AP Art History Syllabus

Day 1: Role of Art Historian
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 1- 7
Prepare to discuss on Day 2:
1.Why is the age of an object important?
Define these terms:
 Physical evidence
Documentary Evidence
Visual Evidence
Stylistic Evidence
2.What is style in art?
Define these terms:
 Period Style
Regional Style
Personal Style
3. What is the subject of an art work?
Define these terms:
 Narrative
Still Life
4. How do art historians identify who created a work of art?
5. What is the formal analysis of art?
Define these terms:
 Form
Contour line
Day 2: Role of Art Historian
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 8- 13
Prepare to discuss on Day 3:
1. Define these terms from the subject of Color:
Additive light
Subtractive light
Primary Colors
Secondary Colors
Complementary colors
2. Define these terms:
3. Compare/contrast subtractive and additive techniques of sculpture.
4. Define these sculptural terms:
Freestanding sculpture
Relief sculpture
High Relief
Bas Relief
Sunken Relief
5. Define these architectural terms:
Lateral section
Longitudinal section
Day 3: The Birth of Art (Cave Conjecture) Pre-historical Sculpture
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 15- 20, 25 Sculpture at Ain Ghazal
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 4:
1. Why were Paleolithic artists more interested in providing complete information about their subjects instead
of searching for variety and creativity in their art?
2.Why is representation such a great achievement for early art as compared to recognition?
3.What is the process used for carving a tusk?
4.Why is the term “Venus” a misleading or an accurate nickname for Paleolithic sculptures of the female form
shown in the text?
5.Explain the difference between carving and incising?
What is the role of the human form in Prehistoric art? How does it differ b/t genders?
How important was exaggeration vs. exact representation?
Why is the depiction of the human form so rare in prehistoric caves?
Define narrative
Define ground line
Humanity’s need to make a mark.
Are there any contemporary parallels that you can make to an ancient cave that has been decked-out
with painted representations of animals?
List some Ancient innovations (from an artistic point of view) -
Concept of community, agricultural revolution (Paleo-, Neo-/Meso-) – impacts of…
Morphological arrangement >> Consider the amount of time we are studying. How frequently do you
think people visited the caves for purposes of recording the animals, etc.
Day 4: The Birth of Art (Cave Conjecture) Pre-historical Sculpture
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 20- 24, 26-27
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 5:
1. Explain the significance of the signs and hands in Paleolithic paintings.
2.Why did hunters of the Old Stone Age decided to cover the walls of dark caverns with animal images?
3. What are the differences between Paleolithic and Neolithic paintings?
4. How does a megalithic structure like Stonehenge convey power and authority of the culture that built it?
5. Define these terms:
Twisted perspective
Optical view
Descriptive view
Composite view
Cromlech or henge
Day 5: The Birth of Art (Cave Conjecture) Pre-historical Painting and Architecture
Homework: Prepare Discussion Questions and flash cards for grading.
Day Six: Mesopotamia
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 31-39
Prepare to discuss on Day 7:
1. Explain how writing developed in Mesopotamia.
2. What are the unique details of Sumerian Art?
3. What are examples of narrative in Sumerian Art?
4. Describe the composition of the sound box of the lyre.
5. Define these terms:
Heraldic composition
Day 7: Ancient Near Eastern Art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 40-48
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 8:
1. How did Sargon’s palace show off his power and authority?
2. Summarize the artistic style of the Assyrians.
3. Compare and contrast the roles that imaginary animals played for the Sumerians and the Assyrians.
4. What the similarities between the symbols of power of Hammurabi and Zimri-Lim?
5. Define these terms:
Conceptual picture
Glazed brick
Day 8: Ancient Near Eastern Art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 48-53
Prepare to discuss on Day 9:
1. What is so wondrous about Babylon, City of Wonders?
2. Why was Alexander the Great not considered so “great” by art historians?
3. How was the Persian “Gate of All Lands” indicative of Persian Art?
4. Compare and contrast Persian and Assyrian art.
5. Define these terms:
Barrel vault
Blind arcades
Day 9: Ancient Near Eastern Art
Homework: Prepare for first exam
10 Slide Ids
20 Multiple Guess
2 Essays
Mystery Slide
Day 10: 1st Exam
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 55-61
Prepare to discuss on Day 11:
1. Explain the connections between Paleolithic art and Mesopotamian art and the tomb painting on page 56.
2. Identify Egyptian gods and goddesses with their icons:
3. Explain the imagery and significance of the Palette of King Namer.
4. What is a mastaba tomb and how is it the model for Imhotep’s tomb?
5. Define these terms:
Canopic jars
Engaged columns
Day 11: Ancient Egyptian Art Tombs, Temples, and Timelessness
Read Gardner’s pp. 62 - 68
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 12:
1. What was the evolution of the pyramid shape in Egyptian architecture?
2. Explain the Egyptian canon.
3. What is the Great Sphinx and what does its composite form represent?
4. Explain the imagery of the seated statue of Khafre.
5. Define these terms:
Dressed (as in stones)
Ashlar masonry
Bilaterally symmetrical
Day 12: Ancient Egyptian Art Tombs, Temples, and Timelessness
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 68 – 75
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 13:
1. What are the differences between the sculpture and architecture of the Middle Kingdom and the Old
Kingdom? Why do you think these differences evolved?
2. Define these terms:
fluted column,
3. Explain the importance of Hatshepsut and the differences in her mortuary temple to the mortuary monuments
of earlier pharaohs.
4. Compare and contrast the pyramid complex at Gizeh and the temple complex of Amen-Re at Karnak. What
do the differences suggest about the changes in politics and religion from the Old Kingdom to the Middle
5. Compare and contrast Pylon temples and Hypostyle halls.
Day 13: Ancient Egyptian Art Tombs, Temples, and Timelessness
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 76 – 83
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 14:
1. Explain how the concept lower social stature is depicted with informality is exhibited in the Musicians and
Dancers from the tomb of Nebamun.
2. Compare and contrast Nebamun’s fowling scene with Ti’s Hippo Hunt (p. 67)
3. Using two of the photo’s on pages 78-79, describe how the art work created during the Amarna period
differed from the canon of Egyptian art.
4. What is the historical paradox surrounding Tutankhamen? How do the artifacts found in his tomb present the
political power and wealth of the boy king?
5. Explain the details and the narrative of the Last Judgment of Hu-Nefer as shown in the Book of the Dead.
Day 14: Ancient Egyptian Art Tombs, Temples, and Timelessness
Homework: Prepare Notes and Flash cards for grading
Day 15: Ancient Egyptian Art Day
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 84 – 94
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 16:
1. How did the values and geography of the Minoan culture affect their artwork?
2. Describe the visual aspects of the Cycladic female and male figures. Why are these figures popular and
highly collectible now?
3. What was the widely accepted ancient convention for distinguishing males from females as shown in the Bull
Leaping fresco? How does it compare to how we view males and females in our culture?
4. Define these terms:
5. How do the Spring Frescos differ from all other art we have viewed in class so far?
Day 16: Minos and the Heroes of Homer - Colored M & M’s (Cycladic, Minoan, and Mycenaean)
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 95 – 103
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 17:
1. Compare and contrast the relief carving on the Harvester vase with the relief carvings shown in figure 3-17
(page 68).
2. Explain how a corbelled vault spans an opening.
3. Compare and contrast the Funerary mask from Grave Circle A with the funerary mask of King Tutankhamen
4. Compare and contrast the subject matter of the bronze dagger with Assyrian relief on page 48
5. Define these terms:
cyclopean masonry
monumental sculpture
Day 17: Minos and the Heroes of Homer - Colored M & M’s (Cycladic, Minoan, and Mycenaean)
Homework: Prepare for second exam
 9 Slide Ids
 20 Multiple Choice
 2 Essays
 Mystery Slide
Day 18: 2nd exam
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 105 – 115
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 19:
1. Who are the Greek gods and how will you know them in their art?
Name Greek (Latin)
god of….
