Peoria Christian School Curriculum Mapping Initiative Teacher Name: Rosie Furston Grade Level: 10-12 Subject: French 3-4 Month of: February, 2013 Content (Concepts and Topics) 1. Uses of the imparfait and passé compose, present and future Tenses in most of the oral resources. 2. Computer presentation – BBC Ma France –Fleurs A 2/14/13 3. Read chapter 5Ap. 40-43 aloud in class. 2/13/13 4. Mrs. DR VANDERTRAMP verbs introduction 5. Watch film l’Ecole 6. Watch and discuss film Retrospective les 20 ans (Collège Daniel). Skills and Standards Comprehension 28.A.3a Comprehend main messages of simple oral and audio presentations with assistance from resources (e.g., glossaries, guided questions, outlines). Assessment 2. BBC – Fleurs A Do translation of dialogs. From the screen. 3. Students do worksheet for the first part of chapter 5. 4. Go through verbs, define, conjugate one per day, listen to song. 5. Film: L’Ecole – 2/7/13translate vocabulary from script Watch video clip to understand context. This video showed a day in the lives of two students and explained their habits. 6. Write 25-50 vocabulary words that are heard in the video. Write a 3 Biblical Integration Resources Use phrases to apply Biblical principles to personal statements. 2. BBC Fleurs A –video Discussed and memorized Bible Verses Ephésiens 6.23-24 BBC Fleurs A - game es/french/mafrance/html/flow ers/solitaire.shtml 6. Discussion of the spiritual significance of this Christian school in France. We also discussed our role in the mission trips there. es/french/mafrance/html/flow ers/video_player_c.shtml 3. Chapter 5 Le Voyage de sa vie by Lisa Ray and Blaine Ray 4. Sing, Dance, Laugh and Eat Quiche. CD – Barbara McArthur. etre verbs in passé composé h?v=KkPsR5TOpyE 5. Video – L’Ecole from the Moo Series, purchased from Teacher’s Discovery. 6. Retrospective les 20 ans (Collège Daniel). sentence summary of the what happens. Video from the place where our mission teams have been. Use these instructions 2. Used crepe maker and when praying, doing Bible brought topping verses and prayer requests. ingredients for the crepes. 1.Give classroom instructions for getting books, getting appropriate utensils and papers, singing and following other instructions in the classroom such as shutting the door, turning the lights on/off, turning the data projector on/off. 2. Use of instructions in French to make crepes for the annual crepe day. Communication Strategies 28.A.3b Follow instructions in the target language as given in multistep segments for assignments and activities in and out of the classroom. 1.Students follow the instructions showing comprehension 2. Students were given instructions using known French vocabulary to make and eat crepes. 1.Class discussions using structures and vocabulary words. 2. Discussed plot and ideas from Le Voyage de sa Vie chapter 5. 3. Step by step responses to Communication Strategies 28.B.3a Respond to open-ended questions and initiate communication in various situations 1.Recognize which students understand and return conversation. 2. Students read aloud and answered questions during class. Discussed important points from this chapter. 2. Le Voyage de sa Vie book by Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray. Powerpoint Duckopolis Which provides an alternate reality character that creates new relationships with other characters. 1.Prayer – from chart 2.Bible Verses : Ephésiens 6.23 – test on discuss meaning and memorize for vocab meaning. Say aloud to improve pronunciation intonation and inflection Use of subjunctive tense in the verse 3. Respond to oral questions beginning with less complex answers to more complex answers. 4. Students read aloud from Chapter 5, Le Voyage de sa vie. 1. Read Le Voyage de sa vie Chapter 5 p. 4043. 3. 2/4-8/13 Talked about duck family. Asked about vocabulary. Students responded to multiple questions about them. Fluency, Accuracy 28.B.3b Produce language with improved pronunciation, intonation and inflection Comprehension 28.C.3a Comprehend the main message of a variety of written materials with the help Prayer said every day in French Test on 2/6/13 first half of verse be able to write out or say to teacher. Test on 2/12/13 for second half of verse 3-4. Students read aloud and answered questions during class. 1. Chapter 5 worksheet. Work on questions to understand the book. 1. Prayers every day said in French. Prayer Requests each day sometimes spring board to spiritual discussions. One led to discussion of prophecy and end times and what we should be doing as Christians. 1. Prayer taken from French songbook 2.French Bible 3 - 4. Le Voyage de sa Vie book by Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray. 2. Discuss meaning of verse, apply to spiritual principles for living. 1. Le Voyage de sa Vie by Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray 1.Use of subjunctive, imparfait, future and present tenses in reading and writing exercises. 