WINTER PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY MISSION STATEMENT Approved 8/10/10 The Winter Park Public Library strives to improve the quality of life of Winter Park residents by providing information, education, and entertainment tailored to the residents changing needs. VALUES STATEMENT The Winter Park Public Library: Values its role as a safe nurturing, and community-centered service. Values lifelong learning supported by a variety of formats, services, and programs. Values encouraging children and young people to develop a love of reading, learning, and libraries. Values reading for education and pleasure by individuals and families. Values strong community partnerships with the City of Winter Park, individuals, corporations, and other organizations. Values preserving Winter Park’s cultural heritage. Values physical and technological infrastructure that meets the Winter Park Community’s needs. Values intellectual freedom, diverse viewpoints, and individual differences. Values effective management of its financial resources and efficient, costeffective service. Values excellent customer service. Values staff knowledge, expertise, and teamwork. Values a fairly and competitively compensated staff. Strategic Plan 2010 to 2013 Goal 1. Provide current, high-demand, high-interest materials in a variety of formats for persons of all ages. Objective 1: Analyze current collection development and maintenance practices to optimize spending and storage practices Action Steps: 1. Evaluate current “best seller” multi-copy purchasing and compare cost and timeliness with book supplier’s “leasing plans” by March 2011. 2. Annually, by August of each year, analyze current use and statistical trends to determine areas of the collection that need expansion or reduction in order to optimize spending allocations. 3. Annually maintain a focused weeding program for efficient use of the collection and to address limited shelving space. 4. Analyze current fines and fees structure relative to surrounding libraries and general trends with a recommendation to the Library Board by March 2011. Objective 2: Increase the variety of materials reflected in the library’s collection Action Steps: 1. Offer downloadable digital materials by September 2013. 2. Continually assess new popular information formats for inclusion in library collection, such as electronic book readers. 3. Expand the Winter Park oral history collection, digital conversion of existing collections, and increased/improved accessibility of the materials through the Winter Park History web page. Convert a minimum of six collections a year. 4. Record, digitize, and preserve significant programs, presentations, and community events sponsored by the Library and add to the Winter Park History collection. 5. Identify Winter Park History materials in outdated formats and convert to digital formats. 6. Find funding to start up Rosetta Stone (or something like it). Goal 2. Support independent learning for individuals of all ages Objective 1: Restructure library programs and services to attract new audiences to the library and meet the changing needs of regular library users. Action Steps: 2. Continually assess new popular information formats for inclusion in library collection, such as electronic book readers. 3. Expand the Winter Park oral history collection, digital conversion of existing collections, and increased/improved accessibility of the materials through the Winter Park History web page. Convert a minimum of six collections a year. 4. Record, digitize, and preserve significant programs, presentations, and community events sponsored by the Library and add to the Winter Park History collection. 5. Identify Winter Park History materials in outdated formats and convert to digital formats. Goal 3. Provide programs, facilities and staff to ensure that the Library remains a key site for community activities, meetings and services. Objective 1: Make renovations to better utilize Library spaces in support of Library programs and services Action Steps: 1. Develop and implement short-term renovations of service and stack areas with special attention to reorganizing (or relocating) children’s services by September 2013. 2. By September 2011, identify the required funds and likely sources for an expanded building. 3. Review meeting room policies and adjust prices to meet current market by September 2011. 4. Provide better ongoing support to book clubs. Objective 2: Enhance library facilities to create an environment of a positive patron experience. Action Steps: 1. Redecorate the main lobby making it more attractive and inviting by Sept. 2012. 2. Replace worn furniture and purchase community room chairs with stackable models that fit on a dolly by Sept. 2012. 3. Work with the City to have them repaint the library interior, replace worn carpeting, and upgrade A/C by Sept. 2012. Work with the City to enhance library exterior and landscaping. 4. Review use of display racks and cases for better marketing of materials and a more attractive environment by September 2013. 5. Replace the AV room shelving with shelving better suited to the materials by September 2013. 6. Install a mural on the rear wall in the Youth Services storytelling room by September 2012. Objective 3: Develop and implement a plan for optimizing staff utilization (adding and/or redistributing staff) to meet the increasing patron need for materials and services Action Steps: 1. Additional ten page hours of daytime staffing in technical services by September 2012. 2. Increase Youth Services outreach position from 20 hrs. to 40 hrs. per week to increase services to schools and upon community awareness and utilization of the Library by Sept. 2013 3. Increase Youth Services page position from 6 to 13 hrs. per week by October 2011. 4. Add additional part-time circ assistant in Youth Services to keep up with the increase in circulation (or consolidate circulation on the first floor and transfer circ staff from Youth Services to Circulation) by Sept. 2013. 5. Annually develop a list of needed staff skills and identify training opportunities and either provide in-house training or allocate funds to address those needs. Goal 4. Provide timely, accurate, and useful information for community residents in a variety of formats. Objective 1: Develop, implement, and update innovative web services Action Steps: 1. Continually analyze web usage to determine patron preferences and trends. 2. Add web master position to improve our web site and manage the site by keeping data and technology up-to-date by Sept. 2012. 3. Consider allowing for patron comments/reviews in the catalog by September 2011. Objective 2: Marketing and promotion of library services Action Steps: 1. By January each year, develop and implement annual marketing plan. 2. Publish an annual report by January each year. 3. Continue expanding Library use of social media. Goal 5. Secure ample funding to meet the Library needs of the community. Objective 1: Identify Library needs outside normal operating requirements to be matched with alternative funding sources. Action Steps: 1. Annually identify materials, resources and equipment that the Library would like to purchase and place these giving opportunities on the Library web page 2. Activate the Heritage Society (planned giving, wills, bequests) by Nov. 2010. 3. Implement a planned giving program with set specific annual goals by Nov. 2010. 4. Aggressively research grants and grant-base programming that correlates with the Library’s overall mission. Objective 2: Develop new partnerships and enhance existing ones Action Steps: 1. Annually review/expand the list of stakeholder partnerships 2. Integrate the Friends of the Library into the Library’s annual fund campaign and strategic plan. 3. Work with the Friends of the Library to study other library’s membership fees and adjust ours as indicated. Develop a super Friends membership fee that would provide additional benefits by March 2011. Goal 6. Provide a technological infrastructure and a physical environment that accommodates the changing requirements of delivering library services in the 21st century. Objective 1: Maintain the hardware and software required to support present and anticipated staff and patron needs Action Steps: 1. Significantly increase and stabilize the annual budget for new equipment purchases and replacements 2. Continually conduct a software analysis to ensure that public and staff computers are updated with the most efficient software and licenses. 3. Increase the number of patron Internet stations by four (for a total of 43) by September 2013 4. As funding and space allows, replace/upgrade 20 public Internet terminals from all 3 service areas by September 2013 Objective 2: Improve Library efficiency and effectiveness Action Steps: 1. Reduce the costs of delivering library service by using technology, streamlining routines and investigating outsourcing 2. Upgrade to multi-function self-service checkout stations 3. Address the critical need and options to replace the Library’s computer system with either in-house or outsourcing solutions