 Zeus (Jupiter)
 Hera (Juno)
 Poseidon (Neptune)
 Hestia (Vesta)
 Demeter (Ceres)
 Ares (Mars)
 Athena (Minerva)
 Hephaistos (Vulcan)
 Apollo (Apollo)
 Artemis (Diana)
 Aphrodite (Venus)
 Hermes (Mercury)
 Hades (Pluto)
 Dionysos (Bacchus)
 Eros (Cupid)
 Asklepios (Aesculapius)
2. Define these terms:
3. Describe Geometric and Orientalizing styles of art.
4. Why are all these Greek statues smiling?
5. Compare and contrast Kouros with Mentuemhet
Day 19: Gods, Heroes, and Athletes – Man is the Measure of All Things
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 115-124
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 20 :
1. What are the ideal forms and proportions for Greek architecture?
2. What are the main differences between Doric and Ionian architecture?
3. Define these terms:
4. What are the steps in creating Greek vases?
5. What were the evolutionary and revolutionary changes between the Temple of Aphaia and the Temple of
Hera I?
Day 21: Gods, Heroes, and Athletes – Man is the Measure of All Things
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 124 – 133
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 22:
1. Describe the evolution of Greek sculpture from the Archaic to the Classical period
2. Summarize the narrative on the east pediment of Zeus’ temple.
3. What is contrapposto and why is it the important difference between Archaic and Classical statues?
4. Why did the Romans choose to make copies of Greek statues in marble? What problem did they need to
overcome with this change of medium? How did they solve the problem?
5. Summarize the context for the creation of the Acropolis.
Day 22: Gods, Heroes, and Athletes – Man is the Measure of All Things
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 133-142
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 23:
1. What is Polyklietos’s Prescription for the perfect statute?
2. Why is the Parthenon considered the Ideal Temple?
3. Apply the controlling ratio of symeteria to a piece of notebook paper. If the short edge (y) is 8 ½ “ what
should the length be?
4. To whom was the Parthenon dedicated and how did the Athenians show their devotion?
5. Define these terms:
Day 23: Gods, Heroes, and Athletes – Man is the Measure of All Things
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 142-153
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 24:
1. What new directions did Greek art take in the Late Classical Period? What caused these changes?
2. Compare and contrast Hermes and Dionysos with Doryphoros to show the differences between the High
Classical and Late Classical Periods.
3. How were emotions detailed in the Grave Stele of a Young Hunter?
4. What is skiagraphia and describe how it applies to the Stag Hunt?
5. What were the origins of the Corinthian capital?
Day 24: Gods, Heroes, and Athletes – Man is the Measure of All Things
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 153 – 165
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 25:
1. Define these terms:
baroque style
2. Who was Hippodamos and what was his plan?
3. How do we see his vision in American today?
4. How do Hellenistic sculpture differ from Polyklietos’ canon?
5. Compare and contrast figure 5-34 and 5-86.
Day 25: Gods, Heroes, and Athletes – Man is the Measure of All Things
Prepare notes and flash cards for grading
Day 26: Gods, Heroes, and Athletes – Man is the Measure of All Things
Indian Art Day
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 167 – 176
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 27:
1. Define these terms:
yogic postures
2. Examine early art form and compare with Near Eastern and Egyptian arts of the same time period.
3. Explain the imagery and purpose of the Great Stupa.
4. What is the difference between living rock and dead rock?
5. How does Indian art synthesize Greco-Roman and Indian influences in their art?
Day 27: Paths to Enlightenment –Buddha’s Bodhi aBode
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 176 – 189
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 28:
1. How can you identify Shiva and Vishnu in Hindu and Buddhist imagery.
2. Why do many images of Hindu deities have multiple faces and arms?
3. Define these terms:
garbha griha,
4. Which identifying characteristics of monumental temple and monastery architecture in Southeast Asia show
their differences from Mediterranean and Mesopotamian temples.
5. What ideologies in Buddhism and Hinduism determined the appearance of figures in art and architecture?
Day 28: Paths to Enlightenment - Buddha’s Bodhi aBode
Homework: Prepare for third exam
 10 Slide Ids
 20 Multiple Guess
Day 29: 3rd exam
2 Essays
Mystery Slide
Day 29: 3rd exam
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 191 – 198
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 30:
1. Explain the differences between earthenware and stoneware.
2. What were the different techniques that Chinese potters used to decorate their pieces?
3. What is the narrative of the Funeral banner from Tomb 1 (marquis of Dai)?
4. What is the narrative of The Archer (Yi)?
5. Why were dragons important images for the Chinese?
Day 30: The Silk Road and Beyond Oldest Continuous Civilization
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 198 - 206
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 31:
1. How does the Shakyamuni Buddha differ from religious statues from Greece?
2. What was the importance of the Silk Road for art in the ancient world?
3. Explain the versatility of iron wire lines.
4. Describe Xie He’s Six Canons.
5. Compare and contrast the purpose of the painting of the 13 Emperors with the purpose of the frieze on the
Temple of Zeus (p. 127) to show the differences in cultures and their understanding of what makes a great ruler.
Day 31: The Silk Road and Beyond Oldest Continuous Civilization
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 206 - 215
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 32:
1. How was Fan Kuan the master of landscape, and sunlight on natural forms as seen in Travelers among
Mountains and Streams?
2. Compare and contrast the Foguang Si Pagoda to the Parthenon.
3. How does Zhou Jichang use composition and color to define the two spheres of being? What are those two
spheres of being?
4. How is the abbreviated, expressive style of Liang Kai a perfect way of depicting Buddhist ideals?
5. Compare and contrast the Maebyong vase and Meiping vase (p. 208)
Day 32: The Silk Road and Beyond Oldest Continuous Civilization
Homework: Prepare Notes and Flash cards for grading
Day 33: The Silk Road and Beyond Oldest Continuous Civilization
Chinese art day
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 217 - 224
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 34:
1. Of the various art forms, which display the distinctive aesthetic ideals and preferences of the Japanese
2. How did the Chinese and Korean cultures influence Japanese art?
3. Explain how the transhistorical guises of the Buddha are not portraits.
4. What was the significance of Imperial sponsorship of the Great Buddha at Daibutsu?
5. Define these terms:
Mortise and tenon
Ridge pole
Day 34: Shrines, Statues and Scrolls
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 224 - 231
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 35:
1. Compare and contrast Japanese hand scrolls to Chinese hand scrolls (7-10).
2. Explain the School of Art tradition of Japan.
3. How did the Court Painting Bureau differ from the School of Art workshops?
4. Come prepared to work on and discuss Western and Non-western examples of the human figure, narrative
and religious art and architecture. Write outlines for 5 paragraph essays.
Day 35: Shrines, Statues and Scrolls
Homework: Prepare for Test 4
Day 36: Test 4 Chinese and Japanese art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 233 - 245
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 37:
Essay preparation day
 5 paragraph essay comparing and contrasting European and Non-European Human Figures
Day 37: Italy Before the Romans
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 233 - 245
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 38:
1. How and why the architecture and art of the Etruscans is different from that of the Greeks?
2. How did the funerary customs of the Etruscans affect their art work?
3. What the materials, methods and techniques were used in Etruscan wall painting? How does the subject
matter in Etruscan painting differ from Greek paintings and ceramic design?
4. What does Etruscan wall painting tell us about Etruscan life? How is this different from the wall paintings of
the Egyptians? of the Aegean cultures?
