Part 1 Ordinary Differential Equations(常微分方程式:微分變數只有

Textbook –
Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition by Erwin Kreyszig,
ISBN 0-470-07446-9, 2006.
Advanced Mathematics may include the following topics:
1. Ordinary Differential Equations (常微分方程式)
2. Vector Analysis (向量分析) (ˇ)
3. Fourier Analysis (傅立葉分析) (ˇ)
4. Linear Algebra (線性代數) (3;選修)
5. Numerical Analysis (數值分析) (3;選修)
6. Complex Analysis (複變分析) (3)
7. Partial Differential Equations (偏微分方程式) (3)
PPaarrtt A
Orrddiinnaarryy D
Diiffffeerreennttiiaall E
Eqquuaattiioonnss (常微分方程式:內含單變數函數的導數)
Differential equations are of basic importance in engineering mathematics because many
physical laws and relations appear mathematically in the form of a differential equation.
Fig. 1 Applications of differential equations (微分方程式的應用)
Chhaapptteerr 11 FFiirrsstt--O
Orrddeerr O
Chapter 2 Second-Order Linear ODEs
Chapter 3 Higher-Order Linear ODEs
Chapter 5 Series Solutions of ODEs
Chapter 6 Laplace Transforms
11..11 B
Baassiicc C
‧ If you want to solve an engineering problem (usually of a physical nature), we first have
to formulate the problem as a mathematical expression in terms of variables, functions,
equations, and so forth. Such an expression is known as a mathematical model of the
given problem. (微分方程式是對應的工程問題的一種數學模型)
The process of setting up a model, solving it mathematically, and interpreting the result in
physical or other terms is called mathematical modeling (數學模型化) or, briefly, modeling (模型化).
‧ An ordinary differential equation (ODE) (常微分方程式) is an equation that contains
one or several derivatives of an unknown function, which we usually call y ( x ) or y ( t ) .
For example,
y  cos x ,
y   9 x  0 ,
x 2 yy  2e x y  ( x 2  2) y 2 .
The term ordinary distinguishes them from partial differential equations (PDEs) (偏微
分方程式), which involve partial derivatives of an unknown function of two or more variables (內含多變數函數的偏導數). For instance,
 2u
x 2
 yu2  0 .
PDEs are more complicated than ODEs. (偏微分方程式較常微分方程式來得複雜及難解)
‧ An ODE is said to be of order n (n 階) if the nth derivative of the unknown function y is
the highest derivative of y in the equation (方程式中所出現的最高階導數為 n 階).
The concept of order gives a useful classification into ODEs of first order, second order,
and so on. (通常,階數越高越難求解,故微分方程式常以其階數來分類)
The most general form of first-order ODEs is
F ( x, y , y )  0 . (一階常微分方程式的通式)
Note that y  must be present, but x and/or y need not occur explicitly. (方程式中, y  的
成分必須存在,但 x 或 y 的成分未必存在)
If a first-order ODE can be expressed as
y   f ( x, y ) , (能表示成此種形式者叫做外顯式,否則叫做內隱式)
It is called the explicit form (外顯式), in contrast with the implicit form (內隱式).
A solution (解) of F ( x, y, y )  0 on an interval I is a function h( x ) that satisfies the
equation for all x in I. (能讓方程式成立的函數稱之為解) That is,
F ( x, h( x ), h( x ))  0 for all x in I.
A solution contained an arbitrary constant is called the general solution (通解) of the differential equation. (包含一個任意常數的一階微分方程式的解,稱之為通解)
For example, h( x )  x ln x  cx is the general solution of y  
 1.
Each choice of the constant in the general solution yields a particular solution (特解).
For example, h( x )  x ln x  x is a particular solution of y  
 1.
‧ A solution is explicit (外顯式的解) if it is given as a function of independent variables.
For example, y  ke x is an explicit solution of y    y . Note that this general solution
is explicit, with y isolated on one side of an equation and a function of x on the other. (可
以單獨把 y 孤立出來的解稱之為外顯式的解)
By contrast, consider y   
2 xy 3  2
. The general solution is x 2 y 3  2 x  2e4 y 
2 2
3x y  8e
k , which is implicit (內隱式的解). In this example we are unable to solve the differential
equation explicitly for y as a function of x while isolating y on one side. (不能單獨把 y 孤
The graph of a particular solution of a first-order differential equation is called an integral
curve (積分曲線) or a solution curve (解的曲線) of the equation.
Example 1
Verification of Solution (解的驗證)
Example 2
Solution Curves (解的曲線)
Example 3
Exponential Growth or Decay (指數型成長或衰減)
If we specify that a particular solution is a solution passing through a particular point
( x 0 , y 0 ), then we have to find that particular integral curve passing through this point.
This is called an initial value problem (初始值問題).
Thus, a first-order initial value problem has the form
F ( x, y , y )  0 ; y ( x0 )  y0 ,
in which x0 and y0 are given numbers. The condition y ( x0 )  y0 is called an initial
condition (初始條件).
