Third Grade Homework

Third Grade Homework
May 18th to May 22nd
Monday May 18th
 Practice math division flashcards. I’m on _________________________________________.
 Study vocabulary and spelling words for the story “A New Team of Heroes.”
 Bring poster to school with border and picture of animal completed if they
were not returned today.
Tuesday May 19th
 Practice math X flashcards. I’m on __________________________________________________.
 Study vocabulary and spelling words.
 Completed posters are due tomorrow.
Wednesday May 20th
 Practice math division flashcards.
 Study vocabulary and spelling words.
Thursday May 21st
 Practice math X flashcards.
 Study vocabulary and spelling words for spelling test and vocabulary quiz
tomorrow. This is our last vocabulary quiz and spelling test. Yahoo!!!!
Friday May 22nd
 Practice math division flashcards.
 Read “Fluency First” texts and return binder to school on Monday.
*We will be working on rainforest projects here at school. Posters need to be
brought to school. We will finish typing reports here at school and then add them to
our posters this week. The goal is to have all of them completed by May 20th.