Vladimir A - Географічний факультет

Серія географічна. 2004. Вип. 31. С. 375–379
Ser.Geogr. 2004. №31. Р. 375–379
УДК 911.5:528.5
V. Nikolaev, V. Zhuchkova, N.Volkova
Geographical Faculty, Moscow State University,
Vorobjevy Hory, 119992 Moscow, Russia
Owing to the integration of local, regional and even planetary dimensionality into
the sphere of interests of modern landscape science physiographic area classification ceased
to be the independent school and has developed into one of the subdisciplines of landscape
geography. Its subsequent theoretic and methodological development is seen only in the
indicated integration of this subdiscipline with landscape science.
Modern physiographic area classification cannot be imagined without a wide use
of typological landscape mapping and satellite observations materials. With their help the
significant objectification of the physiographic area classification process and its fill with
rigorous substantive content are possible. As a result, physiographic area classification has
not lost its previous science-based cognitive and applied functions. It has become more
demandable than ever before in geographical and geoecological researches.
Physiographic area classification can be multivariant (landscape, basin etc) due to
multistructural character of landscape crust. Landscape aspects of area classification are
considered in the present research. They proper have become the basis of organic
integration of physiographic area classification into landscape geography.
Key words: physiographic area classification, landscape mapping, satellite
Introduction. Physiographic area classification has the longer history of
development than landscape mapping. Yet the landscape science specifically and landscape
mapping in particular have provided physiographic area classification with greater
objectivity and intensionality of characteristics of chosen regions. On the basis of this, a
number of geographers have concluded that physiographic area classification is the element
of regional landscape science (Nikolaev, 1979, Isachenko, 1991 and others) and it has been
exhausted as the independent school.
The researches on physiographic area classification were held with the most
intensity at the second part of XX century. Respectable studies devoted to area
classification of the USSR in general and the Ukraine republic in particular appeared
practically simultaneously in 1968. More than 200 geographers were engaged in
interuniversity researches on natural and economic-geographic area classification for
agriculture then. A great number of regional publications were made, but landscape
structure of chosen regions was not always clearly explained in them.
Physiographic area classification, classification of landscapes and landscape
mapping. Physiographic area classification, classification of landscapes and landscape
mapping are traditional types of geographic modeling, and even a single regional landscape
research is impossible without them. Area division and classification as qualificatory opera________________________
© Nikolaev V., Zhuchkova V., Volkova N., 2004
V. Nikolaev, V. Zhuchkova, N.Volkova
tions are different in their methodological premises, though they are closely interconnected
and can amplify each other. Area classification is based on principal framework of division
of the general into different parts (or integration of the general from its parts). In the
process of area classification the ranking of geosystems is created, it shows their hierarchy
according to the degree of complexity (necessary system diversity) of landscape
arrangement and spatial-temporal dimension. Generally accepted taxonomic unit of area
classification (from top downward) are physiographic country, province, region etc.
Classification of landscapes from its side presupposes the search of general, identical in
multitude of peer individual geosystems, their typification. The system of typological
taxonomic units (class of landscapes, type of landscapes) that matches it, assumes the
transition (from top downward) from the most general and substantial characteristics of
landscape objects to more and more particular and specified. In short, the formula of area
classification is “the general – the particular”, the formula of classification is “the
individual-the typical”. According to V.B.Sochava (1978), classification of geochorae
(heterogenous geosystems) is situated at the heart of area classification, and the
classification of geomers (relatively homogeneous geosystems).
Moreover, there is a certain correlation between taxonomic units of typological
classification and units of physiographic area classification (Sochava, 1978, Nikolaev,
1979, Isachenko, 1985). Each landscape individuum and types, clans of landscapes are
geographically localized and bear up their location and comprehensive regional
geosystems. As a consequence, outside of physiographic area classification, without
reference to it, it is virtually impossible to develop the classification of landscapes.
Specifically, if we refer to vast territories encompassing several physiographic countries,
natural zones and provinces.
From the other side, landscape and geographical classification cannot be imagined
without parallel typological mapping, i.e. creation of three dimensional landscape models.
Classification and typological mapping are different sides of the same coin. The first
provides the information about the structure, genesis and other substantial (substantive)
properties of geosystems, the other one provides the facts about their territorial
organization, spatial differentiation and vicinity. The evidence suggests that only in a
process of landscape mapping the creation of relatively complete regional classification is
possible. This classification becomes the basis of the legend of a map. Thus as a systematic
landscape model as a spatial one are integrated in the map.
