TÜRKİYE BANKALAR BİRLİĞİ KÜTÜPHANESİ YENİ YAYINLAR MAYIS 2004 Konu başlıkları Atatürk Avrupa Birliği Bankalar ve Bankacılık Döviz Ekonomi/ Ekonomi-Türkiye Enflasyon Kamu Maliyesi Kredi Muhasebe Ticaret Türev Ürünler Yönetim Tartışma Tebliğleri Banca D'Italia temi di Discussione Bank for International Settlements Working Papers Bank of England Working Papers Bank of Finland Discussion Papers Centre for Economic Policy Discussion Papers European Central Bank Working Paper European Central Bank Occasional Papers International Monetary Fund Working Papers Muğla Üniversitesi İİBF Tartışma Tebliği National Bank of Belgium Working Papers Sveriges Riskbank Working Papers 2 2 3 5 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 16 18 18 21 22 22 Atatürk 956.102 4 Karal, Enver Ziya KAR Atatürk ve devrim: konferans ve makaleler/ Enver Ziya Karal. -- Ankara: 1980 Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi, 1980. 278 p.; 24 cm. -- (TC Ziraat Bankası Kültür yayınları:9.) Avrupa Birliği 337.142 AVR Avrupa Birliği 2003 yılı izleme ve ilerleme raporlarında Türkiye dışındaki 2003 aday ülkelerin durumu/Sinem Akgül Açıkmeşe...[ve bşk.]. -- Ankara: ATAUM, 2003. 43 p.; 24 cm. -- (ATAUM Araştırma Metinleri no:1.) ISBN 975-482-626-9 337.142 095 Avrupa Birliği ve Türkiye- AB ilişkileri almanağı 2003. -- İstanbul: İktisadi 61 Kalkınma Vakfı, 2004. İKV 2004 66 p.; 21 cm. -- (İKV yayın no:177) 346.404 88 Avrupa Birliği'nde marka ve tasarım koruma yolları: seminer kayıtları, 23-24 AVR Haziran 2003. -- İstanbul: İstanbul Ticaret Odası, 2003. 2003 218 p.; 20 cm. -- (İTO yayın no: 2003-46) ISBN 975-512-773-9 337.405 61 Türkiye'nin Avrupa Birliği'ne katılım süreci 19: Avrupa Birliği'nin bilim, İKV araştırma ve eğitim politikaları ve Türkiye'nin uyumu/ editör Hürrem 2004 Cansevdi. -- İstanbul: İktisadi Kalkınma Vakfı, 2004. 143 p.; 21 cm. Bankalar ve Bankacılık 332.102 85 Bank for International Settlements BIS Survey of developments in electronic money and internet and mobile 2004 payments/ Bank for International Settlements. -- Basle: Bank for International Settlements, 2004. vi, 224 p.; 28 cm. ISBN 92-9131-667-9 332.11 BLI Blinder, Alan S. 2004 The quiet revolution: central banking goes modern/ Alan S. Blinder; foreword by Robert J. Shiller. -- New Haven, USA: Yale University Press, 2004. xv, 119 p.; 22 cm. -- (Arthur M. Okun memorial lecture series) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-300-10087-6 (cloth) 332.106 81 Chorafas, Dimitris CHO Economic capital allocation with Basel II: cost, benefit and implementation 2004 procedures/ Dimitris N.Chorafas, foreword by Eugen Buck. -- Amsterdam: Elsevier Butterworth- Heinmann, 2004. xxx, 409 p.; 24 cm. ISBN 0-7506-6182-8 332.106 81 Chorafas, Dimitris CHO Operational risk control with Basel II: basic principles and capital 2004 requirements/ Dimitris N. Chorafas -- Amsterdam: Elsevier ButterworthHeinmann, 2004. xxx, 357 p.; 24 cm. ISBN 0-7506-5909-2 (cloth) 332.106 81 Fight, Andrew FIG Understanding international bank risk/ Andrew Fight. -- The Atrium, 2004 Southern Gate, Chichester, Weat Sussex, England: John Wiley and Sons, 2004. x, 235 p. : ill.; 24 cm. -- (Wiley finance series) Includes bibliographical reference (p.201- 202) and index. ISBN 0-470-84768-9 (cloth) 332 GLO Global financial stability report (International Monetary Fund) Global financial stability report: market developments and issues. -Washington,D.C: International Monetary Fund, 2002- -- Mar 2002v.: ill.; 28 cm. -- (World economics and financial surveys) Quarterly ISSN: 0258-7440 ISBN 1-589-06105-5 343.407 21 Güzel, Oğuzkan GÜZ AT rekabet hukuku kurallarının bankacılık sektöründe uygulanması/ 2003 Oğuzkan Güzel. -- Ankara: Rekabet Kurumu, 2003. viii, 154 p.; 24 cm. -- (Rekabet Kurumu yayın no: 0136; Lisansüstü Tez serisi no:10) ISBN 975-8301-84-5 (paperback) 332.150 940 International banking and financial systems: evolution and stability/ edited by 904 Luigi de Rosa. -- Aldershot, Hants, England: Burlington, VT: Ashgate, INT 2003. 2003 xiv, 267 p.: ill.; 24 cm. ISBN 0-7546-3294-6 (cloth) 332.106 81 Operational risk: regulation, analysis and management/ edited by Carol OPE Alexander. -- London: Financial Times: Prentice Hall, 2003. 