IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GRANT JUNE 20, 2012 Pursuant to notice made to the newspaper of general circulation throughout Grant County, the radio station in Grant County and e-mail distribution list, a regular meeting of the County Court was held at the County Courthouse in Canyon City OR. 9:00 am -- Call to Order. Present were Judge Mark R. Webb, Commissioners Scott W. Myers and Boyd Britton, Secretary Mary Ferrioli, Commissioner Candidates Mike Dougharity and Chris Labhart, and Pastor Eric Bortell. A Pledge of Allegiance was given to the US flag. The invocation was given by Pastor Bortell. CLAIMS. The court had reviewed and approved claims PROGRAM. MSP: Webb/Myers -- to accept the program as presented. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Webb reported on a visit to Baker City last Friday that he and Britton made to meet with County Commissioners and the Forest Service about progress on the draft EIS on the Blue Mountain Forest Revision Plan. Yesterday, Webb was at Silvies Valley Ranch to assess progress and challenges concerning that development. Webb remarked on local meetings last week with Oregon Department of Forestry Leadership Team including a tour on Sharon Livingston’s property. Britton provided additional information about interesting discussions at the Baker City meeting June 15. Britton reported on interviews of candidates for the Airport Manager position. Finalist interviews by the Airport Commission will be done this evening at the airport. Britton commented on Oregon Department of Forestry’s current restructuring of its financial procedures. Myers planned to attend the Community Connection of Northeast Oregon quarterly board meeting next Tuesday in Baker City. He plans to meet with an RFQ engineering respondent from Boise next Monday to answer their questions about the upcoming airport runway project. He commented on last Saturday’s successful Family Fun Day at the John Day City Park. MINUTES. MSP: Britton/Webb -- to approve the minutes of June 13 as amended. BUDGET RESOLUTIONS. Court members reviewed and signed Resolution 12-26 Making Transfer from Contingency General Fund Non-Departmental / Sheriff $22,000.00 for approved light duty work for an employee, Resolution 12-27 Making Transfer from Contingency Road MINUTES OF THE GRANT COUNTY COURT JUNE 20, 2012 APPROVED 1 Fund $85,000.00 to Materials & Services due to road projects, Resolution 12-28 Making Transfer from Contingency Sanitarian Inspection Fund $1,600.00 to Personal Services / $600.00 and Materials & Services $1,000.00, Resolution 12-29 Making Budgeted Transfers Special Funds to Maternal & Child Health from WIC $5,700.00, from Family Planning $7,134.00, from Bioterrorism $300.00, and from Sanitarian $3,250.00, Resolution 12-30 Closing the Jail Bond Fund and transferring $27,278.59 to the General Fund for other uses and Resolution 12-31 Making Transfer from Contingency General Fund $900.00 for a county representative to attend a NEPA meeting in Wyoming. HAND CHECK. The court approved a hand-check to Dennis Reynolds as reimbursement for court-approved trip to Wyoming for a NEPA meeting June 11 and 12. EXTENSION DISTRICT. Court members signed Resolution 12-25 Adopting the Annual Budget, Levying Taxes and Making Appropriations for FY 2012-2013 for Grant County Extension and 4H Service District. Total Appropriations for all funds is $165.246.00 with an Unappropriated Fund Balance of $42,990.00 for a total budget of $208,236.00. The court reviewed and signed an Intergovernmental Agreement with OSU Extension Service to provide OSU educational programs and information to Grant County citizens from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2017. The court also reviewed and signed the 2nd Amendment to an Intergovernmental Agreement for the Demonstration Garden Project extending the term to June 30, 2013. PUBLIC HEARING. At 9:30 am the court held the second public hearing on Ordinance 2012-03 to address an amendment to Ordinance 01-02 Establishing Road Names in Unincorporated areas of Grant County adopted in 2001 (including a Master Road Name List). Webb recited the Ordinance previously provided by the Planning Department. The amendment adds addresses assigned and road names adopted since 2001 and removes some road names that were never addressed. It also corrects some previous spelling errors and typos. No proponent or opponent comment was offered in response to the court’s request. 9:35 am – Shannon Springer entered. Planning Secretary Shannon Springer said she has talked to Roadmaster Mark Hensley about the road previously in question. Ordinance 2012-03 was signed by all court members. SITE LEASE. The court considered an Aeronautical Hangar Site Lease with Robin Olterman that the Airport Commission recently approved. Oltermann, who operates “Pajarita Aviation” proposes to build 60’x60’ hangar in compliance with airport and FAA criteria at a site on a developed commercial ramp. Diagrams, location map, and copy of her commercial liability insurance were provided. Commissioner Britton / Airport Commission member, provided background on plans to build the hangar at the site next to the DR Johnson Hanger. MSP: Webb/Myers – to allow Judge Webb to sign the Hangar Site Lease. MINUTES OF THE GRANT COUNTY COURT JUNE 20, 2012 APPROVED 2 530 E. MAIN. The court considered a letter from Training & Employment Consortium