REQUEST FOR SEALED PROPOSAL Solicitation Number: 15-07 Service: Information Technology Consulting Date Issued: 09/18/2015 User Department: ALL Request for Proposal Deadline: October 16, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. The enclosed REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL and accompanying SCOPE OF WORK are for your convenience in submitting an offer for the enclosed referenced service for the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool. Please return responses electronically to or Return one original and one copy of the entire packet along with any descriptive literature to the following address: Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool Purchasing 1821 Rutherford Lane, First Floor Austin, Texas 78754 Attention: Jonathan Herrera The Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool appreciates your time and effort in preparing this proposal. All proposals must be received at the designated location by the deadline shown. Proposals received after that deadline will be considered void and unacceptable. If you do not wish to submit a proposal at this time but wish to remain on the source list for this service, please submit a "NO OFFER" by the same time and at the same location as stated above. If a response is not received in the form of an "OFFER" or a "NO OFFER" for three consecutive Requests for Proposal, the offerer shall be removed from our source list for that service. If you are submitting a "NO OFFER", we ask that you indicate any requirement of this Request for Proposal which may have influenced your decision to submit a "NO OFFER". If you have any questions or concerns contact Jonathan Herrera, at (512) 491-2492. TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK POOL Page | 1 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SERVICES REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL # 1. PURPOSE: The Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool (TMLIRP) is requesting proposals for qualified Information Technology Consulting firms to provide a consultant or consultants to assist in evaluating and scoring responses for the Pool’s Underwriting System Software Request for Proposal (RFP), including assistance with the development of demonstration scripts and assistance in evaluating demonstrations of final vendor group. Previous experience with evaluating Underwriting/Policy Administration software of this type for commercial insurance coverage purposes would be beneficial to this project. This Request for Proposal must be completed in its entirety. 2. TIMELINE: A Request for Sealed Proposal for an Underwriting/Policy Administration System has been developed and released by TMLIRP with responses due by November 10, 2015. TMLIRP has an expectation that the selected consultant will provide assistance in determining evaluation criteria for the Underwriting/Policy Administration System RFP responses. As well, the consultant will assist with the evaluation of such responses with the goal to notify vendors advancing to the demonstration phase by December 15, 2015. The demonstration phase is anticipated to begin on or about January 11, 2016, and it is expected that the consultant will assist with demonstration scripts, be present during the demonstrations and assist with final selection of a software vendor. Overall, the active engagement of consulting services will be from November, 2015, until such time as a final software vendor is selected. 3. BACKGROUND: The Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool is a unit of local government offering workers’ compensation, liability, and property protection to Texas political subdivisions including: Municipalities Water Districts Councils of Government Tax Appraisal Districts Fire Districts Housing Authorities Hospital Districts Other Special Districts and Authorities TMLIRP offers four primary lines of coverage consisting of: Workers’ Compensation Liability General Liability Errors & Omissions (Public Officials) Liability Law Enforcement Liability Aviation Liability Automobile Automobile Liability and related coverage (such as medical payments and uninsured/underinsured motorists) Automobile Physical Damage Property Real and Personal Property Boiler & Machinery Mobile Equipment Crime Coverage Animal Mortality As of June 1, 2015, TMLIRP had 2,785 members. TMLIRP currently has a staff of 240 employees with departments consisting of Executive, Legal, Finance, Personnel, Accounting, Information Technology, Page | 2 Underwriting, Loss Prevention, Field Services, Subrogation, Liability/Property Claims and Workers’ Compensation Claims. In addition to its headquarters in Austin, TMLIRP has field offices in Mesquite, Corpus Christi, Harlingen, Houston, Lubbock and San Antonio. 4. MISSION: The mission of the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool is to offer and provide Texas municipalities and other units of local government with a stable and economic source of risk financing and loss prevention services. TMLIRP’s objectives are to: Educate members about avoiding and reducing risks Control losses with effective legal defense and claims handling Anticipate emerging risks Be aware of and anticipate emerging state and national trends Provide appropriate coverages that meet the needs of the Pool's Members Serve as an expert source of information on risk management for cities, other units of local government, and the Texas Municipal League o Develop, train, and retain highly qualified staff o o o o o o 5. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS: Proposals shall be submitted in accordance with the following: 5.1 6. Proposals and changes thereto being electronically submitted shall be submitted to The solicitation number, the phrase “Information Technology Consulting,” and the date and hour of the proposal closing shall be typed in the subject line of the email. 5.1.1 Electronic submissions shall be any combination of the following formats: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, or Adobe Acrobat. Multiple documents should be submitted in one message. Please zip files if necessary. 