Report on USB Gadget Driver

Implementing USB Gadget Driver for exporting Mass Storage
Functionality of OMAP5912 OSK via USB protocol
Under the Esteemed guidance of
Submitted by
Mr.Babu Krishnamurthy
S.V.Ravi Chandra (E048)
Dept. of Embedded Systems
Sandeep Kumar Alimi (E050)
Anil Kumar Reddy(E008)
K Venu Kumar (E026)
Certificate of Approval of Project work
This is to certify that the project report entitled “Implementing USB Gadget
Driver for exporting Mass Storage Functionality of OMAP5912 OSK via USB
protocol” is a bonafide work carried out by Mr. S.V.Ravi Chandra,
Mr.Sandeep Kumar Alimi, Mr.Anil Kumar Reddy and Mr.K Venu Kumar
for fulfillment of academic requirement for the award of certificate “Diploma in
Embedded System Design”,Feb-2011.
Signature of the Guide
Mr. Babu Krishnamurty
Project Guide
CDAC ACTS, Bangalore
Signature of the Coordinator
Mrs. Savithri
Course Coordinator
We know that the strength of a skyscraper lies in the strength of its foundation.
We pay our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to Babu Krishnamurty Sir for
teaching us the “Concepts of Operating Systems” in an absolutely simple,
fundamental and thorough way which prepared us to understand even the
abstruse and difficult concepts of Linux Device Drivers very easily. We are also
grateful to him for providing us the opportunity to carry out this project, along
with the guidance and moral support extended to us throughout the duration of
project. We express our gratitude to our program co-ordinator Mrs. Savithri
who helped us at every step throughout the course in every possible way.
Eventually we are grateful to a number of individuals who are directly and
indirectly involved in this project and whose support has been instrumental in
the completion of this project.
S.V.Ravi Chandra (E048)
Sandeep Kumar Alimi (E050)
Anil Kumar Reddy (E008)
K Venu Kumar (E026)
Page No.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Feasibility Study
Chapter 3: Porting an Introduction
Modules in Porting
Prerequisites of Porting
Chapter 4: Minicom
Configuring Minicom
Chapter 5: TFTP Server
5.1 Configuring TFTP Server at HOST
5.2 Configuting TFTP at Client
Chapter 6: NFS Server
Configuring NFS Server at HOST
Few Commands to start the NFS
NFS Configuration files
Chapter 7: Boot Loader
Chapter 8: Root File System
How to Build Busy box
NFS based file system
INITRD based file system
Chapter 9: Linux kernel for OMAP5912OSK
Compilation of Linux Kernel
Upload Linux kernel to OSK
Chapter 10: Implementing Gadget Driver
Implementing the USB Gadget Driver
Procedure to make the board work standalone
Chapter 11:Conclusion
Chapter 12:References
 All the commands are written in Italic
 <HOST> -- commands starting with this keyword shows these commands has to be
executed from host terminal
 <MINICOM_U-BOOT> -- commands starting with this keyword shows these
commands has to be executed on OMAP5912OSK board at U-boot loader via
 <MINICOM_LINUX> -- commands starting with this keyword shows these
commands has to be executed from OMAP5912OSK board at linux prompt.
The main goal of the Project is to write a Gadget Driver for the OMAP5912OSK. Using
this gadget driver we are exporting mass storage functionality of OMAP5912-OSK to the
host side. Before writing a gadget driver for the Device side there are certain prerequisites
which are to be full-filled.
First requirement is porting which includes installing the U-boot loader image which sets
the environment required for running Linux kernel and then the Linux Kernel image is
brought into the Flash of the OMAP-5912-OSK.
Porting the U-Boot loader and the Linux Kernel on the kit requires setting up the TFTP
Server at the machine side and client at the Kit side. Along with the TFTP server, setting up
the NFS Server is also very important; it hosts the root-file-system which provides the
environment for execution of the programs on the kit which are kept on the server. To make
device completely stand-alone, use initrd based file system.
The kernel version being used is Linux-2.6.27.
The U-BOOT version is U-BOOT-1.1.6.
