CURRICULUM POLO On-site Training for OFWs Massage Therapy NC II TECHNICAL EDUCATION AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY East Service Road, South Luzon Expressway, Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 1 of 39 CURRICULUM DESIGN FOR MASSAGE THERAPY NC II (HHCMAT206) The MASSAGE THERAPY NC II Qualification consists of competencies that a person must achieve to work within a holistic therapeutic massage framework, to promote healing, to alleviate pain and discomfort, to hasten recovery, to initiate relaxation and to improve the well-being of the client/patient. The Core Units of Competency comprising this Qualification include the following: HCS322318 HCS322319 HCS322320 HCS322321 HCS322322 Work within a holistic therapeutic massage framework Perform therapeutic massage assessment Plan the therapeutic massage treatment Implement therapeutic massage treatment Perform remedial therapeutic massage treatment A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be employed in any of the following positions: Massage Therapist Masseur/Masseuse Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 2 of 39 Enhanced Course Outline based on TESDA Training Regulations for Massage Therapy NC HHCMAT206 *Nominal Duration ENHANCED COURSE DESIGN Work within a holistic therapeutic massage framework (HCS322318) LO1. Demonstrate commitment to central philosophies of therapeutic massage practice LO2. Identify and describe the principles and practices of therapeutic massage LO3. Develop knowledge of complementary therapies LO4. Advocate therapeutic massage framework to the community LO5. Work within clinic and regulation guidelines Perform therapeutic massage assessment (HCS322319) LO1. Analyze and interpret assessment formation LO2. Inform the client’s / patients assessment result Plan the therapeutic massage treatment (HCS322320) LO1. Select the therapeutic principles relevant to determine treatment LO2. Discuss the treatment strategy with the client / patient Implement the therapeutic massage treatment (HCS322321) LO1. Manage the therapeutic massage treatment LO2. Apply the basic therapeutic massage techniques LO3. Advise the client / patient accordingly LO4. Review therapeutic massage treatment Perform remedial therapeutic massage (HCS322322) LO1. Select the remedial therapeutic massage principles to determine treatment strategy LO2. Discuss the modified treatment strategy with client/patient 46 hours Assist in the therapeutic massage clinic administration LO1. Assist in setting up a massage therapy clinic LO2. Assist in maintaining client satisfaction regarding clinic services Suggested Training Methods Lecture Group discussion Use of visual aids Role play 46 hours Lecture Group discussion Demonstration Role playing 46 hours Lecture Group discussion Role playing 300 hours Lecture Group discussion Demonstration Role playing 46 hours 40 hours Lecture Group discussion Demonstration Use of visual aids Health assessment checklist Lecture Group discussion Library search Case study CERTIFICATION Full Qualification The Massage Therapy NC II Qualification does not offer clustered competencies. 524 hours * Nominal Duration: is the suggested duration of the training which approximates the time that an average learner can acquire the competency. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 3 of 39 TRAINING DELIVERY The delivery of training should adhere to the design of the curriculum. Delivery should be guided by the principles of competency-based training. a) Course outline is based on competency standards/training regulations; b) Training delivery is learner-centered and should accommodate individualized and self-paced learning strategies; c) Training can be done on an actual workplace setting or on a simulated workplace; d) Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of the performance of work; e) Assessment of competency takes the trainee’s knowledge and attitude into account but requires evidence of actual performance of the competency as the primary source of evidence; f) Training program allows for recognition of prior learning (RPL) or current competencies; and g) Training completion is based on satisfactory performance of all specified competencies indicated in the progress chart. TRAINEE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Trainees or students should possess the following requirements: • Can communicate in Basic English either oral or written; and • Can perform basic mathematical computation. LIST OF TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS Recommended list of tools, equipment and materials are as follows: QTY 5 5 5 10 TOOLS Ultraviolet lamp Vibrator Heat packs and immersion baths Thermometer Sphygmomanometer /stethoscope QTY 1 1 1 5 EQUIPMENT Overhead projector White board Microphone Massage table: L = 1.8M W = 0.8M H = 0.7M QTY 10 30 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 5 10 MATERIALS Bath towels Face towels/hand towels Draw sheets Pillow (donuts) Pillow case Bed sheets Powder Oil Lotion Alcohol Basin Bathrobe Please refer to the notes in the TR where all tools, supplies and materials will be provided by the students and at least 1 set to be provided by the training center/institution for demonstration purposes. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 4 of 39 TRAINING FACILITIES Based on a class intake of 25 students/trainees and may vary depending on the number of students/trainee. TEACHING / LEARNING AREAS Laboratory Area Tool Room Learning Resources Area Wash Area/Comfort Room (male & female) Admin and Staff Room Circulation Area Spa Room with change room Total Workshop Area SIZE IN METERS 4X5 3X5 5X7 2.5 X 4 5X5 AREA IN S. METERS 20 15 35 10 25 5x5 25 QTY. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOTAL AREA IN SQ. METERS 20 15 35 10 25 30 25 205 TRAINER’S QUALIFICATIONS Trainers shall be required to be certified to the National Certificate for which qualification they will train. TESDA shall provide an online training on Plan Training Session and Facilitate Learning Sessions to the potential trainers.1 Minimum requirements: Holder of a National Certificate in the Qualification s/he will teach; and Has completed the following units of Trainer’s Methodology Level I: i. Plan Training Sessions; Identifying learner’s training requirements Prepare session plan Prepare instructional materials Prepare assessment instruments (Institutional) Organize learning and teaching resources ;and ii. Facilitate Learning Sessions Prepare training facilities /resources Conduct pre-assessment Facilitate training session Conduct competency assessment Review delivery of training session MEASUREMENT OF ACHIEVEMENT OF COMPETENCY Practical demonstration with oral questioning. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ASSESSMENT AND CERTIFICATION 1. Prior to competency assessment, please accomplish the Self-Assessment Guide (SAG) to determine readiness for assessment. 2. Submit accomplished SAG to POLO staff in- charge for advice (The training modules corresponding to the above units of Trainer’s Methodology can be accessed through the TESDANITESD website.) 1 Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 5 of 39 COMPETENCY-BASED CURRICULUM MASSAGE THERAPY NC II Full Qualification HCS322318 Work within a holistic therapeutic massage framework HCS322319 Perform therapeutic massage assessment HCS322320 Plan the therapeutic massage treatment HCS322321 Implement therapeutic massage treatment HCS322322 Perform remedial therapeutic massage treatment Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 6 of 39 UNIT OF COMPETENCY : WORK WITH A HOLISTIC THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE FRAMEWORK UNIT CODE : HCS322318 MODULE TITLE : WORKING WITHIN A HOLISTIC THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE FRAMEWORK MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to work effectively within a therapeutic massage framework. NOMINAL DURATION : 46 hours SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of this module, the students / trainees will be able to: LO1. Demonstrate commitment to central philosophies of therapeutic massage practice LO2. Identify and describe the principles and practices of therapeutic massage LO3. Develop knowledge of complementary therapies LO4. Advocate therapeutic massage framework to the community LO5. Work within clinic and regulation guidelines Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 7 of 39 LO1. DEMONSTRATE COMMITMENT TO CENTRAL PHILOSOPHIES OF THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE PRACTICES. ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Definition of massage and treatment is provided. 2. Massage principles are identified and explained 3. Practitioner draws on massage philosophy to interpret health issues CONTENTS: Effects of therapeutic massage on the body surface Sociology of health and the health care system Ethical issues in therapies OHS requirements in the workplace Understanding diseases and its major treatment Therapeutic massage – Qualitative, quantitative, cultural and traditional lines of evidence Communicating in group and one-on-one settings CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: EQUIPMENT OHP TV, LCD Massage Table TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Ultraviolet Lamp Heat Pacts Thermometer and BP Apparatus SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Pentel Pens Eraser Paper Oils, Powder Alcohol White Board White Board Marker LEARNING MATERIALS Handouts Texts and Medical Manuals METHODOLOGIES: Lecture Use of visual aids Role play ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written evaluation / paper and pen test Observation Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 8 of 39 LO 2. IDENTIFY AND DESCRIBE THE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Major methods of treatment used in therapeutic massage are identified and described 2. Additional complementary therapies used in therapeutic massage are identified and described 3. Massage assessment techniques are identified and described CONTENTS: Effects of therapeutic massage on the body surface Sociology of health and the health care system Ethical issues in therapies OHS requirements in the workplace Understanding diseases and its major treatment Therapeutic massage – Qualitative, quantitative, cultural and traditional lines of evidence Communicating in group and one-on-one settings CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: EQUIPMENT OHP TV / LCD Massage Table TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Ultraviolet Lamp Heat Pacts Thermometer And Bp Apparatus SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Pentel Pens Eraser Paper Oils, Powder Alcohol White Board White Board Marker LEARNING MATERIALS Handouts Textbooks Guidelines assessment form Audio-visual aids METHODOLOGIES: Lecture / group discussion Role playing ASSESSMENT METHODS: Oral and written evaluation / paper and pen test Observation Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 9 of 39 LO 3. DEVELOP KNOWLEDGE OF COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Information on other complementary therapies is provided 2. Similarities and differences between physiotherapy, osteopathy, chiropractic therapy and massage therapy are explained. 