Director Teri Simonis requesting to lease office space at 530 E. Main No. 5 and No. 6. TEC would use the space to provide employment, training and child care services to Grant County residents from 8 am to 5 pm with some evening classes. The agency’s current lease on Washington Street in Canyon City ends July 15 and staff is tentatively planning to begin moving to the new space June 26. Britton provided information about the transition TEC is making to reduce costs in response to the current need for services. The lease rate at that site is 49¢ per square foot. MSP: Britton/ Myers – to offer the lease to Training & Employment for one year at 49¢ per square foot. GEORGRAPHIC NAMES. Court members discussed offering court support of proposed Geographic Name Change requests of the National Board of Geographic Names. Applications for submission to the national board were reviewed as follows: Jean Kline and Rod Kuhn request to change the name “Squaw Rock” to “Donaldson Rock,” Sharon Livingston requests to retain the name “Indian Rock,” and Mike and Diane Browning request to change the name “Squaw Creek” to “Mona Creek.” Webb explained his previous work with Gregg Smith who is devoted to this issue, which included travel to Washington DC to address concerns about the board’s proposed Indian names. Webb agreed to draft a cover letter of court support to be signed by all court members. He added that Oregon House Rep Cliff Bentz is requesting a Legislative Counsel opinion on this issue. 9:50 am -- Kathy Smith entered PER DIEM RATES. Treasurer Kathy Smith presented adjusted per diem reimbursement rates to adopt for FY 2012-2013 Exhibit A. Smith explained past practice has been to apply the COLA (3.2%) to the per diem rates and increase them accordingly. If approved, rates would be increased to $90 for lodging and 44¢ for mileage. Meals reimbursed @ $40 had been previously adjusted in line with COLA. Smith’s calculation of existing breakfast / lunch / dinner rates with 3.2% COLA applied comes out at $39.44. MSP: Webb/Myers – to accept the per diem rate adjustment for 2012-2013 as presented. 10:00 am -- Brenda Percy and Shannon Springer entered PUBLIC HEARING. At 10:00 am the court held the second public hearing on the FY 2012-2013 County Budget. Budget Officer Kathy Smith reviewed a list of proposed changes to next year’s budget Exhibit B. Justice Court expense and supply lines were adjusted due to credit card fees and Veteran Services revenue and VA reimbursement lines were changed according to state grant figures. Children & Families Cash on Hand revenue and expense lines changed for A&D 70, USDA Summer Food / Summer Food Cook, and Juvenile Revolving revenue and expense lines changed due to state Accountability Grant figures. Maternal and Child Health revenue and expense lines changed for a new Title XIX EHR Incentive Grant line plus expense lines were MINUTES OF THE GRANT COUNTY COURT JUNE 20, 2012 APPROVED 3 changed for a Nurse wage increase and Ford Family Grant. During the hearing no public comment was offered concerning the proposed budget for FY 2012-2013. Commissioner Candidate Chris Labhart asked if a Human Resources Manager was part of this year’s budget, but he was told it is not. The budget adoption resolution would be signed next week. HEALTH INSURANCE. The court, Treasurer Kathy Smith, and Clerk Brenda Percy discussed the county’s health insurance plan for 2012-2013. Hermann Financial Insurance Agent Kim Hilton met with Judge Webb, Treasurer Smith and Clerk Percy last week to review the county’s new rate and benefit comparison for ODS. A comparison spreadsheet was provided for ODS Preferred Provider Plan Options for a $1,500 out-of-pocket limit. Plan rate options comparisons included variable deductibles i.e. $250 / $500; $500 / $1,000; $750 / $1,500; $1,000 / $2,000 with office visit co-pays in net of $15 / $20 / $25. The current Prescription Plan and Vision Plan would not change for next year. Britton said he was pleased to have the option to be able to make some changes at this time. Webb explained the new latitude the county has now with deductible options and out-of-pocket expenses. Myers sought clarification about the number of employees we have within each plan category. 10:10 am – News Reporter Scotta Callister entered. Britton talked about a $1,000 deductible being picked up by estimated county savings. Webb said it wasn’t that simple. He explained how the employee deductible and Health Reimbursement Account was operated by Community Counseling Solutions, Inc. Smith and Webb expressed some disagreement about how annual savings would be used up with deductibles over the years i.e. savings would go down as premiums increase each year into the future. Britton felt the employees need to pay a deductible. Differences between the concept of a Health Savings Account and a Health Reimbursement Plan were discussed. It was believed that HSAs are no longer available. Shannon Springer felt it would be irresponsible for the county not to have employees pay a deductible. Clerk Brenda Percy sought clarification about our ability to move to a lower deductible once we go to a higher one. Smith suggested starting out with a $500 deductible and going to a $1,000 later if needed. Myers asked about the possibility of reimbursing the copay. He felt the $25 co-pay option was reasonable. Discussion followed about deciding what Tier to approve. Smith explained Tier 4 would save the county and the employee, and any change in deductible would save all categories money. Webb and Myers agreed that a $500 deductible and Tier 4 might be a good plan. Britton personally preferred a $1,000 deductible with the employee paying the first $500 and the county paying the next $500. It was planned that a phone conference would be held today with Insurance Agent Kim Hilton to clarify the county’s questions and discuss picking up a portion of the employee’s deductible. 