Busy box version 1.17.1
Gadget Driver Development
This phase involves implementation of the Gadget driver which handled request right
from introducing gadget and its capabilities to host to exporting a specific device
we have done feasibility study to understand the possibility of implementing it in
hardware and the support available from linux kernel.
This stage will ensure , the hardware selected (OMAP 5912 OSK) will support USB
Device functionality and the same can be extracted from the USB port available on the board.
In this stage we also studied the extent of support available in linux kernel for gadget
driver sub-system.
We have referred all the hardware documentation of OMAP5912 processor and
OSK5912 hardware specifications to conclude that the implementation of gadget driver can
be done with OSK.
The documents referred for this study are mentioned below and also attached in the
CD submitted with the project report.
The sub-systems and files referred for this project are:
USB subsystem:
<Kernel source>/drivers/usb/gadget/omap_udc.c(Device controller)
<Kernel source>/drivers/usb/gadget/file_storage.c(Gadget driver)
<Kernel source>/arch/arm/mach-omap1/board-osk.c
<Kernel source>/include/linux/usb/gadget.h
<Kernel source>MTD subsystem:
<Kernel source>/drivers/mtd/mtdcore.c
<Kernel source>/drivers/mtd/mtdsuper.c
<Kernel source>/drivers/mtd/mtdblock.c
one should have thorough understanding of the following, to have clear cut picture of
the project
how to configure the USB controller for slave operation/Device operation
How and what are gadget driver API's used, how we speak to Device controller
Good understanding of the USB architecture and mainly how the data transfer
happens through endpoints,
Good understanding of the USB device configuration procedure.
As explained in the below chapters configuring and porting of linux needs to be done
in two modes one as HOST and one as DEVICE
While in HOST mode the omap5912 OSK board works a USB host and can detect if
any usb-device is plugged into USB port.
While in DEVICE mode the omap5912 OSK board will work as USB slave and shall
not detect any USB device plugged into USB port.
This simple needs to be done to ensure the configuration is done correctly.
3.1 Porting
Porting is a process of customizing an original kernel source so as to make it
compatible to run on a particular architecture of a particular hardware environment. Different
hardware has got different internal structure i.e. the internal implementation of the basic
blocks that make that hardware board. Two different development boards can have a totally
different type of memory layout, memory access methods, peripherals and other features. So
the kernel that may run on one of them will not work on other because of the basic difference
in the board architecture. This is the reason to customize the kernel. Customization of the
kernel would include changing some parameters in the kernel source, including or excluding
some kernel modules, libraries etc. Once the customization is completed the kernel is
compiled to generate an image that will be ready to be downloaded to the board.
This process will also invariably include the BOOTLOADER also. The bootloader
may or may not be required to customize, but yes, it can also be customized.
It should be noted that porting is not an atomic process. The process of porting will in
turn contains many other crucial modular steps. So when working on ‘porting’ process one
should work in a modular method. Complete the process module by module.
3.2 Modules in Porting
The process of porting can be basically divided into following modules
 Study of Bootloader
 Study of ‘kernel customization'
 Study of Building Root-file-system from Busybox
 Detailed study of the relevant h/w board
 Study of Support system required
Compiling and installation of support system required
 Customizing bootloader (U-BOOT)
 Compiling and downloading U-BOOT(U-BOOT)
 Customizing Kernel
 Compiling and downloading kernel
Busy Box
 Customization of Busybox
 Compiling and making it as NFS / INITRD based file-system
The study modules sound very trivial but these modules only will decide over the
success of failure of the complete process. Very good study materials on the porting and other
relevant topics are available on the internet. All the required packages included in the CD
with this project report.
The second main module is compiling and installing the prerequisites. The porting
process will require a lot of other utilities, so before start with the actual porting one should
be ready with all the prerequisites on one’s system. All the required packages are also
included in the CD.
The third main part of the process of porting is the U-BOOT customization and
compilation. Normally the U-BOOT source is not needed to be customized barring one or
two very trivial changes. Once the U-BOOT image is ready download it into the intended
SOC. The detailed steps are explained in the further chapters.