3. The characteristics between the allopathic and naturopathic approaches to treatment are described 4. Relationship between therapies is identified CONTENTS: Effects of therapeutic massage on the body surface Sociology of health and the health care system Ethical issues in therapies OHS requirements in the workplace Understanding diseases and its major treatment Therapeutic massage – Qualitative, quantitative, cultural and traditional lines of evidence Communicating in group and one-on-one settings CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: EQUIPMENT OHP TV / LCD Massage Table TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Ultraviolet Lamp Heat Pacts Thermometer And Bp Apparatus SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Pentel Pens Eraser Paper Oils, Powder Alcohol White Board White Board Marker LEARNING MATERIALS Handouts Textbook or any medical manuals METHODOLOGIES: Lecture/group discussion Role play ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written evaluation Paper and pen test Observation Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 10 of 39 LO 4. ADVOCATE THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE FRAMEWORK TO THE COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Practices and principles of therapeutic massage can be explained in an easily understood way and explained in a one-to-one group setting 2. Enquiries are clarified and appropriate information is provided 3. Requests for client / patient to bring relevant data to the consultation are made 4. Alternative sources of information / advice are discussed with the client / patient. CONTENTS: Effects of therapeutic massage on the body surface Sociology of health and the health care system Ethical issues in therapies OHS requirements in the workplace Understanding diseases and its major treatment Therapeutic massage – Qualitative, quantitative, cultural and traditional lines of evidence Communicating in group and one-on-one settings CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: EQUIPMENT OHP TV / LCD Massage Table TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Ultraviolet Lamp Heat Pacts Thermometer And Bp Apparatus SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS White Board White Board Marker Handouts LEARNING MATERIALS Handouts Facilities Operation Guidelines Major Services offered by the facility Other services offered by the facility METHODOLOGIES: Lecture/ group discussion Role play ASSESSMENT METHODS: Observation Paper and pen test Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 11 of 39 LO 5. WORK WITHIN CLINIC AND REGULATION GUIDELINES ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Clinic and regulation guidelines are accessed and followed 2. Legal and regulatory guidelines are accessed and followed 3. Relevant documentation are undertaken CONTENTS: Effects of therapeutic massage on the body surface Sociology of health and the health care system Ethical issues in therapies OHS requirements in the workplace Understanding diseases and its major treatment Therapeutic massage – Qualitative, quantitative, cultural and traditional lines of evidence Communicating in group and one-on-one settings CONDITIONS: The students/trainees must be provided the following: EQUIPMENT OHP TV / LCD Massage Table TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Ultraviolet Lamp Heat Pacts Thermometer And Bp Apparatus SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Pentel Pens Eraser Paper Oils, Powder Alcohol White Board White Board Marker LEARNING MATERIALS Handouts Legal and regulation manuals METHODOLOGIES: Lecture/group discussion Question and answer Role playing ASSESSMENT METHODS: Paper and pen test Observation Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 12 of 39 UNIT OF COMPETENCY : PERFORM THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE ASSESSMENT UNIT CODE : HCS322319 MODULE TITLE : PERFORMING THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE ASSESSMENT MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to interpret information gathered in the health assessment, make and review accurate assessment for basic massage treatment. NOMINAL DURATION : 46 hours SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of this module, the students / trainees will be able to: LO 1 Analyze and interpret assessment information. LO 2 Inform the clients/patients assessment result. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 13 of 39 LO 1. ANALYZE AND INTERPRET ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Results of the health assessment are correlated with case history. 