CAFETERIA LESSON PLAN I Do (modeling) Rational: To make the cafeteria a pleasant experience for all. What does Respectful look like in the cafeteria? 1. Voice Level-red, orange, and yellow. 2. Use table manners. a. Kind words. b. Say excuse me when you need to. c. Eat your own food and drink. d. Take small bites and chew with your mouth closed. e. Say please and thank you. f. Take your cap/hat off at the lunch table. g. Don’t talk with food in your mouth. h. Don’t play with your food. i. No moving seats once you sit. 3. Ask permission a. Don’t get up without permission. b. Raise your hand and wait for an adult. 4. Listen to the adults. 5. Say name loud and clear when going through the line. What does Responsible look like in the cafeteria? 1. Keep place in line. a. Remember to take what you need the first time—napkins, utensils, milk, and food from the self serve cart. 2. Single line when returning tray. 3. Leave no trace. a. Open milk carton and dump it. b. Make sure you gather all trash and dump it. c. Return tray and silverware to proper area. 4. When given school wide signal voices are off and body still. What does Safe look like in the cafeteria? 1. Touch only your tray and food. 2. Use walking feet. 3. Face forward in line. 4. Inform an adult of a problem. We Do (guided practice) 1. Teachers ask the class: Why is it important to behave this way in the cafeteria? 2. Brainstorm a list of possible cafeteria problems. Role play one of the situations from the list and try to come up with possible safe ways to change up the situation. 3. Discuss situations that might happen in the cafeteria that need to be reported to an adult. They Do (partner practice) Practice: Practice entering and exiting the cafeteria (remember to include checking in and returning of trays). I AM RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE, AND SAFE! Examples: Voice level, walking feet, hands and feet to self. Non-Examples: Teacher role plays non-examples: Kids arguing, fighting, students pushing and shoving. Yelling and running. Examples: Putting trays and garbage where it belongs, raising hand and asking for permission for items needed and restroom use, saying name loud and clear, and face forward and staying in line. Non-Examples: Teacher role plays non-examples: Talk to the person behind you in line. Move in line to a new spot and trade spots at the table. Grab food off another student’s tray. Getting up and leaving the cafeteria without permission and without taking care of your tray. Leave your garbage on the table. Practice: Identify procedure to ensure all students practice the behaviors in the common area (i.e. at least twice to achieve fluency) Have them demonstrate the appropriate behaviors in small groups and have the other students give them a thumbs up or thumbs down for their example. Do some role plays and have students determine which ones are examples and which are non-examples. Reinforcement: Have students clap for students who role played the scenarios for you and give Panther tickets to the students who volunteered to role play the good examples and compliment their willingness to demonstrate for the group. Reinforce intermittently the students as they practice positive behaviors with their partners. Follow-Up Plan: Identify what adults will do to review expectations and behaviors for this setting and ensure 5:1 ratio of positive acknowledgements versus corrections occurring in this setting. You Do (independent) Practice going through the cafeteria from start to finish.