[INSERT CLIENT NAME] Request for [IDENTIFY Proposal Type] For [INSERT Name of Solution] [ADD CLIENT LOGO] Response by: [Authorized OAISYS Partner] [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] This page is intentionally left blank. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 2 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] Table of Contents INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 7 1. EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................... 7 2. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE ........................................................................................... 8 2.1 Company/Organization Background Information ..................................................................... 8 2.2 Summary of the Requirement ................................................................................................... 8 2.3 Demonstrated Understanding of Environment/Desired Goals ................................................. 8 3. RFP TERMS AND CONDITIONS ......................................................................................... 10 3.1 Definition of Terms .................................................................................................................. 10 3.2 Confidentiality ......................................................................................................................... 10 3.3 Proposal Preparation Costs .................................................................................................... 11 3.4 Proposal Validity ..................................................................................................................... 11 3.5 Acceptance or Rejection of Submissions ............................................................................... 11 3.6 Contract Negotiation and Execution ....................................................................................... 12 4. RFP AMENDMENTS AND CLARIFICATIONS ..................................................................... 13 4.1 Question Period ...................................................................................................................... 13 4.2 Submission of Questions ........................................................................................................ 13 4.3 Clarifications and Amendments .............................................................................................. 14 5. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION ................................................................................................... 15 5.1 Submission of Proposals ........................................................................................................ 15 5.2 Date and Hour of Submission ................................................................................................. 15 5.3 Number of Proposal Copies.................................................................................................... 15 5.4 Presentations .......................................................................................................................... 16 5.5 [CLIENT NAME SHORT] Questions ....................................................................................... 16 5.6 Withdrawal .............................................................................................................................. 16 INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 3 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 5.7 Financial Proposal Instructions ............................................................................................... 17 6. EVALUATION CRITERIA ..................................................................................................... 18 6.1 Evaluation Timeframe ............................................................................................................. 18 6.2 Review Criteria ....................................................................................................................... 18 VENDOR INFORMATION .................................................................................................................... 20 1. COMPANY BACKGROUND ................................................................................................. 20 2. COMPANY STRUCTURE ..................................................................................................... 21 3. INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE ................................................................................................... 22 4. CUSTOMER REFERENCES ................................................................................................ 25 CALL RECORDING SOLUTION.......................................................................................................... 26 1. SYSTEM OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................. 26 2. SOFTWARE/HARDWARE DESIGN OVERVIEW ............................................................................. 27 3. CALL RECORDING AND SEARCH CAPABILITIES .......................................................................... 31 4. STORAGE AND ARCHIVE .......................................................................................................... 35 5. SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION, SECURITY AND ALARM CAPABILITIES................................................ 36 6. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS AND DESIGN...................................................................................... 39 7. REPORTS AND EVALUATIONS ................................................................................................... 41 8. RADIO CHANNEL RECORDING .................................................................................................. 42 9. BUSINESS APPLICATION INTEGRATION...................................................................................... 42 10. SCREEN RECORDING .............................................................................................................. 42 SERVICES ............................................................................................................................................ 43 1. MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT ......................................................................................... 43 1.1 OAISYS Support Products...................................................................................................... 44 1.2 OAISYS Support Definitions .................................................................................................. 44 1.3 2. OAISYS Customer Service Contact Center ..................................................................... 45 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION ......................................................... 47 INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 4 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 3. TRAINING ............................................................................................................................. 48 INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 5 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] This page is intentionally left blank. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 6 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] Section 1 INTRODUCTION 1. EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW Provide an executive summary of the system being proposed. Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER: PROVIDE YOUR RESPONSE.] EDUCATION **DELETE THIS HEADING BEFORE USE*** [PLEASE ADDRESS THE RED TEXT IN THIS ANSWER] [Opening few sentences introduces the situation and shows we know the client by describing what client has accomplished (overall) and what it plans to do. Next sentence describes client problem/need to be resolved with call recording technology. Much of this info can be obtained from the RFP as well as the client’s Web site.] OAISYS offers a competitively priced solution that would continually prove and demonstrate a dynamic return on investment by enhancing school safety, increasing parental involvement and ultimately increasing student performance and achievement. In the field of education, new technology is difficult to justify when the primary need is to spend money directly in the classroom. The challenge in assessing the value of technology in education is determining what to measure and understanding how to quantify the value into actual dollars. Educational facilities need to record calls that may involve the safety of the children and staff. Calls made to the facility from parents and students can be quickly accessed as needed for verification. Call recordings and call records can be stored indefinitely on any network attached storage device. The following pages present our offering in more detail. Thank you for considering OAISYS in your Request for Proposal. We look forward to working with you on this exciting project. Sincerely, [Project Manager Name] INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 7 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 2. BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The purpose of this Request for Proposal is to help [CLIENT NAME LONG] identify and select a quality call recording solution to address their specific organizational requirements. Objective: The objective is to implement a new call recording solution that facilitates communication, enhances safety for students and faculty, and provides an effective and reliable means of reducing liability. 2.1 Company/Organization Background Information [INSERT CLIENT COMPANY BACKGROUND INFORMATION HERE.] 2.2 Summary of the Requirement [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER: INSERT THE CLIENT’S SPECIFIC “SUMMARY OF THE REQUIREMENT” HERE.] A SAMPLE IS PROVIDED FOR YOUR REFERENCE ONLY BELOW. [CLIENT NAME SHORT] seeks a competitively priced call recording solution that would enhance school safety, minimize liability risk and improve personnel training measures. The selected call recording solution would aid in circumventing potentially dangerous situations on campus by providing administration with a means to document all 911 calls as well as record malicious calls (bomb threats, threats of violence to students and staff, harassment), that can be easily and quickly shared with the appropriate campus and local police authorities. The recorded calls can also be used to train security for various emergencies and to improve general safety and security procedures. 2.3 Demonstrated Understanding of Environment/Desired Goals Background on Current Environment: There are approximately [INSERT NUMBER OF AGENTS/KNOWLEDGE WORKERS] and [INSERT NUMBER OF SUPERVISORS/CALL MANAGERS]. Approximately [INSERT TELEPHONE CALLS] handled yearly. Existing Hardware/Software: INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 8 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] The hardware and software listed below describe the [INSERT ORGANIZATION’S NAME] current computing environment and strategic direction. Hardware New Hardware to be purchased Workstation Hardware New workstation hardware to be purchased Operating System(s) [INSERT STRATEGIC DIRECTION IF UPGRADING FROM CURRENT OS] Network Operating System INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 9 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 3. RFP TERMS AND CONDITIONS By responding to this RFP, the Supplier signifies agreement with and is bound by the following terms and conditions. 3.1 Definition of Terms [ENTER RELEVANT “DEFINITION OF TERMS” HERE] Participating vendor: a company that has submitted a proposal in response to this RFP (whether or not it is successful) Proposal: authorized response to this RFP submitted by a participating vendor RFP: Request for Proposal Supplier: any company or individual receiving a copy of this request for proposal 3.2 Confidentiality [CLIENT NAME SHORT] expects the supplier to respect the confidentiality of [CLIENT NAME SHORT]’s information. As a result of its participation in relation to this RFP, the supplier may gain access to information regarding [CLIENT NAME SHORT] business or on the use, development, and acquisition of other services by [CLIENT NAME SHORT]. The supplier shall treat all information as confidential and shall not use or disclose the information beyond the intended purpose, being the service provider: participating vendor or third party of preparation and response to this RFP. The supplier shall not disclose the information to any third party, except where the information exists in the public domain and/or is exempt from protection under applicable law. Any other distribution, copying or disclosure is strictly prohibited. If the supplier is required to release any of the information to a third party in preparing for its proposal, the supplier is required to solicit at least the same confidentiality obligations from this third party prior to releasing the information. Should the supplier or third party be unable or unwilling to comply with [CLIENT NAME SHORT]’s confidentiality requirements, it must return all RFP material received and withdraw from this RFP process. [CLIENT NAME SHORT] will consider proposals submitted by suppliers as confidential. All materials submitted by a supplier will become the property of [CLIENT NAME SHORT] and will not be returned. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 10 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 3.3 Proposal Preparation Costs All costs incurred in the preparation and submission of proposals and related documentation, including participating vendor presentation to [CLIENT NAME SHORT], shall be borne by the participating vendor. 3.4 Proposal Validity Proposals must be valid for 90 days from the proposal due date. 3.5 Acceptance or Rejection of Submissions [CLIENT NAME SHORT] is not obligated to accept the lowest cost or any proposal. [CLIENT NAME SHORT] reserves the right to: reject any or all proposals; waive technicalities or irregularities; issue no contract for any of the services described within this RFP; award all services to one vendor; accept any proposals it determines to be in the corporation's best interest; negotiate any or all of the scope and terms of any contract that flows, directly or indirectly, from this RFP; add or remove scope into the contract negotiation process; issue contract awards for any combination of services and vendors, either all or part of the business as [CLIENT NAME SHORT] sees fit. [CLIENT NAME SHORT] has no obligation to reveal the basis for contract award or to provide any information to suppliers regarding the evaluation or negotiation processes. All participating vendors will be notified promptly of bid acceptance or rejection. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 11 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 3.6 Contract Negotiation and Execution It is the intent of [CLIENT NAME SHORT] that, after the successful vendor has been selected, [CLIENT NAME SHORT] and the selected vendor will enter into contract negotiations containing all terms and conditions of the proposed service. Any acceptance of a proposal is contingent upon the execution of a written contract and [CLIENT NAME SHORT] shall not be contractually bound to any vendor prior to the execution of such written contractual agreement. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 12 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 4. RFP AMENDMENTS AND CLARIFICATIONS All amendments and requests for clarification of the contents of the RFP must be in writing, (email is preferred) and addressed to the [CLIENT NAME SHORT] contact identified in this RFP. It is the supplier’s responsibility to clarify its uncertainty in interpretation of any item in the RFP. 4.1 Question Period The deadline for all questions is [INSERT DATE]. No questions submitted after this date will be answered. [CLIENT NAME SHORT] will answer all questions by [INSERT DATE]. 4.2 Submission of Questions All inquiries and questions regarding the RFP must be in writing, (email is preferred) and addressed to the [CLIENT NAME SHORT] contact identified below. Questions submitted to anyone other than the specified [CLIENT NAME SHORT] contact will not be answered. [CLIENT NAME SHORT] cannot be responsible for the accuracy of answers, clarifications or other information received from means other than those described herein. Multiple questions per RFP section are permitted; however each question must be identified by the appropriate RFP section number and an alphanumeric identifier (if there are multiple questions per RFP section). A listing of supplier inquiries (without identifying the source of the inquiry) and [CLIENT NAME SHORT] responses thereto will be published on the [CLIENT NAME SHORT] web site. All inquiries must include: the supplier company's name, address and phone number a clear and concise question references to specific sections and paragraphs within this RFP Questions shall be submitted by email (preferred) or fax, referencing the RFP number on all correspondence. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 13 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] For questions regarding this Request for Proposal please contact: [CLIENT CONTACT NAME] [CLIENT CONTACT TITLE] [CLIENT NAME LONG] [CLIENT ADDRESS] Telephone: [CLIENT CONTACT TEL] Fax: [CLIENT CONTACT FAX] Email: [CLIENT CONTACT EMAIL] 4.3 Clarifications and Amendments Any clarifications or amendments to this request for [PROPOSAL TYPE] will be published on the [CLIENT NAME SHORT] web site. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 14 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 5. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION All responses must be submitted to the contact specified by the proposal due date and time. 5.1 Submission of Proposals Proposals must be submitted to: [CLIENT CONTACT NAME] [CLIENT CONTACT TITLE] [CLIENT NAME LONG] [CLIENT ADDRESS] Telephone: [CLIENT CONTACT TEL] Fax: [CLIENT CONTACT FAX] Email: [CLIENT CONTACT EMAIL] 5.2 Date and Hour of Submission Responses must be submitted on or before [INSERT TIME AND TIME ZONE] on [PROPOSAL DUE DATE]. Proposals that are late may be rejected. 5.3 Number of Proposal Copies One (1) original printed version (marked “Original”) One (1) data disk (CD or DVD, Microsoft Windows readable) containing all information in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF) and/or Microsoft Office 2010 or 2007 compatible In the event of any discrepancies between the Original printed version and any other copies, the Original will be assumed to be accurate INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 15 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 5.4 Presentations [CLIENT NAME SHORT] may request supplier presentations from time to time. [CLIENT NAME SHORT] will notify suppliers if any presentations are required. 5.5 [CLIENT NAME SHORT] Questions [CLIENT NAME SHORT] may, at its sole discretion, seek clarification from any or all participating vendors regarding proposal information and may do so without notification to other responders. Any and all clarifications required by [CLIENT NAME SHORT] shall be sent through the [CLIENT NAME SHORT] contact to the supplier. The following process shall be employed by [CLIENT NAME SHORT] if clarification is required regarding any supplier responses: [CLIENT NAME SHORT] will issue questions to any or all supplier(s) as deemed necessary by [CLIENT NAME SHORT]. The [CLIENT NAME SHORT] Contact will issue these questions by email The supplier is to send responses by email to the [CLIENT NAME SHORT] contact by the response due date and time referenced on the question email. Upon [CLIENT NAME SHORT]’s reasonable request, if the new information provided in response to [CLIENT NAME SHORT]’s questions represents significant changes to the supplier’s original response, then the supplier may be asked to re-issue its original response with the updated information included 5.6 Withdrawal A supplier may, without prejudice to itself, modify or withdraw its response by written request, provided that the request is received by the [CLIENT NAME SHORT] primary contact prior to the proposal due date. In the case of an electronically delivered request, a written confirmation thereof bearing the authorized signature of the supplier shall be received by the [CLIENT NAME SHORT] contact within three (3) business days of issuance of the request. Following withdrawal of a response prior to the due date, the supplier may submit a new response providing delivery is prior to the due date. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 16 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 5.7 Financial Proposal Instructions Pricing shall be provided for all functionality included in the supplier’s response. Pricing shall be broken down by each solution element covered in the supplier’s response. An overall aggregated price for the entire response with no breakdown shall not be accepted. Supplier shall state all assumptions used for pricing. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 17 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 6. EVALUATION CRITERIA [CLIENT NAME SHORT] will evaluate participating vendor proposals on all elements of each response, including costs, technology, the solution’s flexibility and capability, the scope of the services provided, compatibility with [CLIENT NAME SHORT]’s environment, and other factors as described below. 6.1 Evaluation Timeframe Evaluation for the responses by [CLIENT NAME SHORT] shall not commence before the due date. The evaluation is expected to be complete within 30 days, and a contract is expected to be awarded within 30 days of the evaluation. 