The last part of the process of porting is customization and compilation of the kernel.
This is the most crucial part of the complete process. It needs to be very sure of which
features of the kernel needed and which are not. The complete process of customizing and
compiling the kernel and then downloading it is explained in detail in further chapters.
3.3 Prerequisites of Porting
1) TFTP server
Get it enabled using YAST Administrative services on OPENSUSE
2) NFS server
Get it enabled using YAST Administrative services on OPEN SUSE
3) Cross Development tool chain.
4) Minicom (or any other serial port communication utility)
Get it from the Linux OS installation CD if not available.
5) U-BOOT loader source / image.
Get a U-Boot Loader from
6) Linux Kernel Source + OMAP patch.
Get Linux source from and patch from
7) Busybox Source
Get a Busy box from
This is all needed as the procedure for porting. In the coming section all the details of the
steps are provided.
MINICOM - Interfacing with OSK
In order to communicate or operate the embedded OS, serial interface utility like a
hyper terminal (in windows), or Minicom (in Linux) is needed.
4.1 Configuring Minicom
1. Normally Minicom comes as a standard package with linux distribution, if not get
the package installed from Linux CD/DVD
2. Open terminal and type the below command for configuration
# minicom –s
3. It will open the Minicom window with option window (if option window does not
appear press Ctrl-A O)
4. In option window select ‘Modem and Dialing’ and ensure ‘Init String (A)’ is clear.
5. Now select ‘serial port setup’ and change ‘serial device’ to ‘/dev/ttyS0’ also change
‘Bps/par/bits’ to 115200 baud, 8Bps, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no flow control.
6. Save setup as def.
7. Exit.
NOTE: Once the settings have been saved, from next time there is no need for the '-s' option
simply type the below command to directly take you to Minicom window:
# minicom
Please ensure that line wrap is on for minicom (CTRL-A Z W) to get the commands to be
proper, mostly useful when giving the liux kernel.
Note: any time while accessing the device via minicom, if we find any unknown charecters, then try
rebooting the OSK, in case if the problem is persistent then please try on any other system.
TFTP Server
5.1 Configuring TFTP server at HOST
Step 1: Check the IP address is properly set using ifconfig command, if not, set it
<HOST> #ifconfig
Step 2: Goto YAST Administrative settings TFTP server  Enable  Finish
If it is the first time it will popup to create a ‘tftpboot’ directory in root, click yes to finsh.
Step 3: Do proper settings for TFTP client i.e OSK board
Before this, configure the Minicom and OSK board has to be connected to HOST, These
commands are to be executed at the boot-loader prompt of the OSK board
Figure configuring the TFTP server using YAST
Step 4: set the ip address of the board
<MINICOM_U-BOOT>#setenv ipaddr
The ip address should be in the same class of host
Step 5: set the server ip of the board
<MINICOM_U-BOOT>#setenv serverip yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
This should be the same ip of the host
Step 6: save the environment variables
This project requires a root file system to boot initially, download a root file system which
was built using Busybox in the /data/rootfs2.6. Make sure that the root file system is of same
version as the linux kernel you are compiling.
6.1 Configuring NFS server at HOST
Step 1: Create a directory ‘data/rootfs2.6’ in root
Step 2: Goto YAST Administrative settings Network services NFS Server Start
Figure 6.1: Configuring NFS server.
Figure 6.2: Exporting the directories using NFS SERVER.
The above shown is the second snapshot where one can set the mount point /data/rootfs2.6
which one want to share with the NFS clients. Here * shows that all hosts can use NFS and
the respective permissions.
Edit the parameters as follows, change ro(read only) to rw(read write) change
root_squash to no_root_squash. Then click finish, then at terminal issue the below command
to make your filesystem globally accessible across network
In case NFS don’t work it might also be because of firewall settings so we have to
explicitly disable firewall. To disable the firewall, use YAST administrator tool.