Mapping as a rule precedes typological mapping and classification of landscapes.
At this phase of research it is made “from top downward”, by the way of differentiation of
large natural subcompartments into smaller, subordinate. However, after that, area
classification is considered again on the basis of a made map, the accuracy of it is improved
by integration of types – clans of landscapes into paragenetically holistic geosystems of
regional dimensions. As a result, physiographic area classification, typological mapping
and classification of landscapes combine into a single process of regional landscape
research. Nowadays area classification cannot be implemented without support of the small
scale landscape mapping materials and regional satellite images (“Satellite landscape
science”, “The landscapes of Asian steppes”, Nikolaev, 1993, 1999).
Cartometrical analysis. The materials of landscape typological maps cartometry
are easily transformed into the system of mathematico-statistical indicators which
quantitatively characterize the regional landscape structure from different sides. The
measures of landscape differentiation are used more than others (subarea classification,
pattern structure) of regions, landscape heterogeneity (diversity), landscape vicinity,
organized structure and some other measures (Nikolaev, 1979). A.S.Viktorov (1986)
compiled the most thorough status report of such indicators.
The rates of territorial landscape contingence (paragenetic vicinity) are used
successfully in finding the most important region forming combination of landscape types.
In total, physiographic area classification completed on the basis of landscapes, i.e.
“bottom-upwards” is becoming really geosystematic, central (connectional). In this regard
the principle of structural and genetical integrity is realized versus the principle of
homogeneity of regional subcompartments previously widely applied.
Cartographo-mathematical landscape structure research objectifies the process of
physiographic area classification. In this case maps and schemes of area classification
which used to contain little information are enriched by prolific landscape content and
relevant quantitative indicators. Alongside with that, the considered measures have a
definite practical interest. They are applicable for quantitative estimate of the complexity
degree of landscape area design in regional planning, design of highways, oil and gas
pipelines, hydro land reclaiming facilities, recreational attractiveness etc.
Satellite observations, physiographic area classification, landscape science.
The Earth space observation has given new possibilities in modernization of techniques of
physiographic area classification. Satellite observation of the Earth surface bearing the
considerable visibility successfully model not only landscapes but larger natural geosystems
which have the level of physiographic regions, provinces, areas and even countries i.e. the
traditional objects of physiographic area classification.
In many cases one can research several physiographic provinces and junction of
two or three physiographic countries simultaneously with the help of only one medium- or
small-scale satellite image.
Physiographic area classification based on satellite images is made by several
integrated methods. The main of them are similar to those which are used in area
classification based on typological landscape map. From one side, it is integration of local
landscape structures into comprehensive regions, from the other; it is differentiation of
large natural unities into subordinate geosystems, forming their internal structure. The
mentioned approaches oncoming by their nature are defined as area classification from
“bottom” and “top”. The landscape structural principle is the basis of both approaches as
the landscape structure of regions is seen as the main criterion of their indication and
individualization which can be based on satellite images.
The other trend in physiographic area classification based on remote materials
presupposes the search the most important natural frontiers subject to geologicgeomorphologic, bioclimatic and any other factors of landscape differentiation with the
help of satellite images. The most strongly marked factors are frontiers of lineal structure
types – lineal orotectonic frontiers of morphostructire of different order. As it was
established the most physiographic regions (countries, areas, provinces, regions) and
individual landscapes are closely connected with relevant different order morphostructure.
Fractality (subdivision) of landscape crust is sufficient to tectonic subdivision of the Earth
crust substantially.
The search and decryption of lineal structure is a crucial component of
physiographic area classification. As a rule, one or another linear structure identified on an
image is a natural frontier at the same time that separates one physiographic
subcompartment from the others. In different sides from the lineal structures the types of
satellite images patterns differ greatly. Thus frontiers of such kind are emphasized. As we
range physiographic regions (from landscape to physiographic country), it is advisable to
range linear structures according to their importance in landscape crust differentiation.
