
Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio LIFE OF CHRIST



C hristian

I nternational

S chool of

T heology

Member: Asia Pacific Theological Association (APTA) www.cistonline.org

Compiled by:

Dr. Edwin M. Gregorio www.cistonline.org - 09102008


LIFE OF CHRIST Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio









LESSON ONE: The Greatest Man and the Greatest Story


1. God never makes a ________________ that he will not keep, but God’s promises come with

______________________; he will deliver if we ______________.

2. The word “gospel” means the good _______________; the word “Christ” means the

_________________ one; the word “Jesus” means _________________ saves and in the Old

Testament, the name Jesus was pronounced _____________________.

3. Hebrews 1:5: “For unto which of the ________________ said he at __________ time, Thou art my

____________; this day have I ______________ thee.”

4. Hebrews 4:15: “For we have not an high ___________________ which cannot be touched with the

________________ of our _____________________; but was in all points ____________________ like as we are, yet without ___________________.

5. Only _______________ can forgive the sins of man and since _________________ could

___________________ sins, he was ______________ in the flesh as well as the son of


TRUE FALSE (Check the correct answer)

1. Jesus was once Michael the archangel T F

2. Mary, the mother of Christ, was a virgin forever T F

3. T he word “gospel” means “good news” T F

4. Islam is a true religion because Mohammed was a true prophet of God T F

5. The Ethiopian eunuch in Acts eight confessed Christ as the son of God T F

6. Christianity is based on the fact that Jesus is God in the flesh T F

7. Jesus is called the son of man 189 times in the New Testament T F

8. The seed of Abraham is Jesus T F

9. We date our calendars from the birth of Christ T F

10. Christ had power on earth to forgive sins T F

11. We can trust Mohammed as our true prophet T F

12. The common language in the New Testament day was Koinè Greek T F

MULTIPLE CHOICE (Circle the correct answer)

1. As part of the “fullness of time, the Greeks provided

A roads B A worldwide language C The rule of law

2. As part of the “fullness of time”, the Medes and Persians provided

A Roads B The rule of law C A worldwide language

3. As part of the “fullness of time”, the Romans provided

A A worldwide language B

4. In the New Testament, Jesus is called

Roads C The rule of law

A The son of God B The son of man C The Messiah D The Christ E All of these

5. Jesus was the most important person who ever lived because

A He was God in the flesh B The Jews hated him C He was first Michael the archangel in heaven

LESSON TWO: How will we study the life of Christ? www.cistonline.org - 09102008


LIFE OF CHRIST Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio

MULTIPLE CHOICE (Circle the correct answer)

1. The name “Palestine” means

A one of the seven hills of Rome B Philistine Land

2. The two Philistine seacoast cit i es mentioned were

C Jordan

A Ascalon and Gaza B Tyre and Sidon C Ptolemais and Joppa

3. Jesus became the son of God

A When he died B When he was begotten in Mary’s womb C When he ascended

4. The land of Palestine could easily fit

A Between Valdosta and Macon, GA B Between Seattle, WA, and Washington DC C

Between Canada and the US

5. How many cities named “Caesarea” are mentioned in the New Testament?

A Fifteen B Four C Two


1. Isaiah 7:14: “Behold, the ___________________ himself shall give you a sign; behold a

___________________ shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name


2. Galatians 3:27: “For as many of you as have been _________________ into____________ have put on Christ.”

3. The Idumeans were a combination of the bloodlines of ________________ and the

_____________ who conquered them.

4. Besides Judea and Samaria, the other three provinces are G ________________________,

D _______________________ and P _____________________

5. John 3:16: “For _________________- so ______________________ the world that he gave his only ___________________ son, that whosoever believeth in him ___________________ not

__________________ but have everlasting life.”

LESSON THREE: More information about Jesus, the Christ

TRUE FALSE (Check the correct answer)

1. The three wise men visited Jesus in the manger T F

2. Jesus lived to be between thirty three and thirty four years of age T F

3. All of the apostles were killed by the Jews and Romans T F

4. Jesus was born in Nazareth T F

5. Jesus never went out of the land of Palestine T F

6. Jesus had three periods of work in the region of Galilee T F

7. When Jesus died on the cross, he took away the old law to establish the new T F

8. Jesus was fifteen years of age when he went to the temple with his parents T F

9. The apostles could perform miracles T F

10. The apostles could pass on the miraculous gifts to first century Christians T F

11. There are 40 writers of the New Testament T F

12. Two of the writers of the New Testament were human brothers of Jesus T F

13. The week of Jesus’ crucifixion is called the Passion Week T F

14. The apostles received both the authority and miraculous measures of the Holy Spirit T F

15. There are no apostles alive today and no miracles being done today T F

LESSON FOUR: The sermon on the mount

MULTIPLE CHOICE (Circle the correct answer)