5.1.2 Electronic submissions shall be in accordance with the deadline set forth in the solicitation document. Any submissions received after the deadline will not be considered. The time of the email will serve as the receipt timestamp. 5.2 Proposals and changes thereto which are being submitted to the physical address shall be enclosed in sealed envelopes, addressed with the date and hour of the proposal closing and the services being proposed shall be typed or written on the outside of the envelope. 5.3 Facsimile proposals will not be accepted. 5.4 Proposals received after the stated proposal closing time and date will not be considered for award. 5.6 Receipt of an addendum or amendment must be acknowledged by signing and returning the addendum/amendment with the proposal or under separate cover prior to the time set for the proposal closing. INQUIRIES: Any questions regarding this proposal should be submitted a minimum of 5 business days before the proposal deadline. Questions should be submitted to: Jonathan Herrera Purchasing Officer TMLIRP Page | 3 1821 Rutherford Lane, 1st Floor Austin, Texas 78754 Fax: 512-491-2492 All questions or requests for information should be submitted in writing and the person submitting the request will be responsible for its prompt delivery to TMLIRP. Any interpretation of the request for proposal will be made only by a written addendum issued. 7. SCOPE OF WORK: The selected vendor will assist TMLIRP staff with selection of Underwriting/Policy Administration software. Primary functions will include: o o o o o o 8. Development of evaluation criteria for review of proposals received by TMLIRP for Underwriting/Policy Administration software (refer to Request for Sealed Proposal 15-06 located on the TMLIRP website at Engaging with TMLIRP staff in the review and evaluation of the proposal responses to determine list of vendors to invite for on-site demonstrations. Develop demonstration scripts in conjunction with TMLIRP staff to address major core requirements and processes. Develop evaluation criteria for vendors providing demonstrations. Observe all demonstrations. Provide feedback to TMLIRP staff and assist with final software selection. INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFERERS: Your proposals must include: o Background information including number of years in business and statement of financial condition. o An organizational chart of the key management positions in your company. Include a description of all locations involved in your services and which location the consultant(s) for TMLIRP’s project will be located. o Professional resumes of all individuals who will be assigned to this project. The proposal should indicate the person who will serve as Consultant Project Manager. o A description of experience with similar projects along with 3 references. o A list of any affiliations your company has with software vendors. o An in-depth description of the proposed strategy to be used in meeting the requirements outlined in Section 7 – Scope of Work, including the individuals responsible and a proposed timeline. o Describe all resources TMLIRP will be asked to provide in order to complete this project. o Submit a proposed contract for services to be rendered (including payment terms). o Completed Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (Form CIQ). AS REQUIRED UNDER CHAPTER 176, TEXAS LOCAL GOVERNMENT CODE, VENDORS SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL SHALL ALSO COMPLETE AND SUBMIT WITH THE PROPOSAL A CONFLICT OF INTEREST QUESTIONNAIRE. (A blank Form CIQ can be found after the last page of this Request for Proposal). Page | 4 9. METHOD OF SELECTION: The criteria below are shown in descending order of importance and are to be used in the evaluation of qualifications for development of a short list of offerers to be considered for interviews and potential negotiations. Offerers are required to address each evaluation criteria and be specific in presenting their qualifications. Quality and applicability of content to overall project Scope of Work outlined in section 6 Project Approach including ease of use and integration Expertise and experience of firm Terms and conditions of proposed contract Proposed cost of services Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool expressly reserves the right to: Waive as an informality minor deviations from the scope of work; Waive any informalities in any proposal or proposal procedure; Reject all proposals whenever it is deemed necessary; Reissue a request for proposal. 10. SIGNING PROPOSALS: All proposals must be signed by an officer of the proposer’s firm duly authorized to bind the company to the proposal submitted. All requirements of this proposal must be completed and included in the response submitted to TMLIRP. Failure to properly sign the proposal and include all required information may result in the rejection of the proposal. Page | 5 TEXAS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE INTERGOVERNMENTAL RISK POOL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONSULTING SERVICES REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL # The proposal shall conclude with the following assurance: “The information in this Proposal is true and correct, and the Officer Signing Below is Duly Authorized to Bind this company to such Proposal.” Signed this __________ day of ______________________, 2015. By: Name of Officer: Title of Officer: PROPOSED FEE Fee Description Consulting Services Fee $ Proposal fee sheet must be signed by an authorized representative. COMPANY INFORMATION Company Name: __________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________ Telephone Number: _________________________________________ Name of Person Authorized To Sign Proposal: _____________________________________________ Signature: ______________________________________________ Title: _________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________ Page | 6