2. Signs and symptoms of condition in the client /patient are recognized and identified as prerequisites or contra-indications for treatment/care. 3. Information gathered are assessed and assigned priorities in consultation with the client / patient using the knowledge and experience and theoretical principles applied by the practitioners. 4. Information is gathered, recorded and organized in a way which can be interpreted readily by other professionals 5. Body patterns are analyzed and differentiated by assessing signs and symptoms. CONTENTS: Signs and symptoms of disease and disorder / dysfunction Organization of the body Systems and regions of the body Skeletal musculature Biomechanics Structure and function of the articular system – classification of joints and types and ranges of motion Human physiology Structure and function of the nervous system Regional anatomy Structure and function of lymphatic system Structure and function of respiratory system Reproductive system Endocrine system Structure and function of the nervous system Structure and function of the immune system Structure and function of the cardiovascular system Pathology and symptomology Anatomy and physiology of the body systems Bone landmarks, structures and individual muscles through palpation Treatment indications, possible responses and contra-indications Accessing and interpreting up-to-date information Understanding methods of preparing treatment and management plans Correct preparations for specific treatment Ethical and legal implications of the practice of therapeutic massage Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 14 of 39 CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: EQUIPMENT OHP TV / LCD Massage Table TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Ultraviolet Lamp Heat Pacts Thermometer And Bp Apparatus SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Pentel Pens Eraser Paper Oils, Powder Alcohol White Board White Board Marker LEARNING MATERIALS Handouts Paper-based assessment form. Assessment record book. Medical record. Visual Aids Related textbooks CDs for related film show METHODOLOGIES: Lectures / group discussion Demonstration Role-playing ASSESSMENT METHODS: Return demonstration Oral and written examinations / paper and pen test Direct observation/ Interview Practical examination Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 15 of 39 LO 2. INFORM THE CLIENTS / PATIENTS ASSESSMENT RESULT ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Rationale for the treatment assessment is discussed with the client patient 2. Practitioner is able to respond to client / patient enquiries using language the client/ patient understands 3. Referral and collaborative options are discussed with the client / patient if necessary CONTENTS: Signs and symptoms of disease and disorder / dysfunction Organization of the body Systems and regions of the body Skeletal musculature Biomechanics Structure and function of the articular system – classification of joints and types and ranges of motion Human physiology Structure and function of the nervous system Regional anatomy Structure and function of lymphatic system Structure and function of respiratory system Reproductive system Endocrine system Structure and function of the nervous system Structure and function of the immune system Structure and function of the cardiovascular system Pathology and symptomology CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: EQUIPMENT OHP TV / LCD Massage Table TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Ultraviolet Lamp Heat Pacts Thermometer And Bp Apparatus SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Pentel Pens Eraser Paper Oils, Powder Alcohol White Board White Board Marker LEARNING MATERIALS Related textbooks Handouts Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 16 of 39 METHODOLOGIES: Lecture / discussion Demonstration ASSESSMENT METHODS: Return demonstration Oral & written evaluation / paper and pen test Observation Practical examination Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 17 of 39 UNIT OF COMPETENCY : PLAN THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE TREATMENT UNIT CODE : HCS322320 MODULE TITLE : PLANNING THE THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE TREATMENT MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to interpret information gathered in the health assessment, make and review accurate assessment for basic massage treatment. NOMINAL DURATION : 46 hours SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of this module, the students / trainees will be able to: LO 1. Select the therapeutic principles relevant to determine treatment. LO 2: Discuss the treatment strategy with the client / patient. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 18 of 39 LO1 SELECT THE THERAPEUTIC PRINCIPLES RELEVANT TO DETERMINE TREATMENT ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Appropriate therapeutic principles of treatment are determined according to assessment of client / patient and within the skills of competence of the practitioner 2. Contra-indications to treatment and possible complicating factors are ascertained and treatment strategy used is modified according to therapeutic massage principles 3. Treatment appropriate to the client / patient’s condition is selected and supported on the basis of established therapeutic massage practice. CONTENTS Organization of the body Systems and regions of the body Functions of major muscle groups Classification of joints and types and ranges of motion Structure and function of the articular system – classification of joints and types and ranges of motion Fundamental human physiology Structure and function of the nervous system Pathology and symptomology Massage techniques - Passive joints movement techniques - Passive soft tissue movement - Gliding techniques - Transverse gliding - Cross over stroke - Kneading - Friction techniques - Compressive techniques Pestrissage Temperature therapy Stretching techniques Basic assessment procedures and options Applying basic assessment techniques Common medical terminology Transcribe assessment findings and treatment in a patient history Environmental physiology and the effects of drugs on the individual Time Management Ethical and legal implications of enquiry and treatment Ethical and legal implications of the practice of therapeutic massage Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 19 of 39 CONDITIONS Students/trainees must be provided with the following: EQUIPMENT OHP TV / LCD Massage Table TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Ultraviolet Lamp Heat Pacts Thermometer And Bp Apparatus SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Pentel Pens Eraser Paper Oils, Powder Alcohol White Board White Board Marker LEARNING MATERIALS Handouts METHODOLOGIES Lecture/group discussion Role Playing ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written examination / paper and pen test Observation Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 20 of 39 LO 2. DISCUSS THE TREATMENT STRATEGY WITH THE CLIENT / PATIENT ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Sufficient time is allocated to conclude sessions at a pace appropriate to the client/patient 2. Client / patient compliance is negotiated 3. Any perceived risks of the client / patient’s condition and treatment are explained 4. The responsibilities of practitioner and client / patient within the treatment plan are discussed. CONTENTS: Organization of the body Systems and regions of the body Functions of major muscle groups Skeletal musculature Classification of joints and types and ranges of motion Structure and function of the articular system – classification of joints and types and ranges of motion Fundamental human physiology Structure and function of the nervous system Pathology and symptomologoly Reproduction as it relates to therapeutic massage Basic assessment procedures and options Applying basic assessment techniques Common medical terminology Transcribe assessment findings and treatment in a patient history Environmental physiology and the effects of drugs on the individual Time Management Ethical and legal implications of enquiry and treatment Ethical and legal implications of the practice of therapeutic massage CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: EQUIPMENT OHP TV / LCD Massage Table TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Ultraviolet Lamp Heat Pacts Thermometer And Bp Apparatus SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Pentel Pens Eraser Paper White Board White Board Marker LEARNING MATERIALS Textbook & manuals on Massage Therapy Visual Aids on Anatomy & Physiology Sample medical reports for case study Handouts Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 21 of 39 METHODOLOGIES: Lecture/group discussion Role play ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written examination / paper and pen test Observation Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 22 of 39 UNIT OF COMPETENCY : IMPLEMENT THE THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE TREATMENT UNIT CODE : HCS322321 MODULE TITLE : IMPLEMENTING THE THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE TREATMENT MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to work effectively within a therapeutic massage framework. NOMINAL DURATION : 300 hours SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the students / trainees will be able to: LO 1: Manage the therapeutic massage treatment LO 2: Apply the basic therapeutic massage techniques LO 3: Advise the client / patient accordingly LO 4: Review therapeutic massage treatment Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 23 of 39 LO 1. MANAGE THE THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE TREATMENT ASSESSMENT CRITERIA 1. Factors which may interfere with the effectiveness of the treatment are explained. 2. The mode of administration and management of the treatment of the client / patient is explained. 3. Client / patient is requested to monitor reactions and contact practitioner. 4. Consent for treatment is ensured. 