ProStart 2 Introduction Introduction Standard Objective Supplies Class Introduction Class Introduction Binders, COOP Forms, Concurrent information, DVD, Game Content: Introduce myself and the class. Call roll, explain seating assignments and cooking units. Handout binders: 1. Go over Disclosure Document 2. Review Scope and Sequence 3. Explain the notebook. 4. Concurrent Enrollment 5. FCCLA 6. ProStart/Competition DVD 7. Culinary POV Binder Cover ProStart 2 Introduction Team Work Lab Standard Objective Supplies REVIEW REVIEW Lab Supplies Content: Divide students into groups of 3-4. Give each group instructions. Do this quickly as they come in and get them going. Supplies needed for about 15 salads: 2 lbs ground beef 1 cup chopped onions 1 30 oz. Can refried beans (can add more to stretch meat mixture) 1 15 oz. Can tomato sauce 1 package taco seasoning 2 heads lettuce shredded 1 24 oz. Package corn chips 1 lb. cheddar cheese, grated 4 tomatoes, diced ½ purple onion, diced 1 can olives, sliced 1 large jar salsa 1 pint sour cream 3 cans lime or lemonade When done and while eating students will answer the questions on the worksheet. ProStart 2 Introduction Knife Skills Standard Objective Supplies REVIEW REVIEW Power Point, DVD Content: Knife Skills Quiz Go over power point presentation on knives with the class and with a worksheet. Show cuts, review names of cuts, etc… Show DVD on knife cuts or demonstrate to the class. Demonstrate how to cut an onion ProStart 2 Introduction Safety & Sanitation Standard Objective Supplies REVIEW REVIEW Scavenger hunt answers, Safety DVD, skittles, Serve Safe, M & Ms, Skittles Content: Complete a scavenger hunt worksheet. Assign each student one question to answer. They will be the expert on that question for the class. Students will go find the answers from each other. Handout the questions and have the kids record them on their paper. Collect the answer papers. Have the students sign or initial when they get an answer. Show section one & two of the serve safe video. Discuss from the video discussion guide. Show the M & Ms and discuss how quickly bacteria grows. Give kids small candy bags to eat. Show section three on personal hygiene. If time permits you can do the glo germ. HOMEWORK: Sanitation Worksheet – can use internet for information, check sources!!! ProStart 2 Introduction Kitchen Basics Standard Objective Supplies REVIEW REVIEW PowerPoint, dots, lab supplies Content: Kitchen Basics Power point presentation with worksheet. Divide the class into two groups. Half the class with pair up in the kitchen and do the cooking lab while the teacher evaluates their work. They can only talk to their partner. Make Chicken Salad Wrap. The other 2 in the group will be watching them. Give the watchers dot stickers. When students cooking do something wrong dot them with a sticker. Tell them why you are doting them. Half way through switch places. ProStart 2 Introduction Knife Skills Standard Objective Supplies REVIEW REVIEW Knives, cutting boards, potatoes, carrots, onions Content: Divide the class in half. Half will stay at their tables and do the basics test. Turn in when done. The other half will do a practical knife lab. Students can use onions, carrots and potatoes. Evaluate each with a rubric. Use a timer so it doesn’t go over with the first group. Change groups. ProStart 2 Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Breakfast Foods & Sandwiches Standard Objective Supplies Students will explore the facets of Breakfast Foods and Sandwiches. List the characteristics of milk and identify ways to keep it safe. Identify the different forms of cream and their fat contents. Differentiate between butter and butter substitutes and recognize the characteristics of each. Identify the different types of cheese and give examples of each. List the characteristics of eggs and identify ways to keep them safe. Prepare and serve eggs using a variety of cooking methods. Prepare pancakes, crepes, waffles, and French toast. Prepare ham, hash, grits, cold cereals, oatmeal, and sausage. Prepare coffee, tea, and cocoa. Give examples of different types of sandwiches, including simple hot, open-faced, hors d’oeuvres, grilled, deep-fried, and simple cold. Explain the roles of the three components of a sandwich: bread, spread, and filling Prepare common sandwich spreads and fillings. List the necessary tools and equipment to make sandwiches at a sandwich station. Demonstrate preparation of several types of sandwiches. PowerPoint, DVDs Content: Power Point on Chapter 1 Students can work on syllabus during and after the power point Alton Brown DVDs on eggs, cheese, etc… ProStart 2 Chapter 1 Dairy Tasting Standard Objective Supplies Students will explore the facets of Breakfast Foods and Sandwiches. List the characteristics of milk and identify ways to keep it safe. Identify the different forms of cream and their fat contents. Differentiate between butter and butter substitutes and recognize the characteristics of each. Identify the different types of cheese and give examples of each. Tasting supplies Content: Dairy Tasting: Butter Unsalted Butter Margarine Other Spreads Bread Cheeses 8-10 different Milk different fat % Soy Milk Almond Milk Yogurts If extra time remains complete syllabus or DVDs from last class. ProStart 2 Chapter 1 Egg Lab Standard Objective Supplies Students will explore the facets of Breakfast Foods and Sandwiches. Prepare and serve eggs using a variety of cooking methods. Lab supplies Content: Make and share egg dishes. ProStart 2 Chapter 1 Omelet Lab Standard Objective Supplies Students will explore the facets of Breakfast Foods and Sandwiches. Prepare and serve eggs using a variety of cooking methods. Lab supplies Content: Discuss egg cookery principles. Have students make individual omelets. Demonstrate flipping omelets. Prepare omelet station: - for 3 classes of 32 Diced onion – 4 large onions