Date of Preparation: Sep 2 .2014

Date of Preparation: Sep 2 .2014
1) Personal information:
Name: Nasser Farhadi
Home Telefax No: 074- 33233817
Mobile: 09178492605
Date of Birth: 16/8/1963 (26/5/1342)
2) Education:
*1983 – 1987:
*1991 – 1994:
*2008 - 2013:
B S in Nursing from Shiraz university of Medical sciences, Shiraz, Iran
MS in Nursing (Medical & Surgical) from Isfahan university of medical sciences,
Isfahan, Iran
PhD of physiology from Kharazmi University Tehran, Iran
3) Publications:
A. Original observation in referred journals
1- Farhadi N, Oryan Sh, Nabiuni M. Comparing the Effect of Oral Melatonin and Long-Term
Environmental Light Changes on the Amount of Cells and Langerhans Islets in Male Vistar Rats.
TERAPEVTICHESKII ARKHIV, 2014,86 (1s): 110-113
1- Farhadi Naser, Mehrabi Sadrollah, Anbari Amir. Effect of preoperative condition on Melatonin and its
relation with cytokines. Biological Rhythm Research, 2014, 45(4):603-607
2-Farhadi N, Oryan Sh, Nabiuni M. Serum levels of melatonin and cytokines in Multiple sclerosis.
Biomedical Journal. 2014, 73(2):90-92
3-Mobasser N, Zahmatkeshan N, Farhadi N, Nikeghbalian S, Hasankhani H. Socio-cultural acceptability of
cadaver Transplantation in Iran. International Journal of Natural Sciences (2012), 2(3):63-66
4- Poor Davood Asl P, Farhadi N. Major Histocompatibility Class I Antigens and Allele Frequency in the
Azeri Population. Trakia Journal of Sciences, Vol. 10, No 3, pp 72-76, 2012
5- Rostami H. Farhadi N. Interaction effect of physical activity and epiphysectomy on blood coagulation in
rats. Trakia Journal of Sciences. 9(3):34-38, 2011.
6- Najafizadeh M. Farhadi N. and Karayev Z. Role of liver ultrasound in diagnostic process of hepatitis C
disease: Comparison with serum inflammatory indices level and T helper 1 cytokine responses. Research
Journal of Biological Sciences. 4 (2): 200-203, 2009
7-Farhadi Naser, Rostami Hossein. The effect of maternal hypoxia on blood glucose before and after
administration of ketamine in rabbit kits. Journal of Applied Biological Sciences 3 (1): 59-61, 2009
8- Farhadi N., Aliyev AH and Qaziyev AQ. The role of pineal gland on blood glucose in rabbit pups was
born from hypoxic mothers. Journal of Biological & Environmental Sciences. 2008, 2(6), 73-76
9- Najafizadeh M. Farhadi N and Sarkari B. Role of HLA-B7, B8, B27, and B51 in Protection against
Hepatitis B Virus Infection. Iranian Journal of Medical Sciences. Vol 33 No 4: 239-242, 2008
10-PoorDavood P. Farhadi N and Najafizade M. “Protective and susceptible HLA class І genes in patients
with End-stage renal disease”. Research Journal of Biological Sciences. Vol 3 No 11:1344-1346 2008
11- Najafizadeh M. Farhadi N and Sarkari B."Th1 cytokine profiles in hepatitis C virus infected patients and
their contribution to inflammatory responses". Shiraz E-Medical Journal. Vol 8 No1:22-27 Jan 2007
12- Farhadi N. Khosravi A." comparison between hand and foot pulse oximetery with arterial blood gas in
oxygen saturation measurement in neonates". Journal of Arak
University of medical sciences.4: 39-44 2005
13-M. Najafizadeh, N. Farhadi and Z. Karayev. Prevalency of hepatitis B with normal and elevated serum
alanine aminotransferase in a part of population in Azerbaijan Republic Journal of Clinical
Virology, Volume 36, Supplement 2, 2006, Page S64
14-N. Farhadi, M. Najafizadeh and Z. Karayev. Hepatitis C prevalence with normal serum alanine
aminotransferase in a cohort analytical study of population referred to Iranian Red Crescent clinic in
Azerbaijan Republic. Journal of Clinical Virology, Volume 36, Supplement 2, 2006, Page S107
15-Farhadi N. Molazem Z. Khosravi A. Zandighashghaee K."Effect of Position on Oxygen Saturation
".Journal of Yasouj University of medical sciences". 38: 59 -65, 2005
16- Farhadi N. Khosravi A."Systolic Blood Pressure Measurment by Pulse Oximetry and comparison with
Auscultatory Method. Journal of Yasouj University of medical sciences". 34: 31 -41, 2004
17- Ostuvar R. , Malekzadeh J.M. , Afshoon E. , Farhadi N. “A study on the attitude of general practioners
and health personal toward the referral system at the first level of offering medical services” Journal of
Yasouj University of medical sciences, 25 : 37-41, 2002
18-Farhadi N., Zandighashghaee K., Ostuvar R. “A study on the body temprature of patients following
abdominal surgeries” journal of Yasouj University of medical sciences, 24: 49-52, 2001
19-Farhadi N., Bahzadnejhad M. “The effects of endotracheal suction on blood pressure"journal of Yasouj
University of medical sciences 9-10 : 33-37, 1998
B. Book chapters
Meeker M.H. and Rothrock J.C. Alexander’s care of the patient in Surgery. Translated to Persian. Farhadi
N. Ostuvar R. Yasouj: Chavil co, 2003, Chapters: 1, 2, 4
4) Conference Presentations:
A. Poster presentations:
1-Farhadi Nasser, Oryan Shahrbano, Nabiouni Mohammad, Rahebi Ehsan. Surgical stress and melatonincytokines relationships.21st International Iranian congress of Physiology and Pharmacology. 23-27 Aug.
