REPRESENTATIVES of Annas had secretly
POSLANICI Ane su potajno naložili zapovjedniku
instructed the captain of the Roman soldiers to bring Jesus
rimskih vojnika da dovede Isusa u Aninu palaču
immediately to the palace of Annas after he had been
neposredno nakon uhićenja. Negdašnji veliki svećenik je
arrested. The former high priest desired to maintain his
prije svega htio utvrditi svoj ugled kao poglavar svećeničke
prestige as the chief ecclesiastical authority of the Jews. He
vlasti Židova. On je jednako tako htio zadržati Isusa u
also had another purpose in detaining Jesus at his house for
pritvoru u svojoj kući na nekoliko sati, kako bi imao
several hours, and that was to allow time for legally calling
dovoljno vremena da pokrene pravni postupak sazivanja
together the court of the Sanhedrin. It was not lawful to
suda Velikog vijeća. Nije bilo dopušteno sazvati sud
convene the Sanhedrin court before the time of the offering
Velikog vijeća prije prinošenja jutarnje žrtve u hramu, što
of the morning sacrifice in the temple, and this sacrifice
je bilo otprilike oko tri ujutro.
was offered about three o'clock in the morning.
Annas knew that a court of Sanhedrists was in
Ana je znao da je sud Velikog vijeća bio okupljen
waiting at the palace of his son-in-law, Caiaphas. Some
u palači njegovog tasta Kaife. Nekih trideset članova
thirty members of the Sanhedrin had gathered at the home
Velikog vijeća se već prije ponoći okupilo u domu velikog
of the high priest by midnight so that they would be ready
svećenika, kako bi sudili Isusu čim bude mogao biti
to sit in judgment on Jesus when he might be brought
izveden pred njih. Od svih članova Velikog vijeća, okupili
before them. Only those members were assembled who
su se samo oni koji su bili čvrsti i otvoreni protivnici Isusa i
were strongly and openly opposed to Jesus and his teaching
njegovih učenja, kako je istražni sud zahtijevao nazočnost
since it required only twenty-three to constitute a trial court.
samo dvadeset tri člana.
Jesus spent about three hours at the palace of
Isus je proveo otprilike tri sata u Aninoj palači na
Annas on Mount Olivet, not far from the garden of
Maslinskoj gori, nedaleko od Getsemanskog vrta, gdje su
Gethsemane, where they arrested him. John Zebedee was
ga uhitili. Ivan Zebedejev je bio slobodan i siguran u
free and safe in the palace of Annas not only because of the
Aninoj palači ne samo zbog zapovijedi rimskog satnika,
word of the Roman captain, but also because he and his
nego prije svega zato što je sa svojim bratom Jakovom bio
brother James were well known to the older servants,
dobro poznat starijim slugama, kako su mnogo puta
having many times been guests at the palace as the former
boravili kao gosti u palači bivšeg velikog svećenika, rođaka
high priest was a distant relative of their mother, Salome.
njihove majke Salome.
Annas, enriched by the temple revenues, his son-
Obogaćen prihodima iz hrama, pod zaštitom svog
in-law the acting high priest, and with his relations to the
tasta koji je bio veliki svećenik i zbog svojih odnosa s
Roman authorities, was indeed the most powerful single
rimskim vlastima, Ana je uistinu bio najmoćniji čovjek
individual in all Jewry. He was a suave and politic planner
među Židovima. Bio je uglađen i oštrouman politički
and plotter. He desired to direct the matter of disposing of
planer i zavjernik. Htio je biti taj koji će upravljati
Jesus; he feared to trust such an important undertaking
procesom Isusove eliminacije; bojao se povjeriti tako bitno
wholly to his brusque and aggressive son-in-law. Annas
poduzeće svom naprasitom i agresivnom tastu. Ana je
wanted to make sure that the Master's trial was kept in the
htio biti siguran da će Učiteljeva osuda ostati u rukama
hands of the Sadducees; he feared the possible sympathy of
saduceja; strahovao je od moguće simpatije određenih
some of the Pharisees, seeing that practically all of those
farizeja, kako je znao da su svi članovi Velikog vijeća koji
members of the Sanhedrin who had espoused the cause of
su prihvatili Isusova učenja bili farizeji.
Jesus were Pharisees.
Annas had not seen Jesus for several years, not
Ana nije vidio Isusa već par godina, od vremena
since the time when the Master called at his house and
kad mu je Učitelj nakratko došao u posjetu, prije nego što
immediately left upon observing his coldness and reserve in
će napustiti njegovu kuću radi domaćinove hladnoće i
receiving him. Annas had thought to presume on this early
rezerviranosti. Ana se planirao pozvati na ovo ranije
acquaintance and thereby attempt to persuade Jesus to
poznanstvo i pokušati nagovoriti Isusa da odustane od
abandon his claims and leave Palestine. He was reluctant to
svojih tvrdnji i da napusti Palestinu. Nije želio sudjelovati
participate in the murder of a good man and had reasoned
u ubojstvu dobrog čovjeka, i zaključio je da je Isus
that Jesus might choose to leave the country rather than to
eventualno mogao izabrati da napusti zemlju, umjesto što
suffer death. But when Annas stood before the stalwart and
će biti suočen sa smrću. Istog časa kad je stupio pred ovog
determined Galilean, he knew at once that it would be
snažnog i odlučnog Galilejca, Ana je spoznao ispraznost
useless to make such proposals. Jesus was even more
svojih planova. Isus je bio još dostojanstveniji i
majestic and well poised than Annas remembered him.
uravnoteženiji nego što ga se Ana sjećao.
When Jesus was young, Annas had taken a great
Kad je Isus bio mlad, Ana se uveliko zanimao za
interest in him, but now his revenues were threatened by
njega, ali sad su njegovi prihodi bili ugroženi nakon što je
what Jesus had so recently done in driving the money-
Isus istjerao mjenjače novca i druge komercijalne trgovce iz
changers and other commercial traders out of the temple.
hrama. Ovaj je čin pobudio daleko veće neprijateljstvo u
This act had aroused the enmity of the former high priest
velikom svećeniku nego što su to učinila Isusova učenja.
far more than had Jesus' teachings.
Annas entered his spacious audience chamber,
Ana je ušao u svoju prostranu gostinjsku sobu,
seated himself in a large chair, and commanded that Jesus
sjeo u veliki naslonjač, i zapovjedio da mu dovedu Isusa.
be brought before him. After a few moments spent in
Nakon što je proveo neliko trenutaka odmjeravajući
silently surveying the Master, he said: "You realize that
Učitelja u tišini, rekao je: “Jasno ti je da moramo nešto
something must be done about your teaching since you are
učiniti u vezi tvojih učenja, budući da remetiš red i mir naše
disturbing the peace and order of our country." As Annas
zemlje.” Dok je Ana upitno gledao u Isusa, Učitelj mu je
looked inquiringly at Jesus, the Master looked full into his
otvoreno uzvratio pogled, ali nije izustio ni riječi. Ana je
eyes but made no reply. Again Annas spoke, "What are the
opet rekao: “Kako se ono zovu tvoji apostoli, osim Šimuna
names of your disciples, besides Simon Zelotes, the
Revnitelja, političkog agitatora?” Isus je nastavio gledati u
agitator?" Again Jesus looked down upon him, but he did
Anu bez riječi.
not answer.