V. Nikolaev, V. Zhuchkova, N.Volkova
In distinction from orotectonic frontiers indication of bioclimatic – zonal and
subzonal frontiers is more troublesome with the help of satellite images. As a rule, they are
quite gradual, and often they are represented by transition bands of ecotonal character. Not
only subzones but even zones such as forest tundra, forest steppe, semidesert etc could be
given as the examples. In decryption of zonal (subzonal) frontiers the density of phototone
and colour scheme of satellite images of automorphic landscapes are analyzed in the first
place. Different indirect decryptional factors are used at the same time. The degree of area
wooding, the peculiarities of agricultural use can serve as the mentioned factors. Wooded
lands and cultivated agricultural lands are easily observed from the satellite images. At the
plains depending on degree of area wooding the frontiers (gradual transition) between
tundra and forest tundra, forest tundra and taiga, taiga and mixed forest and depending on
the degree of ploughing - between forest steppe and steppe, steppe and semi desert is
precisely traced.
The materials of satellite observations of the Earth surface acknowledge the
famous aspect about the great genetic and structural diversity of natural frontiers. The part
of them, mainly orotectonic determine the clearly specified discreteness (fractality) of
landscape crust. The others, mainly bioclimatic, are reflection of landscape continuum.
Remote sensing of the Earth from space has become the powerful factor of
theoretical and methodical regional landscape science progress. The materials of satellite
observations have one of the first places among the scientific landscape geographic models
according to merit. They provide as structural as evolutionally-dynamical researches with
valuable information. Moreover they have become the fundamental basis of regional
landscape monitoring due to increasing anthropogenic burden on the environment. Satellite
images demonstrate the multilevel hierarchy of natural and natural-anthropogenic
geosystems, multi-staged structuring (fractality) of landscape area. They are powerful
evidence in favour of acceptance of absolute objectivity of landscape and geosystems of
other measures in this property.
Conclusion. The main issue of area classification is often seen in insufficient
knowledge of many areas of landmasses that leads to schematization of borders and
characteristics. Yet area classification should be a scheme, a skilful choice of degree of
generalization. Though scientific approach implies the repetition of experiments,
unification of methods, standardization of data collection and presentation of results,
however the problem of the general and the particular will always remain in the
classification of geosystems.
Computerization has the technical and the conceptual aspect, the latest is the most
difficult for acquisition. The qualitative geographical analysis with engaging of highly
skilled specialists as Kalinik Gerenchuk was is vital in order to be certain in educts.
It is important not to exscind the previous findings with the development of new
opportunities. The issues of physiographic area classification and landscape mapping are
absorption of new techniques and technologies with cautious attitude towards the traditional
techniques and above all towards the results of traditional researches.
1. Viktorov A.S. The pattern of landscape. M.:Misl Publishers. 1986.
2. Isachenko A.G. The landscapes of the USSR. L.,. 1985.
3. Isachenko A.G. The landscape science and physiographic area classification. M.,
4. Nikolaev V.A. The space landscape science. M., 1993.
5. Nikolaev V.A. The landscapes of Asian steppes. M., 1999.
6. Sochava V.B. The introduction into the geosystems studies. Novosibirsk, 1978.
7. Physiographic area classification of the USSR. Edited by doctor
N.A.Gvozdetsky. M., 1968.
8. Physiographic area classification of the Ukraine republic. Edited by doctor V.P.
Popov, doctor A.M. Marinich, assistant professor A.I. Lanko. Kiev, 1968.
В. Ніколаєв, В. Жучкова, Н. Волкова
Географічний факультет, Московський державний університет,
Воробйові Гори, 119992 Москва, Росія
Фізіографічна територіальна класифікація (ФТК) перетворилася у незалежну
наукову галузь у рамках ландшафтної географії завдяки інтеграції у сферу
ландшафтознавства локальних, регіональних і, навіть, глобальних досліджень. Її
подальший теоретичний та методичний розвиток вбачається лише у рамках
ландшафтознавства. Сучасна ФТК немислима без типологічного ландшафтного
картування та використання космозображень. За їхньою допомогою можлива значна
об’єктивізація процесу ФТК. У результаті ФТК не втрачає свої попередньо науково
обгрунтовані пізнавальні та прикладні функції. Її все більше потребують для
проведення географічних та геоекологічних досліджень.
ФТК може бути багатоваріантною (ландшафтною, басейновою тощо) через
поліструкутрний характер ландшафтної оболонки. У статті розглядаються
ландшафтні аспекти територіальної класифікації. Вони стають основою органічної
інтеграції ФТК у ландшафтну географію.
Ключові слова: фізіографічна територіальна класифікація, ландшафтне
картування, супутникові спостереження.
Стаття надійшла до редколегії 28.04.2004
Прийнята до друку 16.06.2004