2003 xv, 336 p.: ill.; 28 cm. -- (Professional Finance Series) ISBN 0-273-65966-9 (cloth) 332.110 956 Serdengeçti, Süreyya 1 72. hissedarlar genel kurul olağan toplantısı açış konuşması/ Süreyya SER Serdengeçti. -- Ankara: Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası, 2004. 2004 65 p.; 23 cm. 332.109 43 The role of financial markets in the transition process/ editors Emilio Colombo, ROL John Driffill. -- Heidelberg; New York: Physica-Verlag, 2003. 2003 vii, 225 p.; 24 cm. --(Contributions to economics) Döviz 332.45 HOM Homaifar, Ghassem A. 2004 Managing global financial and foreign exchange rate risk/ Ghassem A. Homaifar. -- New Jersey, USA: John Wiley and Sons, 2004. xix, 380 p.; 24 cm. -- (The Wiley finance series) Includes bibliographical references (p-365-372) and index. ISBN 0-471-28115-8 (cloth) 332.450 956 Tekin, R. Barış 1 Döviz kurundaki gelişmelerin Türkiye imalat sanayi ihracat fiyatlarına TEK yansıması/ R. Barış Tekin. -- İstanbul: Türkiye İhracatçılar Meclisi, [2004]. 2004 55 p.; 22 cm. Ekonomi / Ekonomi- Türkiye 338.956 1 Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı DPT Ekonomik gelişmeler/ DPT. -- Ankara: Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı, 2004. 2004 21 p.: tablolar; 28 cm. 338.956 103 Kentsel ekonomik araştırmalar sempozyumu, 10- 12 Eylül 2003, Denizli/ 9 düzenleyen Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı, Pamukkale Üniversitesi. -- Ankara: KEN Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı, 2004. 2004 2c.; 24 cm. 330.956 1 Müderrisoğlu, Alptekin MÜD Cumhuriyetin kurulduğu yıl Türkiye ekonomisi/ Alptekin Müderrisoğlu.-1998 Ankara: Ziraat Bankası, 1998. 279 p.: ill., 28 cm. 330.956 1 Türkiye İktisat Kongresi( 4: İzmir: 2004) TÜR Türkiye iktisat kongresi, 5-9 Mayıs2004, İzmir, tebliğ sunuşları gelişme 2004 stratejileri ve makroekonomik politikalar/ düzenleyen Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı. -- Ankara: Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı, 2004. 148 p.: 24 cm. ISBN 975-19-0668-7 338.542 WHA What global economic crisis?/ edited by Philip Arestis, Michelle Baddeley 2004 and John McCombie. -- New York: Palgrave Macmillian, 2004. xi, 258 p.; 23 cm. Papers of conference held at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge in Sept., 1999. Includes bibliographical references and index. Enflasyon 332.41 AKY Akyazı, Haydar 2004 Enflasyon hedeflemesi: ülke deneyimleri ve Türkiye'de uygulanabilirliği/ Haydar Akyazı. -- Ankara: Seçkin Yayınevi, 2004. 292 p.; 23 cm. ISBN 975-347-765-1 332.41 TCMB Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası 2004 Enflasyon/ Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası. -- Ankara: Türkiye Cumhuriyet Merkez Bankası, 2004. 15 p.; 30 cm. Kamu Maliyesi 339.310 94 National accounts of OECD countries : Main aggregates Volume I, 1991NAT 2002= Comptes nationaux des pays de I'OECD: Principaux agregats 2004 Volume I 1991-2002. Main aggregates Comptes nationaux des pays de l'OECD Principaux agregate Volume I, 1991-2002. -- Paris: Development Centre of the Organisation for Economic ,2004. ISBN 92-64-10600-6 336.343 509 Official financing : recent developments and selected issues/ prepared by a 172 Staff Team in the Policy Development and Review Department led by 4 Martin G. Gilman and Jian-Ye Wang. -- Washington,DC: IMF, 2003. OFF 2003 vii, 90 p.; statistical tables; 28 cm. -- (IMF world economic and ISSN: 0258-7440 ISBN 1-589-06228-0 (paperback) 336.2 TAX 2003 Tax policy: papers presented at the Banca d'Italia workshop, 3-5 April, 2003. -- Roma: Banca d'Italia, 2003. 643 p.; 24 cm. 338.544 309 World economic outlook (International Monetary Found) 048 World economic outlook (April 2004): WOR Advancing structural reforms: a survey by the staff of the International 2004 Monetary Fund. -- Washington, DC: IMF, 2004. April xii, 275 p.: tables and figures; 28 cm. -- (1981-1984: Occasional paper/ International Monetary Fund ISSN 0251-6365) 1980- Annual. ISSN: 0258-7440= World economic and financial surveys ISSN: 02566877= ISBN 1-589-06337-6 Kredi 332.7 DUF Duffie, Darrell 2003 Credit risk: pricing, measurement and management/ Darrell Duffie, Kenneth J. Singleton. -- Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2003. xvi, 396 p.; 24 cm. -- (Princeton series in finance) Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-691-09046-7 (cloth) Muhasebe 657.3 ÖNG 2004 Öngörü, C. Dilek Kurumsal ticari pazarlama enstrümanı olarak mali tabloların kullanımı teknikleri / C. Dilek Öngörü. -- İstanbul: Türkiye Bankalar Birliği, 2004. p. 28 cm. -- (TBB Eğitim ve Tanıtım Grubu seminer notları, 1-2 Nisan 2004, İstanbul.) Ticaret 389.63 ÇEŞ Çeşmecioğlu, Senem 2004 CE rehberi/ Senem Çeşmecioğlu. -- İstanbul: İstanbul Ticaret Odası, 2004. 