Group 4_Bishawi_McCreery-Stegman_Skarbek_

Evaluation of Bibliography Resources
Group 4
Abdel-Hakim Bishawi (AHB)
Mary Beth McCreery-Stegman (MMS)
Valeria Skarbek (VS)
ILS 504-S70 Dr. Elsie Okobi
June 24, 2007
(Note: Student author’s initials are in parenthesis after each work they evaluated.)
Group 4 Bishawi_McCreery-Stegman-Skarbek
Bib. Resources 6/24/07
Bibliographic Resources Reviewed
American Book Publishing Record (MMS)
American Library Directory (MMS)
Books in Print (MMS)
Children's Catalog (MMS)
Fiction Catalog (MMS)
Forthcoming Books (MMS)
Gales Directory of Databases (AHB)
Gales Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media (AHB)
Guide to Reference Books (MMS)
Literary Market Place (AHB)
Magazines for Libraries (VS)
National Union Catalog Pre-1956 Imprints (VS)
New Serial Titles: A Union List of Serials Held by Libraries (VS)
The New Walford: Guide to Reference Resources (AHB)
Public Library Catalog (VS)
Publishers, Distributors and Wholesalers of the US (VS) (AHB)
The Readers Advisor (VS)
Standard Periodical Directory (AHB)
Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory (VS)
Whitaker’s Books in Print (AHB)
WorldCat (VS)
Total Resources:
(MMS): 7
(AHB): 8 (Note: Unable to find Whitaker’s Books in Print)
(VS): 8
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American Book Publishing Record (MMS)
Full Citation: R.R. Bowker Company. (1960). American book publishing record. New York:
Purpose: Combines information published weekly in Publishers weekly. Provides users with
books information on the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities.
Authority: R. R. Bowker
Frequency of Publication/Update: Monthly
Scope: 1960 - Present
Format: CD ROM and monthly version available
Arrangement: Arranged in three parts: Dewey Decimal Classification Number, adult fiction, and
juvenile fiction. Fiction entries are arranged alphabetically by the main author of the title.
Entries: Cataloging entries for over 10,000 new titles monthly.
Special Features: Information derived from MARC (Machine readable Cataloging data.
Contains Dewey and LC classifications
Use/Coverage: Provides cataloging entries for over 10,000 new titles every month and contain
cataloging information such as classifications, title, edition, series, LC number, ISBM binding,
price, and subject tracings. This information is obtained form MARC (Machine Readable
Cataloging data).
Latest Edition: May 2007
Limitations: Information is only provided by what is listed on the MARC entry provided by the
publishing company.
Cost: $485.00 (2 volume set)
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American Library Directory (MMS)
Full Citation: Information Today, Inc. (2002). American library directory. Medford, N.J.:
Information Today.
Purpose: For librarians and library users to review and examine information about a wide
variety of libraries. Also useful for anyone who would like to contact those in the library market
to promote books, periodicals, music, audio/visual products, and electronic media.
Authority: Published by Information Today.
Frequency of Publication/Update: Updated annually.
Scope: 1923- Present
Format: Available on CD ROM and online.
Arrangement: Information is arranged alphabetically by state, city and institution name. Two
Volumes: (Volume I includes Alabama through Texas, and Volume II includes Utah through
Wyoming, the United States territories, and some libraries in Canada). Listings may include the
following types of information: name and address, branch locations, holdings, budgets,
programs, special collections, automation systems, telephone and fax numbers, library school
entrance requirements and tuition.
Entries: Information included on over 37,000 public, academic, special, and government
libraries and more than 75,000 library personnel.
Special Features: Listings may include the following types of information: name and address,
branch locations, holdings, budgets, programs, special collections, automation systems,
telephone and fax numbers, library school entrance requirements and tuition.
Use/Coverage: Provides current comparative data on libraries and the services that are provided
by these libraries. This information is provided for the library industry, and includes coverage of
public, academic, government, and special libraries.
Latest Edition: 59th Ed., Volumes 1 & 2
Limitations: Print version has limited searching capabilities.
Cost: Hardbound Set $299.00
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Books in Print (MMS)
Full Citation: R.R. Bowker Company. (1948). Books in print. New Jersey [etc.]: R.R. Bowker
Purpose: Serves the library and book trade communities with bibliographic sources.
Authority: R. R. Bowker LLC
Frequency of Publication/Update: Annually
Scope: 1948 - Present
Format: CD ROM and online version available.
Arrangement: Eight volumes with five volumes arranged by title, and the other three volumes
arranged by author. Contact and ordering information for publishers is included.
Entries: Over 2,800,000 active ISBN’s for books currently published in the United States.
Included are some publisher indexes.
Special Features: Lists not only active titles, but also active ISBN’s
Use/Coverage: This book features more than 2,800,000 active ISBNs, and provides coverage of
the full range of books currently published or distributed in the United States.
Latest Edition: August 2006
Limitations: Online version takes less physical room, and is more up-to-date.
Cost: $899.00
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Children’s Catalog (MMS)
Full Citation: H.W. Wilson Company. (1909). Children's catalog. Standard catalog series. New
York: H.W. Wilson Co.
Purpose: Provide children’s librarians, school specialist information about nonfiction and
fiction works that are age appropriate for children from preschool through the sixth grade
Authority: H. W. Wilson Co.
Frequency of Publication/Update: Hardbound once per year with three paperbound supplements
Scope: 1909 - Present
Format: Online version is available.
Arrangement: Arranged by Dewey decimal classification system with separate sections for nonfiction, fiction, short story and easy books. Hardbound book comes out once per year and three
additional paperbound supplements are sent yearly.
Entries: Over 8,500 entries in the main volume (2006) with more than 8,500 new titles since the
previous edition was published. Titles will be added annually in the paperbound supplements.
