Joint Committee on Justice Equality Defence and Womens Rights

An Chomhchoiste um Dhlí agus
Ceart, Comhionannas, Cosaint
agus Cearta na mBan
Teach Laighean
Baile Átha Cliath 2
Joint Committee on Justice,
Equality, Defence and Women’s
Leinster House
Dublin 2
Phone (01) 6183929
Fax (01) 6184123 / 6184124
19 July 2004.
Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women’s Rights.
Press Launch of its
Report on a Review of the Criminal Justice System.
12.00 p.m. Wednesday 21 July 2004,
Audio Visual Centre, Leinster House.
The Joint Committee on Justice, Equality, Defence and Women’s Rights, chaired by Seán
Ardagh T.D., will hold a press conference on Wednesday, 21 July 2004, at 12.00 p.m.
in the Audio Visual Centre, Leinster House, to launch its report on its Review of the
Criminal Justice System.
The report entitled ‘Report on a Review of the Criminal Justice System’ arises out of the
decision made by the Joint Committee to conduct a series of hearings in November and
December 2003, as part of a legislative and administrative review of the criminal justice
system (and in particular, the issue of witness protection). An advertisement was placed
in a number of newspapers seeking submissions from interested parties. Invitations were
issued to a number of title holders, key players, experts and individuals, to attend the
hearings. Oral submissions were heard from representatives of seventeen bodies,
organisations and interest groups and from the other title holders and individuals who
attended the six hearings which were held on 28 November, and on 1, 2, 5, 8 and 9
December 2003:
28 November 2003- Victim Support.
The Probation and Welfare Service.
The Moyross Probation Project.
The Southill Outreach Project.
Dr. Gerard Hogan , S.C.
1 December 2003- The Irish Prisons Service.
The Law Society of Ireland.
Dr. Paul O'Mahony, Head of the School of Occupational Therapy,
Trinity College Dublin.
2 December 2003- The Bar Council.
The Irish Human Rights Commission.
5 December 2003- The Irish Council for Civil Liberties.
The Courts Service.
Ms Ivana Bacik B.L., Reid Chair of Criminal Law, Criminology
and Penology, Trinity College Dublin.
8 December 2003- Mr. James Hamilton, Director of Public Prosecutions.
The Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors.
Mr. Barry Galvin, Solicitor ( former bureau legal officer of the
Criminal Assets Bureau).
Professor Finbarr McAuley, Jean Monnet Associate Professor of
European Criminal Justice, University College Dublin.
9 December 2003- The Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Michael
The Commissioner of An Garda Síochána, Mr. Noel Conroy.
Having considered all the submissions which were received and engaged in discussions
with the groups and individuals who appeared before the Committee, the Committee has
now finalised a report containing a number of recommendations which cover a wide area.
The report will be launched on Wednesday 21 July, shortly after a meeting of the Joint
Committee. A copy of the agreed report will be forwarded at that time to the Minister for
Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Michael McDowell T.D. Copies of the report and of
the submissions which were received pursuant to the newspaper advertisement will be
placed on the Oireachtas website.