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Group Five Evaluation Set One
Group Five Evaluation Set One
Prepared by:
Margaret Engelter
Jill Flanigan
Laura Hartwig
Nicholas Ives
Carolyn Stepnitz
Southern Connecticut State University
Prepared for:
Dr. Elsie A. Okobi
ILS 504-S70 Reference Materials and Services
October 3, 2007
Group Five Evaluation Set One
Group Five of the Reference and Information Resources/Services class worked
in partnership to evaluate ten bibliographic resources and approximately
20 bibliographies and library catalogs. Members divided the resources among
themselves to independently locate and evaluate the resources. The independent
works were combined into the group project on the class Wiki website. Members
updated each other on their progress through email while keeping the Wiki updated. A
template, created for the Wiki, included the following evaluation criteria: Citation,
Authority, Scope, Format, Arrangement, Entries, Special Features, Uses, Cost, and
Overall Evaluation. Class textbooks and other class readings were used as references
to determine and define these criteria.
The group discovered that many of the bibliographic sources are available in
both print and electronic versions with significant variation in search capabilities and
special features between the two versions. All of the sources were found to have merit;
selection depends entirely on the need to be addressed. Some of the references
focused more on collection development use, while others served more general
reference needs.
The Top Ten bibliography and library catalogs evaluated include: (1) American
Library Directory; (2) Guide to Reference Books; (3) Books in Print; (4) Gales Database
of Publications of Broadcast Media; (5) Gales Directory of Databases; (6) Literary
Market Place; (7) New Walford Guide to Reference Sources; (8) Publisher, Distributors
Group Five Evaluation Set One
and Wholesalers of the US; (9) Ulrich's International Periodical Directory, and
(10) WorldCat.
The additional bibliography and library catalogs evaluated include: (1) American
Book Publishing Record; (2) Bibliographic Index: A Cumulative Bibliography of
Bibliographies; (3) Books in Print; (4) British Books in Print; (5) Children's Catalog;
(6) Cumulative Books Index, A World List of Books in the English Language; (7) Fiction
Catalog; (8) Forthcoming Books; (9) Fulltext Sources Online; (10) Gale Directory of
Publications and Broadcast Media; (11) jake; (12) Magazines for Libraries; (13) National
Union Catalog; (14) New Serial Titles; (15) OCLC Online Catalog; (16) Public Library
Catalog; (17); (18) Reader's Advisor; (19) Standard Periodical Directory;
(20) Subject Guide to Books in Print; (21) Ulrich's International Periodical Directory; and
(22) What Do I Read Next?
The following is the result of Group Five’s evaluations.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
Top Ten 1: American Library Directory – Margaret
A. Citation: American library directory. (2005-2006). (Vols. 1-2). Medford NJ: Information
Today, 1923-.
B. Authority: Published by Information Today, Inc.
C. Scope: Provides detailed profiles of public, academic, special, and governmental
libraries in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Updated annually. Historically,
irregularly published 1923-1960, biennially published 1962-1977, and annually
published since 1978.
D. Format: Print and online subscription (Information
Today, publisher). Also available as part of CD-ROMs: Library Reference Plus and
World Guide to Libraries Plus.
E. Arrangement: By state, city, and library.
F. Entries: Include address, phone and fax numbers, email address, expenditures,
holdings, special collections, key personnel, salaries, and special services.
G. Special Features: Online all fields are searchable and include library publications and
subject interest.
H. Uses: Useful for publishers, distributors, and wholesalers; library personnel; and
I. Cost: $299.95 for 2007-2008 edition.
J. Overall Evaluation: A valuable resource for publishers and libraries. The online
version adds depth and flexibility to gathering information. Annual publications may be a
concern when currency is an issue.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
Top Ten 2: Guide to Reference Books - Margaret
A. Citation: Balay, R., Carrington, V.F., Martin, M.S. (Eds.). (1996, January). Guide to
reference books. (11th ed.). Chicago: American Library Association.
B. Authority: Published by American Library Association. Guide to reference material
since 1902.
C. Scope: Retrospective list of reference resources with 16,000 titles, including English
and foreign language reference works in all fields.
D. Format: Print
E. Arrangement: The five major parts include General Reference Works; Humanities;
Social and Behavioral Sciences; History and Area Studies; Science, Technology, and
Medicine. Classed broadly to more specific. Alphabetical author, title, and subject
F. Entries: Include complete bibliographic information, publishing history, and notes or
G. Special Features: Provides access to materials under previous names.
H. Uses: Useful to identify specific reference materials for patrons.
I. Cost: $275.
J. Overall Evaluation: Easy to find resources. Although the two year lag before
publication is a concern; the last publication date is over 10 years old and this is more
concerning. Newer references are listed in College and Research Libraries.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
Top Ten 3: Books in Print - Jill
A. Citation: Books in, (2007) R.R. Bowker LLC, New Providence, NJ
B. Authority: Published by RR Bowker Company
C. Scope: Bibliographic information on over 6 million in-print, out-of-print, and
forthcoming book, audio, and video titles.
D. Format: Print, CD-ROM, or online access to a web-based product.
E. Arrangement: Searchable electronic database.
F. Entries: 30,000 full-text previews, 140,000 tables of contents, and over 700,000
reviews of titles by over 200,000 publishers. Cover images, author biographies and
annotations are included in the online database version of the product.
G. Special Features: May use up to 31 items in search criteria. Searches may be saved
and e-mail alerts based on search criteria are available. The Subject Guide to Books In
Print, a separate publication, reorganizes nonfiction entries by Library of Congress
subject headings.