1. Matthew wrote his account of the sermon on the mount A By collecting pieces of information B At one time C In the night time

2. Christ is the fulfillment of A the law of Moses B The Old Testament C Both of these.

3. Fasting is A Running rapidly B Doing without food to diet C Doing without food for a spiritual purpose. www.cistonline.org - 09102008


LIFE OF CHRIST Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio

4. Concerning fasting, A We are commanded not to fast B Fasting is not commanded, but regulated C

We are commanded to fast

5. The Lord’s Prayer is also called A The disciples’ prayer B The model prayer C Both of these

6. “Alms” is A Money given for the poor B The upper part of our hands C Guns

7. “Mammon” is A The old Canaanite god of money B Used by Christ as something we cannot serve C

Both of these

8. If a preacher teaches something not in the Bible he is A Wrong B A false teacher C Will be lost D All of these

9. The “Golden Rule” is A Well-known B Seldom practiced C Both of these

10. The “narrow gate” leads to A Life eternal B Hell C A tight fit


1. The word “peace” means ________________________ my ______________ in

______________________ with God’s will

2. Christians improve our world by being ___________________ and ___________________ and

____________________. __________________ ________________________.

3. Romans 15:4: “For whatsoever things were ___________________ aforetime were written for our

____________________, that we through ______________________ and ____________________ of the scriptures might have ____________________ _.”

4. As Christians, we are judged by our _______________________, as well as by our


5. People cannot get a _______________________ unless there is _______________________ and when fornication is not present, when they ______________________, they commit


6. Romans 12:18: “If it be __________________________, as much as lieth in your, live

_______________________ with all men.”

7. Matthew 6:33: “But seek ye _____________________ the _______________________ of God and his ___________________________ and all these ____________________ shall be added unto you.”

8. It’s easy to give ourselves over to ________________, the _____________ gate, but those who go through that ____________________ will pay the price in __________________.

9. When we __________________ the _____________________, we will be rewarded with____________________.

10. The _____________________ and ______________________ spirit will listen to the

__________________________ of the ___________________ and do them.

11. Matthew 7:21: “Not every one that saieth unto me, Lord, Lord, shall ____________________ into the _________________ of __________________, but he that _______________ the

__________________ of my ____________________ which is in heaven .”

12. Matthew 7:12: “There all _______________________ whatsoever ye would that _____________ should do to you, do ye even so to _____________________.”

13. Matthew 7:24: “There whosoever ___________________ these ________________ of mine and ___________________ them, I will liken him unto a _________________ man which built his house upon a _________________________.

14. Matthew 5:8 “_______________________ are the _________________ in _______________, for they shall see ___________________.”

15. Matthew 5:27, 28: “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shall no commit

_________________________, but I say unto, That __________________ looked on a

____________________ to _____________________ after her hath committed _______________ with h er already in his _____________________.”

TRUE FALSE (Check the correct answer)

1. God knows what we need, but we still need to pray for it T F

2. Christians should let our money be the guiding thing in our lives T F

3. Christians should let everyone know when we help the poor T F

4. Christians should pray not to be glorified by men T F www.cistonline.org - 09102008


LIFE OF CHRIST Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio

5. Christians keep their word because they are Christians T F

6. A person has to commit adultery before he’s guilty T F

7. When Jesus prayed the Lord’s prayer, the kingdom had not come yet T F

8. Moses fasted for 40 days without bread or water T F

9. God does not hear our prayers T F

10. Jesus nailed the Old Testament to the cross T F

11. We can play and cut up in church T F

12. Christians can’t judge, but we can be fruit inspectors T F

13. If a preacher teaches something not in the Bible, he only hurts himself T F

14. The key to Christian living is seeking the kingdom of God first in our lives T F

15. A single eye is a clear eye; an evil eye is a foggy eye T F

16. “Blessed” means “happy” T F

17. Peacemakers are those who have obeyed the gospel T F

18. We build our “spiritual houses” by knowing the truth and obeying the truth T F

19. People can get divorced for any reason they want T F

20. People can only get divorced because of fornication T F

END www.cistonline.org - 09102008


Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio LIFE OF CHRIST



C hristian

I nternational

S chool of

T heology

Member: Asia Pacific Theological Association (APTA) www.cistonline.org

Compiled by:

Dr. Edwin M. Gregorio www.cistonline.org - 09102008


LIFE OF CHRIST Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio









MULTIPLE CHOICE (Circle the correct answer)

1. A parable is A An illustration of truth B A story wrapped around a truth C Both of these

2. The greatest man who ever lived was A Julius Caesar B Solomon C John the Baptist

3. John the Baptist in the spirit of A Elisha B Elijah C Herod

4. John the Baptist was never A A Roman B A Jew C A Christian

5. Jesus taught in parables because A The people were not ready for the whole truth B The Pharisees would hear parables better C The apostles asked for parables