Diced peppers – 6 peppers Diced ham – 5 lbs Grated cheese – 5 lbs Sliced mushrooms – 24 ounces Clarified butter or olive oil – 5 lbs Eggs - 200 ProStart 1 Chapter 1 Breakfast Breads Standard Objective Supplies Students will explore the facets of Breakfast Foods and Sandwiches. Prepare pancakes, crepes, waffles, and French toast. Prepare ham, hash, grits, cold cereals, oatmeal, and sausage. Prepare coffee, tea, and cocoa. Lab supplies Content: Prepare breakfast breads, meats, cereal, herbal tea and cocoa. ProStart 2 Chapter 1 Sandwich Lab Standard Objective Supplies Students will explore the facets of Breakfast Foods and Sandwiches. Prepare common sandwich spreads and fillings. Demonstrate preparation of several types of sandwiches. Lab supplies Content: Prepare and share with class. ProStart 2 Chapter 1 Canapé & Hors d’oeuvres Lab Standard Objective Supplies Students will explore the facets of Breakfast Foods and Sandwiches. Prepare common sandwich spreads and fillings. Demonstrate preparation of several types of sandwiches. Lab supplies Content: Prepare and share with class. ProStart 2 Chapter 1 Canapé & Hors d’oeuvres Lab Standard Objective Supplies Students will explore the facets of Breakfast Foods and Sandwiches. Prepare common sandwich spreads and fillings. Demonstrate preparation of several types of sandwiches. Lab supplies Content: Let students create canapés to share with the class. Provide a variety of breads, crackers, toppings, spreads, etc… and books with ideas. ProStart 2 Chapter 2 Intro to Nutrition Standard Objective Students will understand and apply basic nutrition. Explain why nutrition is important to the foodservice industry. List the six basic types of nutrients found in food. Describe how phytochemicals and fiber function in the body. Name the types of carbohydrates and fats and describe their function in the body. Identify food sources of carbohydrates and fats. Describe cholesterol and identify its food sources. Describe the makeup of proteins and their function in the body. Identify food sources of proteins. Describe the three major vegetarian diets. List the functions of vitamins, minerals, and water in the body. Identify food sources of vitamins, minerals, and water. Explain what food additives are and how they function in food. Explain the role of digestion in nutrition and health. List and describe techniques for food preparation that preserve nutrients. Suggest ways to make menus and recipes more healthful. Suggest healthful substitutes for high-fat items. List and define recent developments in food production that may affect nutrition. Supplies Content: Watch Bill Nye introduce the nutrients or use other DVD. Power Point on Chapter 2 Students can work on syllabus during and after the power point ProStart 2 Chapter 2 Carbohydrate, Protein and Fat Standard Objective Supplies Students will understand and apply basic nutrition. Explain why nutrition is important to the foodservice industry. List the six basic types of nutrients found in food. Describe how phytochemicals and fiber function in the body. Name the types of carbohydrates and fats and describe their function in the body. Identify food sources of carbohydrates and fats. Describe cholesterol and identify its food sources. Describe the makeup of proteins and their function in the body. Identify food sources of proteins. Describe the three major vegetarian diets. Computers, information cards, rubrics, poster boards, etc… Content: Divide the class into groups. Have them prepare a presentation on one of the nutrients Carbohydrates, Protein or Fat. You can also have groups to fiber, phytochemicals, cholesterol, additives and vegetarian diets. This can be a power point, illustrated talk, etc… about 3 minutes long. Students will include types, function, sources, etc…. Provide the materials and a grading rubric to each group. ProStart 2 Chapter 2 Nutrient Lab Standard Objective Supplies Students will understand and apply basic nutrition. Explain why nutrition is important to the foodservice industry. List the six basic types of nutrients found in food. Describe how phytochemicals and fiber function in the body. Name the types of carbohydrates and fats and describe their function in the body. Identify food sources of carbohydrates and fats. Describe cholesterol and identify its food sources. Describe the makeup of proteins and their function in the body. Identify food sources of proteins. Describe the three major vegetarian diets. Lab supplies Content: Prepare healthy foods (whole grains, fish, vegetables, blueberries, etc…) ProStart 2 Chapter 2 Vitamins and Minerals Standard Objective Students will understand and apply basic nutrition. Explain why nutrition is important to the foodservice industry. List the six basic types of nutrients found in food. List the functions of vitamins, minerals, and water in the body. Identify food sources of vitamins, minerals, and water. Supplies Content: Watch Vitamin and Mineral DVDs with worksheets. Fill in the blanks of answers still missing. ProStart 2 Chapter 2 Health Related Foods Lab Standard Objective Supplies Students will understand and apply basic nutrition. Explain why nutrition is important to the foodservice industry. List the six basic types of nutrients found in food. Suggest ways to make menus and recipes more healthful. Lab Supplies Content: Anemia: Black Bean Salsa with Chips Colon and Rectal Cancer: Extra Fiber Apple Crisp Heart Disease: Low Cholesterol Oatmeal Drop Cookies Diabetes: Light Banana Parfait Osteoporosis: Tofu Smoothies Weight Management: Sensibly Delicious Brownies Make and share the foods listed above. ProStart 2 Chapter 2 Dietary Guidelines and MyPlate Standard Objective Supplies Students will understand and apply basic nutrition. Explain why nutrition is important to the foodservice industry. List the six basic types of nutrients found in food. Describe how phytochemicals