H. Uses: Used to find title and publisher information, highly searchable database.
I. Cost: Undetermined, website linked to salesperson contact info to obtain a quote, no
price list.
J. Overall Evaluation: Useful, ability to create complex searches and saved searches is
an excellent bonus feature.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
Top Ten 4: Gales Database of Publications of Broadcast Media - Jill
A. Citation: Gale Database of Publications and Broadcast Media, Farmington Hills,
Mich.: Gale Group
Other title(s): GDPBM
B. Authority: Published by Gale
C. Scope: 87,017 newspapers, magazines, journals, periodicals, directories,
newsletters, and radio, television and cable stations and systems.
D. Format: Electronic database.
E. Arrangement: Database is searchable by publication or organization name, location,
or category.
F. Entries: Print media entries provide address; phone, fax numbers, and e-mail
addresses; key personnel, including feature editors; and much more. Broadcast media
entries provide address; phone, fax, and e-mail addresses; key personnel; owner
information; hours of operation; networks carried.
G. Special Features: Updated semi-annually.
H. Uses: Useful for finding contact and descriptive information about newspapers,
magazines, journals, periodicals, directories, newsletters, and radio, television and
cable stations and systems.
I. Cost: $1,000.00
J. Overall Evaluation: Recommended reference that is easily searchable and has
frequent updates to stay current.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
Top Ten 5: Gales Directory of Databases - Laura
A. Citation: Gale Directory of Databases. V1 online Databases. Thomason Gale,
2003. Part 1. Ed. Hedblad.
B. Authority: Published by Thomason Gale and Industry. Analysis conducted by
Martha E. Williams, founding editor. Formerly, published as Computer-Readable
Databases and Directory of Online Databases.
C. Scope: Contains contact and descriptive information on about 15,00 databases,
4,000 producers and 3,150 online services and venders of databases. Issues revised
every six months since 1979.
D. Format: Volume 1 online database made available by producer or online service.
Volume 2 CD ROM, diskette, magnetic tape, handheld, and batch access.
E. Arrangement: Contains three sections of descriptive entries and three indexes.
F. Entries: Three descriptive - online databases, database producers, and online
services. Three indexes - geographic, subject, and master. The entries are
alphabetical by database name, and includes contact information, type, time span, and,
formats, etc.
G. Special Features: Available by licensing or online through Dialog online services.
Advisory Board helps develop publication.
H. Uses: An important directory of databases.
I. Cost: Must contact Gale at
J. Overall Evaluation: Could be useful and a nice accompaniment to the Database of
Publications of Broadcast Media.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
Top Ten 6: Literary Market Place - Laura
A. Citation: Literary Market Place. 66th ed. 2 Vols. Information Today, Inc. 2005.
B. Authority: Published by Information Today.
C. Scope: A directory of publishers and literary agents to manufacturers and shipping
services in the US and Canada. Contains 12,500 entries.
D. Format: Print and online at
E. Arrangement: Volume 1, alphabetically, contains publishing industry information:
book publishers, editorial services and agents, association, events, courses, and
awards, and books and magazines for the trade. Volume 2, alphabetically, contains
information on service providers and suppliers, advertising, sales, etc.
F. Entries: Usually includes the name, address, phone number, personnel, statistics,
Sans (Standard Address Numbers) and ISBN.
G. Special Features: World Wide Web service available with companion volume,
International Literary Market Place at Offers simple
access to information by searching alphabetically, geographically, type or subject.
H. Uses: Useful to prospective authors.
I. Cost: $299.95
J. Overall Evaluation: A great addition for public libraries and universities with a strong
english/writing department. This resource will greatly aid authors in their attempt to
publish work and find agents.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
Top Ten 7: New Walford Guide to Reference Sources - Nick
A. Citation: Ray, P., (2004). The New Walford. London: Library Association Publishing.
B. Authority: Dr. Lester is an accomplished librarian who has leveraged many different
source materials in creating this resource.
C. Scope: The primary volume focuses only on technology, medicine, and science
topics. Plans are to expand the index in the future with additional volumes.
D. Format: Print
E. Arrangement: Different fields of study have been greatly simplified to increase
readability and speed of access. Volume one contains science, technology, and
medicine. Volumes two and three will address further fields of study. Subjects are
arranged and then broken down into more specific fields, allowing the searcher to hone
their search as they go from general to specific.
F. Entries: Standard MARC information fields are included, with cost of material a
notable addition.
G. Special Features: Multiple indexes related not only to title and author, but topic as
H. Uses: A great way to begin research on the covered topics; gives numerous
locations in which to find information that may in fact lead to further sources being
I. Cost: $375.25
J. Overall Evaluation: The New Walford is an excellent resource to help a reference
librarian get a patron started on a topic if it is in one of the covered areas. The resource
is narrowly focused, and this is its only liability, although there are plans for future
volumes to eliminate this issue.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
Top Ten 8: Publishers, Distributors and Wholesalers of the US – Nick
A. Citation: Bowker Staff. (2006) Publishers, Distributors, and Wholesalers of the United
States. New Providence, NJ: RR Bowker.
B. Authority: Bowker is a major provider of information for reference librarians, and their
information is gleaned from their surveys that they send out to different publishers, who
wish to connect to their customers by providing accurate information.
C. Scope: Thousands of different entries that include exhaustive contact information
that can lead a reference librarian to the desired vendor or publisher of the book/media
D. Format: Multi-volume print book.
E. Arrangement: Listings include information for contact and ordering information, as
well as ISBN prefix. There are a variety of indices that provide different ways to access
the information by geography, name, or company division.