Example 4
Initial Value Problem
‧ Homework for sec.1.1  #7, 9
11..22 D
Diirreeccttiioonn FFiieelldd ((方
場)) -- G
meettrriicc M
Meeaanniinngg ooff y  f ( x, y )
Consider the general first-order differential equation of the form
F ( x, y , y )  0 .
Suppose we can solve for y  as
y   f ( x, y ) .
Then a drawing of the plane, with short line segments of slope f ( x, y ) drawn at selected
point (x,y), is called a direction field (方向場) or slope field (斜率場) of the differential
A direction field can be used to find approximate solutions, but with limited accuracy. (方
A famous ODE for which we do need direction field is
y   0.1(1  x 2 ) 
The direction field in Fig. 8 shows lineal elements generated by the computer. We have
also added the isoclines (等斜率線) for k  5 , 3 ,
, 1 as well as three typical solu-
tion curves, one that is a circle and two spirals approaching it from inside and outside.
‧ Homework for sec.1.2  #1, 5, 13
11..33 SSeeppaarraabbllee O
Ess ((可
式)) g ( y ) y  f ( x )
Many practically useful ODEs can be reduced to the separable form
g ( y ) y  f ( x )
g ( y )dy  f ( x )dx .
The variables are separated: x appears only on the right and y only on the left. And we can
integrate the differential equation along any solution curve to get
 g ( y )dy   f ( x)dx .
In case f(x) and g(y) are continuous functions, we can obtain a general solution from the
above integrals.
Example 1
A separable ODE (可分離型微分方程式)
Example 2
Radiocarbon Dating (放射性碳定年)
Example 3
Mixing Problem (混合問題)
Certain non-separable ODEs can be made separable by transformations that introduce for
y a new unknown function. (某些非可分離型微分方程式,可透過新函數的引進,將之
For a homogeneous ODE, say
y   f ( xy ) ,
we can set u 
to get y  ux and y   ux  u . Substituting them into the homoge-
neous ODE, we have
ux  u  f (u )
f (u )  u x
which is a separable differential equation.
Example 6
Reduction to Separable Form (轉換為可分離型)
‧ Homework for sec.1.3  #5, 9, 11, 13, 33
- 10 -
11..44 E
Exxaacctt O
Ess ((正
式)) M ( x, y )  N ( x, y ) y   0
If a function u ( x, y ) has continuous partial derivatives, its total differential (全微分) is
du 
dx  dy .
It follows that along any contour lines (等高線) of u( x, y )  c  constant, we have
du 
dx  dy  0 .
A first-order ODE written as
M ( x, y )  N ( x, y ) y   0
M ( x, y )dx  N ( x, y )dy  0 .
is called exact (正合的) if there exists a function u ( x, y ) such that
M ( x, y ) 
And we have
and N ( x, y ) 
dx  uy dy  0 .
By integration, we immediate obtain the general solution of
dx  uy dy  0 as
u ( x, y )  c .
This is called an implicit solution (內隱解), in contrast with an explicit solution (外顯解)
of the form y  y ( x ) .
Let M ( x, y ) and N ( x, y ) have continuous first partial derivatives. Then we have
 2u
y yx
 2u
x xy
By the assumption of continuity, the two second partial derivatives are equal. Thus we
have the following necessary and sufficient condition (充分必要條件)
M ( x, y ) N ( x, y )
. (Test for exactness)
- 11 -
If M ( x, y )  N ( x, y ) y   0 is exact, that is M ( x, y ) 
and N ( x, y ) 
function u ( x, y ) can be found in the following systematic way:
1) find u( x, y )   ux dx   M ( x, y )dx ;
2) find u( x, y )   uy dy   N ( x, y )dy ;
3) compare the results of 1) and 2) to determine u ( x, y ) ;
4) the general solution is u( x, y )  c  const.
Example 1
An Exact ODE (正合型微分方程式之求解)
cos( x  y )dx  (3 y 2  2 y  cos( x  y ))dy  0 .
- 12 -
, then the
‧ An integrating factor (積分因子) is such a function that a multiplication of this factor
with the differential equation will result in an equation that can be integrated to obtain the
general solution.
For the inexact (非正合) differential equation M ( x, y )  N ( x, y ) y   0 , the general integrating factor is F ( x, y ) provided ( FM )  ( FN ) y  0 is exact or
( FM ) 
( FN ) .
In case F  F ( x ) , we have
( FM ) 
( FN )
1 dF ( x )
F ( x ) dx
N ( x, y )
 F ( x)  exp N ( x , y )
[ M(yx, y )  N ( xx, y ) ]
M ( x , y ) N ( x , y )
 x ]dx .
In case F  F ( y ) , we have
( FM ) 
( FN )
1 dF ( y )
F ( y ) dy
M ( x, y )
 F ( y )  exp M ( x , y )
[ N ( xx , y )  M (yx, y ) ]
N ( x , y ) M ( x , y )
 y ]dy .
