COURSE OUTLINE Department & Faculty: Dept. of Chemical Engineering, faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering, UTM Subject & Code : Environmental Management Plan (MKL 1153) Total Lecture Hours : 7 hours X 4 days (28 hours) Lecturer : Room No. Tel. No. Email : : : Synopsis : Learning Outcomes Page 1 of 5 Semester: 1 Academic Session : 2009/2010 Dr. Mohd Ariffin bin Abu Hassan Dr. Yoeng Boh Yeng Puan Hasmah Harun 348-01 07-5535534 This course presents the principles and methodology for product and process design. In particular, it emphasises on the key elements of process design which include process creation/synthesis, process analysis, process evaluation and process optimisation in generating inherently safe, economic and environmentally friendly processes. The course features extensive use of process simulation tools through group as well as individual project works. : By the end of the course, students has the ability to: Course Learning Outcome Programme Learning Outcome(s) Addressed PO1, PO2, PO6, PO8 PO2, PO6, PO7 PO2, PO6 3 Identify, analyse, and describe environmental issues and conflicts of natural resource management issues Identify and describe environmental rules and regulations in Malaysia Assess and predict environmental impacts of various projects 4 Select models suitable for impact prediction PO2, PO6 5 6 Create sound environmental options for waste management Describe procedures and methodology for ISO 14001 PO1, PO6 PO5 1 2 7 Describe and prepare EMS documents for ISO certification (T-Test; PR-Project; HW-Homework; Pr-Presentation; F-Final Exam) Professional Skills Assessed : 1) 2) 3) 4) PO3 Lifelong Learning (LL1 – LL3) Communication Skills (CS1 – CS4) Teamworking (TW1 – TW5) Ethics (ET1-ET3) Assessment Methods PR1, T1, Pr T1, Pr Q, T1, PR2, F HW, PR2, T2, Q PR2 PR1, PR2, Pr, PE Pr, PR1, PR2 Prepared by: Name: Dr. Mohd Ariffin bin Abu Hassan Signature: Date: Department & Faculty: Dept. of Chemical Engineering, faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering, UTM Certified by: TD(A) Name: Signature: Date: Page 2 of 5 Semester: 1 Academic Session : 2009/2010 Subject & Code: Environmental Management Plan (MKL1153) Student Learning Time Teaching and Learning Activities Student Learning Time (hours) 1. Class Hour Lecture 35 Presentation 2. Independent Study 3. Assignment (3) 4. Project (2) 5. Presentation preparation& report writing - 5 M & ethics Total Teaching Methods Lecture and Discussion, , Independent Study, Project, Prepared by: Name: Dr.Mohd Ariffin bin Abu Hassan Signature: Date: Certified by: TD(A) Name: Signature: Date: 7 42 13 15 8 120 Department & Faculty: Dept. of Chemical Engineering, faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering, UTM Subject & Code: Environmental Management Plan (MKL1153) Lecturer Room No. Tel. No. Email : : : : Synopsis : Page 1 of 4 Semester: Academic Session : 2009/2010 Dr Mohd Ariffin bin Abu Hassan N01-311 07-5535563 This course covers management strategies to enhance the quality of water, air, and noise system. Various management options are evaluated. Students are exposed to the Environmental Impact Assessment methods and the use of models in assessing environmental impacts. Various non conventional waste management options were considered via several case studies where students look at environmental problem solving in a different perspective from normal end of pipe treatments. Students have to do a group project and 1 individual project which will enhance student’s ability to work as a team and also to encourage students to thinks laterally. Learning Outcomes : Generic Skills Addressed : By the end of the course, students should be able to: i) Provide management strategies in environmental decision making. ii) Develop and use models in environmental assessment. iii) Generate different waste management options for managing waste effectively iv) Appreciate the requirements of an EMS system v) Work in a team to solve and develop solutions to environmental problems 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Lifelong Learning (LL1 – LL3) Communication Skills (CS1 – CS4) Teamworking (TW1 – TW5) Self-esteem (SE1 – SE4) Problem Solving (CR1-CR4) Adaptibility (AD1-AD6) Ethics (ET1-ET3) Prepared by: Name: Mohd Ariffin bin Abu Hassan Date: Certified by: COURSE OUTLINE Code Subject Name Credit Contact Hour Status Prerequisite : : : : : : MKL 1153 Environmental Management Plan 3 42 hours Core None Course Objective : At the end of this course, the students will be able to: 1. analyse and provide effective solutions to environmental quality management, 2. list statutory requirement of environmental regulations 3. 4. describe and use the tools available in managing the environment. carry out environmental impact assessment work Day Topics Learning Outcome 1 Introduction to Environmental Management Definition resource management Types of environmental policies Environmental legislation – Environmental Quality Act 1974 It is expected that students will be able to: Be aware of environmental issues and importance to manage the environment Aware of the various tools for environmental management Understand the legislative act that governs environmental management in Malaysia Environmental Modelling Modelling methodology Water Quality Models and Air Quality Models It is expected that students will be able to: Understand the proper methodology and procedure to environmental modelling Understand the concept for model calibration, verification, and testing 2 3 4 Environmental Impact Assessment EIA Regulations EIA Procedure EIA Case Studies It is expected that students will be able to: Understand the concept and process of environmental impact assessment Understand the regulations and various projects under the regulation Carry out simple EIA Hazardous Waste Management Strategies Hierarchy of Waste Management Recycling Reuse It is expected that students will be able to: Understand the concept of hazardous waste management treatment process Identify various approaches for integrated waste management Understand the hierarchy of waste management Understand the principle of biological , physical, and chemical treatment options Chemical Methods of Hazardous Waste Treatment Treatment Technologies Case Studies Policies It is expected that students will be able to: Describe different approaches in chemical waste treatment Study a few case studies where real examples are given Physical Methods of Hazardous Waste Treatment Treatment Technologies Case Studies It is expected that students will be able to: Understand the various approaches and methods in physical waste treatment Study real case study on physical waste treatment.. ISO 14000 and EMS .Introduction to Certification of ISO 14000 It is expected that students will be able to: Understand the methodology of ISO 1400 and the regulations involved Importance of ISO 14000 Elements of ISO 14000 Understand the concept of EMS and how to implement them at industry level Implementation of ISO 14000 Environmental Management System EMS Procedure EMS Methodology It is expected that students will be able to: Understand the operation principle of environmental management system The procedures involved in book keeping and monitoring requirements Text Book Carter. Larry. Environmental Impact Assessment. McGraw Hill. New York. 1983 Wentz,Charles. Hazardous Waste Management. McGraw Hill. 1998. New York Metcalf and Eddy Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse Mc Graw Hill New York, 2003 Main Reference 1. 2. 3. 4. Akta Kualiti Alam Sekitar 1974 Deitel, H.M. Visual Basic 6. How to Program. Prentice Hall. New Jersey. 2002. Eckenfelder, W.W., "Industrial Water Pollution Control", 2nd. Ed., McGraw Hill, 1989 Vesilind, A., "Environmental Pollution and Control", Ann Arbour Science, 1982 5. 6. Wark, K., and Warner, C.F. "Air Pollution", Harper and Row Publishers, 1981 Wentz, C.A. Hazardous Waste Management. McGrawHill. 1995.