F. Entries: The different publishers are identified with standard contact information such
as address and phone, as well as electronic mail and internet address.
G. Special Features:
H. Uses: An excellent resource to locate an old or out of print book/media source
directly from the publisher by direct contact.
I. Cost: $485
J. Overall Evaluation: A detailed listing is great, but many vendors and the internet have
reduced the need for direct publisher connect. Often, the internet can act as a middle
agent in discovering information on a book that is no longer in print or more information
on specific reference material.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
Top Ten 9: Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory - Carolyn
A. Citation: Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory, 2007: Including Irregular Serials
& Annuals. (45th ed., Vols. 1-4). (2006). New Providence, N.J.: R.R. Bowker.
B. Authority: In additional to its own comprehensive listing of serials, publishers are
encouraged to submit their publications to Ulrich for inclusion in the directory.
C. Scope: This resource is known as the largest list of periodicals in the world. It is
published annually, with quarterly updates. Listings include newspapers and cessations.
D. Format: This directory of periodicals is available in print, CD ROM and online. Entries
are listed alphabetically under subject headings.
E. Arrangement: Periodicals are listed alphabetically under subject headings. Daily and
weekly newspapers are listed in two separate sections arranged alphabetically by state,
then city. Volume 4 includes several indexes such as title, ISSN, cessations, and a
cross index to subjects.
F. Entries: Entries include title and subtitle, sponsoring group, frequency of publication,
cost, publisher, ISSN and Dewey Decimal classification, information on where
publication is indexed and indexed/abstracted, among other data.
G. Special Features: The Introduction includes a complete listing of subjects, which is
translated into 4 languages. Publications may be listed under multiple headings, though
the complete bibliographic information is printed only once. Main subject headings
appear in all CAPITALS while sub-headings have a mix of capital and lower case
H. Uses: The preface section discusses the shifting from "ownership" of complete
journals to "access" to journal articles, and the need for articles on demand. Thus
Ulrich's includes information on document delivery services. The resource would be of
use to reference and acquisition librarians, as well as teachers and students.
I. Cost: $700. for print edition, online database requires subscription fee.
J. Overall Evaluation: This is a comprehensive list of periodicals published throughout
the world. Each entry includes a wealth of information including subscription and
circulation information, and alternate titles. Searching aids such as subject headings list
and cross references aid the user. Quarterly updates keep the information current.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
Top Ten 10: World Cat - Nick
A. Citation: (2007). OCLC WorldCat. Retrieved September 30, 2007, from First Search
Web site:
B. Authority: FirstSearch rides along the WorldCat backbone, which is a combination of
different library professional’s efforts to unify cataloging into a common format in a
common location. There are quality control checks to ensure the integrity of the catalog
and verify the validity of its information.
C. Scope: FirstSearch has access to virtually all different types of media, and is one of
the largest sources of bibliographic information worldwide. Recent interfaces with the
Library of Congress has added original manuscripts and their bibliographic materials to
the World Cat database.
D. Format: The database uses tabs to organize materials by search type and results. It
also contains detailed results categorized by type of media.
E. Arrangement: The data is displayed in a clear organizational format based on typical
bibliographic format. The detailed data is broken down clearly into the different fields
needed to identify and locate the information.
F. Entries: Entries include all the typical field data and often add cover images, OCLC
indexing data, and an option to cite the source with a click.
G. Special Features:
H. Uses: WorldCat can be used to locate virtually any media in the vast WorldCat
database. Libraries that subscribe to the service can use the pre-made bibliographic
data and add to it, which makes WorldCat a living, breathing catalog which grows
organically over time.
I. Cost: Can be purchased as subscription through a WorldCat Package or a per-usemodel. This price is negotiated through regional salespersons.
J. Overall Evaluation: WorldCat is one of the largest bibliographic data catalogs, and is
a remarkable tool, especially in its quest to be a truly community based tool. Not only do
subscribers have the opportunity to contribute to the catalog, each resource can be
discussed and commented on. Multiple bibliographic databases can be accessed, and
this truly global catalog is a remarkable resource.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
1. American Book Publishing Record - Margaret
A. Citation: American book publishing record (annual) 2005. Vols. 1-2. (2006, March).
New Providence, NJ: R.R. Bowker.
B. Authority: R.R. Bowker, LLC, founded in 1872.
C. Scope: Provides full cataloging of books published or distributed in the United States.
Annually, 68,700 records were created in 2005. Over 10,000 new titles are added
monthly. Does not include periodicals, government publications, theses, or pamphlets
under 49 pages. Retrospective cumulative editions available include 1876-1949
published in 1980 and 1950-1979 published in 1978, each with 15 volumes. Five-year
cumulative editions include 1970-1974, 1975-1979, and 1980-1984. Annual cumulative
editions were published from 1985.
D. Format: Print
E. Arrangement: By Dewey decimal classification number with separate volumes for
fiction and juvenile fiction which are alphabetical by main entry, author or title. Indexes
for author, title, and subject are cross-referenced with main section entries.
F. Entries: Include MARC fields, such as Dewey decimal and Library of Congress
classification numbers, title and statement of authority, edition, series, ISBN, binding,
price, and subject tracing.
G. Special Features: Unique subject access. Multiyear coverage from 1876 through
H. Uses: This resource is an invaluable tool for reference librarians with good historical
information. The listing by Dewey would be helpful for collection departments to update
their resources. The separate volumes for fiction and juvenile fiction could be helpful
I. Cost: Monthly is $335 per year. 2006 annual edition is $485, 2005 is $465, 2004 is
$439, 2003 is $415, 2002 is $395, 2001 is $359, 2000 is $329, 1999 is $299, 1998 is
$290, and 1997 is $291.