and fiber function in the body. Suggest ways to make menus and recipes more healthful. List and define recent developments in food production that may affect nutrition. Computers, instruction sheets Content: Watch DVD on My Plate Do Choose Myplate worksheet using learning zone information cards. Evaluate the nutrients from menus of local restaurants. ProStart 2 Chapter 2 Menus and Substitutions Standard Objective Students will understand and apply basic nutrition. Suggest ways to make menus and recipes more healthful. Suggest healthful substitutes for high-fat items. Supplies Content: Do the Substitution Lab While baking work on the Lasagna done right worksheet as a group. ProStart 2 Term Assessment Standard Objective Supplies Students will explore the facets of Breakfast Foods and Sandwiches. Students will understand and apply basic nutrition. See previous lesson plans Flip book, Art supplies, Dietary Guidelines Content: The Basics of Nutrition Flip Chart Dietary Guidelines Project ProStart 2 Competition Information Standard Objective Supplies Students will explore competitions related to ProStart. Computers, Information Booklets Content: Each group will be given a booklet with a different competition in it. They will be given an instruction sheet and as a group they will prepare a short power point about that competition to share with the class. Class Presentations Class Sign-up – students will sign up for a competition they are interest in. ProStart 2 Chapter 3 Introduction Controlling Costs Standard Objective Supplies Students will explore controlling foodservice costs. Identify the types of costs incurred by a foodservice business and give examples of each. Explain the purposes of a budget. Explain the purpose of a profit-and-loss report. Identify methods for analyzing profit-and-loss reports. Explain the purpose of invoices in a foodservice business. Identify tools to help control costs. Define and calculate food cost and food cost percentage. Given a problem, calculate as purchased (AP) and edible portion (EP) amounts. Calculate the total cost and portion costs of a standardized recipe. Develop a recipe cost card for a standardized recipe. Explain the importance of portion control to food cost. Give examples of portion-control devices used in foodservice operations. List the steps in the process to control food costs. Forecast sales by analyzing and evaluating sales histories, popularity indices, and production sheets. Calculate a recipe’s yield and the number of portions it will produce. Use a conversion factor to calculate a new yield for an existing recipe. Explain the importance of standards for controlling production volume. List and describe standard procedures used for controlling production volume. List and explain the various methods for menu pricing. Explain the importance of standard labor costs to a business’s success. List factors that affect labor costs. Describe the relationship between sales volume and labor costs. Explain the difference between a master schedule and a crew schedule. Describe the components and factors to consider when developing labor schedules. Computers, Instruction Sheets, Printers Content: Power Point on Chapter 3 with costing packet. Book Assignment Homework: Complete packet ProStart 2 Chapter 3 Introduction Controlling Costs Standard Objective Supplies Students will explore controlling foodservice costs. Identify tools to help control costs. List the steps in the process to control food costs. Calculate a recipe’s yield and the number of portions it will produce. Use a conversion factor to calculate a new yield for an existing recipe. Worksheet, Lab Supplies Content: Complete the recipe yield calculations as a group. Check off. Prepare product. ProStart 2 Chapter 3 Introduction Controlling Costs Standard Objective Supplies Students will explore controlling foodservice costs. Identify the types of costs incurred by a foodservice business and give examples of each. Explain the purposes of a budget. Explain the purpose of a profit-and-loss report. Identify methods for analyzing profit-and-loss reports. Explain the purpose of invoices in a foodservice business. Identify tools to help control costs. Define and calculate food cost and food cost percentage. Explain the importance of portion control to food cost. Give examples of portion-control devices used in foodservice operations. List the steps in the process to control food costs. Forecast sales by analyzing and evaluating sales histories, popularity indices, and production sheets. Explain the importance of standards for controlling production volume. List and describe standard procedures used for controlling production volume. Computers, Instruction Sheets, Printers Content: Play the lemonade stand game and complete the excel data sheet and the questions about controlling costs. ProStart 2 Chapter 3 Scone Lab Standard Objective Supplies Students will explore controlling foodservice costs. Define and calculate food cost and food cost percentage. Calculate the total cost and portion costs of a standardized recipe. Develop a recipe cost card for a standardized recipe. Explain the importance of portion control to food cost. Give examples of portion-control devices used in foodservice operations. Lab worksheet, lab supplies Content: Complete the worksheet as a group. Do scone lab. ProStart 2 Chapter 3 Food Costing Standard Objective Supplies Students will explore controlling foodservice costs. Given a problem, calculate as purchased (AP) and edible portion (EP) amounts. Lab supplies, AP/EP Worksheet, Scales Content: Work through AP/EP worksheet as a group. ProStart 2 Chapter 4 Salads and Garnishing Standard Objective Students will compare and present salads and garnishes Identify and describe the various ingredients used to make salads. List the four parts of a salad and explain the role of each. Identify various types of salad