DATE Lesson Number TIME LINE Unknown Unknown 3 Days COURSE TOPIC 5th grade Science Plant Pollination INSTRUCTOR Miss Adrienne Rupp TITLE OF LESSON Our Flowering World LESSON PLAN DESCRIPTION During these lessons students will learn the differences between self and cross pollination in plants, as well as the difference between perfect and imperfect flowers. Students will read text, watch videos, complete worksheets, discussions, and puzzles to help master these concepts. LEARNING GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Students will participate in a discussion on why animals and insects are important to the plant world. Students will work together to define key terms for the lesson. Students will use listening skills during a read aloud, which will allow them to participate in a discussion about flower parts and pollination. Students will watch the movie titled “Our Flowering World” and complete the video quiz that follows. Students will use learned knowledge to complete a crossword puzzle on “Our Flowering World”. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS/SOFTWARE NEEDED Discovery Education’s United Streaming (see citation below) Promethean Board GROUPING STRATEGIES Students will work independently for majority of lesson, except when defining key vocabulary. ACTIVITIES Prep-Locate the book titled: Make copies of the following “Our Flowering World” Black line Masters: 1. Pre Test 2. Video Quiz 3. Crossword Puzzle 5. Flower Structure Student Activities-Day 1: Teacher will initiate a discussion on why animals and insects are important in the plant world. *Students’ answers may reflect those of last chapter, ie. Animals help seeds travel to places where growing conditions are right, or this lesson’s, helping with pollination. After the discussion students will break into groups to define key terms including: fertilization, embryo, pollen, anther, pistil, stamen, ovule, nectar, ovary, and style (Black line master 1), which will be gone over as a class upon completion. Upon completion of key terms, students will listen to the book titled “Oh Say Can You Seed” by Bonnie Worth, and pose questions or concerns about plant pollination. Day 2: As a class, students will complete the K-W of a K-W-L chart on the topic of “Flowers” Students will view the video “Our Flowering World” from Discovery Education’s United Streaming (17 minutes). Upon completion students will listen to and complete the video quiz that follows. Day 3: As a class, students will compete Black line Master 5, “Flowering Structure”. Students will then use what they learned from “Oh Say Can You Seed” and the video “Our Flowering World” to complete Black line Master 3, “Crossword”. Teacher and students will go over the answers for Black line Master 3, and complete the L section of the class’s K-W-L chart on “Flowers”. POTENTIAL CHALLENGES Challenges include: Little previous knowledge of plant pollination, non-working technology EVALUATION Students will be evaluated using Black line masters 2, 3, and 5. References John Colgren and Paul Fuqua (Producer). (2000). The World of Plants: Our Flowering World. [Full Video]. Available from Worth, Bonnie. (2001). Oh Say Can You Seed?: All About Flowering Plants (Cat in the Hats Learning Library. New York, NY: Random House.