Berkshire County Regional Employment Board FY2010 Workforce Strategy 1. To ensure that youth and the emergent workforce have the academic and core competencies required by employers (Pipeline) 2. To enhance the effectiveness of the workforce system to align and coordinate resources/services, engage partners, and connect job seekers to high-demand, high-growth jobs (Skills Gap) 3. To position the workforce system to support and align with regional business retention, expansion and job creation efforts (System) GOAL 1: Enhance the Youth Pipeline Ensuring that youth and the emergent workforce have the academic and core competencies required by employers OBJECTIVE ACTION STEPS DELIVERABLES Accountable Resources Needed Status as of 11/2009 Connect youth to work based learning programs Implement Connecting Activities internship program 275 youth placed in internships 750 youth participate in job shadow/career day/STEM activities Youth Council $75,000 – DESE $37,500 (2 hrs/youth x 750 youth x $25/hr for mentors) – in-kind schools $95,000 STEM Pipeline 125 youth placed in internships 365 youth participated in STEM career fair (40 companies) Develop/expand work readiness program in all 12 high schools Develop basic guidelines for schools Recruit schools to participate Work readiness guidelines Sample curriculum developed, if needed # of students participating in the program Youth Council Berkshire Chamber $5,000 Berkshire Bank $5,000 Greylock Credit Union Committee formed Students surveyed Employers surveyed Curriculum researched Convening with superintendents Implement Jobs4Youth campaign Increase # of youth in summer employment Increase # of youth working by 5% (currently 70) Increase # of businesses providing work experience by 5% Youth Council Berkshire Works 65 youth in ARRA 40 youth in Youth Works 13 youth in BYRN/ARRA Recruited 80 companies Strengthen Reconnect Center Maintain Reconnect Center to provide options for youth who drop out of school Youth Council Berkshire Community Action Council $75,000 (BCAC grants & local resources) Evaluation Committee 68 ACTIVE cases (FY10): 22 enrolled in GED 14 obtained GED 16 employed 6 enrolled in post-secondary & training # youth go back to school # youth enter training # youth receive GED # youth employed Evaluation of Program GOAL 2: Close the skills gap To enhance the effectiveness of the workforce system to align and coordinate resources/services, engage partners, and connect job seekers to high-demand, high-growth jobs OBJECTIVE ACTION STEPS Accountable Resources Needed DELIVERABLES Status as of 11/2009 Keep community partners informed of workforce trends and labor market information Conduct needs assessment, research & development Convene training providers to identify areas for potential collaboration Annual labor market fact sheet Updated Workforce Blueprint BCREB Workforce Committee LMI research and development started Collaborate with secondary and postsecondary school systems to develop workforce initiatives that create pipeline of workers Gather internship information from colleges and vocational programs Review current academic offerings; conduct GAP analysis Convene industry meetings for health, manufacturing, retail, education, and travel/tourism Overview of college internships List of recommendations for academic offerings Apply for grant opportunities to enhance/develop curriculum BCREB Berkshire Compact Colleges Vocational programs Community Based organizations $100,000 implementation grant 75% colleges submitted information Convened with South Berkshire Education Collaborative Convened with MCLA Lifelong Learning Convened with BCC Business & Industry division Convened with healthcare orgs Develop/enhance sector training programs Evaluate Applied Manufacturing WCTF grant Evaluate Pathways out of Poverty grant Conduct Non-profit study Convene Green Jobs/Clean Energy companies Research/apply for industry sector grant 125 peopled trained in manufacturing 25 people trained in clean energy sector Non-profit study complete Receipt of training dollars BCREB Evaluation Committee BCREB Workforce Committee Berkshire Chamber Berkshire Compact Goal to obtain $200,000 implementation grant Non-profit study conducted Reduce nursing and allied health staffing shortages Attract, train and retain healthcare employees Implement CNA training Implement LPN/technician training Implement RN training Research/apply for industry sector grant Evaluate Project HEALTH Number of people trained in programs Increase retention rate Reduction in job vacancy rate # of grants secured 125 people trained in Project HEALTH BCREB Healthcare Task Force Goal to obtain $200,00 for healthcare implementation grant Task Force convened Applied for grant Implemented LPN program for 12 students at Sweetbrook Attract, train and retain school-based administration and educators Increase # of highly qualified school based staff (administrators and teachers); Increase retention rate of school-basedstaff Establish Berkshire Readiness Center Connect educators to community # of highly qualified schoolbased-staff School-based-staff retention rate Provide quality professional development opportunities for educators # of teachers in Externships Berkshire Compact BCREB Youth Council BCREB Executive Committee $50,000 readiness project Information gathering process GOAL 3: Enhance the Workforce System To position the workforce system to support and align with regional business retention, expansion and job creation efforts OBJECTIVE ACTION STEPS Accountable Resources Needed DELIVERABLES Status as of 11/2009 Increase effectiveness and visibility of the BCREB and workforce system Promote work of the BCREB through media Engage private sector leaders Develop solid marketing plan Increase number of media hits Convene with 24 new employers 10 presentations to business organizations Active participation on Berkshire Compact, Berkshire Chamber, Berkshire Economic Development Corporation, and Berkshire Visitors Bureau Quality assurance and continuous improvement of the regional public workforce system Develop/implement community evaluation tool - internal Evaluate all workforce programs – external Accountable to Berkshire Compact 360 degree evaluation of BCREB conducted Evaluate all workforce development programs Quarterly updates provided to Compact members Assessment (on-line Chamber) BCREB Evaluation Committee 7 programs evaluated to date Identify and apply for funding opportunities Increase resources for region # grants applied for New resources BCREB Executive Committee Applied for: Service Learning Grant Green Pathways grant Healthcare Pathways Healthcare skills grant Maintain effective collaborative partnerships Develop workforce development strategies that support regional economic development efforts Create clear roles and responsibilities of workforce and economic development partners Identify gaps, overlap and opportunities for improving alignment and synergy BCREB integrated into Compact, BEDC and Chamber strategic plans Complete Memorandum of Agreements with partner organizations BCREB Executive Committee Attended Compact and BEDC meetings BCREB Marketing Committee # articles # radio/television 80% participation rate 32 articles 2 radio/television Convened with 5 new employers 3 public presentations Attended Compact, Chamber, and BEDC meetings