6. A “tare” is A A rip in a coat B A weed C Good seed

7. The path between farmers’ fields was called A The fence row B The outer limits of a field C the way side

8. The kingdom of heaven is A Not yet come B Never going to be on earth C The church

9. Jesus told the parable of the sower from A The riverbank B A ship C Jerusalem

10. The kingdom was established A In Matthew 14 B In Genesis 1 C In Acts 2

MATCH THE POINTS OF THE PARABLE (Put the correct letter in the blank)

_____ The parable of the sower A Teach the Bible and it will grow in the hearts of men

_____ The parable of the tares

_____ The parable of the grain of

_____ The parable of the leaven

B if the Bible teaches it, that settles it, believe and obey it

C “Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven mustard seed

D The church of Jesus is more precious than fine gold

_____ The parable of treasure found E The only way the world is going to be changed is in a field

_____ The parable of the precious pearl by Christians teaching the word of God

F Live the gospel so you can receive the benefits of the gospel

TRUE FALSE (Check the correct answer)

1. All the Jews accepted Jesus as their Messiah T ____ F ____

2. John the Baptist was the first Christian T ____ F ____

3. Jesus’ first recorded parable was the parable of the sower T ____ F ____

4. Jesus is going to judge people in his kingdom and some will be lost T ____ F_

5. The word “kingdom” appears in Acts 2 T ____ F ____



1. 2 Corinthians 5:10: “We must ________________ appear before the ____________________ seat of ________________; that _______ one may receive the things done in his __________________, according to that he hath done, whether it be ________________ or ____________________.”

2. Matthew 18:35: “So likewise shall my heavenly _______________________ do also unto you, if ye from _________________________ forgive _________________ his __________________ their trespasses.”

3. Revelation 2:9a: “I know thy _______________________ and ________________________ and

_____________________ (but thou art ___________________).

4. Hebrews 9:27: “And as it is ____________________ to men once to ____________________, but after this the ____________________________.” www.cistonline.org - 09102008


LIFE OF CHRIST Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio

5. Mark 16:16: “He that ________________________ and is __________________________ shall be

___________________ _______.”

MATCH THE POINTS OF THE PARABLE (Put the correct letter in the blank)

_____ The parable of the fisherman’s net A So likewise shall my heavenly father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive

_____ The parable of two men who owed money

_____ The parable of the unmerciful servant

_____ The parable of the good Samaritan not every one his brother their trespasses

B You can be religious, but if you don’t practice it, it’s worthless

C Money means nothing if it is not used for


D Learn the truth, become a Christian, live a

_____ The parable of the rich fool

Christian life and die faithful to Christ

E Jesus forgives a rank sinner or an occasional sinner when they believe, repent of their sins and obey him

TRUE FALSE (Check the correct answer)

1. The phrase “end of the world” refers to the final judgment day T ____ F ____

2. Jesus forgives the sins of churchgoers

3. Jesus forgives the sins of rank sinners

4. Jesus does not forgive the sin of prostitution

5. A pence (penny) is about a day’s wage

T ____ F ____

T ____ F ____

T ____ F ____

T ____ F ____

6. Covetousness is idolatry

7. Parables teach truth in story form

T ____ F ____

T ____ F ____

8. The Jews hated the Samaritans T ____ F ____

9. Washing feet was a courtesy to guests in the New Testament days T ____ F_

10. A person will only really die once


T ____ F ____

MATCH THE POINTS OF THE PARABLE (Put the correct letter in the blank)

_____ The parable of the servants who waited for their Lord

_____ The parable of the barren fig tree

A The sheep was lost, knew he was lost but didn’t know how to get back home

B They that wait on the Lord shall renew their

_____ The parable of the lost coin

_____ The parable of the lost sheep

_____ The parable of the lost son strength, they shall mount up with wings of eagles

C The lost son was lost, knew he was lost, knew what to do about it and did it

D Work for the night is coming, when no man can work

E The coin was lost, but did not know it was lost

TRUE FALSE (Check the correct answer)

1. Without Christ, everyone is lost T ____ F ____

2. A good shepherd will let a lost sheep be on its own

3. In the New Testament, weddings lasted for several days

T ____ F ____

T ____ F ____

4. God is always waiting for sinners to repent T ____ F ____

5. Ten pieces of silver in the New Testament was worth about $5.00 T ____ F ____


FILL IN THE BLANKS www.cistonline.org - 09102008


LIFE OF CHRIST Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio

1. Luke 19:26: “And besides all this, between us and your there is a great __________________ fixed, so that they which would _______________ from hence to you _________________; neither can they pass to ___________, that would come from thence.”