J. Overall Evaluation: The Dewey format and historical aspect make this resource
valuable. Online access to Professional may be a better resource for
some uses since it includes In Print, Out of Print, and Forthcoming titles, as well as
book, video, and audio formats.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
2. Bibliographic Index: A Cumulative Bibliography of Bibliographies - Margaret
A. Citation: Bibliographic index plus. (2007). New York: H.W. Wilson.
B. Authority: Published by H.W. Wilson. Sources analyzed prior to inclusion.
C. Scope: Indexes more than 450,000 bibliographies, bibliographic essays, literature
reviews, and serial bibliographies from the humanities, social sciences, science, and
technology with over 136,000 full text bibliographies. Indexing includes bibliographies
published in English, German, Dutch, Scandinavian, Slavic, and Romance languages.
Retrospective content is available back to 1982. Updated daily. Annually, the index
gathers lists from more than 2,800 periodicals and 5,000 books. Known for 60 years as
Bibliographic Index it was published three times per year with the third issue an annual
D. Format: Online through the WilsonWeb at
E. Arrangement: Includes an online thesaurus which recommends subjects and related
terms. Flexible online searches of multiple fields including the Library of Congress
Subject Headings, keyword, source publication, author, date.
F. Entries: In addition to at least 21 fields, include indications if the record has been
peer-reviewed or is available in full text.
G. Special Features: Includes browsing capability as well as full text links to OpenURL
compliant databases.
H. Uses: Useful for any student finding multiple resources quickly from a broad range of
subject areas, especially when beginning a search.
I. Cost: Online is by subscription. Retrospective indexes are $530 each for the annual
editions (1969 through 1995) or the multiyear editions (1966-1968, 1963-1965, 19601962, 1956-1959, 1951-1955, 1947-1950, 1943-1946, or 1937-1942).
J. Overall Evaluation: Although the number of periodicals analyzed are a small
percentage of those published, this is a good reference to begin a search in many
subjects. The online thesaurus is a useful feature, which helps locate results quickly. In
February 2005, this index was recommended for all library collections by Library Journal
and for academic libraries by Choice.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
3. Books in Print (Duplicate of Top 10 #3 Evaluation) - Jill
A. Citation: Books in, (2007) R.R. Bowker LLC, New Providence, NJ
B. Authority: Published by RR Bowker Company
C. Scope: Bibliographic information on over 6 million in-print, out-of-print, and
forthcoming book, audio, and video titles.
D. Format: Print, CD-ROM, or online access to a web-based product.
E. Arrangement: Searchable electronic database.
F. Entries: 30,000 full-text previews, 140,000 tables of contents, and over 700,000
reviews of titles by over 200,000 publishers. Cover images, author biographies and
annotations are included in the online database version of the product.
G. Special Features: May use up to 31 items in search criteria. Searches may be saved
and e-mail alerts based on search criteria are available. The Subject Guide to Books In
Print, a separate publication, reorganizes nonfiction entries by Library of Congress
subject headings.
H. Uses: Used to find title and publisher information, highly searchable database.
I. Cost: Undetermined, website linked to salesperson contact info to obtain a quote, no
price list.
J. Overall Evaluation: Useful, ability to create complex searches and saved searches is
an excellent bonus feature.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
4. Bowker's British Books in Print - Margaret
A. Citation: Bowker's British books in print 2006. (2005, December). New Providence,
NJ: R.R. Bowker.
B. Authority: R.R. Bowker, LLC, founded in 1872. New information is reviewed prior to
C. Scope: Lists books, audio tapes, and CDs. The item will be included if it is published
in the United Kingdom, carries a minimum retail prices of L0.15, and is generally
available for purchase by the public. The item will also be included if it is published
outside of the United Kingdom, carries a minimum retail prices of L0.15, is generally
available for purchase by the public, printed in the English language, and available
within the United Kingdom from an exclusive agent. Of the 3.4 million active ISBNs
included, 1.9 million are unique titles. Maps are included if published by or available
through the book publisher. Items are included up to 24 months in advance of
publication. Periodicals, serial publications, limited current publications, and subscription
only publications are not included. Item has been known as Reference Catalogue of
Current Literature from 1874-1961, British Books in Print from 1965-1987, Whitaker's
British Books in Print from 1988-2003, and, as of 2006, is Bowker's British Books in
D. Format: Print. Online.
E. Arrangement: Listed in a single alphabetic sequence including author, title, and
"catch" words. Publisher list with contact information and a list of some government
F. Entries: Includes title, author, ISBN, publisher, publishing date, print status, binding,
price, country of publication, summary, Dewey decimal number, edition, and subject
G. Special Features: New title information is subjected to rigorous editorial content
before it is entered into the database.
H. Uses: This resource is useful for access to any books available, or potentially
available, in the United Kingdom.
I. Cost: Bowker's British Books in Print 2006, six volume set, $425.
J. Overall Evaluation: This site is considered to be the British equivalent of Books in
Print. The information is accurate after being reviewed prior to inclusion in the database.
It is very useful to have access to maps, publishers, and some government publications.
The British Books in Print is available at It allows searches within British
Books in Print, the Library of Congress catalog, or both sources; then the results display
title, author, catalog, and price. This may be a temporary service during the transition
from Whitaker to Bowker.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
5. Children's Catalog - Jill
A. Citation: Children’s Catalog (2007) H. W. Wilson Company: Bronx, NY
B. Authority: Published by the H.W. Wilson Company
C. Scope: Reference covers fiction and nonfiction works, story collections, picture
books, graphic novels, and magazines recommended for readers in preschool through
sixth grade.