and explain how to prepare them. Explain the roles of salads on the menu. Design attractive salads. Identify proper procedures for cleaning salad greens. Identify proper procedures for storing salads. Differentiate among various oils and vinegars. Prepare vinaigrettes and other emulsions. Match dressings to salad ingredients. Give examples of ingredients used to make dips. Prepare several dips. Give examples of garnishes. Describe and prepare ingredients commonly used as garnishes. Garnish various items, including plates, desserts, and soups. Supplies Content: Chapter Power Point Chapter Book Assignment Alton Brown Salad DVDs ProStart 2 Chapter 4 Salads and Garnishing Standard Objective Supplies Content: Salad Labs Students will compare and present salads and garnishes Identify and describe the various ingredients used to make salads. List the four parts of a salad and explain the role of each. Identify various types of salad and explain how to prepare them. Explain the roles of salads on the menu. Design attractive salads. Identify proper procedures for cleaning salad greens. Identify proper procedures for storing salads. Lab Supplies ProStart 2 Chapter 4 Salads and Garnishing Standard Objective Supplies Students will compare and present salads and garnishes Differentiate among various oils and vinegars. Prepare vinaigrettes and other emulsions. Match dressings to salad ingredients. Lab Supplies Content: Dressing Lab ProStart 2 Chapter 4 Salads and Garnishing Standard Objective Supplies Content: Dip Lab Students will compare and present salads and garnishes Give examples of ingredients used to make dips. Prepare several dips. Lab Supplies ProStart 2 Chapter 4 Salads and Garnishing Standard Objective Supplies Content: Garnish Lab Students will compare and present salads and garnishes Give examples of garnishes. Describe and prepare ingredients commonly used as garnishes. Garnish various items, including plates, desserts, and soups. Lab Supplies ProStart 2 Chapter 5 Purchasing and Inventory Standard Objective Students will explore classify purchasing and inventory procedures Define the terms purchasing, selection, and procurement. Outline the objectives of the purchasing function in a foodservice operation. Explain the relationship between primary and intermediary sources and retailers. Explain the differences between formal and informal buying and the formal bidding process. List the types of goods and service that a foodservice operation might buy. Describe the buyer’s role in a foodservice operation and explain the importance of ethical behavior to a buyer. List the factors that help to determine an operation’s quality standards. Identify ways to communicate quality standards and give examples of standards a foodservice operation might use. Describe buyer considerations when conducting a make-or-buy analysis. Outline the process for procuring products and services. Identify production records used to calculate buying needs. Write purchase orders to items to be purchased. List ways to verify that supplier services meet an operation’s needs. List factors that affect food prices. List proper procedures for receiving deliveries. List proper procedures for storing food and supplies. Describe perpetual inventory and physical inventory systems. Explain the difference between perishable and nonperishable food items. Supplies Content: Chapter Power Point Chapter Book Assignment ProStart 2 Chapter 5 Purchasing and Inventory Standard Objective Students will explore classify purchasing and inventory procedures Define the terms purchasing, selection, and procurement. Outline the objectives of the purchasing function in a foodservice operation. Explain the relationship between primary and intermediary sources and retailers. Explain the differences between formal and informal buying and the formal bidding process. List the types of goods and service that a foodservice operation might buy. Describe the buyer’s role in a foodservice operation and explain the importance of ethical behavior to a buyer. List the factors that help to determine an operation’s quality standards. Identify ways to communicate quality standards and give examples of standards a foodservice operation might use. Describe buyer considerations when conducting a make-or-buy analysis. Outline the process for procuring products and services. Identify production records used to calculate buying needs. Write purchase orders to items to be purchased. List ways to verify that supplier services meet an operation’s needs. List factors that affect food prices. List proper procedures for receiving deliveries. List proper procedures for storing food and supplies. Describe perpetual inventory and physical inventory systems. Explain the difference between perishable and nonperishable food items. Supplies Content: Purchasing Packet ProStart 2 Chapter 6 Meat, Poultry and Seafood Standard Objective Students will identify how to purchase, store and prepare meat, poultry, and seafood. Outline the federal grading systems for meat. Describe the various kinds of meat. Identify the proper purchasing and storing procedures for meat. List factors that affect purchasing decisions for meat Outline basic techniques for cooking meat Match various cooking methods with different forms of meat. Outline the federal grading systems for poultry. Describe the various kinds of poultry. Identify the proper purchasing and storing procedures for poultry. List factors that affect purchasing decisions for poultry. Outline basic techniques for cooking poultry. Match various cooking methods with different forms of poultry. Outline the federal grading systems for seafood. Describe the various kinds of seafood. Identify the proper purchasing and storing procedures for seafood. List factors that affect purchasing decisions for seafood. Outline basic techniques for cooking seafood. Match various cooking methods