6.2 Few commands to start the NFS:<HOST># /sbin/service nfsserver restart
Shutting down kernel based NFS server: nfsd
Starting kernel based NFS server: idmapd mountd statd nfsd sm-notify
<HOST># /sbin/service nfsserver stop
Shutting down kernel based NFS server: nfsd statd mountd idmapd
<HOST># rpcinfo –p
Shows all the network utilities running on the system.
6.3 NFS Configuration Files
vi /etc/exports {path to export or share the location}
vi /etc/hosts.allow {used to add the hosts which are allowed}
vi /etc/hosts.deny {used to add the hosts which should be denied access}
Before starting the porting activities the following minimum activities to be done at
Host system:
Step 1: Create one Project directory in root, let us refer to this folder as PRJCT_SRC here
Step 2: Create four directories for Linux_source, Tool_chain, Busy_box, U-boot (this is
preferred directory structure, although it can be maintained as per one's convenience).
Step 3: Now download the arm-2007q3-51-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linuxgnu.tar.bz2 tool chain as tar file and copy to Tool chain directory, extract it using the
following commands.
Note: Assuming to be in PRJCT_SRC directory
<HOST>#cd Tool_chain/
<HOST>#tar xjvf arm-2007q3-51-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2
Now add the path of this tool chain to PATH variable of linux shell by the command
<HOST>#export PATH=$PATH:/root/PRJCT_SRC/Tool_chain/arm-2007q3/bin
Step 4: Now download the u-boot v1.1.6 as tar file and copy to U-boot folder, Extract it
using the following commands:
Note: Assuming to be in PRJCT_SRC folder
<HOST>#cd U-boot/
<HOST>#tar xjvf u-boot-1.1.6.tar.bz2
Now add the path of this boot loader to PATH variable of linux shell by the command
<HOST>#export PATH=$PATH:/root/PRJCT_SRC/U-boot/u-boot-1.1.6/tools/
Now the basic environment in host for cross compilation is set, then we will proceed further
for compilation of U-boot loader
Step 1: Now clean the previously save configuration if any by passing ‘clean’ parameter to
the make command. This is the rule defined in the Makefile of the bootloader which deletes
all the previous configuration files and binaries available in current bootloader.
<HOST>#make distclean
Step 2: Now issue the commands for setting the default configurations of OMAP5912OSK
<HOST># make omap5912osk_config
Step 3: Finally start the compilation process by issuing the command
<HOST># make
After these steps are successful an image of u-boot.bin will be created, now it has to be
burned on to OSK as explained here. These following commands are to be issued after
ensuring the TFTP server is properly configured and running.
Step 4: copy the image file of bootloader to TFTP directory
<HOST>#cp u-boot.bin /tftpboot
Step 5: Transferring the image file from TFTP server to board
<MINICOM_U-BOOT>#tftpboot 0x10000000 u-boot.bin
When the download is completed it will report the size of the file in hexadecimal: note this
number! Then we need to remove the old U-boot and put the new one on the top:
Step 6: By default the memory location of flash is write protected, so first make this area
<MINICOM_U-BOOT>#protect off 1:0
Step 7: Then erase the flash memory
< MINICOM_U-BOOT>#erase 0x00000000 0x00020000
Step 8: Then burn the image file which was loaded into RAM to flash memory
< MINICOM_U-BOOT>#cp.b 0x10000000 0x00000000 xxxx
Where xxxx is the hexadecimal number that noted earlier, now reboot OSK and the new Uboot should load.
Warning: One should be very careful which erasing the flash and burning of boot-loader, as
some mistake can corrupt the boot-loader and the board can become un-usable.
Now proceed with building the file system depending upon the requirement of the
project. There is one minimal file system for OMAP board which is readily available in the
internet, but, this file system has very minimal number of utilities, doesn’t have much kernel
thread, doesn’t support PROC, SYS, and TMPFS file systems. As this project demands all
the above said requirements it is better to choose the path of using BUSYBOX to build the
required file system.
Before proceeding with the Build process, have a knowledge of problems we faced working
with various root file systems, and this also will justify why we have chosen the approach of
building root filesystem directly from Busybox.