5. Define these terms:
Day 38: Italy Before the Romans
Homework: Prepare notes and flash cards for grading
Etruscan Art day
Day 39: From 7 Hills to 3 Continents
Roman Art Day
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 247 - 257
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 40:
1. Explain how the combination of Etruscan and Greek architecture with the Roman Architectural Revolution
created unique buildings that expressed the Roman Imperial spirit.
2. Explain Republican Verism, its origins, purpose, and unique statement when compared the sculptural styles
we have viewed so far in class.
3. Define these terms:
Barrel (tunnel) vault
Groin (cross) vault
Hemispherical Domes
4. Define these terms:
5. Describe the concepts, methods and materials of Roman house construction; especially as seen in the Roman
House of Pompeii. How did it differ from typical housing for Romans in Rome?
Day 40: From 7 Hills to 3 Continents
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 257 - 265
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 41:
1. Examine and compare the four styles of Roman wall painting.
2. Explain linear perspective as demonstrated in the Villa of Publius Fannius Synistor.
3. Compare Roman Illustrated Books to Chinese Hand scrolls.
4.Explain how the Portrait of a husband and wife is similar to and different from our wedding photographs of
5. Define these terms:
Atmospheric perspective
Still life
Day 41: From 7 Hills to 3 Continents
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 265 - 274
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 42:
1. Explain the nature and purpose of sculpture in the Roman Empire under Augustus.
2. Summarize the side bar titled, Role Playing in Roman Portraiture. What does it say about the Roman view of
the person to role play for the artist?
3. How did the Pont-du-Gard, roads and bridges serve to expand and control the Roman Empire?
4. Explain how the Colosseum was such a marvel of engineering.
5. Describe in detail the narrative on the Arch of Titus.
Day 42: From 7 Hills to 3 Continents
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 274 - 284
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 43:
1. Explain the political nature of Roman art and architecture, especially as it communicates ideas of power for
the emperor and empire.
2. Explain the artistic development and formal changes, especially issues of space and narration in the Column
of Trajan.
3. Explain the idea of continuous narrative. Give examples of continuous narrative that we have seen before.
4. Explain the architectural development of the Roman forum, the markets, the triumphal arches and, in
particular, the Pantheon.
5. Compare and contrast the buildings and tombs used by the workers of Ostia to the homes and tombs of the
rich and famous Romans.
Day 43: From 7 Hills to 3 Continents
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 284 - 291
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 44:
1. Explain the imagery of the Apotheosis of Antonius Pius and Faustina. How does this Apotheosis reflect
earlier Roman funeral art and yet depart from the tradition?
2. Explain the imagery of the Decursio. What are the cultural influences that bring about changes in Roman art?
3. What about the sculptures of Marcus Aurelius (both the equestrian and portrait) are important points in
European art history?
4. Describe the Late Antique style.
5. Define these terms:
Damnatio memoriae
Day 44: From 7 Hills to 3 Continents
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 291 - 299
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 45:
1. What were the cultural influences that brought about changes in Roman art and architecture in the Late
Empire period,
2. Explain how power, order and lost individuality were expressed in the art of the Late Empire, especially the
Portraits of the Four Tetrarchs.
3. Explain reasons for the reuse of some statues and the creation of new art for the Arch of Constantine.
4. How did the Aula Palatina differ from High Empire buildings such as the Pantheon?
5. Explain the quote, “In Roman Art, ‘portrait’ is often not synonymous with ‘likeness.” Support your
explanation with an example.
Day 45: From 7 Hills to 3 Continents
Homework: Prepare for Test 5
Day 46: The Art of Late Antiquity – Test 5
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 301 - 314
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 47:
1. What were the influences of religion in the art of the Roman Empire in Late Antiquity?
2. What is the concept of “synchronism” in early Christian art?
3. How did Roman art and architecture change as a result of Christianity and the decisions of Constantine?
4. Summarize the major events of the life of Jesus in art. (Attached sheet)
5. Define these terms:
Dura Europos
Day 47: Pagans, Christians and Jews
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 314 – 323
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 48:
1. Explain the importance the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia has for the architectural history of Ravenna.
2. Summarize the evolution of mosaics from their origins to those made by Early Christians.
3. How does Early Christian art (the New Aesthetic) differ from classical Roman art?
4. Why were Illuminated Manuscripts made more precious and expensive than earlier ancient books/scrolls?
5. Define these terms:
Illuminated Manuscripts
Day 48: Pagans, Christians and Jews
Bring in a passage for illuminating
Day 49: Pagans, Christians and Jews
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 325 – 332
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 50:
1. Summarize the extent and accomplishments of the Roman Empire in the east.
2. Explain the narrative and symbolism of the Barberini Ivory.
3. Explain the distinct characteristics in architecture of Hagia Sophia.
4. Summarize the cultural mix of Roman, Christian, and eastern influences in the art of Byzantium, especially
as seen in Hagia Sophia.
5. Define these terms:
Byzantium / Constantinople / Istanbul
Day 50: Byzantine Art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 332 – 340
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 51:
1. Explain the distinct characteristics in architecture of San Vitale.
2. Explain art in the “golden age of Justinian.” How do the mosaics define his role as leader of the church and
leader of the state? (Don’t forget the Most Unusual Theodora)
3. What is the new Byzantine Aesthetic?
4. What role did Orthodox dogma play in Byzantine art?
5. Define these terms:
Chi-rho-Iota monogram
Hieratic organization of symbols
Vienna Dioskorides
Day 51: Byzantine Art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 341 – 355
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 52:
1. Explain icons and iconoclasm. Why was the iconoclasm such a disaster for Byzantine art?
2. How did mosaics from the Middle Byzantine era differ from the mosaics of Justinian and the Early Byzantine
3. How did the art from the Late Byzantine era differ from the art of the Middle Byzantine era?
4. How did Russia replace Byzantium as the leader of Orthodox art?
5. Define these terms:
Cloisonne technique
Day 52: Byzantine Art
Test next class
Day 53: Test 6
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 357 – 366
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 54:
1. How does the Islamic faith determine what is manifest in the art and architecture?
2. How did Byzantine and Near Eastern artistic traditions affect Islamic art and architecture?
3. What are the architectural parts of mosques?
4. Explain the unique features of Islam art in Cordoba, Spain.
5. Define these terms:
blind arcade
Day 54: In Praise of Allah
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 366 – 374
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 55:
1. Summarize the media, techniques and designs that are specific to the art of Islam, particularly in the ‘luxury’
2.Explain the unique characteristics of Alhambra.
3. How did Ottoman’s change the architecture of mosques (especially Sinan the Great)?
4. Summarize the craftsmanship required to create the tile work for the Madrasa Imami.
5. Define these terms:
Day 55: In Praise of Allah
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 374 – 379
Prepare flash cards and notes for grading
Day 56: Islamic art day
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 381 – 389
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 57:
1. Explain the common threads in styles, form, and media throughout Mesoamerican art.
2. Summarize the cultural commonalities of the various Mesoamerican cultures
3. Explain the designs and purposes of the pyramid-plaza architecture at Teotihuacan.
4. Summarize the Maya urban and religious architectural complexes (don’t forget the Ball courts).
5. Define these terms:
Popol Vuh
Roof comb
Day 57: From Alaska to the Andes
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 389 – 397
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 58:
1. Explain the narrative, the style and materials of Maya wall painting at Bonampak.
2. Describe the sculpture – particularly the human form – in small scale, relief, and in a variety of media.
3. Explain the visual qualities and media of the early pre-Inka South American cultures.
4. How does the Raimondi Stele illustrate the Chavin themes of multiplicity and transformation?
5. Define these terms:
Intermediate Area
Day 58: From Alaska to the Andes
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 397 – 407
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 59:
1. Explain the particular linear quality of Nazca pottery and earth drawings.
2. Compare the art of the Moche with other South American cultures.
3. What do you speculate are the purposes of the South American Nasca drawings and the Serpent Mounds of
North America? Could they share a common and general ideology?