Special Features: Arranged by Dewey decimal classification used in most public libraries.
Use/Coverage: Contains catalog entries with sections for nonfiction, fiction, short story, and easy
books. Also included is a lost of recommended web resources for children.
Latest Edition: 2006
Limitations: Additional reviews can only be found in the online version. Updated only quarterly.
Cost: $195.00 (hardcover volume plus 3 annual paperbound supplements)
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Fiction Catalog (MMS)
Full Citation: H.W. Wilson Company, Bacon, C., Cook, D. E., & Monro, I. S. (1908). Fiction
catalog. New York [etc.]: H.W. Wilson Co.
Purpose: For librarians, administrators, and library users, this catalog provides users with
collection development and maintenance, selection and purchasing, readers’ advisory and
general reference.
Authority: H. W. Wilson Co.
Frequency of Publication/Update: Hardbound once per year with three paperbound supplements
Scope: 15th Edition in 2006.
Format: Online version is available.
Arrangement: Entries include complete bibliographic data, price, descriptive annotations, and
evaluative quotations from a review when available.
Entries: More than 8,000 books in the main volume (2006), and more than 2,400 new titles in
annual paperbound supplements through 2009.
Special Features: Information is provided for author, out-of-print status, title, reprint publication
data, publisher, ISBN, date of publication, LC number, notes regarding any sequels, illustration
notes, publication history, price, and contents of story collections.
Use/Coverage: Covers classic and contemporary works of fiction recommended for a general
adult audience, written in or translated into English.
Latest Edition: 15th Ed., 2006
Limitations: Additional reviews can only be found in the online version. Updated only quarterly.
Cost: $240.00 (hardcover volume plus 3 annual paperbound supplements)
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Forthcoming Books (MMS)
Full Citation: Arny, R. (1966). Forthcoming books. [New York: R.R. Bowker Co.].
Purpose: For librarians, administrators, and bookstore owners to stay current with book
acquisitions, collections and patron requests. Also lists postponements and changes in price,
editions, title, or ISBN
Authority: R. R. Bowker, New Providence, New Jersey.
Frequency of Publication/Update: Four times per year (March, June, September, and December)
with the September publication being a cumulative edition for the year.
Scope: 1966 - Present
Format: Print version plus science/technology parts available as a part of CD-ROM
Arrangement: Arranged by author and title.
Entries: Information is included about adult trade books, technical and scientific books, young
adult and juvenile literature, college textbooks, paperbacks, imports, revised editions and
Special Features: Expands on the previous issue, updating entries and adding new ones.
Use/Coverage: Coverage includes expanding on the previous issue, updating entries and adding
new ones. Information is included about adult trade books, technical and scientific books, young
adult and juvenile literature, college texts, paperbacks, imports, revised editions and reprints.
Latest Edition: 2006
Limitations: Additional guide is necessary to search by subject headings.
Cost: $299.00 annually
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Gale Directory of Databases (AHB)
Full Citation: Gale Directory of Databases 2007. (Vols. 1-2, 2007) Farmington Hills, MI:
Thompson Gale.
Purpose: The Gale Directory of Databases was designed for industry professionals, librarians
and others seeking detailed information about electronic publishing and products. The directory
is a guide for librarians to meet the needs of reference and collection development. It profiles
nearly 20,000 databases available worldwide in a variety of formats.
Authority: Published first in 1979, the publisher is famous in his contributing to libraries.
Frequency of Publication/Update: It was started in 1979; continuous updating for the online
version and annual updating for the print volume.
Scope: It profiles nearly 20,000 databases available worldwide in a variety of formats. Vol. 1:
Online Databases which profiles nearly 10,500 online databases made publicly available from
the producer or an online vendor. Vol. 2: CD-ROM, DVD, Diskette, Magnetic Tape, Handheld
and Batch Access Database Products profiles over 9,600 database products offered in portable
form and through batch processing. Each volume includes a subject, geographic and master
Format: Print in set two volumes. CD ROM; also available online through the Dialog
Corporation’s Data Star and Dialog online services.
Arrangement: Gale Directory of Databases can be accessed online through Gale’s Ready
Reference Shelf which can be searched by organization name, location, subject descriptor, etc.
Volume 1 contains the online databases. Volume 2 contains CD-ROM, diskette, magnetic tape,
handheld, and batch access database products. There is Geographic Index of producers, online
services and vendors by the country, a subject index, and Master Index, which is an alphabetical
list of the databases and products
Entries: Entries include producer name and contact information, description, cost and more.
Each edition is comprised of two volumes: Vol. 1: Online Databases which profiles nearly
10,500 online databases made publicly available from the producer or an online vendor. Vol. 2:
CD-ROM, DVD, Diskette, Magnetic Tape, Handheld and Batch Access Database Products
profiles over 9,600 database products offered in portable form and through batch processing.
Each volume includes a subject, geographic and master index.
Special Features: Searching the online version includes many operators such as AND, OR,
Use: All types of libraries can use Gale Directory of databases to address the needs of their
clients. Students at academic libraries make daily use of such a directory when working on their
research and projects.
Latest Edition: Print, CD ROM, Online - 2007
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Limitations: n/a
Cost: new - US$ 565.00.
Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media (AHB)
Full Citation: Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media 2006. (5 Volume Set)
Farmington Hills, MI: Thompson Gale.
Purpose: The Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media was designed for media
professionals (sound speakers, photographers, speakers, etc.), industry professionals, librarians
and others seeking detailed information about media. The directory contains thousands of listings
for radio and television stations and cable companies. Print media entries provide address, phone,
fax numbers, and e-mail addresses, key personnel, including feature editors, and more. Broadcast
media entries include address, phone, fax number, e-mail addresses, key personnel, owner
information, hours of operation and networks carried. Corresponds to the set/series version of the
same name.