6.2 Review Criteria [CLIENT NAME SHORT] will review the information provided in response to this RFP to develop a solution for [CLIENT NAME SHORT]’s call recording needs. Detailed evaluation criteria will not be shared with suppliers; however, a high-level overview of important evaluation criteria follows: Financial: [CLIENT NAME SHORT] will evaluate each supplier response considering the overall value (costs and savings) to [CLIENT NAME SHORT] to implement a [CLIENT NAME SHORT] call recording solution. Technical Capability: [CLIENT NAME SHORT] will analyze the responses to determine how completely the call recording solution proposed meets the requirements as documented in this RFP. Specifically, the proposed call recording solution will be evaluated in terms of: service availability and resiliency scalability, capacity and performance capability compatibility with existing infrastructure, systems and processes INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 18 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] delivery/time to implement and deploy manageability comprehensive security longevity of the proposed service(s) service and support product quality Innovation: [CLIENT NAME SHORT] will value innovative recommendations and proposed solutions for call recording technology, especially innovation that allows for cost-effective initial implementations with the flexibility of phased growth based on need or business case justification. The ability of the call recording solution to make best use of [CLIENT NAME SHORT]’s existing communications infrastructure will be important. Value Added Services: If the supplier has services or offerings relevant to [CLIENT NAME SHORT] that set them above those of other suppliers, please identify these services and/or offerings (be specific). Additional Information: [CLIENT NAME SHORT] is interested in obtaining the best possible solution. If there is anything else you would like to add about your company or the requested services, please do. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 19 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] Section 2 VENDOR INFORMATION 1. COMPANY BACKGROUND Provide an overview of your company, number of years in business, core solution offering, and five-year growth and development plans. Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER: PROVIDE YOUR RESPONSE.] INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 20 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 2. COMPANY STRUCTURE Provide your company ownership structure. Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER: PROVIDE YOUR RESPONSE.] INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 21 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 3. INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE Describe your experience with call recording solutions and any industry recognition the proposed call recording solution may have received. Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER: PROVIDE YOUR RESPONSE.] Awards [PLEASE SELECT FROM THE AWARDS BELOW AS APPROPRIATE FOR YOUR PROPOSAL] 2011 & 2010 CRM Excellence Awards Technology Marketing Corporation (TMC) – Customer Interaction Solutions Magazine Based on hard data, the TMC CRM Excellence Awards rely on facts and numbers demonstrating the improvements that the winner’s product has made in a client’s business. Winners are chosen on the basis of their product or service’s ability to help extend and expand the customer relationship to become all encompassing, covering the entire enterprise and the entire lifetime of the customer. “OAISYS has demonstrated to the Customer Interaction Solutions editors that their solution improves their users’ business processes by streamlining and facilitating the flow of information needed for customers to retain the most vital component of their businesses — their customers,” said Rich Tehrani, CEO, TMC. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 22 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 2010 Product of the Year Award Technology Marketing Corporation (TMC) – Customer Interaction Solutions Magazine The TMC Customer Interaction Solutions Product of the Year award recognizes those solutions for achievement in advancing contact center technologies. Products receiving the award have demonstrated excellence and have provided tangible ROI for the companies that use them. 2010 Innovation Award Technology Marketing Corporation (TMC) Labs – Customer Interaction Solutions Magazine The TMC Labs Innovation Awards honor products that demonstrate raw innovation, unique features, and significant contributions toward improving communications technology. "OAISYS has clearly demonstrated to the staff of TMC Labs that its solutions are truly innovative in the CRM and call center industries. OAISYS has made significant contributions in the advancement of this industry," said Rich Tehrani, CEO, TMC. “We’re proud to reward this outstanding accomplishment with a TMC Labs Innovation Award this year.” INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 23 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 2010 IP Contact Center Technology Pioneer Award Technology Marketing Corporation (TMC) – Customer Interaction Solutions Magazine The 2010 IP Contact Center Technology Pioneer Award awards companies that have produced an innovative, successful IP contact center product or service. “TMC is proud to distinguish OAISYS with an IP Contact Center Technology Pioneer Award. Their solutions have been designed with the needs of the contact center market in mind and the potential of IP behind it making it worthy of this prestigious honor,” said Rich Tehrani, CEO, TMC. “Technology is the key to the success of any call center so it is my pleasure to recognize OAISYS for bringing superior, groundbreaking technologies to market while providing high quality and advanced applications,” continued Tehrani. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 24 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 4. CUSTOMER REFERENCES Please submit at least three (3) customer references where you have implemented a similar call recording solution over the past two years including individual contact information. Please include at least one reference that is similar in scope and size to what is being proposed. Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER: PROVIDE YOUR RELEVANT RESPONSE.] Please note you must get permission from customers before using them as a reference. Be sure to choose references that will praise your best and most relevant attributes. For pertinent OAISYS-specific references, please contact your OAISYS Regional Sales Manager. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 25 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] Section 3 Call Recording Solution 1. System Overview Using a simple diagram, illustrate your proposed call recording network design. Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read and understood and complies. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 26 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 2. Software/Hardware Design Overview Describe the proposed call recording solution’s architecture and design elements. Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. Talkument: The Leader in Voice Documentation Unlike traditional call center and operations-based call recording solutions, Talkument brings the power to securely capture, comment upon, annotate and share telephone-based business conversations down to the individual user level. Talkument does for phone calls what email did for letters and memos, with the same benefits to productivity and accuracy. A voice document captures a digital copy of telephone calls for users to annotate, share and retain. Talkument software connects with the business communications system to let users record, organize and share their voice documents. Rather than taking notes on a call and then creating a recollected account of the content, users can simply highlight the relevant portion of a conversation, insert their comments, and then share the conversation itself with whoever needs to act on the information. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 27 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] Tracer: Professional Interaction Management Tracer gives businesses end-to-end documentation of their conversations as it automatically records, stores and organizes telephone conversations and, optionally, associated screen activity in a central, secure server. Tracer and Talkument use the same architecture and utilize the same patent-pending OAISYS Portable Voice Document (PVD) technology. Using a variety of audio connections, telephone system integration and recording triggers, users can target those conversations that have lasting impact on their business. With the Tracer Live Call Monitor feature, users can selectively listen to calls as they occur. Users simply choose from a view of active telephone calls by outside party, internal telephone extension or both. These features permeate the entire organization through unlimited user accounts for search, playback and sharing functions. Authorized users can view all recordings, or restricted selections based on factors such as telephone extension numbers and inbound numbers dialed by callers. Tracer gives every authorized user secure access to encrypted recordings anywhere, anytime they are needed, through an easy-to-use interface built on .NET and Click Once Technology. Tracer also includes a Quality Control Module that allows managers and employees to evaluate and score phone calls. Integrated with the Quality Control Module, Tracer Reporter is a powerful reporting package that generates comprehensive reports, including graphs, based on the telephone call information stored in the Call History database. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 28 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] OAISYS Recording Software Deployment Options OAISYS delivers Talkument and Tracer software solutions via recording base systems in the form of off-the-shelf appliances and build-to-order servers. Appliances are available in 20 IP channel, 8 analog channel and 2 T1/PRI circuit configurations. Each appliance is pre-licensed with unlimited Talkument users. Tracer software can be added for a fee as can additional concurrent Tracer user licenses. OAISYS recording appliances can be included in a seamless recording system network with the requirement that the network master be an OAISYS recording server. All networking is done over IP in a hub and spoke OAISYS Recording Appliance configuration. OAISYS recording servers are available to suit the needs of small, medium and large call recording applications. Servers range in channel capacity from 100 to 350 total recording ports, storing 1.5 to 3 million call OAISYS Recording Server records. Each server can hold a maximum of 4 recording tap boards and will support any combination of analog, digital and IP connectivity. Each OAISYS recording server comes pre-licensed with both Talkument and Tracer software, including an unlimited Talkument user license and a range of one to three concurrent Tracer user licenses. Additional Tracer user licenses can be added for a fee. OAISYS recording servers can be included in a seamless recording system network and can act as the master or remote nodes. OAISYS Recording Servers are built from a combination of the following: 1. One of the available OAISYS Recording Servers (Standard, Advanced, Advanced PLUS) 2. Any combination of audio connections (Tap Boards or the VoIP Recording Engine) up to four total boards in any given system 3. Voice Port Licenses for each trunk or extension to be recorded 4. Each OAISYS Recording Server includes archiving software, DVD burning software, a web server to provide connections to user applications, unlimited INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 29 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] Talkument user accounts and unlimited real-time recording control clients that can be used with any CTI enabled installation. OAISYS Software-Only Licensing packages Talkument, our voice documentation application that enables users to search, organize, annotate, and share call recordings in a software-only solution to serve the needs of those organizations preferring this method of solution deployment. With this option, Talkument software is licensed on a per-port basis and either the reseller or customer is responsible for supplying the necessary hardware platform on which to operate the software. The Tracer contact center management base software, including one concurrent Tracer user license can be purchased separately and run coexistent with Talkument software on the same hardware platform. NOTE: Use of the free OAISYS JumpStart Services program providing post-sales installation support, is mandatory with every OAISYS software-only solution. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 30 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 3. Call Recording and Search Capabilities Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. Q. Does the recording system work in a terminal services environment? A. Yes, the OAISYS Client application and the optional Screen Recording client work in a terminal services environment. Q. Does the recording system use compression? A. Yes, OAISYS offers the ability to compress communications between the client and server at the LAN and WAN levels. Compression will benefit those customers with a slow LAN or those using WAN clients. Users will see an improvement in the time it takes to load new documents, move from one folder to another, and search for calls. Q. How does user licensing work? A. Every OAISYS Recording System includes an unlimited Talkument software user license, which provide unlimited user access to search and playback call recordings. OAISYS Recording Servers come equipped with Tracer call center management software with one, two or three concurrent user licenses dependent upon server model chosen. Tracer software can be added to an OAISYS Recording Appliance. Q. How does the system record calls? A. All calls are recorded. The system uses triggers such as extension, DNIS, call duration, and others to selectively record specific calls meeting the desired criteria. Calls can be recorded on demand by users with administrator’s permission by entering an account code to the call, clicking a button, or