the Smog City web site ( There are several sources
for the information you will need to answer the questions below.
In addition to the buttons down the left side of the home page, when you "Run Smog City",
there is also a HELP button in the upper left part of the animation screen.
Use all of these sources to answer the following questions:
A. What are the chemical precursors necessary for the production of ozone in the
B. What are the environmental conditions conducive to the production of ozone in the
C. What are common sources of volatile organic compounds? Which variable(s) in the
simulation are the most important sources of volatile organic compounds?
D. List the sources of nitrogen oxides. Which variable(s) in the simulation are the most
important sources of nitrogen oxides?
E. List the default levels for each of the nine variables that influence ozone levels.
F. What city served as the basis for this simulation?
G. When does each "run" of the simulation begin, and when does it end?
H. How many different chemical reactions among how many different chemical
compounds does the model use?
Run the Smog City simulation. Describe what happens to ozone levels using all the
default settings. When does the model begin, when does it end, and what happens to
ozone during the simulation?
BEFORE changing any of the variables, generate a hypothesis that predicts what will
happen to ozone levels (peak level and pattern of increase) as you change the value of
each variable above and below its default setting. Create a table of your nine hypotheses
similar to the sample below (NOTE: leave room below each variable to describe what
actually happened when you tested each hypothesis):
Test results
(state your hypothesis here, i.e., what relative changes
to ozone do you expect)
(state your hypothesis here)
(describe simulation results here)
(describe simulation results here)
Now run the simulation, changing one variable at a time, leaving all the other variables at
their default settings. Record the results in your table.
EVALUATE your results. For each variable, describe whether or not your hypothesis
was supported by the simulation test results, and summarize what you now know about 34
the effect of that variable on ozone levels in the troposphere surrounding an urban area.
A. Which emissions (cars and trucks, off road, industry, or consumer products) has the
greater impact on ozone levels?
National Science Digital Library for Teachers
Useful Web Links
NC Standard Course of Study (LearnNC)
National Standards
National Science Digital Library (NSDL)
VenSim Systems Dynamics software (free)
Gnuplot scientific visualization software (open source)
NetLogo Agent-modeling software (free)
Bob G's Gnuplot scientific visualization book and resources
AP Digital Library
Computational Science Education Reference Desk (CSERD)
Open source software for WINDOWS-BASED machines
General environmental science
Shodor EPA Air Quality Model online
Gaussian Plume Java Applet
Curriculum unit for Gaussian Plume Java Applet
Troubled Waters Lesson Plan (Neuse River)
General chemistry
North Carolina High School Computational Chemistry Server
WebElements Periodic Table
Molecular properties estimator (drug chemistry)
NIST WebBook
ChemSense Animator
Chemistry at Purdue (animations)
NCSSM Digital Library
Image resource
TIGER Chemistry resources at NCSSM
What is Photoelectron spectroscopy?
Chemistry Thesaurus (downloadable database resource)
Chemogenesis Webbook
The Pharmacology Education Program (PEP)
General Earth Science
Lesson Plan Library
Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE)
DLESE Teaching Box Site
USA Today Weather page
Unisys Weather
Jeff Haby's WX Education resources
U Wyoming Weather Data (incl. atmospheric soundings)
Current Jet Stream information
Weather Station Symbols (printable)
Smog City (ozone model)
Online Meteorology Course Materials, University of Illinois
Weather Wise (WXWise)
SouthEast region MM5 Meteorology model (WRAL's "NCWeatherScope")
General astronomy
Stellarium Planetarium software
Heavens Above
Project Interactivate - Mathematics