 We have faced problem of init not getting called during kernel boot up, To confirm
whether this is problem of rootfs or kernel, just write a simple hello world program
and pass this as init to kernel in boot args by adding ‘init=<PATH of hello world
program>. When you reboot if you find hello world printed at your terminal then it is
clearly the problem with init of rootfs. Finally we found that the kernel we compiled s
not EABI enabled but the file system we are working with is EABI compatible. Then
we enabled the EABI compatibility option in linux kernel and compiled it again.
 Non availability of mdev in the rootfs., mdev/udev is an user daemon which runs in
background and takes appropriate actions if any notifications comes to user-space.
Mdev is specially developed for embedded system applications. In our project
recognition of USB devices , creating of device entries in proc and sysfs filesystems
are necessary. These activities will be taken care by mdev daemon.
 We have initially worked with various file systems and found some kind of problems
like non-availability of libraries,mdev not supported,proc or sysfs not supported etc..,
we need to keep all the requirements before compiling and building a roofs from
This configuration process of BUSYBOX is very similar to kernel compilation,
Step 1: Download the tar file of Busybox V1.17
BUSY_BOX directory
Step 2: Enter to that busy box directory
Step 3: un-tar it using the following command
from the internet and copy it to
<HOST>#tar xjvf busybox-1.17.1-tar.bz2
Step 4: enter to the busy box directory
<HOST>#cd busybox-1.17.1
Step 5: configure the busy box as per the requirement, in most cases the default configuration
is enough,but we need to enable certain features like
Enabling static libraries: compile the busybox first with the static libraries and then we can go
to using dynamic libraries.
Enable mdev
<HOST>#make menuconfig
Step 6: Compile this Busy box by issuing the following command
<HOST>#make install
Step 7: Do the following finishing touches to create nodes as per our requirement.
<HOST>#mkdir dev
<HOST>#cd dev
<HOST>#mknod console c 5 1
<HOST>#mknod null c 3 1
<HOST>#cd ..
Step 8:Create the directories we need in the ROOTFS
<HOST>#mkdir temp proc sys root etc
Step 9: we need to populate startup scripts in the init.d from any other file system,
Now the file system to ready for the project,this file system can be used as either NFS or
initrd based file system.
NFS based File System
For NFS based file system, it needs to simply copy the generated root File system to /data
directory which were exported earlier by NFS server.
To use this it need to setup the bootargs of kernel, which was explained in the Porting of
kernel chapter
INITRD based File System
Using NFS based file system is very convenient when the project is in development stage and
we frequently require to modify some thing in the file system, but when your project has
done most of the development and want to develop the board less independent of HOST, we
need to follow the following steps.
To use this file system as INITRD, first it needs to generate an image of this root file system
based on ext2, it need to use a tool called 'genext2fs'
Step 1: Download the source code from the ------------------Step 2: un-tar it using the following command
<HOST>#tar xjvf genext2fs1.4.1
Step 3: Enter into the directory
<HOST>#cd genext2fs1.4.1/
Step 4: Open and follow the steps in the INSTALL file
Step 5: Build this tool
<HOST>#make install
Step 6:Now you can use this tool to generate an image of the root filesysem
Step 7:Assuming you are in Busy_box directory, issue the following command
<HOST>#genext2fs -b 8192 -d ROOTFS/ -e 0 initrd.img
Step 8: when this step is successfull we need to copy the image to tftpboot for loading into
This can be loaded into RAM or can be burn into flash permanently,
We suggest using the initrd file system from RAM during development stage, or every time
any change is made we need to burn into flash which is waste of time and efforts. when once
the proper setup is ready we can finally burn the filesystem into flash.but only drawback with
RAM based file system is that we need to load the image from HOST every time you re-boot.
Now first we explain the INITRD filesystem from RAM.
<MINICOM_U-BOOT>#tftp 0x10400000 initrd.img
<MINICOM_U-BOOT>#setenv bootargs console=ttyS0,115200n8 root=/dev/ram0 rw
initrd=0x10400000 mem=32M
The same way the procedure for setting the Initrd based filesystem permanently into flash is
explained in chapter 10.