4. Describe the unique pottery and painted designs of the American Southwest cultures.
5. Define these terms:
Earth drawings
Effigy mounds
Day 59: From Alaska to the Andes
Prepare for test 7
Day 60: Test 7
Thanksgiving Fiesta
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 409 – 419
1. Explain the artistic differences between Central, Western and Southern African art.
2. How are African art styles such as those of the Ife in Western Nigeria different from the Jenne terracotta
figures from Mali? What factors influence style?
3. Evaluate how the influx of Islamic and Christian cultures affected the art of Africa.
4. What is the importance of the discovery of Great Zimbabwe and the insights it provides regarding African
5. Define these terms:
Radiocarbon dating
Perceptual Naturalism
Conceptual Naturalism
Day 61: Timeline Work
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 421-429
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 62:
1. What are the artistic, technical and stylistic traditions of the northern European peoples? How did they differ
from Roman Art?
2. Explain some of the influences of Roman Art on Hibero-Saxon Art.
3. Explain the importance of illuminated manuscripts for this culture.
4. Describe the composition of the High Cross of Muiredach
5. Define these terms:
 Beowulf
 Fibulae
 Zoomorphic
 Cloisonne
 Cloisons
 Norsemen, Vikings, Normans
 Staves
 Vulgate
 Manu scriptus
 Lectionary
 Breviaries
 Benedictionals
 Book of Hours
 Hibernia
 Insular Islands
 Scriptoria
 Symbols associated with the Evangelists
 Matthew
 Mark
 Luke
 John
 Carpet pages
 Colophon
 Chi rho iota symbols
Day 62: Early Medieval Art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 429-436
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 63:
1. Who were the Mozarabics and which cultures influenced their art?
2. What was the cultural impetus of art and architecture in the Carolingian period under Charlemagne and his
3. How were the secular and religious architectural forms in the Carolingian period influenced by
Roman/Byzantine architecture and yet uniquely different?
4. How did St. Benedict change the cultural bias against manual labor? What significance will this change have
for art?
5. Define these terms:
Caroline minuscule
Opus reticulatum
Day 63: Early Medieval Art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 436-445
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 64:
1. Explain the architecture associated with the Ottonians, its formal origins and its later influence.
2. Explain the architectural sculpture associated with St. Michael’s at Hildesheim, Germany, especially, the
narrative of the Bronze Doors.
3. Compare and contrast the crucifix for Cologne Cathedral and other crucifixes we have seen.
4. Compare and contrast Ottonian illuminated manuscripts with other manuscripts we have seen.
5. Define these terms:
Alternate support system
Day 65: Early Medieval art:
Read Gardner’s pp. 447 – 456
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 66:
1. Why was the term “Romanesque” used in designating the artistic style of this historic period?
2. What are the differences and similarities in regional Romanesque architecture and artistic styles?
3. What is the importance of Cluny and the Cistercian religious order in architecture and art?
4. What was the problem and the Speyer Solution to the problem?
5. Define these terms:
Radiating Chapels
Ashlar masonry
Transverse arches
Compound piers
Day 66: Romanesque Art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 456 – 467
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 67:
1. What are the distinct qualities of Italian, Norman and English Romanesque Architecture?
2. Describe the friezes of Modena.
3. Identify the parts of the Romanesque Portal and the importance of the stone sculptures around the portals.
4. Describe the connections between Vezelay and the Crusades (don’t forget the iconography).
5. Define these terms:
Sexpartite vault
Quadrant arches
Diaphragm arches
Historiated capitals
Day 67: Romanesque Art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 467 – 477
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 68:
1. Why were Europeans hesitant to create statues in the round? What were some of the exceptions?
2. Describe some of the extent and styles of mural and fresco painting on walls and in vaulted ceilings. What
were some of the influences for these paintings?
3. Compare and contrast the Romanesque Illuminated Manuscripts to those of the Early Middle Ages.
4. Explain other two dimensional art, particularly weaving and embroidery like the Bayeux Tapestry
5. Define these terms:
Hall church
Day 68: Romanesque Art
Homework: Prepare for Test 8; Prepare notes and flash cards for grading
Day 69: Gothic Art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 479 – 487
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 70:
1. What were the events and political situation of the Gothic period?
2. Describe the unique features of the Royal Portal of Chartres Cathedral.
3. Explain the new naturalism that was exhibited by the statues of the Gothic Cathedrals.
4. What were the unique features of the cathedral at Laon?
5. Define these terms:
Opus modernum
Opus francigenum
Altar frontal
Rib vault
Lux nova
Rose Window
Flying buttresses
Day 71: Gothic Art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 487 – 496
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 72:
1. How did Gothic Cathedrals reflect and enhance the religious fervor of its day?
2. Describe the composition of the Rose window from the Chartres Cathedral.
2. Explain the process of making stained glass windows.
3. Compare and contrast the sculpture of the Early Gothic and High Gothic periods.
4. Which cathedral won the race for height? How did they do it?
5. Define these terms:
Vaulting web
Diagonal rib
Nave arcade
Compound pier with shafts (responds)
plate tracery
bar tracery
Day 72: Gothic Art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 497 – 506
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 73:
1. How did the builders at Reims and in Sainte-Chapelle carry the High Gothic style further both architecturally
and sculpturally?
2. Compare and contrast the High Gothic and Late Gothic styles.
3. Describe the evolution of Illuminated manuscripts in France.
4. What were the luxury arts of Gothic France?
5. Define these terms:
Flamboyant style
Moralized Bible
Day 73: Gothic Art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 506 - 510
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 74:
1. What are the variations of the Gothic Style in England?
2. Explain the decorated and perpendicular variations of the Gothic style in England.
3. What are the distinctive and complex sculptures displayed in the tomb of Edward II.
4. Explain the medieval mind set as shown in the Mappamundi of Richard De Bello.
5. Define these terms:
Decorated Style
Perpendicular Style
Fan Vault
Ogee arches
Day 74: Gothic Art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 510 – 519
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 75:
1. What are the variations of the Gothic Style in Germany?
2. Describe the distinctive features of the Death of the Virgin from the Strasbourg Cathedral.
3. What are the variations of the Gothic Style in Italy?
4. Explain what happens when a building is designed by committee as seen with the Cathedral of Milan.
5. Define these terms:
Donor Portraits
Day 74: Gothic Art
Homework: Prepare Flash cards and notes for grading
Day 75: Gothic Art Day
Read Gardner’s pp. 521 - 542
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 76:
Finish Chapter 19 questions and be prepared to discuss the chapter in class on January 3, 2005.
Black Death
Vernacular literature
Great Schism
Humanism: Human values and interests, classical cultures, Roman Civic virtues (self-sacrifice in
exchange for fame)
Maniera Greca: combination of Italian and Byzantine styles
Mendicant Orders
Grisaille: monochrome grays
Chiaroscuro: dramatic contrasts of light and dark to produce modeling
Maestra: Virgin Mary
International style (14th/15th centuries): brilliant colors, lavish costumes, intricate ornamentation,
Day 76: Chapter 19 Day
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 545 - 554
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 77:
1. Explain how Illuminated Manuscripts changed with the work of the Limbourg brothers.
2. Describe Claus Sluter’s Fountain of Life. How did it not live up to its potential?
3. Describe the narrative and symbolism of the Ghent Altarpiece
4. Explain how oil paint differed from tempera.
5. Define these terms:
Internet research:
Limbourg brothers: Les Tres Riches Heures de Duc de Berry The Sumptuous Hours of the Duck of
Claus Sluter Well of Moses (6 figures)
MELCHIOR BROEDERLAM, the Retable de Champmol. Annunciation and Visitation (above) and
Presentation and Flight into Egypt Inner section
Day 77: Ch. 20 / 15th Century Northern European and Spanish Art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 554 - 562
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 78:
1. Analyze the composition of Rogier’s Deposition.
2. Describe the steps toward becoming an artist in Flanders during the 15th century.
3. Explain the symbolism and artful combination of Medieval and contemporary artistic styles on Van Der Goes
Portinari Altarpiece.