with different forms of seafood. Identify and describe different types of charcuterie. Explain garde manger and how it relates to charcuterie. Supplies Content: Chapter Power Point Chapter Book Assignment Alton Brown DVDs ProStart 2 Chapter 6 Meat, Poultry and Seafood Standard Objective Supplies Students will identify how to purchase, store and prepare meat, poultry, and seafood. Outline the federal grading systems for poultry. Describe the various kinds of poultry. Identify the proper purchasing and storing procedures for poultry. List factors that affect purchasing decisions for poultry. Outline basic techniques for cooking poultry. Match various cooking methods with different forms of poultry. Chicken, Knives, Cutting Boards Content: Fabricate Chicken ProStart 2 Chapter 6 Meat, Poultry and Seafood Standard Objective Supplies Content: Chicken Lab Students will identify how to purchase, store and prepare meat, poultry, and seafood. Outline the federal grading systems for poultry. Describe the various kinds of poultry. Identify the proper purchasing and storing procedures for poultry. List factors that affect purchasing decisions for poultry. Outline basic techniques for cooking poultry. Match various cooking methods with different forms of poultry. Lab Supplies ProStart 2 Chapter 6 Meat, Poultry and Seafood Standard Objective Supplies Content: Beef Lab Students will identify how to purchase, store and prepare meat, poultry, and seafood. Outline the federal grading systems for meat. Describe the various kinds of meat. Identify the proper purchasing and storing procedures for meat. List factors that affect purchasing decisions for meat Outline basic techniques for cooking meat Match various cooking methods with different forms of meat. Outline the federal grading systems for poultry. Lab Supplies ProStart 2 Chapter 6 Meat, Poultry and Seafood Standard Objective Supplies Content: Pork Lab Students will identify how to purchase, store and prepare meat, poultry, and seafood. Outline the federal grading systems for meat. Describe the various kinds of meat. Identify the proper purchasing and storing procedures for meat. List factors that affect purchasing decisions for meat Outline basic techniques for cooking meat Match various cooking methods with different forms of meat. Lab Supplies ProStart 2 Chapter 6 Meat, Poultry and Seafood Standard Objective Supplies Content: Seafood Lab Students will identify how to purchase, store and prepare meat, poultry, and seafood. Outline the federal grading systems for seafood. Describe the various kinds of seafood. Identify the proper purchasing and storing procedures for seafood. List factors that affect purchasing decisions for seafood. Outline basic techniques for cooking seafood. Match various cooking methods with different forms of seafood. Lab Supplies ProStart 2 Chapter 7 Marketing Standard Objective Students will identify and recognize marketing and menu concepts Define marketing, and list the steps in the marketing process. Explain the role that marketing plays in determining products and services. List factors that affect a market environment. Define target market, and explain why it is important to a business. Identify the parts of a SWOT analysis. List ways to attract and keep customers. List reasons why promotions are important. Identify the steps in developing a promotion mix and a promotion plan. Explain the importance of training to promotions. Recognize different types of sales promotions. List the benefits of public relations. Identify opportunities for public relations. Explain the importance of the menu to a foodservice operation. Describe à la carte, table d’hote, California, limited, du jour, and cycle menus. Organize the information on a menu. Explain principles of menu layout and design. Identify ways to test new menu items. Explain the purposes of a menu sales mix analysis. Define profitability and target margin. Classify menu items according to their popularity. List and compare basic pricing methods. Supplies Content: Marketing Introduction Power Point Chapter Assignment ProStart 2 Chapter 7 The Apprentice Standard Objective Students will identify and recognize marketing and menu concepts Define marketing, and list the steps in the marketing process. Explain the role that marketing plays in determining products and services. List factors that affect a market environment. Define target market, and explain why it is important to a business. Identify the parts of a SWOT analysis. List ways to attract and keep customers. List reasons why promotions are important. Identify the steps in developing a promotion mix and a promotion plan. Explain the importance of training to promotions. Recognize different types of sales promotions. List the benefits of public relations. Identify opportunities for public relations. Explain the importance of the menu to a foodservice operation. Supplies Content: Watch the apprentice – an episode with food. Go though marketing strategies. Have students create a marketing plan and sell product next time in class. Keep food costs low. Ideas – smoothies, ice cream, lemonade, etc… The class should all sell the same product. Use remaining class time to create market strategies. ProStart 2 Chapter 7 Apprentice Activity Standard Objective Students will identify and recognize marketing and menu concepts Define marketing, and list the steps in the marketing process. Explain the role that marketing plays in determining products and services. List factors that affect a market environment. Define target market, and explain why it is important to a business. Identify the parts of a SWOT analysis. List ways to attract and keep customers. List reasons why promotions are important. Identify the steps in developing a promotion mix and a promotion plan. Explain the importance of training to promotions. Recognize different types of sales promotions. List the