Name: ______________________ Partner: ________________________ Date: _______________ SNC 1P- Static Electricity and the Pithball Electroscope Background Information In class we have been learning about the atom, laws of electric charge and static electricity. Can you remember what part of the atom can move? What about the laws of electric charge? What type of charging occurs when two insulators rub together? What part of the atom moves? ____________________________ Laws of Electric Charge: 1. 2. 3. 4. When two insulators rub together charging by ____________________ occurs. When an object becomes charged by friction, it can then charge other objects by touching them. We call this type of charging, charging by contact. In today’s lab you and your partner will use a pithball electroscope to investigate how charging by contact occurs and draw diagrams to explain your observations. Purpose: To investigate how a pithball responds to a charged ebonite rod. Materials: __ Pithball electroscope ___ Ebonite rod ___ fur Procedure: ___ ___ 1. Place a check mark in the space provided as you complete each step of the lab ___ 3. Carefully + gently touch the pithball (do not pull on it) with your hand to ground any surplus 2. Obtain your equipment and find a place on the lab benches to work charges. This leaves the pithball neutral. ___ 4. Place the neutral ebonite rod near the neutral pithball What happened? (Observation) * use a full sentence* ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ___ 5. Next, rub the ebonite rod on the fur for 30 seconds. Place it near the pithball. Record your immediate observations. What happened? (Observation) * use a full sentence* ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ___ 6. Pull the ebonite rod away and then bring it into contact with the pithball. Record your observations. What happened? (Observation) * use a full sentence* ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ___ 7. Pull the ebonite rod away and then bring it back toward the pithball. The result should now be different from the result in step #6. What happened? (Observation) * use a full sentence* ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Discussion Questions 1. Read your observation for Step 4. State the Law of Electric Charge that explains this observation. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. When the ebonite rod was rubbed on the fur what type of charging occurred? _________________ 3. Using the electrostatic series, determine what material has a stronger hold on electrons. Stronger hold on electrons: ___________________________________ 4. After rubbing, what was the final charge on each object: a) Final charge on Ebonite Rod:_______________________ b) Final charge on Fur: _____________________________ 5. Use the shapes below to show the final charges on the fur and ebonite rod after being rubbed together. Ebonite Rod Fur 6. Read your observation for Step 5. State the Law of Electric Charge that explains this observation. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 7. Read your observation for Step 6. State the Law of Electric Charge that explains this observation. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. When the ____________________(charge on ebonite rod) ebonite rod touches the neutral pithball the pithball becomes _________________________ (final charge on pithball). 9. Use the shapes below to show what happened when the charged ebonite rod touched the neutral pithball. Use arrows to show the movement of charge. Charged Ebonite Rod Neutral Pithball Marking Scheme Sections Level 1 Minimal requirements are met Level 2 Some of the requirements are met Level 3 Most of the requirements are met Level 4 All of the requirements are met Weight Inquiry Observations are linked to Laws of Electric Charge (questions 1, 6, 7) Charging by Friction - understanding demonstrated clearly (questions 2-5) Charging by Contact - understanding demonstrated clearly (questions 8 + 9) /3 /6 /4 /13 Overall Inquiry Communication Background Information section is completed with details Observations are recorded in full sentences Diagrams are clear and show charges evenly distributed /2 /3 /2 /7 Overall Communication LAB MARK /20