Authority: Formerly called Ayer Directory of Publications. First published in 1869, the
publisher is famous in publishing materials to the librarianship community.
Frequency of Publication/Update: It was started in 1869, Annual; includes interdiction update;
latest edition 139th, Published Sept. 2004.
Scope: Approximately 57,000 publications and broadcasting stations, including newspapers,
magazines, journals, radio stations, television stations, radio/television/cable networks,
syndicates and cable systems in the U.S. and Canada. Volume Five includes international
countries. Newsletters and directories are excluded. Subject descriptors include the following:
Newspaper industry
Periodical publishing industry
Jews--Publications, films, etc.
Hispanic Americans--Publications, films, etc.
Television broadcasting industry
Colleges and universities--Publications
African Americans--Publications, films, etc.
Agriculture--Publications, films, databases, etc.
Cable television broadcasting industry
Black Americans--Publications, films, etc.
Pay television
Minorities--Publications, films, etc.
Religion--Publications, films, etc.
Radio broadcasting industry
Women--Publications, films, etc.
Agricultural Publications
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Format: print (5 volumes); also CD Rom Database, Dialog (The Dialog Corporation), File 469;
Arrangement: Geographical. The directory is divided into five volumes. The first volume
includes entries alphabetically from Alabama to New Hampshire. The second volume includes
Jersey to Wyoming, and Canadian listings. The third volume contains broadcast and cable
networks, news and feature syndicates, and twenty-one indexes. The fourth volume contains the
regional market index, and the fifth volume contains international listings and indexes.
Indexes: Title; radio station format; publisher; geographic market; lists of agricultural, college,
foreign language, Jewish, fraternal, black, women's, Hispanic, religious, general circulation, and
trade and technical publications (by subject and/or geographical as needed); daily newspaper;
daily periodical; free circulation newspaper; and shopping guides (each geographical); list of
feature editors at daily newspapers with 50,000 or more circulation.
Entries: For publications--Title, publishing and editorial addresses, phone, fax, description,
names of editor, publisher, and advertising manager, base advertising rate, page specifications,
subscription rate, circulation, frequency, ISSN, former names, additional contacts. For broadcast
media--Call letters or cable system name, address, phone, fax, format, networks, owner, date
founded, former call letters, operating hours, names and titles of key personnel, local
programming, wattage, ad rates, and additional contacts. Also Includes: Appendices with maps
and statistical tables, city descriptions, state descriptions with statistics, broadcast and cable
networks, news and features syndicates.
Special Features: The indexes which are included made searching easy for users.
Use: All Radio and Television and Media station libraries and other special libraries who deal
with media and academic libraries should use Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast to
locate information about media. Students who study media will find this directory an excellent
tool for their projects.
Latest Edition: Print 2006, CD ROM, Online - 2007
Limitations: n/a
Cost: new - $ 1,000.00
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Guide to Reference Books (MMS)
Full Citation: Balay, R., Carrington, V. F., & Martin, M. S. (1996). Guide to reference books.
Chicago: American Library Association.
Purpose: To serve the library and information services community as a source for reference
Authority: American Library Association (ALA)
Frequency of Publication/Update: 11th Ed. was published in 1996.
Scope: Bibliographic information and descriptions for over 14,000 English and foreign language
reference works in all fields (favors reference works published in North America and emphasizes
English Language).
Format: Only in print.
Arrangement: This reference book is arranged in five major parts: general reference works,
humanities, social/behavioral sciences, history/area studies, and science/technology/medicine.
Entries: This reference book is organized for quick and easy use and includes citations for
encyclopedias, dictionaries, yearbooks, almanacs, handbooks, biographies, atlases, and indexes.
Special Features: The index is almost one-quarter of the total volume for easier use.
Use/Coverage: Covers works from beginning of printing to 1993.
Latest Edition: 11th Ed. 1996.
Limitations: Not covered in depth, and lacking information from OCLC’s WorldCat.
Cost: Price: $275.00, ALA Member Price: $247.50
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LMP (Literary Market Place): The Directory of the American Book Publishing
Industry (AHB)
Full Citation: LMP (Literary Market Place). 1965- Present. (Medford, New Jersey: Information
Today, Inc.). Online version: Information Today Inc. LMP (Literary Market Place Retrieved
June 23, 2007 from
Purpose: Literary Market Place (LMP) is the directory of America and Canadian book
publishing. It was designed as a guide to the U.S. book publishing industry, covering every
conceivable aspect of the business. Librarians provide patrons with the reference source they
need to navigate the publishing industry. Publishers can locate other publishers, freelancers,
agents, printers, wholesalers, and manufacturers. Suppliers can find names and numbers of
potential publishing customers. Job seekers locate contact names, addresses, and phone numbers
throughout the industry. Writers locate publishers for their works.
Authority: It has begun in 1965, provides a similar scope of publishing data for more than 180
countries around the world.
Frequency of Publication/Update: It has begun in 1965. Online version is updated on weekly
basis. Print version is updated on annual basis.
Scope: 1908 to present. It features listings on more than 30,000 companies, books, periodicals,
awards, courses, or events. 54 sections organizing everyone and everything in the business from
publishers, agents, and ad agencies to associations, distributors, and events. Over 14,500 listings
in all—featuring names, addresses, and numbers; key personnel, activities, specialties, and other
relevant data; e-mail addresses and Web sites; and more. Some 22,000 decision makers
throughout the industry, listed in a separate “Personnel Yellow Pages” section in each volume.
Thousands of services and suppliers equipped to meet every publishing need or requirement.
Format: Online; there is an annual print version as well.