2. Revelation 6:10: “How _________________, 0 Lord, holy and ___________________ dost thou not

__________________________ and _________________ our __________________ on them that

__________________ on the earth.”

3. In regards to our money, we may have a ___________________ or we may have a

___________________-- whatever we have, we must be ______________________ with it.

4. The ___________________ said, “God, be _______________________ to me, a


5. Sometimes __________________ in the world are _____________________ than Christians are in

_________________ of the world.

MATCH THE POINTS OF THE PARABLE (Put the correct letter in the blank)

_____ The parable of the dishonest steward A Never stop praying to God because he will help in his own due time

_____ The account of the rich man and Lazarus B The last shall be first and the first last

_____ The parable of the unjust judge C Never turn down a piece of good financial

_____ The parable of the Pharisee and Publican

_____ The parable of the workers in the vineyard

_____ The parable of the pounds

TRUE FALSE (Check the correct answer)

1. Hell is a real place and full of flaming torments

2. A steward is a person who cooks beef stew

3. Pharisees were tax collectors in the New Testament day advice from a sinner

D Obey what the Bible teaches before you die

E Work and grow

F Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and he shall lift you up

T ____ F ____

T ____ F ____

T ____ F ____

4. People who become Christians late in life will be saved less than people who become Christians early in life T ____ F ____

5. We can buy our salvation with money T ____ F ____


MULTIPLE CHOICE (Circle the correct answer)

1. As settings for his parables, Jesus used A Wedding feasts B Vineyards C Nature D All of these

2. In the New Testament day, a talent was worth about A $5,280 B A day’s wage C $150.00

3. In the judgment day, all people will be divided into A Male and female B Black and white C Sheep and goats

4. Of the ten virgins, five were called foolish because A They did not have enough oil for their lamps B

They were unprepared C All of these

5. The message of the last three parables of Jesus is A Listen well B Be prepared for the coming of the Lord C Pray that the judgment day never comes

MATCH THE POINTS OF THE PARABLE (Put the correct letter in the blank)

_____ The parable of the two sons A Do not replace the word of God with our

_____ The parable of the vineyard own opinions

B Being unprepared for judgment day is the

_____ The parable of the marriage feast most foolish thing a person can do

C Not everyone that says unto me, Lord,

Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven www.cistonline.org - 09102008



_____ The parable of the ten virgins

_____ The parable of the talents

_____ The parable of the sheep and goats


Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio

D In our service for the Lord, use what you have, not what you don’t have

E Judgment day is coming

F People are ready for the judgment only when they hear the gospel call and answer it www.cistonline.org - 09102008


Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio LIFE OF CHRIST



C hristian

I nternational

S chool of

T heology

Member: Asia Pacific Theological Association (APTA) www.cistonline.org

Compiled by:

Dr. Edwin M. Gregorio www.cistonline.org - 09102008


LIFE OF CHRIST Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio









Multiple choice (Circle the correct answer)

1. Samaria was located A To the south of Jerusalem B To the north of Jerusalem C Below


2. Truth is defined as A That which is and it can be nothing else B The Bible C Both of these

3. We are “born again” A By the Holy Spirit through the word B By ourselves C By the doctrine of our church

4. The Samaritans wanted to worship God A In Jerusalem B On Mount Gerizim C Anywhere they wanted

5. God is A A spirit B Unknown to man C A creation of man

Fill in the blanks

1. Christians today want to, and ________________ to, be ______________________________ and undenominational but the only way this can happen is to be _________________________.

2. 1 Peter 1:23: “Being ___________________ again, not of corruptible _________________, but of

__ _______________________, by the _______________ of God which liveth and abideth forever.”

3. Titus 3:5, “But after that the ______________________ and __________________ of God our

Saviour toward _________________ appeared, not by _______________ of righteousness which we have done, but according to his ____________________ he saved us, by the __________________ of ___________________________ and ____________________ of the Holy Ghost.”

4. In our ___________________ today, ______________________ is the audience and not we ourselves.

5. ____________________________ Christianity is what we’re aiming to ___________________ in our day and age.

True false (Check the correct answer)

1. Christians are to worship God by the doctrines of a denomination T ____ F ____

2. Christians are to worship God according to what he revealed in the Bible T ____ F ____

3. The teachings of Christ are the very heart of Christianity T ____ F ____

4. No Protestant church is older than the 1500's T ____ F ____

5. The Bible feeds us with spiritual nourishment T ____ F ____


Multiple choice (Circle the correct answer)

1. Jesus grew up in A Bethel B Nazareth C Jerusalem

2. God holds every single person who has ever been born accountable for their A Sins B Actions C

Thoughts D All of these

3. Jesus says our worship consists of A Spirit and truth B Television rallies C Healings

4. The day which nobody will miss is A The judgment day B The second coming of Christ C Both of these

5. Jesus told the disciples that among those who would hate them would be A Their own families B

The Jews C Both of these www.cistonline.org - 09102008



Match the “lessons learned”

_____ Teaching where he grew up

Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio

_____ Instructions to the apostles

_____ Speaking against certain cities

A “Preach the word; be instant in season and out of season”

B Truth is truth even when preached in our home towns

C The Bible says it; that settles; we believe and obey it

D People who love themselves sometimes find it hard _____ Teaching after healing the sick man to love Jesus and obey him.