D. Format: Available in a print and an on-line version.
E. Arrangement: The online format is searchable by keyword, publication year, title,
ISBN, subject, ISSN, publisher, document type: books, book chapter, CD-ROM, author,
or Dewey Decimal Classification number. The print version contains a classified catalog
arrange by Abridged Dewey Decimal Classification with author, title, subject, and
analytical entries. Notations with each entry indicate the location for the main entry for
each listing.
F. Entries: Entries contain bibliographic data, price, subject headings, a descriptive
annotation, and evaluative quotations from reviews.
G. Special Features: Includes a list of web resources.
H. Uses: Used for collection development.
I. Cost: Print version is listed at $195.00 for a four-year subscription; on-line version
requires contacting sales for price quotes.
J. Overall Evaluation: A useful reference for children’s libraries, reasonably priced in the
print version.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
6. Cumulative Book Index, A World List of Books in the English Language - Jill
A. Citation: Cumulative Book Index: A World List of Books in the English
Language(multiple years available), H.W. Wilson: Bronx, NY
B. Authority: Published by H.W. Wilson
C. Scope: Books published in English throughout the world from 1898 to the present.
D. Format: Monthly volumes are collected into annual or multi-year cumulative editions
in the print version.
E. Arrangement: A single alphabetical list with full details listed under author entries.
F. Entries: Full bibliographic entry for each book under the author’s name.
G. Special Features: A comprehensive list of books in English encompassing books
published in several different countries including the UK, Canada, the US, and more.
H. Uses: May be used to review new publications for the purpose of collection
development or as a reference to material that has already been published.
I. Cost: Retrospective issues of the cumulative edition are $700.00 each.
J. Overall Evaluation: A comprehensive listing, the purchase of numerous back issues
would be expensive, but current issues would be a useful tool for collection
Group Five Evaluation Set One
7. Fiction Catalog - Jill
A. Citation: Public Library Core Collection: Fiction Catalog (2007), H.W. Wilson: Bronx,
B. Authority: Published by H.W. Wilson
C. Scope: Classic and contemporary works of fiction recommended for a general adult
audience, written in or translated into English.
D. Format: Both print and electronic versions are available.
E. Arrangement: The online format is searchable by keyword, publication year, title,
ISBN, subject, ISSN, publisher, document type: books, book chapter, CD-ROM, author,
or Dewey Decimal Classification number.
F. Entries: Entries include bibliographic data, price, descriptive annotations, and
evaluative quotations from reviews.
G. Special Features: Online version is updated continuously.
H. Uses: Used for Reader’s Advisory, collection development and general reference.
I. Cost: The print version is priced at $240.00; online access is sold by annual
subscription and requires contacting a salesperson for a price quote.
J. Overall Evaluation: A public library would need this kind of reference in order to
provider reader’s advisory services. The $240.00 price is reasonable for this reference
in print, although the on-line version would probably be more useful.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
8. Forthcoming Books - Jill
A. Citation: Forthcoming Books (2007), RR Bowker: New Providence, NJ
B. Authority: Published by RR Bowker, LLC
C. Scope: Includes adult trade books, technical and scientific books, young adult and
juvenile literature, college texts, paperbacks, imports, revised editions and reprints.
D. Format: A magazine, published four times per year.
E. Arrangement: Indexed (and available in a CD-ROM version).
F. Entries: Entries include publisher-supplied annotations for thousands of listings,
forthcoming titles, postponements and changes in price, edition, title, or ISBN.
G. Special Features: Each edition includes current book industry highlights.
H. Uses: Use for acquisitions, collection development, and patron requests.
I. Cost: $299.95 per year
J. Overall Evaluation: Using this reference depends on how timely information is needed
about upcoming books. If you are working in collection development and are
purchasing books throughout the year, the quarterly updates would be helpful.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
9. Fulltext Sources Online- Laura
A. Citation: Fulltext Sources Online. 2007 Information Today. Ed. Glose, Mary B.
B. Authority: Information Today, Inc.
C. Scope: A directory of publications that are available online in full text, includes:
newspapers, newsletters, newswires, ant TV and radio transcripts. Published twice a
year in January and July and online site is update weekly.
D. Format: Print and online at www.
E. Arrangement: Periodicals are listed in alphabetical order, and listed with coverage
dates and file name or number of the database.
F. Entries: Print entries are very detailed and contain an ISSN. One can browse online
by title, subject, language, and location.
G. Special Features: Myriad topics, some included are: science, technology,
medicine, business, law, and finance. And notes if the access is free or fee.
H. Uses: A good sources for the public libraries, especially those with heavy
I. Cost: $159.00 - $249.00. A couple options for online service.
J. Overall Evaluation: This is a good resource to have available to the patrons needing
information in the above listed topics.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
10. Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media
(Duplicate of Top 10 #4 Evaluation)- Laura
A. Citation: Gale Directory of Publications and Broadcast Media. 142 ed. 5 Vols.
Detroit: Gale, 2007. Ed. Kim Hunt-Lowrance.
B. Authority: Published by Thomaston Gale Industry.
C. Scope: GDPBM covers 59,000 newspapers, magazines, journals, and other
periodicals, radio, TV, and cable stations.
D. Format: Print and online sources.
E. Arrangement: Listed alphabetically by state in the US and Canada for Volumes 1
and 2. Volume 3 contains index on Networks and syndicates. Volume 4 contains
regional market index. Volume 5 contains the international index.