2.Verb Karate system to improve usage of verbs in the present tense, passé compose, imparfait, future. Tests 2/1/13, 2/8/13, 2/15/13. Use of specific chapter 3. Le Voyage de Sa Vie verbs and vocabulary chapter 5. 4. Test on Songs: Il Chante and Il parle on 2/6/13 5. Song: Au Claire de la Lune 6. Songs and Youtube short video clips to highlight Valentines Day vocabulary. 7. Use passé compose with etre verbs using of resources (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, software, Internet, email) to expand vocabulary Range of Vocabulary 28.C.3b Compare word use, phrasing and sentence structures of the target language with those used in one or more other languages 1. Discussion of student activities using the vocabulary given. 2. Fill out conjugation charts for each level. 3. Chapter 5A & B worksheets to show student capability to translate, define vocabulary, conjugate verbs, summarize events in the story and teach the story to a family member. 4. Test on Il Chante and Il parle. Be able to recognize translations and fill in the song from a word bank. Then choose tense of verbs. 5. Sang song for enjoyment. 6. Song from list of teachers. 7. Memorize song to emphasize the verbs. 1. General usage of language in the classroom. 2. Verb Karate system created by Janet Holzer, shared on file sharing on moretprs yahoo groups. 3. Le Voyage de sa vie by Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray 4. Il Chante – To the tune of Clementine Il parle – to the tune of Auld Lang Syne 5. From Alain Le Lait /watch?v=CynKwMmxhNo 6. For Valentines Day /watch?v=cRJ8HWkYpyo& playnext=1&list=PL764EBE C39141243F&feature=resu lts_main 7. Found online at d/grammar/a/etreverbs_2 .htm song of past participles 1. Computer presentation – BBC France Steps – Work B 2. French in Action videos #16, 17, 18,19 (Fr. 3) and #24,25,26,27 (Fr. 4) 5. 1. Weekend activities 2/4/13. 2. Verse Quiz Ephésiens 6.23a on 2/5/13 and Ephésiens 6.23b on 2/12/13 3. Discuss vocabulary and questions from Le Voyage de sa Vie chapter 5 Read aloud chapter 5, translated some portions, asked many questions on the chapter. 4. Duck log 5. Weekend activities 2/11/13 6. Weekend activities 2/18/13 Cultural Awareness, Creativity 29.A.3 Demonstrate selected customs, manners and traditions in societies associated with the target language. 1. Watch video online, translate each line in the video. Listen to the pronunciation 2.Write 25 vocab words and their meanings presented in the video. Write a 10 point summary of the video. Comprehension, 1. Discussed and wrote in Fluency notebook 5 sentences 29.C.3a Read, discuss describing What did your and write about themes and settings of selected brother or sister do during the weekend? materials in the target 2. Memorize the verses to language with assistance of be able to write accurately glossaries, guided or to say accurately. questions or outlines 3. Worksheet on chapter 4, used guided questions, translating, looking up vocabulary to discern meaning from the text. 4. Make a list of characteristics of a member of your duck family. Use the il/elle form. 5. Wrote 5 sentences 1. anguages/french/mafranc e/html/preview/summary. shtml 2. sources/series83.html 1. Many times the students’ sentences include church attendance and activities that have spiritual significance. 3. Le Voyage de sa vie by Lisa Ray Turner and Blaine Ray 4. Duckopolis by Deb Read 5-7. Teacher generated 7. Weekend activities 2/25/13 describing the question: What did Mireille and Robert do in the last video 6. Wrote 5 sentences describing the question: What did your mother and father do during the weekend? 7. Wrote 5 sentences describing the question: What did your pet do over the weekend? 1. Song: song for passé composé with êtreStudy for meaning of vocabulary and sing for language fluency and comprehension. Cultural Awareness, Creativity 29.B.3a Identify and explain ideas and themes expressed in selected works of art associated with target language societies using terms from the target language. 1. Song – discussed the meaning of the verbs then listened to the song. They had a copy of the lyrics in a handout. 1.Crepe Day – make crepes in the classroom. Range of Vocabulary 30.A.3d Use the target language to identify diet, nutrition and physical fitness issues in areas where the target language is spoken. 1.Make crepes with toppings. Bring in toppings to share. . . 1. passé composé with être. 1. Use 2 crepe makers to make crepes with prepared batter. 1. Computer presentation – BBC France Steps Fleurs A Range of Vocabulary 30.B.3a Use the target language to identify and describe occupations unique to areas where the target language is spoken 1. Watch video online, translate each line in the video. Listen to the pronunciation. 1. guages/french/mafrance/h tml/fleurs/video_player_a. shtml