Multiple choice (Circle the correct answer)

1. In the “limited commission”, the disciples were to A Go into all the world B Go just to the Gentiles C

Go to the Jews only.

2. The teachings of Jesus are based upon A The wisdom of the ages B The love of God C The fact that Jesus was only a good man

3. A person “passes from death unto life” when he is A Baptized B Born again C Both of these

4. Jesus’ earthly ministry lasted for A Six years B Three and one half years C Forever

5. The number of the apostles was A Fourteen B Three C Twelve

True false (Check the correct answer)

1. Jesus was born in Nazareth T ____ F ____

2. The sick man in John 5 was healed immediately by Jesus T ____ F ____

3. We know where and when all twelve apostles died T ____ F ____

4. Salvation is only through the name of Jesus, the son of God T ____ F ____

5. We know exactly where Sodom was located T ____ F ____


Match the “lessons learned”

_____ Plucking corn on the sabbath

_____ Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit



Eat well from the Bible and never go on a diet

The New Testament must be preached and

_____ Jesus is the bread of life practiced

C Watch your mouth and your heart

Multiple choice (Circle the correct answer)

1. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit A Is saying that the works of Jesus were the works of the devil B

Could happen only in Jesus’ day C Never did happen

2. The Jews rejected the commandment of God A So they could keep their own tradition B Because they hated Jesus C Both of these

3. Idle words are A Jokes B Words spoken against the teachings of Jesus and the New Testament C

Words spoken by people who are lazy

4. Christianity is not a religion of the stomach, but of the A Body B Family C Soul

5. Jesus’ “eating” his flesh and “drinking” his blood refers to A The Lor d’s supper B Christian

Cannibalism C Jesus’ family

6. Christians take the Lord’s Supper A Only on the first day of the week B Whenever they want to C

Twice a year

Fill in the blanks

1. Mark 7:9, “Full well ye ____________________ the _______________________ of God that ye may keep your own ______________________.”

2. 1 Peter 2:2, “As _____________________ babes, desire the sincere __________________ of the

______________________, that ye may ___________________ thereby.”

3. Acts 20:7, “And upon the ___________________ day of the week, _____________ the disciples came together to ________________ _____________________....”

4. Today some people call the Lord’s Supper the E_______________________. www.cistonline.org - 09102008


LIFE OF CHRIST Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio

5. Hebrews 5:12,13, “For when for the time ye ought to be ___________________, ye have need that one teach you again which be the _______________ principles of the oracles of God; and are become as have need of ___________________ and not of strong __________________.


True false (Check the correct answer)

1. Christianity should only be based upon our feelings T ____ F ____

2. Angels are ministering spirits to the heirs of salvation T ____ F ____

3. The two witnesses of Revelation 11 are Moses and Elijah T ____ F ____

4. Christians do not have to forgive anyone, just be forgiven by God T ____ F__

5. Christians do not have to pay taxes T ____ F ____

6. Sin cannot come into the church T ____ F ____

7. Christians have to forgive in order to be forgiven T ____ F ____

8. The disciples plucked grain on Saturday (the sabbath) T ____ F ____

9. On the Mount of Transfiguration Moses represented the prophets and Elijah represented the law T ____ F ____

10. The Bible proves definitely that children have guardian angels T ____ F ____

Multiple choice (Circle the correct answer)

1. The Mount of Transfiguration is important because A It is a fulfillment of Zechariah 14 B It shows that the New Testament was to replace the Old Testament C Both of these

2. The thing which defiles a person’s heart is A When we do not wash our hands B Sin C Eating high cholesterol foods

3. On the Mount of Transfiguration, Moses and Elijah represented A The Old and New Testaments B

The law and the prophets C The ten commandments

4. Some of the things which can condemn our souls are A The doctrines of men B Our feelings C The devil D All of these

5. The word “transfigured” means A Taking a trip B Changed C Sin

Fill in the blanks

1. Matthew 15:9, “But in ________________- they do __________________ me, teaching for

___________________ the commandme nts of __________________.”

2. Mark 12:17, “Render unto ______________________ the things that are Caesar’s and unto

_________________ the things that are God’s.”

3. 2 Peter 3:9, “The _______________is not slack concerning his _______________________, but is longsuffering to usward, not willing that any should _____________________ but that all should come to ____________________________.”

