SYLLABUS DIVISION: BUSINESS & ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGIES COURSE NUMBER AND TITLE: DATE: 5/11/04 ACC 221, INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING I CREDIT HOURS: HOURS/WK LECTURE: 4 I. CATALOG DESCRIPTION: Covers accounting principles and theory, including a review of the accounting cycle and accounting for current assets, current liabilities, and investments. Introduces various accounting approaches, and demonstrates the effect of these approaches on the financial statement users. II. RELATIONSHIP OF THE COURSE TO CURRICULA OBJECTIVES IN WHICH IT IS TAUGHT: Explain financial accounting theories and practices as they relate to business environment. III. REQUIRED BACKGROUND: Principles of Accounting II, ACC 212 or 112 must be taken prior to entering Intermediate Accounting I. IV. COURSE CONTENT: V. Accounting Cycle Adjustments Financial Statements Present Value Annuity Cash & Receivables Inventory Valuation Property, Plant & Equipment Depreciation and Depletion Amortization Intangible Assets LEARNER OUTCOMES: VI. EVALUATION: Describe the accounting cycle on Accumulating and summarizing Accounting data. In-class test Describe and illustrate the content And form of the income statement, Retained earnings statement, balance Sheet and statement of changes in Financial position. In-class test Identify criteria for classifying and Disclosing the various components of COURSE SYLLABUS In-class test PAGE 2 Cash and marketable securities. VII. Identify the various types of receivables And the appropriate classifications for Reporting purposes. In-class test Describe the nature, classification and Cost allocation of items included in Inventory. In-class test Explain and illustrate the use of various Valuation methods for inventories. In-class test Distinguish the nature and classification of Plant assets and intangible assets. In-class test Describe and illustrate the recording of asset Acquisitions under various acquisition methods In-class test Describe, illustrate and evaluate alternative Methods of depreciation and amortization. In-class test GENERAL EDUCATION OBJECTIVES ADDRESSED IN THIS COURSE: Communications Learning Skills Computational Skills Critical Thinking