MSE 209 – SPRING 2003 INTRODUCTION TO THE SCIENCE OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS (January 13, 2003) Course Objectives: To introduce the basic principles underlying the behavior of materials. This course will provide the scientific foundation for an understanding of the relationships among material properties, structure and performance for the classes of engineering solids (metals, polymers, ceramics, semiconductors and composites). Concepts will be developed and applied which allow for correlation between performance and aspects of structure, from atomic through the macroscopic level, including ideas relating to atomic and larger size defects. Prerequisites: Chemistry 111 or 141, principles of differentiation and integration, principles of algebra, geometry and trigonometry. Textbook: Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction (Sixth Edition) W. D. Callister, Jr. (John Wiley and Sons, @2003, ISBN 0-471-13576-3) Class Notes: My class notes will be on my web site and it contains links to other notes Use I will also activate our class tookit when I return. Comments and problem solutions will be posted there. Grading: The course grade will be determined from homework, test and final exam grades. Homework will account for 20%, the three one-hour tests for 50%, and the final exam for 30% of the course grade. Attendance will be taken and will be used if students are on borderline between grades Homework: Eleven problem sets will be assigned during the semester. Each assignment will be due at the beginning of class about one week after it is assigned (please check class toolkit webpage regularly for HW schedule updates). Homework submissions should be stapled, neat and with your name listed on every page. While students may cooperate and discuss concepts necessary to solve homework problems, copying another student’s work is not permitted. Your pledge should reflect this stipulation. Late homework hand-ins are acceptable only with an approved excuse. Class Sessions: Sections #1 MWF 1100-1150 #2 TR 1100-1215 #3 MWF 0900-0950 #4 TR 1100-1215 #5 TR 0930-1045 Instructor Reinke Jesser Cahen Mulder Johnson Classroom OLS 011 OLS 009 OLS 009 THN E303 OLS 005 Final Exam_____________________ Fri. May 2, 2003 @ 0900-1200 Wed. May 7, 2003 @ 0900-1200 Tue. May 6, 2003 @ 1400-1700 Wed. May 7, 2003 @ 0900-1200 Thur. May 8, 2003 @ 1400-1700 Office Hours will be scheduled and individual hours with students can be arranged. Problem Sessions: Three teaching assistants (TAs) will be available for scheduled problem sessions: Name Tom Schamp Elodie Leveugle Ben Teolis E-mail cts2v el8d bdt4z Office THN B104 Phone Week day Time Location 982-4595 243-7754 924-1059 Wednesday Thursday Wednesday 4-5 PM 9-10 AM 2-3 PM MEC 215 MEC 345 MEC 215 MSE 209 COURSE OUTLINE – SPRING 2003 Weeks Chapter and Topic ½ ½ 1 ½ ½ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Atomic Structure and Inter-atomic Bonding The Structure of Crystalline Solids Imperfections in Solids Diffusion TEST #1 – Chapters 1 5 1 1 ½ 1½ 6. 7. 8. 9. Mechanical Properties of Metals Dislocations and Strengthening Mechanisms Failure Phase Diagrams TEST #2 – Chapters 6 9 ½ ½ ½ 1 1 1 10. Phase Transformations in Metals: Development of Microstructure and Alterations of Mechanical Properties 11. Applications and Processing of Metal Alloys 12. Structure and Properties of Ceramics 13. Applications and Processing of Ceramics 14. Polymer Structures 15. Characteristics, Applications and Processing of Polymers TEST #3 - Chapters 10 15 2 18. Electrical Properties Honor System: Every student in this course must comply with all provisions of the UVA honor system. On tests and exams, you are to pledge that you have neither received nor given aid. Your signature below this pledge affirms that you have not accessed notes, study outlines, old exams, answer keys, or textbooks while taking the tests and the exam and that you have not obtained any answers from another students exam. On homework, you are to pledge that the work is your own. Your signature by this pledge indicates that while you may have discussed the assigned problems with fellow students at the concept level, the calculations and answers are your own. Alleged honor violations brought to my attention will be forwarded to the Honor Committee. If, in my judgment, it is beyond a reasonable doubt that a student has committed an honor violation, that student will receive an immediate grade of 'F' for the affected work, irrespective of any subsequent action taken by the Honor Committee. MSE 209 – Spring 2003 Homework Assignments HW# Date Assigned Date Due Assigned Problems 1. Jan. 30, 31 Feb. 6, 7 Ch. 2: 2.3, 2.17, 2.20 Ch. 3: 3.3, 3.8, 3.9, 3.15 2. Feb. 6, 7 Feb.13, 14 Ch. 4: 4.2, 4.7, 4.8, 4.18 Ch. 5: 5.7, 5.22, 5.23 Test #1, Feb. 27, 28 ; In-class, Chapters 1 5 HW# Date Assigned Date Due Assigned Problems 3. Feb. 13, 14 Feb. 20, 21 Ch. 6: 6.3, 6.7, 6.9, 6. 23, 6. 28 4. Feb. 20, 21 Feb. 27, 28 Ch. 7: 7.4, 7.12, 7.27, 7.D4 5. Feb. 27, 28 Mar. 13, 14 Ch. 8: 8.3, 8.5, 8.29, 8.43, 8.44 6. Mar. 13, 14 Mar. 20, 21 Ch. 9: 9.6, 9.12, 9.15, 9.20, 9.33, 9.53 Test #2, April 3, 4 ; In-class, Chapters 6 9 HW# Date Assigned Date Due Assigned Problems 7. Mar. 20, 21 Mar. 27, 28 Ch. 10: 10.12, 10.15 Ch. 11: 11.D6 8. Mar. 27, 28 Apr. 3, 4 Ch. 12: 12.3, 12.15, 12.32, 12.38 (*) 9. Apr. 10, 11 Apr. 17, 18 Ch. 14: 14.3, 14.9, 14.11, 14.26 10. Apr. 17, 18 Apr. 24, 25 Ch. 15: 15.12, 15.26, 15.40, 15.50 Test # 3, April 28, 29 ; In-class, Chapters 10 15 HW# Date Assigned Date Due Assigned Problems 11. Apr. 17, 18 Apr. 28, 29 Ch. 18: 18.5, 18.11, 18.13, 18.29, 18.31, and 18.54W (*) Note: No problems are assigned for Chapter 13! CONTACT LIST INSTRUCTORS Name Office Phone E-mail ( George Cahen Bill Jesser Bob Johnson Bob Mulder Petra Reinke THN A123 MSE 119 THN B103 NRF TBD 982-2313 glc 982-5654 waj 924-3244 rej 982-5446 rum TBD for now: GRADUATE TEACHING ASSISTANTS Name E-mail Office Tom Schamp Elodie Leveugle Ben Teolis THN B104 Office Phone Home Phone 982-4595 243-7754 924-1059 984-1804 244-3302 243-0868 The TAs will hold the following problem help sessions: Wed. 2-3 PM (Ben) Wed. 4-5PM (Tom) Thurs. 9-10 AM (Elodie) GRADERS Four graders be hired; each will be responsible for about 60 students.