Arrangement: Arranged by categories: Publishers, Agents, Industry services, Industry
Resources. Free Users and Subscribers have full access to Small Presses and the categories. In
the Publishers and Agents categories, Free User access is limited to company names and
addresses. Subscribers have access to full profiles of Publishers and Agents. All users may use
alphabetic browsing, keyword searching of all fields, and Advanced Search options.
Entries: When users click on Publishers, they get US, Canadian sections first followed by
International sections. Each section includes Publishers, editorial services and agents,
Associations, events, awards, advertising, marketing, Book manufacturing, etc.
Special Features: Users can reach the people who publish, package, review, represent, edit,
translate, typeset, illustrate, design, print, bind, promote, publicize, ship, and distribute books.
Use: Users can use to do a Quick Search or Advanced Search to
search for the information they need. Subscription and Registration are required for a fee. The
Advanced Search form provides templates (subject, geography, company name, personnel name,
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ISBN Prefix and other unique criteria) with search filters to help users get to the desired records
quickly. Free registration enables users to browse Literary Market Place for free. Gain access to
trade services and resources and basic information on publishers and literary agents worldwide.
Subscribers for a fee will have access to all the data found in the print version along with the
convenience, speed, and currency only the Web can offer.
Latest Edition: 2007
Limitations: n/a.
Cost: users must register to use the site. A weekly subscription to is now available for $19.95. Annual subscription is US$ 399.00
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Magazines for Libraries (VS)
Full Citation: Katz, W. A., & Katz, L. S. (1992). Magazines for libraries: for the general reader
and school, junior college, college, university, and public libraries (7th ed.). New Providence,
N.J.: R. R. Bowker.
Purpose: According to the title page of the 7th edition, this resource is “for the general reader and
school, junior college, college, university, and public libraries” (Katz and Katz). The Preface
states “this is an annotated listing by subject of more than 6,600 periodicals” that have been
selected from over 70,000 possibilities (ix). Magazines for Libraries assists librarians and
readers in selecting and evaluating journals, magazines, and other periodicals.
Authority: The name, title, and address of each consultant who compiled each subject heading is
listed at the beginning of their respective section. When there is more than one contributor, all
names are given. The editors were the overall evaluators and discussed adding and dropping
titles with the consultants. In regards accuracy, I looked for my favorite magazine, Fine Cooking,
which is published by Taunton Press. While their other magazines, Fine Gardening, Fine
Woodworking, Fine Homebuilding, and Threads are all listed in this 1997 edition, Fine Cooking
is not. These other publications were favorably reviewed but have been published six to nineteen
years longer than Fine Cooking has. I called Taunton Press to confirm the first date of
publication, which they informed me is Spring 1994. A possible reason for its exclusion is the
fact that at the time of compilation of the 1997 edition of Magazines for Libraries, Fine Cooking
may not have yet gained prominence or credibility as a publication.
Frequency of Publication/Update: Future editions are planned; however, Magazines for Libraries
does not appear to have a set publication schedule. According to several sources, there is a
quarterly email update, Magazines for Libraries Update, which was introduced in November
Scope: Titles include “(1) some general, non-specialist periodicals of interest to the layperson;
(2) the main English-language research journals in the United States, Canada, and Great Britain;
and (3) some high-quality commercial publications commonly found in special and academic
libraries” (ix).
Format: Large bound book. Typeface is easy to read, appropriate use of white space, headings
and guidewords are easily recognized by bold and sometimes capitals
Arrangement: This resource is arranged by subject but also has indexes for both subjects and
titles. Reviewed periodicals are both alphabetically arranged and numbered sequentially. In the
1992 edition reviewed, there were over 130 subjects. Future edition include such additions as
Internet-World Wide Web, Electronic Journals, General Editorial-Internet and Zines.
Entries: Entries for each item include the title, date founded, frequency, price, editor, publisher
and address, illustrations, index, advertising, circulation, whether or not the publication is
refereed, the audience and other information. More recent publications include the ISSN and
related website.
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Special Features: Each magazine review indicates the type of audience or library for which it is
well suited. Audience symbols are only guidelines and not specific designations which limit a
publication to only a certain type of library.
Use: This resource would be beneficial to users who wish to know more about specific
periodicals or are looking for more specific information about a certain subject, whether for
research or leisure purposes. This is an asset to all types of libraries, from public to academic.
This is also useful to librarians who are interested in building or adding to an existing periodical
Latest Edition: 15th edition, published December 2006
Limitations: Information on some periodicals, such as price and web address, may not be
accurate after the initial year of publication.
Cost: $275.00 for the 15th Edition, published December 2006
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National Union Catalog Pre-1956 Imprints (VS)
Full Citation: Library of Congress. (1968). The National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints; a
cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by
other American libraries. London: Mansell.
Purpose: This work helps verify books and other materials prior to 1956, often called the Mansell
after its publisher’s name.
Authority: Library of Congress. This resource provides records of printed titles and cards from
works published prior to 1956 that were held by about 800 major U.S. and Canadian contributing
libraries and the Library of Congress.
Frequency of Publication/Update: It was published annually beginning in 1967 and later
volumes, from 1958-1978, were published in five-year compilations; the last publication was in
Scope: Issued serially, the catalog contains 754 volumes with over 528,000 pages.
Format: Some printed copies exist. Up to two-thirds of the titles printed in the Mansell are
currently available online at
Arrangement: The entire set consists of more than 20,000,000 Library of Congress catalog cards
in 754 volumes printed on about 528,000 pages. It contains photocopies of printed catalog cards
from major American and Canadian libraries. These are arranged alphabetically by author's last
name or by title for books that have no author. Other content includes publisher, date of
publication, number of pages, prices and ISBN number.
Entries: See arrangement.
