Class (Grade Level): 10th Photosynthesis Lab—Sara Eick Time Length: 60 minutes “BIG IDEA” for LEARNERS “How do humans gain energy from food? “ Organisms obtain and store energy for biological processes (photosynthesis and cellular respiration) LESSON OVERVIEW The lesson starts with engaging in something they are all familiar with, candy. This is a way to contextualize the lesson for the students by linking photosynthesis with something familiar. Students will then be take part in a lab that will show them the process of photosynthesis by using leaf disks and baking soda as a carbon source. Also, by having students work in groups it will help them in the scientific discourse. The main focus of this lesson is scientific sense making with the students. It gives students an opportunity to practice speaking and using the academic language of biology. They can use the terms in regards to a scientific discourse activity. Furthermore, it helps support their literacy and language acquisitions by having them hear, read, write and speak. After a short class discussion and review of photosynthesis, students will do the leaf disk activity. The leaf disks will be placed in a bicarbonate solution (carbon source) and be exposed to a light source (the sun). Students will monitor time for 15 minutes and record how many disks are floating at each interval. Following the lab there will be a class discussion on what happened during the lab. Students will change groups and think pair share about the lab procedure and share their observations. During the group activity, students will be given a poster board where they will create a compare/contrast graph or illustration of their observations and the variables that were tested. These groups will then be asked quickly present their information. A whole class discussion will be held about what evidence they saw that supports the idea that photosynthesis occurred. The teacher will then have students finish their lap write ups in the next class period. STANDARDS Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) HS LS1 5 Use a model to illustrate how photosynthesis transforms light energy into stored chemical energy. Arizona Science Standards S4-C5-PO1 Compare the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration in terms of energy flow, reactants, and products. Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards (Literacy in Social Sciences, Sciences, and Technical Subjects) 9-10.RST.4. Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 9–10 texts and topics. 9-10.WHST.1. Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content. LESSON LEARNING OBJECTIVE AND ASSESSMENT Students will be able to explain photosynthesis via evidence based inquiry by preforming “leaf disk” experiment. Students will demonstrate their understanding of photosynthesis by conducting “Leaf Disk Lab” with different variables to infer based on evidence the process of photosynthesis. They will then do a lab write up the will be critiqued based upon rubric. SCIENTIFIC PRACTICES AND ASSOCIATED LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS SCIENTIFIC PRACTICE(S) Planning and carrying out investigations Analyzing and Interpreting Data Obtaining, Evaluating and Communicating Data Scientific Explanation RECEPTIVE LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS Comprehend descriptions of variables and resources Read and follow investigative plan Interpret questions from others about the data Read or listen to obtain scientific information from diverse sources including lab or equipment manuals, oral and written presentations of other students, Internet materials, textbooks, science oriented trade books and science press articles PRODUCTIVE LANGUAGE FUNCTIONS Make predictions Describe observations Respond to question by amplifying explanations Communicate (orally and in writing) ideas, concepts, and information related to scientific information. KEY VOCABULARY [List both key content and inquiry vocabulary] Photosynthesis Energy Carbon Dioxide Glucose/Sugar Light Dependent Light Independent ATP NADHP Chloroplast Hypothesis Independent/Dependent Variables MATERIALS Copies of lab packet that include: lab procedure, questions, data tables, writing prompts and blank graphing paper Baking Soda Leaf Samples 50 ml beakers Light Sources Clamps Timers 20 cc syringes Hole punchers Markers Pipets RESOURCES PREREQUISITE KNOWLEDGE Students will have learned about the different organelles of plant and animal cells. Students have been introduced to the process of cellular respiration. Students will recall their lesson on the process of photosynthesis. Lab procedures and safety. TEACHING PROCEDURES AND ANNOTATED SSTELLA PRACTICES Engagement As students walk into the room they will be given a piece of candy. There will be a warm up question on the board: What is your favorite kind SSTELLA Practices The teacher helps the students by relating the process of photosynthesis to a piece of candy that contains sugar of candy? What happens to you after you eat it? Why do you think so? The students will have 1 to 2 minutes to think or write down their answers. The teacher ask students to share out their responses. The teacher will remind students of the Big Idea of “How do we get energy from food?” The students will be then asked simply “How does our food make its own food?” (How do autotrophs make their own energy?) Another brief class discussion will follow. The previous day’s homework, was for students to bring a type of leaf from home that will be used in the lab for the day and ask them to get out their samples. This was a way to make photosynthesis more relatable to the students by showing them that the process occurs all around them, even in their own backyards. If there are students that did not bring any in, the teacher will provide it for the lab. The teacher will do a brief overview of photosynthesis chemical reaction. The teacher will then have students watch a brief video of photosynthesis to review before lab. Also, ask them to keep in mind the idea of energy. As a transition, the students will be asked if they have enough energy from the candy to do a lab. (contextualization). The teacher asks students to participate in class by engaging with them in a guided discussion. If needed the teacher will adapt the questions in response to how the students answer. 