CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO DIVISION OF SOCIAL WORK Social Work 126 Theories of Criminal Behavior Fall 2010 Sunday 8:00 to 5:00 Riverside Hall 1002 Professor D. J. Sekany Office: Mariposa Hall 2049 Office hours: by appt. e-mail: DJSekany@CSUS.EDU OVERVIEW OF COURSE Course Description This class is an advanced study, writing intensive course. You must have passed the Writing Placement for Juniors (WPJ) or the equivalent, to be enrolled. Theories of criminal behavior analyzes various theories in terms of their logic, historical origins, and policy implications. It focuses on developing a critical framework. The course requires active student participation and a great deal of writing. The course addresses the following issues: (1) THE SCOPE AND DEFINITION OF CRIME: before investigating the merits of various theories of crime, we must first understand how crime is defined and prosecuted, as well as its extent in different forms throughout the society. We will examine the interrelationship of class, race, and gender with the definition and scope of crime. (2) THEORIES OF CRIME: we will review the development of major theories of crime in the 20th and 21st centuries, paying special attention to values and ideology, which motivate and organize these theories. (3) TOWARDS A THEORY OF CRIME: based on our critique of theories of crime we will begin to construct the elements of a plausible theory of crime; included in this will be an examination of specific types of criminal behavior. (4) IMPLICATIONS FOR POLICY: throughout the class, we will address the policy and program implications of various theories of crime. Learning Objectives A. Understanding how and why certain types of behavior are defined as criminal. B. Understanding the historical perspective of how the different theoretical explanations of criminal behavior have changed over time and their impact on changing populations. C. Understanding the criteria, definitions and data utilized in developing theories of criminal behavior. D. Understanding the theoretical explanations of specific criminal behaviors. Measurement of Learning Objectives Learning Objective A will be addressed and measured by lectures and research assignments #1, #2 and #3. Learning Objective B will be addressed and measured by lectures and research assignments #2, #3 and #4. Learning Objective C will be addressed and measured by lectures and research assignments #2, #4 and #5. Learning Objective D will be addressed and measured by lectures and research assignments #2, #3, #4 and #5. Course Expectation At the end of the semester, students are expected to be able to critically examine and discuss theoretical explanations for criminal behavior. Course Requirements 1. As an advanced study, writing intensive course you will write at least a minimum of 8000 words throughout the semester. To meet this requirement there will be three essay assignments. All are take-home assignments and must be typed (double-spaced). All assignments must use the APA format for footnotes and bibliography. You may not submit any assignment by e-mail without my express permission. (Always keep a copy of your papers.) ANY ASSIGNMENT TURNED IN LATE WILL AUTOMATICALLY LOSE TWENTY-FIVE (25) POINTS FOR EACH DAY IT IS LATE. YOU MUST COMPLETE ALL OF THE ASSIGNMENTS TO PASS THE CLASS. 2. Active participation in class discussions not only enhances your learning experience but also will help your grade. 3. Three essay exams will cover materials from class lectures, guest speakers, discussions, readings, videos, and supplemental materials. 4. The final will be an essay exam to be written outside of class and brought to school during finals week. 5. Students with a learning disability, who require assistance, will need to contact the Office of Services to Students with Disabilities for coordination of academic accommodations. It is located in Lassen Hall, Room 1008 and their phone number is 916-278-6955 or 916-278-7239(TDD). Please let me know of any special needs you may have as soon as possible. Assignment #1: 200 points (research essay) (See course syllabus for details of assignment) Assignment #2: 100 points Assignment #3: 100 points Assignment #4: 100 points Total number of points in class = 500. A, A- = 500 to 450 B+, B, B- = 449 to 400 C+, C, C- = 399 to 350 D+, D, D- = 349 to 300 F = below 300 Plagiarism Plagiarism is the use of ideas or works belonging to another without providing acknowledgement of that person’s contribution. Regardless of the means of appropriation, incorporating another’s work into your own requires adequate identification and acknowledgement. If it is determined that you have plagiarized, it can result in your suspension or expulsion from the University. Also, a grade of F may be expected by students who have plagiarized. Grading System Grading is based on the assumption that a paper deserves a C grade (on the basis of 100 points that is approximately 70 points). For example, an A paper (approximately 90 points) will clearly communicate your understanding of the topic under discussion; it will be well organized and will fully develop the ideas discussed in class or in the book. It will be written in a clear and concise fashion with little ambiguity. It will also make clear references to the sources and show that the writer has thought carefully about the topic. There will be no grammatical, spelling or syntax errors. A B paper (approximately 80 points) will contain some but not all of the strengths of the A paper. It is also a well-written paper, but the examples will be less specific, clear, or appropriate than those in the A essay. There will be very few grammatical, spelling or