4. Explain the symbolism and meaningful choices that Van Eyck made in his painting: Giovanni Arnolfini and
His Bride.
5. Define these terms:
Single vanishing point
Day 78: Ch. 20 / 15th Century Northern European and Spanish Art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 562 - 571
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 79:
1. Explain the importance of Van Eyck’s, Man in a Red Turban to the advancement of portraiture, and the
importance of the frame to the painting.
2. Was Bosch a satirist, a religious fanatic or a pornographer? Use details from the Garden of Earthly Delights
to support your conclusion.
3. Explain the meaningful choices and Gothic references that Veit Stoss made in creating the Krakow
4. Summarize the development of printmaking in Europe during the 15th century.
5. Define these terms:
Relief printing
Intaglio printing
Day 79: Ch. 20 / 15th Century Northern European and Spanish Art
Homework: Prepare for exam on Ch. 18-20
Day 80 Test 9: Read Gardner’s pp. 573-582
Homework: Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 81
1. How did the social, religious, and political influences of the15th-century influence Italian art?
2. What role did the wealthy and powerful families of Italy play the in the expansion of Renaissance art?
3. Explain the Perspectival Systems of the Early Renaissance.
4. Explain how art was used to rally the Florentines in times of crisis.
5. Define these terms:
Rationalization of sight
Linear Perspective
Atmospheric Perspective
Day 81: Ch. 21 / 15th Century Italian Art
Homework: Read Gardner’s pp. 582 - 591
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 82:
1. What is the International Style?
2. Explain how Masaccio’s style and innovations influenced artists who followed him.
3. Compare and contrast imitation and emulation as artistic values in the Renaissance.
4.What were the obstacles that Brunelleschi faced in completing the dome for the Florence Cathedral? How did
he solve them?
5. Define these terms:
Day 82 Ch. 21 15th Century Italian Art: Read Gardner’s pp. 591 - 598
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 83:
1. How does Uccello’s Battle of San Romano reflect his training in the International Style, but also go
beyond it?
2. Compare and contrast the Davids by Dontello and Verrocchio.
3. Explain the narrative of Botticelli’s Birth of Venus?
4. How did Florentine portraiture differ from Flemish portraiture?
5. Define these terms:
Mela medica
Parallel hatching
wDay 83 Ch. 21 15th Century Italian Art: Read Gardner’s pp. 598 - 603
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 84:
1. Describe the architectural elements of the west façade of Santa Maria Nouvella.
2. Describe the linear perspective of Andrea Del Castagno’s Last Supper.
3. How does Fra Filippo Lippi’s use of line compare with Giotto’s Madonna Enthroned (p. 528) use of
shape and shadow?
4. Describe the composition of Perugino’s Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to St. Peter.
5. Define these terms:
Engaged Columns
tDay 84 Ch. 21 15th Century Italian Art: Read Gardner’s pp. 603 - 611
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 85:
1. How is Mantegna’s ceiling of the Camera degli Sposi the climax of Early Renaissance experiments in
2. Critique Mantegna’s foreshorten of the Dead Christ.
3. Describe the narrative of Piero’ Finding of the True Cross.
4. How did Signorelli’s Damned Cast into Hell reflect the changing politics of Florence?
5. Define these terms:
Trompe l’oeil
Day 85 Ch. 21 15th Century Italian Art: Prepare Flash Cards, Notes, and Focus Questions for grading
Day 86 Ch. 21 Semester Final
Day 91 Test: Read Gardner’s pp. 613 – 620
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 92:
1. Explain the composition, atmospheric setting, and “Intention of his soul” in Leonard’s Virgin of the
2. Explain the psychological and compositional complexity of the Last Supper.
3. What is it that creates the eternal fascination with the Mona Lisa?
4. How did Donato d’ Angelo Bramante achieve balance and harmony in the Tempietto?
5. Define these terms:
disegno esterno
disegno interno
atmospheric setting
Day 92 Ch. 22 High Renaissance Art and Mannerism: Read pp. 620 – 628Prepare to discuss on Day 93:
1. Explain Michelangelo’s best known observation about sculpture and how this was a break from tradition
sculpture, architecture and painting.
2. Compare and contrast (artistically and politically) Michelangelo’s David with Donatello’s and
Verrocchio’s – and sculptures of classical antiquity.
3. Summarize the elements of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
4. Explain the narrative of the Creation of Adam from the Sistine Chapel.
5. Define these terms:
Day 93 Ch. 22 High Renaissance Art and Mannerism: Read pp. 628 – 638Prepare to discuss on Day 94:
1. How does Raphael’s Madonna in the Meadow compare and contrast with Leonardo’s Virgin of the
2. What statement was Michelangelo trying to make with the paired tombs of Giuliano and Lorenzo Medici?
3. How did the Counter Reformation influence Pope Paul III and Michelangelo’s Last Judgment fresco?
4. Explain Michelangelo’s Finishing Touches to St. Peter’s
5. Define these terms:
Golden Legend
Half length portrait
¾ view portrait
Figura serpentinata
Day 94 Ch. 22 High Renaissance Art and Mannerism: Read pp. 638 – 647Prepare to discuss on Day 95:
1. Explain how the Venetian’s school expressed texture in their oil paintings.
2. How does Castelfranco’s Pastoral Symphony exemplify Poesia?
3. What are the meaningful choices that Titian made in his painting, “Madonna of the Pesaro Family”?
4. How does the portrait of Isabella d’Este reflect her power and personality (see Women in the Renaissance
Art World)?
5. Define these terms:
Sacra conversazione
Conceit: a fanciful, ingenious, or witty notion
Day 95 Ch. 22 High Renaissance Art and Mannerism: Read Gardner’s pp. 647 – 655
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 96:
1. Explain the composition of Madonna of the Harpies.
2. Compare and contrast Mannerism with High Renaissance.
3. How does Parmigianino’s Madonna with the Long Neck express Mannerism.
4. How did Mannerism express itself in sculpture such as the Abduction of the Sabine Women?
5. Define these terms:
Day 96 Ch. 22 High Renaissance Art and Mannerism: Read pp. 655 – 661Prepare to discuss on Day 97:
1. Compare and contrast Tintoretto’s Last Supper with Leonardo’s
2. How did the Catholic Church influence artists such as Veronese?
3. Explain the architecture and architectural theories of Andrea Palladio.
4. What plans and theories of the architect Palladio continue to be seen in architecture to this day?
5. Define these terms:
Day 97 Ch. 22 High Renaissance Art and Mannerism: Prepare Flash Cards and Focus questions for grading
Day 98 Portraiture: Read Gardner’s pp. 663 – 672
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 99:
1. What was the Protestant Reformation and what was is effect on art in Northern Europe?
2. Explain how the Allegory of Law and Grace summarizes Catholic and Protestant beliefs.
3. How did the purpose and placement of the Isenheim Altarpiece effect many of the meaningful choices
made by Matthais Grunewald?
4. Specifically, how did Durer temper idealism with naturalism in his engraving The Fall of Man?
5. Define these terms:
Symbolic visual rhetoric
Day 99 Ch. 23 16th Century Art in Northern Europe and Spain: Read Gardner’s pp. 672 - 679
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 100:
1. How are each of the elements of The French Ambassadors reflections of the historical and political
situation of the time in which it was painted?