5. Client / patient is draped to expose only the part of the body being worked on. 6. The therapeutic massage is provided according to the treatment plan. 7. Reactions to treatment are recognized and promptly responded to if necessary 8. Time, location, and content of future sessions are clearly explained to the client / patient 9. Recommendations are fully documented. CONTENTS: Organization of the body Systems and regions of the body Functions of major muscle groups Skeletal musculature Classification of joints and types and ranges of motion Structure and function of the articular system – classification of joints and types and ranges of motion Fundamental human physiology Structure and function of the nervous system Pathology and symptomology Reproduction as it relates to therapeutic massage Common medical terminology Massage techniques - Passive joints movement techniques - Passive soft tissue movement - Gliding techniques - Transverse gliding - Cross over stroke - Kneading - Friction techniques - Compressive techniques - Pestrissage - Temperature therapy Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 24 of 39 CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: EQUIPMENT OHP TV / LCD Video player (VHS/VCD) TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Stethoscope Sphygmomanometer Bed or massage table Adult dummy SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Pentel Pens Eraser Paper Bath blanket White Board White Board Marker LEARNING MATERIALS Handouts Audio visual aids Consent forms Medical record. Relevant books METHODOLOGIES: Lecture/ group discussion Role play ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written examination / paper and pen test Observation Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 25 of 39 LO 2. APPLY THE BASIC THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE TECHNIQUES ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Proper or correct therapeutic massage techniques is applied or administered according to plan. 2. Procedure is well explained to the client according to the degree of understanding and language used. 3. Correct body mechanics is applied or observed according to proper body mechanics. 4. Reactions to treatment are identified and promptly responded according to patient’s verbalization. CONTENTS: Types of therapeutic massage techniques and their indications. Client bill of rights ( right of information) Proper body mechanics Organization of the body Systems and regions of the body Functions of major muscle groups Skeletal musculature Classification of joints and types and ranges of motion Structure and function of the articular system – classification of joints and types and ranges of motion Fundamental human physiology Structure and function of the nervous system Pathology and symptomology Reproduction as it relates to therapeutic massage Common medical terminology Massage techniques - Passive joints movement techniques - Passive soft tissue movement - Gliding techniques - Transverse gliding - Cross over stroke - Kneading - Friction techniques - Compressive techniques - Pestrissage - Temperature therapy - Stretching techniques Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 26 of 39 CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: EQUIPMENT OHP TV / LCD Massage Table Equipped clinic or laboratory TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Ultraviolet Lamp Heat Pacts Thermometer and Bp Apparatus Adult dummy SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Pentel Pens Eraser Paper White Board White Board Marker Oils, Powder Alcohol Tissue paper Screen Towel Hand towel Bath blanket Soap LEARNING MATERIALS Handouts Relevant textbook Audio visual aids or CD METHODOLOGIES: Lectures/discussion Demonstration Role play ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written examination / paper and pen test Return demonstration Observation Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 27 of 39 LO 3. ADVISE THE CLIENT / PATIENT ACCORDINGLY ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Client /patient queries are answered with clarity, using the appropriate language. 2. Honesty and integrity are used when explaining treatment plans and recommendations to the client / patient. 3. Appropriate interpersonal skills are used when explaining treatment plans and recommendations to the client / patient. 4. Client /patient independence and responsibility in treatment are promoted wherever possible. CONTENTS: Organization of the body Systems and regions of the body Functions of major muscle groups Skeletal musculature Classification of joints and types and ranges of motion Structure and function of the articular system – classification of joints and types and ranges of motion Fundamental human physiology Structure and function of the nervous system Pathology and symptomology Reproduction as it relates to therapeutic massage Common medical terminology Massage techniques - Passive joints movement techniques - Passive soft tissue movement - Gliding techniques - Transverse gliding - Cross over stroke - Kneading - Friction techniques - Compressive techniques - Pestrissage - Temperature therapy - Stretching techniques Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 28 of 39 CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: EQUIPMENT OHP TV / LCD Massage Table TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Ultraviolet Lamp Heat Pacts Thermometer and Bp Apparatus SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Pentel Pens Eraser Paper Oils, Powder Alcohol White Board White Board Marker LEARNING MATERIALS Handouts METHODOLOGIES: Lecture/discussion Demonstration Role play ASSESSMENT METHODS: Paper and pen test Observation Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 29 of 39 LO 4. REVIEW THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE TREATMENT ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Progress is evaluated with the client / patient Effects of previous treatment are identified and recorded. Previous treatment plan is reviewed based on medical record. Need for ongoing and/or additional treatment is evaluated based on client / patient assessment. 