Annas was considerably disturbed by Jesus' refusal
Ana je bio jako uznemiren Isusovim odbijanjem da
to answer his questions, so much so that he said to him:
odgovori na njegova pitanja, tako da je rekao: “Zar te nije
"Do you have no care as to whether I am friendly to you or
briga da li ću biti prijateljski naklonjen prema tebi ili ne?
not? Do you have no regard for the power I have in
Zar ne znaš koliki je moj utjecaj u pogledu
determining the issues of your coming trial?" When Jesus
suđenja koje te čeka?” Kad je Isus to čuo, rekao je: “Ana, ti
heard this, he said: "Annas, you know that you could have
znaš da nemaš nikakve vlasti nada mnom osim ako imaš
no power over me unless it were permitted by my Father.
dopuštenje od moga Oca. Neki hoće uništiti Sina
Some would destroy the Son of Man because they are
Čovječjeg zbog svog neznanja; oni ne znaju ništa bolje, ali
ignorant; they know no better, but you, friend, know what
ti, prijatelju, ti znaš što činiš. Kako možeš, dakle, odbaciti
you are doing. How can you, therefore, reject the light of
Božje svjetlo?”
Ljubazni način na koji je Isus odgovorio, gotovo je
The kindly manner in which Jesus spoke to Annas
almost bewildered him. But he had already determined in
naveo Anu na zbunjenost. Ali on je već bio odlučio da Isus
his mind that Jesus must either leave Palestine or die; so he
mora bilo napustiti Palestinu ili umrijeti; tako je skupio
summoned up his courage and asked: "Just what is it you
hrabrosti da upita: “Što je to što ti pokušavaš poučiti narod?
are trying to teach the people? What do you claim to be?"
Što je to što tvrdiš da si?” Isus je odgovorio: “Ti dobro
Jesus answered: "You know full well that I have spoken
znaš da sam javno govorio svijetu. Poučavao sam u
openly to the world. I have taught in the synagogues and
sinagogama i u hramu mnogo puta, pred okupljenim
many times in the temple, where all the Jews and many of
Židovima i mnogim nežidovima. U tajnosti nisam govorio
the gentiles have heard me. In secret I have spoken nothing;
ništa; zašto, onda, mene pitaš o mojim učenjima? Zašto ne
why, then, do you ask me about my teaching? Why do you
pozoveš one koji su me čuli i ne pitaš njih što sam govorio?
not summon those who have heard me and inquire of them?
Evo, cijeli je Jeruzalem čuo što sam govorio, samo ti nisi
Behold, all Jerusalem has heard that which I have spoken
čuo ta učenja.” Ali prije no što je Ana uspio odgovoriti,
even if you have not yourself heard these teachings." But
glavni upravitelj dvora koji je stajao u blizini, udari Isusa
before Annas could make reply, the chief steward of the
rukom po licu, govoreći: “Kako se usuđuješ tako govoriti
palace, who was standing near, struck Jesus in the face with
velikom svećeniku?” Ana nije izustio ni riječi prijekora
his hand, saying, "How dare you answer the high priest
svome čuvaru, ali Isus mu se obratio, govoreći, “Prijatelju,
with such words?" Annas spoke no words of rebuke to his
ako sam krivo rekao, dokaži da je krivo; ali ako sam pravo
steward, but Jesus addressed him, saying, "My friend, if I
rekao, zašto me udaraš?”
have spoken evil, bear witness against the evil; but if I have
spoken the truth, why, then, should you smite me?"
Iako je Anu žalostilo što je stražar udario Isusa,
Although Annas regretted that his steward had
struck Jesus, he was too proud to take notice of the matter.
bio je suviše ponosan da obrati pozornost. U svojoj
In his confusion he went into another room, leaving Jesus
zbunjenosti je otišao u drugu sobu, ostavljajući Isusa
alone with the household attendants and the temple guards
nasamo sa slugama i stražarima hrama gotovo sat vremena.
for almost an hour.
Nakon što se vratio, stao je pored Učitelja
When he returned, going up to the Master's side,
he said, "Do you claim to be the Messiah, the deliverer of
govoreći, “Ako si ti zbilja Mesija, izručitelj Izraela, reci
Israel?" Said Jesus: "Annas, you have known me from the
nam?” Isus je odgovorio: “Ana, ti me poznaješ od moje
times of my youth. You know that I claim to be nothing
mladosti. Ti znaš da ne tvrdim da sam bilo što izuzev
except that which my Father has appointed, and that I have
onoga što mi je Otac povjerio da budem, i da me on poslao
been sent to all men, gentile as well as Jew." Then said
svim ljudima, nežidovima kao i Židovima.” Tada je rekao
Annas: "I have been told that you have claimed to be the
Ana: “Meni su rekli da si tvrdio da si Mesija; je li to
Messiah; is that true?" Jesus looked upon Annas but only
istina?” Isus je pogleda Anu jedno izustivši: “Kako ti
replied, "So you have said."
About this time messengers arrived from the
Otprilike u ovom trenutku su stigli glasnici od
palace of Caiaphas to inquire what time Jesus would be
Kaife da pitaju kad će Isus biti izveden pred sud Velikog
brought before the court of the Sanhedrin, and since it was
vijeća, a budući da je već svitalo jutro, Ana je odlučio da je
nearing the break of day, Annas thought best to send Jesus
bilo najbolje poslati Isusa Kaifi, svezana i u pratnji čuvara
bound and in the custody of the temple guards to Caiaphas.
hrama. On im se nedugo zatim pridružio.
He himself followed after them shortly.
As the band of guards and soldiers approached the
Kako je skupina stražara i vojnika prilazila ulazu u
entrance to the palace of Annas, John Zebedee was
Aninu palaču, Ivan Zebedejev nastavio ići pored kapetana
marching by the side of the captain of the Roman soldiers.
rimskih vojnika. Juda je išao na kraju povorke, dok ih je
Judas had dropped some distance behind, and Simon Peter
Šimun Petar slijedio izdaleka. Nakon što je Ivan ušao u
followed afar off. After John had entered the palace
palaču s Isusom i stražarima, Juda je prišao vratima, ali kad
courtyard with Jesus and the guards, Judas came up to the
je vidjeo Isusa i Ivana, odlučio je otići u kuću Kaife kako je
gate but, seeing Jesus and John, went on over to the home
znao da se tu trebalo održati pravo suđenje Isusu. Nedugo
of Caiaphas, where he knew the real trial of the Master
nakon Judinog odlaska, stigao je Šimun Petar i dok je stajao
would later take place. Soon after Judas had left, Simon
pred vratima, Ivan ga je ugledao baš kad se spremao ući u
Peter arrived, and as he stood before the gate, John saw him
palaču za Isusom. Sluškinja koja je bila na vratima je
just as they were about to take Jesus into the palace. The
prepoznala Ivana i kad ju je ovaj zamolio da otvori vrata
portress who kept the gate knew John, and when he spoke
Petru, ona ga je rado poslušala.
to her, requesting that she let Peter in, she gladly assented.
Peter, upon entering the courtyard, went over to
Petar je, po ulasku u dvorište, sjeo da se ugrije
the charcoal fire and sought to warm himself, for the night
pored peći na drveni ugalj, kako je noć bila hladna.
was chilly. He felt very much out of place here among the
Osjećao se vrlo neprijatno, okružen Isusovim neprijateljima
enemies of Jesus, and indeed he was out of place. The
i doista je bio u nezgodnoj situaciji. Učitelj nije tražio od
Master had not instructed him to keep near at hand as he
Petra da ostane u blizini, kao što je to tražio od Ivana. Petar
had admonished John. Peter belonged with the other
je trebao ostati među drugim apostolima, onima kojima je
apostles, who had been specifically warned not to endanger
Isus rekao da se ne izlažu riziku za vrijeme Učiteljeve
their lives during these times of the trial and crucifixion of
osude i raspeća.
their Master.
Peter threw away his sword shortly before he came
Petar je bacio svoj mač pred vratima palače, tako
up to the palace gate so that he entered the courtyard of
da je ušao u Anin vrt nenaoružan. Bio je smeten
Annas unarmed. His mind was in a whirl of confusion; he
zbunjenošću; teško je mogao prihvatiti činjenicu Isusovog
could scarcely realize that Jesus had been arrested. He
uhićenja. Nije mogao spoznati stvarnost situacije –
could not grasp the reality of the situation -- that he was
činjenicu da je bio u Aninom dvorištu i da se tu grijao
here in the courtyard of Annas, warming himself beside the
pored vatre među slugama velikog svećenika. Pitao se što
servants of the high priest. He wondered what the other
su radili drugi apostoli i preturajući po glavi kako je bilo
apostles were doing and, in turning over in his mind as to
moguće da je Ivan bio primljen u palaču, zaključio je da je
how John came to be admitted to the palace, concluded that
Ivan mora biti poznat slugama, kako je on bio taj koji je
it was because he was known to the servants, since he had
zamolio vrataricu da mu otvori.
bidden the gate-keeper admit him.
Shortly after the portress let Peter in, and while he
Nedugo nakon što je vratarica pustila Petra u vrt i
was warming himself by the fire, she went over to him and
dok se grijao pored vatre, prišla mu je nestašno govoreći:
mischievously said, "Are you not also one of this man's
“Zar nisi i ti od njegovih učenika?” Petar se nije trebao
disciples?" Now Peter should not have been surprised at
toliko iznenaditi što je bio prepoznat kao takav, jer je Ivan
this recognition, for it was John who had requested that the
bio taj koji je tražio da mu otvore vrata; ali on je bio u tako
girl let him pass through the palace gates; but he was in
napetom živčanom stanju da je izgubio mir u trenutku
such a tense nervous state that this identification as a
identifikacije s Isusovim učenicima i vođen jednom
disciple threw him off his balance, and with only one
jedinom mišlju – kako će živ izaći iz ove situacije – brzo je
thought uppermost in his mind -- the thought of escaping
odvratio na njezino pitanje, riječima, “Nisam.”
with his life -- he promptly answered the maid's question by
saying, "I am not."
Very soon another servant came up to Peter and
Nedugo zatim još jedan sluga je prišao Petru i
asked: "Did I not see you in the garden when they arrested
rekao: “Nisam li te ja vidio u vrtu kad uhvatiše onog
this fellow? Are you not also one of his followers?" Peter
čovjeka? Nisi li ti jedan od njegovih sljedbenika?” Petar je
was now thoroughly alarmed; he saw no way of safely
postao jako uznemiren; nije vidio načina da se izvuče od
escaping from these accusers; so he vehemently denied all
ovih tužitelja; tako je žestoko zanijekao svaku povezanost s
connection with Jesus, saying, "I know not this man, neither
Isusom, govoreći, “Niti poznajem ovog čovjeka, niti
am I one of his followers."
pripadam njegovim učenicima.”
About this time the portress of the gate drew Peter
U tom trenutku vratarica je povedela Petra u stranu
to one side and said: "I am sure you are a disciple of this
i rekla: “Sigurna sam da si učenik ovog Isusa, ne samo zato
Jesus, not only because one of his followers bade me let
što me jedan od njegovih učenika zamolio da ti otvorim,
you in the courtyard, but my sister here has seen you in the
nego zato što te moja sestra vidjela u hramu s ovim
temple with this man. Why do you deny this?" When Peter
čovjekom. Zašto niječeš?” Kad je Petar čuo kako ga
heard the maid accuse him, he denied all knowledge of
sluškinja optužuje, ponovo je zanijekao svoju povezanost s
Jesus with much cursing and swearing, again saying, "I am
Isusom dok se počeo kleti i psovati, opet govoreći, “Ja
not this man's follower; I do not even know him; I never
nisam njegov učenik; uopće ne znam o kome vi govorite;
heard of him before."
nikad nisam čuo za njega.”
Peter left the fireside for a time while he walked
Petar se privremeno udaljio od vatre, i dalje
about the courtyard. He would have liked to have escaped,
šetajući po vrtu. Rado bi pobjegao, ali se bojao da privuče
but he feared to attract attention to himself. Getting cold, he
pozornost na sebe. Kako je bilo hladno, vratio se pored
returned to the fireside, and one of the men standing near
vatre, a jedan od ljudi koji su stajali pored njega, rekao je:
him said: "Surely you are one of this man's disciples. This
“Znam da si njihov učenik. Ovaj Isus je Galilejac, a i po
Jesus is a Galilean, and your speech betrays you, for you
tvom se naglasku može reći da si Galilejac.” A Petar je
also speak as a Galilean." And again Peter denied all
opet zanijekao svaku povezanost sa svojim Učiteljem.
connection with his Master.
Peter was so perturbed that he sought to escape
U svojoj uznemirenosti, Petar je nastojao izbjeći
contact with his accusers by going away from the fire and
kontakt sa svojim tužiteljima tražeći osamu na trijemu.
remaining by himself on the porch. After more than an hour
Nakon što je proveo više od sat vremena u
of this isolation, the gate-keeper and her sister chanced to
izolaciji, susrete vrataricu i njezinu sestru, koje su ga počele
meet him, and both of them again teasingly charged him
zadirkivati da prizna svoju povezanost s Isusom. I on je
with being a follower of Jesus. And again he denied the
ponovo zanijekao njihove optužbe. Upravo u trenutku kad
accusation. Just as he had once more denied all connection
je bio spreman ponovo zanijekati svaku povezanost s
with Jesus, the cock crowed, and Peter remembered the
Isusom, oglasio se pijetao i podsjetio Petra o Isusovim
words of warning spoken to him by his Master earlier that
riječima upozorenja nešto ranije te noći. Dok je tu stajao,
same night. As he stood there, heavy of heart and crushed
teška srca i pogođen osjećajem krivice, otvorila su se vrata
with the sense of guilt, the palace doors opened, and the
palače i stražari su izveli Isusa na putu do Kaife. Kad je
guards led Jesus past on the way to Caiaphas. As the Master
Učitelj prošao pored Petra, vidio je pod svjetlom baklji,
passed Peter, he saw, by the light of the torches, the look of
izraz očaja na licu svog nekoć samouvjerenog i površno
despair on the face of his former self-confident and
hrabrog apostola, i okrenuo se gledajući Petra u oči. Bio je
superficially brave apostle, and he turned and looked upon
to takav pogled pomiješane samilosti i ljubavi, kakav
Peter. Peter never forgot that look as long as he lived. It
smrtni čovjek nikada nije ugledao na licu Učitelja.
was such a glance of commingled pity and love as mortal
man had never beheld in the face of the Master.
After Jesus and the guards passed out of the palace
Dok su Isus i stražari prolazili kroz vrata palače,
gates, Peter followed them, but only for a short distance. He
Petar ih je slijedio, ali se brzo predomislio. Jednostavno
could not go farther. He sat down by the side of the road
nije mogao ići za njima. Sjeo je pokraj ceste i gorko
and wept bitterly. And when he had shed these tears of
plakao. I nakon što prolio ove suze agonije, okrenuo se
agony, he turned his steps back toward the camp, hoping to
prema taboru u nadi da će naći svog brata, Andriju. Po
find his brother, Andrew. On arriving at the camp, he found
dolasku u tabor, on je pronašao samo Davida Zebedejevog,
only David Zebedee, who sent a messenger to direct him to
koji je poslao glasnika da ga odvede do bratovog skrovišta
where his brother had gone to hide in Jerusalem.
u Jeruzalemu.
Peter's entire experience occurred in the courtyard
Cijelo Petrovo iskustvo odricanja Isusa dogodilo
of the palace of Annas on Mount Olivet. He did not follow
se u dvorištu Anine palače na Maslinskoj gori. On nije
Jesus to the palace of the high priest, Caiaphas. That Peter
slijedio Isusa u palaču velikog svećenika Kaife. To što se
was brought to the realization that he had repeatedly denied
Petar osvijestio kad je čuo oglašavanje pijetla ukazuje na
his Master by the crowing of a cock indicates that this all
činjenicu da se cijela ova epizoda odigrala izvan
occurred outside of Jerusalem since it was against the law
Jeruzalema, jer je bilo protivno zakonu držati perad u
to keep poultry within the city proper.
okvirima grada.
Until the crowing of the cock brought Peter to his
Sve dok pjevanje pijetla nije vratilo Petra zdravoj
better senses, he had only thought, as he walked up and
pameti, on je samo mislio, dok je hodao gore-dolje po
down the porch to keep warm, how cleverly he had eluded
tijemu u nastojanju da se ugrije, kako će najbolje izbjeći
the accusations of the servants, and how he had frustrated
optužbe sluga koji će osujetiti njihove pokušaje da ga
their purpose to identify him with Jesus. For the time being,
identificiraju s Isusom. Do sada, on je samo razmatrao
he had only considered that these servants had no moral or
činjenicu da te sluge nisu imale moralnog ili zakonskog
legal right thus to question him, and he really congratulated
prava da ga na taj način ispituju, te je zapravo čestitao
himself over the manner in which he thought he had
samome sebi zbog načina na koji je tobože uspio izbjeći
avoided being identified and possibly subjected to arrest
identifikaciju i eventualno uhićenje i zatvor. Sve dok nije
and imprisonment. Not until the cock crowed did it occur to
čuo oglašavanje pijetla, Petru nije sinulo da je
Peter that he had denied his Master. Not until Jesus looked
zanijekao svog Učitelja. Sve dok nije vidio Isusov pogled,
upon him, did he realize that he had failed to live up to his
nije shvatio da nije iskoristio priliku da živi u skladu s
privileges as an ambassador of the kingdom.
privilegijama koje je imao kao poslanik kraljevstva.
Having taken the first step along the path of
Nakon što je učinio prvi korak na putu
compromise and least resistance, there was nothing
kompromisa i manjeg otpora, Petar nije mislio ni o čemu
apparent to Peter but to go on with the course of conduct
drugom osim kako će nastaviti s planom djelovanja koji je
decided upon. It requires a great and noble character,
odlučio provesti. Čovjek mora imati velik i plemenit
having started out wrong, to turn about and go right. All too
karakter da bude u stanju promijeniti pravac nakon što
often one's own mind tends to justify continuance in the
krene pogrešnim putom, da se preusmjeri na pravi put. U
path of error when once it is entered upon.
većini slučajeva čovjekov um nastoji opravdati dalje
putovanje pogrešnim putom, izvornom stazom.
Peter never fully believed that he could be
Petar nikada nije u potpunosti vjerovao da bi mu
forgiven until he met his Master after the resurrection and
bilo oprošteno to što je učinio, sve dok nije sreo Učitelja
saw that he was received just as before the experiences of
nakon uskrsnuća i vidio da je bio prihvaćen jednako kao
this tragic night of the denials.
prije ove tragične noći kad se odrekao Isusa.
It was about half past three o'clock this Friday
Bilo je to oko pola četiri u petak ujutru kad je
morning when the chief priest, Caiaphas, called the
veliki svećenik Kaifa sazvao istražni sud Velikog vijeća i
Sanhedrist court of inquiry to order and asked that Jesus be
tražio da dovedu Isusa na ovu službenu sjednicu. U tri
brought before them for his formal trial. On three previous
prethodna navrata, Veliko vijeće je velikom većinom
occasions the Sanhedrin, by a large majority vote, had
glasova osudilo Isusa na smrt, zaključilo da Isus zaslužuje
decreed the death of Jesus, had decided that he was worthy
smrtnu kaznu zbog neformalnih optužbi kršenja zakona,
of death on informal charges of law-breaking, blasphemy,
bogohuljenja i ismijavanja tradicija očeva Izraela.
and flouting the traditions of the fathers of Israel.
This was not a regularly called meeting of the
To nije bio redovita sjednica Velikog vijeća i nije
Sanhedrin and was not held in the usual place, the chamber
održana na uobičajenom mjestu – u dvorani obloženoj
of hewn stone in the temple. This was a special trial court
tesanim kamenom u svetom hramu. Bila je to specijalna
of some thirty Sanhedrists and was convened in the palace
sjednica prvostupanjskog suda kojoj je prisustvovalo nekih
of the high priest. John Zebedee was present with Jesus
trideset članova Velikog vijeća okupljenih u domu velikog
throughout this so-called trial.
svećenika. Ivan Zebedejev je bio prisutan tijekom ovog
tobožnjeg suđenja.
How these chief priests, scribes, Sadducees, and
Kako su ti glavni svećenici, književnici, saduceji i
some of the Pharisees flattered themselves that Jesus, the
neki od farizeja sami sebi laskali vjerujući da je Isus –
disturber of their position and the challenger of their
uznemiritelj javnog mira koji je doveo u pitanje njihovu
authority, was now securely in their hands! And they were
vlast – ovom prilikom zasigurno bio u njihovim rukama! I
resolved that he should never live to escape their vengeful
bili su riješeni da mu nikada ne dopuste da živ pobjegne iz
njihovih osvetoljubivih pandži.
Židovi su u normalnim prilikama, u ispitivanju
Ordinarily, the Jews, when trying a man on a
capital charge, proceeded with great caution and provided
čovjeka pod prijetnjom smrtne kazne bili vrlo pažljivi da na
every safeguard of fairness in the selection of witnesses and
svaki način osiguraju pravednost u izboru svjedoka kao i
the entire conduct of the trial. But on this occasion,
vođenju cijelog postupka. Ali ovom prilikom, Kaifa je više
Caiaphas was more of a prosecutor than an unbiased judge.
bio tužitelj nego nepristrani sudac.
Isus je stao pred sud odjeven u svoje uobičajeno
Jesus appeared before this court clothed in his
usual garments and with his hands bound together behind
ruho, s rukama svezanim iza leđa. Cijeli sud je bio zatečen
his back. The entire court was startled and somewhat
i pomalo zbunjen njegovom veličanstvenom pojavom.
confused by his majestic appearance. Never had they gazed
Nikada prije nisu vidjeli takvog zatvorenika niti svjedočili
upon such a prisoner nor witnessed such composure in a
takvu pribranost u čovjeku koji je bio pred smrtnom
man on trial for his life.
The Jewish law required that at least two witnesses
Židovski zakon je nalagao da se najmanje dva
must agree upon any point before a charge could be laid
svjedoka slože u svakom pitanju prije izricanja suda protiv
against the prisoner. Judas could not be used as a witness
optuženog. Juda nije mogao biti svjedok protiv Isusa jer je
against Jesus because the Jewish law specifically forbade
prema židovskom zakonu ta uloga bila izričito zabranjena
the testimony of a traitor. More than a score of false
izdajnicima. Pri ruci je bilo više od dvadeset lažnih
witnesses were on hand to testify against Jesus, but their
svjedoka protiv Isusa, ali njihova svjedočanstva su bila tako
testimony was so contradictory and so evidently trumped
kontradiktorna i tako očito izmišljena, su i sami pripadnici
up that the Sanhedrists themselves were very much
Velikog vijeća bili posramljeni cijelim prizorom.
ashamed of the performance.
Jesus stood there, looking down benignly upon
Isus je stajao pred njima, dobronamjerno
these perjurers, and his very countenance disconcerted the
promatrajući ove krivokletnike, a sam njegov izrazom je
lying witnesses. Throughout all this false testimony the
počeo uznemiravati lažne svjedoke. Tijekom cijelog ovog
Master never said a word; he made no reply to their many
lažnog svjedočenja, Učitelj nije prozborio ni riječi; on nije
false accusations.
odgovorio na njihove lažne optužbe.
The first time any two of their witnesses
Prvi put da su bilo koja dva svjedoka uspjela
approached even the semblance of an agreement was when
postići i najmanju mjeru suglasnosti u određenom pitanju,
two men testified that they had heard Jesus say in the
bio je kad su svjedočili da su čuli gdje Isus govori u jednom
course of one of his temple discourses that he would
od svojih obraćanja u hramu, da će “razoriti ovaj hram,
"destroy this temple made with hands and in three days
sagrađen ljudskom rukom i za tri dana sagraditi drugi koji
make another temple without hands." That was not exactly
neće biti sagrađen ljudskom rukom.” To nije bilo doslovce
what Jesus said, regardless of the fact that he pointed to his
ono što je Isus rekao, bez obzira na to što je Isus pokazivao
own body when he made the remark referred to.
na svoje tijelo kad je o tome govorio.
Although the high priest shouted at Jesus, "Do you
Visoki svećenik je počeo galamiti na Isusa: “Ništa
not answer any of these charges?" Jesus opened not his
ne odgovaraš na ovo što svjedoče protiv tebe?,” ali Isus nije
mouth. He stood there in silence while all of these false
rekao ni riječi. Stajao je u šutnji dok su lažni svjedoci
witnesses gave their testimony. Hatred, fanaticism, and
nastavili svjedočiti. Bilo je toliko mržnje, fanatizma i
unscrupulous exaggeration so characterized the words of
neskrupuloznog pretjerivanja u riječima ovih krivokletnika,
these perjurers that their testimony fell in its own
da su se nastavili hvatati u vlastite zamke. Učiteljeva
entanglements. The very best refutation of their false
smirena i dostojanstvena tišina je bila najbolje opovrgnuće
accusations was the Master's calm and majestic silence.
njihovih lažnih svjedočastava.
Nedugo nakon početka svjedočenja lažnih
Shortly after the beginning of the testimony of the
false witnesses, Annas arrived and took his seat beside
svjedoka, Ana je stigao u palaču i sjeo pored Kaife. Ana se
Caiaphas. Annas now arose and argued that this threat of
sada digao i izjavio da je Isusova prijetnja da će uništiti
Jesus to destroy the temple was sufficient to warrant three
hram bila dovoljan jamac za sljedeće tri optužbe protiv
charges against him:
1. Da je bio ozbiljan klevetnik. Da je učio narod
That he was a dangerous traducer of the
people. That he taught them impossible things and
nemogućim stvarima i da ih je na druge načine zavodio.
otherwise deceived them.
2. Da je bio fanatični revolucionar koji je
2. That he was a fanatical revolutionist in that he
advocated laying violent hands on the sacred temple, else
zagovarao nasilna djela protiv svetog hrama, jer kako ga je
how could he destroy it?
inače mogao razoriti?
3. Da je učio magiju tako što je obećavao da će
3. That he taught magic inasmuch as he promised
to build a new temple, and that without hands.
izgraditi novi hram i, ali ne rukama.
Veliko vijeće je već odlučilo da je Isus zasluživao
Already had the full Sanhedrin agreed that Jesus
was guilty of death-deserving transgressions of the Jewish
smrtnu kaznu zbog kršenja židovskih zakona, ali oni su
laws, but they were now more concerned with developing
ovom prilikom više nastojali identificirati krivnje u vezi
charges regarding his conduct and teachings which would
njegovog učenja i ponašanja koje mogu navesti Pilatu kako
justify Pilate in pronouncing the death sentence upon their
bi opravdali izricanje smrtne kazne ovog zatvorenika. Znali
prisoner. They knew that they must secure the consent of
su da moraju osigurati suglasnost rimskog upravitelja kako
the Roman governor before Jesus could legally be put to
bi Isus zakonski mogao biti pogubljen. Ana je tako
death. And Annas was minded to proceed along the line of
nastojao usmjeriti cijeli proces kako bi predočio Isusa kao
making it appear that Jesus was a dangerous teacher to be
opasnog učitelja koji je mogao nepoželjno djelovati na
abroad among the people.
But Caiaphas could not longer endure the sight of
Ali Kaifa više nije mogao podnijeti prizor Učitelja
the Master standing there in perfect composure and
koji je tu stajao u savršenom spokoju i dubokoj tišini.
unbroken silence. He thought he knew at least one way in
Mislio je da se dosjetio najmanje jednog načina da navede
which the prisoner might be induced to speak. Accordingly,
zatočenika da odgovori. Stoga je požurio Isusu i prijeteći
he rushed over to the side of Jesus and, shaking his
mu prstom u znak optužbe rekao Učitelju u lice:
accusing finger in the Master's face, said: "I adjure you, in
“Zaklinjem te živim Bogom da nam kažeš jesi li ti
the name of the living God, that you tell us whether you are
Otkupitelj, Sin Božji?” Isus je odgovorio Kaifi: “Jesam. I
the Deliverer, the Son of God." Jesus answered Caiaphas: "I
neće dugo proći prije nego što vidite gdje Sin Čovječji
am. Soon I go to the Father, and presently shall the Son of
uzlazi k Ocu odjeven u vlast da ponovo utemelji svoju vlast
Man be clothed with power and once more reign over the
nad nebeskim mnoštvom.”
hosts of heaven."
When the high priest heard Jesus utter these
Kad je veliki svećenik čuo te riječi, jako se
words, he was exceedingly angry, and rending his outer
naljutio i razderao svoje gornje haljine, uzvukujući: “Čemu
garments, he exclaimed: "What further need have we of
nam više trebaju svjedoci? Čuli ste hulu! Što vam se čini
witnesses? Behold, now have you all heard this man's
da trebamo učiniti s bogohuljenjem ovog
blasphemy. What do you now think should be done with
kršitelja zakona?” I svi su odgovorili u jedan glas, “Ovaj
this law-breaker and blasphemer?" And they all answered
čovjek zaslužuje smrt; neka ga razapnu.”
in unison, "He is worthy of death; let him be crucified."
Jesus manifested no interest in any question asked
Isus nije pokazao ni malo zanimanja za pitanja
him when before Annas or the Sanhedrists except the one
koja su mu postavili Ana i Veliko vijeće, osim jednog
question relative to his bestowal mission. When asked if he
pitanja u vezi njegove misije darivanja. Kad su ga pitali da
were the Son of God, he instantly and unequivocally
li je on bio Sin Božji, odmah i bez sumnje je odgovorio
answered in the affirmative.
Annas desired that the trial proceed further, and
Anas je želio nastaviti sa suđenjem, da formulira
that charges of a definite nature regarding Jesus' relation to
konkretne optužbe protiv Isusa prema rimskom zakonu i
the Roman law and Roman institutions be formulated for
rimskim institucijama koje će predočiti Pilatu. Savjetnici
subsequent presentation to Pilate. The councilors were
su međutim, nestrpljivo željeli okončati proces, ne samo
anxious to carry these matters to a speedy termination, not
zato što je to bio dan priprave za Pashu i što se nisu smjeli
only because it was the preparation day for the Passover
baviti svjetovnim poslovima nakon podneva, već zato što
and no secular work should be done after noon, but also
su se bojali da se Pilat ne vrati u rimsku prijestolnicu
because they feared Pilate might any time return to the
Judeje, Cezareju, kako je bio u Jeruzalemu samo za
Roman capital of Judea, Caesarea, since he was in
proslavu Pashe.
Jerusalem only for the Passover celebration.
But Annas did not succeed in keeping control of
Ali Ana nije uspio održati kontrolu nad sudom.
the court. After Jesus had so unexpectedly answered
Nakon što je Isus tako neočekivano odgovorio Kaifi, visoki
Caiaphas, the high priest stepped forward and smote him in
svećenik je zakoračio naprijed i i udario Isusa po licu. Ana
the face with his hand. Annas was truly shocked as the
je bio istinski šokiran kad je vidio kako su ostali članovi
other members of the court, in passing out of the room, spit
suda, na izlasku iz sudnice, pljuvali Isusu u lice, dok su ga
in Jesus' face, and many of them mockingly slapped him
mnogi od njih podrugljivo udarali pesnicama. I tako se
with the palms of their hands. And thus in disorder and with
završila ova prva sjednica Velikog vijeća u pola pet ujutro u
such unheard-of confusion this first session of the
neopisivom neredu i pometnji.
Sanhedrist trial of Jesus ended at half past four o'clock.
Thirty prejudiced and tradition-blinded false
Trideset lažnih sudaca zasljepljenih predrasudom i
judges, with their false witnesses, are presuming to sit in
tradicijom, sa svojim lažnim svjedocima, preuzetno su sebi
judgment on the righteous Creator of a universe. And these
dali pravo da sude Stvoritelju svemira. I ti su fanatični
impassioned accusers are exasperated by the majestic
optužitelji sada ozlojađeni veličanstvenom tišinom i
silence and superb bearing of this God-man. His silence is
blaženim stavom ovog Boga-čovjeka. Njegova šutnja im je
terrible to endure; his speech is fearlessly defiant. He is
neizdrživa; njegove riječi su neustrašivo prkosne. On
unmoved by their threats and undaunted by their assaults.
sabrano stoji pred njihovim prijetnjama, ne reagirajući na
Man sits in judgment on God, but even then he loves them
njihove napade. Čovjek ovom prilikom sudi Bogu, ali on
and would save them if he could.
ga svejedno voli i želi spasti, ako može.
The Jewish law required that, in the matter of
Židovski zakon je tražio, u slučaju donošenja
passing the death sentence, there should be two sessions of
smrtne kazne, da se održe dvije sjednice suda. Ova druga
the court. This second session was to be held on the day
sjednica je trebala biti održana dan nakon prve, a vrijeme
following the first, and the intervening time was to be spent
koje su članova suda trebali provesti u postu i oplakivanju.
in fasting and mourning by the members of the court. But
Ali ti ljudi nisu mogli dočekati da potvrde svoju odluku o
these men could not await the next day for the confirmation
Isusovoj smrtnoj kazni. Čekali su samo jedan sat. U
of their decision that Jesus must die. They waited only one
međuvremenu su ostavili Isusa u prijemnoj dvorani u
hour. In the meantime Jesus was left in the audience
pratnji čuvara hrama koji su se, zajedno sa slugama velikog
chamber in the custody of the temple guards, who, with the
svećenika, počeli zabavljati zasipajući Sina Čovječjeg
servants of the high priest, amused themselves by heaping
svakakvim uvredama. Jedni su ga izrugivali, drugi su mu
every sort of indignity upon the Son of Man. They mocked
pljuvali u lice, dok su ga treći grubo tukli. Udarali su ga po
him, spit upon him, and cruelly buffeted him. They would
licu s palicom, govoreći: “Reci nam, Izručitelju, tko te je
strike him in the face with a rod and then say, "Prophesy to
udario.” I tako su proveli cijeli sat, ponižavajući i
us, you the Deliverer, who it was that struck you." And thus
zlostavljajući ovog čovjeka iz Galileje koji se nije opirao
they went on for one full hour, reviling and mistreating this
njihovom nasilju.
unresisting man of Galilee.
During this tragic hour of suffering and mock
Tijekom tog nesrećnog sata patnje i lažnog suđenja
trials before the ignorant and unfeeling guards and servants,
pred neukim i bezosjećajnim stražarima i slugama, Ivan
John Zebedee waited in lonely terror in an adjoining room.
Zebedejev je proveo vrijeme usamljen i užasnut u susjednoj
When these abuses first started, Jesus indicated to John, by
sobi. Kad se ove zloupotrebe počele, Isus je klimajući
a nod of his head, that he should retire. The Master well
glavom dao znak Ivanu da se povuče. Učitelj je dobro znao
knew that, if he permitted his apostle to remain in the room
– ako bi njegovom poslaniku bilo dopušteno ostati u sobi –
to witness these indignities, John's resentment would be so
da bi se Ivan ogorčeno usprotivio Isusovom poniženju i da
aroused as to produce such an outbreak of protesting
bi Ivanov prosvjed mogao rezultirati njegovom smrću.
indignation as would probably result in his death.
Throughout this awful hour Jesus uttered no word.
Tijekom cijelog tog groznog sata, Isus nije
To this gentle and sensitive soul of humankind, joined in
progovorio ni riječi. Ovoj nježnoj i osjetljivoj ljudskoj duši
personality relationship with the God of all this universe,
koja je bila sjedinjena u jednu ličnost s Bogom cijelog
there was no more bitter portion of his cup of humiliation
svemira, nije bilo goreg poniženja od ovog užasnog sata
than this terrible hour at the mercy of these ignorant and
koji je proveo na nemilosti tih neukih i okrutnih stražara i
cruel guards and servants, who had been stimulated to
sluga koji su se u ovom zlostavljanju povodili za primjerom
abuse him by the example of the members of this so-called
članova takozvanog suda Velikog vijeća.
Sanhedrist court.
The human heart cannot possibly conceive of the
Ljudsko srce ne može zamisliti odvratno gnušanje
shudder of indignation that swept out over a vast universe
cijelog prostranog svemira, dok su nebeske inteligencije
as the celestial intelligences witnessed this sight of their
gledale kako se njihov voljeni Vladar dobrovoljno
beloved Sovereign submitting himself to the will of his
podvrgava volji svojih neukih i zavedenih stvorenja
ignorant and misguided creatures on the sin-darkened
nesrećne i grešne Urantije.
sphere of unfortunate Urantia.
What is this trait of the animal in man which leads
Kakva je to životinjska osobina u ljudskim bićima
him to want to insult and physically assault that which he
koja ih navodi na vrijeđanje i fizičko zlostavljanje onoga
cannot spiritually attain or intellectually achieve? In the
što sami nisu u stanju duhovno postići ili intelektualno
half-civilized man there still lurks an evil brutality which
ostvariti? U poluciviliziranom čovjeku još uvijek vreba zla
seeks to vent itself upon those who are superior in wisdom
brutalnost koja se često svaljuje na glave ljudi veće
and spiritual attainment. Witness the evil coarseness and
mudrosti i duhovnog postignuća. Pogledajte kakva je zla
the brutal ferocity of these supposedly civilized men as they
grubost i brutalna svirepost tih navodno civiliziranih ljudi
derived a certain form of animal pleasure from this physical
koji su izvukli određeni osjećaj životinjskog zadovoljstva iz
attack upon the unresisting Son of Man. As these insults,
ovog fizičkog napada na Sina Čovječjeg koji se nije
taunts, and blows fell upon Jesus, he was undefending but
odupirao njihovom nasilju. Dok su te uvrede, poruge i
not defenseless. Jesus was not vanquished, merely
udarci padali na Isusa, on se nije opirao, premda nije bio
uncontending in the material sense.
bespomoćan. Isus nije bio poražen ovim činom, već se
jedino nije htio u materijalnom smislu.
These are the moments of the Master's greatest
To su trenuci Učiteljevih najvećih pobjeda cijele
victories in all his long and eventful career as maker,
njegove duge i burne karijere stvaranja, održavanja i
upholder, and savior of a vast and far-flung universe.
spasenja ovog velikog i prostranog svemira. Nakon što je
Having lived to the full a life of revealing God to man,
živio puni život otkrivenja Boga čovjeku, Isus je sada
Jesus is now engaged in making a new and unprecedented
sudjelovao u novom i nečuvenom otkrivenju čovjeka Bogu.
revelation of man to God. Jesus is now revealing to the
Isus je sada otkrivao svim svjetovima konačnu pobjedu nad
worlds the final triumph over all fears of creature
svakim oblikom straha od izolacije ličnosti. Sin Čovječji je
personality isolation. The Son of Man has finally achieved
konačno postigao ostvarenje identiteta kao Božji Sin. Isus
the realization of identity as the Son of God. Jesus does not
je bez oklijevanja priznao da su on i Otac jedno; i na
hesitate to assert that he and the Father are one; and on the
osnovu činjenice i istine tog blaženog i vrhovnog iskustva,
basis of the fact and truth of that supreme and supernal
on savjetuje svakog vjernika u kraljevstvo da postane jedno
experience, he admonishes every kingdom believer to
s njim, onako kako su on i Otac jedno. Živo iskustvo u
become one with him even as he and his Father are one.
Isusovoj religiji tako postaje sigurna i definitivna vještina
The living experience in the religion of Jesus thus becomes
kojom duhovno izolirani i kozmički osamljeni smrtnici
the sure and certain technique whereby the spiritually
mogu izbjeći izolaciju ličnosti i njezinu posljedicu, strah
isolated and cosmically lonely mortals of earth are enabled
praćen osjećajem bespomoćnosti. U bratinskim
to escape personality isolation, with all its consequences of
stvarnostima kraljevstva nebeskog, Božji sinovi po vjeri
fear and associated feelings of helplessness. In the fraternal
nalaze konačno oslobođenje od izolacije svoga “ja,”
realities of the kingdom of heaven the faith sons of God
osobnog kao i planetarnog. Vjernik koji poznaje Boga
find final deliverance from the isolation of the self, both
doživljava sve veću ekstazu i oduševljenje duhovnog
personal and planetary. The God-knowing believer
podruštvljenja na kozmičkoj ljestvici – nebeskog
increasingly experiences the ecstasy and grandeur of
državljanstva s vječnim ostvarenjem božanske sudbine
spiritual socialization on a universe scale -- citizenship on
postignuća savršenstva.
high in association with the eternal realization of the divine
destiny of perfection attainment.
At five-thirty o'clock the court reassembled, and
Sud se ponovo okupio u pola šest i Isusa su uveli u
Jesus was led into the adjoining room, where John was
susjednu sobu, gdje je Ivan čekao. Ovdje su rimski vojnik i
waiting. Here the Roman soldier and the temple guards
čuvari iz hrama stražarili nad Isusom dok je sud počeo
watched over Jesus while the court began the formulation
formulaciju optužbi koje su namjeravali dati Pilatu. Ana je
of the charges which were to be presented to Pilate. Annas
objasnio svojim suradnicima da optužba za bogohuljenje
made it clear to his associates that the charge of blasphemy
neće biti prihvatljiva Pilatu. Juda je bio prisutan tijekom
would carry no weight with Pilate. Judas was present
ovog drugog sastanka suda, ali on nije bio svjedok.
during this second meeting of the court, but he gave no
This session of the court lasted only a half hour,
Ova je druga sudska sjednica trajala samo pola
and when they adjourned to go before Pilate, they had
sata i okončana je u namjeri da idu pred Pilata s
drawn up the indictment of Jesus, as being worthy of death,
optužnicom protiv Isusa koja je tražila njegovu smrtnu
under three heads:
kaznu zbog tri optužbe:
1. That he was a perverter of the Jewish nation; he
deceived the people and incited them to rebellion.
2. That he taught the people to refuse to pay tribute
1. Da izopačuje židovski narod; zavodi ljude i
potiče ih na pobunu.
2. Da je protiv plaćanja poreza caru.
to Caesar.
3. That, by claiming to be a king and the founder
of a new sort of kingdom, he incited treason against the
3. Da sebe naziva kraljem i utemeljiteljem nove
vrste kraljevstva, čime potiče izdaju protiv cara.
This entire procedure was irregular and wholly
Cijeli je ovaj proces bio neslužben i potpuno
contrary to the Jewish laws. No two witnesses had agreed
protivan židovskim zakonima. Nisu bila dva svjedoka koja
on any matter except those who testified regarding Jesus'
su se mogla složiti po bilo kojem pitanju, osim onih koji su
statement about destroying the temple and raising it again
svjedočili o Isusovoj izjavi o uništenju hrama i njegovoj
in three days. And even concerning that point, no witnesses
ponovnoj izgradnji za tri dana. I u pogledu ovog pitanja,
spoke for the defense, and neither was Jesus asked to
nisu imali dva svjedoka da svjedoče u Isusovu obranu, niti
explain his intended meaning.
su tražili da Isusa protumači značenje svojih riječi.
The only point the court could have consistently
Jedina optužba za koju su ga mogli dosljedno
judged him on was that of blasphemy, and that would have
osuditi bilo je bogohuljenje, a i to bi u cjelosti počivalo na
rested entirely on his own testimony. Even concerning
njegovom vlastitom svjedočanstvu. Čak i u vezi
blasphemy, they failed to cast a formal ballot for the death
bogohuljenja, nisu uspjeli baciti formalni glasački listić koji
bi odlučio o smrtnoj kazni.
And now they presumed to formulate three
charges, with which to go before Pilate, on which no
witnesses had been heard, and which were agreed upon
I tako su preuzetno formirali tri optužbe s kojima
će ići pred Pilata, za koje nisu ispitali svjedoke i o kojima
su se složili dok je optuženi zatvorenik bio odsutan. Kada
while the accused prisoner was absent. When this was
je to učinjeno, tri farizeja su napustila sudnicu; oni su se
done, three of the Pharisees took their leave; they wanted to
nadali Isusovom uništenju, ali nisu mogli prihvatiti
see Jesus destroyed, but they would not formulate charges
formiranje optužbi protiv njega bez svjedoka i u njegovoj
against him without witnesses and in his absence.
Jesus did not again appear before the Sanhedrist
Isus se više nije pojavio pred sudom Velikog
court. They did not want again to look upon his face as they
vijeća. Oni nisu željeli ponovo gledati u njegovo lice dok
sat in judgment upon his innocent life. Jesus did not know
su donosili odluku o njegovom nevinom životu. Isus nije
(as a man) of their formal charges until he heard them
znao (kao čovjek) o njihovim formalnim optužbama dok ih
recited by Pilate.
nije čuo pred Pilatom.
While Jesus was in the room with John and the
Dok je Isus bio u sobi s Ivanom i stražarima, i dok
guards, and while the court was in its second session, some
je sud bio u drugoj sjednici, neke od žena koje su radile u
of the women about the high priest's palace, together with
dvoru velikog svećenika, zajedno sa svojim prijateljima
their friends, came to look upon the strange prisoner, and
došle su pogledati ovog čudnog zatočenika i jedna je pitala,
one of them asked him, "Are you the Messiah, the Son of
“Jesi li ti Mesija, Sin Božji?” A Isus je odgovorio: “Ako ti
God?" And Jesus answered: "If I tell you, you will not
kažem, nećeš mi vjerovati; a ako ja vas upitam, nećete
believe me; and if I ask you, you will not answer."
At six o'clock that morning Jesus was led forth
U šest ujutro izveli su Isusa iz Kaifine kuće i
from the home of Caiaphas to appear before Pilate for
odveli ga pred Pilata da potvrdi smrtnu kaznu koju je
confirmation of the sentence of death which this Sanhedrist
nepropisno i nepošteno donio ovaj sud Velikog vijeća.
court had so unjustly and irregularly decreed.