Linux Kernel for OMAP5912 OSK
Building the Linux kernel for OMAP5912 processor is little different than building it
for general purpose computers. It needs to configure the Kernel according to the
requirements. This depends on what features it requires and which modules it need to include
in the Linux Kernel. Following are the steps to build the bootable Kernel which can be used
by the OMAP5912 processor.
The latest kernel can be obtained from and the necessary patch
to use this kernel on an OMAP system can be found at
9.1 Compilation of Linux Kernel:Once these files are obtained, we can compile the Linux kernel following the steps
below: The steps given below are for building the linux kernel to work as Device mode.
Step1: Change the current directory to the directory where one want the source of the kernel.
<HOST>#cd Linux_Source/
Step2: Un-pack the source of the kernel here.
<HOST>#tar xjvf linux-2.6.27.tar.bz2
Step4: Un-zip the patch file by following command
<HOST>#bunzip2 patch-2.6.27-omap1.bz2
Step5: Now change directory to the kernel source directory
<HOST>#cd linux-2.6.27/
Step6: Apply the OMAP5912 patch to the kernel.
<HOST>#cat ../patch-2.6.27-omap1 | patch -p1
Now the linux is customised to omap5912osk with default configuration, now you should
again customise to suit for project requirement
<HOST>#cp arch/arm/configs/omap_osk_5912_defconfig .config
Step9: Now clean the previously save configuration if any by passing ‘clean’ parameter to
the make command. This is the rule defined in the Makefile of the kernel which deletes all
the previous configuration files available in current Kernel.
#make clean
Step10: Apply default configuration on the kernel for OMAP5912 which has been obtained
with the kernel source in file ‘omap_osk_5912_config’.
<HOST>#cp arch/arm/configs/omap_osk_5912_defconfig .config
<HOST>#make ARCH=arm oldconfig
Step11: Now we can change the default configuration according to our needs by
<HOST>#make ARCH=arm menuconfig
This command will open a configuration window, through which we can change the Kernel
configuration according to our needs.
In this window we need to change following settings
1. Enable as static (*), kernel features-->Use the ARM EABI to compile the kernel
sub-option: Also enable , allow old binaries to be run with this kernel.
2. Enable loadable module support -->Module unloading,Automatic kernel module loading
3. Enable Device drivers-->USB support-->USB Gadget support-->support for USB Gadgets
sub options:USB Peripheral file system-->OMAP USB Device controller enable, Filebacked USB storage gadget-->File backed USB storage gadget testing version
4. Enable Device drivers-->Memory Technology Device support --> Enable MTD
partitioning support -->command line partition table parsing
Leave all others configurations as default and do save and exit from menuconfig.
Now to double verify open the .config file and ensure all the parameters above configured are
and also ensure the parameters
Step12: Now we have configured the Kernel according to our need and we can now compile
it. To compile the Kernel use the make command with ‘ARCH=arm’ parameter. Here we
again explicitly tells the compiler that we want the compiled Kernel for ARM architecture by
specifying it as ‘ARCH=arm’. This is optional we can also compile without using this
<HOST>#make CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabiAfter make operation we will have vmlinux in our Kernel source tree. File vmlinux is
stand alone, monolithic Kernel image but it is not in a suitable format for U-Boot to upload.
To convert the file, the mkimage utility must be used which comes with UBoot.
Common Errors
command-not-found: check for the proper setup of PATH variable
No-rule to make target: check in which directly you are currently in, this compilation process
should be done from Linux source directory.
Ignore if found any warnings.
If everything is fine the compilation process will be completed
and image file will be generated
Step13: To make the kernel image suitable for U-Boot, first of all create a new binary from
vmlinux which we will use to change into the suitable format for u-boot. For all this we need
to apply the following operations
<HOST># arm-linux-objcopy -O binary -R .note -R .comment -S arch/arm/boot/compressed/vmlinux linux.bin
Step14: This linux.bin is needs to be compressed before sending to the board. To compress
this image use gzip utility
<HOST># gzip -9 linux.bin
Step15: Now we have compressed image of Linux kernel which is ready to be changed into
required format which u-boot can use to boot the kernel. The format of kernel image can be
changed by the following operation
<HOST>#${U-BOOTDIR}/tools/mkimage -A arm -O linux -T kernel -C gzip-a 0x10c08000
-e 0x10c08000 -n ’Linux Kernel Image’ -d linux.-bin.gz
After this we will have a file ‘’ which can be upload to the
OMAP5912 board.