5. Changes to the plan are negotiated with the client / patient to ensure optimal outcomes. 1. 2. 3. 4. CONTENTS: Purpose of massage therapy Alternatives treatment to massage therapy Effects and side-effects of massage therapy Organization of the body Systems and regions of the body Functions of major muscle groups Skeletal musculature Classification of joints and types and ranges of motion Structure and function of the articular system – classification of joints and types and ranges of motion Fundamental human physiology Structure and function of the nervous system Pathology and symptomology Reproduction as it relates to therapeutic massage Common medical terminology Massage techniques - Passive joints movement techniques - Passive soft tissue movement - Gliding techniques - Transverse gliding - Cross over stroke - Kneading - Friction techniques - Compressive techniques - Pestrissage - Temperature therapy - Stretching techniques Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 30 of 39 CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: EQUIPMENT OHP TV / LCD Massage Table Simulated place or laboratory LEARNING MATERIALS Relevant textbooks CD Handouts SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Pentel Pens Eraser Paper White Board White Board Marker METHODOLOGIES: Lecture / group discussion Role play ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written examination / paper and pen test Direct observation Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 31 of 39 UNIT OF COMPETENCY : PERFORM REMEDIAL THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE TREATMENT UNIT CODE : HCS322322 MODULE TITLE : PERFORMING REMEDIAL THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE TREATMENT MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to prepare remedial therapeutic massage treatment of a client / patient and negotiate a treatment management plan. NOMINAL DURATION : 46 hours SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of this module, the students / trainees will be able to: LO 1: Select the remedial therapeutic massage principles to determine treatment strategy. LO 2: Discuss the modified treatment strategy with client / patient. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 32 of 39 LO 1. SELECT THE REMEDIAL THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE PRINCIPLES TO DETERMINE TREATMENT STRATEGY ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Appropriate remedial therapeutic massage principles of treatment are determined according to assessment of client / patient and within the skills of competence of the practitioner. 2. Contra-indications to treatment and possible complicating factors are ascertained and treatment strategy used is modified according to massage principles 3. Treatment, information, and advice provided by other health care professionals is taken into consideration in determining the strategy to be used in treatment. 4. Treatment strategy appropriate to the client / patient’s condition is selected and supported on the basis of established therapeutic massage practice 5. Specific treatment options take into consideration possible client / patient compliance issues 6. An appropriate package of therapeutic massage techniques is selected 7. Client / patient constitution is considered in selecting treatment CONTENTS: Organization of the body Systems and regions of the body Functions of major muscle groups Classification of joints and types and ranges of motion Fundamental human physiology Reproductive system Structure and function of the immune system Reactions and contraindications for therapeutic massage Ethical and legal implications of enquiry and treatment Pathology and symptomology Reproduction as it relates to therapeutic massage Common medical terminology Reading medical reports Transcribing assessment findings and treatment in a patient history using accepted medical terminology Use of equipment and technology effectively and safely Myofascial release Therapeutic Massage techniques - Passive soft tissue movement - Gliding techniques - Deep tissue therapeutic massage techniques Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 33 of 39 CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: EQUIPMENT OHP TV / LCD Massage Table LEARNING MATERIALS Handouts Current medical history. Medical videos Medical Manuals Patients/clients compliance Muscle Man SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Pentel Pens Eraser Paper White Board White Board Marker METHODOLOGIES: Lecture/discussion Demonstration Case study Use of visual aids Health assessment checklist ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written examination / paper and pen test: pre-test, post-test Return demonstration Observation Practical examination Interview Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 34 of 39 LO 2. DISCUSS THE MODIFIED TREATMENT STRATEGY WITH CLIENT/ PATIENT ASSESSMENT CRITERIA; 1. Sufficient time is allocated to conclude sessions at a pace appropriate to the client / patient. 