Special Features: Info not available
Use: This resource may need to be consulted for many years in the future since many major
research libraries have not converted major portions of their collections into electronic formats. It
is an important resources was for verifying bibliographic information and finding older copies of
books that cannot be located by OCLC WorldCat since there are as many as one-third of the
titles in the Mansell which are not in WorldCat.
Latest Edition: Not applicable as printing has ceased.
Limitations: Immense size and weight make it cumbersome and difficult to use, takes up much
shelf space.
Cost: Info not available
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New Serial Titles: A Union List of Serials Held by Libraries (VS)
Full Citation: Library of Congress. (1984). New serial titles: a union list of serials held by
libraries in the United States and Canada. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress.
Purpose: New Serial Titles supplements and updates the original Union List of Serials. The
Union List of Serials is a five volume set that provides the location of 157,000 journals in 956
United States and Canadian libraries as of 1966 but is no longer published.
Authority: Joint Committee on the Union List of Serials, Library of Congress, Serial Record
Frequency of Publication/Update: It is issued monthly.
Scope: Covering periodicals which began publication in 1950 or later, includes libraries in the
United States and Canada.
Format: Print.
Arrangement: Alphabetically. Published in two volumes. Date ranges: 1950-70, 1971-75, 197680, 1981-84 and more.
Entries: Info not available
Special Features: Info not available
Use: Useful to see which libraries hold volumes of periodicals that a user’s current library lacks
or to verify the name and publication data of a serial.
Latest Edition: Monthly publication
Limitations: Info not available
Cost: Info not available
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New Walford Guide to Reference Sources (AHB)
Full Citation: The New Walford Guide to Reference Sources 2005. London. Facet Publishing.
Purpose: The New Walford Guide to Reference Sources covers science, technology and
medicine produced both in printed and digital format. It was designed to help scientists,
technology professionals, and health care professionals to locate information of their interest to
support their professions.
Authority: Doctors Ray Lester is the editor-in-chief for this volume and there are 16 subject
specialists that choose entries for the guide.
Frequency of Publication/Update: First published in 1951, then 2000, then 2005.
Scope: The three subject parts make up the body of volume one with roughly 8000 entries in
1,000 categories. These are then broken down into subject grouping, then subject field. The
coverage is international in scope and there are many resources drawn from non-English
language sites and services. Selection criteria includes the origin and language of the sources,
which are predominantly from the UK and the US and English. The simplified subject
classification is well-explained and there is a particular emphasis on thirteen resource categories:
from 'Introductions to subject' to 'Keeping up-to-date'. This grouping scheme is based on very
different criteria: types and forms of documents and organizations.
Format: Print. Quality of print and design of the book is remarkable, the paper of high quality,
the structure, lay-out and explanations transparent, the possibilities of browsing and searching as
good as one can get in the printed reference book.
Arrangement: The descriptions of resources follow a uniform structure and are written in an
easily understood language. The description provides all essential information for resource
location and also indicates the target group, the origin and provides general evaluation of the
extent, reference features, and quality. The Author/Title index lists almost 8000 entries and the
Topic index around 1000. There is a list of Tools for Information Professionals at the end of
subject listings.
Entries: Each entry is introduced by the specialist to give some idea of the issues involved in the
discipline, including the dominance of specific types of materials. However the different subjects
did deal with this in different ways and some standardization of the purpose of this section
(especially as the volume is written with a wider audience in mind) would have been useful. The
details of these are then extended in the body of the text.
Special Features: It helps people to familiarize themselves with basic resources in a new subject
area and to begin the process of updating a limited reference collection.
Use: It is a useful directory which should be available at special libraries which serve
technology, science, and medical professionals.
Latest Edition: Print 2005.
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Limitations: n/a
Cost: ₤149.95
OCLC Online Union Catalog (AHB)
Full Citation: OCLC WorldCat (the OCLC Online Union Catalog) (World Cat) (2007).
Retrieved June 23, 2007, from
Purpose: It was designed to help catalogers, librarians, and bibliographic managers to access
millions of bibliographic records, representing 400 languages, to materials which were cataloged
by OCLC members. The materials include books, websites and Internet resources, computer
programs, films and slides, journals and magazines, articles, chapters, papers, manuscripts, maps,
musical scores, newspapers, sound recordings, and videotapes.
Authority: All records were cataloged by OCLC Online Computer Library Center members.
More than 57,000,000 records added since 1971 and they are updated on daily basis.
Frequency of Publication/Update: Representing information from before 1000 BC to present,
more than 57,000,000 records added since 1971. It is updated on a daily basis.
Scope: Before 1000 BC to present. WorldCat offers millions of bibliographic records in 400
Format: Online. Requires subscription through OCLC.
Arrangement: Searches can easily be done through: basic search, advanced search, and expert
search. Advanced search enable users to search by keyword, title, subject and many other options
since it provides several search boxes, and using limits to year, language, number of libraries,
material type, subtype. Expert search provides large text area where experts can enter any search
term. Records retrieved in a search are numbered and listed in the order in which they were
added to the database. The most recently added record appears first. Records retrieved in a
search are numbered and listed in the order in which they were added to the database. The most
recently added record appears first.
Entries: Retrieved results include Title, author, year, publications details, format, and number of
libraries which have this material, content, descriptors, and book image.
Special Features: OCLC Online Union Catalog is a very useful tool for librarians and
Catalogers. Number of member libraries and records which are included in this catalog and
updated on daily basis made it unique catalog. Options for searching and limits which are used
decrease number of the retrieved results which saves time and effort. Subscribing to this catalog
has lead to decreasing number of catalogers which are hired at each library.
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Use: OCLC Online catalog is useful for libraries which are building their collection since it
enables librarians to do collection analysis and sharing resources with other member libraries.