benefits of public relations. Identify opportunities for public relations. Explain the importance of the menu to a foodservice operation. Supplies Content: Create and prepare to sell product during class. ProStart 2 Chapter 7 Menu Design Standard Objective Students will identify and recognize marketing and menu concepts Describe à la carte, table d’hote, California, limited, du jour, and cycle menus. Organize the information on a menu. Explain principles of menu layout and design. Identify ways to test new menu items. Explain the purposes of a menu sales mix analysis. Define profitability and target margin. Classify menu items according to their popularity. List and compare basic pricing methods. Supplies Content: Why is menu planning important? Communication with customers, runs operation, sets theme for restaurant. Read through list of problems from sysco. Power point: Types of menus Go over each type. Have students take notes on research form. Handout examples, brainstorm as a class different restaurants. Handout cards with menu categories on them. One set to each group. Have them sort them according to menu layout, go over as a class. Power point: 5 steps to menu planning Hand out Menu Descriptions worksheet. Write a description for each food item. Check out the “words that help you sell” on the back of the worksheet. Show sample menus and go over that makes a great menu. Power point: What makes a menu Determine Hamburger type for next class and write menu description. Homework: Create a menu ProStart 2 Chapter 7 Menu Design Standard Objective Students will identify and recognize marketing and menu concepts Describe à la carte, table d’hote, California, limited, du jour, and cycle menus. Organize the information on a menu. Explain principles of menu layout and design. Identify ways to test new menu items. Explain the purposes of a menu sales mix analysis. Define profitability and target margin. Classify menu items according to their popularity. List and compare basic pricing methods. Supplies Content: Hamburger Lab – Menu writing contest ProStart 2 Chapter 8 Dessert and Baked Goods Standard Objective Students will discuss and prepare desserts and baked goods. Identify and use common ingredients in baking. Calculate ingredient weights using baker’s percentages. Convert baking recipes to a new yield. Differentiate between lean doughs, rich doughs, sponge doughs, and sourdoughs, and give examples. Mix yeast dough using the straight mix method. Proof bake shop items. Prepare yeast breads. Prepare different types of quick breads and cake batters. Identify the functions of icings and determine which are best suited for different baked goods. Describe and prepare steamed puddings and dessert soufflés. Prepare pie dough using the 3-2-1 method. Describe the procedure for baking blind. Describe roll-in dough, phyllo dough, and pâte à choux. Prepare cookies using various makeup methods. Explain how chocolate is made, including chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, and cocoa powder. Demonstrate how to store chocolate prperly. Explain how chocolate is tempered. Explain how crème anglaise, pastry creams, and Bavarian creams are made, and how they are used in desserts. List the characteristics of ice cream and give examples of other frozen desserts. List the steps for preparing poached fruits and tortes. List guidelines for plating and presenting desserts. Supplies Content: Personality dessert quiz Power point with information on chapter. Discuss coming unit and expectations for labs. Chapter Assignment Show Candy Video or Alton Brown dessert videos. ProStart 2 Chapter 8 Yeast Dough Standard Objective Students will discuss and prepare desserts and baked goods. Identify and use common ingredients in baking. Calculate ingredient weights using baker’s percentages. Convert baking recipes to a new yield. Differentiate between lean doughs, rich doughs, sponge doughs, and sourdoughs, and give examples. Mix yeast dough using the straight mix method. Proof bake shop items. Prepare yeast breads. Supplies Content: Go over baking formulas. Review terms: Lean Dough Rich Dough Straight Mix Sponge Mix Knead Gluten Proof Fermentation Make lean dough Pretzels. ProStart 2 Chapter 8 Yeast Dough Standard Objective Students will discuss and prepare desserts and baked goods. Identify and use common ingredients in baking. Calculate ingredient weights using baker’s percentages. Convert baking recipes to a new yield. Differentiate between lean doughs, rich doughs, sponge doughs, and sourdoughs, and give examples. Mix yeast dough using the straight mix method. Proof bake shop items. Prepare yeast breads. Supplies Content: Roll formation using Rhodes rolls or pre-made dough 3-4 rolls per person ProStart 2 Chapter 8 Yeast Dough Standard Objective Students will discuss and prepare desserts and baked goods. Identify and use common ingredients in baking. Calculate ingredient weights using baker’s percentages. Convert baking recipes to a new yield. Differentiate between lean doughs, rich doughs, sponge doughs, and sourdoughs, and give examples. Mix yeast dough using the straight mix method. Proof bake shop items. Prepare yeast breads. Supplies Content: Make a dough product: Pizza, cinnamon rolls, pull aparts, etc. ProStart 2 Chapter 8 Quick Breads Standard Objective Supplies Students will discuss and prepare desserts and baked goods. Prepare different types of quick breads and cake batters. Content: Quick Bread Lab ProStart 2 Chapter 8 Cakes Standard Objective Supplies Students will discuss and prepare desserts and baked goods. Prepare different types of quick breads and cake batters. Content: Cake or Cupcake lab ProStart 2 Chapter 8 Icing Standard Objective Students will discuss and prepare desserts and baked goods. Identify the functions of icings and determine which are best suited for different baked goods. Supplies Content: Icing Lab using