INTRO: RX FOR DENTAL RESOURCES WHERE DO I START? - The best place to start is the El Paso Community College Library Homepage. This homepage makes it easy for you to move around to search for books, journal articles, associations, Internet articles, etc. SEARCH CATALOG - This section links you to the EPCC Library Catalog where you can search for books, electronic books (ebooks), and videotapes at all campus libraries. You can search by subject, key word, title, author, or call number. The Online Catalog also has a link directly to the UTEP Library Catalog. ONLINE DATABASES - Click on this link to get a list of broad topics to choose from. The broad topic will link to a list of online databases (indexes) related to the topic. Click on Health and Wellness Articles. Search for health resources from the following databases: Ebsco Databases [Full Text | Ebsco | Off-campus access] Click on link to search all or several of these databases: A to Z [Ebsco | Off-campus access] Alphabetical and subject listing of online periodical titles. Indicates what databases have full-text coverage. Academic Search Complete [Full Text | Ebsco | Off-campus access] Provides full-text for 4,600 scholarly publications covering academic areas of study including social sciences, humanities, education, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts & literature, medical sciences, and ethnic studies. CINAHL with Full Text [Ebsco | Off-campus access] CINAHL, the Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature, indexes over 2700 journals in nursing, 17 allied health disciplines, and health science librarianship. Full-text articles available from 325 journals are also available. Health Source: Consumer Edition [Full Text | Ebsco | Off-campus access] Full text articles for nearly 300 consumer health periodicals, more than 1,000 health-related pamphlets and 135 health reference books including Stedman's Medical Dictionary. Health Source®: Nursing/Academic Edition [Full Text | Ebsco | Off-campus access] Provides full text of nearly 550 scholarly full text journals in many medical disciplines. Strong coverage of nursing and allied health areas. Includes Clinical Pharmacology database. Other EBSCO Health Databases: Alt-HealthWatch [Full Text | Ebsco | Off-campus access] , CINAHL Select [Ebsco | Off-campus access], Consumer Health Complete™ [Full Text | Ebsco | Off-campus access], MEDLINE [Ebsco | Off-campus access] , MedicLatina [Full Text | Ebsco | Off-campus access], and Natural & Alternative Treatments [Full Text | Ebsco | Off-campus access]. Health Wellness Resource Center and Alternative Health Module [Full text | Galegroup | Off-campus access ] Includes the Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine and over 700 health-related videos. Key health web sites are also listed here, as well as 2,200 general interest health publications, and over 400 health and medical journals. Health Reference Center Academic [Full text | Galegroup | Off-campus access] Indexes periodicals covering a wide range of health and medical topics, some with full-text. InfoTrac Nursing & Allied Health Collection [Full text | Galegroup | Off-campus access] Includes nearly 400 titles useful for both nursing and allied health students and professionals. 1 InfoTrac Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Collection [Full text | Galegroup | Off-campus access] Contains over 100 titles in the fields of physical therapy and sports medicine. Topics include proven treatment techniques and experimental research theses. MICROMEDEX Healthcare Series (Thomson MICROMEDEX) [Full text | Thomson | Off-campus access] A wide range of clinical databases which include unbiased, referenced information about drugs, toxicology, diseases, acute care, and alternative medicine. Information includes: CareNotes™ System (patient care). ProQuest Nursing Journals [Full text | ProQuest | Off-campus access] More than 250 leading full-text journals in Nursing. PubMed [National Library of Medicine | Off-campus access] PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, provides access to over 12 million MEDLINE citations back to the mid-1960's and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles from Pub Med Central (PMC) and other related resources. Stat!Ref [Full text | Off-campus access ] An electronic medical library that enables users to cross search multiple resources such as Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, Mosby's Drug Consult, Stedman's Medical Dictionary and other valuable medical books. CAN I SEARCH THE DATABASES FROM HOME? As an EPCC student, faculty, or staff member you have off-campus access to ALL health related databases. You can also get off-campus access to several general databases. No passwords are needed, just make sure you’re in the library database. From the selected database, click on off-campus access to enter the database. INTERNET: Click on INTERNET and it quickly links to many great sites under various Subject areas such as Medical and Government. HOW DO I SEARCH THE INTERNET? When you click on INTERNET, this will also link to a list of SEARCH ENGINES & DIRECTORIES. Try GOOGLE or METOR and see what you find. You can also type in a web address in the Address textbox to go directly to a website. For example to get to the Dental Assisting National Board, type in DATABASE SEARCHING TIPS Ebsco Databases: Use * for truncation. Field Searching: Galenet Databases: Use * for truncation. Field Searching: Proquest Database: Use * for truncation. Field Searching: All Databases Example: fluorid* will search for fluoride, fluoridation, etc. Allows you to search terms in the title(ti) and subject(su) areas. Example: ti (type 2 diabetes) Example: fluorid* will search for fluoride, fluoridation, etc. Use Advanced Search to search by field Example: disab* will search for disabled, disability, disabilities, etc. Allows you to search terms in the title(ti) and subject(sub) areas. Example: ti (type 2 diabetes) Use quotation marks to search for a phrase, i.e. “dental ethics” 2 Dental Journals Available at the Rio Grande Library Dental Abstracts Dental Advisor The Dental Assistant Dental Clinics of North America JADA: Journal of the Amer. Dental Assoc. Journal of Clinical Periodontology Journal of Dental Hygiene (availableOnline) Journal of Periodontology Special Care in Dentistry: Journal of Hospital Dental Practice Dental Journals Available in Online Databases (Full-text Articles) Access (CINAHL) Canadian Journal of Dental Hygiene (Health Reference Center Academic) Dental Assistant (CINAHL) Dental Lab Products (Health & Wellness Resource Center) Dental Practice Report (Health & Wellness Resource Center) International Journal of Dental Hygiene (CINAHL) Internet Journal of Dental Science (Health & Wellness Resource Center) Journal of Dental Hygiene (CINAHL) Journal of the California Dental Hygienists’ Association (CINAHL) Journal of Dentistry (Health & Wellness Resource Center) Managed Dental Care (Health & Wellness Resource Center) Oral Health (Proquest Nursing) RDH (Academic Search Complete and Proquest Nursing) Remember if you have questions or need help, ask one of the Librarians. Note: Database and Internet site descriptions were copied from the Library Home Page. 3 NEAT DENTAL & MEDICAL WEBSITES To access the following websites, type the address in the Address box. The sites listed are just a small sample of sites available. DENTAL METASITES Dental Hygiene Education DENTAL ORGANIZATIONS and RELATED SITES American Dental Assistants Association American Dental Association American Dental Hygienists Association Dental Assisting National Board Global Dental Resources Hispanic Dental Association The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice National Center for Dental Hygiene Research National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research Organization for Safety and Asepsis Procedures Texas Board of Dental Examiners Texas Dental Assistant’s Association (Oral Health Information) (Online Journal) (Special Patient’s Info.) MEDICAL SITES Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality American Cancer Society Center for Disease Control and Prevention – Oral Health Resources Consumer & Patient Health Information Health Finder Medlineplus Health Information NOAH: New York Online Access to Health Oral Cancer Foundation Bp C: dental handout sept 09 4