10:20 am -- Glenn Palmer entered MINUTES OF THE GRANT COUNTY COURT JUNE 20, 2012 APPROVED 4 PRAIRIE CITY LAW ENFORCEMENT. Sheriff Glenn Palmer asked the court to sign the Intergovernmental Agreement for Law Enforcement Services provided to Prairie City from July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2014. Prairie City has agreed to pay $35.00 per hour to Sheriff Deputy Zach Mobley to be available on a weekly basis averaging 40 hours per week, including call-outs, and an additional $200.00 per month for fuel to operate the vehicle. The city would provide secure office space, phone service, an evidence locker, cell phone, and a computer. The county would provide a fully equipped patrol vehicle, maintenance, repair, and insurance. Palmer said things have been worked out and no issues or complaints have come forward. Webb sought assurance that $35 per hour covers the county’s costs as well as the $200 fuel allowance. Palmer understood the fuel cost was being covered, but said he would check on actual costs over the past 6 months. He believed the city was actually getting more than 40 hours a week in county services. Palmer felt it was evident the public and city are satisfied with the Sheriff Deputy’s work for Prairie City. Some discussion followed about call-outs, request forms for non-emergency matters, and the possibility of dealing with issues on the website. MSP: Webb/Myers -- to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement for Law Enforcement Services within Prairie City. Myers agreed with Webb that tracking of vehicle fuel and maintenance expense would be good to have in the future. 10:40 am – Hal Smith entered JUSTICE FACILITY ROOF. Sheriff Glenn Palmer mentioned the Criminal Justice Facility roof is leaking again. He plans to provide complete information for the court to consider in the future. Palmer thought the annual patching that’s been done has not taken care of the problem. 10:45 am -- Ashley Daniel entered VICTIM ASSISTANCE. Victim Assistance Program Director Ashley Daniel recommending approving a competitive federal FY 2012-2014 VOCA Project Grant Application to receive a total of $90,000. Daniel said the funds would maintain a 0.74 FTE Victim Intervention Specialist to provide direct services to victims of crime. The required 25% in-kind match would come from volunteers and office rent. It was explained the grant is being requested in the event we are not awarded the VAWA Rural Grant funds in October. She recommended declining this grant if the VAWA Rural funds are awarded. Daniel indicated the funds could not be used for prosecution / Deputy DA. The award includes funding for salary, benefits, office supplies, and emergency services associated with the Victim Intervention Specialist. MSP: Webb/Britton -- to approve Judge Webb’s signature on the VOCA Grant Project Grant Application. 10:50 am -- Brenda Percy entered COUNTY CLERK . Clerk Brenda Percy presented a proposal from Nick Miller and recommended purchasing Edsal bulk storage racks from Grainger to install in the Courthouse vault. The Safety MINUTES OF THE GRANT COUNTY COURT JUNE 20, 2012 APPROVED 5 Committee previously recommended improving storage of boxes to provide additional space and better maneuverability within the vault. Percy provided details about the width, height and weight capacity of the proposed shelving units. The estimated cost for 2 starter & 2 additional shelves is $842.40 or $1,004.90 for 2 starter & 4 additional shelves. Webb recommended going with Miller’s proposal. Myers suggested having the floor ramp looked at when possible in the future. Britton asked Percy to have Miller contact him about other suppliers he knows of with storage shelves. MSP: Webb/Myers-- to approve purchasing storage shelves with installation by Nick Miller. PERSONNEL MANAGER. Britton believed the county can no longer afford not to have a Personnel Manager and recommended returning those responsibilities to Clerk Brenda Percy. Britton believed the exempt Clerk / Payroll position was best suited for personnel duties. He also felt it would be a cost savings to the county in the long run. Percy said employees have come to her for answers to questions on a regular basis, so felt employees and Department Heads would support bringing her back to the position. Planning Secretary Shannon Springer felt it has been confusing for Department Heads and employees since personnel responsibilities had been transferred. Myers pointed out there have been two different position descriptions in the past. Percy agreed with keeping the job descriptions separate. Discussion took place about wage scale placement and budget issues. Britton asked if Percy had a compensation amount in mind. Percy suggested she be paid the Budget Officer stipend of $302 per month. It was pointed out that the position was not budgeted; however, a