‧ Homework for sec.1.4  #1, 5, 13, 17, 21, 24(D)
11..55 L
Liinneeaarr O
Ess ((線
式)) y  p( x ) y  r ( x )
A first-order ODE is said to be linear (線性的) if it can be written as
y  p( x ) y  r ( x ) .
In engineering, r ( x ) is frequently called the input (輸入), and y ( x ) is called the output (輸出) or the response (反應;響應) to the input.
For the linear differential equation y  p( x ) y  r ( x ) , the general integrating factor is
- 13 -
p ( x ) dx
. Thus multiply eq.(1) on both sides by e 
p ( x ) dx
 ( y   p( x ) y )  e 
p ( x ) dx
p ( x ) dx
to get
 r( x) .
 e  p ( x ) dx  y   e p ( x ) dx  r( x)
Integrate this equation with respect to x to get
Example 1
 p ( x dx
) 
ye 
p ( x ) dx
p ( x ) dx
r ( x )dx
r ( x )dx 
x( dx)
A Linear ODE (線性微分方程式之求解)
Solve the linear ODE
Example 2
  e
y  y  e2 x .
Initial Value Problem (初始值問題)
Solve the initial value problem
y  y tan x  sin 2 x ,
- 14 -
y (0)  1 .
Numerous applications can be modeled by ODEs that are nonlinear but can be transformed to linear ODEs. One of the most useful ones of these is the Bernoulli equation
y   p( x ) y  r ( x ) y a ,
a is any real number.
In case a  0 or a  1 , equation (2) is linear. Otherwise, it is nonlinear.
To solve it, let a new function
u( x )  [ y ( x)]1a .
Differentiate it on both sides to get
u  (1  a ) y  a y
 (1  a ) y  a ( ry a  py )
 (1  a )( r  py1a )
 (1  a )( r  pu )
 u  (1  a ) pu  (1  a )r , which is linear.
Example 4
Logistic Equation (數理邏輯方程式)
Solve the Bernoulli equation, known as the logistic equation
y  A y B2 y.
- 15 -
The logistic equation (3) plays an important role in population dynamics (人口動態學), a
field that models the evolution of populations of plants, animals, or humans over time t. In
case B  0 , the solution gives exponential growth as for a small population in a large country
(the United States in early times!). The term  By 2 in equation (3) is a braking term (抑制項)
that prevents the population from growing without bound.
‧ Homework for sec.1.5  #3, 7, 11, 15, 18, 22, 27
11..66 O
Orrtthhooggoonnaall T
Trraajjeeccttoorriieess ((正
An important type of problem in physics or geometry is to find a family of curves that intersect a given family of curves at right angles. These new curves are called orthogonal
trajectories (正交軌跡) of the given curves (and conversely). Orthogonal (正交) is another word for perpendicular (垂直).
- 16 -
In many cases, orthogonal trajectories can be found by using ODEs as follows: Let
G ( x, y , c )  0
be a given family of curves in the xy-plane, where each curve is specified by some value
of c. This is called a one-parameter family of curves, and c is called the parameter of the
family. For instance,
G( x, y, c)  y  cx 2  0 . (parabolas;雙曲線)
Step 1
Find an ODE for which the given family is a general solution.
In our example, we solve algebraically for c from the equation of family of curves,
 c,
and then differentiate and simplify to get
x 2 y  2 xy
 0,
y 
It is the ODE of the given family of curves.
Step 2
Write down the ODE of the orthogonal trajectories.
This ODE is
y 
Step 3
  2y  
Solve the ODE.
The equation y    2xy is separable. It can be rewritten as 2 ydy   xdx . By integration,
we have the orthogonal trajectories of the parabolas y  cx 2  0 as
y 2  12 x 2  c* , c*  0 . (ellipses;橢圓)
- 17 -
‧ Homework for sec.1.6  #3, 9, 16, 18
‧ 一階常微分方程式有標準解法的三種基本類型:
Standard form/標準式
g ( y ) y  f ( x )
1.變數分離 g ( y )dy  f ( x )dx
 g ( y )dy   f ( x)dx
1.若為 exact, 則存在一 potential function u( x, y )
M ( x, y )  N ( x, y ) y   0
2.令 ux  M ( x, y ) , 求解 u( x, y )  M ( x, y )dx
3.令 uy  N ( x, y ) , 求解 u( x, y )  N ( x, y )dy
4.比較 2 與 3 之結果得 u( x, y ) ,則通解為 u( x, y )  const
1.存在一個積分因子 e  p ( x ) dx
2.微分方程式兩邊乘以積分因子 e  p ( x ) dx ,
y  p( x ) y  r ( x )
 p ( x ) dx
 y   e  p ( x ) dx  r ( x )
3.兩邊對 x 積分得 e  p ( x ) dx  y  e  p ( x ) dx r ( x )dx
‧ 一階常微分方程式之特殊類型:
Standard form/標準式
1.利用變數變換法,令 u  xy ,代回原式
y   f ( xy )
y   p( x ) y  r ( x ) y
2.將原式轉換成 separable 型
1.利用變數變換法,令 u  y1a ,代回原式
2.將原式轉換成 linear 型
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