F. Entries: Print media entries provide address; phone, fax numbers, and e-mail
addresses; key personnel, including feature editors; and much more. Broadcast media
entries provide address; phone, fax, and e-mail addresses; key personnel; owner
information; hours of operation; networks carried.
G. Special Features: Formerly, Ayer directory of Publications.
H. Uses: An abundant amount of information.
I. Cost: $1,000. Available for licensing on CD ROM.
J. Overall Evaluation: Recommended to enhance reference sections.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
11. jake - Laura
A. Citation:
B. Authority: None that I found. Domain is for sale.
C. Scope: Provides information on journal coverage - index and full text - of about 200
D. Format: online only.
E. Arrangement: By topic, such as, loans, jobs, internet, music, shopping, etc.
F. Entries: A consortium of websites. "It may be necessary to look in more than one
index to find the particular article sought" (Bopp 529).
G. Special Features: search box for easy searching.
H. Uses: For the "techie" searching for music or other topics.
I. Cost: free, though some sites may charge a fee for the information or access.
J. Overall Evaluation: An interesting consortium of sites and topics could be useful for
certain inquiries.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
12. Magazines of Libraries - Laura
A. Citation: Magazines for libraries 11th ed. New Providence, NJ. Bowker, 2002. Ed.
Cheryl LaGuardia.
B. Authority: Bill Katz created Magazine for Libraries and co-edited each edition with
Barry Richards (V.1-3) and Linda Sternberg Katz (V.4-0). Katz handed over the
editorship to Cheryl LaGuardia for Volume 11. Includes a full list of consultants - 200.
Published by R.R. Bowker.
C. Scope: This resource provides a list of serials available. There were at least 12
criteria for determining the selections. Published triennially.
D. Format: Book reviewing serials collection since 1969. Online service.
E. Arrangement: Alphabetical by subject matter. Includes a title index and subject index.
F. Entries: A variety of subjects covered; subjects from magazines published in the US.
The audience covers most: general readers and school, junior college, college,
university, and public libraries.
G. Special Features: Section on how to use the book and abbreviations.
H. Uses: A great resource to find articles, in magazines, on specific subjects.
I. Cost: 200 dollars
J. Overall Evaluation: This is useful for public libraries and universities/colleges.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
13. National Union Catalog Pre-1956 Imprints,
A Cumulative Author List Representing Library of Congress Printed Cards
and Titles Reported by Other American Libraries - Nick
A. Citation: Library of Congress. (1981) National union catalog Pre-1956 Imprints, a
cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported
by other American libraries. London: Mansell.
B. Authority: The Library of Congress formed a special committee to compile this
compendium of imprints into this gigantic work.
C. Scope: Collected are the publications recorded by the Library of Congress. Some of
the publications were contributed by member libraries, but the master database remains
administered by the Library of Congress.
D. Format: 754 volumes printed.
E. Arrangement: The entire collection is arranged by author. There are a wide variety of
resources included such as atlas, journal etc.
F. Entries: There are standard bibliographic information fields, which are connected to
other entries using cross-references after the main entries.
G. Special Features:
H. Uses: Extremely helpful in the location of older books. This is an enormous source
which attempts to collect the sum total of printing production in the United States prior to
1956. This is an excellent way to verify or locate a valuable source that may not be in
an electronic catalog.
I. Cost:
J. Overall Evaluation: The source is massive, and it takes an immense amount of skill
to navigate to your desired resource. I would personally try an electronic source first,
yet this is a great back-up resource that will most likely have the information you are
looking for.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
14. New Serial Titles: A Union List of Serials Held by Libraries
in the United States and Canada - Nick
A. Citation: Library of Congress (2000) New serial titles: A union list of serials held by
libraries on the United States and Canada.
B. Authority: The Library of Congress is one of the preeminent bibliographic institutions
in the world, with staff solely devoted to bibliographic classification and reference
C. Scope: Attempts to catalog all serials held in the U.S. and Canada.
D. Format: Two volume print books.
E. Arrangement: All serials are listed alphabetically indexed by their titles.
F. Entries: Usual entries such as subject, titles, and copyright, and publishing
information is included as well.
G. Special Features: If a serial’s title has changed, the index will note it with a header.
H. Uses: Many reference librarians may want to use this resource when trying to decide
what in fact they would like to order for their libraries. This may also be a great way for
an academic department to explore further literature in their filed that they have not
investigated yet.
I. Cost: $135
J. Overall Evaluation: This is a good resource, but the fact that it is in print is somewhat
cumbersome. If this resource was accessible in a database-style electronic format, it
would be more valuable to librarians and the general public at large.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
15. OCLC Online Union Catalog (Duplicate of Top 10 #10 Evaluation) - Nick
A. Citation: (2007). OCLC WorldCat. Retrieved September 30, 2007, from First Search
Web site:
B. Authority: FirstSearch rides along the WorldCat backbone, which is a combination of
different library professional’s efforts to unify cataloging into a common format in a
common location. There are quality control checks to ensure the integrity of the catalog
and verify the validity of its information.
C. Scope: FirstSearch has access to virtually all different types of media, and is one of
the largest sources of bibliographic information worldwide. Recent interfaces with the
Library of Congress has added original manuscripts and their bibliographic materials to
the World Cat database.
D. Format: The database uses tabs to organize materials by search type and results. It
also contains detailed results categorized by type of media.
E. Arrangement: The data is displayed in a clear organizational format based on typical
bibliographic format. The detailed data is broken down clearly into the different fields
needed to identify and locate the information.
F. Entries: Entries include all the typical field data and often add cover images, OCLC
indexing data, and an option to cite the source with a click.