cakes from last time, or a variety of cakes. ProStart 2 Chapter 8 Pie Lab Standard Objective Students will discuss and prepare desserts and baked goods. Prepare pie dough using the 3-2-1 method. Describe the procedure for baking blind. Supplies Content: Make Pie Crust – Blind Bake Filling- per class 3 large Vanilla pudding 4 large Chocolate pudding 6 bananas 2 cans of whipping cream ProStart 2 Chapter 8 Puff Pastry Standard Objective Supplies Students will discuss and prepare desserts and baked goods. Describe roll-in dough, phyllo dough, and pâte à choux. Content: Make cream horns and puff pastry roulades. Filling 2 small vanilla pudding 3 cups milk 5 cups of heavy whipping cream 2 pkgs frozen berries ProStart 2 Chapter 8 Pate a choux Standard Objective Supplies Content: Make eclairs Students will discuss and prepare desserts and baked goods. Describe roll-in dough, phyllo dough, and pâte à choux. ProStart 2 Chapter 8 Cookies Standard Objective Supplies Students will discuss and prepare desserts and baked goods. Prepare cookies using various makeup methods. Content: Make Cookies using as many methods as possible. ProStart 2 Chapter 8 Chocolate Standard Objective Students will discuss and prepare desserts and baked goods. Explain how chocolate is made, including chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, and cocoa powder. Demonstrate how to store chocolate properly. Explain how chocolate is tempered. Supplies Content: Power point on chocolate. Tasting Amano chocolate. Piping, dipping, etc… ProStart 2 Chapter 8 Dessert and Baked Goods Standard Objective Supplies Students will discuss and prepare desserts and baked goods. List guidelines for plating and presenting desserts. DVD, paper, glue, tape, scissors Content: Watch CCA DVD on desserts. Create a paper dessert using plating and presentation techniques. Plan a dessert for the showcase. ProStart 2 Chapter 8 Dessert Showcase Standard Objective Students will discuss and prepare desserts and baked goods. Identify and use common ingredients in baking. Calculate ingredient weights using baker’s percentages. Convert baking recipes to a new yield. Differentiate between lean doughs, rich doughs, sponge doughs, and sourdoughs, and give examples. Mix yeast dough using the straight mix method. Proof bake shop items. Prepare yeast breads. Prepare different types of quick breads and cake batters. Identify the functions of icings and determine which are best suited for different baked goods. Describe and prepare steamed puddings and dessert soufflés. Prepare pie dough using the 3-2-1 method. Describe the procedure for baking blind. Describe roll-in dough, phyllo dough, and pâte à choux. Prepare cookies using various makeup methods. Explain how chocolate is made, including chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, and cocoa powder. Demonstrate how to store chocolate properly. Explain how chocolate is tempered. Explain how crème anglaise, pastry creams, and Bavarian creams are made, and how they are used in desserts. List the characteristics of ice cream and give examples of other frozen desserts. List the steps for preparing poached fruits and tortes. List guidelines for plating and presenting desserts. Supplies Content: Prepare a dessert to be displayed and voted upon. Voting is based on presentation only. ProStart 2 Term Assessment Standard Objective Supplies Content: Students will discuss and prepare desserts and baked goods. Students will identify and recognize marketing and menu concepts See previous lesson plans ProStart 2 Chapter 9 Sustainability in the Restaurant and Foodservice Industry Standard Objective Supplies Students will apply the principles of conservation in foodservice. Define the terms sustainability and conservation. Explain why water conservation is important. List ways in which a restaurant or foodservice operation can improve the efficiency of its water usage. Explain the differences between renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. Explain why using energy efficiently is important. List ways in which a restaurant or foodservice operation can improve the efficiency of its energy usage. List ways in which a restaurant or foodservice operation can build or make structural improvements to its facility in a sustainable way. Identify ways to reduce the total amount of waste in a restaurant or foodservice operation. List items that a restaurant or foodservice operation can reuse. List items that a restaurant or foodservice operation can recycle. Define the term local sourcing. Identify the steps a restaurant or foodservice operation should take to purchase and then promote the use of sustainable food products. Identify the issues surrounding the global production of seafood, coffee, animals, and organic food. Chapter assignment, books Content: Chapter 9 book assignment ProStart 2 Chapter 9 Sustainability in the Restaurant and Foodservice Industry Standard Objective Supplies Students will apply the principles of conservation in foodservice. Define the terms sustainability and conservation. Explain why water conservation is important. List ways in which a restaurant or foodservice operation can improve the efficiency of its water usage. Explain the differences between renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. Explain why using energy efficiently is important. List ways in which a restaurant or foodservice operation can improve the efficiency of its energy usage. List ways in which a restaurant or foodservice operation can build or make structural improvements to its facility in a sustainable way. Identify ways to reduce the total amount of waste in a restaurant or foodservice operation. List items that a restaurant or foodservice operation can reuse. List items that a restaurant or foodservice operation can recycle. Define the term local sourcing. Identify the steps a restaurant or foodservice operation should take to purchase and then promote the use of sustainable food products. Identify the issues surrounding the global production of seafood, coffee, animals, and organic food. Food Inc DVD Content: Watch Food Inc DVD End about 10 minutes before the bell rings and share information on Utah’s Own – show companies and talk about local companies and why we support them when possible. ProStart 2 Chapter 10 Global Cuisine 1: The Americas Standard Objective Supplies Students will identify the characteristics and tradition related to global cuisine of the Americas. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Northeastern American cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Midwestern American cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Southern American cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Southwestern American cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Pacific Coast/Rim cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Mexican cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Central American cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Caribbean cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Brazilian cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Bolivian cuisine. Chapter 10, Books, Power Point Content: Chapter 10 book assignment with Power Point. ProStart 2 Chapter 10 American Cuisine Standard Objective Supplies Students will identify the characteristics and tradition related to global cuisine of the Americas. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Northeastern American cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Midwestern American cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Southern American cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Southwestern American cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Pacific Coast/Rim cuisine. Lab supplies Content: American Regional Cuisine Lab ProStart 2 Chapter 10 Mexican & Central American Standard Objective Supplies Students will identify the characteristics and tradition related to global cuisine of the Americas. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Mexican cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Central American cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Caribbean cuisine. Lab Supplies Content: Mexican and Central American Cuisine ProStart 2 Chapter 10 South America Standard Objective Supplies Students will identify the characteristics and tradition related to global cuisine of the Americas. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Brazilian cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Peruvian cuisine. Lab Supplies Content: South American Cuisine ProStart 2 Chapter 11 Global Cuisine 2 Standard Objective Supplies Students will identify the characteristics and tradition related to global cuisine of European, Mediterranean, and Eastern Cuisines Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of French cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Italian cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Spanish cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Moroccan cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Greek cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Tunisian cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Egyptian cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Iranian cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Saudi Arabian cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Chinese cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Japanese cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Indian cuisine. Chapter Assignment, Books, Power Point Content: Chapter 11 Book Assignment with Power Point. ProStart 2 Chapter 11 Europe Standard Objective Supplies Students will identify the characteristics and tradition related to global cuisine of European, Mediterranean, and Eastern Cuisines Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of French cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Italian cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Spanish cuisine. Lab Supplies Content: European Cuisine Lab ProStart 2 Chapter 11 Mediterranean Standard Objective Supplies Students will identify the characteristics and tradition related to global cuisine of European, Mediterranean, and Eastern Cuisines Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Moroccan cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Greek cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Tunisian cuisine. Lab Supplies Content: Mediterranean Cuisine Lab ProStart 2 Chapter 11 Middle Eastern Standard Objective Supplies Students will identify the characteristics and tradition related to global cuisine of European, Mediterranean, and Eastern Cuisines Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Egyptian cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Iranian cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Saudi Arabian cuisine. Lab Supplies Content: Middle Eastern Cuisine Lab ProStart 2 Chapter 11 Asian Standard Objective Supplies Students will identify the characteristics and tradition related to global cuisine of European, Mediterranean, and Eastern Cuisines Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Chinese cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Japanese cuisine. Identify the major influences, ingredients, flavors, and cooking techniques of Indian cuisine. Lab supplies Content: Asian Cuisine Lab. ProStart 2 Term Assessment Standard Objective Supplies Content: Students will apply the principles of conservation in foodservice. Students will identify the characteristics and tradition related to global cuisine of the Americas. Students will identify the characteristics and tradition related to global cuisine of European, Mediterranean, and Eastern Cuisines See previous lesson plans