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy --> 6O2 + C6H12O6 The teacher will then scaffold the lab procedures with the students by having modeling and going over the instructions. Also, ask for “Thumbs up/down” on their understanding of instructions. There will be a handout with simple step by step instructions with illustrations. Students will be placed in groups and given tasks to perform. Exploration Students will have been briefed on the lab at the end of last class period. The previous days task given at the end of class was for students to bring in a “sample” leaf from home or surrounding The teacher is having students investigate the process of photosynthesis by observing the leaf disks in baking soda solution (sense making). area. Students will be told to get into their lab groups. Students will be given tasks: time keeper, data recorder, mixer and solution preparer. The teacher will then go through and model the lab with the students. First students will see the varying type of leaf disks, containers with water and baking soda solution, syringes and timers on their tables. Hole punchers will be provided to cut out the leaf disks for the samples brought from home. Students will remove plunger from syringes and place 20 leaf disks into syringe. Replace the plunger and fill with baking soda solution. Teacher will tell students not to fill all the way. The disks should be floating at this time. Hold syringe tip up and expel the air. Cover the end of the syringe with fingertip and pull plunger and hold for 15 seconds. This will remove the air from the leaf disks. Do this procedure until all leaf disks sink. Expel excess fluid from syringe. Place 10 disks in each container. Place both cups under the light source and turn it on. As soon as light is on, timers start. Students will observe at one minute increments for 15 min how many disks will float. Big question we are trying to answer “Can plants make food from baking soda?” Remember reaction. They are using a carbon source to produce oxygen. When the O2 is produced the disks will float. Explanation After lab is completed the teacher will lead a class discussion on what they observed and why they think the disks floated. The teacher will again ask students to keep in mind the reaction that is written on the white board. Answers will be recorded on the board. Based on students’ answers, the teacher will adapt the questions to elicit the answer. The explanation is when the baking soda (carbon source) placed into the leaves it changed the density and when they were places in the solution the light caused the oxygen to be released making the disks to rise. There are other variables that will be added to the lab to see what can change the rate of the floating leaf disks. This will allow students to share with their peers how this activity applied to photosynthesis based on their observations (science discourse) and defend why they have this point of view. By the teacher giving students this lab they can relate what they learned about photosynthesis to a visual representation of how the process works (contextualized science activity). In the after lab discussion the teacher will facilitate by scaffolding the discussion. The teacher will lead questioning and have students participate in instructional conversation. Did the thickness of the leaves have any effect on the rate? If needed the teacher will paraphrase what the students are responding with. Also, ask them to elaborate/add to their answers. If needed give students wait time to help them process the question that is being asked. There will be various leaf materials and different concentrations of sodium bicarbonate. The teacher will then have students switch to other groups to think pair share what evidence they saw that supports the hypothesis of the oxygen being released. The teacher will give the students about 5 minutes to share with the group. During the think pair share students will be given a graphic organizer (poster board) where they will be able to write their observations down comparing and contrasting the different variables. Students will then be asked to come to the front of the class and share out their poster boards what they saw and the differences between the variables. Extension Students will then return to their lab groups. The teacher will engage students in a discussion looking at the different poster boards. Was there evidence of photosynthesis? If there was what was it? (Floating disks). In the chemical reaction, there needed to be a carbon source. What is it? Did the different concentrations have an effect on the number of disks? If there was weird data, what could account for it? Could it have been laboratory error? Being able to show that science isn’t a pretty process and there you will get data that doesn’t make sense, is a way to contextualize the scientific process to the students. By letting student add and discuss how the experiment could be changed, it helps them understand that there are other factors that can change experimental results (science discourse). They can also see what the other students observed with the compare/contrasting poster boards. Evaluation Students will be assessed throughout the activity. There will be class discussions to assess their This is where students will be able to put into writing what they have learned about photosynthesis and the lab (language and understanding of the material. Also, students will be informally assessed by their share outs of the compare/contrast of their observations. The teacher will also walk around and monitor during the activity and ask each group if they have any questions or need clarification. For the formative assessment students will turn in their lab write up and be graded by a rubric that they all have copies of. literacy). Appendix A 1. What causes the disks to float? 2. What is the dependent variable 3. What is the independent variable? 4. After graphing the time and number of disks, where did the most disks float? 5. What is the purpose of the baking soda?