10.2 Upload Linux Kernel to the OSK
To upload the binary image of the Linux kernel we need to follow the following steps.
Step1: Power up the OMAP5912 kit. When we power up the kit it start the bootloader which
apply the initial setting to boot-up the board.
Step2: Press any key to stop booting the kernel when prompted.
Step 3: Now copy the kernel image in ‘tftpboot’ directory to upload it
<HOST># cp <U-Boot Directory> /tftpboot/
Step 4: Send the Linux kernel image,, to the RAM in OSK
<MINICOM_U-BOOT>#tftpboot 0x10000000
Step 5: This command will upload the kernel image to the board and also will show the size
of our kernel image file, note down this size. The size value will be used to move the binary
image to the flash.
Step 6: Now un-protect the memory area of the previously loaded kernel, so that we can
remove that.
<MINICOM_U-BOOT>##protect off 1:8-22
Here 1 is for the memory bank and 8-22 for the sectors from 8 to 22 in that bank.
Step 7: Erase the kernel by the following command.
<MINICOM_U-BOOT>##erase 1:8-22
Step 8: Move our new Linux kernel image to flash.
<MINICOM_U-BOOT>##cp.b 0x10000000 0x100000 <size of kernel image(in hex)>
Now if we restart the OMAP5912 kit, it will boot the kit with our Linux kernel!
In this chapter we will explain about the process of loading the gadget driver and making the
device work as USB storage device to host side and finally burning all the required images
into flash and making it an standalone system.
Implementing the USB Gadget Driver:
First and foremost we need to create one additional partition in the flash memory, for this we
need to edit the board-initialization file <Kernel source>arch/arm/mach-omap1/board-osk.c
In this file we need to edit the partition table, the modified code is mentioned below:
static struct mtd_partition osk_partitions[] = {
/* bootloader (U-Boot, etc) in first sector */
= "bootloader",
= 0,
= SZ_128K,
.mask_flags = MTD_WRITEABLE, /* force read-only */
/* bootloader params in the next sector */
= "params",
= SZ_1M,
.mask_flags = 0,
}, {
= "kernel",
= SZ_16M,
.mask_flags = 0
}, {
= "filesystem",
= SZ_8M,
.mask_flags = 0
}, {
.mask_flags = 0
The modified file is also attached in the CD submitted with the project report. Take this as
reference to do same kind of changes suitable for any related project.
Now the gadget driver which we are implementing is available at <Kernel
This gadget driver provides the functionality of USB Mass storage device using any file or
block device as backing storage. The below mentioned procedure is done to implement this
gadget driver.
When we compile the linux source code a kernel module named g_file_storage.ko is
generated. This is the module we are going to use as our gadget driver.
Now we need to transfer this module to /lib/modules/ directory, this can be
done by using methods like tftp or nfs or directly building into file system.
Now we need to load the module with appropriate parameters
<MINICOM_LINUX>#modprobe g_file_storage file=/dev/mtdblock4 ro=0 transport=CB
Note: The above given parameters works fine, but one could try all combinations to
understand the working of this gadget driver.
If the module is successfully loaded you can get success messages in dmesg and also verify
this module using lsmod.
Now using the USB Type A to Type A cable connect the board to PC, then first check the
dmesg of HOST for USB device configuration., and then the device will appear in /dev/
The problem we faced is that the device is being detected as write protect on: device.So, we
cant do any kind of operation like partioning,file system etc on this device.
So,We need to do some modification in the original file as follows:
Open the file goto function ‘open_backing_file’ and comment this code
//if (inode && S_ISBLK(inode->i_mode)) {
//if (bdev_read_only(inode->i_bdev))
ro = 1;
Then compile this module again and copy it to /lib/modules/ directory of board.