G. Special Features:
H. Uses: WorldCat can be used to locate virtually any media in the vast WorldCat
database. Libraries that subscribe to the service can use the pre-made bibliographic
data and add to it, which makes WorldCat a living, breathing catalog which grows
organically over time.
I. Cost: Can be purchased as subscription through a WorldCat Package or a per-usemodel. This price is negotiated through regional salespersons.
J. Overall Evaluation: WorldCat is one of the largest bibliographic data catalogs, and is
a remarkable tool, especially in its quest to be a truly community based tool. Not only do
subscribers have the opportunity to contribute to the catalog, each resource can be
discussed and commented on. Multiple bibliographic databases can be accessed, and
this truly global catalog is a remarkable resource.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
16. Public Library Catalog - Nick
A. Citation: Yaakov, J., (2004). Public Library Catalog:: a Guide to Reference Books and
Adult Nonfiction. New York: H. W. Wilson.
B. Authority: Dr. Yaakov is an accomplished editor of bibliographic information,
publishing collections of children’s books, reference materials, and bibliographic
C. Scope: The coverage of this book is non-fiction only primarily focused on the
reference section of the library.
D. Format: Print.
E. Arrangement: The book uses the Dewey Classification system to organize itself, yet
there is also the opportunity to look up a resource by title, author, or subject.
F. Entries: Dewey Number, subject keywords, title, and author are included.
G. Special Features:
H. Uses: This book can be a great tool to help the reference librarian in locating
additional resources that may be acquired by the library. Using the Dewey system is
also helpful, for you can easily cross-reference the resources with your library collection.
I. Cost: Used copies can be obtained for $200-300.
J. Overall Evaluation: This is a good source for libraries seeking expansion in the
reference department, especially if they use the Dewey system over LC classification.
By analyzing the collection and cross referencing it with your catalog, gaps in the
collection may be quickly filled.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
17. - Nick
A. Citation: (2007). Publist. Retrieved September 30, 2007, Web site:
B. Authority: Publist is a free online resource for the location of resources in print and
C. Scope: Not only does Publist offer print resources, it also includes journals and
online articles.
D. Format: Online with a service for print of specific pay-per-view articles.
E. Arrangement: Publist is organized clearly using tabs in which the user can sort and
search based on the different field criterion. There is an easy quick title search in the
index page of the site, yet more powerful tools are easily available.
F. Entries: Users can search using title, subject, publisher, or ISSN. There is also a
browse feature to enhance connections made between reference materials.
G. Special Features:
H. Uses: Publist is extremely easy to use and can be appropriate for non-professional
staff as well as researchers. Payment is rendered only when special journal articles are
I. Cost: Free, unless articles are purchased.
J. Overall Evaluation: Publist is a great website due to its low cost and easy
accessibility. Reference librarians could use this as a front-line look-up, being that they
have more detailed and comprehensive resources in addition to that.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
18. Reader's Adviser - Carolyn
A. Citation: Sader, M. (Ed.). (1994). Reader's Adviser. (14th ed., Vols 1-6) New
Providence, N.J.: R.R. Bowker Reed Reference Publishing Company.
B. Authority: Each of the six volumes has its own editor; the collection includes
contributions from subject specialists, and the publisher proclaims on the book jacket
that this resource "is an unparalleled guide to the best books the wold has to offer."
C. Scope: Each of the six volumes is dedicated to a specific subject: Vol. 1, The Best
in Reference Works, British Literature and American Literature; Vol. 2, The Best in
World Literature; Vol. 3, The Best in Social Sciences, History and the Arts; Vol. 4, The
Best in Philosophy and Religion; Vol. 5, The Best in Science, Technology and
Medicine. Vol. 6 is a name, title and subject index for Vols. 1-5. Entries range from
classics to recently published.
D. Format: This resource is available in print format.
E. Arrangement: Each chapter begins with an overview of the subject, followed by
general and then specific bibliographic entries.
F. Entries: Entries relate to chapter topics and include general overviews, critical
analysis, and specific authors and their works related to the chapter's topic.
G. Special Features: The preface provides a history of the Reader's Adviser, which
was first published by a bookseller for booksellers in 1921 as The Bookman's Manual.
The focus on providing booksellers with a ready reference of books to sell continues to
influence the publication. Ironically, the first edition omitted Shakespeare.
H. Uses: The "bookseller" focus of the content also makes this a valuable resource for
librarians. It is also an easy to read reader's advisory for patrons seeking
recommendations on "the best" to read.
I. Cost: $675 for the 6 volume set. Individual volumes sell for over $100 each.
J. Overall Evaluation: The original intent of the first edition was to help booksellers
know which books to stock and sell, and that continued focus makes the content
informative but easy to read, despite being written and edited by experts in their field.
Also, the bookselling perspective assures the inclusion of classics and recently
published alike. The expert information coupled with ease of reading makes this a
valuable resource for librarians.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
19. Standard Periodical Directory - Carolyn
A. Citation: Striplin, D. (Ed.). (2007). Standards Periodicals Directory (30th ed.).
New York: Oxbridge Communications.
B. Authority: Standard Periodical Directory is considered the largest directory of
periodicals published in the United States and Canada.
C. Scope: From the Directory's
website ( the directory includes
15,732 magazines, 16,504 newsletters, 3,106 college student publications, 5,998 daily
and weekly newspapers, 12,069 business and technical journals and 3,489 directories
and databases.
D. Format: The Directory is in a hardbound book format. A single user CD ROM is
available as well as an online database of the basic titles from the Directory, through the
MediaFinder database.
E. Arrangement: Newspapers are arranged geographically. Other entries are
arranged by subject.