100 p.; 24 cm. -- (İTO yayın no:2004-13) Türev Ürünler 332.645 BAZ Baz, Jamil 2003 Financial derivatives: pricing, application and mathematics/ Jamil Baz, George Chacko. -- Chambridge, UK; New York: Chambridge University Press, 2003. xi, 338 p.: ill.; 24 cm. ISBN 0-521-81510-X (cloth) Yönetim 658.5 ORH 2003 Orhan, Osman Z. Dünyada ve Türkiye'de lojistik sektörünün gelişimi/ Osman Z. Orhan. -- İstanbul: İstanbul Ticaret Odası, 2003. 159 p.; 24 cm. -- (İTO yayın no: 2003-39) ISBN 975-512-763-1 658.403 8 Tınaz, Pınar TIN Organizasyonlarda etkili öğrenme stratejileri/ Pınar Tınaz. -- İstanbul: 2000 Türkiye Metal Sanayicileri Sendikası (MESS), 2000. 136 p.: tablolar, 24 cm. -- (MESS yayın no: 334.) ISBN 975-7152-81-1 (paperback) Tartışma Tebliğleri Banca D'Italia Temi di Discussione S BI Busetti, Fabio TD Tests of seasonal integration and cointegration in multivariate unobserved 2003-476 component models/ Fabio Busetti. -- Roma: Banca D'Italia, 2003. 40 p.; 30 cm. -- (Banca D'Italia temi di discussione: 476/2003.) S BI Genneri, E. TD Dealing with unexpected shocks to the budget/ E. Gennari, R. Giordano and 2003-478. S. Momigliano -- Roma: Banca D'Italia, 2003. 28 p.; 30 cm. -- (Banca D'Italia temi di discussione: 478/2003.) S BI Patti, E. Bonaccorsi di TD The effects of bank mergers on credit availability: evidence from corporate 2003-479 date/ E. Bonaccorsi di Patti and G. Gobbi. -- Roma: Banca D'Italia, 2003. 35 p.; 30 cm. -- (Banca D'Italia temi di discussione: 479/2003.) S BI Ardizzi, Guerino TD Cost efficiency in the retail payment networks: first evidence from Italian 2003-480 credit card system/ Guerino Ardizzi. -- Roma: Banca D'Italia, 2003. 44 p.; 30 cm. -- (Banca D'Italia temi di discussione: 480/2003.) S BI Patti, E. Bonaccorsi di TD Bank competition and firm creation/ E. Bonaccorsi di Patti and G. Dell' 2003-481 Ariccia. -- Roma: Banca D'Italia, 2003. 49 p.; 30 cm. -- (Banca D'Italia temi di discussione: 481/2003.) Bank for Internatioal Settlements Working Paper S BIS Mcguire, Patrick M. WP Bank ties and bond market access: evidence on investment- cash flow 2004-151 sensitivity in Japan/ Patrick M McGuire. -- Basle: Bank for International Settlements, 2004. 49 p.: tables and figures, 30 cm.-- (BIS working paper;2004-151.) ISSN: 1020-0959 S BIS Borio, Claudio WP Back to the future? Assessing the deflation record/ Claudio Borio and 2004-152 Andrew J. Filardo. -- Basle: Bank for International Settlements, 2004. 53 p.: tables and figures, 30 cm. -- (BIS working paper;2004-152.) ISSN: 1020-0959 Bank of England Working Paper S BE Whitley, John WP An empirical model of household arrears/ John Whitley, Richard Windram 2004-214 and Prudence Cox. -- London: Bank of England, 2004. 36 p.; 30 cm. -- (Bank of England working paper; 214.) ISSN: 1368-5562 S BE Penalver, Adrian WP How can the IMF catalyse private capital flows? a model/ Adrian Penalver. 2004-215 -- London: Bank of England, 2004. 38 p.; 30 cm. -- (Bank of England working paper; 215.) ISSN: 1368-5562 Bank of Finland Discussion Papers S BF Mayes, David G. DP Asymmetries in the Euro area economy/ David G. Mayes and Matti Viren. 2004-9 - Helsinki: Bank of Finland, 2004. 56 p.; 28 cm. -- (Bank of Finland discussion papers; 9) ISSN: 0785-3572 ISBN 9-524-62130-4 Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Papers: S CEPR Fehr, Ernst DP-4283 Money illusion and coordination failure/ Ernst Fehr and Jean- Robert 2004 Tyran. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 19 p.; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4283.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Elsas, Ralf DP-4286 Universal banks and relationships with firms/ Ralf Elsas and Jan Pieter 2004 Krahnen. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. p.; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4286.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Giavazzi, Francesco DP-4293 Public debt management in Brazil/ Francesco Giavazzi and Alessandro 2004 Missale. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 28 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4293.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Razin, Assaf DP-4295 Aggregate supply and potential output/ Assaf Razin. -- London: Centre 2004 for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 18 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4295.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Carriero, Andrea DP-4301 Financial factors, macroeconomic information and the expectations 2004 theory of the term structure of interest rates/ Andrea Carriero, Carlo A Favero and Iryna Kaminska. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 27 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4301.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Altug, Sumru G DP-4320 Spillover effects, bank lending and growth/ Sumru G. Altug and Murat 2004 Usman. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 37 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4320.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Saint- Paul, Gilles DP-4327 Did European labour markets become more competitive in the 1990s? 2004 Evidence from estimated worker rents/ Gilles Saint-Paul. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 23 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm.-- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4327.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Saint- Paul, Gilles DP-4328 Why are European countries diverging in their unemployment 2004 experience?/ Gilles Saint-Paul. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 38 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4328.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Inoue, Atsushi DP-4333 Bagging time series models/ Atsushi Inoue and Lutz Kilian. -- London: 2004 Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 35 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4333.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Schmitt- Grohe, Stephanie DP-4334 Optimal simple and implementable monetary and fiscal rules/ Stephanie 2004 Schmitt- Grohe and Martin Uribe. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004 37 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4334.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Imbs, Jean DP-4335 The real effects of financial integration/ Jean Imbs. -- London: 2004 Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 48 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4335.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Andres, Javier DP-4336 Tobin's imperfect asset substitution in optimizing general equilibrium/ 2004 Javier Andre, Jose David Lopez-Salido and Edward Nelson. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 47 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4336.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Andres, Javier DP-4337 Money and the natural rate of interest: structural estimates for UK; 2004 the US and the Euro area/ Javier Andres, J David Lopez- Salido and Edward Nelson. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 39 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm.-- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4337.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Hartmann, Philipp DP-4338 Fundamentals and joint currency crises/ Philipp Hartmann, Stefan 2004 Straetmans and Casper G de Vries -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 17 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4338.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Denis, Cecile DP-4339 Are foreign ownership and good institutions substitutes? the case of 2004 non- traded equity/ Cecile Denis and Harry Huizinga. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 39 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4339.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Hwang, Soosung DP-4340 Market stress and herding/ Soosung Hwang and Mark Salmon. -2004 London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 38 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4340.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Rose, Andrew K DP-4341 A meta- analysis of the effect of common currencies on international 2004 trade/ Andrew K Rose. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 25 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4341.