Contingency Transfer resolution could be created. Labhart wondered if this was brought up in Budget Committee. Although voted for Percy to be County Clerk, Labhart suggested that a new employee be hired to handle those duties. Webb believed the day-to-day issues could be accommodated by Percy. He explained that legal issues associated with HR can be handled by labor counsel and / or City County Insurance Service. Myers noted the county has already invested in Percy by providing for a number of trainings on human resource issues. Budget Committee member Hal Smith did not think personnel duties should be added to a statutory position such as County Clerk. He expressed concern about the time needed to address personnel issues creating a conflict with Clerk duties. Percy felt personnel duties were irregular and could be handled within her other duties. Additionally, any serious matter would have an attorney brought in to assist the county. Percy said the Deputy Clerk is doing a good job and could step in to handle day to day duties. She also said she would not allow personnel to interfere with critical Clerk responsibilities. MSP: Britton/Webb -- to appoint Clerk Brenda Percy as Personnel Manager. MSP: Britton/Webb -- to augment the Clerk’s salary for the Personnel position with a $350 stipend per month effective immediately. During discussion Treasurer Kathy Smith asked to petition to have her Budget Officer stipend be adjusted to match the Personnel Manager’s. The court decided not to make a decision today, but to allow her to bring that issue to the court in the future. Myers felt it was better to either MINUTES OF THE GRANT COUNTY COURT JUNE 20, 2012 APPROVED 6 match the existing Budget Officer’s amount or increase the Budget Officer’s pay to match the higher pay for Personnel Manager. Webb felt there was greater risk management associated with personnel. COUNTY ROADS 76 & 20. Roadmaster Mark Hensley previously presented an Easement for private access on a portion of CR 76 / Luce Creek Road. Grantees include Eagle Cap Rentals, Jeff W. Fitzhugh, J. David Baldwin, Holliday Land and Livestock, Inc., Ochoco Lumber Company, Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative, Mike Sanders, and Gary Thomas; the true consideration is zero. The easement was signed by all court members. The court also signed a Right of Way Deed / County Road 20 granted by Althea Gibbs of Stanfield OR as previously presented by Hensley. 11:45 am – Lunch Recess. The meeting reconvened at 1:00 pm. All court members, the Court Secretary, King Williams, Zach Williams, Hal Smith Chris Labhart, and News Reporter Scotta Callister were present. INVESTMENT OF ROAD FUNDS. Judge Webb asked for court discussion on the investment of County Road funds. He explained the Forest Service doesn’t have enough money to take care of federal lands and supply enough merchantable timber to keep the mills going. Under the following conditions, Webb would like to investigate legally investing those dollars differently -while continuing to protect the principal – to yield a better rate of return, facilitate forest health treatments, and create new jobs in the community. Webb said had already talked with federal agency representatives both locally and in Washington D.C., Oregon House Rep Cliff Bentz, Gov. Natural Resource Staff Brent Brownscombe, King Williams, and Governor Kitzhaber’s Forest Consultant Tom Tuchman and gained support for this idea. He added that Brownscombe has put a placeholder in the upcoming legislative session to address this issue. Webb didn’t want to go further until he knows there is court support. Myers asked where the county’s investment authority is now. Webb said the Treasurer handles investment, but thought it was the court’s decision. Treasurer Kathy Smith said she’d have to look at the statute to be sure. Webb would not go forward with investments without the stipulated guarantees. Webb didn’t have an answer to Myers’ question about the Forest Service’s guarantee to repay the loan plus interest. Myers asked about the time, expenses and risk involved. Webb felt only his time would be involved without risk. Myers said he was alright with it right now and didn’t see any risks at this point. Britton was excited about the idea and thought it was an excellent place to get started. He was pleased that Tom Tuchman is involved and supports this idea. Britton didn’t think the court could turn its back on the county’s natural resource industry. He wanted to go forward. Webb said he and Britton have already talked about it and asked if Myers was willing to go forward. Myers said he is alright for now and doesn’t see any reason for serious concern now. Other discussion followed about various topics such as current and guaranteed rates of return, benefits to the mills, current investment practice conducted by the Treasurer’s office, increasing MINUTES OF THE GRANT COUNTY COURT JUNE 20, 2012 APPROVED 7 staff levels at the Forest Service, funding troubles for O & C Counties, and funding of Forest Service projects. Webb sought and gained approval from the Commissioners to talk further with the appropriate parties, including King Williams and Tom Tuchmann, in an effort to move forward with this investment possibility. 1:40 pm -- Adjourned Respectfully Submitted, Mary R. Ferrioli / County Court Secretary MINUTES OF THE GRANT COUNTY COURT JUNE 20, 2012 APPROVED 8