Searching for "Research Methodology" as a subject using limits to books, English, 2006-2007
yielded 593 results. Number of these results will be increased when doing the same search
tomorrow since the records are updated on daily basis. All types of libraries can subscribe to this
catalog. OCLC Online Union Catalog is an essential catalog for each library which is interested
in sharing resources and developing its collection development. The number of records which is
included is valuable data to import to MARC records.
Latest Edition: Online access 2007.
Limitations: n/a
Cost: Depends on the library whether it’s a member library or a subscribing one. It also depends
on number of collection. Usually importing MARC records cost $12.00 per record.
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Public Library Catalog (VS)
Full Citation: Yaakov, J. (2004). Public library catalog: guide to reference books and adult
nonfiction. Standard catalog series. New York: H.W. Wilson Co.
Purpose: According to the Preface of the 12th edition, the Public Library Catalog “lists
nonfiction books published in the United States, or published in Canada or the United Kingdom
and distributed in the United States” (vii). It contains lists of reference and nonfiction books for
adults, recommended by experienced librarians representing public library systems across the
United States. These librarians’ names are listed in the Acknowledgements. For works of adult
fiction, the user is referred to the Fiction Catalog. The Public Library Catalog was initially
designed to meet the needs of small and medium-sized libraries but is also useful in college and
large public libraries. It is meant to be “an aid toward, and not a substitute for, good book
selection, which should always respond to the special needs and interests of the clientele of a
particular library” (Preface, 2006 Supplement).
Authority: The Catalog proclaims that “all books were in print at the time of listing” so one
would hope that the latest edition would be most accurate. The H. W. Wilson Company is very
Frequency of Publication/Update: First published in 1934 as the Standard Catalog for Public
Libraries, the name was changed in 1969 with the 5th edition. Each new edition is a combination
of new titles and new topics of interest with titles from the old edition, providing these remain
the best title in their field. The 12th edition “features extensive revision in the areas of health,
science, and the environment, and ample coverage of cooking and gardening” (vii). The Preface
also mentions “a large increase in the number of reference titles in all subject areas” (vii).
Scope: This edition of the catalog has over 8,000 book titles with multiple subject access and
approximately 1,500 analytical entries. Printed books, both hardcover and paperback, are
included as well as the prices of each book. All subject matters are covered. “It excludes nonprint materials; periodicals; non-English items, with the exception of dictionaries, aides to
language learning, and similar materials; and works that quickly become outdated, such as
computer software user guides” (vii).
Format: Available in print format it is a hardcover with almost translucent pages. Good use of
various font sizes, bold, and white spaces to enable easy recognition of guidewords and increased
legibility. Available electronically with an annual subscription to WilsonWeb.
Arrangement: This catalog is organized into two parts. The first section is arranged according to
the Dewey Decimal Classification system. Within each class, complete biographical and
cataloging information is provided for each book and includes descriptive and critical
annotations. The second section is an index arranged alphabetically by author, title, and subject.
“Also included are author and title analytics for works contained in anthologies and collections,
and subject analytics for parts of books not covered under the subject heading for the whole” (x).
Entries: Biographical information such as title, author, publisher, price, subject headings, and
annotations are included in the first section. The second section is an index to the first section
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and alphabetically arranges entries by title, author, and subject. “The classification number in
boldface type is the key to the location of the book in Part 1” (Directions for Use, 2006
Special Features: Noteworthy is that the second section contains detailed indexing for composite
works. Supplements help keep librarians informed between publication of major editions as well
as aid in weeding or adding to one’s collection.
Frequency of Publication/Update: There is a basic volume and three annual supplements for the
years 2005-07. Supplements are printed in the same format as the Catalog but with a blue
softcover. These supplements are including in the price of each edition.
Use: This catalog helps librarians make informed decisions about weeding a collection and
adding new titles to an existing collection. It is specifically useful for catalogers and reader’s
advisers as well as reference and acquisitions librarians. This work is also useful for information
seekers who wish to find current printed books about various subjects or who wish to find
specific bibliographic details such as title, author, or publisher about various works. The first
section is best used as a guide in book selection and for verification of information while the
second section is best used for reader’s advisory and reference purposes (Directions for Use,
2006 Supplement).
Latest Edition: 12th edition, published 2004
Limitations: Not applicable since it is available electronically and in hard copy formats.
Cost: $370 for hardback and three paper-bound annual supplements
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Publishers, Distributors, and Wholesalers of the United States (VS)
Full Citation: Publishers, distributors & wholesalers of the United States 2003-2004. (2003).
New Providence, N.J.: R. R. Bowker.
Purpose: Contains listings for some 150,000 active U.S. publishers, distributors, wholesalers, and
other related businesses.
Authority: The directory is “compiled from R.R. Bowker’s Publisher Authority Database (PAD),
which is regularly updated with information received directly from publishers” (vii).
Frequency of Publication, Update: Issued annually. Publishers are able to update their
information 24/7 using, the free online BowkerLink Publisher Access
System. The PAD file is updated daily and accessible for direct searches by subscribing to
Scope: In addition to those entities mentioned in its title, the work also includes information
about associations, software producers, video manufacturers, audio cassette producers, and
museums with publishing programs.
Format: Large print hardcover in multiple volumes. Very small print but use of boldface enables
easy navigation.
Arrangement: Two volumes. Seven indexes:
-Name Index
-Imprint, Subsidiary & Division Index
-Wholesaler & Distributor Index
-Geographic Index to Publishers, Distributors & Wholesalers
-ISBN Prefix Index
-Publishers by Fields of Activity
-Inactive & Out-of-Business Publisher Index
Entries: Entries contain company name, division affiliation, SAN number, ISBN prefix, order
and/or editorial address, telephone and fax numbers (order and toll free), discount and return
policy/schedule, e-mail address, and website.