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Buiter, Willem H DP-4342 To purgatory and beyond: when and how should the accession countries 2004 from central and eastern Europe become full members of EMU?/ William H. Buiter. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 52 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm.-- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4342.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Carlin, Wendy DP-4343 A minimum of rivalry: evidence from transition economies on the 2004 importance of competition for innovation and growth/ Wendy Carlin, Mark E Shaffer and Paul Seabright. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 33 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm.-- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4343.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Hardouvelis, Gikas DP-4346 The impact of globalization on the equity cost of capital/ Gikas A. 2004 Hardouvelis, Dimitrios Malliaropulos and Richard Priestley. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 43 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4346.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Gali, Jordi DP-4347 Rule of thumb consumers and the design of interest rate rules/ Jordi Gali, 2004 Jose David Lopez- Salido and Javier Valles. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 32 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4347.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Jolliffe, Dean DP-4350 Does market liberalization reduce gender discrimination? Econometric 2004 evidence from Hungary, 1986-1998/ Dean Jolliffe and Nauro F. Campos. -London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 35 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4350.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Marin, Dalia DP-4358 A nation of poets and thinkers - less so with eastern enlargement? 2004 Austria and Germany/ Dalia Marin. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 47 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4358.) ISSN: 0265-8003 S CEPR Ellingsen, Tore DP-4360 Why are long rates sensitive to monetary policy?/ Tore Ellingen and Ulf 2004 Söderström. -- London: Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 2004. 32 p.: tables and figures; 22 cm. -- (CEPR discussion paper no: 4360.) ISSN: 0265-8003 European Central Bank Working Paper Series S ECB Corsetti, Giancarlo WP International risk- sharing and the transmission of productivity shocks/ 2004-308 Giancario Corsetti, Luca Dedola and Sylvain Leduc. -- Frankfurt am Main: European Central Bank, 2004. 55 p.; 28 cm. -- (European Central Bank working paper series; 308.) ISSN: 1561-0810 S ECB Sousa, Joao WP Monetary policy shocks in the Euro area and global liquidity spillovers/ 2004-309 Joao Sousa. -- Frankfurt am Main: European Central Bank, 2004. 40 p.; 28 cm. -- (European Central Bank working paper series; 309.) ISSN: 1561-0810 S ECB Albuquerque, Rui WP International equity flows and returns: a quantitative equilibrium approach/ 2004-310 Rui Albuquerque, Gregory H. Bauer and Martin Schneider. -- Frankfurt am Main: European Central Bank, 2004. 71 p.; 28 cm. -- (European Central Bank working paper series; 310.) ISSN: 1561-0810 S ECB Bussiere, Matthiue WP Current account dynamics in OECD and EU acceding countries an 2004-311 intertemporal approach/ Matthie Bussiere, Marcel Fratzscher and Gernot J. Miller. -- Frankfurt am Main: European Central Bank, 2004. 38 p.; 28 cm. -- (European Central Bank working paper series; 311.) ISSN: 1561-0810 S ECB Canova, Fabio WP Similarities and convergence in G-/ cycles/ Fabio Canova, Matteo Ciccarelli 2004-312 and Eva Ortega. -- Frankfurt am Main: European Central Bank, 2004. 45 p.; 28 cm. -- (European Central Bank working paper series; 312.) ISSN: 1561-0810 S ECB Bondt, Gabe de WP The high- yield segment of the corporate bond market: a diffusion 2004-313 modelling approach for the United States, the United Kingdom and the Euro area/ -- Frankfurt am Main: European Central Bank, 2004. 42 p.; 28 cm. -- (European Central Bank working paper series; 308.) ISSN: 1561-0810 S ECB Derviz, Alexis WP Exchange rate risks and asset prices in a small open economy/ Alexis 2004-314 Derviz. -- Frankfurt am Main: European Central Bank, 2004. 