Tabriz, Iran
2- Farhadi N. Najafizadeh M. Karayev Z.TH 1 cytokine profiles in patients with hepatitis C relationship
together and to serologic inflammation parameters. Amesterdam-Netherlands. Sanquin Seminars 19-20
April 2007
3- Farhadi N. Najafizadeh M. Karayev Z.Liver echogenicity and inflammatory indicators relationship with
HCV antibody production in hepatitis C virus infected patients. Amesterdam-Netherlands Sanquin
Seminars 19-20 April 2007
4-M. Najafizadeh, N. Farhadi and Z. Karayev. Prevalency of hepatitis B with normal and elevated serum
alanine aminotransferase in a part of population in Azerbaijan. 12th ISVHLD (International symposium on
viral hepatitis and liver disease). Paris- France, July 1-5, 2006
5-N. Farhadi, M. Najafizadeh and Z. Karayev. Hepatitis C prevalence with normal serum alanine
aminotransferase in a cohort analytical study of population referred to Iranian Red Crescent clinic in
Azerbaijan Republic. 12th ISVHLD (International symposium on viral hepatitis and liver disease). ParisFrance, July 1-5, 2006
6- Farhadi N. Khosravi A."comparison between hand and foot pulse oximetery
with arterial blood gas
in oxygen saturation measurement in neonates". International symposium of MMDICM. 24 Sep 2005
Amsterdam- Netherlands. Academy of medical centre, physiology Dep.
7- Farhadi N. Khosravi A."Systolic Blood Pressure Measurment by Pulse Oximetry and comparison with
Auscultatory Method".International symposium of MMDICM 24 Sep 2005 Amsterdam-Netherlands.
Academy of medical centre, physiology Dep.
8- Farhadi N. , Khosravi A .“Effect of position on Oxygen saturation “
17th Annual Congress of ESICM 10-13 october 2004 ESICM Berlin- Germany
9- Zandighashghee K., Farhadi N., Mohamadi j., Akbari A. Predestination of paramedical school graduates
of Yasouj university of medical sciences until 2002 . First International Congress of Reforms & Change
Mangement in Medical Education. 29 Nov-1Dec 2003, Tehran- Iran
10- Zandighashghee K., Mohamadi j., Farhadi N., Salehi M. Application of Nursing Theoretical Subjects
from Occupying Opinion.. 29 Nov-1Dec 2003, Tehran- Iran.
11 - Zandighashghee K., Farhadi N. “A study on Information & Attitude of Students of Yasouj University
of medical sciences about AIDS on 2001. 9th overall Congress of Medical and Paramedical New and Health
Education, 16-18 June 2003 Isfahan – Iran.
12-Farhadi N. “Effect of Endotracheal Suctioning on Blood pressure“. overall congress of Nursing and
Midwifery of Neurologic disease, Shahed University, 7-8 March 1999 Tehran -Iran .
B. Oral Presentation
1-Farhadi Naser and Mohammadi Jamshid. Failure of physiological responses to surgical stress. 20th Iranian
congress of physiology and pharmacology.October 10-14 2011, Hamedan, Iran
2- Mohammadi Jamshid and Farhadi Naser Comparative evaluation of some medicinal plants extract in
rats. 20th Iranian congress of physiology and pharmacology.October 10-14 streptozotocin-induced diabetic
2011, Hamedan, Iran
3- Najafizadeh M. Farhadi N. Karayev Z." T-helper Cell Type 1 Responses in Hepatitis C Virus Infected
Patients: Normal and Elevated Aminotransferases Levels". 2nd ICAN, Liver Diseases 6-8 February 2007
Abu Dhabi-UAE
4– Farhadi N. and ostuvar R. “Inhalant Exposure- Another way to Induce latex Sensitivity in Operating
Room Staff ". First conference on occupational Health in operating Room, Army University of Medical
sciences, 20 May 2003.Tehran Iran
5 - Farhadi N. and Zandighashghaee K. “Surgical Smoke, An Occupational Risk for Operating Room Staff
“First conference on occupational Health in operating Room, Army University of Medical sciences 20
May 2003, Tehran Iran.