2. Treatment strategy is discussed accordingly to the client / patient’s needs 3. Client / patient compliance is negotiated. 4. Discrepancies between the practitioner’s and the client/patient’s perception of the condition are clarified. 5. Any perceived risks of the client / patient’s condition and treatment are explained. 6. Responsibilities of practitioner and client / patient within the treatment plan are discussed. 7. Management of selected treatment in relation to any other current therapies is negotiated. 8. Treatment evaluation strategies are discussed. CONTENTS: Organization of the body Systems and regions of the body Functions of major muscle groups Classification of joints and types and ranges of motion Fundamental human physiology Reproductive system Structure and function of the immune system Reactions and contraindications for therapeutic massage Ethical and legal implications of enquiry and treatment Pathology and symptomology Reproduction as it relates to therapeutic massage Common medical terminology Reading medical reports Transcribing assessment findings and treatment in a patient history using accepted medical terminology Use of equipment and technology effectively and safely Myofascial release Therapeutic Massage techniques - Passive soft tissue movement - Gliding techniques - Deep tissue therapeutic massage techniques Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 35 of 39 CONDITIONS: Students/trainees must be provided with the following: EQUIPMENT OHP TV / LCD Massage Table Ultraviolet Lamp Vibrator TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Stethoscope Thermometer sphygmomanometer Heat packs SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS Pentel Pens Eraser Paper Massage Oils/lotion Alcohol Powder Oil burner Mask Bathrobe/gown White Board White Board Marker LEARNING MATERIALS Handouts Medical textbooks and manuals Current medical history Visual aids on anatomy and physiology METHODOLOGIES: Lecture/group discussion Demonstration Case study Use of visual aids ASSESSMENT METHODS: Written examination / paper and pen test: pre-test, post-test Return demonstration Interview Observation Practical examination Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 36 of 39 UNIT OF COMPETENCY : ASSIST IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE CLINIC MODULE TITLE : ASSISTING IN THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE CLINIC MODULE DESCRIPTOR : This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to assist in the management and operation of a small scale therapeutic massage clinic. NOMINAL DURATION : 40 hours SUMMARY OF LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the students / trainees will be able to: LO 1: Assist in setting up a massage therapy clinic. LO 2: Assist in maintaining client satisfaction regarding clinic services Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 37 of 39 LO 1: ASSIST IN SETTING UP A MASSAGE THERAPY CLINIC ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Clinical plans is formulated based on needs /requirements of clients 2. Mission, direction and target clients of clinic practice is identified. 3. Resources, equipment, furniture and supplies requirements are identified according to industry standard and specifications. 4. Business plans are prepared according to type of business. 5. Marketing strategies are identified and followed based on current trends. 6. Staffing requirements and selection criteria are defined based on company policies. CONTENT: Business Plan Clinical plans and practices Forms and sources of finance Financial management Service offered and corresponding service fees Basic planning and control systems Legal and regulatory aspects of small business Time management skills Social networking skills Self Awareness skills Standards of Practice for the Therapeutic Massage Practitioners CONDITIONS: The student / trainees should be provided with the following: EQUIPMENT Overhead projector White / black board Microphone MATERIALS Pen, Paper Pental pen / marker Eraser Index cards Accounting book Hand outs METHODOLOGIES: Lecture-discussion Library search Case study ASSESSMENT METHODS: Paper and pen test Practical examination Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 38 of 39 LO 2: ASSIST IN MAINTAINING CLIENT SATISFACTION REGARDING CLINIC SERVICES ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: 1. Advocacy and marketing strategies are followed 2. Continuous improvement system is participated 3. Patient-feedback system is implemented. CONTENT Clinic services Basic bookkeeping Service fees/dues Marketing strategies Time management skills Social networking skills Self Awareness skills Code of Ethics for the Therapeutic Massage Practitioners CONDITIONS: The student / trainees should be provided with the following: EQUIPMENT Overhead projector White / black board Microphone MATERIALS Pen, Paper Pental pen / marker Eraser Index cards Accounting book Hand outs METHODOLOGIES: Lecture-discussion Demonstration Library search Case study ASSESSMENT METHODS: Return demonstration Paper and pen test Practical examination Technical Education and Skills Development Authority Page 39 of 39