2. What is the formalized French style as seen in Cloduet’s Francis I?
3. What is the Fountainebleau School and what is their style of decoration?
4. What are the characteristics of French architecture of the 16th century?
5. Define these terms:
Anamorphic image
Day 100 Ch. 23 16th Century Art in Northern Europe and Spain: Read Gardner’s pp. 679 - 687
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 101:
1. Which details of the Moneychanger and His Wife, reflect the secular and spiritual aspects of life in the
Netherlands of the 16th century?
2. How are Pieter Bruegel’s paintings examples of genre painting?
3. How does Spanish architecture of the 16th century reflect Italian Classicism, and yet goes beyond it?
4. How does El Greco combine realism, mannerism and the terrestrial and celestial realms in The Burial of
Count Orgaz?
5. Define these terms:
Day 101 Ch. 23 16th Century Art in Northern Europe and Spain: Prepare for Test on chs. 22-23
Day 102 Test 11: Read Gardner’s pp. 691- 699
Day 102 Test 11: Read Gardner’s pp. 691- 699
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 103:
1. What makes Baroque Art different than the classical art of the Renaissance?
2. Compare and contrast Bernini’s David with those of Donatello, Verrocchio, and Michelangelo.
3. Describe the theatrical devices and effect that Bernini used in creating the Ecstasy of St. Teresa.
4. How did Borromini create dynamic architecture as seen in the façade of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane
and the Chapel of Saint Ivo?
5. Define these terms:
Day 103 Ch. 24 Baroque Art: Read Gardner’s pp. 699 – 708
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 104:
1. Describe Carravaggio’s use of chiaroscuro in The Conversion of St. Paul and Gentileschi’s Judith Slaying
Holofernes to create drama and mystery.
2. Explain how Carracci’s use of Quadro Riportato in the Loves of the Gods differs from the style of ceiling
paint which preceded him (like the Sistine Chapel).
3. How did Gaulli create such a stunning dramatic effect with his Triumph of the name of Jesus?
4. Where does the building end and the illusion begin in Pozzo’s Glorifcation of St. Ignatius?
5. Define these terms:
Quadro riportato
Day 104 Ch. 24 Baroque Art: Read Gardner’s pp. 708 – 716
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 105:
1. Why did Baroque artists, particularly de Ribera and de Zurbaran choose plebian features for their
representations of St. Bartholomew and St. Serapion?
2. Summarize the multiple interpretations of Velazquez’s Las Meninas.
3. Explain the Italian influences in Rubens’ Elevation of the Cross.
4. Explain the symbolism and purpose of Rubens’ Allegory of the Outbreak of War.
5. Define these terms:
Day 105 Ch. 24 Baroque Art: Read Gardner’s pp. 716 – 724
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 106:
1. Explain the asymmetrical balance Van Dyck achieves with his Charles I Dismounted.
2. How did patronage in the Dutch Netherlands differ from other countries and how did that patronage
contribute to the subject matter favored in Dutch paintings?
3. How did Frans Hals overcome the challenge of group portraiture as seen in either the Archers of St.
Hadrian or the Women Regents of the Old Men’s Home at Haarlem?
4. How did Rembrandt end the conflict of light and dark in his portraits such as his Self-Portrait?
5. Define these terms:
Still Lifes
Breakfast pieces
Idea of Light
Psychology of Light
Day 106 Ch. 24 Baroque Art: Read Gardner’s pp. 724 – 732
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 107:
1. What does Judith Leyster tell us about herself in her Self-Portrait?
2. How does Vermeer separate the viewer from the subject matter in his paintings: The Letter and Allegory
of the Art of Painting?
3. What is the moralistic tone of the Feast of St. Nicholas and how does Jan Steen create it?
4. Why would the wealth of the Dutch maritime trade lead to the popularity of Still Lifes?
5. Define these terms:
Catalogue raisonne
Day 107 Ch. 24 Baroque Art: Read Gardner’s pp. 732 – 741
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 108:
1. Explain how Poussin’s theories on painting are manifest in “Et in Arcadia Ego.”
2. Compare and contrast French Baroque and Italian Baroque styles.
3. How did Georges De La Tour harmonize the contrary elements of classical composure, fervent
spirituality and genre realism in his painting, “Adoration of the Shepherds”?
4. Which elements combine to make Versailles one of the greatest works of art of all time?
5. Define these terms:
Temporal artwork
Divine Right
Day 108 Ch. 24 Baroque Art: Read Gardner’s pp. 741 – 747
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 109:
1. How did Inigo Jones’ Banqueting House at Whitehall show the influences of Palladio or not?
2. How did Christopher Wren’s St. Paul’s Cathedral show the influences of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome,
but find a different solution to the dome/bell towers problem?
3. Explain how Vanbrugh was out of his mind.
3. Compare and Contrast Asam’s Assumption of the Virgin and Bernini’s Ecstasy of St. Teresa.
5.Define these terms:
Day 109 Ch. 24 Baroque Art Prepare flash cards and focus questions for grading
Day 110 Portraits 2 Read Gardner’s pp. 749-757
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 111:
1. How is the Lotus Mahal a combination of Hindu and Islamic architectures?
2. What influenced Akbar the Great and Humayan to create and expand the atelier (Imperial Workshop) of
3. Summarize the steps necessary to create an Indian Miniature.
4. Explain the purpose and architectural elements of the Taj Mahal of Agra.
5. Define these terms:
Quwwat al-Islam
Garbha griha
Taj Mahal
Gita Govinda
Day 111 Ch. 25 Sultans, Kings, Emperors, and colonists: Read Gardner’s pp. 757 – 761
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 112:
1. How did the British influence Indian Art?
2. Why is the Sukhothai Walking Buddha unusual?
3. Describe the magnificence of the Schwedagon Pagoda.
4. Compare and contrast contemporary art and tradition art in Southeast Asia.
5. Define these terms:
Wat Mahathat
Day 112 Ch. 25 Sultans, Kings, Emperors, and colonists/Writing about Portraits: Prepare flash cards and
focus questions for grading
Day 113 Test 12
Day 113 Test 12 Read Gardner’s pp. 763-772 Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 114:
1. Compare and contrast Guan Daosheng and Wu Zhen’s treatment of the subject of bamboo. How do these
comparisons reflect their different philosophies of life?
2. What is the process in creating Chinese Porcelain?
3. How do Chinese gardens differ from European gardens such as those at Versailles?
4. What are the differences between the Northern and Southern Schools of Landscape painting during the
Ming Dynasty? To which school does Lofty Mount Lu belong? What clues did you use to decide?
5. Define these terms:
Day 114 Chapter 26 The Art of Later China and Korea Read Gardner’s pp. 772-783
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 115:
1. How does Giuseppe Castiglione combine Eastern and Western artistic sensibilities in his art?
2. How did Marxism affect Chinese art?
3. Compare and contrast the ink techniques of China, Korea, and Japan.
4. Compare and Contrast the difference styles of the Tosa and Kano Schools
5. Define these terms:
Primordial Line
Zen Buddhism
Broken or Flung Ink Style
Fusuma – painted sliding doors
Day 115 Chapter 26 The Art of Later China and Korea, Chapter 27 From the Shoguns to the Present
Read Gardner’s pp. 783 – 794
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 116:
1. What were the emerging art forms during the Momoyama period?
2. What were the characteristics of the Rimpa school?
3. Explain the use of Japan Wood block prints in the production of Ukiyo-e and nishiki-e.
4. How did Western Culture influence Japanese art?
5. Define these terms:
Japanese Tea Ceremony
Day 116 Chapter 27 From the Shoguns to the Present
Prepare flash cards and focus questions for grading
Day 117 Asian Art Day – Origami Read Gardner’s pp. 797 – 805 Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 118:
Students who are diabetics should bring extra insulin to class
1. Compare and contrast Rococo and Baroque styles especially when comparing the Salon de la Princesse
and the Hall of Mirrors of Versailles.