40 p.; 28 cm. -- (European Central Bank working paper series; 314.) ISSN: 1561-0810 S ECB Vahamaa, Sami WP Option-implied asymmetries in bond market expectations around monetary 2004-315 policy actions of the ECB/ Sami Vahamaa. -- Frankfurt am Main: European Central Bank, 2004. 36 p.; 28 cm. -- (European Central Bank working paper series; 315.) ISSN: 1561-0810 S ECB Holthousen, Cornelia WP Cooperation in international banking supervision/ Cornelia Holthausen and 2004-316 Thomas Ronde. -- Frankfurt am Main: European Central Bank, 2004. 55 p.; 28 cm. -- (European Central Bank working paper series; 316.) ISSN: 1561-0810 S ECB De Santis, Roberto A. WP On the determinants of Euro area FDI to United states: the knowledge 2004-329 capital -Tobin's Q framework/ Roberto A. de Santis, Robert Anderton and Alexander Hijzen. -- Frankfurt am Main: European Central Bank, 2004. 53 p.; 28 cm. -- (European Central Bank working paper series; 329.) ISSN: 1561-0810 S ECB Fischer, B. WP The demand for euro area currencies: past, present and future/ B. Fischer, P. 2004-330 Köhler and F.Seitz. -- Frankfurt am Main: European Central Bank, 2004. 100 p.; 28 cm. -- (European Central Bank working paper series; 330.) ISSN: 1561-0810 European Central Bank Occasional Paper Series S ECB Backe, Peter OP The acceding countries strategies towards ERM II and the adoption of the 2004-10 Euro: an analytical review/ by a staff led by Peter Backe and Christian Thimann...[et al.]. -- Frankfurt am Main: European Central Bank, 2004. 65 p.; 28 cm. -- (European Central Bank occasional paper series; 10) ISSN: 1607-1484 S ECB Official dollarisation/Euroisation: motives, features and policy implications of OP current cases/ Adalbert Winkler...[et al.]. -- Frankfurt am Main: European 2004-11 Central Bank, 2004. 61 p.; 28 cm. -- (European Central Bank occasional paper series; 11) ISSN: 1607-1484 IMF Working Papers S IMF Tchakarov, Ivan WP The gains from international monetary cooperation revisited/ Ivan 2004-1 Tchakarov. -- Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 45 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm. -- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/1) S IMF Borghijs, Alain WP Exchange rates in central Europe: a blessing or a curse?/ -2004-2 Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 28 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm. -- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/2) S IMF Tamirisa, Natalia T WP Do macroeconomic effects of capital controls vary by their? evidence from 2004-3 Malaysia/ Natalia T. Tamirisa. -- Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 23 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm. -- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/3.) S IMF Borghijs, Alain WP Exchange rates in central Europe: a blessing or a curse?/ -2004-2 Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 28 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm. -- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/2) S IMF Canales- Kriljenko, Jorge Ivan WP Foreign exchange market organization in selected and transition 2004-4 economies: evidence form a survey/ Jorge Ivan Canales-Kriljenko. -Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 46 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm.-- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/4.) S IMF Lehmann, Alexander WP International dividend repatriations/ Alexander Lehmann and Ashoka 2004-5 Mody. -- Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 25 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm.-- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/5) S IMF Romeu, Rafael WP A puzzle of microstructure market maker models/ Rafael Romeu. -2004-6 Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 23 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm.-- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/6) S IMF Yamauchi, Ayumu WP Fiscal sustainability - the case of Eritrea/ Ayumu Yamauchi. -2004-7 Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 28 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm. -- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/7) S IMF Wiegand, Johannes WP Fiscal surveillance in Petro Zone: the case of the CEMAC/ Johannes 2004-8 Wiegand. -- Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 25 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm. -- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/8) S IMF Kim, Se-Jik WP Timing of international bailouts/ Se-Jik Kim. -- Washington,DC: IMF, 2004-9 2004. 