Special Features: Seven indexes give searchers a variety of ways of finding data such as by
name, imprint, subsidiary, division, state, ISBN, or publisher’s field of activity.
Use: Saves time and money by providing one resource to “locate publishers, museum and
association imprint and trade organizations that publish, software firms, audiocassette producers,
and even publishers that have gone out of business”
Latest Edition: 2007, published in October 2006.
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Limitations: Not specifically available electronically, expensive to keep most updated edition.
Cost: $415 (AHB)
Full Citation: About PubList (2001). Retrieved June 21, 2007, from
Purpose: It was designed for Librarians, Researchers, Students, Marketers, Faculty members,
Scientists, and Publishers to provide them with quick and easy access to detailed publication
information for over 150,000 print and electronic publications including magazines, journals, ejournals, newsletters, and monographs. It also provides access to subscription services as well as
article level information, verification, and document delivery services.
Authority: It was founded in 1998 by Frederick Bowes, III, a publishing industry veteran. In
2000, the heavily trafficked site was acquired by Infotrieve, a company based on delivering
scientific, technological, and medical documents. It allows users to contact publishers directly to
inquire about specific content, subscriptions, and manuscript guidelines so it's always updated.
Frequency of Publication/Update: It was founded in 1998. It provides an opportunity for
publishers to update and enhance their data so users can quickly and conveniently locate and
purchase both current and backdated articles.
Scope: 1998 to present. It's a web-based resource for information on over 150,000 periodicals
ranging from scholarly journals to consumer magazines covering almost 300 subject categories
from around the globe.
Format: Electronic (online) web-based resource for information.
Arrangement: There are several options for search which are easy to use. Users must register for
free in order to search.
Title: search by the full title or important words in the title.
Publisher: search by publisher, sponsoring agency, or association.
Subject: Browse lists of titles grouped by almost 300 subjects.
Advanced Search: Search multiple fields (title, description, and publisher) separately or in
combination. You can limit your results by country of publication.
Browse: View complete lists of titles by Title, Publisher, or Subject.
ISSN: Search by ISSN and If the number you search is not in the database, the
same search will be generated in the Library of Congress online catalog.
Entries: Searching results include: journal title, publication type, frequency, ISSN, country,
language, publisher's address and contact details.
Special Features: is the only Internet-based reference for over 150,000 domestic
and international print and electronic publications including magazines, journals, e-journals,
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newsletters, and monographs. Journal articles may be ordered through Infotrieve's on-line
document delivery service. Infotrieve has the fastest growing collection of eContent.
Use: is an Internet-based reference for over 150,000 domestic and international
print and electronic publications. This online reference provides access to detailed publication
information, journal subscriptions, and document delivery. A Serials Librarian can search this
reference to locate publishers' addresses to subscribe to journals and build a good collection
development. Using advanced search option enables users to find periodicals by publisher, title,
subject and keywords quickly and effortlessly. All types of libraries can use this online reference
and take advantage of its free services. A student can order full text journal articles through
Infotrieve's on-line document delivery service. Hakim searched to find a journal
which includes the expression "health education" in the title since he was not sure whether the
title is "American journal of health education" or "Annals of Heath education". Hakim has used
PubList many times in the past and has found it a very useful online source for librarians. As of
June 23, 2007, PubList displays the following message: "PubList is undergoing technical
improvements. Some of the features you use regularly may not be available while we enhance
the site."
Latest Edition: Online - 2007
Limitations: n/a
Cost: is a free service but it requires free registration. However, ordering a journal
full text article cost depends on choice of delivery method US26.00
Service:US$12.00 Copyright: US$14.00 as regular service delivery method in 1-5 business
days. Rush service costs additional cost.
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The Reader’s Adviser (VS)
Full Citation: Sader, M. (Ed.). (1994). The reader’s advisor (Vols. 1-6, 14th ed.). New
Providence, NJ: R. R. Bowker Co.
Purpose: An annotated bibliography of the best recently published books to assist in reader’s
advisory services as well as locating more information about a work. Audience includes
booksellers, librarians, general readers, and students (typically high school and college levels).
Authority: The first edition was entitled The Bookman’s Manual and has been published since
1921. It serves “as a reflection of the current state of the best available literature in print in the
United States” (xii).
Frequency of Publication/Update: A revision is printed approximately every five years.
Scope: The six volume set includes ISBN’s with bibliographies. The six volumes are entitled:
-The best in reference works
-The best in world literature
-The best of social science, history and art
-The best in philosophy and religion
-The best in science, technology and medicine
-Indexes (name and title)
Format: Print format.
Arrangement: Arranged by topic. At the beginning of each subject a brief overview of the
literature is given. Records are arranged by author, title, publisher, date, price, annotation and
Entries: Contains annotated bibliographies arranged by subject with brief bibliographies of
authors, creative artists, and scientists worthy of special mention. Also includes information
about a book’s availability and price as well as purchasing sources.
Special Features: Three indexes; one for names, one for book titles, and one for general subjects
help users find information more easily. Notable is the extensive cross-referencing as well as a
chronological list of authors by name and date of birth.
Use: These six volumes are useful for people who are beginning to research a topic because they
can guide a person to the most helpful and most authoritative material on the subject.
Latest Edition: 14th edition, 1994.
Limitations: Print only format. Online format would be easier to search and more up to date.
Cost: Info not available.
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Standard Periodical Directory (AHB)
Full Citation: Standard Periodical Directory 2007 (New York: Oxbridge Communications, Inc.)
Purpose: This Directory was designed to assist librarians, publishers, researchers, students, and
scientists in locating information through searching 58,000 magazines, newsletters, College
student publications, daily and weekly newspapers, business, professional scientific and
technical journals, and directories and databases.
Authority: The Standard Periodical Directory is the largest and most comprehensive
compilation of periodicals published in the US and Canada.