2. Who were the Femmes savantes and what was their influence in the salon culture?
3. What was the division in the French Royal Academy during the Rococo period? Which side won? Why?
4. What role does sensual fantasy play in the narrative of the rococo paintings?
5. Define these terms:
Fete galante
Day 118 Chapter 28 The Enlightenment and its Legacy Read Gardner’s pp. 805 – 813
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 119:
1. What affects did the Enlightenment have on Art?
2. How were the philosophies of Rousseau expressed in French art of the 18th century?
3. How was narrative and satire expressed as a “Taste of the Natural” in English art of the 18th century?
4. How was the “Taste for the Natural” in American art different from that of England and France?
5. Define these terms:
Ancient regime
Industrial Revolution
Natural Man
Day 119 Chapter 28 The Enlightenment and its Legacy Read Gardner’s pp. 814 - 824
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 120:
1. How is David’s “Oath of the Horatii” a paragon of neo-classicism?
2. How did French architecture of the 19th century connect with classical Greek and Roman architecture?
3. What were the influences of Palladio and Classical architecture in the architecture of England in the 18th
4. How was Jefferson’s attraction to classical architecture reflected in the early architecture of the
government buildings of the United States?
5. Define these terms:
Grand Tour
Exemplum Virtutis
Day 120 Chapter 28 The Enlightenment and its Legacy Read Gardner’s pp. 824 - 832
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 121:
1. How did the rise of Romanticism influence and change the styles and compositions of the neo-classicists?
2. Who was Ingres’ favorite artist? How can you tell?
3. Explain Goya’s “extended time frame” in the composition and narrative of “The Third of May, 1808.”
4. How is Goya’s “Saturn Devouring One of his Children” a good example of Romanticism?
5. Define these terms:
Day 121 Chapter 28 The Enlightenment and its Legacy
Read Gardner’s pp. 832 - 840
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 122:
1. Explain the composition of Gericault’s “Raft of the Medusa.”
2. How does Delacroix epitomize the colorist vs. Ingres’ the draftsman?
3. What about Romanticism would change the view of landscape painting from background for human
action to its own genre?
4. How do the colors of Turner’s “The Slave Ship” evoke moods and imagination?
5. Define these terms:
Day 122 Chapter 28 The Enlightenment and its Legacy Read Gardner’s pp. 840 - 851
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 123:
1. What was the Hudson River School? What did they paint? How did they intermix philosophy and
American ideologies in their paintings?
2. What was the Beaux-arts architectural style?
3. Explain the genius behind the Crystal Palace.
4. What effects did photography have for the artists of the 19th century?
5. Define these terms:
Manifest destiny
Camera obscura
Camera lucida
Day 123 Chapter 28 The Enlightenment and its Legacy
Prepare flash cards and focus questions for grading
Day 124 Test 13
Day 124 Test 13
Read Gardner’s pp. 853 – 863
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 125:
1. Explain the meanings of “Modernism” and “Realism” philosophically and in the appearance of art and
architecture, especially “The Stone Breakers.”
2. How did Honore Daumier provide a social commentary through his art work?
3. Summarize the criticism of Manet’s “Luncheon on the Grass.”
4. Compare and contrast the Realistic Art: Olympia and the Academic Art: Nymphs and Satyrs.
5. Define these terms:
Social Darwinism
Communist Manifesto/Class Struggle
Barbizon School
Academic Art
Day 125 Art of the Later 19th Century
Read Gardner’s pp. 863-872Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 126:
1. Explain the Pre-Raphaelites’ choice of name and subject matter in contrast to the Realists.
2. How did Impressionism differ from Realism, especially in style.
3. How did Caillebote and Pissarro create the feeling of the fleeting moment in their paintings?
4.Oh, Renoir! What is your response to Le Moulin de la Galette?
5. Define these terms:
Persistence of Vision
Day 126 Art of the Later 19th Century
Read Gardner’s pp. 872-879 Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 127:
1. What elements of Manet’s “A Bar at the Folies-Bergere” confirm him as the first Modernist artist?
2. How did Degas’ interest in Japonisme express itself in the Ballet Rehearsal and The Tub?
3. Summarize the result of the Impressionist’s experiments in color.
4. Explain how Whistler’s Nocturnes differed from other artist’s work (Particularly John Ruskins’ PreRaphaelists).
5. Define these terms:
Plein air
Local color
Day 127 Art of the Later 19th Century
Read Gardner’s pp. 879-886 Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 128:
1. How was Van Gogh’s technique and choice of colors indicative of his emotional state?
2. Compare and Contrast Gauguin’s use of color to that of Pissarro, his teacher.
3. Explain Georges Seurat’s painting style.
4. Explain how Cezanne’s interest in form and color was expressed in his paintings.
5. Define these terms:
Successive contrasts
Optical Mixture
Day 128 Art of the Later 19th Century
Read Gardner’s pp. 886-901 Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 129:
1. Explain the issues of imagination, fantasy, and formal changes in the art of the Symbolists and their roles
as prophets.
2. How did sculptors of the late 19th century express realism and expressionism in their art?
3. Explain the idea behind aesthetic functional objects in the Arts and Crafts Movement.
4. Explain the natural forms of Art Nouveau in art and architecture.
5. Define these terms:
modern psychic life
Day 129 Native Arts of the Americas after 1300 Read Gardner’s pp. 903-910 Prepare to discuss/quiz on
Day 130:
1. How does the stone disk of Coyoxauhqui reflect the values of the Aztec culture?
2. Explain the symbolism of the statue of Coatlicue.
3. What is the importance of Machu Picchu?
4. Explain the hybrid Golden Enclosure and the church of Santo Domingo. How is this structure a symbol of
the Spanish conquest of the Inka?
4. Define these terms:
Ashlar masonry
Day 130 Native Arts of Americas after 1300 Read Gardner’s pp. 910-919Prepare to discuss on Day 131:
1. What were the traditional arts of the Southwest Natives?
2. What purposes did masks and totem poles have for Northwest Natives?
3. What were the traditional arts of the Plains Natives?
4. How did the available materials determine the art forms of the various North American natives?
5.Define these terms:
Katsina (kachinas)
Potlach – gathering where prestige is gained by giving the best gifts
Day 131 Test 14
Spring Break Road Trip
Name: _
Worth 50 points and 30 points for the flash cards.
This set of questions and the flash cards are due the Tuesday after Easter
The Art of Oceania Read Gardner’s pp. 921-930:
1. How do the Iatmul reinforce male dominance in their art and culture?
2. Explain the relationship of art and warfare for the Asmats
3. Explain the purpose, preparation, use, and ritual destruction of hevehe masks.
4. What are the roles of the Dilukai figures?
5. Define these terms:
Bisj Poles
Tatanua masks
The Art of Oceania
Read Gardner’s pp. 930-939
1. What is the purpose and process of barkcloth?
2. Explain the significance of tattoos in Polynesian culture.
3. How did Oceanic art enhance power and prestige?
4. Explain Dreamings and X-ray like figures in the aboriginal art of Australia.
5. Define these terms:
Ahu, autea, aute, kapa, hiapo, siapo, masi, tapa, ngatu,
Tatau, tatu, moko, tattoo
Ahu ula
Pou tokomanawa
19th and 20th century African Arts Read Gardner’s pp. 941- 948
1. Explain the stylized figures of the Fang and Kota reliquaries and the materials used.
2. Explain the practical and ritual purposes of the sculpted Power figures of the Kongo Peoples.
3. Compare and contrast the styles of the Dogon and Baule ancestral couple figures.
4. Describe the purpose and ritual behind an akua’ba sculpture.
5.Define these terms:
Nkisi n’kondi
Asye usu
19th and 20th century African Arts Read Gardner’s pp. 948-959
1. What are the forms and functions of traditional masks, costume making and masquerades and
contemporary adaptations in the arts of Africa?