4. Matthew 15:13, “Every ________________ which my heavenly father hath not planted shall be

___________________ up.”


Match the “lessons learned”

_____ Teachings in marriage and divorce

_____ Judging righteous judgment

_____ Adultery; questions; teaching to

A We can’t undo Bible judgment

B Ye shall know the truth

C If we want to go to heaven, we’d better do believing

Jews what Jesus says

True False (Check the correct answer)

1. Today, the Holy Spirit teaches things different from the Bible’s teachings T____ F_____

2. The miracles of Jesus proved he was from God T____ F_____

3. When a person learns the truth and still continues to sin, he is still bound T____ F_____

4. The only cause for divorce is fornication, according to Jesus’ teachings T____ F_____

5. If we do not obey Jesus, we love the devil and walk in darkness T____ F_____ www.cistonline.org - 09102008


LIFE OF CHRIST Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio

Multiple choice (Circle the correct answer)

1. What Jesus said to the woman taken in adultery was: A “Shame on you” B “Where is the man?” C

“Go and sin no more”

2. People today argue with the Bible because A They believe it was written by men C They don’t want to believe the Bible C They don’t have a Bible

3. The doctrine of Jesus and the teachings of the Holy Spirit were from A Themselves B The Jews C


4. God’s plan for marriage is A One man, one wife, for life B Divorce can be granted for any cause C

People do not have to get married

5. When it comes to judgment, Christians A Cannot be harshly critical of others B Can judge righteous judgment C Both of these


Fill in the blanks

1. The first temple in Jerusalem was built by King ______________________, the second was built by

___________________________ and the temple in Jesus’ day was built by

______________________ the Great.

2. Acts 10:34: “God is no ______________________ of persons, but in every nation he that

________________________ him and _____________________ righteousness is accepted with him.”

3. Luke 21:20: “And when ye shall see _____________________ compassed with

____________________, then know that the _______________________ thereof is nigh”

4. People who claim to be in the ______________________-, but who _______________ teach things not in the ________________ are ____________________, thieves and ________________.

5. Jereusalem was destroyed in AD ____________ by the ________________ armies under the leadership of General _________________.

True false (Check the correct answer)

1. The great tribulation happened in the first century T____ F_____

2. The rich young ruler did not obey the law of Moses T____ F_____

3. The prophet Daniel’s abomination of desolation will happen in 2006 T____ F_____

4. H ypocrites don’t listen to people who tell them the truth T____ F_____

5. The gospel was preached to every creature in the first century T____ F_____

6. In the New Testament, religious people thought if a person had money,

God was blessing him in a special way T____ F_____

7. Religious people can still be hypocrites T____ F_____

8. God blesses those who obey him, regardless of whether we have money T____ F_____

9. Jesus always keeps his word T____ F_____

10. Jesus will return to this earth in the year 2004 T____ F_____


Multiple choice (Circle the correct answer)

1. The disciple who betrayed Jesus was A Peter B Judas C Nathaniel

2. To show the lesson of humility, Jesus A Upbraided the disciples B Prayed for them C Washed their feet

3. The “branches” in John 15 refer to A People B Churches C Angels

4. The way, the truth and the life is A Mohammed B The Pope C Jesus

5. The “disciple whom Jesus loved” was A John B Peter C Andrew

6. The disciple who handled the money for the group was A Bartholomew B Simon C Judas

7. You can always tell a “religious” person from a real Christians by A How much money he gives B

How he loves his brother C How many times a week he goes to church

8. The “Comforter” is A The Holy Spirit B The Paraclete C Both of these

9. The Holy Spirit comforts us A Through the word of God B By our feelings C By our church by-laws www.cistonline.org - 09102008


LIFE OF CHRIST Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio

10. The “new commandment” Jesus gave was to A Love one another B Flee the devil C Give money

Fill in the blanks

1. 1 Corinthians 13:13, “And now abideth __________________, hope, _________________, these three; but the ____________________ of these is charity.”

2. _________________ is defined as “making my will God’s will” and the only way we cn do that is to

______________ what the Bible teaches and ________________it.

3. Only _______________, through Jesus, can answer ____________________.

4. Faithful ___________________ will go to heaven, but ______

_________________________________ people and __________________ Christians will be lost.

5. God, through the Holy ______________________ inspired the _______________ and the Bible brings us _________________ and the _________________ is the way the Holy Spirit works in



True False (Check the correct answer)

1. The New Testament was originally written in English T____ F_____

2. God used the Holy Spirit to inspire and produce the Bible T____ F_____

3. Miracles were performed by the Holy Spirit in New Testament days T____ F_____

4. Miracles are not done today because we the complete word of God T____ F_____

5. The gospel was preached to every creature in the first century T____ F_____

6. The gospel has never been preached to everybody T____ F_____

7. Christians show they are Christians by loving one another T____ F_____

8. Religious divisions are okay today, but were not in the first century T____ F_____

9. Christians who are united in Christ will go to heaven T____ F_____

10. Christians today can unite on the word of God T____ F_____

11. There is only one church of the Bible T____ F_____

12. The words, Comforter and Paraclete, both refer to the Holy Spirit T____ F_____

13. The Holy Spirit works today through our feelings T____ F_____

14. There were thirty-seven gifts of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament days T____ F_____

15. The devil is a liar and a murderer T____ F_____

16. When people today do not obey the Bible, they serve the devil T____ F_____

17. The Lord’s prayer is found in Revelation 1 T____ F_____


Match the Great Commission accounts

_____ Matthew 28:18-20 A “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved”

_____ Mark 16:15,16

_____ Luke 24:46-49

_____ John 20:22,23

B “Repentance and remission of sins shall be preached beginning at


C “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the so n and the Holy Ghost.”