Frequency of Publication/Update: It is published on annual basis and it started in 1964.
Scope: Published since 1964. It's indispensable to librarians, researchers, marketers, publishers,
and agencies, promotion specialists, and anyone who needs to know which publications are
covering which fields.
Format: Print; also CD ROM.
Arrangement: The Directory includes six parts: a preface, a table of contents listing the subjects
and number of titles for each, instructions for use of the directory, across index to subjects,
periodical listings, and a title index.
Entries: Entries include title, previous title, publishing company information (address, telephone,
fax, e-mail, and web address), sponsor group, name of the publisher, names of the editorial staff,
name of the circulation director, name of the advertising director, name of the art director,
production director, promotion director, a description of the editorial content, year established,
and the target audience. Also included is frequency of issues, online carriers, subscription rates,
circulation figures, advertising information, percentage of advertising pages, trim size, method of
printing, average number of pages, use of color publication type, ISSN, and Library of Congress
Special Features: This directory includes 3106 hard-to-find college student publications
arranged geographically by city and state.
Use: It is an excellent directory to be purchased to all libraries.
Latest Edition: 2007
Limitations: n/a
Cost: Print: $1695.00 for print version, plus shipping
CD Rom.: $1,995.00 for single user
Print and CD Rom: $ 2,995.00
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Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory (VS)
Full Citation: Ulrich's periodicals directory. (2005). New Providence, NJ: R. R. Bowker Co.
Purpose: Ulrich' Periodicals Directory gives users full buying and ordering information for
national and international serials publishing including annuals, continuations and conference
proceedings, and data input by over 80,000 U.S. and foreign serials publishers. Was formerly
entitled Ulrich’s International Periodicals.
Authority: Data is provided by approximately 80,000 publishers worldwide. Publishers may also
update listings on a Web-based system which is available 24/7.
Frequency of Publication/Update: Ulrich’s is very comprehensive and continuously updated
therefore is a current source of information on selected periodicals and serials published in the
United States and throughout the world. The hard copy is published in November of each year
while online is updated more frequently.
Scope: Covers printed serials, e-journals, e-zines, serials available from vendors and serials
available on CD-ROM. The online version is a bibliographic database which provides detailed
information on serials published throughout the world. It covers all subjects and includes
publications that are published regularly or irregularly and are circulated free of charge or by
paid subscription.
Format: This resource is available in hardcopy format and online by subscription at
Arrangement: Separated into three divisions for easier use:
I) Section Descriptions
II) Full Entry Content Description
III) Cataloging Rules for Main Entry Title
The directory offers two main methods for locating periodicals, first is by subject in the
“Classified List of Serials” (Vols. 1-3) and alphabetically in the “Title Index” (Vol. 4). Serials
no longer published are listed in a separate section entitled “Cessations” (Vol. 4) and can also be
found in the “Title Index” (ix).
Entries: Entries contain basic information such as main entry title, frequency of publication,
publisher address, country code and Dewey Decimal Classification number. If electronic, the
URL and/or email address is provided. The Library of Congress classification number is listed
after the DDC. Each serial is listed with full bibliographic information once and crossreferenced. Entries are arranged alphabetically by title within each subject or in the case of ISSN,
they are listed by ISSN number.
Special Features: A variety of indexes makes finding periodicals easier by being able to search
by title, subject, producer, etc.
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Use: It is best to consult Ulrich's first before searching for serials in OCLC so that a user can find
the ISSN and search more reliably. Good for academic and specialty libraries as well as public
libraries who have large student populations.
Latest Edition: Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory 2007 marked the 45th edition, published in
November 2006.
Limitations: While available electronically and in hard copy formats, print format is costly to
keep updated. Price for online subscription is unknown.
Cost: $875 in print for 4 volume set; online pricing not available. Must contact a sales rep for
pricing for an online subscription.
Whitaker's Books in Print (AHB)
Not available
WorldCat (VS)
Full Citation: OCLC. (2007). WorldCat. Retrieved June 22, 2007, from
Purpose: WorldCat is the world's largest network of library collections. The main WorldCat
database is a compilation of the catalogs of thousands of OCLC member libraries. These
members' information professionals help to maintain the integrity of the records. WorldCat is a
free service provided by OCLC. The member libraries pay to have their collections included in
the catalog.
Authority: Run by OCLC, WorldCat is an international catalog for any library that pays to
Frequency of Publication/Update: WorldCat is updated daily. According to WorldCat, a new
member record is added every 10 seconds.
Scope: OCLC founded WorldCat in 1981 for participating libraries. According to its homepage,
it contains “over 1 billion items in more than 10,000 libraries worldwide”
( Also provides links to local library services.
Format: Available online only.
Arrangement: Search results are based on geographical location and begin with the library which
is closest to the user’s zip code. When only a state is entered and not a zip code, the closest
institutions with that item are listed alphabetically.
Entries: Includes names and locations of libraries have a certain title. Also includes details,
subject headings, other editions, reviews from users, the original language in which the item was
printed, its publisher and ISBN.
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Special Features: Users can post a review of an item or contribute information to it. WorldCat
tracks records and helps with interlibrary loan when necessary for participating libraries. Also
includes the citation for the item in a variety of formats (i.e. APA, MLA, etc.)
Use: Both patrons and librarians can search many libraries at the same time for an item. Types of
resources available include: books, music, videos, research articles, and downloadable
Latest Edition: Not applicable as it is updated daily.
Limitations: Users can see which libraries that are geographically close to them carry a particular
resource but this is limited to only libraries who pay to have their catalogs included on
WorldCat. Since it is a compilation of catalogs, some entries are cataloged differently so they
may show up more than once under a variety of titles, depending on how the cataloger entered
the information.
Cost: Info not available.