managers can record a user’s call while listening to the live call (Some features are PBX specific). INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 31 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] Q. Does the recording system record trunk, stations, and VoIP calls? A. Yes, all three of these methods are available in one system. Q. How many extensions can be recorded with the call recording system and is the system scalable? A. Yes, a single system is scalable up to 350 total recording ports (350 IP Ports, 192 max hardware ports, or any combination up to 350 total recording ports). Systems can be networked together after reaching 350 total recording ports. Q. Does the recording system support “hot desking” or “free seating” environments? A. Yes, hot desking allows agents or employees to sit at any desk and use their agent ID to log into the extension. This is sometimes called free seating. Q. Does the system provide Automatic Location Identification (ALI) Integration? A. Yes, Automatic Location Identification provides a physical address and/or latitude and longitude coordinates of the location associated with the caller’s phone number. This feature is commonly used in Public Safety to identify a caller’s location, and is integrated into the OAISYS solution as searchable metadata to easily retrieve the information at a later date. Q. Does the system have Incident Reconstruction ability? A. Yes, the OAISYS solution allows simultaneous playback of multiple calls regarding the same incident to provide a comprehensive picture of the entire scenario. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 32 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] Q. Does the system support listening to calls live? A. Yes, the ability to listen to a call live is included with each Tracer license. Live Call Monitor is an application accessed via user name and assigned permissions allowing the designated user to listen to, live pause, rewind, fast forward, and add bookmarks or notes to calls. Live Call Monitor includes an Auto Monitor feature providing a proactive auto play feature for a designated extension. Q. Can supplemental information be added to a call recording? A. Yes, users with permission can add information in the form of text-based annotations to a live call, or to a call that has already completed. This information can then be used to trigger such things as employee and agent evaluations or after call actions such as email a copy of the recording once it’s completed. The information added to the call can be searched upon to quickly identify key calls. Q. Does the system allow users to tag a call and then search for that call based on the user entered information? A. Yes, a user with permission can enter information or tag a call while it is live or after the call has completed. This information can then be used as search criteria with which to retrieve the recording. Reports can be summarized by this information. Q. What criteria can be used to search for call recordings? A. The system offers both basic and advanced search functionality. Searches can be executed based on account code, ACD information, subject, date and time, duration, extension, user added information, outside number, name, DNIS/DID and many others. Q. Can previous searches be saved for future use? INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 33 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] A. Yes, searches can be saved in Search Folders. These folders can be automatically populated with new calls that meet the criteria. Search criteria can be DNIS, outside number, ACD information, date range, user added information, and many more. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 34 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 4. Storage and Archive Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. Q. How many calls will the recording system hold? A. OAISYS Recording Systems can store 1.5 to 3 million call records online before performance becomes an issue. Q. What storage options are available? A. Recordings can be archived using the DVD burner included with OAISYS Recording Servers or across the LAN to an alternate storage device. Once archived, call records can still be accessed through the playback client application. Q. Does the recording solution provide automatic archiving options? A. Yes, you can back up your recordings to CD, DVD, or NAS based on the age of the file or based on the percentage of disk space your system has used. Q. What file format is used to store recordings? A. OAISYS utilizes patent-pending Portable Voice Document (PVD) technology to store call recordings, which provides maximum security protection. PVD files can also be exported as WAV or MP3 files. The size of a call recording will vary depending on factors such as call duration. The average recording will use only 5MB per hour; this is smaller than an MP3. Approximately 2 million call records will fit in the database. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 35 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 5. System Administration, Security and Alarm Capabilities Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. Q. Does the recording system offer multiple layers of security? A. Following client deployment and initial server connection, all client-server communications are encrypted using robust industry standard RSA and RC2 encryption algorithms. Digital watermarking ensures that call recordings have not been altered. Q. Please describe how user security is addressed with the system. A. The OAISYS solution uses a set of permissions to determine who can listen to what call or even specific parts of a call. These permissions can be based on Caller ID, ANI, DNIS, call direction, account codes, extra information, extensions and more. Q. Is the recording solution HIPAA Compliant? A. Yes, several features of OAISYS solution were designed to facilitate an organization’s efforts in achieving and maintaining HIPAA compliance in their operations. These include, but may not be limited to, the following: The OAISYS solution is built on the Microsoft .NET framework, which enables it to be inserted seamlessly into the organization’s existing HIPAA Data and Security Plan for Microsoft compliant systems and applications; Calls are captured as digital recordings and are stored as searchable, playable voice documents on a secure central repository accessible only by users assigned the appropriate security permissions; File sharing is achieved by transmitting a secure data link to the recipient. The recipient accesses the digital recording file via an encrypted playback data stream; the file itself never leaves the central repository; All instances of file sharing are logged by the administrative module and are easily audited; Sharing is permissions-based. Only authorized users may share files. These users also have the power to restrict recipients’ ability to further share the INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 36 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] recording file, add annotations or hear portions of the file not relevant to the immediate business need. Recipients’ authorization to access the file may also be set to expire after a given period; Every digital recording