D “Receive ye the Holy Ghost”

True false (Check the correct answer)

1. People who believe, repent and are baptized will be saved T____ F_____

2. “Power” and “authority” mean the same thing T____ F_____

3. Peopl e who believe will be saved and don’t have to be baptized T____ F_____

4. Matthew’s account of the Great Commission was given in Galilee T____ F_____

5. The New Testament was confirmed by miracles of the Holy Spirit T____ F_____

6. We are called by a church to be Christians and not by the gospel T____ F_____

7. After people are baptized, they are to be taught further T____ F_____ end www.cistonline.org - 09102008


Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio LIFE OF CHRIST



C hristian

I nternational

S chool of

T heology

Member: Asia Pacific Theological Association (APTA) www.cistonline.org

Compiled by:

Dr. Edwin M. Gregorio www.cistonline.org - 09102008


LIFE OF CHRIST Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio










True false (Check the correct answer)

1. Miracles in the New Testament days happened immediately T ____ F ____

2. Miracles in the New Testament days were also done by the apostles T ____ F ____

3. Jesus turned water into wine in the city of Tyre T ____ F ____

4. Demons are different from devils T ____ F ____

5. Demons, devils and unclean spirits refer to the same thing T ____ F ____

6. Leprosy is an incurable disease T ____ F ____

7. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were never part of the twelve tribes of Israel T ____ F ____

8. Armadillos carry the disease of leprosy naturally T ____ F ____

9. A Roman centurion commanded 250 soldiers T ____ F ____

10. In the New Testament, the word “wine” means several kinds of grape juice T ____ F ____

11. The apostle Peter was the first Roman Catholic pope T ____ F ____

12. People today can do miracles just like Jesus did T ____ F ____

13. Miracles were done to cause faith in people who saw them T ____ F ____

14. You can see miracles done on television today T ____ F ____

15. In Revelation 7, Dan and Ephraim are the two tribes left out of the list T ____ F ____

Match the lessons learned with the miracle done

_____ Turning the water into wine

_____ Healing the nobleman’s son



Jesus had power over hell

Jesus could do miracles from afar off as well as

_____ Catching many fish

_____ Curing a man possessed of devils

_____ Jesus heals a centurion’s servant

_____ Jesus cures Peter’s mother in law

_____ Jesus heals a leper close up

C The gospel is for all men who obey the truth

D Jesus was obedient to his parents

E Jesus had power over incurable diseases

F Jesus had power over nature

G Jesus did miracles because of his love and concern for people

H Jesus had power over physical illness _____ Jesus heals a widow’s son


Fill in the blanks

1. Faith is _______________ in God that he will _________________ his __________________.

2. Jesus doesn’t approve of _______________________, feelings or ______________________ that against the ______________________ of the _____________________.

3. Jesus’ _________________ were for the purpose of showing that he was ______________ in the


4. People today who _______________ to be able to cast out devils have __________________ cast them into a _______________ of any kind of __________________.

5. Only ______________, the ___________________________ and first century ________________ could cast out ___________________.

True false (Check the correct answer) www.cistonline.org - 09102008


LIFE OF CHRIST Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio

1, Churches who don’t do what the Bible teaches are still right T ____ F ____

2. The devils in hell believe in God T ____ F ____

3. The people of Gadara are also called Nazarenes T ____ F ____

4. Jesus owned a house in Capernaum T ____ F ____

5. The word “wist” means to “know” T ____ F ____


Multiple choice (Circle the correct answer)

1. How many baskets of leftovers did the disciples have when Jesus fed the 5000? A 8 B 4 C 12

2. The word “Ephphatha” means A Open up B Close up C Bethlehem

3. How many baskets of leftovers did the disciples have when Jesus fed the 4000? A 8 B 12 C 4 D 7

4. The demon whom the disciples could not cast out could only be cast out by A Jesus B Prayer and fasting C Both of these