41 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm. -- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/9) S IMF Parrado, Eric WP Singapore's unique monetary policy: how does it work?/ Eric Parrado. -2004-10 Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 21 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm.-- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/10.) S IMF Bolt, Wilko WP Banking competition, risk, and regulation/ Wilko Bolt and Alexander F. 2004-11 Tieman. -- Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 25 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm. -- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/11) S IMF Jacome H., Luis I. WP The late 1990s financial crises in Ecuador: institutional weaknesses, fiscal 2004-12 rigidities and financial dollarization at work/ Luis I. Jacome H.-Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 46 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm.-- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/12.) S IMF Klingen, Christoph WP How private creditors fared in emerging debt markets, 1970-2000/ 2004-13 Christoph Klingen, Beatrice Weder and Jeromin Zettelmeyer. -Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 59 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm.-- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/13.) S IMF Faruqee, Hamid WP Exchange rate pass- through in the Euro area: the role of asymmetric 2004-14 pricing behavior/ Hamid Faruqee. -- Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 26 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm.-- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/14.) S IMF Pattillo, Catherine WP What are channels through which external debt affects growth?/ Catherina 2004-15 Pattillo, Helene Poirson and Luca Ricci. -- Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 33 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm. -- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/15.) S IMF Kobor, Adam WP Foreign exchange market volatility in EU accession countries in run-up to 2004-16 Euro adoption: weathering uncharted waters/ Adam Kobor and Istvan P. Szekely. -- Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 19 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm.-- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/16) S IMF Patnaik, Ila WP Interest rate volatility and risk in Indian banking/ Ila Patnaik and Ajay 2004-17 Shah. -- Washington,DC: IMF, 2004. 27 p.: tables and figures ; 28 cm. -- (IMF Working Paper; 2004/17.) Muğla Üniversitesi İİBF Tartışma Tebliği S MU Çayhan, Esra TT Geleceğin Avrupası: Avrupa Birliğinin e-Avrupa projesi/ Esra Çayhan. -2004-1 Muğla: Muğla Üniversitesi, 2004. 22 p.; 22 cm. -- (Muğla Üniversitesi İİBF tartışma tebliği no:2004/1.) S MU Demircan, Esra Siverekli TT Türkiye, ekonomik kriz, borç üçgeni/ Esra Siverekli Demircan. -- Muğla: 2004-2 Muğla Üniversitesi, 2004. 49 p.; 22 cm. -- (Muğla Üniversitesi İİBF tartışma tebliği no:2004/2.) S MU Çiftçi, Birgül TT Küreselleşme sürecinde sendikal hareket/ Birgül Çiftçi. -- Muğla: Muğla 2004-4 Üniversitesi, 2004. 20 p.; 22 cm. -- (Muğla Üniversitesi İİBF tartışma tebliği no: 2004/4.) National Bank of Belgium Working Papers S NBB Aucremanne, Luc WP How frequently do prices change? Evidence based on the micro data 2004-44 underlying the Belgian CPI/ Luc Aucremanne and Emmanuel Dhyne. -Brussels: National Bank of Belgium, 2004. 61 p.: tables and figures; 28 cm. -- (National Bank of Belgium working paper no:44.) ISSN: 1375-680X S NBB Fuss, Catherine WP Firms investment decisions in response to demand and price uncertainty/ 2004-45 Catherine Fuss, Philip Vermeulen. -- Brussels: National Bank of Belgium, 2004. 27 p.: tables and figures; 28 cm. -- (National Bank of Belgium working paper no:45.) ISSN: 1375-680X Sveriges Riskbank Working Papers S SRB Jonsson, Magnus WP Do higher wages cause inflation?/ Magnus Jonsson and Stefan Palmqvist. 2004-159 -- Stockholm: Sveriges Riskbank, 2004. 43 p.; 28 cm. -- (Sveriges Riskbank working papers; 159.)