Film projects-media kit

Film Projects
Ocean Futures Society creates films that focus on breathtaking beauty, human
adventure, environmental awareness, and sustainable solutions for the future.
Current films from the OFS/KQED/PBS series titled JEAN-MICHEL COUSTEAU
Voyage to Kure
The beauty and the horror of this Ocean Adventures Jean-Michel Cousteau
exploration and film inspired then-President George W. Bush to create the thenlargest marine sanctuary in the world to protect the pristine coral reefs, large
shark populations, endangered monk seals and millions of seabirds from
environmental impacts like the growing Pacific garbage patch. A film that made
a difference. (2x60)
Sharks at Risk
In rare footage, Jean-Michel’s team reveals hidden mating rituals of Polynesian
sharks and Jean-Michel tests the docile side of great white sharks in South Africa
by swimming with them. The team investigates one reason 90 percent of sharks
have disappeared. (1x60)
Gray Whale Obstacle Course
The Gray Whale follows the longest, most urban migration route of any mammal,
from Mexico to the Arctic, a series of natural and man-made hurtles to survival,
but its fate may depend on an issue of climate change as well as continued
protection. The team follows its legendary voyage. (1x60)
American’s Underwater Treasures
In this series, the Cousteau team explores all 13 marine sanctuaries that include
shipwrecks, coral reefs, the Great Lakes, and seamounts in what is a microcosm
of the world ocean and how to celebrate and protect it. Narrated by Robert
Redford. (2x60)
Return to the Amazon
Twenty-five years ago, Jean-Michel explored the world’s most powerful river that
flows through the largest tropical rainforest with his legendary father. Now he
and the team return to a different world and an area the size of Texas that has
been deforested. From heads of state to native people, the team finds the
adventure of the Amazon and ways to preserve it for world patrimony. (2x60)
Sea Ghosts
The elusive beluga whale, found only in the Arctic, is called the canary of the sea
for its singing, but Jean-Michel and team find it may also provide a warning for
human health as they investigate its survival in very different regions. (1x60)
Call of the Killer Whale
Following killer whales in the northern and southern hemisphere, the Cousteau
team confirms and experiences why they are our counterparts in the sea and
how we may share the same fate based on a medical investigation of what is
another similarity between us—contaminants that flow in our bloodstream. (2x60)