MBA Courses Textbooks for P2 and P5 November/December 2008 P2 Core Courses Managerial Accounting/ Hillegeist,Stephen Managerial Accounting, 12th ed. by Garrison, Ray H.;Noreen, Eric W.;Brewer, Peter C. HG40 .G37 2008 Corporate Financial Policy/ Hillion,Pierre/Vermaelen,Theo Modern financial management (previously known as Corporate finance), 8th ed. by Ross, Stephen A.;Westerfield, Randolph W.;Jaffe, Jeffrey;Jordan, Bradford D. HG4026 .R675 2008 Principles of Corporate Finance (previously known as Corporate finance), 9th ed. by Brealey, Richard A.;Myers, Stewart C HG4026 .B74 2008 Foundations of Marketing/Christen,Markus Strategic market management, 8th ed. by Aaker, David A. HF5415.13 .A35 2008 Market-based management,5th ed. by Best, Roger J. HF5415.13 .B47 2009 Marketing Management, 13th ed. by Kotler, Philip;Keller, Kevin Lane HF5415.13 .K645 2009 Strategic Marketing Management, 3rd ed. by Chernev, Alexander HF5415.13 .C44 2008 Strategy/Costantini,James Strategy and the Business Landscape, 2nd ed. by Ghemawat, Pankaj;Cassiman, Bruno;Collis, David J.;Rivkin, Jan W. HD30.28 .G44 2006 Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 6th ed. by Grant, Robert M. HD30.28 .G73 2008 1 Strategic Management by Saloner, Garth;Shepard, Andrea;Podolny, Joel HD30.28 .S356 2001 Economics of Strategy, 4th ed. by Besanko, Dranove, Shanley, Schaefer HD30.28 .B47 2007 Blue Ocean Strategy by Kim, W. Chan;Mauborgne, Renée HD30.28 .K56 2005 Process & Operations Management/Bhattacharya,Shantanu Goal: a process of ongoing improvement by Goldratt, Eliyahu M.;Cox, Jeff TS183 .G653 2004 Matching supply with demand: an introduction to operations management, 2nd ed. by Cachon, Gérard;Terwiesch, Christian TS155 .C33 2009 P5 Elective Courses Financial Statement Analysis/ Kraft,Arthur Business analysis and valuation: text only, IFRS ed. by Palepu, Krishna G.;Healy, Paul M.;Bernard, Victor L.;Peek, Erik HG60 .P35 2007 Managing Business Ethics/ Smith,N. Craig Ethical Theory and Business, 8th ed. by Beauchamp, Tom L.;Bowie, Norman E. BJ53 .E82 2008 Corporate Responsibility: A Critical Introduction by Blowfield, Michael;Murray, Alan HD6950.4 .B56 2008 Ethics in Finance, 2nd ed. by John R. Boatright, BJ54 .B638 2008 Business ethics: a European perspective. Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization by Crane, Andrew;Matten, Dirk BJ53 .C73 2007 Business Ethics by De George, Richard T. BJ53 .D38 2006 Ethical issues in business - Donaldson, Thomas On order Managing values and beliefs in organizations by McEwan, Tom BJ53 .M35 2001 Business Ethics by Shaw, William H. BJ53 .S43 2008 Ethics in marketing - Smith, N. Craig;Quelch, John A. BJ53.5 .S65 1996 2 Managing Business Ethics: Straight Talk About How To Do It Right, 4th ed. by Trevino, Linda Klebe;Nelson, Katherine BJ53 .T734 2007 Models for Strategic Planning/ Tsetlin,Ilia Management science: the art of modeling with spreadsheets (previously known as Art of modeling with spreadsheets), 2nd ed. by Powell, Stephen G.;Baker, Kenneth R. QA76.9 .C65 P69 2007 From Startup to Fortune 500/ Trempont,Dominique-Jacques Blueprint to a billion: 7 essentials to achieve exponential growth by Thomson, David G. HD2746 .T46 2006 Stall points: most companies stop growing-yours doesn't have to by Olson, Matthew S. HD2746 .O57 2008 Only the paranoid survive by Grove, Andrew S. HD6954 .G76 1996 Entrepreneur journeys by Sramana Mitra On order Adv Applied Corporate Finance/ Hillion,Pierre Modern financial management (previously known as Corporate finance), 8th ed. by Ross, Stephen A.;Westerfield, Randolph W.;Jaffe, Jeffrey;Jordan, Bradford D. HG4026 .R675 2008 Principles of Corporate Finance (previously known as Corporate finance), 9th ed. by Brealey, Richard A.;Myers, Stewart C HG4026 .B74 2008 Value Creation Corporation Restructuring/ Hau,Harald Valuation: measuring and managing the value of companies, 4th ed. by Koller, Tim;Goedhart, Marc;Wessels, David HG4028 .V3 C67 2005 The vulture investors by Rosenberg, Hilary HG4028 .M4 R67 2000 Takeovers, restructuring, and corporate governance, 4th ed. by Weston, J. Fred;Mitchell, Mark L.;Mulherin, J. Harold HG4028 .M4 W478 2004 Workouts & turnarounds II by DiNapoli, Dominic HD2747 .W67 1999 Fixed Income/ Hillion,Pierre Fixed income securities: tools for today's markets, 2nd ed. by Tuckman, Bruce HG4650 .T83 2002 3 Pricing Strategies & Tactics/ Christen,Markus The Strategy and tactics of pricing by Nagle, Thomas T.;Hogan, John E. HF5416.5 .N34 2006 Power Pricing:how managing price transforms the bottom line by Simon, Hermann;Dolan, Robert J. HF5416.5 .D65 1996 Pricing:making profitable decisions by Monroe, Kent B. HF5416.5 .M66 2003 Global Strategy & Management/ Singh,Jasjit Redefining Global Strategy by Ghemawat, Pankaj HD2755.5 .G44 2007 Global Strategic Management by Lasserre, Philippe HD2755.5 .L37 2007 Billions of entrepreneurs by Khanna, Tarun HB615 .K43 2007 From Global to Metanational by Doz,Yves L.;Santos, Jose;Williamson,P.J. HD6954.3 .D69 2001 (This book is currently located at PhD textbook section) Entrepreneurial Field Studies/ Greve,Henrich Questionnaire design: How to plan, structure and write survey material for effective market research by Brace, Ian HF5415.2 .B73 2004 MBA field studies by Corey, E. Raymond Z12 .M33 1990 The focus group research handbook by Edmunds, H On order Research methods for managers by Gill, John;Johnson, Phil HD30.4 .G55 2002 Handbook of interview research: Context & method by Gubrium, Jaber F.;Holstein, James A. H61.28 .H36 2001 Research methods for business students by Saunder, .M. Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A., 2007 Z10 .S38 2007 (Note: these recommended reading titles for Entrepreneurial Fields Studies are located at PhD textbook section) 4