F. Entries: Under the subject headings, entries are listed alphabetically by journal title.
The entries include publishing information, phone number contacts, cost, a brief
description of content and other data.
G. Special Features: Publishers are encouraged to list their publication and to update
their information.
H. Uses: The website suggests these uses: librarians, as a reference and acquistions
tool; for businesses, as a research tool; for suppliers to the publishing industry, a
contact list; and for advertisers, circulation data for advertising decisions.
I. Cost: $1,695. for the print version, $1,995. for the CD ROM.
J. Overall Evaluation: More compact than Ulrich's International Periodical Directory
and concentrated in only two geographic areas, this Directory is a good complement to
Ulrich and a useful addition to reference shelves.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
20. Subject Guide to Books in Print - Carolyn
A. Citation: Subject Guide to Books in Print (Vols. 1-6). (2006). New Providence,
N.J.: R.R. Bowker LLC
B. Authority: Published as a complement to Bowker's respected Books In Print; uses
the subject headings of the Library of Congress.
C. Scope: Lists by subject every book catalogued with a Library of Congress number.
D. Format: Print and digital.
E. Arrangement: Nonfiction books are listed under Library of Congress subject
headings. Fiction titles, Bibles and poetry are not included.
F. Entries: Entries include author or editor, price, publisher, year of publication, number
of volumes and numerical cataloging data.
G. Special Features: All books with a Library of Congress number are included, but
there is no guidance on quality of the listings.
H. Uses: Books In Print has long been considered a primary reference source for
publication and book information. The Subject Guide to Books in Print takes that data
and organizes it by subject, allowing patrons and librarians alike to immediately see a
list of titles related to any subject.
I. Cost: $656.
J. Overall Evaluation: Part of a well respected bibliographic series, this subject guide
facilitates finding titles related to over 77,000 Library of Congress subject headings,
making it a strong resource for a reference library.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
21. Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory
(Duplicate of Top 10 #9 Evaluation) - Carolyn
A. Citation Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory, 2007: Including Irregular Serials
& Annuals. (45th ed., Vols. 1-4). (2006). New Providence, N.J.: R.R. Bowker.
B. Authority: In additional to its own comprehensive listing of serials, publishers are
encouraged to submit their publications to Ulrich for inclusion in the directory.
C. Scope: This resource is known as the largest list of periodicals in the world. It is
published annually, with quarterly updates. Listings include newspapers and cessations.
D. Format: This directory of periodicals is available in print, CD ROM and online. Entries
are listed alphabetically under subject headings.
E. Arrangement: Periodicals are listed alphabetically under subject headings. Daily and
weekly newspapers are listed in two separate sections arranged alphabetically by state,
then city. Volume 4 includes several indexes such as title, ISSN, cessations, and a
cross index to subjects.
F. Entries: Entries include title and subtitle, sponsoring group, frequency of publication,
cost, publisher, ISSN and Dewey Decimal classification, information on where
publication is indexed and indexed/abstracted, among other data.
G. Special Features: The Introduction includes a complete listing of subjects, which is
translated into 4 languages. Publications may be listed under multiple headings, though
the complete bibliographic information is printed only once. Main subject headings
appear in all CAPITALS while sub-headings have a mix of capital and lower case
H. Uses: The preface section discusses the shifting from "ownership" of complete
journals to "access" to journal articles, and the need for articles on demand. Thus
Ulrich's includes information on document delivery services. The resource would be of
use to reference and acquisition librarians, as well as teachers and students.
I. Cost: $700 for print edition, online database requires subscription fee.
J. Overall Evaluation: This is a comprehensive list of periodicals published throughout
the world. Each entry includes a wealth of information including subscription and
circulation information, and alternate titles. Searching aids such as subject headings list
and cross references aid the user. Quarterly updates keep the information current.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
22. What Do I Read Next? - Carolyn
A. Citation: Barron, N., Barton, T., et al (Eds.). (2005). What Do I Read Next?
Readers' Guide to Current Genre Fiction. Thomson-Gale.
B. Authority: Genre experts pick the top books in their genre published in the time
between editions.
C. Scope: Genres include Fantasy, Popular Fiction, Romance, Horror, Mystery,
Science Fiction, Historical, Inspirational and Westerns. Suggestions for what to read
next are included.
D. Format: This resource is available in print and digitally in a database.
E. Arrangement: The resource is divided into the genres. The genre's editor(s)
summarize the year's publications, then select their top books. The entries are listed
alphabetically by author.
F. Entries: The entries include author (including real names for pseudonyms), title,
date and place of publication, series name, story type, subject, major characters, time
period, brief plot summary, locale, other books by the author and other books you may
G. Special Features: The introduction includes a glossary of genre terms, divided by
genre. There are nine sections to the index to aid in answering reader's advisory
questions, including a character name index and a character description index.
H. Uses: This resource is a Reader's Advisory for librarians and patrons alike. It is
also a reference for anyone wanting to learn more about different genres.
I. Cost:$185. for print volume, subscription fee for database.
J. Overall Evaluation: The genre experts responsible for each section write with love
and respect for their genre. The clever index category of character descriptions
provides a unique reader's advisory technique. This would be an entertaining as well as
informative reader's advisory reference.
Group Five Evaluation Set One
Reference List
Bopp, R.E. & Smith, L.C. (Eds.). (2001). Reference and information services: An
introduction (3rd ed.). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.
Cassell, K.A., & Hiremath, U. (2006). Reference and information services in the 21st
century: An introduction. New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers.
Katz, W.A. (2002). Introduction to reference services: Basic information services
(Vol. I). (8th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.