Newsletter – 2016 January


Llanddew Village Community and

St David’s Church Newsletter – February 2016


Christmas period in St David’s Church: A big thank you to everyone for taking time to clean and decorate the church ready for Christmas, and special thanks to Peta Powney for the gift of a Christmas tree, which was decorated beautifully by Trevor and Ian.

We would like to thank Canon Janet Russell for taking the Christmas Eucharist Services on Sunday 20 th and the Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, and thank you to our Reader Dr Gill Todd for preparing and taking the

Christingle Service telling us of the Nativity and the interpretation of the Christmas Orange. Luckily she had some ‘little helpers’ on hand with the Nativity story.

Many thanks to Jane Wood for organising the visit of Father Christmas with his goodies, and also to

Christopher Langworthy for playing the organ at the Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve.

PCC Meeting: The next meeting will be on Monday 14 th March at 6.30pm in the Village Hall, and a date for your diaries is the Annual Vestry Meeting on Sunday 24 th April following the morning Eucharist.

Prayer Group: The group will be meeting on Friday 26 th February in Mary’s home at 10am. (623085)

Fellowship Group : The Group will be meeting on Monday 8 th and 22 nd February in the ‘Beehive’ at

Meadow Breeze, (Llanddew) at 10am.

The fellowship Group in 2016 will study the ten shortest books in the Bible:- 3 John, 2 John, Philemon,

Jude, Obadiah, Titus, 2 Thessalonians, Haggai, Nahum, Jonah, and we will be starting with 2 Thessalonians.

The programme is designed to enable members to gain a greater understanding of God’s relationship with each one of us, his church and the world and to help us to grow and mature in Christian discipleship.

The Group will be led by Gill Todd (610902), and Rowena Akinyemi (409054).

New members are always very welcome to both the above groups.

Condolences: This is the first opportunity we have had to express in the newsletter, our sincere condolences to Ena Parry and all her family on the sudden death of her daughter in December.

Our love and good wishes go to you all.

Holy Communion: If anyone is aware of someone who may wish to receive communion in their own home please contact Gill Todd on 610902

Important advice on Lone Working: Just before Christmas a couple were in Penpont Church, who said when asked, they were praying for their dead son. Fortunately their car registration plate was reported to the police who eventually stopped the vehicle. Bolt cutters and an axe were found in the vehicle. It was thought that they may have been trying to break into the wall safe at the church.

It is extremely important when any of us are cleaning, doing flowers, carrying out maintenance work to the church, that we work in pairs for our own safety ..... received from Mrs Ann Kinsey

Our thoughts and prayers go to Brenda Sheridon, Roberto, Fabio, Jasmine, Ena and family, Janet Bamford, and Ian Ashton (Jane Wood’s brother) for his continued recovery after his recent surgery. We send our love and prayers to anyone else who is unwell or experiencing problems at this time.


Friday 19 February: The Village Hall Committee will meet for it’s next meeting at 7pm.

Ladies Outreach Group - Liverpool Trip: What a lovely Saturday and Sunday we had last weekend. Sixty two of us travelled to Liverpool. There was just so much to do – the Waterfront area with all its Museums,

Galleries, Tall Ships, of course the Beatle Experience and Eateries. We were spoiled for choice - the two magnificent Cathedrals, the old architecture in the many squares, and of course retail opportunities. I think the most popular was the ferry across the Mersey plus the song to go with it!!

Many thanks from us all to Jane and Dot for all the hard work they put into organising this.

Community Council: An open meeting was held on 7 December for residents to attend and see the presentations provided by Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Services and the Neighbourhood Policing

Team. Representatives from both bodies gave advice on the services they provide, and below are notes from their presentations.

The Fire Service said they could provide care alarms, fire retardant bedding packs, nightwear, throws etc.

On request they would carry out home fire checks. For further information log onto

Neighbourhood Policing Team – The Chairman explained that the Llanddew Community at one time were part of the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme but this no longer exists. There is however a new scheme called

Neighbourhood Police Watch Scheme which we could belong to. Should there be any incidents in the community, rather than having numerous phone calls from the public regarding one incident, ideally the

Police Team would like two volunteers one of which would be the co-ordinator.

If the community wishes to be part of this new scheme, there would be the need for two volunteers. If you wish to volunteer, please contact any of the Community Councillors or the Clerk direct.

Some general advice provided by the Officers was to mark property items with a permanent UV marker pen, register cycles with the National Bike Register, be aware of cyber safety particularly children and their need to be safe in the on-line world of the internet.

Farmers to contact PCSO Lee Garret if they do not belong to the Farm Watch Scheme.

Flooding – The community are encouraged to forward any photographic evidence of flooding direct to

Simon Cowther – Powys County Council Highways.

Road Closures in Llanddew from 7 th March to 8 th April: The Community Council have received notice of the above road closures which will take place in two phases. The road closures are as follows:-

Phase 1 – left from the village crossroads passed the church for short distance to the corner (Tynewydd).

Phase 2 – from the work site entrance on the right (just passed the Village Hall) to the crossroads.

Pedestrian access will be available within the closed road areas, and there will be access from the main road up to the Village Hall and Car Park at all times.

A public consultation will be held by the applicant (Mr Gary Bowen) and presentation, in the Village Hall on

10 th February at 6pm (not the 18 th Feb).

Please come along to this presentation if you wish to see the plans or you have any concerns you wish to raise with Mr Bowen.

Copies of the email and plans have been erected in the Village Hall and are on the Village Hall notice boards and can be found on the Community Council website –

The Community Council respectfully ask that vehicles are not parked in and around the area of the crossroads during the time the contractor is carrying out the work.

We are unable to print all the usual Church and Village details this month, due to volume of information needing to be circulated in February – it will be back in next month.

Village Hall contact - Mr Ian Kinsey (624672) ... Church contact via Cathedral Office (623857)

Llanddew Village Hall

For general information contact either Mr Ian Kinsey (Chairman) 624672, - or email

or Mrs Rowena Akinyemi (Secretary) 409054 or email –

To make a booking, please contact Mr Ian Kinsey as above.

St David’s Church

The Very Revd Dr Paul Shackerley, Dean of Brecon – Contact details - office 01874 623857, mobile 07748 222224,


Reader – Dr Gill Todd – Tel 610902 / Church Wardens – Mrs Ann Kinsey (624672) & Mr Viv Jones (623936)

All general enquires please contact via the Cathedral Office - Tel: 01874623857, or email –

S unday ServicesParish Eucharist at 9.30am every Sunday except the 4 th Sunday of the month, when it is Matins,

Fellowship Group meets twice a month on a Monday at 10am - Please contact Dr Gill Todd (610902) or Rowena Akinyemi (409054).

Prayer Group meets once a month on a Friday at 10am - contact Mrs Mary Evans (623085)

Community Quilting / Sewing Group meets every Monday in the Village Hall at 1pm for up to 2 hours.

Community Council Website ...