Now follow the same steps described above to load the module, this time the host detects the
device with write protect off: so we can do any operations on the device.
Try some of the commands as below:
Assuming the device is detected as /dev/sdb
<HOST>#fdisk /dev/sdb
<HOST>#m (for help)
<HOST>#n (for partition)—follow the default options
<HOST>#w (for saving partition table)
Now the partition table is written to flash and its time to create a file system.
<HOST>#mke2fs /dev/sdb1
If this is successful we can mount this device to any directory
<HOST>#mount /dev/sdb1 /media/OMAP/
<HOST>#cd /media/OMAP
From here we can do any operation like copying, deleting,open,close etc.., on any files similar to any
other storage device.
Procedure to make the board work standalone:
First we need to burn the kernel and initrd filesystem onto flash at specified address,
Assuming the bootargs are set like this:
Bootargs console=ttyS0,115200n8 mem=32M root=/dev/mtdblock4 rw initrd=0x01000000,
U-boot loader loads the kernel from the flash address 0x100000 , and kernel tries to access
the rootfs from flash address 0x01000000.
But kernel is unable to access the file system from flash directly.,
To overcome this problem we have implemented the procedure of copying the file system
from flash to RAM using boot-loader script
Edit the boot parameters as follows for implementation
<MINICOM_U-BOOT>#setenv bootcmd ‘cp.b 0x01000000 0x10400000 800000; bootm
root=/dev/ram0 rw initrd=0x10400000.
Now we also need to edit the /etc/init.d/rcS file to add script to automatically load the module
whenever the kernel boots
Add the following lines of code to the init file mentioned above
modprobe g_file_storage file=/dev/mtdblock4 ro=0 transport=CB
status $? 0
Having done all the above steps successfully , now the board can work standalone with out
any intervention from us, you can connect to any host and the device will be detected as an
USB mass storage device.
The project covers whole life cycle of the Universal Serial BUS (USB) and gave the
host and device side perspective of the technology.
Milestones of the project
1. Porting: Gadget Driver was implemented on Embedded Linux platform which
involved porting to the target hardware (OMAP 5912 OSK)using GNU tool chain.
2. Gadget Driver Development: This phase involved implementing the standard file
backed storage Gadget driver available in linux kernel which handled request right from
introducing gadget and its capabilities to host to exporting mass storage functionality.
It was a team work that led to the successful completion of the project. We got hands
on experience in interacting with USB subsystem Gadget APIs on the device side and porting
the OS.
Improvements to be done:
We were able to achieve the required functionality from the board by exporting the
mass storage functionality and also we were able to do standard operations as on USB storage
class device. The operations possible or formatting, partitioning, making file systems, data
storage, standard read/write operations etc., but what we found is that the file system is being
corrupted when we power off the board completely and reboot it. There should be some kind
of BUG/ some setting to be done in the file backed storage gadget driver which to be
Suggestions to tackle this problem:
Check in the higher versions of linux and test with that driver compare any modifications
done in the code study the code and identify which part of code is stopping to properly burn
in the flash
Going one step ahead we need to implement wear levelling feature for this driver, as
we know flash memory has limited number of read/writes so we need this feature to balance
the read/writes to physical memory. We need to study about the UBI sub-system available in
the linux source and how can it be implemented for our driver. Implementing this UBI wearlevelling feature is import to make this driver work completely as stand alone system.
Linux Device Drivers : Jonathan Corbet, Alessandro Rubini, & Greg Kroah-Hartman
Linux Kernel Development : Robert Love
Building Embedded Linux System 2nd edition - Karim Yaghmour
Embedded Linux system design and development-P.Raghavan
Embedded Linux Primer -Christopher Hallinan
USB Design by example-John Hyde
USB system architecture 2.0
Kernel Source Documentation
OSK 5912 Newbie Guide - Matthew Percival
USB System Architecture (USB 2.0): Don Anderson
USB complete: Jan Axelson
 for U-BOOT for Linux Documentation
 for OMAP related Documentation