5. When we have religious beliefs today, they must come from A Our churches

B The Bible C Our feelings D Our opinions

Match the lessons learned with the miracles done

_____ Healing another demon-possessed person A Sometimes today we need to ask the

Lord’s blessings more than once

_____ Jesus feeds over 5000 people

_____ Jesus heals a Canaanite woman’s daughter

_____ Jesus heals a deaf and dumb man




Trust in God that he will keep his promises

Anything Jesus did was well done

The Bible teaches something, that settles it

_____ Jesus feeds over 4000 people

_____ Jesus cures a devil-possessed boy and we believe it

E Jesus sometimes did and taught the same thing over and over

F Jesus did miracles sometimes because of his compassionate love for the people

True false (Check the correct answer

1. Beelzebub is mentioned four times in the Old Testament T ____ F ____

2. Jesus was to go to the Jews first with the gospel T ____ F ____

3. Demons could not kill people they possessed T ____ F ____

4. It is okay to call a preacher “Reverend” T ____ F ____

5. The ability to cast out demons in the New Testament was a gift of God through the Holy Spirit T ____ F ____


Multiple choice (Circle the correct answer)

1. The worst kinds of thinking are: A Religious hatred and prejudice B Democrat and Republican C

Good and evil

2. The sabbath day is A Our Sunday B Our Monday C Our Saturday

3. The disease of “dropsy” is A Clumsiness B Paralysis C When the body retains fluids

4. When we pray, God A Always answers our prayers B Answers our prayers like he wants to C Both of these

5. How many miles is Bethany from Jerusalem? A 5 B 2 C 10

Match the lessons learned with the miracle done

_____ Jesus heals a man born blind

_____ Jesus heals the lame woman



It is right to teach the truth any day of the week

Religious people will always have a

_____ Jesus heals the man of dropsy

_____ Jesus cleanses ten lepers problem with the truth if it goes against their religious beliefs

C People are responsible for their own sins

D Jesus was human and could cry www.cistonline.org - 09102008



_____ Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead

Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio

_____ Jesus heals two blind men

_____ Jesus curses the fig tree

E Ingratitude is a nasty thing to practice

F Christians must bear fruit spiritually or die eternally

G Don’t let anyone stop you from doing what is right and good

Fill in the blanks

1. Ezekiel 18:20, “The ______________ that __________________, it shall die; the __________ shall not bear the ___________________ of the __________________, neither the father the


2. We must always do what is __________________ no matter what it __________________ us.

3. In the New Testament days, people believed that if a person was sick, ___________ was

____________________ them for some ___________ they had committed.

4. Prayer is a __________________ given by God to people who ________________ believe.

5. When people get a _________________ idea in their heads that is _________ taught in the

________________, they’ll usually go with their ______________ thinking rather than what

_______________ says and this is the __________________ working in them.

True false (Check the correct answer)

1. God punishes children for sins their parents had done T ____ F ____

2. God punishes each of us for our own sins we have done T ____ F ____

3. It took four days for Jesus to do miracles T ____ F ____

4. God is a murderer T ____ F ____

5. God seeks people to worship him in the right way T ____ F ____

6. Lazarus was buried in the ground for a week T ____ F ____

7. Jesus wept T ____ F ____

8. Lazarus wrote a book about his time in the tomb T ____ F ____

9. Jesus healed a blind man named Bartimaeus T ____ F ____

10. Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a white Arabian stallion T ____ F ____


Fill in the blanks

1. John 18:10, “Then Simon _________________ having a _________________, drew it and smote the high priest’s _____________________ and cut off his __________ ear. The servant’s name was


2. When interpreting the Bible , take _________________ the scriptures on a subject, then draw your

______________________ based on ___________ the scriptures on that subject, then do not let your

____________________ go against any of the scriptures and then _____________ others what your conclusion is.

3. Acts 20:7, “And upon the ___________________ day of the week, when the disciples came together to break ______________ __, Paul preached unto them....”

4. If churches have the time to give their _________________ every ________________ day of the week, why can’t they use the same ____________________ to take the Lord’s _______________ every first day of the ________________________?

5. The Lord’s Supper is composed of _____________________ which reminds Christians of the body of ________________ and of ____________________ juice which reminds Christians of the saving

_____________________ of Jesus.

Match the lessons we have learned from a study of the miracles

_____ A miracle is when God... A Power over all natural things

_____ The primary purpose of miracles.... B There is no more need for miracles today

_____ Another purpose of miracles was to.... C Power over Satan and the devils in hell

_____ Now that all God’s word has been spoken from Heaven.... D Confirm the word spoken by the apostles first century Christians and www.cistonline.org - 09102008



_____ Miracles done in the New Testament were....

_____ The miracles of Jesus showed his...

_____ The miracles of Jesus showed his... afflicted

_____ The miracles of Jesus showed his...

_____ The miracles of Jesus always.... end

Compiled by Dr. E.M. Gregorio

E Stops the natural course of things

F Was to bring about faith in God and faith in Jesus

G Love for people who were

H Proved his point to his disciples

I Instant and did not require a long period of time to develop www.cistonline.org - 09102008