2. Explain the art and rituals surrounding Mamy Wata. Why might you want to pay her a little homage in
the next couple of months? (or not) 
3. How has modern culture affected the African arts?
4. Explain the symbolism of “Homage to Steve Biko.”
5.Define these terms:
Ngady Amwaash
Mbari house
Togu na
Test 14
Day 132 Modernist Art
Read Gardner’s pp. 961-969 Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 133:
1. What about Matisse’s paintings demonstrate his leadership of the Fauves?
2. How does the composition Kirchner’s “Street Dresden” express the ideals of Die Brucke?
3. What enlightenment do you find in Kandinsky’s “Improvisation 28?”
4. What was Marc attempting to express in “Fate of Animals” and how did it reflect the political context of
his day?
5. Define these terms:
Fauvism (fauves)
Die Burcke
Der Blaue Reiter
Day 133 Modernist Art Read Gardner’s pp. 970-980`Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 134:
1. Explain the rejection of Illusion and the development of early Cubism.
2. Explain the forms and concepts of analytic and synthetic Cubism?
3. How do the materials and forms of Cubist sculpture differ from sculpture we have viewed thus far?.
4. What was the sociopolitical agenda of the Futurists? How was this agenda depicted in their art?
5.Define these terms:
Analytic Cubism
Synthetic Cubism
Papier colle
Faux bois
Day 134 The Early 20th Century
Read Gardner’s pp. 980-990
1. Explain the emphases of the DADA movement.
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 135:
2. How did the Armory Show influence American Art?
3. Who were the leading artists of the Harlem Renaissance and in what directions did they take art?
4. How has photography evolved as an art form?
5.Define these terms:
Found objects
Ashcan School
Day 135The Early 20th Century
Read Gardner’s pp. 990-996 Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 136:
1. Who were the Precisionists and why were Americans considered the leaders of this art movement?
2. Who were the Neue Sachlichkeit artists and what were they trying to depict?
3. Compare and contrast Kollwitz’s Woman with Dead Child with the Pieta and Lamentation depictions of
Mary and Jesus we have seen in this course. (p.531 and 554)
4. How were the war memorial statues of Barlach and Lehmbruck different than typical war memorials of
their time?
5.Define these terms:
Neue Sachlichkeit
Day 136 The Early 20th Century Read Gardner’s pp. 996-1002
1. What influences contributed to the development of Surrealism?
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 137:
2. What was the subject matter and purpose of surrealism?
3.Explain the symbolism (both autobiographical and political) of Kahlo’s The Two Fridas.
4. How did primitive cultures affect early 20th century Western Art?
5.Define these terms:
Pittura Metafisica
Paranoiac-critical approach to painting
Trompe l’oeil
Day 137 The Early 20th Century Read Gardner’s pp. 1003-1011Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 138:
1. How did the art movements of the early 20th century espouse utopian notions?
2. What is pure plastic art?
3. What were the 3 goals of Walter Gropius in training students at the Bauhaus?
4. How were the tubular chair and the glass skyscraper examples of Bauhaus’ philosophy of “Less is
5.Define these terms:
Utopian ideals
De Stijl
Day 138 The Early 20th Century Read Gardner’s pp. 1012-1020
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 139:
1. What was Degenerate Art? How did the Nazi’s deal with degenerate artists?
2. What was the International Style of the 20th century? How did Villa Savoye express the basic principles
of the International Style?
3. What was Art Deco?
4. Who was Frank Lloyd Wright and how did he emphasize the organic in his architecture?
5.Define these terms:
Prairie Style (House)
Kinetic sculptures (mobiles)
Day 139 The Early 20th Century Read Gardner’s pp. 1020-1029
1. Explain the context and symbolism of Picasso’s Guernica.
Prepare to discuss/quiz on Day 140:
2. How did the Great Depression affect artists in America? How did artists like Lange, Hopper and
Lawrence capture the events of the Depression in their art?
3. What was the purpose and subject matter of Regionalist art?
4. Explain the purpose and power of the Mexican Muralists.
5. Define these terms:
Day 140 The Early 20th Century
Prepare flash cards and focus questions for grading
Day 141 Modern Art Day: Jackson PollackRead Gardner’s pp. 1031 - 1040Prepare to discuss on Day 142:
1. Compare and contrast modernism and post-modernism.
2. Explain how the philosophy of existentialism was expressed in Francis Bacon’s “Painting.”
3. Why was Jackson Pollack the ultimate Gestural abstract artist?
4. What emotions do you feel after looking at Mark Rothko’s No. 14?
5.Define these terms:
Art Brut
Abstract expressionism (New York School)
Gestural abstraction (Action painting)
Chromatic Abstraction
Day 142 Ch. 34 Art in the Later 20th Century Read Gardner’s pp. 1040 - 1049Prepare to discuss on Day 143:
1. How does Post-Painterly Abstraction differ from Abstract Expressionism?
2. How do Minimalists try to create pure art?
3. Explain the philosophy behind Performance art.
4. How is art created by machines art? Or not?
5.Define these terms:
Hard-Edge Painting
Color field painting
Minimal Art:
Performance Art:
Day 143 Ch. 34 Art in the Later 20th Century Read Gardner’s pp. 1049 - 1056Prepare to discuss on Day 144:
1. Explain the development of Conceptual Art and the elimination of the object and the idea itself as a work of
2. How did Pop Artists like Lichtenstien and Warhol combine traditional art and consumerism?
3. What statement was Claes Oldenburg making about consumerism by creating his sculptures?
4. How is superrealism more than just a technical exercise?
5.Define these terms:
Conceptual Art
Pop Art
Benday dots
Day 144 Ch. 34 Art in the Later 20th CenturyRead Gardner’s pp. 1057 - 1066Prepare to discuss on Day 145:
1. How is the development of Environmental and Site Specific Art an outgrowth of ecological and
environmental concerns?
2. Explain the use of organic and fluid forms in modernist architecture.
3. How does Postmodern architecture differ from Modernist architecture?
4. What is deconstructivist architecture?
5.Define these terms:
Environmental art/Earth Art/Earthworks
Day 145 Ch. 34 Art in the Later 20th CenturyRead Gardner’s pp. 1066 - 1074Prepare to discuss on Day 146:
1. How was Post Modernism a critique of Modernism?
2. Explain the controversies in modern American art, especially The Holy Virgin Mary and Rudy Giuliani.
3. Explain the complex symbolism of The Dinner Party.
4. What is the “male gaze” and how did feminine artists challenge it through their artwork?
5.Define these terms:
Day 146 Ch. 34 Art in the Later 20th CenturyRead Gardner’s pp. 1074 - 1082Prepare to discuss on Day 147:
1. How is the human figure a political statement in Post Modern art?
2. How did artists combat racism in the Post Modern Era?
3. Explain the symbolism and message from “Trade.”
4. How did artists publicize the plights of the homeless and AIDS victims?
5. Define these terms:
Day 148 Ch. 34 Art in the Later 20th CenturyRead Gardner’s pp. 1082 - 1091Prepare to discuss on Day 149:
1. Explain the expressive use of video and digital technologies by Postmodern artists.
2. How is Mark Tansey’s “A Short History of Modernist Painting” a short history of modernist painting?
3. How are artists becoming the conscience of the art world?
4. What is the future of art?
5. Define these terms: