Znanstvenik Alkemi*ar Teolog Prorok *inovnik Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton
1642. - 1727.
Bez roditeljske skrbi
“Threatening my father and mother Smith to
burn them and the house over them.“
Miss Storey – prva i zadnja
Trinity College, Cambridge
Siromašni student, kuga, profesor - optika
1671. Royal Society in London,
1672. Nova teorija svjetlosti i boje
“But the most surprising, and wonderful
composition was that of Whiteness.
Whiteness is the usual color of Light; for, Light
is a confused aggregate of Rays indued with
all sorts of Colors.”
Newton, 1671./72.
Sukob: Robert Hooke
“I cannot see yet any undeniable argument
to convince me of the certainty thereof. “
1687. Philosophiae Naturalis Principia
“The famous book of mathematical Principles
of natural Philosophy marked the epoch of a
great revolution in physics.The method
followed by its illustrious author Sir Newton ...
spread the light of mathematics on a
Francuski matematičar i fizičar
Alexis Clairaut 1747.
Sukob 2: Gottfried Leibniz
Pitanje prvenstva u otkriću infinitezimalnog
U tom je sporu postupio nečasno jer je sam
imenovao članove povjerenstva koji su
trebali nepristrano razriješiti spor.
Slavan kao niti jedan Englez prije njega
1689. Britanski parlament
Par puta podigao glas u korist
autonomnosti znanosti
“Ask someone to close an open, drafty window”
Michael White (1998) Isaac Newton: The
Last Sorcerer)
1690. Mačka kriva za požar, izgorjeli
rukopisi, radovi iz kemije, 20 godina rada
1692. i 1694. živčano bolestan
Opasni put prema ludilu, trenutci potpune
neuračunjivosti, ali se izvukao; John Locke
Nakon oporavka postaje nadzornik (1695.),
a potom i upravitelj kovnice novca (1701.)
Krivotvoritelji = veleizdajnici; smrtna kazna
28 ljudi uspješno procesuirani
1703. Predsjednik Royal Society, član
Francuske akademije znanosti
1705. Kraljica Anna proglasila ga vitezom –
politički, ne znanstveno
Nećakinja, Cranbury Park
Dobro zdravlje, izgubio
jedan zub, kosa mu je rano
posjedila, iako je ostala
bujna do posljednjih dana.
Umro je u snu.
“Greatest genius who ever lived...Newton is the
most fortunate, for we cannot find more than
once a system of the world to establish.”
Francuski matematičar
Joseph-Louis Lagrange
“Nature and nature's laws lay hid in night;
God said "Let Newton be" and all was light.”
Pjesnik Alexander Pope
Alkemičar, pretvaranje metala u zlato, žudio
je otkriti 'prvobitnu materiju'
Geslo: Hypotheses non fingo (Ne izmišljaj
“Otkrio sam sve” – znati sve
Za sve je tražio logična objašnjenja u
Izračunao je
da se smak
svijeta neće
dogoditi prije
2060. godine.
pola života
“Newton was inspired when he saw a falling
apple while walking around his family’s
garden at Woolsthorpe Manor, to formulate
his theory of universal gravitation.”
“Who, by vigor of mind almost divine, the
motions and figures of the planets, the
paths of comets, and the tides of the seas
first demonstrated.”
Westminster Abbey