file is imprinted with a digital watermark to prevent tampering and to make readily apparent if the file has been altered. Q. Is the recording solution PCI Compliant? A. Yes, OAISYS solutions offer unrivaled security protection using the maximum 1024-bit encryption rate, far surpassing the minimum 128-bit encryption rate required for PCI compliance. Additionally, voice documents never leave the recording system on which they are stored; secure system administration provides assignment of individual and group permissions and log file visibility showing an audit trail of recording access. Q. What types of alarms does the system provide? A. Different levels of alarms exist. The alarm system is threshold based allowing definition of up to eight thresholds with corresponding actions, and is capable of logging events, sending email notifications, and issuing commands to external software applications. Administrators can view the status of all ports to see which are operational, which are busy, and which are in error state. Q. Can the system be administered remotely? A. Yes, users with permission can access the client application, including the administrator from anywhere. Partial administrative rights can be given as well. A user may be allowed to create users and user groups but may not be allowed to change recording triggers. Q. Can a user be allowed to administer the system but not listen to recordings? INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 37 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] A. Yes, partial Administrative rights can be assigned. For example, an admin user may be allowed to configure the system, but not create user accounts or listen to recorded or live calls. Q. Can the database be queried directly? A. Yes, read access is allowed, however, write access is not allowed. OAISYS includes a SQL API free of charge. The SQL API can be used in lieu of querying the database via stored procedure. Q. Does the recording solution provide log files that indicate system activity? A. Yes, log files detailing who accessed what calls, a record of who logged in at what time, port activity, and many others are available to administrative users. Q. Can a user email a copy of the recording to an external user? A. Yes, this can be done by sharing a secure link back to the recording. Tracer users can export the audio to another format and email the recording as an attachment. Q. Can a user share only part of a recorded conversation? A. Yes, a user can share one or more highlighted segments of a call. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 38 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 6. System Requirements and Design Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. Q. What are the end user system requirements? A. Operating System must be Windows XP SP2, Windows 7 or Windows 2008, with a minimum Pentium 4.2.0GH processor or higher and 1GB RAM. Q. Is the recording system a turnkey solution? A. Yes, a turnkey solution is available; hardware and software are included. The first year of maintenance and support is also included. Software only installations and VMWare templates are also available. Q. Is Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) required? A. No, CTI is not required although some features rely on CTI. Q. Can the recording solution support multiple nodes? A. Yes, there are many options available depending upon the PBX configuration. Q. What operating system is installed on the OAISYS server? A. Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008. Q. What hard drive(s) come on the server? INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 39 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] A. 320 GB hard drive, 320GB & 500GB hard drive, or 320GB & 1TB hard drives (RAID = 2x hard drives) Q. What database is used for the recording solution? A. SQL 2008 Express or 2008 Workgroup. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 40 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 7. Reports and Evaluations Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. Q. Are reports included? If so, please describe the reports. A. Yes, reports are included with the Tracer software. Fifteen report templates are available and an unlimited number of reports can be created using these templates. Common reports are call arrival times, extension reports, Owner’s Report and employee evaluation reports. The ability to run specific reports is permissions based. Reports can be scheduled to run automatically. Reports can be scheduled to print, be emailed or output to another file format automatically. Q. Can agent or employee evaluations be performed? A. Yes, employee and agent evaluations are included with the OAISYS Tracer software. An unlimited number of evaluations can be created. Each evaluation can be performed on Agents or Extensions and can be based on any criteria such as outside number, ACD information, DNIS, account code, schedule, or any extra information added to the call. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 41 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 8. Radio Channel Recording Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. Q. Can the recording system record radio channels? A. Yes, radio channels can be recorded using VOX technology. 9. Business Application Integration Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. Q. Does the recording solution integrate with other business applications? A. Yes, OAISYS includes a SQL API at no additional charge. The SQL API can be used to link recordings to an existing business application. 10. Screen Recording Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. Q. Can the system record desktop activity? A. Yes, OAISYS Desktop Screen Recording is an optional component that can be added to the overall solution. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 42 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] Section 4 SERVICES 1. MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT Vendors must provide a copy of their standard contract agreements for procurements, maintenance, and/or licensing for all proposed products and services. Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. [AUTHORIZED PARTNER: PROVIDE YOUR RESPONSE.] What maintenance programs are you proposing? Specifically, describe the program, features, services, and benefits. Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER: PROVIDE YOUR RESPONSE.] INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 43 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 1.1 OAISYS Support Products OAISYS offers optional Diamond or Platinum level support for each of our OAISYS Recording Base Systems. OAISYS Diamond Support extends the support, software upgrade period and hardware coverage on any OAISYS Recording Base System and Talkument or Tracer software by one year from the current expiration date, regardless of how many modules or client licenses are included. Diamond Support must be purchased within 30 days of the current support expiration date, and includes unlimited tier-two technical support through phone, email and web; software version upgrades; and hardware advance replacement. OAISYS Platinum Support extends the support, software upgrade period and hardware coverage on any OAISYS Recording Base System and Talkument or Tracer software by one year from the current expiration date, regardless of how many modules or client licenses are included. Platinum Support must be purchased within 30 days of the current support expiration date, and includes unlimited tier-one and tier-two technical support through phone, email and web; scheduled after-hours support; quarterly performance monitoring; software version upgrades; and hardware advance replacement. Tier-one support requires an end user contact to register and be certified through our training program. Every new OAISYS system purchased includes one year of Diamond support at no additional charge. This first year of support can be upgraded to Platinum by purchasing at least one additional year of Platinum support services at the time of the order. For example: Purchase of an OAISYS 2 T1/PRI Appliance and one year of additional Platinum support enrolls the system in our Platinum support services for two years total. 1.2 OAISYS Support Definitions Tier-one support is an OAISYS employee directly supporting an end user customer. Tier-two support is an OAISYS employee supporting a resale partner employee on behalf of an end user customer. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 44 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] Software version upgrades are the new versions OAISYS periodically makes available that include new features and functionality. The upgrade process is performed via the support services available to a given resale partner or end user depending upon the active support plan. Some features introduced with new software versions are made available as options for a fee, and are not automatically provided to customers covered by a support plan free of charge (for example, desktop video recording). Hardware advance replacement is the process of replacing failed or suspect hardware to resolve service affecting issues. This feature will only be available to those customers who have not experienced a lapse in support coverage at any point in the life of the product. After-hours support would only be available on a scheduled basis for tasks such as upgrades, server replacements, etc. Quarterly performance monitoring is a preventative maintenance service. Using remote access, a support engineer will evaluate the following: Hard drive storage availability and disk maintenance parameter settings, to avoid failsafe purging or a system crash Database capacity levels and database maintenance parameter settings. Upon completion of the quarterly performance monitoring service, a simple report will be issued detailing the actions taken and any recommended measures that should be performed. For example: If disk maintenance were recommended, OAISYS would not advise where to store the data, we would simply suggest that a disk maintenance plan is necessary to avoid failsafe purging or a crashed system. 1.3 OAISYS Customer Service Contact Center The OAISYS customer service contact center is available from 8:30 a.m. EST to 5 p.m. PST Monday through Friday, providing partners with technical and customer support services. OAISYS Technical Support Specialists and Engineers are skilled in supporting technicians and administrators with the installation, administration and troubleshooting of any OAISYS call recording solution. Utilizing automatic event log transfers and remote support capabilities, OAISYS can rapidly diagnose and resolve customer problems. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 45 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 46 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 2. PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION Describe the process by which the call recording solution is installed Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. OAISYS JumpStart Services OAISYS delivers a robust post-sales services program to increase end-user value and protect an organization’s profitability. The OAISYS JumpStart Services program is offered cost-free as part of our standard support. Following rapid order fulfillment, JumpStart Services are scheduled five to seven days ahead. Project management tools, which aid in the successful preparation of the installation, are then provided. On the day of the scheduled installation, an OAISYS Technical Support Specialist will be assigned to work directly with the partner’s field technician on the project. This service is intended to minimize installation time and maximize end-user satisfaction with the OAISYS call recording solution. OAISYS Professional Services Some organizations may require a more direct and proactive level of deployment support beyond the level of our JumpStart Services program. For those organizations, the OAISYS Professional Services program provides expert solution deployment and installation through a combination of off-site preliminary setup in our lab environment, and additional on-site configuration assistance over the phone and via the internet or in person. OAISYS Professional Services offers flexibility and choice in addressing an organization’s unique business needs through streamlined implementation of the OAISYS recording solution, helping empower our customers to successfully and efficiently meet their business objectives. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 47 of 48 [INSERT LEFT AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER LOGO] 3. TRAINING What initial training is necessary for our personnel to support and use your hardware and software? Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER: PROVIDE YOUR RESPONSE.] When adding new technology to any workplace environment, it is essential that personnel are fully qualified to support it. OAISYS training services address that concern. OAISYS provides systems administrators and other technically qualified personnel in your organization with the training tools they need to take over ongoing management and maintenance of the new system. Outline methods of training to be provided for our personnel. Response: [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER] has read, understood and complies. [AUTHORIZED OAISYS PARTNER: PROVIDE YOUR RESPONSE.] OAISYS offers a variety of training opportunities to help customers quickly enjoying the benefits of their recording solution faster and more efficiently than ever before. In addition to including the latest training presentations on DVD with every OAISYS Recording System shipped, OAISYS provides a variety of other complementary training tools. Instructor Led Web-based Training: Provides a convenient way for end users and administrators to obtain product training. These pre-scheduled web events help get customers up to speed on how to use and administer OAISYS recording solutions. Tutorial Videos: Movies that target specific details within an application. These videos are less than 5 minutes long, and provide a convenient way to address specific topics. Online Presentations: Provide comprehensive training on the installation, administration, and use of OAISYS call recording products. Sessions last between 45 and 60 minutes, and each support the installation and configuration of an OAISYS solution. INSERT CLIENT LOGO INSERT OAISYS AUTHORIZED PARTNER LOGO (CENTER) Page 48 of 48