syntax errors. A C paper like the A and B essays will be organized around the assigned topic and will directly discuss the topic. It will be organized but in a less clear and concise manner. Transitions will be weak or there will be repetitiveness or a poorer use of examples. The essay will communicate the basic information, but not in a clear, effective or persuasive fashion. There may be frequent grammatical, spelling or syntax errors. A D paper (approximately 60 points) is too general; it lacks a direct or specific focus on the topic. It is poorly organized and does not provide documentation and support for the topic. It is a poorly constructed essay that makes it very difficult to follow the information and argument that is being presented. It may have numerous grammatical, spelling or syntax errors. An F paper (approximately 50 points) fails to even minimally discuss the assigned topic. It may have numerous grammatical, spelling or syntax error COURSE OUTLINE Text Books Akers, Ronald L, Sellers, Christine S. (2009). Criminological Theories: Introduction and Evaluation (Fifth Edition). Roxbury Publishing Company Reid, Sue Titus (2009). Crime and Criminology. (Twelfth Edition) Brown and Benchmark Suggested Supplemental Readings Ellis, Lee (1989). Theories of Rape: Inquiries into the Causes of Sexual Aggression. Hemisphere. Doweiko, Harold (2000). Concepts of Chemical Dependency. Brooks/Cole Rosoff, S.; Pontell, H.; and Tillman, R. (1998). Profit Without Honor. Prentice Hall Wallace, Harvey (2002) Family Violence. Allyn and Bacon Supplemental Materials Supplemental materials will be accessed through the Locus site (on the Sacramento State Library webpage).These are mandatory readings and can be used as sources. SPECIAL NOTE Since this class only meets for a limited number of days it is imperative that you be prepared for each class session. This means you must have done ALL the assigned readings BEFORE each class and submit the required items for the research paper (Assignment #1) on time. Research Paper (Assignment #1) See Last Page of Syllabus - for due dates WEEKLY COURSE SCHEDULE 9/12 - Introduction; Defining crime; Crime and punishment. Readings: Reid -Chapters 1, 2, 14, 15 Akers - Chapter 1 9/12 - Theories of crime: Biological theories. Readings: Reid— Chapters 3&4 Akers— Chapters 2&3 Locus site readings on biological theories. 9/12 - Psychological theories: Sociological theories. Readings: Reid - Chapters 4 & 5 Akers - Chapters 3 & 4 Locus site readings on psychological and sociological theories. 10/10 - Sociological theories; Control theories; Labeling theories. Readings: Reid - Chapter 6 Akers - Chapters 5 & 6 Locus site readings on control and labeling theories. 10/10 - Conflict theories. Readings: Akers - Chapters 7 & 8 Locus site readings on conflict theories. 10/10 - Research bibliography due; Marxist theories; Feminist theories. Readings: Akers - Chapters 9, 10 & 11 Reid - Chapter 5 Locus site readings on feminist theories. 10/31 - Assignment #3 due; Domestic violence. Readings: Reid — Chapter 7 Locus site readings on domestic violence. 10/31 – Domestic Violence. Readings: Reid - Chapter 7 10/31 – Sexual Assaults. Readings: Reid - Chapter 7 Locus site readings on sexual assaults. 10/31 - Sexual assaults; Readings: Reid - Chapter 7 11/21 – Violent crimes. Readings: Reid -Chapter 7 Locus site readings on violent crimes. 11/21 – Violent crimes. Readings: Reid - Chapter 7 11/21 – Drug offenses. Readings: Reid – Chapter 10 Locus site readings on drugs. 12/12 – Drug offenses. Readings: Reid – Chapter 10 12/12 - White collar offenses. Readings: Reid- Chapters 8 & 9 Locus site readings on white collar crime. RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT FOR FALL 2010 The purpose of this assignment is to refine your research and writing skills. You will be graded on content and format including grammar, sentence structure, spelling and syntax. Select a particular crime that you are interested in studying and researching. The subject must be approved by the professor. Your research paper must discuss the following issues: 1. How extensive is this crime?: 2. Who are the primary victims and the primary perpetrators?: 3. What types of punishments are imposed?: 4. Which theories of criminal behavior analyze or explain this specific crime? Your paper must be a minimum of (10) typed pages (excluding the cover page and the bibliography). DUE DATES 9/12/2010 Turn in a brief description of your research subject. 10/10/2010 Turn in a typed bibliography with a minimum of ten (10) references that you will be using to write your paper. Use the APA Manual (see the Reference section of the Library) for proper citation format. The bibliography must include at least four different articles from academic journals. The articles must have been published after 1995. Other references may be books. The books must have been published after 1990. Internet sources are permitted. If you are unsure if your references are appropriate, please see me before the due date or you will lose points on this assignment. If you do not turn in a bibliography this day you will lose 25 points from the final grade for the research paper. 10/10/2010 A typed outline of your research paper is due. If you do not turn in an outline this day you will lose 25 points from the final grade for the research paper. 10/31/2010 A typed draft of your paper is due. If you do not turn in a draft this day you will lose 25 points from the final grade for the research paper. 11/21/2010 Your research paper is due. IMPORTANT REMINDER: When you are writing your research paper you must use the APA citation format. Your paper will graded on form as well as its content.